What is a query engine. Working with the semantic core in practice

The semantic core of the site is a complete set keywords, corresponding to the subject of the web resource, by which users can find it in the search engine.

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For example, the fairy-tale character Baba Yaga will have the following semantic core: Baba Yaga, Baba Yaga fairy tales, Baba Yaga Russian fairy tales, a woman with a fairy tale stupa, a woman with a mortar and a broom, an evil sorceress woman, a woman's hut, chicken legs, etc.

Why does a site need a semantic core

Before starting work on promotion, you need to find all the keys by which targeted visitors can search for it. Based on the semantics, a structure is compiled, keys are distributed, meta tags, document titles, descriptions for images are prescribed, and an anchor list is developed for working with the reference mass.

When compiling semantics, it is necessary to decide main problem: determine what information should be published in order to attract a potential client.

Compiling a list of keys solves another important task: for each search phrase, you define a relevant page that can fully answer the user's question.

This problem is solved in two ways:

  • You create the site structure based on the semantic core.
  • You distribute the selected terms according to the finished structure of the resource.

Types of key queries (KZ) by the number of views

  • LF - low frequency. Up to 100 impressions per month.
  • MF - mid-range. From 101 to 1,000 impressions.
  • HF - high frequency. Over 1000 impressions.

According to statistics, 60-80% of all phrases and words are LF. Working with them is cheaper and easier. Therefore, you must make the most voluminous core of phrases, which will be constantly supplemented with new low frequencies. HF and MF should also not be ignored, but the main focus should be on expanding the list of woofers.

Types of short circuit by type of search

  • Information is needed when searching for information. "How to fry potatoes" or "how many stars are in the sky."
  • Transactional are used to perform an action. "Order a downy scarf", "download Vysotsky's songs"
  • Navigational are used to search related to a particular company or link to the site. "Breadmaker MVideo" or "Svyaznoy smartphones".
  • Others - an extended list, according to which it is impossible to understand the ultimate goal of the search. For example, the query "Napoleon cake" - perhaps a person is looking for a recipe for its preparation, or perhaps he wants to buy a cake.

How to compose semantics

It is necessary to highlight the main terms of your business and user needs. For example, laundry customers are interested in laundry and cleaning.

Then you should define the tails and specification (more than 2 words per query) that users add to the main terms. By doing this, you will increase the reach of the target audience and reduce the frequency of terms (washing blankets, washing jackets, etc.).

Collecting the semantic core manually

Yandex Wordstat

  • Select the region of the web resource.
  • Enter a passphrase. The service will give you the number of queries with this keyword for the last month and a list of "related" terms that were of interest to visitors. Keep in mind that if you enter, for example, "buy windows", you will get results for the exact occurrence of the keyword. If you enter this key without quotes, you will get general results, and requests like "buy windows in Voronezh" and "buy a plastic window" will also be reflected in this figure. To narrow and refine the indicator, you can use the “!” operator, which is placed before each word: !buy!windows. You will get a number showing the exact output for each word. You will get a list like: buy plastic windows, buy and order windows, while the words "buy" and "windows" will be displayed unchanged. To obtain an absolute indicator for the query “buy windows”, the following scheme should be used: enter in quotes “!buy! windows”. You will receive the most accurate data.
  • Collect the words from the left column and analyze each of them. Write the initial semantics. Pay attention to the right-hand column containing short-cuts that users entered before or after searching for words from the left-hand column. You will find many more phrases you need.
  • Click on the Request History tab. On the graph, you can analyze the seasonality, the popularity of phrases in each month. Good results are obtained by working with Yandex search suggestions. Each short circuit is entered into the search field, and the semantics are expanded based on tooltips.

Google-scheduler KZ

  • Enter the main RF query.
  • Select Get Options.
  • Select the most relevant options.
  • Repeat this action with each selected phrase.

Studying competitor sites

Use this method as an additional method to determine the correct choice of a particular short circuit. BuzzSumo, Searchmetrics, SEMRush, Advse tools will help you with this.

Programs for compiling a semantic core

Consider some of the most popular services.

  • key collector. If you are compiling very voluminous semantics, then you cannot do without this tool. The program picks up semantics by referring to Yandex Wordstat, collects search hints of this search engine, filters short keywords with stop words, very low frequency, duplicates, determines the seasonality of phrases, studies the statistics of counters and social networks, selects relevant pages for each request.
  • SlovoEB. Free service by Key Collector. The tool selects keywords, groups and analyzes them.
  • Allsubmitter. Helps to choose a short circuit, shows competing sites.
  • KeySO. Analyzes the visibility of a web resource, its competitors and helps in compiling the BR.

What to consider when choosing keywords

  • Frequency indicators.
  • Most of the short circuit should be LF, the rest - MF and HF.
  • Search-relevant pages.
  • Competitors in the TOP.
  • Phrase competition.
  • Projected number of clicks.
  • Seasonality and geodependence.
  • KZ with errors.
  • association keys.

Correct semantic core

First of all, you need to define the concepts of "keywords", "keys", "key or search queries" - these are words or phrases with which potential customers of your site are looking for the necessary information.

Make the following lists: categories of goods or services (hereinafter referred to as TU), TU names, their brands, commercial tails (“buy”, “order”, etc.), synonyms, transliteration in Latin (or in Russian, respectively), professional jargon (“keyboard” - “keyboard”, etc.), specifications, words with possible typos and errors (“Orenburg” instead of “Orenburg”, etc.), references to the area (city, streets, etc.).

When working with lists, be guided by the short list from the promotion agreement, the structure of the web resource, information, price lists, competitor sites, previous SEO experience.

Proceed to the selection of semantics by mixing the phrases selected in the previous step, using the manual method or using services.

Generate a list of stop words and remove unsuitable short circuits.

Group CVs by relevant pages. For each key, the most relevant page is selected or a new document. Desirable this work carry out manually. For large projects, paid services such as Rush Analytics are provided.

Go from largest to smallest. First distribute the treble across the pages. Then do the same with the midrange. Bass can be added to pages with treble and bass distributed over them, as well as select individual pages for them.
After analyzing the first results of the work, we can see that:

  • the site being promoted is not visible for all declared keywords;
  • according to the KZ, not the documents that you assumed were relevant are issued;
  • the wrong structure of the web resource interferes;
  • for some CVs, several web pages are relevant;
  • missing relevant pages.

When grouping short circuits, work with all possible sections on a web resource, fill each page with useful information, do not create duplicate text.

Common mistakes when working with short circuit

  • only obvious semantics were chosen, without word forms, synonyms, etc.;
  • the optimizer distributed too many CVs on one page;
  • the same short circuits are distributed on different pages.

At the same time, ranking worsens, the site can be punished for spamming, and if the web resource has the wrong structure, then it will be very difficult to promote it.

It doesn't matter how you choose the semantics. With the right approach, you will get the right SL, which is necessary for the successful promotion of the site.

An article on how to create a semantic core on your own so that your online store is in the first positions of search results search engines. The process of selecting keywords is not so simple. It will require attention and a relatively long time. But if you are ready to move forward and grow your business, this article is for you.It details the methods for collecting keywords, as well as which tools can help you with this.

The answer is banal - for the site to be "liked" by search engines. And so that when users request for specific keywords, it is your resource that is given out.

And the formation of the semantic core is the first, but very important and confident step towards the goal!

The next step is the creation of a kind of skeleton, which implies distributed matched "keys" according to certain pages site. And only after that you should move to a new level - writing and implementing articles, tags.

Note that the network presents several options for defining the concept of a semantic core (hereinafter referred to as SN).

In general, they are similar and if you summarize everything, you can form the following: a set of keywords (as well as related phrases and forms) to promote the site. Such words accurately characterize the direction of the site, reflect the interests of users and correspond to the activities of the company.

Our article provides an example of the formation of a SL for an online bed linen store. The whole process is divided into five consecutive stages.

1) We collect basic queries

In this case, we are talking about all the phrases that will correspond to the direction of the store. Therefore, it is so important to think over as precisely as possible those phrases that best characterize the goods presented in the catalog.

Of course, this is sometimes difficult to do. But the right column of Wordstat.Yandex will come to the rescue - it indicates phrases that are most often entered by users when using the phrase you have chosen.

Watch the Wordstat video (13 minutes total)

In order to get the results, enter the phrase you need in the service line and click on the "Select" button.

In order not to copy all requests manually, we recommend using the Wordstat Helper extension, created specifically for browsers Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. This addition will greatly simplify the work with the selection of words. How it works - see the screenshot below.

Save the selected words in a separate document. After brainstorming and add to it the phrases that you come up with.

2) How to expand SA: three options

The first step is relatively simple. Although it will require you to be careful. But the second is active brain activity. After all, each separately selected phrase is the basis of the future group of search queries by which you will advance.

To assemble such a group, you must use:

  • synonyms;
  • paraphrasing.

In order not to "download" at this stage, use special applications or services. How to do this is detailed below.

How to Expand Your BR with Google Keyword Planner

Let's go to the topic chapter (it's called the Keyword Planner) and collects those phrases that most accurately characterize the group of queries you are interested in. Do not touch other parameters and click on the "Get ..." button.

After that, just download the results.

How to extend CL with Serpstat (ex. Prodvigator)

You can also use another similar service that analyzes a competitor. After all, competitors are the best place to get the keywords you need.

Serpstat service (ex. Prodvigator) allows you to accurately determine for which key queries your competitors have become leaders in search engines. Although there are other services - which one to use, decide for yourself.

In order to select search queries, you need:

  • enter one request;
  • indicate the region of promotion you are interested in;
  • click on the "Search" button;
  • and when it is completed, select the "Search queries" option.

Then click on the "Export Table" button.

How to compose a semantic core: how to expand the CL using the Key Collector/Slovoeb

Do you have a large store with a huge number of products? In such a situation, you need a service Key Collector.

Although if you are just starting to learn the science of keyword selection and the formation of a semantic core, we recommend that you pay attention to another service - with a dissonant name Slovoeb . Its advantage is that it is completely free.

Download the app, go to the Yandex.Direct settings and enter your username/password from mailbox Yandex.


  • open a new project;
  • click on the Data tab;
  • there click on the option Add phrases;
  • indicate the region of promotion you are interested in;
  • enter the requests that were generated earlier.

After that, start collecting SA from Wordstat.Yandex. For this:

  • go to the "Data collection" section;
  • then - you need to select the section "Batch collection of words from the left column";
  • a new window will appear on your screen;
  • in it - do as indicated in the screenshot below;

Note that Key Collector is an excellent tool for voluminous, large projects and with its help it is easy to organize the collection of statistical data on services that analyze the "work" of competing sites. For example, these services include the following: SEMrush, SpyWords, Serpstat (ex. Prodvigator) and many others.

3) Remove extra "keys"

So, the base is formed. The volume of collected "keys" is more than solid. But if you analyze them (in this case, just read carefully), it turns out that not all the collected words correspond exactly to the theme of your store. And therefore, “non-target” users will come to the site using them.

Such words should be removed.

We present one more example. So, on the site you sell bed linen, but your assortment does not just have a fabric from which such linen can be sewn. Therefore, everything related to fabrics must be removed.

By the way, a complete list of such words will have to be generated manually. There is no "automatic" will not help. Naturally, it will take a relatively long time and in order not to miss anything, we recommend that you arrange a full-fledged brainstorming session.

We note the following types and types of words that will be irrelevant for online stores:

  • the name and mention of competing stores;
  • cities and regions in which you do not work and where you do not deliver goods;
  • all words and phrases containing "free", "old" or "used", "download", etc.;
  • the name of a brand that is not represented in your store;
  • "keys" in which there are errors;
  • repetitive words.

Now we will tell you how to remove all the words you do not need.

Form a list

We open the Slovoeb service, select the "Data" section in it, and there we go to the "Stop words" tab and "drive" manually selected words into it. Interestingly, you can write down the words either manually or simply upload a file with them (if you have prepared one).

Thus, you can quickly eliminate stop words from your list that do not correspond to the theme and features of the store.

How to compose a semantic core: a quick filter

You have received a kind of blank SA. Carefully analyze it and start removing unnecessary words manually. The same Slovoeb service will help to optimize the solution of this problem. Here is the sequence of steps you need to follow:

  • take the first unnecessary word from your list, for example, let it be the city of Kyiv;
  • drive it into the search (on the screen - the number 1);
  • mark the appropriate lines;
  • by clicking on them with the right mouse button, delete;
  • press Enter in the search field to return to the original list.

Repeat the above steps as many times as necessary until you have reviewed the most possible list of words.

4) How to make a semantic core: we group queries

In order to understand how to distribute words on specific pages, you should group all the queries you have selected. To do this, it is necessary to form the so-called semantic clusters.

This concept means a group of “keys” similar in subject matter and meaning, which is drawn up in the form of a multi-level structure. Let's say the first-level cluster is the search query "bedding". But the clusters of the second level will be the search queries "blankets", "plaids" and the like.

In most cases, the definition of clusters is carried out during brainstorming. But it is important to have an excellent understanding of the assortment, the features of your product, but also take into account how the structure of competitors is built.

The next thing you need to pay special attention to is that at the last level of the cluster there should be only those requests that exactly match the only need of potential customers. That is, a specific type of goods.

Here the same Slovoeb service and the Quick Filter option described above will come to your aid again. It will help sort search queries into certain categories.

To perform this sorting, you need to perform several simple steps. First, in the search line of the service, enter the keyword that will be used when naming:

  • categories;
  • landing page, etc.

For example, it could be a brand of bed linen. In the results, mark the phrases that suit you and copy.

Those phrases that you do not need, just select the right mouse button and delete.

On the right side of the service menu do new group, naming it appropriately. For example, the brand name.

To transfer the phrases you have chosen to this part of the tab, you must select the Data line and click on the Add phrases inscription. For details, see screenshot.

Pressing Enter in the search box will return you to the original list of words. Follow the described procedure with all other requests.

The system will issue all selected phrases in alphabetical order, which makes it easier to work with them - you can easily determine what exactly can be deleted. Or group the words into a specific group.

We add that manual grouping also requires a sufficient amount of time. Especially when it comes to too many key phrases. Therefore, we recommend using automated paid programs. These include:

  • key collector;
  • Rush Analytics;
  • Just-Magic and others.

There is also a completely free Devaka.ru script. By the way, note that it is often necessary to combine some types of requests.

Since there is no point in piling up a huge number of categories on the site, differing only in such names as “Beautiful bed linen” and “Fashion bed linen”.

To determine the importance of each individual key phrase for a particular category, simply transfer them to the Google planner, as shown in the screenshot.

Thus, you can determine how in demand a particular search query is. All of them can be divided into three categories, depending on the particular use:

  • high-frequency;
  • low-frequency;
  • midrange;
  • and even micro-low frequencies.

However, it is important to understand that there are no exact numbers that indicate whether a request belongs to a particular group. Here you should focus on the subject of both the site itself and the request. In a separate case, a request with a frequency of up to 800 per month can be considered low-frequency. In another situation, a request with a frequency of up to 150 will be high-frequency.

The most high-frequency requests from all selected ones will subsequently be included in the tags. But it is recommended to use the lowest frequencies in order to optimize specific store pages for them. Since there will be low competition among such queries, it is enough to simply fill such subsections with high-quality text descriptions so that the pages appear in the first rows of search results.

All of the above actions will allow you to form a clear structure in which there will be:

  • all the necessary and important categories - to visualize the "skeleton" of your store, use the additional service XMind ;
  • landing pages;
  • pages that contain important information for the user - for example, with contact details, with a description of delivery conditions, etc.

How to extend the semantic core: an alternative method

With the development of the site, the expansion of the store, the SA will also increase. To do this, it is necessary to monitor and collect key phrases within each group. This greatly simplifies and speeds up the process of expanding the SA.

To collect similar requests, for a hint, use additional services, including:

  • Serpstat (ex. Prodvigator);
  • Ubersuggest;
  • KeywordTool;
  • and others.

The screenshot below shows how to use the Promoter service.

How to make a semantic core: what to do after passing our instructions

So, in order to independently create a CL for an online store, you need to perform a number of sequential steps.

It all starts with the selection of keywords that can only be used when searching for your products and which will subsequently become the main group of queries. Further, using the tools of search engines to expand the semantic core. It is also recommended to analyze competitor sites for this.

The next steps will be:

  • analysis of all selected search queries;
  • deleting requests that do not match the meaning of your store;
  • grouping requests;
  • formation of the site structure;
  • constant tracking of search queries and extension of the SA.

The method of selecting a SL for an online store presented in this article is far from the only true and correct one. There are others. But we tried to present you the most convenient way.

Naturally, such indicators as the quality of text descriptions, articles, tags, store structure are also important for promotion. But we will talk about this in a separate article.

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Useful materials from the blog on collecting keys for semantics, clustering queries and optimizing site pages.

Article topics:

Semantic core

A correctly composed semantic core can send only the right users to your site, and an unsuccessful one can bury it in the depths of search results.

Working with queries included in the semantic core (SN) consists of collection, cleaning and clustering. Having received the grouping results, you need to determine the optimal place for each of them: on the resource page, as part of the content of your site or a third-party site.

How to collect keys for SA

Briefly about the important: which operators to use in Wordstat to view the necessary requests, and how to make it easier for yourself to work in the service.

Wordstat does not provide absolutely accurate information, it does not contain all requests, the data can be distorted, because not all consumers use Yandex. Nevertheless, from these data one can draw conclusions about the popularity of a topic or product, approximately predict demand, collect keys find ideas for new content.

You can search for data by simply entering a query into the service search, but there are operators to specify queries - additional characters with refinements. They work on the search tabs by words and by regions, on the tab with the history of queries, you can only use the "+ query" operator.

In the article:

  • Why you need Wordstat
  • Working with Wordstat Operators
  • How to read Wordstat data
  • Extensions for Yandex Wordstat

We aspire to become leaders in the search results: how the analysis of articles from the top will help in working on content, what criteria to analyze and how to do it faster and more efficiently.

It is difficult to track the results of blogging and publishing other texts on the site without detailed analytics. How to understand why competitors' articles are in the top, but yours are not, although you write better and more talented?

In the article:

  • What is usually advised
  • How to analyze
  • Cons of the approach
  • Benefits of Content Analysis
  • Tools

How to write optimized texts

What content gets more links and social signals? Backlinko partnered with BuzzSumo to analyze 912 million blog posts: article length, title format, social signals and article backlinks, and make recommendations for content marketing. We translated and adapted the study.

In the article:

  • Brief findings from the content research
  • New knowledge about content marketing, in detail:
  1. What content gets the most links
  2. What texts are most popular in social networks
  3. Backlinks are hard to get
  4. What materials are collected by all reposts
  5. How is the number of backlinks and reposts related?
  6. Which titles get the most reposts?
  7. What day of the week is best to post content?
  8. What format of content is reposted more often
  9. Which content format gets more links
  10. How it generates links and reposts B2B and B2C content

In our article, we told what a semantic core is and gave general recommendations on how to compose it.

It's time to break down this process in detail, building the semantic core for your site step by step. Stock up on pencils and paper, and most importantly, time. And join...

We compose the semantic core for the site

Let's take the site http://promo.economsklad.ru/ as an example.

Field of activity of the company: warehouse services in Moscow.

The site was developed by the specialists of our site service, and the semantic core of the site was developed in stages in 6 steps:

Step 1. We make a primary list of keywords.

After conducting a survey of several potential customers, having studied three sites that are close to us in terms of subject matter, and using our own brains, we have compiled a simple list of keywords that, in our opinion, reflect the content of our site: warehouse complex, warehouse rental, storage services, logistics, storage space rental, warm and cold warehouses.

Task 1: Review competitors' websites, consult with colleagues, brainstorm and write down all the words that you think describe YOUR website.

Step 2. Expanding the list.

Let's use the service http://wordstat.yandex.ru/. In the search bar, enter each of the words in the primary list one by one:

Copy the refined queries from the left column to Excel spreadsheet, we look through the associative queries from the right column, select among them those relevant to our site, and also enter them into the table.

After analyzing the phrase "Warehouse rental", we received a list of 474 refined and 2 associative queries.

After doing a similar analysis of the rest of the words from the primary list, we received a total of 4,698 refined and associative queries that were entered by real users in the past month.

Task 2: Collect a complete list of queries for your site by running each of the words of your primary list through the Yandex.Wordstat query statistics.

Step 3. Stripping

First, we remove all phrases with an impression frequency below 50: “ how much does it cost to rent a warehouse"- 45 impressions," Warehouse rental 200 m» - 35 impressions, etc.

Secondly, we remove phrases that are not related to our site, for example, “ Warehouse rental in St. Petersburg" or " Warehouse rental in Yekaterinburg”, as our warehouse is located in Moscow.

The phrase " warehouse lease agreement download» - this sample may be present on our website, but actively promoted on this request it makes no sense, since a person who is looking for a sample contract is unlikely to become a client. Most likely, he has already found a warehouse or is the owner of the warehouse himself.

After you remove all unnecessary requests, the list will be significantly reduced. In our case with “warehouse rental”, out of 474 refined queries, 46 were left relevant to the site.

And when we cleaned up the full list of refined queries (4,698 phrases), we got the Semantic Core of the site, consisting of 174 key queries.

Task 3: Clean up the list of refined queries created earlier, excluding low-frequency ones with less than 50 impressions and phrases that are not related to your site.

Step 4. Refinement

Since you can use 3-5 different keywords on each page, we won't need all 174 queries.

Considering that the site itself is small (maximum 4 pages), then from complete list choose 20, which, in our opinion, most accurately describe the company's services.

Here they are: warehouse rental in Moscow, warehouse rental, warehouse and logistics, customs services, safekeeping warehouse, warehouse logistics, logistics services, office and warehouse rental, safekeeping of goods and so on….

These key phrases include low-frequency, mid-frequency and high-frequency queries.

Note that this list is significantly different from the primary, taken from the head. And it is definitely more accurate and efficient.

Task 4: Reduce the list of remaining words to 50, leaving only those that, in your experience and opinion, are the most optimal for your site. Don't forget that the final list should contain queries of varying frequency.


Your semantic core is ready, now is the time to put it into practice:

  • review the texts of your site, maybe they should be rewritten.
  • write a few articles on your topic using the selected key phrases, place the articles on the site, and after the search engines index them, register in the article directories. Read One Unusual Approach to Article Promotion.
  • pay attention to search ads. Now that you have a semantic core, the effect of advertising will be much higher.

In 2008 I created my first Internet project.

It was an online electronics store that needed promotion.

Initially, the promotion work was handed over to the programmers who created it.

What to promote?

They compiled a list of keys in 5 minutes: mobile phones, camcorders, cameras, iPhones, Samsungs - all categories and products on the site.

These were common names that did not at all resemble a properly composed semantic core.

A long period passed without results.

Incomprehensible reports forced to look for performers specializing in website promotion.

I found a local company, entrusted them with the project, but even here everything was to no avail.

Then the understanding came that real professionals should be engaged in promotion.

After reading a lot of reviews, I found one of the best freelancers who assured me of success.

Six months later, no results again.

It was the lack of results in organic for two years that led me to SEO.

Subsequently, this became the main vocation.

Now I understand what went wrong in my initial promotion.

These mistakes are repeated by the bulk of even experienced SEO specialists who have spent more than one year promoting websites.

The misses were in the wrong work with keywords.

In fact, there was no understanding of what we are promoting.

There is no time to collect the semantic core, quickly fill in the contact details.

Free CR Compilation Tools

Free key search tools are essential for finding interesting ideas.

You do not have to pay for them, sometimes registration is required.

I will tell you in detail the secrets of how to get ready-made semantics from these tools.

With a list of keys, it is quite easy to assemble, there are many free and paid tools.

Let's start with 4 popular free resources that I use myself all the time.

1.1. Google keyword planner is the most versatile tool in which you can make filters by region, language.

It is interesting in that it makes a large selection of homogeneous keywords, shows traffic and the level of competition in contextual advertising.

Requires registration to work Google Adwords.

It is also important to create at least one company that you can not pay for.

All these processes are visually clear, so let's jump right into the keyword planner.

To get started with the tool, click on the wrench (upper right corner) and select “Keyword Planner”.

The screenshot shows a new version design.

After that, you get to a page where you can enter many options for keys, search on the relevant page or select the desired category.

In the new design interface, we see such a window.

We will consider both options for selecting keywords.


You see 2 modules.

  1. Find keywords
  2. Get request volume data and forecasts

When you go to the "Find keywords" module, You get a form for entering options for key phrases that must be written separated by commas.

As we can see, the number of received options has already expanded significantly.

In the old interface there were no more than 700 of them, in the new one we got 1365 options.

The number of options received is still inferior paid services, which pick up a wider list low frequency queries.

In the same window, you can adjust the following functions.

  1. Search region
  2. Search Network: Google or Google + Partners
  3. Download the resulting options in csv-excel format
  4. Shows yearly data by default, can be adjusted for seasonal queries
  5. Shows the number of matches found
  6. Correcting the necessary data or adding filters (only 1 filter by default, do not show adult content).

Monthly data is broken into beautiful infographics, which is very convenient for viewing seasonal queries.

Also an important factor from which devices these keys are viewed is the desktop and mobile version.

We go below and get directly a list of keywords with frequency, minimum and maximum bid per click.

When moving to the module “Get data on the number of requests and forecasts”, we will introduce the previously considered requests.

We get conversion data for the selected keywords: spend, number of conversions, conversion value, clicks.

This is valuable information for budget planning in Google Adwords and a rough comparison with SEO.

I want to immediately upset those who plan to use only this tool.

The correctness of the data is questionable.

A well-known expert in the SEO world, Rand Fishkin, criticized the accuracy of traffic and the correctness of clustering.

Therefore, it is better to additionally use other well-known resources.

1.2. Wordstat.yandex.ru is an analogue from Yandex, which also shows traffic, homogeneous queries.

To work, you need to log in using Yandex mail or social networks.

Questions: why, who, what, how, where (why, who, what, how, where) are frequently used words in this segment.

See below for a list of popular words for voice search in the English segment.

At the same time, I want to warn you - do not overoptimize!

John Mueller, one of the Google analysts, warned about it.

There is no need to specifically modify some of the content for voice search if its quality decreases.

think about behavioral factors, these are the most important parameters.

1.4. Predict keys. To do this, use the free key collection utility.

I understand that the terminology is complex, so let's look at an example.

Just create one query in the first column of this kind (SYNONYM1|Synonym2|Synonym3) (Synonym4|Synonym5|Synonym6).

For example: (repair|repair|repair) (engines|engines).

In other columns, enter the regions: Moscow, MSK (in the GEO column).

In the "Region" column, write down the number of the region according to Wordstat.

Then if you press the button “GET KEYWORDS (1)” — the button “FIND MORE KEYWORDS (2)” will appear — the system will show the results of Wordstat without taking into account the words you have already used.

You can also click on the lines listed below (3) to check the results for the selected groups.

Write unnecessary words in the MINUS-words column.

The necessary ones are placed in other columns (for convenience, they are labeled as Properties, Types, Nomenclatures, Brands, Transactional Requests, Regions, etc.).

For example, it is clear here that “do-it-yourself, video, mechanics” go into the red, and “diesel, capital, turbines, block, injectors” will be useful to us for subpages and subsections (4).

After each update of the list, click in a circle again “GET KEYWORDS (5)” and “FIND MORE KEYWORDS (6)” - and continue the cycle until there is only rubbish in the search results.

The system will substitute already used queries into the minus operator.

The convenience of the utility lies in the fact that it eliminates repetitions in search query Yandex, which greatly simplifies the work.

Ready-made lists can be transferred to Excel by clicking on each line or simply dropping them directly into the KeyCollector (previously adding a list of negative keywords to the appropriate section).

The speed of parsing semantics can be reduced from several hours to several minutes.

1.5. Ubersuggest - This tool was bought by famous SEO guru Neil Patel for $120,000.

After that, he invested another 120 thousand dollars. The United States on its improvement and does not stop there.

He also promised that Ubersuggest will always be free.

The data for this tool is pulled from Google Keyword Planner and Google Suggest.

When using it, no registrations are needed, which is also a big plus.

This tool does not have a Russian-language version, while it is possible to obtain data on Russian-language keys.

To search for a list of keys, enter a high-frequency query, select a language and a search engine.

An additional option to add a list of negative keywords to the field on the right.

The received data can be downloaded in csv-excel format.

This functionality is implemented at the bottom of the resulting list.

Paid Key Finder Tools

Paid tools are important for providing a more complete list of keys.

They also provide additional important parameters for the analysis of search keys.

I will tell you about 3 paid tools that I personally use.

Many low-frequency queries can also be picked up using SEO resources: serpstat.com, ahrefs.com, semrush.com, moz.com, keywordtool.io and others.

You do not need to pay for everything, choose the ones that suit you best.

These tools are paid, with different monthly plans.

If you need to get a one-time access, contact me for freelance.

For a small fee (from $5) I will provide you with information on your keys.

The free versions of these tools have a limited version.

To search for low-frequency keys, you must enter a high-frequency query, the selected systems independently expand the possible options.

For the query “plastic windows” using Serpstat, we received 5200 options for Yandex.Moscow, and 3500 for Google Russia.

For the same query, Ahrefs generated 7,721 variants of different keys.

By the way, Tim Soulo, Ukrainian Marketing Specialist at Ahrefs, declared, which will give a subscription for half a year to the one who shows the service that generates more keys.

The same query in keywordtool.io collected only 744 keyword options, and this tool specializes only in keywords.

I use it mainly to search for keywords for YouTube, Amazon, ebay.

After collecting the list of keys, it is important to scatter them across the pages of the site or cluster them.

I have mentioned this hard-to-pronounce word “clustering” several times already.

Let's look at it in more detail.

Let's start with a remix of a well-known tongue twister to make pronunciation easier :-)

Keyword Clustering

Grouping keywords by site pages is one of the most time-consuming tasks.

Some do it manually, some pay the appropriate services.

This is time consuming and costly.

I will show you free fast way group the semantic core.

One of the most common mistakes is the incorrect grouping of keywords on the pages of the site being promoted or the clustering of the semantic core.

It's like building a house and not having a building plan.

The breakdown of the list of keys by site pages is the root of any promotion.

A search key is a question asked by an Internet user to which he wants to receive a relevant answer.

Requests must match the content on the page.

Otherwise, users will start leaving your site.

The search engine will not show in the search results a resource that has bad behavioral factors.

All of the above tools when using 3-4 words in key phrase reduce the time for grouping keys, while losing many different combinations.

And what if there are really a lot of keys?

Manual clustering of several thousand keys sometimes takes up to several days.

It is necessary to compare the issuance of different homogeneous keys.

If the pages in the TOP match, then the keys can be combined into one group.

It is best to consider this issue with an example.

As you can see, there are the same URLs in the TOP, so there is no need to create separate pages for these requests, because users are looking for the same content.

Even if several pages match in the search results, then the keys can be combined into one group.

The main difficulty in clustering is the verification of several tens or even hundreds of thousands of keys.

In this situation, mistakes are inevitable.

People are not robots, they get tired.

Somewhere they are pressed by deadlines, they have to do the work incompletely.

This applies even to experienced SEOs.

For many years, seeing the same errors, I wanted to find a solution to this issue.

Several paid tools have appeared on the Internet that automate the work of key clustering.

But it also raises the question of quality, price and lead time.

For example, prices for clustering a list of up to 4000 keys are included in tariff plan B on serpstat.com.

Everything you need to check on top of the plan costs $20 for 3,000 keys.

I respect the work of our colleagues who have created indispensable SEO tools, but to be honest, even for one average project, this is very little.

Only one page of the site can lead from several hundred to several thousand keys.

The pricing policy can be understood, the algorithms need to get the issue and compare the results on homogeneous pages.

These are the resources spent plus the commercial component.

At the same time, the issue is constantly changing, and the pages in the TOP are changing accordingly.

What was relevant may become irrelevant in a couple of months.

The second disadvantage is the time, which is offset by the fact that the process can be started and returned to it when it is completed.

As a rule, it takes up to several hours, depending on the download speed of the service.

We don't like to wait, let alone pay :-)

Therefore, we studied the problems of grouping keys as much as possible and created our own revolutionary keyword clusterer that solves the main problems:

  • our tool offers free clustering of an unlimited list of keys (if the service is overloaded, we will introduce a limit of up to 10K keys per day);
  • performs clustering in seconds;
  • allows you to set individual settings depending on the issuance requirements;
  • removes junk and irrelevant queries;
  • combines synonyms into one group;
  • minimizes manual labor.

With the help of our clusterer, we created turnkey semantics for an English-language project from 80,000 keys in just 20 minutes!

The theme is “dating” (dating), while we did not lose sight of anything.

A month ago, I would have said that this is madness, today it is a reality.

The site has instructions on how to use the tool, as well as a “How it works” button.

Let's briefly talk about the main elements.

Important note, the fields are optional.

It all depends on the chosen keys.

For the primary test, I fill in only one field “Count as one word”.

The finished version is additionally clustered.

  • Copy the keys, as often as possible, paste them into the clusterer form. For example, from wordstat.yandex.ru or from two Excel columns. The system recognizes keys and numbers as separate components. The data in the final version is distributed correctly.
  • The second option is to load from a txt, csv, xls, xlsx file. You can simply download semantics from Serpstat, Ahrefs, Google Keyword Planner, Key Collector or other tools. There is no need to specially process them for the clusterer. The system itself will distribute everything according to the necessary parameters. If the calculator does not understand which columns refer to what, a dialog box will appear with clarification on the selected columns.
  • Next, select the frequency level: HF (high-frequency), MF (mid-frequency), LF (low-frequency), MF (microfrequency). Everything is individual here, try different options and check with real results.
  • Be sure to tick “Take into account geodependence” or not. For example, you are promoting websites in the city of Kharkov. In the TOP, many pages are not optimized for it, which means geo-dependence goes by the wayside. If your main request is “repair of refrigerators in Kharkiv”, then you need to take into account geo-dependence.
  • “Extended Clusters for Semantics” groups non-clustered queries into the most relevant groups. If this function is disabled, keys without groups will be placed in the “ Not grouped."
  • Next, fill out the form “Count as one word”. This is necessary in order to combine several words into a single whole. As a result, the system will not split phrases into separate clusters. For example: washing machine. The system will not divide words such as “washing” and “car” into 2 clusters. Other examples: clothes for newborns, iPhone 8, online electronics store. If you have several such phrases, enter them separated by commas.
  • Negative keywords are necessary to immediately weed out irrelevant keywords from the list. For example, the word "free". To avoid filtering out phrases like “free shipping”, use the exclamation point “!” operator. Then you will forbid the system to inflect this word. For example: !free.
  • The list of ignored words is those words that do not affect the results in the issue. The system automatically ignores prepositions in the Russian and English segments, so it is not necessary to enter them. For example, the phrase " Apple iPhone X". The word "Apple" does not affect the search results in any way, because users are looking for data on the iPhone. In order not to create an extra cluster, add it to this form.
  • The last form is synonyms. For example, the words “buy”, “price”, “cost” mean the same thing for commercial queries. The system automatically recognizes them as synonyms, so it is not necessary to enter them. Enter other synonymous words: “iPhone”, “iPhone” or “choose”, “choose”, they have the same meaning in the Russian-speaking segment. If there are many synonyms, press the plus and add other options.

To get the final version, press "SEARCH" and get a clustered list.

Relevant keys are ticked.

We compared the results with paid clusterers, the accuracy of the data obtained in our tool is higher.

The convenience and speed of work in it is better than even in Excel, which is slow when adding a huge list of keys and a large number formulas.

I would post the results of our comparisons, but I think it would be incorrect in relation to our colleagues.

Plus, on our part, it is biased to give examples that can be considered successful.

Therefore, I leave everything to the judgment of the readers.

I will be glad to hear your opinion in the comments.

Of course, our clusterer is not a magic pill that solves all problems.

Even Google tools don't show accurate data in clustering.

Our clusterer is a huge time saver.

Ready-made lists are easier to check and sort by site pages.

Promotion for low-frequency queries

Promotion on low-frequency queries is the start for any young project.

Do not try to knock out experienced large projects with a limited budget from the TOP 10.

I will show you effective ways searching for low frequency keys.

The bulk of the owners of young sites initially selects high-frequency and mid-frequency queries.

These are keys like “ buy iphone”, “apartments for rent" etc.

According to them, the TOP was occupied by highly trusted sites that clearly do not want to leave it.

SEO budgets for such resources are many times higher, plus additional trust helps to promote them with less effort.

You will never move the sites with millions of traffic that everyone knows about in the TOP.

A young resource needs to concentrate on low-frequency queries, while, according to MOZ analysis, 80% of all sales on the Internet are made from low-frequency queries.

Low-frequency queries contain 4 or more words with a frequency of up to 1000 people per month.

Create content for them and get traffic in the near future.

You can search for low-frequency queries using various tools.

Let's look at the main ones.

4.1. Use search suggestions: Google, Yandex, Bing, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Wikipedia, Amazon, any other sites that have this feature.

This is, of course, a large number self made and a complete headache, but it is this approach that allows you to find the real keys for promotion.

4.2. Use forums that present your topic, especially ones like Reddit.

Find threads that have received a lot of comments on your topic.

Copy the name of the branch and create content for these keys.

Let's look at an example of how to compete on well-known queries with such monsters as Amazon, Expedia, Yelp in the American segment.

For example, you are promoting the request “ticket fly” (air tickets).

With these keys, sites such as Expedia, Kayak are ranked, which have more than 4 million traffic for branded queries alone!

Check the issue, the first 4 sites are contextual advertising.

And then there are only monsters in the organic, which have at least several million traffic.

Believe me, it is not realistic to compete with them for these keys.

You need to look for queries that these resources do not promote.

Many Western SEO companies for small commercial sites do not use keyword selection tools at all.

Enter the main query in the Reddit search.

Check out popular threads that get a lot of points and comments.

Copy the name or its main part.

For example, I entered the key “fly ticket” into the Reddit search and browse the popular branches.

Don't be fooled by predicted traffic based only on the keywords you'll see in the topic thread.

If your goal is to get to the TOP and get traffic, then you need to analyze this parameter.

Some experts check the cost per click and the level of competition of contextual advertising, but these data can differ significantly from SEO indicators.

This is more interesting for educational purposes, but not for determining the budget for SEO.

To analyze the level of competition in SEO is better just use ahrefs.com, majestic.com, moz.com, semrush.com.

Recently, semrush merged donor bases with majestic, so the quality of donor verification is also on top there.

Do not try to move highly competitive requests with a small budget.

It is better to focus on keywords with a low level of competition.

LSI (homogeneous queries)

Homogeneous Requests (LSIs) increase the visibility of content and, consequently, traffic.

More traffic means more sales.

I will show you all the effective LSI search methods.

LSI (Latent Semantic Index) are homogeneous queries that are shown at the bottom of the issue.

The search engine uses them for readers who have not found useful information in the TOP 10 so that they can formulate the request in a different way.

With the help of such keys, you can expand the content or create a new one.

It already depends on your clustering.

When promoting a site in another region, similar requests are shown under your existing IP.

In such a situation, adjustments are made by requests for your region.

If you don't want to play with changing IP, use the application to Google Chrome— GeoClever.

After installing it right in the search, you can select any city in the world, up to the little-known ones.

A quick list of search suggestions can be obtained using wordstat.yandex.ru.

To do this, after entering the main key, view the right block.

Let's check the query "SEO optimization".

As you can see, there are more options received than in Yandex and Google.

Well, if you want to collect all homogeneous requests for Youtube, Bing, Yahoo, Ebay, Amazon, Google that the software can only collect, then use Scrapebox (see point 5).

The disadvantage of this program is that it is paid, it costs $67.

For work, it requires the use of an IP base, which can be bought on the Internet.

The advantage is that a large number of search suggestions are difficult to obtain elsewhere.

Also, the software is multifunctional, it helps to automate many other manual processes.

Using Scrapebox, I collected 7786 results for the search term “SEO optimization”.

Of course, many of these keys are junk.

Use the clusterer from point 3 to filter out unnecessary keys.

Also in the program, you can check the real traffic of the selected requests.

Pareto principle

The choice of priorities is important for obtaining results.

To do this, use the Pareto principle.

I will show you the most effective methods for choosing priority keys for promotion.

The Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto in 1886 discovered the principle that 20% of efforts give 80% of results.

He found that 20% of the Italian population owns 80% of the land area, 20% of the pea bushes produce 80% of the crop.

This principle still works today.

Dear women, it follows that men prepare in advance for congratulations.

But SEOs should be ready to promote these keywords even earlier.

Don't try to advance highly competitive request in short time.

It's like pumping up a month before beach season.

Who did not have time, he was late.

Prepare, as I always do, for next year.

Meta information optimization

The purpose of meta information is to tell the user what your page is about.

Meta tags also help search engines match keywords with site content.

I will show you how to properly optimize the meta-information on the site.

Picked up a list of keys, divided into pages?

And now proceed to the creation of meta-information - Title & Description.

Many people share this process and leave the writing of tags to copywriters.

Do not under any circumstances do this.

Even great copywriters mistype meta tags.

As a result, there will be no traffic, because Your keys do not match the content.

And, as we know, the more clicks, the more conversions.

Search engines will not show in the TOP sites that they do not go to.

They regard them as irrelevant.

Let's first understand what meta tags are and where they can be found.

Title is the site page code, which looks like this: This is the title of your page.

It is sewn into the page code, it is not displayed in the internal content.

You can meet it in the tab of your browser.

When sharing a page in social networks, for example on Facebook.

The most important display is when checking the results in a search.

Description meta tag, or short description page, is displayed in the code as follows:

The size of the Description meta tag shown in Google is about 160 characters.

This meta tag can be omitted, unlike Title.

In such a situation, the search engine selects content from your page that will be most relevant to search keys.

If you are not sure about automatic selection search engine, write Description.

How to increase the clickability of the Title?

The principle is simple: in the search form, insert the URL or write a potential Title.

In the results obtained, the system gives you a score from 0 to 100 and gives recommendations for optimization.

Let's take a closer look at Title optimization techniques.

9.1. Add emoticons

It is they that attract more attention than the standard ones: 10, 20, 50, etc.

Why do you think the title of this article is “The Semantic Core of a Website: 9 Examples of Compilation (Course 2018)”?

The number "9" is more real than 10, 20, 50, 100...

Strange figures do not cause a feeling of understatement or, on the contrary, compression of information, because in this situation we have listed our best practices compiling the SA, and did not pull another tenth.

Using brackets increases click-through rates by 38%, according to Hubspot analysis.

This is a huge plus, because you can insert synonyms in brackets or highlight important data.

Use different brackets: round, square.

9.4. arouse curiosity

The best way to provoke a click is to arouse curiosity.

Think about what might make your audience feel that way.

Remember this emerging news that some star has died.

When you go to the site, it turns out that it was fake information.

The main goal is a click!

The best example is Dale Carnegie and the titles of his books: How to Win Friends and Influence People, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.

These titles have been provoking people to read his work for several generations.

9.5. Include encouraging words

A lot of motivational words are included in the content, but can they also be added to the Title?

To do this, use different options: discounts, cheap, get free, download.

To search for inciting words, analyze the search results for contextual advertising.

In Google Adwords and Yandex.Direct, it is very important to attract a lot of clicks.

If your ad is not clicked, then the click will be more expensive for you, which is why contextologists pay special attention to this.

How to find motivating words, let's look at examples.

Let's enter the search keys "buy iPhone 8 Kyiv".

Collect from here a base of inciting words, choose those that correspond to the content on the site.

Another technique is used when setting up remarketing.

Marketers lure those who left the cart without making a purchase with additional discounts.

This greatly increases the percentage of sales.

Try the same trick when filling out your Title.

Offer discounts, promotions. People love it very much!

9.6. Use Your Domain in Title

When I talked about the use of the domain in the Title in the Everest technique, some Internet users wrote in the comments that this is complete nonsense.

Honestly, I thought so too.

I did not understand why many sites use their brand in a short name.

Instead, you can add additional keys there.

My opinion changed drastically after I read a lot of research on the subject.

The bottom line is your openness to Internet users.

It is the addition of a brand that significantly enhances click-through.

It's best to use your branding at the end of the Title.

If it is entered at the beginning, it shifts attention away from the main keys.

9.7. Capitalize every word

It is this point that causes the most doubts among many SEOs.

They doubt that this complies with the rules of the Russian language.

AT English language it is considered literately correct when every word in the title is capitalized.

Let's see how everything happens in contextual advertising.

As you can see from the screenshot, this technique is used not only in the Title, but also in the description.

What is it for?

Capital letters attract more attention, and the percentage of clicks increases accordingly.

In Russian-speaking organics, this technique is rarely used, so I leave everything to the readers.

Personally, I did not find the rules of the Russian language, which indicate that this is not correct.

I invite you to discuss in the comments.


Initially, I wanted to write an article about SEO-optimization of the site and started with keywords.

But in the process of creating the material, it became clear that there is a lot of information on this issue.

And so it turned out an article about the search and compilation of keywords.

To search for keys, you do not need to be limited to one tool.

This is somewhat similar to brainstorming (see point 1), where all the ideas are initially collected over several days by the whole team.

At the final stage, real ideas are distinguished from the good ones, for which there is time and resources.

It's the same with keys: initially you need to collect a huge list of queries.

To do this, it is important to use paid and free tools.

The next step is to eliminate a lot of irrelevant keys and keep only those that match your goals.

To do this, use a keyword clusterer that will collect all the keys into groups.

They must match your priorities.

Don't try to promote everything.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Use the Pareto principle - 20% of products bring 80% of profit.

Focus on the low frequency keywords that drive 80% of all online sales.

Don't try to fight on a tight budget with big, experienced sites that put millions into promotion.

Better find your niche.

Use forums and search tips for this.

Use LSI (homogeneous queries) to expand the list of keys and existing content.

Check the seasonality of selected keys with Google trends.

Get ready to move ahead.

Don't put it off for a short time.

Optimize meta information for selected keywords, especially Title.

This is the second internal ranking algorithm, its attractiveness determines whether a visitor will go to your site or not.

If you are reading these lines, then you have mastered the article, for which I am incredibly grateful to you.

I propose to continue the discussion in the comments.

A computer