What are tweets. Why you need Twitter and how to use it

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Remember Polaroids - cameras that immediately printed pictures on small cards. You could capture the moment and immediately see a small photo.

This is microblogging. You don’t write a big longread in it, instead, share your thought or emotion very capaciously.

What is the essence of Twitter

Each person can start their own microblog. And share your thoughts. Previously, it was not possible to write messages longer than 140 characters. Now the limit has been doubled - 240 characters.

This volume is enough to express an opinion without further ado.

What is Twitter for?

Users exchange short messages about what excites them in this moment.

Be aware of the life of media personalities

You can subscribe and follow how celebrities live. They like to talk to other media people, to argue with them. When Donald Trump unexpectedly came to power in America, many Hollywood stars began to argue right on Twitter what would happen now. And such disputes were followed by millions.

Twitter for business

Maintaining a page can be very beneficial for your business. You can talk about your products and services. Communicate with the audience, answer its questions, work with the negative. Build the presence of your brand on the Internet competently - increasing the loyalty and engagement of subscribers, turning them into potential customers.

When creating a page on Twitter, it is important to choose the right username by which you will be found. It is desirable to make an account registration in the same style as the pages on other sites. Also, be sure to include your website address, location, and fill in information about yourself (it's a great idea to include the mission of the company and the benefits it can bring).

What to post on Twitter

Share important information, answer questions from your customers and users. Many companies use twitter as a help desk.

You can use tweets to convey the following messages to your audience:

  • promotions, drawings, discounts and special offers;
    interesting facts, research results and links to other information that may be of interest to your customers;
  • share useful and valuable information;
  • ask your customers questions directly via twitter, arrange polls;
  • encourage users of your products and services to create content related to your brand;
  • ask articles on what topics on the main site are of interest to followers;
  • congratulate them on holidays;
  • dilute serious materials with entertaining content;
  • describe different ways application of your products;
    website promotion, twitter is a very good tool for this.

Self promotion on Twitter

You can visually interest your profile with the help of page design. The background image can also be used to place there useful information. However, don't forget about balance and don't overload your design.

It is necessary to respond to all mentions of the brand on the network. Use networking, add companies operating in related industries, join discussions on topics that may be of interest to your audience (topics can be searched by hashtags). You can offer your followers special discounts and gifts. Discussions, disputes increase interest in your channel, call your subscribers for a dialogue.

Most importantly, create your own unique content and don't retweet too often.

What is Twitter?

First of all, despite a whole bunch of useful features, Twitter is a social network that is based on microblogging.

In other words, instead of posts the size of China, as can be done in the same VKontakte, or, small messages are exchanged here, which are limited to characters (each language has a different number of characters, in Russia - 140) and the ability to attach multiple images, videos or .gif files (animation).

The history of Twitter dates back to 2006, when it was conceived as a chat, a quick exchange and a small platform for communication.

But such positioning did not particularly attract people, so the creator of the network, Jack Dorsey, having assembled a team, decided to start everything from scratch. And with good advertising.

Then people responded positively about the platform, and the developers began to completely rewrite the design and functionality, created a logo and began to make themselves even louder, having received a rather large monetary contribution to the site.

Actually, this event became a turning point, and since 2007 we see Twitter as it is now. Yes, some features have changed, but over time they have only gotten better.

And yet, what is Twitter for? What features does it give users?

Twitter features

Microblogging has become a very convenient way to share short news and major events on Twitter news channels, so that you can leave small notes about your life, impressions, events, etc.

Another advantage of such a network, in addition to microblogging, is the opportunity to be seen and heard with the help of hashtags and followers.

In fact, everything is very simple:

as soon as a user registers a page, he has the ability to subscribe to "channels" (pages) and in return receive subscribers who will follow your news and updates.

You can choose the channels you can subscribe to from thousands, hundreds of thousands and even millions of others.

A list with your country's channels will open immediately at , but this does not oblige you to subscribe to channels dedicated to politics or to "stars" that you do not listen to or watch.

You can find the channels you are interested in using the search.

At the same time, it is not necessary to choose the channels of your own country, you can choose or find any, in any language, from all over the world.

Perhaps, also because there are simply no gifts, sticker packs and other usual “buns” ... but this does not spoil the impression at all!

Emoticons are available, using the Internet you can insert any emoji, all known symbols are supported.

And the ability to change the interface pleases the eye, not everywhere users have such freedom in choosing settings for their personal page.

So how can one register on this site and become part of a family of over 500 million people?



When installing the application, it will be possible to synchronize the page for several devices or log in simultaneously from two different accounts. Therefore, it is advisable not to neglect such a proposal.

If you have already acquired the application or decided to download it later, then you will need to complete several steps to register:

  • In the right upper corner select item “Already registered? To come in". And don’t let the name scare you, when you click on this inscription, a window will open where you will be asked to either log in or create a new account.
  • Naturally, then you need to select the item "Registration".
  • In the window that opens, you will need to enter your data. The name can be changed, and Twitter does not require verification of identity, so you have the opportunity to limit yourself to a nickname. And everything is according to the standard: mail and password.
  • Then a confirmation will come to the mail, you just need to go to your mailbox and follow the link.
  • When registering, you may also be asked to provide information about mobile phone, which will need to be done to secure the account. At the same time, no one except you and the system will know the data.
  • And finally, you will be offered channels to which you can always return later or unsubscribe.

That's all! Just a few clicks and you have already successfully become a new user of the social network.

What to do after registration?

Often, the Twitter interface causes a state of deep thought in those who are there for the first time. Some incomprehensible hashtags, “tweet”, “whom to read” ...

But it's much easier than you think.

There are much fewer functions here than in most social networks, but they are all much more useful and compact, and they are always at hand.

So, for example, consider the top panel. The icon with the house and the signature "Home", as well as the bird in the center (Twitter's logo) are displayed on the home page.

If you already have channels (pages) to which you are subscribed, then their notes and news will be displayed on the “main” page, if not, then just popular tweets.

There is also a bell labeled "Notifications", which will show all the events of your page. That is, the number of subscribers, retweets and comments under your tweets or replies to you under others.

There is also a function of private messages, which opens when you click on the envelope. You can choose absolutely any user and write to him.

True, the number of characters here is also limited, which is not always convenient ... but the feature of the site has been preserved - the ability to support microblogging.

On the right side there is a search bar, the ability to create a new tweet and a settings menu that opens when you click on your avatar, which is circled.

The menu on the left offers the most popular hashtags in your country and around the world, the menu on the right offers interesting channels on the same principle.

Well, the number of tweets, subscribers and channels that you read displays the statistics of the page, which, by the way, is visible to all users, if you do not restrict access.

Got it? It's time to tweet!

What is a tweet

Microblogging has already been mentioned above, and the tweet is its basis.

A tweet is a small message that you can post on your page and on a social network..

Like the name of the network (look at the bird logo), "tweet" refers to the sound that the chick makes. That is, you can literally tweet your message on Twitter.

You can do this with home page, where the line reads "What's new?" , or using the "Tweet" button in the upper right corner.

As already mentioned, the number of characters is very limited, but usually this is enough for greetings, news, impressions, and just a story about today's events.

In extreme cases, a big story or, well, a very long thought can be divided into several such tweets.

You can attach an image, or a drawing, a video, an animation, a link to a tweet.

All this is done using an intuitive button in the form of a picture with mountains and the sun.

Any entry here can be retweeted by clicking on the arrow icon below it, after which it will be displayed on your page.

You can "like" by selecting a heart, and it will remain with you in a kind of bookmarks, which are marked with the "Like" section. And finally, you can comment.

And you can hide your posts from users who do not read you. Thus, they will be available only to subscribers.


Use hashtags when tweeting. If you are talking about some series or music that you listen to, it will not be superfluous to put a hash mark ("#"), and then, without spaces, the name of this very series or the name of the artist.

In this way, your tweets can be found by other users, commented on, retweeted and "liked".

How to hide tweets from others

To do this, go to the settings, and then perform a few simple tasks:

  • In the upper right corner, in front of the "Tweet" button, there is a picture of your avatar. You need to click on it.
  • Select a function from the menu that opens. "Settings and Security".
  • Now in the left menu you need to select the item "Privacy and Security".
  • It remains only to put a tick in the first paragraph “Tweet privacy. Hide my tweets.

In addition, the settings give the user almost unlimited possibilities in personalizing the page, in its functions and work.

Here you can change your password, country, increase security, set up notifications for e-mail, phone, or the site itself, select a tweet filter...you can even enable Twitter-related apps that can be installed on both personal computer, and on a smartphone or .

And, finally, when the user has mastered the basics of working on the site, you can proceed to change the page design.

How to customize your account theme

As you know, not all offer wide opportunities for personalization.

Take the same one, for example - without additional program it will remain blue and white. Or "classmates" who support, in the majority, default theme design.

In this regard, Twitter has overtaken any communication platforms. It allows users to "beautify" and modify their page however they want.

Here, if it is possible to change not only the avatar, but also the “cap”, and the color of the design, and even the font. And yes, not only the user will see all this, but also everyone who will visit his page.

You can go to your page by clicking on your name, which is located in the menu on the left. And already on the right you can see a bubble with the inscription "Edit Profile". We click there.

In this case, the menu will be significantly reduced, but more options will appear. Eg:

1 You can change the header image. Simply upload any image and select its position;

3 It is possible to change the name that you chose during registration. It will be seen by other users;

4 You can tell about yourself. The number of characters, as always, is limited, but this is enough for several sentences;

5 Finally, you can change the color of the theme, buttons, font, the font itself, and even add a website or page on another social network where you can be found.

At the same time, it must be remembered that images that promote drugs, weapons, pornography and violence are not allowed on the cap and avatar.

By the way, the same applies to the content of tweets, due to non-compliance with the rules, the page may be blocked.

If personalization is successful, then it's time to subscribe to the channels of other users!

How to subscribe to a channel

Channels, or in other words, another person's tweet page, is most often found in open access(if the account owner himself did not hide it in the way described above).

And it's doubly easier to find a channel if you're looking for a famous cultural or political figure, or if you're interested in a particular topic.

In the right menu, you will be offered channels that are selected based on your page. Images, (indicated country of residence), name - all this the system successfully reads and displays a list of those who may be of interest to you.

The "like" you set also affects this, then Twitter will try to find posts and users that are related to the topic on which you left a heart.

But you can search for channels yourself. So, for example, to search for "celebrity" it is enough just to enter his/her/their name or title in the top search bar.

You can also go from YouTube. If a blogger, let's player or critic has a page, they will point it under , and all you have to do is click on the link.

After subscribing, news from this person (news channel, translations, fansub group, blogger, etc.) will be displayed on your "Home".

How do you know that there is news? Very simple! So, a dot will appear next to the house icon, which will indicate the appearance of new tweets.

Well, if you missed something from your favorite channels, then the next time you enter the site, the “Main” will display news that, according to the system, will be of interest to you, and which you really could have missed.

The same goes for notifications.

How to view new notifications

As with new tweets, there will be a dot next to the Notifications icon, which is in the form of a bell. However, they are displayed a little differently.

For example, if your tweet is retweeted or "liked" by a lot of people, then you will simply be informed that so many people think your tweet is cool.

The names of those who "liked" or retweeted will not be displayed, except perhaps for the last two people.

The same dot will stand next to "Messages", the icon of which looks like an envelope.

Only in this case, if there are new ones, an additional dialog box will open in which you can read the messages and reply.

In this case, the list of your contacts will be on the left, at the top it will be possible to select a new addressee, but after that it will be simply impossible not to notice for correspondence.

Twitter offers popular hashtags

As you may have noticed, on the left there is a menu that displays the most popular hashtags for today.

How does the system determine them? By the number of tweets sent with them, and this same number, by the way, can be seen in the same place, under each hashtag.

If you have found the one that interests you, then you can send a tweet by entering the same hashtag at the end, and you will definitely be seen! Because the "popular" look more often.

But this does not mean at all that you need to put down only them.

For example, you can enter the hashtags of the game you are talking about or currently playing, movie, composition, event, and even come up with your own, which may be noticed among the news.

Well, if at the same time you also have interesting content, then there is no doubt that you will be provided with activity! Likes, retweets, comments, new followers...


To a new user accustomed to more popular social networks, Twitter may seem like a limited, inconvenient and not very interesting platform.

But it’s worth at least once trying to leave a tweet or find it there interesting channel, and it will be impossible to break away!

Yes, Twitter started out as a messenger like ICQ, and even retained some of the original features: fast messaging, simple interface, short messages, and ease of use.

But at the same time, he managed to grow into a full-length and world-famous social network.

It is used for various purposes, be it advertising, news, blogs and personal diaries, and thanks to this (and many more opportunities for users), Twitter has managed to become a favorite social network for people of completely different ages and interests.

Many channels collect up to several, or even several tens, millions of readers.

People from all over the world share stories, news, photos and their opinions with each other, find friends, interlocutors, learn more and literally erase the boundaries in communication. And isn't that wonderful?

And while Twitter can initially only garner about a hundred tweets a day, it now garners millions. And it's still evolving!

The creators, receiving grants and financial support, not only keep the site in its current position, but also continue to improve it, adding new features and capabilities, making it even more convenient in both regular, computer and mobile versions.

And if you are still wondering: “What is Twitter?”, then it's time to try to look at it yourself to become part of this famous social network.

Many novice users are wondering why Twitter is needed. Social networks around the world are developing very quickly. In just a few years, the Internet appeared a large number of varied sites. Each has its pros and cons. Some are intended for ordinary communication, some - mainly for the exchange of textual information. What about the Twitter page? Why do users need it?


About what page goes speech? The thing is, Twitter is generational. It has won the hearts of many users. It is a somewhat non-standard "social network", which allows you to send small text messages, SMS, photos on the Internet.

In general, the word twitt is translated from in English means "to chat" or "to chirp". The main advantage (or feature) of the site is that all information on the user's page is in the public domain. Why is Twitter necessary? To maintain your microblog and exchange short messages!

Distinctive features

Each social network has its own advantages and disadvantages. What distinguishes the studied site from all the others? The thing is that it does not look like the usual social networks. Why is Twitter needed and how to use it? To understand this, you first need to decide how good the proposed resource is. The distinctive features of the "social sphere" will help to judge this characteristic.

Among them at the moment are:

  1. The speed of messaging and alerting subscribers about new information. Here, publications are distributed faster than in all other social networks.
  2. All posted materials are open to users who have their own Twitter account.
  3. You can make a so-called "tweet" in an instant. Such mobility pleases users. You don't have to write long posts. You can share messages and information almost anytime, anywhere.
  4. Fashion is another benefit. Being a user of "Twitter" is now fashionable. Therefore, many are interested in this social network and use it, even if in fact there is no urgent need for it.

Perhaps these are all the main advantages that can only be identified. What else is important to know about this social network? How to use it?

Twitter Rules

Why is Twitter necessary? To communicate! There are some rules to understand the principle of publishing so-called "tweets". In fact, everything is very simple.

The user must first register (about the principles of registration a little later). After that, he will have his own account. Filling out your profile takes a few minutes. Further, a person can at any time log in to the proposed social network, and then leave a short message in his microblog.

It should be remembered that people can write a variety of posts. It doesn't have to be limited to words. Additionally, insert into "tweets":

  • images (most often);
  • links to various websites;
  • photos (even just taken);
  • event announcements;
  • video.

Accordingly, you can make Twitter interesting, diverse and attractive. What elements should be familiar to every user who plans to start a page on the social network under study?


Now it’s clear why Twitter is needed, and what can be done if you have an account on this site. There are some terms that will help you get comfortable in this social network.

"Tweet" is the first concept to be aware of. This is the name of short messages that are left in the studied social network. "Tweets" - posts in the microblog.

"Follower" - a subscriber. It represents a user who has a Twitter account. A person subscribes to the page and sees news from this or that user in his feed.

Twitter Rules

Regardless of the version of Twitter (there is a mobile and a regular one), the social network has a number of its own rules that you have to follow. We are talking about the features of registration, as well as the use of the page, and the behavior towards users.

What items must be followed? In the open spaces of the microblog under study, you will have to adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is forbidden to impersonate another person. A user who decides to create a "fake" page (fake) can be permanently banned.
  2. Private information of third parties, as well as their personal files (for example, photos) cannot be published. This is a violation of the law not only in Russia, but also in other countries.
  3. Calls for violence and rebellion, as well as threats, are prohibited. This applies to both your own "tweets" and "retweets".
  4. You can't infringe copyright. Criminal liability is not ruled out.

What else is important to know? Some are interested in how to properly communicate with their subscribers. There are no clear rules in this regard. But users, especially successful ones, offer their own methods of behavior.

How to deal with followers

On Twitter, it is recommended to follow certain rules of etiquette. Or, as they say, behavior. The thing is that, in principle, there are no restrictions on this social network - it is important not to publish threats, insults and calls for violence.

But you need to communicate with followers somehow. What do successful users recommend? Among the basic rules of communication are:

  1. Compliance with culture and etiquette. It is recommended to thank subscribers for "retweets". You also need to pay attention to those who read the user's account.
  2. It is worth doing "retweets" when the message was liked. No need to be shy, it is for such publications that the studied social network was invented.
  3. Lots of "tweets" in a short amount of time is bad. It is recommended to refrain from this phenomenon. It is better to publish posts regularly, with small pauses.
  4. Spam and advertising on social networks is not welcome. This rule also applies to Twitter.

There are no more restrictions and no significant advice. Is that regularly update "Twitter". Some users register here just because it's trendy and then forget about their account. So it will not work to collect a lot of followers.

About registration

Now you should pay attention to the registration process. This is a mandatory item that allows you to access the resources of the site. On the page "Twitter" registration takes only a few minutes. It is important to remember that one user cannot have a huge number of accounts. One person - one profile.

  • Username;
  • phone for binding;
  • Email;
  • invented password in English layout.

You do not need to provide both mobile and email. One thing is enough. Most often, the second option is chosen. Then you can register several profiles, but preferably under different names. Only one account can be linked to one phone number or mail.

After filling in the fields indicated above (all of them are required), you need to confirm the profile on the Twitter website. Registration will be completed after entering the confirmation code or following the link sent to your email.


That's it, nothing more is needed. It remains only to fill out your profile, put an avatar and save the changes. Twitter is ready to go! If you have problems loading data, you can use special application for phones - Mobile Twitter. It allows you to quickly manage your account on a social network with maximum comfort.

Is it worth registering here? It is recommended to use this page if the user likes to share breaking news and events in your life. Why is Twitter necessary? To exchange short messages. You should not create an account here if a person is not used to constant communication.

Modern users are offered a variety of social networks. With their help, you can spread the news and just communicate. How to use Twitter? What is generally this page? Why is she needed? Every modern user should know the answers to all these questions. Especially one who follows fashion trends.


What is Twitter and how to use it? This is the name of a fashionable and modern social network. In short, it resembles a microblog.

On Twitter, the user can write messages that do not exceed 140 characters. Additionally, links, photos, videos and other interesting materials are attached here. Most often, "Twitter" is used as a news or advertising feed.


What is Twitter and how to use it? Everything starts with registration. But about her later. First, a few words about the terms used by users in the social network under study.

A tweet is a message on Twitter. It, as already mentioned, cannot be more than 140 characters.

Retweet - repost. That is, when a user transfers (copies) a particular post to his page. This is done using a special button.

Twitterers or tweeples are users registered with Twitter.

Follower - subscriber. A person who follows a particular profile and is subscribed to its news.

Perhaps that's all. Such terms are enough to answer how to use Twitter. But what exactly to do? And how to work with a social network?


Let's start with registration. This is the very first step that will allow you to work with the service. Signing up for Twitter is free. It only takes a few minutes.

The guide in this case would look like this:

  1. Open Twitter.com in a browser.
  2. In the upper right corner, click on the "Register" button.
  3. Fill in the registration form - last name and first name, e-mail, password.
  4. Click on "Register".
  5. Confirm profile.

Ready! Registration on Twitter is completed. Now you can use all the features of the social network.

Filling out the questionnaire

To fill out the questionnaire you will need:

  1. Log in to your social media profile.
  2. Click on the arrow in the upper right corner. It is located near the human icon.
  3. Select the "Settings" option.
  4. Using the menu that appears, configure the display of the questionnaire.
  5. Click on "Save".

Your Twitter My Page is now ready to use. Usually you can subscribe to profiles and publish messages immediately after registration. But usually users postpone this venture.

We write messages

How to post on Twitter? This is the main and easiest task. The thing is that you can bring an idea to life in different ways.

First, after logging into their page, each user will see a box called "What's new?" If you write a message here and click on "Publish", you get a tweet.

Thirdly, in the left part of the window (under the profile picture) there is a field "Write a tweet". It serves similar to the "What's New?"

Now it’s clear how to write on Twitter. This is not the most difficult task. And every user registered on the social network must cope with it.


What is Twitter and how to use it? It is worth paying attention to the interface of the social network. Unlike Facebook and VK, the microblog under study raises many questions.

We have dealt with writing messages. What's next?

Everything is very simple. We have almost fully figured out how to use Twitter. This social network is quite simple and straightforward.

About subscription

The bulk of the actions on the site under study occur by writing short posts, as well as subscribing to users / pages. Everything is very easy. Usually these operations do not cause any difficulties.

How to subscribe on Twitter? You will need to write the name of the group or user in the upper right corner. There is a line "Search" (a translucent area with a magnifying glass). By pressing "Enter", the user will process the request.

To unsubscribe from a profile, just follow the same steps. Only the "Follow" button will change to "Unsubscribe". This is quite normal. All operations can be carried out at any convenient time. Subscribing to and unsubscribing from profiles and groups is completely free.

Benefits of the network

We figured out how to use Twitter. Why do it? What is the use of a social network that does not even really have so-called private messages?

The answer is simple - "Twitter" is used for its own promotion. First, tweeting is convenient. Posts are short and to the point. Secondly, Twitter is a trendy social network. Thirdly, information through the site is distributed extremely quickly.

That is, to communicate with friends, "Twitter" is not suitable. But if you want to become popular or promote your own business, the social network will help a lot with this. It is very convenient to write short messages, for example, with photos. These tweets are in high demand.


How to use Twitter? It is enough to register on this site - all other actions will be clear without any instructions or tips. Even a novice user will cope with the task.

Everyone can master Twitter. Registration takes only a few minutes. Immediately after authorization on the site, all the possibilities of the service open before the user!

Today I want to talk about such a popular phenomenon as Twitter. For webmasters, this social network can help attract additional visitors to your site, as well as other social networks. For example, such as, and, as well as Twitter can serve as a kind of analogue.

For example, as far as I know, many visitors to my blog site follow its updates through this microblogging service. But in order for this to work as it should, you will need to understand what Twitter is, how to register on it and how to use it.

By the way, recently the registration form and the interface of this service have been completely translated into Russian, which is good news. True, when this article was written, this social network was not yet friendly with the Russian language, so I had to rewrite and add something.

What is Twitter and how to use it?

So, what is Twitter - first of all, it is a service designed for communication. It has replaced (or supplemented) the traditional social networks that have set the teeth on edge, and its audience is growing like a snowball. Now, probably, it is already difficult to meet a person who has never heard of him or similar microblogging services (FriendFeed, etc.).

Nevertheless, for many, the essence of these services is still not clear and therefore it is worth answering the question “What is Twitter” in a little more detail. In this series of articles, I will try to tell you in detail about how to register in it (now in Russian), how to work with it, how to get subscribers (followers), how to automatically post the headings of new materials on your site into it (it will be) .

Twitter was created in 2006, and by the beginning of 2007 it had already gained enough popularity. Sometimes it is characterized as microblogging due to the fact that the size of the message left in it is limited to 140 characters. Due to this limitation, in Twitter messages using special services up to something like this: http://bit.ly/4J2b1R.

Due to the short length of messages, it is very convenient to communicate on it from a mobile phone. Actually, Twitter was designed for this, because. in it, the limit is 140 characters per message, and in a mobile phone, as you know, the limit is 160 characters (in SMS messages). The remaining 20 characters can be used for the sender's name.

But for this you will have to provide a username and password to access your Email. My main box is just on Gmail, but somehow I did not dare to transfer his password to Twitter.

If you decide to take this step, then apparently, based on your address book, all users from it who also have an account in this microblogging service will be found. Well, you can add them to your friends.

Twitter in the time that has passed since this article was written, not only managed to start supporting the Russian language, but also acquired a new interface. Therefore, immediately after successful registration, you will be taken to a page with icons of your next steps at the very top.

The step described in the previous paragraph is now called "Friends" and has number 3:

The new interface has new step, which opens after registration - "Interests". On this tab, you can tell which topics you are interested in. Having opened one of the proposed topics, you will see the tapes available in it.

To subscribe to them you will only need to click on the button "Read" located nearby. As a result, the button will change its appearance and the inscription “Reading” will appear on it:

How to change the background for Twitter?

By default, your profile background will be blue, but you can change it, as well as the color of the panels, font color, and links on your page to your liking. For example, my Twitter looks like So.

You can also see how the interface of this service looked before. To do this, you will need to select the option “To old Twitter” from the drop-down list next to your “Username” (located in the upper right corner):

To customize the design of your page, select the “Settings” item from the top menu (see the screenshot above), and in the window that opens, select the “Design” item.

To customize the background of your Twitter page, you can use the options provided by simply clicking on them. If none of the proposed backgrounds was to your liking, then you can use your own graphic file as .

To do this, click on the "Change background image" button under the background thumbnails, click on the "Select file" button and find the desired image file on your computer.

By clicking in the Twitter settings on the "Change skin colors" button on the right under the thumbnails, you will be able to:

  1. fill the background with one color that you can choose by clicking on the square labeled "background"
  2. set the color of the text on your account pages by clicking on the square labeled "text"
  3. select a shade for the design of all links by clicking on the square labeled "links"
  4. You can select the background color and border color for the right sidebar on your Twitter web page by clicking on the "panel" and "border" squares, respectively.

After you are done with aesthetic delights, do not forget to save the changes by clicking on the appropriate button at the very bottom. I didn't notice it at first, and as a result, I had to adjust the background and design of my Twitter account all over again. In the same settings window, on the "Profile" tab, you can attach an avatar by selecting the desired picture in the "Image" area.

Select "Profile" from the top settings menu. Here you can make changes to your existing profile data, and I also advise you to add the address of your web project to the "More Info URL" field. Remarkably, he will.

But lately, search engines can still take into account, to one degree or another, backlinks from this microblogging service, which has .

How to use Twitter (now in Russian)?

By selecting the “Notifications” item from the top settings menu, you can configure: about what events you will receive messages by E-mail, for example, when someone subscribes to your feed (follows you). Directly from the sent letter, you can go to the web page of this person by clicking on his name:

After reviewing the content of his messages, you can decide to subscribe or unsubscribe to his twitter feed. To subscribe, you will need to click on the button "Read"(in the English version of the interface - "Follow", from where the legs grow from the terms follow, follow or follower) in the upper part of the window:

Subscribe to the messages of a user, or, in other words, "Follow" someone on Twitter (Follow), means to add someone to your contact list. This is what we just did by clicking on the Follow button.

But this user will not be able to see your news until they add you to their contact list. The easiest way to create a Twitter contact list is to add users with similar interests. You add them and they add you.

To do this, you can use the search on Twitter - http://search.twitter.com/. Enter your interests in the search box and as a result you will get a huge list of the inhabitants of this service who are interested in the same thing. Requests, of course, can be entered in Russian too.

As soon as you start adding people to your contact list, their messages will appear in your feed. To get into your news feed All you need to do is go to TWITTER.COM, click on the "Login" link at the very top of the window and enter your username and password that you set during registration.

If the browser remembers the username and password, then after clicking on the above address, you will immediately be taken to the news feed with messages from those Twitter users that you follow.

If you don’t like the posts of a user and you don’t want to read them anymore, you can unsubscribe from receiving messages from this user by going to his page (feed). To do this, you will need to click either on his name or on his profile picture in the message. On his Twitter page, hover your mouse over the “Following” button, which will change to a button "Cancel", and click on it:

There are a few more small buttons that will help you receive messages from this user on cellular telephone and so on. You can write your message on Twitter in the form provided for this at the very top. home page with an inscription "What's happening?". When you start typing a message, you will see the number of characters that can still be typed to the right of the bottom of this form. In, but for this you will always have to have them at hand, because you will not find a built-in tooltip like Vkontakte in this social network.

To reply to an existing Twitter message, simply move your mouse cursor over it and click on the caption that appears at the bottom of the message. "Answer"(in the English version - "Reply").

After that, the name of the user whose message you are going to write a reply to will be automatically added to the response form, and this name will be preceded by an @ sign, which means that this is, in fact, a reply.

Often, messages are read through specialized programs, and not through an Internet browser. There are quite a few such programs. Can send private messages through Twitter that other users will not see. To do this, the addressee must follow you, then you can on his web page, by analogy with the unsubscribe method discussed just above, click on the arrow next to the button resembling the sun, and select from the drop-down list "Direct message username".

Summing up, we can make a generalization and say that Twitter is a service that is an explosive mixture of a blog with ICQ. But it's still not really a blog. It is a means of communication and obtaining information. With it, you can meet interesting people even if you are not added to each other's contact list.

If the person you want is not subscribed to your updates, you can still reply to their messages by simply pasting them into the reply form name with @ in front. As a result, he will notice you and you will be able to finish in any form convenient for you (icq, etc.).

Well, besides that, of course, Twitter can bring visitors to your site in proportion to the number of your followers, if you, for example, set automatic posting titles of your new content. But about this and that, and setting up posting headlines of new articles from your website there, I will tell the next article.

By the way, Twitter developers recently launched another social project, however, focused on users of mobile gadgets -. It is now rapidly gaining popularity, so I advise you to familiarize yourself with the article at the link in order to, so to speak, keep up with life ...

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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