How to open dat on iphone. winmail dat file on computer

Today we will talk about what the Winmail.dat file is, how to open it and what to use it for. This element refers to e-mail, or rather to attachments to correspondence.


Many users ask themselves questions about what Winmail.dat is, how to open such material and how to work with it, because they find letters with such content. Most often, the .dat file is not associated with any of the applications installed on the PC. The fact is that, as a rule, it is assigned to service materials that do not require direct interaction with the user. But this is a special case. To the question of which program to open Winmail.dat, you can give an unambiguous answer - Microsoft Outlook. By using this application you will solve all file problems. Microsoft Outlook automatically processes the specified materials and converts them into familiar look. If you work with mail directly in the Internet browser, there may be problems with the specified format.

Winmail.dat file: how to open

If you don't have Outlook on your PC, or if you don't want to use it for some reason, there are other solutions that can help. Each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses. The Winmail Opener application developed by EolSoft has proved to be excellent.

Program features

The above solution is provided free of charge. So, to work, we move Winmail.dat with the mouse into the program window and get the decoded material for further processing. Various interface languages ​​are supported, including Russian.

If you're wondering how to open a Winmail.dat file on Mac OS X, Letter Opener Lite can help you. Through this decision the material will be converted to Mac OS X Mail standard. There are several other important issues that need to be clarified.

Where do Winmail.dat files come from?

When the Outlook client sends email, using the RTF format, which is in demand mainly in Windows environment, all data about (italics, bold) are attached to the message as separate file, which has the winmail.dat extension. In the case when the recipient does not know the MS-TNEF format, it will be impossible to read it without using additional resources. The most inconvenient is the case when winmail.dat gets spreadsheets, documents and other materials. In this case, a situation arises in which the letter refers to the attachment, but it is impossible to read it. Only the sender of the letter can disable the occurrence of winmail.dat in correspondence by setting Outlook accordingly. He needs to forbid the program to send letters to

If you are using Outlook 2010, perform a series of simple steps. Open the File menu and use the Options command. Let's move on to the Mail section. Find the Compose Messages function. We use a dropdown list. Choose Plain Text or HTML. Scroll down the list of settings. Find the item Rich Text. Select Plain Text or HTML Format from the corresponding one. If the Russian-language version of the program is used, you should follow a similar path, but in this case everything will be intuitive. If the sender follows the described instructions, the problem with unrecognized attachments will be resolved.

So we figured out what the Winmail.dat file is, how to open it and for what purposes it is used. In conclusion, we will talk about another program that will help reproduce the material of interest to us. It's called Windows Live Mail. This is a free email client from Microsoft that works with platform versions Vista, as well as 8 and 7. Thanks to automatic download correspondence to Personal Computer, you can view emails when you are not connected to the network. You can also write replies, and they will be delivered to recipients as soon as Internet access is available.

Periodically, our employee from one of his addressees in Thunderbird v.17 emails arrive with only one attachment WinMail.dat.

At first I thought it was some kind of glitch of them (i.e. the sender) mail server and didn't care about everything. But when it turned out that our employee did not receive some letters from his colleague, I had to delve into the essence of this problem.

And as always, Microsoft turned out to be "guilty" :)

Googling I found the description of the file winmail.dat and several ways to solve this problem ... but for Outlook "a. And on the sender's side. Of course, if possible, you can ask the sender to reconfigure their mail program but unfortunately we don't have that option. So I started looking for other options.

After a while, I noticed that the letters viewed through the Web browser are displayed in a normal way, no winmail There are no files at all.

And if so, then the problem is also in Thunderbird"e with content display. Moreover, if you send a letter to yourself, or to another addressee through a web browser, then in Tb all attachments are perfectly visible.

Climbing through the settings as the program itself Tb, and account To be honest, I didn’t find anything useful for solving this issue. Maybe I missed something, I do not exclude.

So, a couple of crutches I found to solve this problem:

Crutch number 1.

Search among add-ons by name " winmail.dat"gives out" look out"Version 1.2.13. Installing it, at first glance, did not help, except that they were not displayed earlier visible files, and even with extensions. But unfortunately not openable.

But that's good too. Now you just need to go to add-on settings " look out" and put a single tick on " Disable Filename Character Set Conversion".

Now in the attachment to the letter, in addition to the file WinMail.dat and couples body_part_0 and 1 you can clearly see the nested files with a quite understandable name.

Crutch #2

Install a small program Winmail Opener. With its help, it will be possible to open and extract the contents winmail.dat. Here's what they write about the program itself on the developers' website.

Downloading and installing the program should not cause any difficulties. Upon completion of the installation, a program icon appears on the desktop, when launched, you can immediately open the file WinMail.dat.

And you can configure the program so that when you double-click in Tb show content immediately WinMail.dat.

For this in Thunderbird"e you just need to create an association between the extension *.dat and program winmail opener.

To do this, right-click on WinMail.dat, select " Open", then press " Review". In the proposed list, most likely not desired program, so again you need to press the button " Review and find her. Windows XP path like this C:\Program Files\Winmail Opener\wmopener.exe". In Win7 and 8, it will most likely be similar.

Did you receive an email with an attachment winmail.dat? And you don't know what it is and how to open it?

Very often letters with winmail.dat attachments can come from large companies, for example, the author given text ran into winmail.dat when I received an invitation for a job interview from a firm.

The answer to the question what is winmail.dat is very simple. The sender of this letter used Microsoft Outlook.

This is due to the fact that MS Outlook, when sending a letter, uses the RTF or HTML format, and attaches to it automatically generates a winmail.dat file that contains formatting information (for example, font, color, etc.) that will be used for correct display of the letter, also attachments of the letter (documents, images, etc.) can be packed into this file.

If you are using MS Outlook, then you will not have any problems and you will not even see this attachment, so the mail client will automatically display everything.

However, if you use another email client or use mail through browsers, then you will receive a regular email with a winmail.dat attachment. This is exactly what happened to me. I received a letter stating that documents had been sent to me, but there was nothing except the winmail.dat file.

I started looking for information on the Internet how to open winmail.dat, the solution to the problem, as it turned out, was not difficult.
Easily winmail.dat can be opened with a simple Winmail Opener program, in which, by the way, the Russian language is available.
It is about this how to open winmail.dat using Winmail Opener that I will tell.

You can download the Winmail Opener program for free from the official website.

Step by step installation of Winmail Opener and opening the winmail.dat file.

1. Having downloaded the program, we proceed to the installation.

2. The Winmail Opener installation window appears, click Next.

3. We accept the terms of the license agreement by clicking the "I agree" button (I agree).

4.Select the folder where Winmail Opener will be installed and click the "Install" button.

5. After the program is installed, check the box next to "Run Winmail Opener 1.6" (Run Winmail Opener) and click the "Finish" button.

6. The program window appears, as you can see the program is in Russian. In the menu, select "File" - "Open".

7. Select the winmail.dat attachment that came to the mail (which we previously downloaded to the computer). And click the "Open" button.

8. The whole message is open, on the right you can see the files that were packed in winmail.dat. Just open or save them to your computer in a format convenient for us.

We hope you found the article on how to open winmail.dat with Winmail Opener helpful. Thank you for your attention.

When people send messages from incorrectly configured Microsoft Outlook email clients, a file attachment called winmail.dat may be added as an attachment to the message. This file contains formatting information for messages that use Microsoft's proprietary TNEF standard and any attachments sent with the original message. The file is not recognized by other email clients. Because of this, any attachments sent with the original message are not displayed in Thunderbird "s message pane.

If you try to open winmail.dat , you will probably be prompted to specify the application that should be used to open the file. Because this file is in a Microsoft proprietary Outlook/Exchange format, you may not have an application installed that can decode this file and display it. Even if your system is capable of displaying the file, it does not contain any useful information.

To prevent this file from being attached to messages, the sender of the message (or their system administrator) can configure various options as described in this

If you receive an email with an attached winmail.dat file, do not rush to delete it, fearing that it is a virus. In this issue of "RTFM" we will talk about possible actions with this mail file and how to extract data from it.

At one time, working as a system administrator in one of the Moscow companies, I quite often had to deal with complaints from employees who, they say, received an email with an attached winmail.dat file, allegedly containing a virus. Moreover, the logic of employees (especially females) is ironclad - since the file cannot be opened with two mouse clicks, it means that there is a virus! Microsoft, apparently knowing the habit of office workers to open everything and everything, with good intentions in latest versions its "mail" products has introduced the blocking of attachments. This desperate move, however, added even more problems. system administrators, on whose shoulders the task of extracting blocked data, the solution of which we recently considered, fell.

Well, back to the beginning of our conversation, namely the aforementioned mysterious winmail.dat file. What it is and how to deal with it, let's try to figure it out in this article.

The winmail.dat file is our mysterious stranger.

The presence of an attached winmail.dat file indicates that the user sent you an email using the Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF) format, which contains complex text formatting instructions, special Outlook tools, and attachments. Typically, this method of sending emails is used by Outlook clients (from Microsoft package office) and software Microsoft Exchange Client.

In order to exclude sending letters in TNEF format, it is enough in the settings mail client disable the use of the RTF format when sending correspondence, choosing HTML or plain text as an alternative. All these actions are shown in the following screenshot. For more complex cases, Microsoft provides users with help (see or ) to prevent the winmail.dat file from being sent to users.

Settings for the format of sent mail.

We got rid of sending letters in this special format, but how to extract data from the winmail.dat file? This will help us special utility Fentun (THEF Attachment Extractor) which works from command line. To run the program, you must specify our file in TNEF format as its parameter:

  1. Switch to command line mode Start -> Run... -> cmd.exe).
  2. Using the command line, we go to our working directory.
  3. We launch the Fentun utility with the winmail.dat file as a parameter ( fentun.exe winmail.dat).
  4. In the program window that opens, select the data we need and extract it by saving it to disk.

Launching the utility with parameters in command line mode.
