Hand over the phone for recycling for money. Where to hand over the old phone: for spare parts, to a pawnshop or to sell? How do you dispose of old cell phones?

/ Disposal Services

Disposal of old phones

The average person changes their smartphone about once every two years, so old phones accumulate at an incredibly fast pace. The question is where to put them? The easiest, but also the most dangerous option is to throw it in the trash. It would seem what harm such a small device can cause. However, even one mobile phone is a problem for the environment. The plastic case and glass decompose for decades, and the internal "stuffing" of the cell, especially the battery, does contain toxic elements. In addition, the mobile phone belongs to small household appliances and it is illegal to simply throw it away!

What to do? This question will be answered by the LOM-AKB group of companies, which is professionally engaged in the processing and disposal of electronic devices.

Benefits of recycling and recycling

The recycling service allows you to legally and hassle-free dispose of your old equipment, while receiving a number of benefits:

  1. Recycling your phone helps to avoid harm to the environment.
  2. Recycling technology ensures the recycling of raw materials, which positively affects the price of new gadgets.
  3. By renting your laptop, you can get money for it if the phone is functional or has some value.

Recycling technology is becoming more and more popular as it allows you to reuse raw materials, solve the problem of pollution of the planet, and also reduce the overall amount of garbage. Many leading brands create collection points for their equipment, offer discounts on new devices when exchanging old ones, etc. However, in our country this practice is not yet very common. But that doesn't mean to recycle old phone unnecessary or unprofitable! Contact LOM-AKB and see for yourself.

Advantages of cooperation with LOM-ACB

Our company disposes of the phone using modern equipment and technologies, which allows us to make the process quick and harmless. Processing of equipment is carried out in accordance with the law and all regulations.

Turning to us, you will definitely be satisfied for several reasons:

  1. An old device will get a new life in the form of spare parts or parts for another device, and will not end its days ingloriously in a landfill.
  2. By handing over your smartphone, you will not harm the environment and the planet, and you will not violate any laws.
  3. You can get good money for your equipment instead of just throwing it in the trash.
  4. The company will provide all necessary documents for legal entities.
  5. If you need to dispose of a large batch of equipment, we will provide its removal in Moscow free of charge for you.
  6. Professional managers are ready to answer all your questions and clarify incomprehensible points.

We professionally dispose of smartphones and other electrical appliances, making the process as comfortable and profitable as possible for everyone. All you need is a little participation - bring your device or order the removal of equipment and agree on its delivery. If you want to clarify some points or have any questions, our specialists are always in touch!

Name Description Price per kilo
clogged Cash Cashless payments
Boards from servers, laptops
260 380 389

motherboards"old" before Pentium 4 generation (not including Pentium 4) 240 345 360

Motherboards "new" after Pentium 4 generation (including Pentium 4) Socket: 423, mPGA 478, 775, 1155, 1156, 1366, 462, 939, 754, AM2, AM2+, AM3, AM3+
160 220 237

Boards from cellular base GSM stations

300 650 690

Board from CD-ROM

320 330

Electronic boards, imported, as well as with a high content of chips and connectors. 80 150-345 162-360

Imported electronic boards, with the lowest density of electronic parts and chips on the board
50 85 92

Video cards, PCI boards, etc. And also sound cards, modem boards, network boards.
270 340 365

Boards from Soviet devices made in the USSR. Control boards for military and Soviet devices, manufactured in the USSR, more than 70% of the board must be filled with details.
50 85-120 -
Boards from Soviet devices made in the USSR with a high content of microcircuits.
90 130-270 140

Boards made in the USSR. Boards from Soviet household devices and devices (TVs, tape recorders, etc.).
45 110 118

Monitor boards and any power boards (office equipment, monitors, etc.)
20 46 49

Board from HDD
790 800

Ceramic Processors 286/386/486/goldcap
4000 7500 8100

Pentium 1 ceramic processors, AMD ceramic processors, black PVC processors

2700 2900

Socket 370 processors 2200 2345
Socket 370 processors (tualantin)

500 535

Processors Socket: 423, mPGA 478, 775, 1155, 1156, 1366, 462, 939, 754, AM2, AM2+, AM3, AM3+, etc.
400 428

Processor cards, processor slots, processor nodes consisting of a central processor and various components.

1350 1391

Processors ceramic Sun, HP
500 535

Memory with silver contacts
240 650 702

Memory with gold-plated contacts DDR1,2,3,4 600 1700 1758
Hard drives(HDD) 45 50 60

Boards mobile phones(button) 450

I, the subject of personal data, in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152 “On Personal Data”, provide the owner of the form (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) with consent to the processing of personal data indicated by me in the calculator form and / or the goods order form and /or services on the site on the Internet, owned by the Operator.

  1. The composition of the personal data I provide is as follows: full name, email address and telephone number.
  2. The purposes of processing my personal data are: to ensure the exchange of short text messages in the online dialogue mode and ensuring the functioning of the callback.
  3. Consent is granted to perform the following actions (operations) with the personal data specified in this consent: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, transfer (provision, access), blocking, deletion, destruction, carried out as with using automation tools (automated processing), and without the use of such tools (manual processing).
  4. I understand and agree that providing the Operator with any information about myself that is not contact information and not related to the purposes of this consent, as well as providing information related to state, banking and / or commercial secrets, information about racial and / or nationality, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs, state of health, intimate life is prohibited.
  5. If I decide to provide the Operator with any information (any data), I undertake to provide only reliable and up-to-date information and have no right to mislead the Operator regarding my identity, provide false or inaccurate information about myself.
  6. I understand and agree that the Operator does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by me and is not able to assess my legal capacity and proceeds from the fact that I provide reliable personal data and keep such data up to date.
  7. Consent is valid upon achievement of the purposes of processing or in case of loss of the need to achieve these purposes, unless otherwise provided federal law.
  8. Consent may be withdrawn by me at any time on the basis of my written statement.
  • Dear customers, redemption is carried out on the basis of a sales contract, if you have a passport or other documents confirming your identity (18+), and in some cases it may be necessary to provide additional documents confirming ownership.
  • Please note that all applications are considered, but may not be brought to attention without explanation.
  • The response to the application is carried out during business hours, and only if we are interested in purchasing the goods, you do not need to re-send the application!
  • The final assessment of the goods is made during its detailed inspection, we do not make an accurate assessment by phone or other types of remote communication.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use obscene language in text dialogues, e-mail and calls. Such requests will be ignored and added to the blacklist.

Articles and Lifehacks

Our lives are constantly changing, and in order to keep up with these changes, we are forced to constantly rush: either like squirrels in a wheel, or like a flock of lemmings to a cliff.

Surely no one will say today. And the mobile phone is one of the attributes of this race.

We did not have time to buy the coveted gadget of the latest model - as it is already outdated. We are preparing money for a new one, denying ourselves the simple pleasures of life.

Meanwhile, the old pipe is sent to the secondary market. From there it goes straight to the landfill. Moreover, from the moment of the release of the model, it rarely takes more than 3-4 years.

Such a fast change model range mobile devices leads to their life cycle turns out to be very short.

And in the end, civilization is faced with the problem of recycling mobile phones, smartphones and other devices. Moreover, this problem is very relevant.

Why you need to recycle phones and smartphones

Why dispose of, for example, cars or household waste is understandable: landfills have already reached an impressive size. Entire garbage islands float in the ocean, killing the ecology of the coasts of entire countries.

A mobile phone does not seem to take up much space?

In fact, household appliances, and especially digital electronics- one of the most unpleasant types of garbage. First, it is very difficult to recycle.

Technologies that allow getting rid of this garbage are currently unprofitable at best, and for most developed countries, where the bulk of mobile device users are concentrated, they are simply unprofitable.

So the funds have to be allocated from the budget, already overloaded with social spending. However, there is another option - to impose a recycling fee on users, having previously included it in the cost of a mobile device.

As a way out, electronic trash is taken to third world countries, where local residents are engaged in recycling, while receiving mere pennies. But this state of affairs - rather, from hopelessness, because the situation is developing in the highest degree unsightly.

The recycling process is an extremely harmful industry, and children are often involved in it. Not surprisingly, the export of such garbage is prohibited by law in many countries.

However, this ban does not apply to the export of second-hand devices, under the guise of which old mobile phones cross the border. In a word, the situation is critical and requires serious corrective measures.

On the other hand, there are plenty of much more egregious problems in the world, to which the "world community" with the tacit consent of all those who imagine themselves as such, turns a blind eye.

It should be borne in mind that digital technology, and especially mobile devices, is a real storehouse of various chemical muck. And in all its elements.

The body and board material are plastic, which releases a lot of toxic compounds when burned. Accumulator battery- lithium, cadmium, nickel, chromium, lead, poisoning the soil and water when it enters them.

And all this - in a very hard-to-reach, not amenable to automatic processing, form. Ordinary burning of abundant garbage will not help the cause.

Attempts continue to create if not environmentally friendly, then at least less dirty phones, but so far the result is very far from ideal. And in the foreseeable future, there is no getting away from problematic components.

There is another aspect of the problem. The stocks of precious metals, which are used in the production of gadgets a lot, are not endless in the world. And with their extraction in the asteroid belt, which science fiction writers dreamed about, humanity still has serious problems.

According to experts, the reserves of precious metals on Earth will last no more than a few decades, while maintaining the same pace of production of mobile devices. This means that they must be removed and reused.

They also try to draw public attention to this problem. For example, the famous jeweler Nick Cerrone held an auction in 2007, which featured unusual jewelry.

For their manufacture, gold was used, obtained as a result of the disposal of 8200 old mobile phones. A similar amount of yellow metal can be obtained by processing 25 tons of gold ore.

In general, the extraction of precious metals from used electronics became profitable when world prices exceeded $1,000 per troy ounce.

Who is involved in the recycling of mobile phones and smartphones

Recently, due to the aggravation of the problem, a wide variety of companies and organizations are involved in the process of recycling phones. First of all, these are the manufacturers of mobile devices themselves.

And it is precisely those manufacturers who have long entered the electronics market. , - all these names have been heard for more than a decade.

Developed countries, which make up a significant share of the sales market for these companies, are sensitive to the environment, so manufacturers willy-nilly are forced to clean up after users of their products.

While the "young shoots", mainly from the Middle Kingdom - and others like them, on the contrary, are accustomed to a dismissive attitude towards environmental problems on the part of the country's leadership.

Recently, the situation in China has been changing, but not too actively. Still, ecology is too expensive a pleasure, and this country, despite its impressive economic performance, still cannot boast of a level of income comparable to that of the United States, Europe or Japan.

Another participant in the recycling process - retail chains selling household appliances. They offer discounts on the purchase of new devices to those who rent the old one, even if it is faulty.

As a rule, the discount applies when buying a device from the same manufacturer as the old smartphone.

Finally, there are programs that fund the collection and recycling of gadgets directly from the budget.

Within their framework, explanatory work is carried out on the need for proper processing of electronic waste and the inadmissibility of throwing it into containers with ordinary garbage.

However, such good intentions often run into the silent opposition of citizens. After all, all these measures designed to improve the environment are perceived by many as real nonsense.

Sometimes the situation comes to a curiosity: in Finland, for example, old mobile phones got the hang of sending them to the sewer, which repeatedly became the cause of blockages.

There is another way to get rid of unnecessary phones. There are charities that collect old devices to send as humanitarian aid to underdeveloped African countries.

And already there the question of their processing will not arise over the next century.

How is the process of recycling mobile phones

At the first stage of recycling, used phones and smartphones need to be collected in one place.

To do this, collection points are opened where users can bring unnecessary equipment, various promotions and campaigns are held to encourage them to surrender, and special dustbins are installed where the user can throw away an unnecessary phone.

Unfortunately, all these efforts do not bring much fruit: according to a survey conducted in 13 developed countries, no more than 3% of users hand over their mobile phones for recycling after the end of their service life.

Another 4% throw them in a landfill along with the rest of the garbage, 44% simply store them at home, 25% give them to relatives and friends, and 16% sell them on the secondary market.

Next comes sorting. If the collection is carried out by the manufacturing company, this step is omitted, if there are devices in the garbage various models, then they must first be sorted according to certain criteria.

And only after that begins, in fact, recycling. It happens manually, while the battery is processed separately from the mobile phone itself.

First, the body of the device is separated, the plastic of which is reused, mainly in the creation and repair of the road surface.

Then elements containing precious metals are removed: radio components, connectors, contacts. After crushing, they are sent for chemical processing, during which gold, platinum and other rare elements are extracted.

How to dispose of batteries of phones and smartphones

- the part of the mobile device richest in hazardous substances. Modern models use lithium-ion batteries, which not only have a large capacity, but are also somewhat safer from an environmental point of view.

Approximately 80% of the materials that make up batteries are recyclable.

First, the case of the battery being recycled is opened and its contents are removed. After that, electrolyte residues are removed from it. Then comes the separation of the anode plates from the cathode plates, which are sent for remelting.

The plastic case is crushed and also reused.

How phones are disposed of in Russia

On the this moment The situation in Russia is not too different from that in China. Surveys conducted show that no more than 35% of the country's residents know about the very possibility of handing over the phone for recycling.

The main obstacle for the Russians, which does not allow them to properly get rid of the old mobile phone, is, first of all, the lack of time.

The network of collection points in most cities of the country is practically not developed, and no one wants to waste time looking for and visiting them. It’s easier to throw an unnecessary tube into an ordinary trash can.

Another factor is, oddly enough, the notorious Russian “maybe”. Instead of getting rid of unnecessary things, they put them in reserve in a drawer or on a shelf.

Indeed: once this gadget cost a tidy sum - and now just throw it away ?! Yes, for nothing! Would it come in handy?

The fact that electronics often fail during long-term storage, as well as a dead keyboard and a battery that has completely lost its capacity, are not taken into account.

And one more regularity. Very often you can see: the smaller the territory of the country, the more stringent laws are adopted regarding the disposal of old equipment in general and mobile devices in particular.

It is clear that in Russia, based on this logic, these laws should be as liberal as possible.

So for the most part, the only real opportunity to attach an old dialer somewhere is to sell it to those who buy up old phones by weight. There are such buyers in the Russian Federation.

They sell boards from old mobile phones at a price of about 300-400 rubles per kilogram, and unassembled phones for 100-150 rubles per kilogram.

The amount is not so hot, and where is there so much garbage to pay for at least a fare on public transport?

Also, some not too old models of phones or smartphones can be bought for spare parts in mobile device repair shops. In addition to the handsets themselves, you can also sell the charger.

In general, the severity of the problem of disposal of mobile phones and smartphones in Russia is not yet so great as to take any drastic measures in this regard.

In addition, the secondary market for mobile devices is developed in the country, so the life cycle of a phone or smartphone is many times longer than, for example, in Europe or the United States. It also reduces the number of devices to be recycled.

Disposal of old phones is currently a very urgent problem for the world ecology. Often the phone is changed simply because a newer, more modern model has come out. According to statistics, on average, one person purchases a new phone model every 18 months.

In the event that the phone remains operational, there are no particular problems in getting rid of it. It can be sold, taken to a pawnshop, donated, given to someone who needs it as part of volunteer programs.

But if the phone stopped working properly, everything becomes a little more complicated. Simply throwing it away as normal household waste is not the best way out, since many of the materials that make up the phone can be reused. In addition, a gadget thrown into a landfill will gradually pollute and poison the space around it.

Disposal cell phones benefits both the economy and the environment. Despite the fact that the legislation Russian Federation administrative responsibility is provided for citizens and organizations that simply throw it into a landfill household appliances(including mobile phones), tracking this moment is not so easy, so many people are irresponsible about this issue.

The phone case is usually made of plastic and/or metal. Metal can decompose for a long time, plastic does not decompose at all for centuries. If garbage in a landfill is incinerated, the burning plastic will release carcinogens into the atmosphere that threaten human health.

The rubber keyboard also does not decompose for decades, and when burned, it releases toxic substances that poison the air and water.

The glass that covers the display of a mobile phone eventually turns into sand, but this process can take centuries.

The battery generally contains dozens of substances hazardous to human health such as lithium, alkali, mercury, lead, arsenic.

Substances such as lead, lithium, chromium, used in the manufacture of smartphones, cause irreparable harm to the environment. Even in the smallest quantities, they have a detrimental effect on the state of the soil, groundwater and atmosphere, and this, in turn, leads to a total deterioration of the ecological situation.

How do you dispose of old cell phones?

Disposal of mobile phones occurs in several stages. First, the phones are sorted and dismantled. Some parts can be used by service centers for repairs. Those that cannot be used in this way are crushed and sent for smelting. Non-ferrous and ferrous metals are reused in the work of metallurgical enterprises. In addition, you can get some gold, silver, beryllium from each phone.

Battery disposal requires special attention. This is a time-consuming and dangerous process that must be carried out under appropriate conditions and exclusively by qualified specialists. Manufacturers strongly do not recommend violating the integrity of the battery and trying to disassemble it yourself. This can lead to completely unpredictable consequences.

Specialists open the battery, remove metal parts from it, which are sent for remelting, substances that are subject to reuse, are sent to specialized enterprises, the plastic body is crushed, the resulting crumb is most often used in the manufacture of paving.

Along with the development of the cell phone market, the technologies for recycling old mobile phones are also being improved. In a few decades, a discarded phone will decompose itself without disturbing the eco-balance - but so far one can only dream of it

Phone recycling program

Responsible manufacturers usually have a functioning cell phone recycling program because they are well aware of how widespread their products are and how quickly product lines are updated.

The most common phone recycling program includes eco boxes that allow you to get rid of your phone and be sure that it will be disposed of in the most environmentally friendly way.

For those for whom moral satisfaction is not a sufficient bonus, many manufacturers and electronics supermarkets offer the opportunity to hand over the phone for recycling for money. For the most part, this is not a cash payment, but a discount on new models of phones or other equipment. In large stores, promotions are often held when exchanging an old phone for a new one. This allows you to save some money on buying a new device and get rid of the old one at the same time.

It is clear that such programs operate best in large cities. Residents of small settlements, in order to be conscious in this matter, will have to look for options, for example, go to the regional or district center. Perhaps not everyone will like such efforts, however, the efforts will be rewarded with a clean environment, so the benefits of such a decision are obvious to anyone who thinks for the future.

Disposal of phones that were not taken from repair

Very often the owners service centers wondering what to do if the phone is not taken away from repair. It is inconvenient and costly to keep it for a long time, and getting rid of it sometimes does not give fear that after some time the customer will still come to demand his property back.

Often, the contract signed by the customer and the contractor specifies a free storage period of 30 days. After this period, storage fees apply. If time passes, and no one picks up the phone, then it can also be sent for recycling or sold, depending on technical condition device.

True, not every citizen can agree with such a decision. Thematic forums regularly raise topics like: “the phone was disposed of in the workshop after 30 days, what should I do?”. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that if the customer does not come to collect the results of the work within 60 days, then they can be sold by the contractor. (Article 738).


To date, disappointing statistics have been collected: only 3% of end-of-life phones are disposed of in an environmentally friendly way. Meanwhile, conscientious citizens could make a significant difference to the environment simply by ditching the idea of ​​throwing old phones in the landfill.

The day is not far off when in any large store you can find special containers for old gadgets or even get a tangible amount of money for a cell phone recycled.

Nowadays, progress forces from time to time to part with our familiar technology, as it becomes obsolete. The same thing happens with mobile phones. However, everyone wants to say goodbye to their phone on fairly favorable terms and not just throw it in the trash.

It is our company that claims that buying phones in Moscow is expensive - this is quite real. We offer such conditions of redemption, when it became really profitable to rent your equipment. Mobile phones have always been, and will always be, at a certain price, since these devices are really necessary for almost every citizen.

At present, the mobile phone is no longer just a means to maintain communication. This is real Personal Computer where you can upload anything you want. However, only new and modern devices can allow such functions.

Buying old and used phones for spare parts

We note right away that buying up obsolete models of mobile devices is practically the same as buying, for example, tablet computers, laptops or functional desktop computers. The owner comes to us, and our master checks the serviceability of the equipment. It is also inspected for any defects. After all, a really high-quality model can be quite expensive. Our buying of old and used phones for spare parts is fast enough and most importantly honest.

The specialist of our center always determines the following parameters of the product:

  • Complete set of the mobile device;
  • The exact age of the product;
  • What is the percentage of the phone's performance;
  • Are there any visible or hidden defects;
  • Number of pieces of equipment;
  • The desired cost is discussed, etc.

In any case, we can guarantee that the evaluation of the product by our specialist will be of high quality, without any underestimation of the cost. Therefore, buying phones in Moscow by our company is always quite a profitable business for anyone who wants to say goodbye to their old technology. As a reminder, we offer a service where

A computer