Ant: what is it in the phone? What is the difference between Bluetooth Low Energy and ANT? What is ant plus.

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Bluetooth support is available in almost any modern gadget. This has become the norm, and the usefulness of this communication standard is not discussed by anyone.

But the proprietary ANT protocol and the ANT + technology developed on its basis are nothing more than exotic so far, mainly found in models and.

But just like that, no one will develop and develop an alternative protocol - it has its advantages over Bluetooth.

What is ANT+

The creator of the protocol is Dynastream Innovations, which first proposed it back in 2004. Since then, a whole alliance of corporations has formed, promoting this standard with over 300 members today.

And among them are such names as or Texas Instruments, which in itself indicates the importance of ANT.

This technology wireless communication uses the unlicensed 2.4 GHz band. The communication range is approximately comparable to: the protocol specification limits it to 30 meters.

It is clear that in this case no one guarantees the maximum communication radius for any specific device that uses it.

Another useful feature is the significantly lower power consumption. For a smartphone, this is not so critical, but the fact that other devices using the ANT + interface can be powered by a coin cell battery is much more important for developers.

But the key property of the standard is its multi-channel nature. Communication is organized according to the master-slave principle, and the master device is able to receive information from several slaves at once, without interfering with each other.

This is what made this protocol so attractive for creating all kinds of sports equipment.

In smartphones

Gadget developers strive to "make friends" of their creations with everything they can. It would be surprising if the needs of athletes were ignored, especially in light of the intense promotion of healthy lifestyles.

There are many devices whose information needs to be transmitted to the main device, which is the smartphone:

  • Scales.
  • Pedometer.
  • Heart rate monitor.
  • Blood pressure indicator.
  • Thermometer.
  • Calorimeter.
The use of ANT + in smartphones is not limited to this list: it is quite capable of “climbing” into the patrimony of Bluetooth, for example, for remote control household appliances. But niche orientation to a certain extent prevents this.

To service all these devices, for mobile devices corresponding applications have been developed, which can be found in or.

With regard to the latter, it should be said right away: iPhones do not support ANT +, but no one forbids using adapters. The same applies to Android devices where given interface missing.

Technology Disadvantages

The main disadvantage is that not so many gadget models support ANT +. The need to use all kinds of adapters connected via USB or OTG does not make working with it more convenient.

The 2.4 GHz band used for operation can be “littered” with interference signals from Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, cordless phones. As a result, interface interference may occur.

Frequent compatibility issues software mobile devices with connected sensors.


No one seriously considers ANT+ as a competitor to Bluetooth, but in general it is quite a useful thing for those who actively monitor their health.

So if it is available in your gadget, it is worth spending a little time and understanding its capabilities. Controlling body parameters is a rather tempting idea, and its implementation requires minimal cost and effort.

Athlete equipment companies offer enough devices for almost any sport, with the possible exception of chess.

To date, there are many technologies for organizing wireless data networks, among which the most famous are Wi-Fi 802.11, Bluetooth, ZigBee, Z-Wave, WirelessHART / DUST, ISA 100a, various versions 802.15.4 protocols, as well as some proprietary versions of the ISM band protocols. But, due to the complexity and high power consumption, many protocols are of little use for developing some network automation and parameter monitoring applications.

In battery powered applications, given that time is the deciding factor battery life and low operating costs, the range of wireless technologies available is shrinking even further. However, two near field wireless communication standards have emerged that meet these requirements: Bluetooth Low Energy and ANT.

Topology of wireless networks

There are many ways to implement wireless networks to meet specific application requirements (Figure 1). A wireless node on the network (each circle in the figure) can be a transmitter, receiver, or transceiver. Some nodes are only slaves, they are only controlled or controlled. Others become masters or data aggregators and are used to connect to external communications. Some nodes can be used as repeaters when transferring data from one node to another.

A point-to-point topology is the simplest form of a network (Figure 1a). It can be a simple connection between a transmitter and a receiver, or two transceivers. The transmitting node can be any sensor, and the receiver, for example, an actuator.

The next common network topology is the "star" (Star) (Figure 1b). Several nodes are connected to a central controller. Therefore, such a connection can be defined as "multipoint-to-point". The nodes do not "communicate" directly with each other, they only exchange data with the central controller. The star topology can have another configuration in which the central controller broadcasts data to all other nodes. In this case, the connection is defined as point-to-multipoint.

In a network with a "cluster tree" (Tree) topology, there can be many branches (Figure 1c). The figure shows that in this case, data exchange is carried out between two networks with a star topology through central controllers. The next common topology, typical for wireless sensor networks, "each with each" (Mesh) can have many configurations (Figure 1d). Key Feature such a network is the ability of nodes to communicate directly with each other.

In addition, in a Mesh network, most nodes or every node can be relays, allowing data to be transmitted from one node to another even if they are not directly connected. For example, distance or limited power prevents node F from connecting directly to node A, but it can transmit data through other nodes (say, through B or E and C). Features of this topology make it possible to create wireless networks with large quantity nodes and a very large coverage area.

Even from the block diagram of the Mesh network, it can be seen that such a topology guarantees high reliability. If one node fails (for example, due to the discharge of the power source), or is blocked for some reason, then alternative ways can always be found for data transfer in this network. As a rule, such networks are more complex, but the additional costs for their implementation are justified by the reliability and coverage area.

All considered topologies of wireless networks include a central controller (central node). Can act as a central node Personal Computer, mobile phone or a special device - a router that connects to local network(LAN) or Internet.


Most ultra-low power wireless networking technologies find applications in consumer, medical, fitness and sports devices. Most often, these are mobile compact devices with one battery that can operate for several years. Possible areas of application include:

  • Consumer appliances:
    • Electronic devices tracking people or objects
    • Proximity detectors in identification, authorization and wireless lock systems
    • RFID-like devices
    • Metering devices with remote reading function
    • Toys
    • Automotive Applications
    • Home Area Networks
    • Human-machine interfaces and peripherals.
  • Medical devices and systems:
    • Remote health monitoring devices
    • Pulse, temperature, etc.
    • Body Area Networks.
  • Devices for sports and fitness:
    • Sports Watches and Monitoring Devices
    • Bicycle computers
    • Straps and belts with a heart rate transmitter.

Bluetooth Low Energy Technology

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) or Bluetooth 4.0 is a short-range wireless technology developed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) in 1998. Unlike previous standards - Bluetooth 2.0, Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR, Bluetooth 3.0 - the BLE standard is initially focused on use in self-powered data collection and monitoring systems.

BLE technology, also known as Bluetooth Smart, is a marketing name for low energy devices. Bluetooth can probably be considered the most widely used short range wireless technology due to its use in the billions mobile phones(in headsets and accessories) and millions of laptops. Thanks to the appearance of the Smart version, the technology is expected to be even more widely used around the world.

The development of Bluetooth Smart was based on a combination of various technical and radio techniques in order to achieve the lowest possible power consumption. The communication protocol has been modified to implement very short transmission duty cycles or short transmission signals between long pauses. The combination of extremely low sleep power consumption and short transmission duty cycles allows a Bluetooth Low Energy device to operate on a single coin cell watch battery for many years.

BLE, like standard Bluetooth, operates in the unlicensed ISM band 2.4 - 2.483 GHz. However, this technology uses a different method of pseudo-random hopping of the operating frequency (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum). In the standard Bluetooth protocol, the operating frequency hops 1600 times per second within 79 1 MHz channels. Bluetooth LE uses 40 channels of 2 MHz width, which improves the reliability of data transmission over long distances. Transmission speed Bluetooth data can be 1, 2 or 3 Mbps, and the maximum speed of BLE is 1 Mbps with a network bandwidth of 260 Kbps. BLE also uses GFSK (Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying) modulation.

The output power of BLE transmitters is 0 dB (1 mW), with a typical maximum communication range of 50 m. Latency is measured in as little as 6 milliseconds. The combination of an adaptive frequency hopping technique (reducing interference) with 24-bit cyclic redundancy codes and a 32-bit frame integrity check (MIC) field improves communication reliability. The AES-128 encryption algorithm is used, and the most common network topologies are point-to-point and star.

However, one key point must be taken into account: BLE is not compatible with standard Bluetooth, BLE devices cannot communicate with classic Bluetooth devices. However, if you need to solve this problem, you can use dual-mode devices that support both protocol stacks.

The dual device is integrated circuit, which includes RF blocks for both standard Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy. Each of them works separately, but not simultaneously, although they can share one antenna. Several manufacturers such as Broadcom, CSR, EM Microelectronics, Nordic Semiconductor, and Texas Instruments offer dedicated dual-mode Bluetooth chips. Complete solutions in the form of Bluetooth modules are offered by connectBlue (Figure 2).

ANT Technology

ANT is another wireless technology short-range, ultra-low consumption, designed to create sensor networks and similar applications. As with Bluetooth, the 2.4 GHz ISM band is used. Proprietary protocol developed and marketed by Canadian company Dynastream Innovations - subsidiary Garmin. Until recently, the technology has been used mainly in the field of sports applications and to create personal networks for monitoring human health. However, it is applicable to all applications described above.

ANT technology has a lot in common with Bluetooth LE. The ANT protocol stack also uses a short data transfer technique and deep sleep mode to reduce power consumption. Each wireless node of the ANT network can be a slave or master, can transmit or receive data, and also perform the functions of a repeater.

The ANT protocol uses only one 1 MHz wide channel for multiple nodes, so it is based on a time division multiplexing technique. Each node transmits data only in its own time slot. The basic message duration is 150 µs, while the 8-bit message rate (time between transmissions) varies and covers a frequency range of 0.5 Hz - 200 Hz. 16-bit cyclic redundancy codes (CRC16) are used for error detection. Up to 65536 timeslots can be defined for each channel. If interference is detected on the channel, the node transceivers may change the channel. Again, GFSK modulation is used.

Relatively recently, ANT + was added to ANT. It is a purely software extension of the original technology that implements a managed network interoperability feature that simplifies the collection, automatic transmission, and tracking of sensor data to monitor all networks, nodes, and devices. Another distinctive feature of ANT is the SensRcore wireless sensor network development system. Specialized transceiver ICs are available from Nordic Semiconductor and Texas Instruments (Figure 3).

Studying the characteristics of new phones, you can notice an option that a few years ago did not meet at all. This feature is called ANT+ and is now available on many flagship and mid-range phones based on operating system Android.

ANT+ or ANT Plus is another wireless data technology that modern phones are equipped with. ANT+ is designed for use in smart sports gadgets such as pedometers, heart rate monitors, cycling computers, etc. ANT+ technology is built on wireless network ANT, which works in frequency range 2.4 GHz and was developed by Dynastream Innovations back in 2004. Main Feature ANT network and subsequently ANT+ is low power consumption. Thanks to this, transmitting devices can even work from a flat battery.

ANT+ is currently supported by an alliance of companies organized by Dynastream Innovations. As of the end of 2010, more than 300 different companies, including such as Microsoft, Texas Instruments, Sony Ericsson, Timex, Adidas and Concept2.

What is ANT+ for?

As already mentioned, ANT + is used to wirelessly receive data from sensors. Most often, devices with ANT + are used in areas such as sports, fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

For example, using ANT+, you can send data from sensors such as:

  • heart rate monitor;
  • activity sensor;
  • calorimeters;
  • scales;
  • speed sensor;
  • blood pressure monitor;
  • glucometer (measurement of blood sugar);
  • temperature sensor;
  • pedaling speed sensors;
  • pedometer;
  • power meter;

A phone can be used as the receiving device. To do this, it must be equipped with a special module that will receive and process ANT + signals. With such a module, sports applications on your phone will be able to receive data from your sensors, process this information and display it in a convenient way.

How ANT+ differs from Bluetooth

Studying the scope of ANT +, one can come to the conclusion that it can be replaced by a more famous and popular one. After all, Bluetooth can also transmit data wirelessly and is often used in compact devices, in particular, Bluetooth is supported by absolutely all phones.

In fact, there are quite a few differences between ANT+ and Bluetooth. First, ANT+ requires much less power, which allows the transmitting sensors to be much more compact and provide long battery life. Second, ANT+ and Bluetooth miscellaneous network structure. Information transmitted by sensors via ANT+ can be received by various devices. For example, if you work with a trainer, then your heart rate data can be received by both your phone and the trainer's phone. While when using Bluetooth, only one device can receive information from sensors.

ANT is a low power wireless sensor communications protocol that operates within a specific frequency range. It was developed in 2004 by a company that was taken over by Garmin, a manufacturer of GPS navigation equipment.

Today at modern devices uses the ANT+ protocol (ANT Plus) - wireless secure data transmission. Used primarily in medicine and sports.

What does ANT+ do?

ANT+ is in many ways similar to another well-known communication protocol, BlueTooth, but not all devices support ANT+.

The ANT+ protocol has a range of up to 30 meters. For comparison, the range of the same BlueTooth in many cases does not exceed 10-15 meters.

ANT+ allows two components to be interconnected. So, for example, it can be used to receive information from sensors installed in the next room to a smartphone.

Where is ANT+ used?

There are three main areas of application for ANT+: medicine, sports, and home health. Here are some cases where the current protocol transmission is used:

  • Speed ​​sensors
  • Pedometer
  • heart rate monitor
  • Activity sensor
  • Heart rate monitor
  • Lighting control
  • Music player management
  • Fitness control

How is ANT+ better than BlueTooth?

The main advantage is in power consumption. ANT+ consumes less power, which has a positive effect on device autonomy. According to various sources, energy savings can reach 50-70%.

The second advantage is that it is possible to launch several applications at once that will use the same communication protocol, which can be very convenient in some cases.

Electronics is developing rapidly, and the most familiar Appliances receive such functions that no one could attribute to them before. The usual smartphone has big set opportunities. Today we will talk about ANT technology, find out what it is and discuss the features.

What is ANT+?

This is a special protocol that allows mobile device receive information from nearby sensors. This is data from:

  • speed sensors
  • pedometers
  • heart rate sensors
  • calorie counters

So that your mobile device can freely contact devices that measure your condition and physical activity, it is equipped with a special wireless communication module that supports the transport of information via the ANT + protocol. There are many examples of such a module - among the most common is the WCN3680 manufactured by Qualcomm. Data transmission is carried out at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, the communication range is approximately three tens of meters.

Principle of operation

ANT+ refers to adaptive synchronous protocols, where each connection occurs between two components, one of which is a slave and the other is a master.

Differences from Bluetooth

An inquisitive mind has already noticed a certain similarity between Bluetooth and ANT+. Despite the common frequency of operation, the two communication standards have a number of differences from each other. They have a different packet structure, different channel spacing and reception range - Bluetooth works at a distance of up to 50 meters.

ANT+ outperforms its competitor in terms of power consumption. In sleep and active modes, the consumption is approximately identical, but when initiating communication sessions, the difference is obvious. Features of the ANT+ format allow it to send less additional data. There are other points, the difference on each of which is small separately, but in total an overweight of 30 percent is planned. The presence of this protocol will be a positive factor for people who attach great importance to the power consumption of a smartphone.


ANT + is a kind of technology that allows you to connect many devices to your gadget at once. So far, it will only be useful to fans of utilities related to sports. But that's not all - the list of supported applications is growing rapidly, owners of devices with this technology can control music playback, view navigation data, and so on.
