Promotion in search engines independently.

Good day, dear readers of the blog site.

Today we will talk about how to promote a website in search engines with the help of the most different ways. I will talk about some rules that will help you develop your project more efficiently and optimize it for search engines. I will also touch on services that can automate some routine processes. Let's talk a little about link building.

The issue of promoting resources is quite acute. Many people think that there is some kind of magic button that can very easily bring the desired project to the top search results.

I hasten to dispel your expectations: promotion is a complex process that consists of a large number of different components. Some of these components are generally not related specifically to the user - that is, the owner of the website.

You need to understand that search engines are constantly evolving, changing their algorithms, trying to improve the quality of resources in the search results. This is the whole point of competent promotion - you need to do it with high quality, then the site will be in the first positions in search engines.

It is about how to do it qualitatively that we will talk today. Let's get started!

How Search Engines Work

As I said above, search engines strive to give users the most relevant results. They want users to get only high-quality information - this is the principle of all search engines.

However, people have been looking all the time for a way to trick the search engines a little with certain manipulations. Then all sorts of spam links appeared, mass building, re-optimization, etc. Webmasters tried to make sites only for search robots - such sites were not suitable for people.

Then the search engines began to actively fight SEO sites, giving preference to quality content and resources that are made for people. That is, sites that were convenient, beautiful, readable or functional, if we are talking about some services.

The vector of search engine optimization has shifted towards optimization for people. That is, now it is not so important what keywords and how many are contained in the text, it is the informational value of the text that is important. Does it answer the user's questions, does it provide truthful information, or vice versa is misleading.

If earlier webmasters tried to optimize their sites specifically for search engines, now they strive to do everything for users. Because it's the same thing. If users like your site, search engines will like it too.

Great importance is attached to such a concept as behavioral factors. These factors are exactly what I described above - the value of the site in the eyes of ordinary readers. The extent to which it is convenient, practical, efficient and of high quality.

Behavioral factors have become one of the most basic pillars of search engine promotion. Sites with good behaviors get to the top, with bad ones - to the bottom. It is impossible to somehow wind up this indicator - search engines quickly determine this and ban all violators.

But do not think that search algorithms work 100% efficiently. They are still robots, not artificial intelligence. They, too, can make mistakes and miss really high-quality sites.

That is why it is worth thinking not only about the quality of the content itself, but also about certain actions that are aimed at showing these qualities. It turns out such a mixture between optimizing the project for search engines and creating high-quality content / improving usability.

If you give preference to only one side, you get rubbish. In the first case, your site will definitely fall under the filter marked “useless content”. Then there will be no talk of any progress. In the second, your quality content may simply be overlooked. And for whom, one wonders, did they try.

Internal optimization

First of all, we should take care of the technical optimization of our project. This includes all these robots, sitemaps, adding a project to various webmaster panels, etc. Meta tags, design, code optimization and page loading speed are also here. About all this further.

Adding a site to Yandex.Webmaster and Search Console

We have to add our site to the webmaster panels of two major search engines - they are actively used in Russia and the CIS, so this step is mandatory.

Semantic core

To understand which requests are especially relevant now, you must. This can be done on your own or outsourced to a third party company. There are a lot of them now, so there will be no problems with the search. And yes, it will be inexpensive. Although this is how to look. The price starts from 5 rubles per request. Many have limits on the number of requests.

A few rules for successful website promotion

I've said it here before, but I'll say it anyway: success depends on a huge number of different factors. If you can put in a lot of effort, and all your actions are justified and competent, the site will quickly get to the top.

Mistakes will slow down the development of your resource, so I recommend that you constantly stay “in trend”. Read the blogs of successful SEO specialists, watch articles from the search engines themselves, learn new information. Search engines do not stand still, they evolve. To be in the top, you need to develop with them.

Don't forget that quality content is in fashion. You need to care not only about how good the numbers are in a particular service. It is important to understand whether your readers or customers like what you do.

It will be good if you can collect feedback - feedback. To allow users to express their thoughts about the project.


The article turned out to be quite voluminous. I hope these tips will help you optimize your site yourself, increase your loading speed and think about creating quality content. After all, in fact, it is behavioral factors that decide. If they are good, the site flies to the first positions of the results, bad ones - it remains in the same place or, on the contrary, flies down.

If you want to learn more about promoting information projects and making money on them, I recommend paying attention to. The author talks about all the nuances of competent promotion in the PS, shows how to do it and how not. The entire course is divided into information blocks and lessons. During the course, you get the opportunity to interact with experts and other students. Follow the link for more details.

Paid methods of search promotion mainly differ in their effectiveness. By directing a certain budget to promotion, you can significantly reduce time costs and get the desired result faster.

Under this heading, let's look at how to promote a site in search engines using:

  • link exchanges - you will get acquainted with the types of links, promotion strategies, the best link exchanges;
  • article exchanges - you will find out why article promotion gives a great return and which exchanges are better to work with;
  • automated tools - let's consider how to automate the process of website promotion in order to simplify this task.

#7. Website promotion with purchased links: rental and permanent, anchor and non-anchor, strategies, exchanges

Buying links is almost the main method of promoting sites in search engines. Despite Yandex's statements about the abolition of the link, we can say that this is not entirely true - with the right approach, purchased links work and give a good effect. This is evidenced by the many reviews of optimizers on forums dedicated to SEO promotion.

But the purchase of "backs" from explicit so-called link washes - web resources that are created specifically for the sale of links, that is, they do not contain any useful information for visitors, can harm the promoted site in the form of a drawdown of positions in the search.

As a rule, in order to promote the site itself in search engines, paid references require the purchase of high-quality and thematic links on specialized exchanges. In general, it all depends on the literacy of the approach to business, and then you will not be afraid of search engine algorithms (Minusinsk from Yandex, Penguin from Google), designed to deal with purchased links.

To better understand the seriousness of the undertaking, let's first talk about the types of links: what are they, what to buy and in what quantities?

So, the following types of links are used for promotion: rental and perpetual, anchor and non-anchor, image links. Let's consider them.

#7.1 Lease and permanent links: pros and cons, what to choose?

Types of purchased links (according to the time of placement): rental (temporary) and eternal (permanent, forever).

  • pluses - favorable in price, a large selection of donor sites, they are easier to manage, a wider range of opportunities;
  • cons - monthly or daily payment, link blinking is possible, for example, if there is no money on the balance (forgot to replenish) - the link will be removed, and this is not good for SEO promotion.
  • pluses - less risk (no blinking), quality of link placement, one-time payment;
  • minuses - high price, it is possible to reduce the weight of the link, for example, when they are added in the form of news.

What to choose? To promote your sites with a long-term perspective, it is advisable to buy eternal links, for client sites - rental ones. Also, a combination of two types of links can bring good results.

#7.2 Anchor and non-anchor links, image links: which ones to use?

Anchor links: the link text contains the URL of the site or page, as well as words like - here, here, link, more details, read further, example, https://website/kak-raskrutit-sajt/ (the URL of the page is registered).

Which ones to use? Anchorless promotion in search engines will look like a natural, you do not need to worry about possible sanctions. Therefore, sites that are less than a year old, it is better to move non-anchor "backs".

As for anchor promotion, be very careful here. Firstly, it is better to order such links in separate articles (see article promotion below). Secondly, to make it natural, use modified key phrases each time (changing the number, case, adding words) with the compilation of an anchor list where you will enter all the applied keywords.

#7.3 How many links to buy to promote?

How many links to buy? Everything here is purely individual. No one will tell you the exact number of links needed to promote the site: neither the pros, nor the gurus, nor even the employees of Yandex or Google.

To roughly understand "how much" you need, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • the age of your site;
  • his attendance;
  • initial number of links.

Example. If your site is, say, six months old and has low traffic (50-100 uniques per day), but not a single web resource links to it, then the appearance of 2-3 purchased links per week will definitely not arouse suspicion from search engines. And after a couple of months, this amount can be gradually increased.

Also, it is important to understand that you should not buy links to only one, two or three pages. It is necessary to buy links even to those pages that you do not promote. So there will be no "overweight" and it will look natural.

#7.4 Strategies for buying links

Strategy #1:

  • publish an SEO article on your site, that is, tailored for a specific search query or several (2-5), for example, "how to promote a site in search engines on your own", "how to promote a site in search engines for free";
  • buy links to a published article on exchanges;
  • check the position of the site in one or two months.

Strategy #2:

  • fill the site with optimized articles, but do not buy links;
  • after 3-4 months, analyze traffic (you must have a LiveInternet counter installed on your site) for transitions from the search for the necessary "keys" - to do this, log in to and go to the "by search phrases" section (in the left column );
  • using the KeyCollector program (paid software), you remove all the statistics of your site by keywords from LiveInternet and check what positions they are in search engines - we will be interested in phrases no further than the TOP-20 - so you have data on keywords / phrases and corresponding pages of your site;
  • now we buy references on specialized exchanges.

#7.5 Link exchanges: where to buy links, what you need to know and how to choose reliable donor sites?— the largest stock exchange in Runet, here you can:

  • purchase (manually or automatically) rental and permanent links (there is an interest-free installment plan);
  • place an order for writing texts;
  • promote your site with articles;
  • order automatic promotion of the site;
  • conduct an audit of the resource;
  • Also, there are tools for working with contextual advertising.— a service of quality links forever, in which donor sites are carefully selected by moderators. Here you can not only buy an eternal link in the guard post, but also order its placement in a separate article. Exchange guarantees - for non-removal of links, indexing of donor pages, for non-falling out of pages from the index. For more information about guarantees and other advantages of the exchange, see the official website.

What you need to know when working with link exchanges? An important step in working with link exchanges is to view the database of sites and screen out unsuitable sites for placing links. It is advisable to do this work manually in order to select reliable donor sites. It's hard work, but guaranteed!

The main criteria for evaluating donor sites(tools for determining most parameters at the end of the article):

  • presence in PS indices- the primary requirement for a donor site, because if a web resource is not indexed by search engines (Yandex and Google), then it is of no use - it is important that not only the main, but also internal pages "sit" in the index, and if the number of indexed pages is approximately matches the number published on the site, it is almost perfect;
  • topics - place links in thematic articles or surrounded by thematic text;
  • hosting - do not buy links on sites with free hosting— sites/blogs with a third-level domain (Yukoz, Blogspot, and others);
  • Site age* — at least 1 year old (the older, the better);
  • puzomerki - high rates of TIC (from 100) and PR (from 3) speak to some extent about the reliability of the donor, and the higher they are, the more expensive the link from him;
  • attendance - meaning transitions from search engines - 100 or more uniques per day is already good - if there are no visual counters and it is not possible to check the statistics, then do not consider the resource as a potential donor site;
  • Yandex Direct advertising(preferably, but not necessary) - if the donor has ads from Yandex (not from Google), then this is very good, so the site was checked by moderators;
  • Yandex Catalog and DMOZ- the presence of reference donors in at least one of the above catalogs will be an advantage;
  • spamming - if the donor site openly sells links or has a large number of outgoing links (much more than incoming), then stay away from such resources;
  • design - the appearance of the site can also tell about the seriousness of the resource.

* - you should distinguish between "domain age" (calculated from the date of registration) and "site age" (taken into account from the moment the site was indexed).

Conclusion: the selection of suitable donors can take a considerable amount of time, but suitability can be indirectly judged by the price per link, and the higher it is, the more likely that the donor site is a SDL resource. But not a fact! Only careful and manual selection guarantees high quality donor sites.

#eight. Article website promotion: pros and cons, requirements for articles and donors, strategy, best exchanges

Ideally, it is better to acquire links in new articles, that is, not previously published, in this way you will achieve a significant SEO effect and maximum naturalness in website promotion, and in addition you can also get targeted traffic. True, in this case, much more resources are spent, both temporary and monetary.

So, article promotion is a method of promotion in which a unique article is published on a donor site with "embedded" links. Unlike the free article directories discussed above, placement for money allows you to publish texts on trust resources, the choice of which is limited by your budget.

Pros and cons of website promotion with articles:

  • pluses - SEO efficiency, safe for the site being promoted (with a competent approach), it is possible to place up to 2-3 links in the text, the absence of other people's links in the text, a one-time payment.
  • cons - the high cost of work (writing an article + posting it), it can be difficult to find high-quality and suitable donor sites, the SEO effect does not come immediately, but only after a few months.

What else do you need to know and how to successfully promote a site in the TOP of search engines with the help of article promotion?

Requirements for donor sites: The requirements listed above for donor sites for buying links will be valid for this case as well.

Article requirements:

  • uniqueness - you can not distribute the same article, otherwise the search engines will perceive it as spam - for each link you need a new article;
  • articles for people- texts should be literate (spelling, punctuation) and interesting - as if you were writing (ordering) for yourself (your site), as well as structured - headings, lists, paragraph breaks and supplemented with pictures;
  • article size and number of references- the number of characters in the range from 2000 to 3000 will be quite enough, up to two external links can be placed on such a volume (as agreed with the webmaster) on the different pages your site, and their location should be logical and natural.;
  • optimization and topics of articles— texts must be optimized for certain search phrases and correspond to the theme of the acceptor site, which will have a positive effect on SEO and raise the TIC for your resource.

Article promotion strategy:

  • firstly, "do not drive horses" - posting one or two articles a week for a young site will be considered normal;
  • secondly, - article marketing requires systematic work - do not take long breaks and sudden jumps;
  • thirdly, - do not focus only on article promotion - use other methods of promotion (paid, free);
  • fourthly, the purchase of several eternal links (1-2 pieces each) for each article will help to increase the effectiveness of article promotion (see the diagram below).

Now let's go directly to the article exchanges.

#8.1 Best Article Exchanges

In fact, there are not so many article exchanges that would differ in quality and functionality. Here are the best ones. — best system article promotion with high-quality donor platforms on board. For optimizers, the Mira exchange is:

  • natural site promotion;
  • trust sites;
  • article store;
  • article insurance;
  • service "Carefree";
  • replenishment of the balance in a convenient way (electronic wallets, cashless payments, bank cards).

An approximate algorithm for posting articles on the Internet through Miralinks:

  1. Registration in the system →;
  2. Preparation of article(s) with links and pictures sewn (inserted) into them for publication through the exchange (see requirements above) - here you either write on your own, or order content on exchanges, or buy on Miralinks;
  3. Adding article(s) to the World and waiting for moderation;
  4. Finding suitable donor sites and posting article(s).

A little about the option " Carefree Order" or "others will do everything for you." It is not difficult to deal with the exchange, it would be time and desire, but in their absence, you can use the services of Mira and transfer the "hardships" of creating and maintaining an advertising campaign to its experienced employees (commission - 10%).

What is included in the service "Carefree":

  • writing articles;
  • selection of donors on the subject of your site;
  • placement of articles on donor sites.

You just need to activate the service and set some parameters. For more information about the service, see the exchange. an exchange for article marketing, which can be considered not as an alternative to Mira, but as an addition. The functionality of the system allows you to promote sites:

  • in social networks (a feature of this exchange);
  • articles with different types links - anchor and non-anchor, nofollow, image links;
  • SERM articles and press releases.

In general, Webartex is a convenient and understandable system that will be quite easy to understand even for a beginner.

Conclusion: article website promotion requires considerable financial investments and in order not to waste money, everything must be done wisely.

#9. Website promotion using automated systems

If you think that independently promoting a site in the TOP "s of search engines such as Yandex or Google is an impossible task for you (lack of time and desire to learn the intricacies of SEO), then use a professional and reliable service to promote "automatically", which will do the lion's share of the hard work for you and bring the site to the TOP for the right queries. And all this with a minimum of your participation in the promotion of the site. In the section "automatic promotion of the site" this process is discussed in more detail.

The main factors affecting the price of promotion in aggregators:

  • internal state of the site— the quality of the content (the uniqueness and usefulness of information, the presentation of information, the absence of overspam with keys in the text, tags and meta tags), the logical structure of the site, the correct linking, the validity of the code, etc. );
  • external reference— the quality of the external reference mass (lack of links from the GS and non-thematic sites);
  • subject matter competitiveness The more competition, the more Money will have to invest in promotion.

By the way, the service "Hands" allows you to determine the approximate cost of promotion.

What is required of you? If the web resource is ready for promotion, then you just have to go through a simple registration, add the address of the promoted site to the system, configure and run advertising campaign. This completes your hard work. It remains only to observe how the position of the site grows and do not forget to replenish the budget on time.

Useful SEO tools: personal assistants in website promotion

Let me remind you that by adopting SEO tools, you will greatly simplify your life as an optimizer, especially if you decide to independently promote your site to the TOP of search engines. To help optimizers, many services and programs have been developed that can collect various data about web resources and present them in the form of reports.

To order unique articles, reviews, descriptions

On any of the exchanges, you can choose and buy articles, or order new ones from copywriters.

  •— an exchange of unique content with a convenient catalog search;
  •— exchange of quality articles at fair prices;
  • texts for every taste (thematic, selling, author's posts).

To determine the site trust and other parameters

  • xtool.ruonline service it will help to check the donor site for many parameters (site indexing, TIC, PR, search traffic, spam, external backlinks, keywords, etc.);
  •– free online combine for SEO-checking sites (trust, content analysis, rating, site puzomerki and much more);
  • checking the quality of reference donors, although there is a limitation - it is allowed to do 500 checks for free.

To analyze backlinks (external links)

  • Yandex Webmaster- allows you to check external links to your site for free if it is added to the panel for Webmasters. Not the most best method to analyze external "backs", but you will not pay money;
  • Google Search Console- a panel for webmasters from the Google search engine, also allows you to track external links, but again, only to your site;
  • partially free service to analyze any site for external linking. It also provides website promotion services.

Specialized services (paid):,

To monitor positions

  • a free online tool for monitoring the position (and not only) of the site in the search engines Yandex and Google;
  •— 100 checks for free.
  • don't rush to advance– if your resource is not even a month old, then don’t rush, you still have time to promote your site on the Internet – it’s better to spend all your energy and money on filling it with useful SEO content in the first six months of your project’s life – so search engines will see that the web the site is "live", and this will only play into your hands - though this is not a call to action, but only a recommendation;
  • promote the site comprehensively— do not limit yourself to one or two methods — use varieties of SEO and SMM promotion — each method has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is advisable to combine them to achieve faster results;
  • stock up on references carefully— check donor sites, create an anchor list and don’t forget that building backlinks is a gradual process, not a one-time one — don’t allow a “link explosion” — don’t run the site through various directories, bookmarks, forums, profiles, etc., especially this applies to young resources with low attendance and a small initial number of links - remember that it is not the quantity that matters, but the quality of "backs";
  • naturalize your link profile- the link profile should look as natural as possible in the "eyes" of search engines - links to your site should lead from different sources(catalogues, articles, site ratings, social networks, video hosting, etc.);
  • determine the budget for promotion- draw up an action plan and determine the budget that you can allocate for promotion;
  • work on your site- improve it, regularly publish new and interesting materials and then the web resource will be visited and you can earn money on the site - and this is the right way to please your potential audience, followed by Yandex and Google search engines.

P.S. You, like any beginner and even masters of your craft, have a lot to learn and improve, since search engine algorithms "do not rust" (constantly updated) and in order to keep a leading position you need to be aware of SEO events, and for this you need to visit SEO forums ( search), blogs of reputable people in the SEO industry (devaka) and, of course, follow the news from official sources for webmasters.

And if there is no time to deal with all this on your own, this does not mean that “boss, everything is lost”, because thanks to such exchanges as ETXT, your site will have fresh articles, and services such as Rookee will keep it in the TOP.

Successes to you, Patience and Good luck!


How to independently promote a website to the top of Yandex and Google search results? What companies will help to promote the site in search engines? What determines the price of search promotion?

Internet resources that no one promotes are read by a couple of random visitors per month, plus relatives of the owner of the web site. And vice versa, sites with professional promotion have thousands of visitors, therefore, the same number of potential customers - consumers of services and products.

This is Denis Kuderin, an expert of the HeatherBober magazine on the monetization of Internet resources. I will tell, what is search engine promotion who needs it and why, and what promotion methods are the most effective.

You will also learn how self-promotion differs from professional search engine optimization, and what mistakes beginners make when trying to get their sites to the top of search results.

1. Search engine promotion of the site is difficult, but possible

There are millions of sites on the Internet - entertaining, informational, commercial, useful and useless. Even if you are a celebrity real life, not the fact that in the digital world you will be respected and honored.

And if you hired a brilliant designer and super-programmer to launch a resource, this does not guarantee that a sea of ​​​​visitors will flood your page.

The network is full of pages that were created with a huge budget and safely sunk into oblivion. And not even because these resources were boring and uninteresting.

It’s just that the creators didn’t take care of their full value. search promotion . If you are reading this article, then you have probably heard about this term and have at least a general idea of ​​what it means.

If not, here's the definition:

Search promotion(promotion) of the site - actions to improve the attendance of the web resource by the target audience, that is, visitors interested in purchasing services and products presented on the site by improving visibility in search engines.

Website promotion is necessary for those who want to earn income on the Internet.. If your goal is just to have a beautiful site to show it to friends and your girlfriend, to engage in promotion, SEO optimization and other exciting things, you don’t need to.

Where are the sites going? Forward and upward, namely - to the top positions of search results. By typing a query in the search bar, you get an immediate response in the form of a multi-page list. The first page of this list contains the most relevant results for the query.

That's what it is TOP search results, which all SEO optimizers strive for so much. I think you understand why it is so important to get there.

The user is unlikely to click on sites that are further than 1-2 pages of Google or Yandex search results. This means that the sites that are in the first places will have an advantage so that they do not sell. These are not necessarily material goods or services, perhaps it will be just exhaustive information on a particular topic.

TOP of search results starts immediately after contextual advertising

It is important to understand the main thing: It is no coincidence that websites get to the top of search results. Before that, their owners or specially hired employees carry out full-scale work on search engine optimization of the resource.

There are many ways to promote sites:

  • SEO-optimization- promotion on keys(requests corresponding to the topic of the resource);
  • contextual advertising– demonstration of advertising texts to users;
  • targeted advertising- displaying advertisements to the target audience;
  • partnership programs- promotion using links posted on third-party resources;
  • SMM– attracting users through social networks and online media channels;
  • content marketing– attracting the audience with interesting content and quality of the site.

All options are effective in their own way and deserve attention. Far-sighted owners of web resources use several promotion channels at once and are on the offensive on all fronts. It is expensive, it takes time and effort, but it certainly pays off by monetizing the resource.

Once again, I decided to update this article and make it more practical and modern. This is not even an article, but a short step-by-step guide to self-promotion of sites. In it, I have collected the main methods and methods of website promotion, which I personally use to promote my projects and clients' projects.

print version

First, we will learn the basics of successful website promotion, and then we will move on to a small example that will allow us to consolidate the learned information. I recommend reading the article very carefully and in order.

Since there is a lot of material and it is difficult to fit it into one article, then, if possible, I will attach links to supplementary articles to each item in order to more fully reveal the meaning of one or another step in self-promotion. Nevertheless, I will try to make this article as self-sufficient as possible, so that after reading it you can see a more or less complete picture of how to independently promote sites.

All material will be presented as concisely, accessible and understandable as possible. The article on self-promotion of the site will consist of three parts:

  1. Internal optimization- here all the basic recommendations for internal optimization of the site for search engines will be presented in order to increase the relevance of the pages (correspondence of the page content to the request) and promote the site at the expense of its own potential. Internal optimization is the key to successful website promotion, so it must be dealt with first and foremost. Due to internal optimization alone, you can achieve good results in website promotion and take high positions in search engine results without any financial costs.
  2. External optimization- here will be presented comprehensive information on improving existing positions in search engines and consolidating the result with the help of external optimization. In most cases, external optimization is also necessary, both for normal and for independent promotion of absolutely any site. The higher the competition, the greater the need for external optimization.
  3. Website promotion example- in the final part of the article, we will look at an example of how to independently promote the site. We will figure out how to collect queries for an existing site, how to analyze them and find relevant pages, how to optimize pages and determine the position of the site for search queries, and then promote these queries and increase positions in search engines.

Step by step following all the recommendations for self-promotion of sites described in this article, you can achieve good results and promote your site as quickly as possible, while spending a minimum amount of money. High efficiency is achieved through the correct implementation of all instructions, diligence and the desire to succeed.

With this, the introductory part has come to an end, and we proceed directly to a brief step by step guide self-promotion of the site.

Website promotion on your own - internal optimization

The key to the success of promoting absolutely any site is its correct internal optimization and quality site materials. In short, the site must meet the following characteristics:

  • High-quality, unique, and most importantly useful and interesting content.
  • correct search engine optimization site pages.
  • The correct structure of the site and clear navigation.
  • Correct internal page linking.
  • Valid code, lightness and good design.

These are the five basic rules that I would advise you to follow in the first place in order to successfully promote absolutely any site. To be sure, I will comment on each item.

High quality, unique content- The content of the site must be unique. Unique texts are highly valued by search engines, so the key to any successful promotion is the uniqueness of the information of the promoted project. There are practically no exceptions, except for a variety of online stores, where information is often duplicated. And even then there are some nuances and often they try to unify information as much as possible. If the information on the site is not unique, then, in my opinion, it makes no sense to start promoting this project, since it is not effective and you will waste time and money.

Before publishing articles, I recommend always checking the material for uniqueness. For this, it is best to use special program ETXT anti-plagiarism. With its help, you can very quickly check the uniqueness of the text and, if necessary, correct the shortcomings. This is especially important if you do not write articles yourself, but rewrite other people's materials.

To check the uniqueness of the texts, download the program from the official website (, run it and add text to the top window, then click the "Check" button.

After that, the program will start searching for duplicates through the Yandex search engine. In the process, a captcha may pop up, so from time to time you will have to enter it. After the analysis is completed, you will receive a percentage of the uniqueness of the article and underlined phrases that need to be corrected. Just paraphrase the text in right places and recheck.

In the process of work, try to achieve as much uniqueness of the text as possible before publishing it on the site. In my opinion, the uniqueness of the order of 97-99% will be the norm. The higher the uniqueness of the materials, the easier it will be for you to promote the site and vice versa. Always keep this in mind before posting anything on your site.

Proper search engine optimization pages- all pages of the site must be optimized for certain search queries. If this is not done, then you will not receive visitors from search engines, and if you do, they will not be targeted, which means that there can be no question of any conversion. As a result, the behavioral indicators of the site deteriorate and this negatively affects its promotion. The main thing here is to adhere to the following rules:

  • Correct Title– the title of the page should be attractive and contain the keywords for which this particular page is being promoted. It is better to use exact occurrences of queries (the key query without any changes). In this case, the relevance of the page is greatly increased. Just do not forget about the attractiveness of the title for visitors.
  • Using headings (H1 - H6)- in the text of the pages, use the headings of the first - sixth level using keywords. The first level heading has the highest priority, so it should be optimized first. You can use both direct occurrences of keywords (website promotion) and morphological (promotion, promotion, etc.). At the same time, the heading of the first level should occur on the page no more than once.
  • Using keywords in page text– the page must contain keywords with different types of occurrences: exact, direct, morphological and various diluted occurrences. I recommend using each type of occurrence so that the text is readable and well-optimized.
  • Highlight key points with STRONG tags- allows you to focus on the right points, as well as increase (at least it used to be) the weight of the selected keywords.
  • Informativeness of pages– promoted pages should be informative. Usually, on average, the recommended length of an article is about 300 words or more. At the same time, do not forget about graphics and other elements that complement the information on the page.

These were the main points for optimizing pages for search engines. Additional information you can find in the following articles:

Correct structure and clear navigation– the site should have the correct structure and clear navigation. All information should be organized, not scattered randomly. One example of a correct structure would be, for example, the following variant:

As you can see, in this simple example The site has a tree structure. It has sections that contain subsections, categories, individual articles, or any other subpages. Also, from any page of the site it is possible to go to the pages of contacts, information about the site, etc. This option is a small sample correct site structure and is used in most web-projects.

As for clear navigation, this factor is more relevant to . The essence of this paragraph is that the user can easily navigate your site and find the information he needs. Due to this, the behavioral indicators of the site () are improved, which contributes to an increase in positions in search engine results and promotion of the site as a whole.

Correct linking- this factor is one of the most important in self-promotion of the site. The basis of any successful project is the internal linking of pages. It is she who is responsible for the correct distribution of weight between the pages and the promotion of the site due to its own internal potential.

essence correct linking is to link with the anchors we need to thematic pages and thereby promote them through internal links. As a result, we get an extensive network of links, which is more like a web. Due to this, we not only distribute the weight across all pages of the site or shift it to the pages we need, but also promote the pages for the search queries we need.

Correct linking allows promote your site in search engines without any cash costs solely at the expense of his own head and painstaking self made. In the future, if necessary, the achieved result can be improved by external optimization, which will be discussed in the second part of the article. You can read more about the basics of linking pages in the article "".

Valid code, lightness and good design– the site should have a good appearance, load quickly and contain no errors. I want to pay special attention to the speed of loading the site, since many people have problems with it. The lower the download speed, the higher the bounce rate, as users simply may not wait for the page to fully load and leave. As a result of this, it is quite possible to expect an early drop in positions in search engines.

Also, the design of the site affects the behavior of users. Based on this, I recommend working on appearance your project and make it as versatile and acceptable as possible for more of people. good design positively affects the behavioral indicators of the site, and this, in turn, is one of the elements that affect the success of promotion.

Self-promotion of the site - external optimization

After performing internal optimization, you can proceed to the second stage of self-promotion of the site - external optimization. Its effectiveness will largely depend on how well you conducted internal website optimization. In this case, by external optimization, we mean getting backlinks with the anchors we need. The better the sites that link to us and the greater their number, the stronger the effect of link promotion will be.

Personally, I never start link building until some quality internal optimization has been done. Starting to buy links without first optimizing the site is a waste of money. By doing the right internal optimization, you can multiply the effect of each link you buy. Keep this in mind when someone offers you to promote your site without doing any internal optimization.

On the this moment There are many ways to get external links to your site. There are both paid and free methods. The latter are often very time-consuming and ineffective, so most optimizers use only paid ways to get backlinks. Thanks to this, the maximum effect is achieved with self-promotion of the site, since you yourself choose which links to buy and which not.

Before making a purchase of links, I recommend that you read the article "". In it you will find comprehensive information on how to choose the right donors for buying links, as well as which exchanges are best for buying links. Thanks to this, you will be able to make the most of your money when promoting links on your own.

There are a few things to keep in mind when buying links:

  1. The link text should contain the keywords for which you want to promote the landing page in search engines.
  2. Link texts must be different. Try to compose as many different anchors as possible.
  3. Anchor should be as attractive as possible for visitors. In this case, you can also get additional traffic to the promoted site.

To achieve the maximum result when promoting links, you need to buy them regularly for as long as possible. At the same time, it is also advisable to gradually increase the number of purchased links and never buy many links at a time, especially if you are promoting a young project. Also, do not abruptly remove all rental links. All this can lead to sanctions from search engines and its promotion will be very difficult.

On this, the theoretical part has come to an end and we are moving on to a small example of self-promotion of the site.

An example of self-promotion of a site under Yandex

Before proceeding with the example, I would like to talk a little about the tools that we will need in our work. At the moment, there are a huge number of them, but we will manage only the most necessary and affordable ones, since not everyone has hundreds of dollars to buy expensive programs.

In truth, you can do without programs, but in this case you have to do everything manually. This is very inefficient and requires a lot of time and effort. Personally, I prefer to do everything with maximum efficiency, so I automate processes using programs whenever possible. In this case, we need the Megaindex () program and service.

Self-promotion of a site under Yandex can be described by a list of 10 points:

  1. Collection of traffic statistics on requests.
  2. Keyword frequency check.
  3. Filtering requests by frequency.
  4. Gathering positions in search engines.
  5. Filtering requests by positions.
  6. Analysis and screening of requests manually.
  7. Adding missing requests, if necessary.
  8. Page relevance check and page optimization.
  9. Improving the internal linking of the site.
  10. Link promotion.

This plan is suitable provided that the correct search engine optimization of the site template has already been carried out. The most common mistake most projects make is the misuse of headings, poorly thought out structure and lack of linking. Or there is linking, but it is useless because of its lack of thought.

Self-promotion of the site is greatly simplified if you already have a list of keywords for which you need to promote the site. In this case, you can start work immediately from the eighth point of the plan. The problem is that not everyone bothers to compile semantic core before, so we will consider all the stages of self-promotion of sites for Yandex in order to cover as much information as possible and avoid misunderstandings.

Collection of traffic statistics on requests- is necessary in order to determine the queries by which visitors come to the site from search engines, as well as to determine the number of clicks on these queries. The easiest way to get click through statistics is from Yandex Metrica, so I always recommend installing it on your site.

To get statistics, you need to register a separate account in Yandex and open guest access for it in the account with statistics. It is better to create a guest account with the simplest possible name and numeric password, as we will add it to the program.

So, let's get to work. Open the Key Collector program and create a new project. Next, create a new tab and click on the "Yandex Metric statistics collection" button in the toolbar.

As a result, a window with settings will open, which will look like this.

  • Login - username for logging into Yandex Metrica.
  • Password - password to enter Yandex.Metrica.
  • Venue ID - unique identifier of the site received in Yandex Metrica. To get the id, go to your site's statistics page in Yandex Metrica and copy the numeric identifier that comes after counter_id=.
  • Period - the period of time for which you want to collect statistics.

After filling in all the fields, click the "Get data" button. The program will automatically collect keywords and generate a list of search queries along with statistics of clicks from search engines. In this case, for example, I use statistics electronic library so that the example is neutral and does not highlight any important information my projects or client projects.

Keyword frequency check- is necessary in order to determine how often a particular query is requested in a search engine. To do this, go to the menu and click on the button "Collect frequencies"!".

Depending on the number of requests, the collection can last from several minutes to several hours. To guarantee the smooth operation of the collection, I recommend enabling anti-captcha in the settings so that when a captcha appears, it will be automatically recognized and you do not have to enter it manually.

After working out the parser, you will receive the following list of search phrases along with the frequency.

Filtering requests by frequency- after receiving the frequency of requests, we need to filter out those requests that are little requested in search engines or not requested at all. To do this, in the frequency column, click on the corresponding filter button.

In the window that opens, set the filtering level we need, and then apply the filter.

Gathering positions in search engines- after filtering keywords by frequency, we need to analyze the list of queries and collect site positions for these queries. If there are too many of them, then I recommend applying more filtering so that the list of requests becomes smaller. In any case, we need to know the position of the site. To do this, go to the menu, indicate the address of the site being promoted and click the button "Collect site positions in Yandex PS".

After the operation is completed, we will receive the position of the site for all queries that are in the list. In this case, there will be positions in the Yandex search engine. If instead of the position there is “-1”, it means that the site is not in the search results for this request or he is very far from the TOP.

Filtering requests by positions– at this stage, you can apply the filter again and filter queries by their positions, for example, leave only those queries that occupy from the 1st to the 30th position.

I want to immediately draw your attention to the fact that, as in the case of the frequency filter, you can filter out important requests, so treat the filtering with caution. Although, in my opinion, if you are serious about promoting any specific queries, then you already have them saved in a file and in any case you will add them after the completion of the list of keywords.

Manual analysis and screening of requests- after all the manipulations with filtering by frequency and positions, you need to manually double-check all the remaining requests and filter out the unnecessary ones. Often, from the initial list of keywords, there are only about 5-10% left that meet all our requirements in terms of filtering. However, there may be keywords in the list that for some reason are not suitable for our site and they need to be filtered out. This is what manual search of keywords is for.

Adding missing requests if needed- after reviewing the entire list of keywords, we add the missing queries, since it is likely that some important queries were deleted or were not included in the list due to the fact that the site occupies low positions on them or the query has insufficient frequency and was filtered. In any case, you may need to add queries manually.

Page relevance check and page optimization– after collecting all the necessary information, we can proceed directly to checking the relevance of promoted pages and optimizing them. If you are not sure that you have optimized the article correctly, I recommend using service from Megaindex. To do this, register in the system and add a new site.

After adding a site and assigning a region to it, we add queries that we want to promote in search engines and for which we need to check the relevance of pages.

After that, we indicate the pages to be promoted in the "Pages for promotion" column and save the result. As a result, after refreshing the page in the "Page text" column, we will see the relevance of the page to the selected query. In this case, relevance home page the first request is 81%, and the second 100%.

To see recommendations for optimizing a page, click on the appropriate relevance value. As a result, we will open a page analysis window, where on the right you can see recommendations that will look like this.

  1. Analysis and recommendations on the amount of text on the page.
  2. Analysis and recommendations for optimizing the page title (title).
  3. Analysis and recommendations for optimizing the text on the page, including headings.

Improving the internal linking of the site– we analyze the relinking of the site and, if possible, remove unnecessary links. After that, we double-check all the materials of the site and try to link from them to the promoted pages. At the same time, do not forget that the anchor of the link should contain the query being promoted, and the link itself, if possible, is located directly in the text of the article.

In my opinion, the optimal number of links per page is around 50 pcs. plus - minus 30 pcs. It is this number of links that you need to adhere to when creating a link. I would not recommend putting hundreds of links on each page, as this will not be of much use. A few are enough.

If you doubt the correctness of linking, you can use the relinking recommendations that you can get in the Key Collector program. To do this, click on the "Collect recommendations from Yandex PS" button, as shown in the image.

As a result of the collection, recommendations for relinking will be generated for each request, which can be obtained by clicking on the "Export recommendations from Yandex PS" button in the program menu next to the launch button.

Link promotion- after performing a full-fledged internal optimization and stabilization of positions in search engines, you can begin to independently promote links. As mentioned above, main goal buying links is to improve the existing positions of the site in search engines for the queries we need, increase the trust of the site, and consolidate the result.

When promoting links, I recommend that you be very careful about compiling the text of the links or, in other words, the anchor list. I recommend, if possible, to dilute the anchors in such a way that by promoting the main query, you also promote related ones.

For example, consider this page. As you may have noticed, the main request here is "promotion of the site yourself." Please note that the page is optimized in such a way that by advancing for this query, you are automatically promoted by the queries "website promotion" and "promotion". I think the meaning is clear.

To be honest, I spent only 628 rubles on the Rotapost exchange to buy links to promote this page. I bought a few guards purely for decency. Despite this, at the moment the site is in 8th place for the query "website promotion" and 2nd for the query "website promotion independently" in the Yandex search engine. I don’t know how it will be in the future, since the article is updated from time to time, but at the moment the positions are just that.

Based on the foregoing, it is worth concluding that the quality of the site and its internal optimization most of all affect the success of promotion. At the moment, I cannot say that the site is well optimized, but thanks to the quality, we have the result that we have. In the near future I plan to update and optimize all the pages of the blog, which I advise you on your projects.

Good luck and success in website promotion!
