What to do if the Huawei does not turn on. The phone does not turn on

Huawei releases reliable smartphones, but often they fail due to careless manipulations of their owner. If the Huawei phone does not turn on, the reason for this may be accidental drops of the device or an unsuccessful change in its software. In this state, a stylish and powerful device turns into a "brick". Everyone knows what to do with a brick, but what to do with a similar gadget? We will now talk about how to turn on a Huawei phone in such a situation.

All the reasons why the Huawei phone does not turn on can be divided into two groups - software and hardware. The first include failures caused by applications, firmware errors, and the second - mechanical damage to the elements of the device.

If, after turning on, instead of a familiar greeting, you see a dark screen, then the reasons for this should be sought in the following:

  • System malfunctions. The device may just be frozen. This happens when there are problems with the system or when installing updates. Some users, for the sake of economy, do their own flashing. Such "savings" most often leads to freezing. There is only one way out in such a situation - to contact service center whose specialists will restore the system and install the latest updates;

So, with why Huawei does not turn on, we figured it out. But how to restore its performance?

Phone mechanical damage

A smartphone, as mentioned above, is a very fragile thing. Therefore, often after falling on a hard surface, Huawei does not turn on. This means that as a result of the impact received during the fall, the battery contacts, the power button cable, or the processor failed. Failure of these parts leads to the fact that the phone simply cannot turn on. In such a situation, in the first place, you should not try to fix the device yourself, as this can only aggravate your problem. It is better to contact the service center.

Battery failure

There may be such a situation - Huawei turns on, but the battery runs out extremely quickly. The reason for this is a faulty battery. The device will not function normally even if you connect it to the mains. The battery can quickly lose power due to the fact that it is damaged on impact or swollen. In this case, it is enough just to buy new battery appropriate for your model.

Water ingress into the phone

The phone worked, but what if it does not turn on now? Maybe liquid got inside it. The unit may accidentally fall into a sink or bathroom, or be exposed to rain. As a result, moisture gets inside the device, which caused oxidative processes, they can ultimately completely destroy the gadget.

Only the intervention of an experienced specialist can save a smartphone in such a situation. The only thing that is required of you is to quickly de-energize the device, do not try to turn it on, let alone charge it. Even a well-dried smartphone at home can turn into a “brick” if you try to charge it. I think not everyone can boast of having a binocular microscope at home, soldering station, ultrasonic bath, isopropyl alcohol, right? So entrust the “treatment” to professionals.

No phone charge

Huawei phone turns off, turned off and does not turn on? So, you are dealing with a rather banal problem, which may hide other problems, for example, problems with the memory connector or battery failure. These problems usually develop gradually. Apparently, your smartphone has had problems with charging before, but they were solved by strongly pressing the plug into the connector. Now your manipulations have become useless, and you cannot properly charge the battery.

Decide this problem at home it is extremely difficult and it is better to contact the master of the service center. Sooner or later, the charging socket will break off and cause a lot of trouble on the board (for example, it will tear off nearby parts). So do not delay the repair.

After handing over the phone to a service center, be sure to demand that you return the replaced part after the repair work is completed. What for? The fact is that many "masters" prefer not to change the charging socket, but simply solder the old one. This in no way eliminates the problem, but only allows you to get rid of its consequences. The reason is that poor contact of this socket with the memory remains. As a result, you will soon go to the service center again for solutions to the same problem.

Software error

Sometimes a Huawei phone does not boot due to an incorrectly performed update. If the Huawei phone does not turn on, then you made a serious mistake when flashing. To solve this problem at home, the Jaga technique is proposed, the essence of which is to create a special plug (Jaga) by soldering 5 or 4 contacts through a 310 kOhm resistor. This Jag is inserted into the device with the battery removed.

Various forums will help bring the gadget back to life after an unsuccessful flashing, where you can find out how to restore your model from a state of blocking or flashing. There you will also find a description of what should be done to restore the device by closing the contacts with the battery removed. Before starting restoration work, you should download and install a special application on your computer - Random's Flash & backup. Then remove the battery, close pins 5 and 4 between each other, keeping the needles closed, insert the battery, insert the cord into the connector and connect to the PC. The program will inform you that the smartphone is connected, and the logo should light up on the phone. Then strictly follow the instructions that the program will give you.

If the above actions did not lead to the restoration of the gadget's operability, then you should seek help from a service center specialist.

If your phone does not turn on, it can make any user nervous, but in any case, before taking the device to a service center, you can try first aid to resuscitate your smartphone. Problems due to which the phone does not turn on can be either software, for example, a firmware problem due to an unsuccessful update, or hardware, for example, due to a failed battery.

Below we have tried to put together a lot of tips to help you figure out why your phone won't turn on. If none of the tips helped you, please describe your problem in the comments.

The phone does not turn on after repair.

If you decide to disassemble the phone yourself, and after assembly it does not turn on, then the problem may be that you simply forgot to connect the power to the system board of your device. You must take it apart again and make sure that the power supply from the battery to the motherboard is not broken and all cables are in place. If you have a multimeter, try checking the voltage on the battery, or after assembling the phone, try putting it on charge. Almost all phones notify about the start of charging, even if the device is turned off.

What to do if water gets into the smartphone

Let's look at the hardware reasons why the smartphone does not turn on.
One reason could be a fall into the water. What should I do if my phone falls into water? First, remove the battery, you need to do this as quickly as possible, then dry the smartphone with a hairdryer. Control the air, it should not be hot, otherwise the touch glass and some other components will simply start to peel off. Then, without inserting the battery into the smartphone, put it in a warm place. It is worth noting that you do not have many chances for salvation and it is possible that you will not do without losses. In particular, the buttons on the device may stop working. If you have dried your smartphone, but it does not turn on, it needs repair at a service center. The worst thing that can be is replacing the motherboard, which, by the way, costs as much as a smartphone.

The smartphone does not turn on after a complete discharge.

This problem is observed in some modern smartphones. In particular, Sony phones. Some Sony phones had such a feature that they could not be turned on after a complete discharge if the phone was in this state for a long time. One thing helps long charge battery with a current of 2A. And this is almost all chargers.

In any case, as I wrote above, you need to put your smartphone on charge for several hours. Usually the problem goes away on its own. You can try a charger with a higher current, for example, 1.5 or 2 Amps.

Also try to make your smartphone.

Check the battery. The phone may not turn on due to a defective battery.

This is a prerequisite. If you have a removable battery and it is possible to put another - do it. Sometimes, although not often, the problem due to which the smartphone does not turn on can be in the battery. By the way, is your battery fully charged? Maybe this is the issue?

For some phones, especially if the phone is several years old, the actual battery charge may not match what your phone shows. If your phone does not turn on, try keeping it on charge for several hours. It is possible that the battery will charge and the phone will turn on.

The battery wears out very quickly. Many manufacturers mobile phones They give a guarantee for the device itself for one year, and for the battery for half a year. The reason for the failure of the battery is quite simple - a very heavy load on it. We constantly charge the phone, and as you know, batteries lose their charge with each charge-discharge cycle. So, for example, the standard lithium-ion batteries installed in our phones work properly under load for no more than two and a half years.

Check your charger.

If your smartphone is dead and it doesn’t turn on anymore, maybe it’s about charging? Try charging your device from a computer. If the phone does not show signs of life within half an hour, the problem is not in the charger. If the phone seems to be charging, but cannot be charged, check the charger on another phone. It is possible that it will need to be replaced with a new one.

The phone does not turn on after being dropped. Mechanical damage.

Smartphone manufacturers like to say that their phones can't be scratched, sunk, or smashed. Manufacturers give their phones screen protectors Gorilla glass, IP67 level waterproof, shockproof housing and so on. Despite all the phone protection measures taken by companies, it often happens that the phone does not turn on after being dropped. For example, about asphalt or falling into water. Unfortunately, all that can be done at home after a fall is to see if the battery, power cable or display cable has gone off, in case there is an audible and vibrating turn-on signal.

Do something more with dropped phone unlikely to work at home. To do this, you need to check the voltage on the battery and on the system board. If the phone has fallen and does not turn on, and there are no necessary tools at home, then you will have to take the phone to a service center.

After the firmware, the phone does not turn on.

One of the most common reasons why the phone may not turn on is due to improper installed firmware or update. After flashing or updating the phone does not turn on due to incorrect installation of files. In this case, you will need to flash your phone. For example, if your Samsung phone does not turn on, then you will need to download the firmware from the official Samsung website and the Odin flash driver. With this program, you can flash your phone. You will delete all settings and files on internal memory, but there is a chance that the phone will turn on.

If a does not turn on lenovo phone , then in this case you need to go to recovery mode by pressing the power key and volume up key at the same time. In the Recovery menu, you will need to select the menu item wipe data / factory reset, and then Yes - delete all user data. Unfortunately, at different phones go to Recovery menu can be different. If you are sure you installed official firmware or official update, then contact the authorized service center of the manufacturer, they will restore the firmware.

But we recommend that you try execute hard reset by resetting your phone to factory settings. Very often this helps if the phone does not turn on. Below we have selected keyboard shortcuts for popular phones.

Samsung phone won't turn on: Press the volume rocker up, the center menu button and the power button at the same time.

LG phone won't turn on: Hold down the power button and the volume rocker at the same time, then select wipe data / factory reset.

Huawei phone won't turn on: Press the volume up key and the power button at the same time. You can try pressing the home button, the volume up key, and the power button.

If you do not turn on another phone after flashing, write the exact model in the comments. We will try to help you.

The phone turns on and immediately turns off, what to do.

It often happens that your phone, after updating or installing a program, turns on and immediately turns off. Usually it looks like this: the phone turns on, the logo appears, the download goes through and the phone goes into perpetual reboot or turns off. There can be a lot of problems here, from the firmware to the battery. If you have a problem with your phone after flashing or updating the device, then roll back to the previous firmware or perform a factory reset. Will help.

Sometimes the phone turns off, even at the stage of loading the device. Consider your phone does not turn on and tips from previous paragraph. You must perform a HARD RESET or flash the device using a computer.

If you have not updated the firmware, then the whole thing may be in the power button, which "sticks" and turns off the phone. Unfortunately, this happens very often, especially if the phone is in the water. In almost all smartphones, the button is soldered to the motherboard and can be replaced.

If a phone turns off and immediately turns off after a full download, when you see the desktop and icons, then try to remove the latest installed programs, of course, if there is enough time for this.

The phone may immediately turn off due to the battery. Check battery cable and system board. Even if the smartphone has a "non-removable" battery, removing it is not so difficult. In any case, if you are sure that the problem is not in the firmware, then you can most likely find out the exact problem due to which the phone turns on and immediately turns off at the service center. Again, the problem is either in the firmware or in the power circuit.

These simple steps can help you in first aid if your smartphone does not turn on. If none of these items suits you, take the device to the store if it is under warranty or to a phone repair service center if the warranty is no longer there.

Let's look at the reasons why your Huawei phone won't boot up and try to fix the problem. In some cases, diagnostics will be required on professional equipment, which is available only in service centers.

All the reasons why your phone does not turn on can be divided into hardware and software. The former include physical damage to smartphone components, and the latter include errors in the firmware itself, as well as failures due to installed applications. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

The main reasons why your Huawei phone does not turn on

If, when you turn on, you see only a dark screen, the matter may be as follows:

  • The battery has failed. If this happens, it will have to be replaced. This usually happens when using poor quality chargers, water ingress. There is also a factory marriage. The battery can quickly lose capacity with constant use and frequent recharging (relevant for models that have been in operation for several years).
  • Problems with the power connector. Maybe it's just not charging. This happens with serious mechanical damage. To correct the situation, you need to carry out repair work.
  • Phone drop. A strong blow causes the failure of one of the internal parts of the device. Also, one of the many internal plumes could get microcracks. It will take diagnostics to establish the cause and then eliminate it.
  • Water has entered the smartphone. If liquid enters, a short circuit may occur. Oxidative processes quickly destroy the device. If liquid gets in, nothing can be done on your own, you can simply completely destroy the device. Bring Huawei to our master, and he will perform restoration work, competently dry the device with special tools and means.
  • The power button doesn't work. It could be damaged by falls and strong blows. It also happens to be enough to press a little harder on it. Sometimes the loop goes off. If the button does not work, the master will quickly replace it.
  • System problems. Perhaps the smartphone just hung. This often happens when there are problems with the system, as well as installing updates. Sometimes users do an independent flashing, which can lead to similar consequences. If your Huawei is buggy - contact us: we will restore the system and install the latest updates.

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If you have any problems with Huawei - we are waiting for you!

Name Description Price, rub
Departure of the master Departure around the city and up to 10 km. from the city limits. Is free
Departure of the master to the region Departure more than 10 km but less than 45 km. from the city limits on weekdays and weekends until 20:00. Is free
Late departure of the master Departure more than 10 km, but less than 45 km from the city limits on weekdays and weekends after 20:00. Is free
Software diagnostics Software diagnostics of a computer or laptop without disassembly. It is carried out at the location of the client to draw up an estimate of the necessary work. Is free
Windows installation XP/Vista/7/8/10 from 400
Driver installation from 350
Installing programs from 400
Installing an antivirus from 320
Treatment/removal of viruses from 310
Installing or replacing components in the system unit Installation or replacement of one part, such as:
  • motherboard
  • CPU
  • processor cooling system
  • HDD
  • video card
  • sound card
  • power unit
  • RAM
  • sound card
  • Network Card
195 — 595
Modernization (upgrade) of the computer The cost depends on the configuration you choose and the scope of work. from 1500 to 13990
Laptop cleaning 1895
Replacement hard drive(winchester) from 450
Replacement motherboard on a laptop from 3000 to 9000
Replacement random access memory(RAM) from 590 + parts from 1990
Laptop screen replacement from 790
Setting up wired internet from 280
Setting up a Wi-Fi router from 400
Cabling from 40
RJ-45 connector crimp from 480

* The cost of services (price) is determined by the service engineer after the diagnosis. Prices do not include the cost of accessories.

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Work problems Huawei smartphones rarely occur, however, due to a number of circumstances related to a greater extent to the actions of the users themselves, malfunctions still occur. At the same time, some of them can be solved independently, while others - only by contacting a service center.

Huawei phone won't turn on

The lack of a smartphone response to holding the power button is a sign of a malfunction of the technical component of the device. In this case, there may be several reasons why Huawei does not turn on:

  1. phone drop. Strong impacts on hard surfaces (metal, stone, wood) can destroy parts such as the power button cable, battery contacts, and even the processor. Violation of the integrity of these elements leads to the loss of the smartphone's ability to turn on. In this case, you should not repair the phone on your own - you can make the device even worse.
  2. Battery failure. Without a good battery, the smartphone will not work, even if the phone is connected to the mains. The battery may swell, become damaged, or simply lose power. In this case, it is enough to purchase a new battery that matches your model of Huawei smartphone.
  3. water penetration. The phone can get caught in heavy rain, fall into the bathroom or sink, get wet along with the owner in the river. After each of these cases, you need to place the smartphone as close to the battery as possible (but not on it), and let it dry for 2-3 days. If the gadget does not start working, you should contact the service center.
  4. No charging. The problem is quite commonplace, but it can also cover other problems, in particular, battery failure or problems with the charging connector.

In any case, with a technical malfunction Huawei phone it is better to contact the service.
