What does moderator mean. What is a group moderator in social networks

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Moderator- this is a person who controls so that in discussions on forums, in communities and various publics in in social networks visitors did not violate established rules. A moderator does not have the same powers as an administrator or project owner, but he has more rights than a regular Internet user.

Imagine that you are a moderator on a forum dedicated to the topic of SEO promotion of sites, and one of the visitors posted in the forum conversation an advertisement for his Youtube channel with videos about game reviews. Of course, this message has nothing to do with the topic of the forum, so you must delete it so that it does not distract the rest of the participants in the conversation. This is what the moderator does.

What exactly does a moderator do?

The duties of the inspector include quick removal content that does not correspond to the theme of the public (forum, etc.), as well as constant maintenance feedback with users. All moderators have certain rights that they are granted by administrators or resource owners. As a rule, the inspector has the right to:

  • Delete comments that are inappropriate to the topic of the conversation, messages with obscene language, insults, links to other sites, etc.
  • Remove fake users and bots from the discussion.
  • Ban a user - restrict access to a specific topic or completely block a forum member's account for violating the rules of conduct.
  • Publish new materials, edit old content.

But it is worth emphasizing that the moderator has not only rights, but also duties:

  • Know and adhere to the rules together with other users, be an example for others.
  • Avoid conflict situations and stay neutral.
  • Receive complaints from members, deal with them in a timely manner and take appropriate action to resolve them.
  • Adhere to correctness and courtesy in the course of communication with site visitors.
  • Control the order in the topics assigned to him.

Note that users also have the right to file a complaint against the moderator if they have suspicions or evidence that he himself violates the rules or does his job poorly. For such complaints, there are special sections on the sites, or you can file a claim directly with the administrator.

Where are moderators needed?

Today, there are inspectors on a variety of web resources, because their owners do not have time to control everything that happens on their resource.

Social media group moderator

His responsibilities include adding his own news and those posted directly by the members of the group. If the news proposed by the user corresponds to the topic and format of the community, the moderator publishes it. The same goes for comments in conversations - you need to check them for spam, obscene language, advertising and other content that violates the rules. The inspector can add violators to the black list.

Forum moderator

He is appointed by the administrator of the forum. He has no right to transfer his powers to other users without the permission of the administrator. The forum moderator monitors topics from forum users, that is, merges or splits them, edits, updates, closes, adds priority to them. He also needs to control messages for compliance with the rules of the forum: no advertising, insults, etc.

Site Checker

Ensures that navigation through the web resource is convenient and understandable for visitors, checks the literacy and accuracy of product descriptions, must understand the goods or services of the company and answer user questions regarding the products offered.

Chat checker

Monitors chat conversations, and if a rule violation is detected, removes the user from the chat on certain time or forever, depending on the severity of the offense. Watch for spam in chat.

What are the types of moderation?

  1. preliminary moderation. It implies checking messages and publications before they are posted. The moderator, even before approving a comment or article, checks them for literacy, authenticity, the presence of advertising, obscene words, spam, and so on. This makes it possible to place only verified information on the site. However, there is also a reverse side of the coin. Firstly, messages are often checked for a long time, and some of them may not pass the check only because of the subjective opinion of the moderator. Also, materials can be checked for obscene language or numerous registrations automatically, using special programs.
  2. Post moderation. It's over quick check, which is carried out after the message is published. The advantage of post-moderation is in the operational interaction of community members, however, the verifier needs to constantly monitor the materials and remove spam, insults, advertising, etc.
  3. Automatic moderation. Programs and filters are installed on the site that check the quality of the information posted. Often, various publics have a voting section where you can evaluate how useful the publication was for you. The advantages of this approach include the absence of the subjective opinion of the moderator and prompt publication. A significant disadvantage is the need to install additional software, because attackers can easily find vulnerabilities in the system.

What are moderators?

There are two types of reviewers:

  1. Private. standard list rights.
  2. Main. Endowed large quantity rights than an ordinary moderator. It may have powers that the administrator himself has.

How to become a moderator and what is needed for this?

Before making a decision to appoint a person as a moderator, the administrator or owner of the site must make sure that he meets the relevant requirements. Necessary:

  • It is good to understand the topic that the forum is dedicated to. In order to respond to user comments and questions, the moderator needs to understand what the discussion is about. He must know where the information is false and where is true. It is also necessary to have the ability to maintain a discussion if it subsides.
  • Be able to competently resolve conflict situations. A good moderator is not one who bans everyone in a row for the slightest violation of the rules and deletes any comments that he deems unnecessary. It is necessary to earn a good reputation, and for this it is important to try to solve problems peacefully, in an accessible and polite manner, explaining to people that they are doing wrong. And only after you have made sure that the participant in the conversation does not respond to comments, delete his comments or ban the account.
  • Respond promptly to questions. If a user has asked a question and is waiting for an answer to it for several days, or even weeks, he is unlikely to want to visit the public again. In addition, a conflict may flare up in the comments, which will certainly turn into insults. That is why it is important to always monitor the situation on the site.
  • Have basic knowledge of working with

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After creating a group, at first you will have to lead and promote it yourself, spending your time and energy. Over time, the amount of work increases, you will have to hire an assistant - a moderator of a social network group.

With an increase in resource attendance, it will be difficult for the administrator to keep order. This is what a moderator is for. You can often see this vacancy on various resources.

Who is the moderator of the group, what does he do

It becomes interesting, who is a moderator and what does he do? The answer is simple enough. The moderator is the same user of the site or group, but he is endowed with certain rights and responsibilities.

These include:

  1. To deal with the distribution of topics by category;
  2. Monitoring compliance with the rules for using the resource;
  3. Responding to user complaints in a timely manner and resolving the issue, without involving the administrator;
  4. Using personal messages, warn the user about violation of the rules for using the resource and what punishment may follow;
  5. If the user was sent more than 5 notifications of violation general rules, provides information about it to the content administrator;
  6. In the event of non-standard situations, soberly assess the situation and quickly make the right decision;
  7. Can create topics for conversations, edit and delete them;
  1. Should not violate the established rules;
  2. Transfer your rights and obligations to a new person who will fulfill them in the future.

Requirements for moderators

Depending on which resource the moderator is responsible for, his rights and obligations may vary.

Requirements for moderators may be different, but the most important thing is the presence permanent access in Internet. As a rule, the administrator selects it from among the active users who do not violate the current rules. But you can also get this position through freelance exchanges.

How much does he earn

In fact, the work of a moderator is not particularly difficult, and accordingly, the payment for the performance of duties will not be high. Therefore, you should not consider such a profession as the main income. This position can be held on several resources, i.e. combine. The most important thing is that you manage and fulfill your duties properly.

Who is a group moderator, rights and obligations

First of all, in this case, most often the work is not paid, since there is always a large number of wishing.

The rights and obligations are as follows:

  1. Sending small advertisements;
  2. Notify group members about various contests and events;
  3. Monitor and remove spam;
  4. Delete comments containing obscene expressions and insults from users;
  5. Delete topics created by users;
  6. Engage in the removal of users for violating the rules, but not more than 100 people per day;
  7. Carry out the removal of photos, videos and audio recordings if they are in public access;
  8. Can delete all uploaded photos, videos, audio recordings or comments from one user in a week;
  9. Deals with the blacklist inclusion and removal from it;
  10. If the group is closed, it can send invitations to join and approve applications;
  11. Must respond to user complaints;
  12. Do not engage in fraudulent activities.

What rights do not apply to:

  1. May not remove topics or content added by team leaders;
  2. Cannot delete comments or topics on behalf of a group or community.

That is, quite a lot depends on the moderator, and before deciding whether to become one or not, you should think carefully.

Who and for what can dismiss

Only the resource administrator can dismiss from office in the following cases:

  1. According to numerous user complaints;
  2. If the person holding this position does not cope with his direct duties;
  3. When applying for a request for removal from office.

Other areas of work of the moderator

Such a vacancy as a moderator is in demand on various resources, not only in social network groups. Vacancies for this position can be seen:

  1. On sites where his duties will include monitoring compliance with certain rules by visitors, as well as removing ads;
  2. On various forums, is responsible for moderating the section for which he is responsible or for the entire forum. It can also erase, edit any topics and messages;
  3. In news lens, it can also perform the functions of an editor. Since the posted news can become a “bone of contention” among readers, especially aggressive ones, the moderator is obliged to block. In addition, he can evaluate the proposed story or news, the need to post this material;
  4. Responsible for removing old products and adding new ones in the online store. Follows comments;
  5. On portals, moderators have the same powers as an administrator. Those. controls polls, comments, etc.

Thus, the specialty as a moderator various services very convenient and in some cases, can be a good side job.

Pros and cons of being a moderator

Of the pluses, it is worth noting that the work is remote, that the work is not difficult. The disadvantages include stress from communicating with conflicting users, not very high wages.

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Most users of Internet resources are convinced that the moderator is a vicious bore, endowed with unlimited power on the forum or in the chat, and enjoying constantly handed out bans.

They are partly right, but this is a very narrow view of the essence of the work of a moderator, because in the same way you can blame a traffic light for obstructing the passage of vehicles.

Moderators are different...

We use the English term moderator, which is derived from the Italian moderare or the Latin moderor, and is literally translated as one who restrains/slows down/weakens.

This term appeared much earlier than the Internet and used very widely, so the correct answer to the question: what is a moderator or who will it be:

  1. in music - a device that muffles the sound of keyboard instruments;
  2. in nuclear physics - substances that slow down neutrons, but are not able to capture them;
  3. in mechanical engineering - devices for reducing travel speed;
  4. in agriculture, a mechanism used when harnessing horses and reducing the impact on them from the uneven movement of a wagon or other equipment;
  5. in sociology, a person conducting opinion polls;
  6. in the Anglo-American media - the host of the program (performances, discussions, quizzes, conversations);
  7. on network resources - a user responsible for the order and compliance with the rules of communication.

Below we will consider who a moderator is exclusively in relation to communication on the Internet.

The work of an Internet moderator

Regardless of the scale of a particular Internet resource and the problems solved by its users, the moderator is responsible for maintaining order, correspondence of messages in the discussed topic or forum thread, as well as compliance with the rules and restrictions approved by the administration.

A network resource will be interesting to users and useful to visitors only when interactive communication is purposeful and structured.

To do this, the moderator has the right and opportunity:

  1. delete or close topics and sections that violate the rules of the resource;
  2. highlight important messages and raise them in the search results;
  3. check the text of messages and all types of content posted by users for the absence of violations of the current legislation;
  4. monitor the preservation of the theme of each branch of the forum;
  5. edit user messages;
  6. prevent spam (?), and other violations of generally accepted rules that impede normal work;
  7. temporarily restrict the ability to communicate on the forum or in the chat of violators, up to member ban;
  8. encourage users to take an active part in the work of the resource.

One of the most important tasks of a moderator is to resolve conflict situations that constantly arise between users, with minimal reputational losses for them.

Each person has the right to express his opinion, but in the heat of the discussion, he can become personal, start being rude or threaten other participants in the discussion (the one who does this all the time).

good moderator should stop him in a private message or a short block. In most cases, participants quickly cool down and continue to communicate normally.

The main value of any Internet resource is its users. Each of them carries his own vision of the world and the topics discussed, argues with others, shares his sore points and helps to solve other people's problems.

Any discussion implies the presence of different points of view, and the moderator who understands this will make every effort to conduct it peacefully.

The main requirements for a person appointed as a moderator of a forum or other resource are:

  1. authority among users. As a rule, when communicating, leaders are very quickly identified, whose opinion is listened to by everyone, which greatly facilitates their work as a moderator;
  2. psychological stability and the ability to remain neutral when discussing issues. The moderator cannot use his position to the detriment of the right to express other opinions of users;
  3. ability go into conflict to maintain order, because you will often have to punish;
  4. Availability a large amount of time to complete the work of moderating the resource;
  5. good possession issues under discussion.

The problem of regulation and freedom of action of the moderator deserves special attention. A detailed regulation is great, but who can guarantee that it provides for all options for the development of events on the resource, types of punishments and rewards?

On the other hand, the excessive freedom of the moderator in determining the severity of the violation and the punishment for it can cause arbitrariness which will negatively affect relationships in the team.

There is no unambiguous solution to this problem, therefore, when appointing a moderator, the administration can rely solely on his common sense, experience of forum communication and authority among users.

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Moderation types

Moderation can be done in several ways:

  • pre-moderation- control of content before publication. A published message from resource users first gets to the moderator, is checked, punctuation and spelling may be corrected, properly formatted and supplemented, and only then is it published or rejected. This type of moderation is common in official resources various companies, in thematic network communities, etc.
  • Advantages:
the content and quality of the resource is under control; lack of vandalism and "garbage" information - "pollution" of the resource is possible only due to the presence technical problems, allowing an attacker to publish messages bypassing the moderator.
  • Flaws:
low efficiency - messages appear in public access only after verification; subjectivity - the moderator may refuse to publish a message, based on his own subjective judgment about the published information or the participant.
  • post-moderation- content control is carried out after the publication of messages.
  • Advantages:
efficiency - all messages appear immediately after publication.
  • Flaws:
the possibility of flooding, spam and vandalism; the need for the constant presence of a moderator.
  • Automoderation- a kind of post-moderation, in which content quality control is determined by the participants themselves by voting "for" or "against" a particular message, as well as the creation of automatic rules and filters.
  • Advantages:
efficiency - all messages appear immediately after publication; there is no subjectivity of the moderator (one person or group of people).
  • Flaws:
the need for additional software, which allows filtering and voting; the ability to bypass automatic rules; the possibility of flash mobs - "minus" or "plus" individual participants and messages.

Weaknesses in the moderation system

  • User account ban, including by IP addresses.
  • Conclusion in the user profile of information about his violations and behavior.
  • A system for recording user violations, followed by a ban.
  • Subjectivity of moderation.

In fact, the purpose of the moderation system is to maintain order on the site and control content (including cleaning the resource from all sorts of spam), and not user behavior. But very often moderators can neglect this. Therefore, the above functions of the moderation system are very often used inefficiently, in addition, the above functions are easy to bypass. For example, in case of fixing a violation or a ban, the user can easily register a new account. Therefore, a number of resources use "soft" content control rules, which are often more effective. In this case, violations by users are not recorded, only content is edited. And in case of periodic violations by a particular user, a temporary pre-moderation is introduced for him, after which the user can again freely post his content.

Forum moderator

The forum moderator is appointed by the forum administrator. A forum usually has more than one moderator.

The moderator is assigned to the entire forum or to some of its sections. In their sections, the moderator usually has the right to:

  • delete messages or topics;
  • edit any messages;
  • see IP addresses ;
  • split a topic into two or combine two topics into one;
  • declare the topic closed. Only moderators and administrators can leave messages in closed topics;
  • mark a topic as "announcement", "important" or "sticky", while it will always be at the top of the list of topics;
  • move the topic to other sections.

In some forums, moderators have only a fraction of these rights. But the right to delete posts and/or topics is mandatory; someone who does not have this right is, by definition, not a forum moderator. On some forums, anyone can see IP addresses.

A forum moderator (unless he is also an administrator) usually does not have the right to appoint other moderators or transfer his powers.

You can complain to the administrator for illegal actions against the moderator, but, as a rule, administrators ignore complaints or support the moderator on the principle of "the moderator is always right." There is no one to complain about the forum administrator (but you can leave the forum and arrange anti-advertising for him).

Types of moderators

There are two main types of moderators:

  • Moderator
  • Super moderator (options: main moderator, global moderator, moderation curator)

Super Moderator- a user selected by the administrator from among the moderators. The super-moderator is "responsible" not for a certain section of the forum, but for the entire forum. Super moderators are subject to much stricter requirements than regular moderators. The super-moderator is obliged to continuously monitor the order on the forum, as well as take immediate action against users who have violated the rules of the forum. Usually there are several super-moderators on the forum. On some sites, the super-moderator has separate administrator functions (for example, blocking IP addresses, transferring a user to a pre-moderation group, deleting users).

Echo conference moderator

Newsgroup moderator

On the Usenet system, some newsgroups are moderated. Only moderators can post to these newsgroups. When an ordinary user sends a message, it gets to the moderator, and he decides whether to forward it to the newsgroup or not.

The moderator is appointed by the person who creates the newsgroup at the same time as it is created.

Some newsgroups are retro-moderated. These newsgroups have retromoderators who have the right to delete messages previously sent there (In this case, we are talking about the right, not technical feasibility. Technically, on Usenet, anyone can delete any message, but except for spam and a few other special cases, deleting other people's messages is prohibited.)

Chat Moderator

The chat moderator has the right to exclude users from the chat for a while or try to exclude someone permanently. In some chats, any message must be accepted by the moderator, and only then it appears in the chat. However, this is rare.

Network resources where there is no moderator

Some resources do not have a person who keeps order, for example:

  • There is no moderator in systems where people communicate one-on-one, such as instant messaging programs, because there the user can simply stop communicating with an unpleasant interlocutor.
  • There are no moderators in blogs (for example, in LiveJournal), because in their blog everyone is the absolute owner, who does not need other moderators. However, there is a conflict commission in LiveJournal ( abuse team) that deals with cases such as insulting one user in another's log. In LiveJournal communities, a person who keeps order is called not a moderator, but a caretaker.
  • Wikipedia also lacks moderators. A number of their functions (adding and deleting new information) can be performed by any participants (and some functions - even by anonymous participants), other functions of moderators (maintaining order, deleting articles, blocking participants) are assigned to administrators.

Related links

  • SilentSmart.ru - the first site in RuNet dedicated to moderation

Or performing any interactive actions (adding material, for example), is controlled by the staff who work there on permanent basis. Such people are called moderators, and their main task is to monitor how site visitors, authors who add material there, and other participants behave. We will talk about who a moderator is, what his duties are, what his privileges are, and how you can become one, in this article.

The need for a moderator

So, as already noted, a moderator is needed on sites where the possibility of performing any actions by the users themselves visiting the resource is expected. As an example, it could be adding some article to the portal.

Since the information provided by the visitor will be posted on the resource in the future, it is obvious that this material should be checked. For example, it should not contain any advertising links, it should not offend other participants, not to mention the proper formatting of the text that the user sends. Thus, in order for the material to meet various requirements, it must be manually checked. That's what the moderator does.


In general, the responsibilities of the person in charge of incoming content can be taken from the definition of what a moderator is. This is an employee of the resource administration or just a privileged member of the community who monitors compliance with the rules by other users. You need to understand that this means not only writing news, but also, for example, playing by the rules, polite behavior with other players and much more - it all depends on where exactly this person works.

For example, the moderators of "Avataria" (a popular online game) are recruited from ordinary players. Just before a person who wants to take on such functions, they put a number of requirements. Anyone who meets all the criteria, and also passes a further interview with representatives of the administration, can apply for the position of moderator.

Accordingly, the Avataria server moderator plays along with everyone else and, as far as that, monitors the behavior of other players. In the event that he discovers some kind of violation, then the corresponding sanction will be applied to the player who committed it. Due to this, the rules are observed in the game, since everyone understands that otherwise punishment will follow.

What does a moderator do

In fact, the question is quite broad, and it depends, of course, on the person. Moderators are different, and they perform their functions with different zeal and diligence. It should only be noted that punishment is only one direction of what the Avataria moderators are doing. In fact, there are still a lot of responsibilities that these people perform.

For example, it is help to other users. If a person asks to help him figure it out, the moderator must take on such responsibility and prompt, following his instructions.

The moderator also has the duty to monitor not only the game of others, but also the chat. Quite serious violations can often be allowed there, therefore this occupation is not an easy one.

Why does everyone want to become a moderator?

Despite the fact that the position in question is not paid and at the same time requires the performance of a number of duties, there are always quite a lot of people who want to become a moderator. It would seem, why would anyone need it?

But a lot of people submit their questionnaires and, thus, the administration of the resource can also make a choice between those who, in the end, will do the work for them to restore and maintain order.

The leading role here, apparently, is played by human vanity. Who is a moderator? This is an empowered person. He can apply sanctions against other users, for which a large number of players want to go to such work (despite its voluntary nature). People like to be defined above others in the hierarchy and at the same time endowed with some special abilities.

Rights and privileges

In addition to the social position (if it is possible to determine the place of a person in the hierarchy of a particular game or Internet resource of another kind), the one who is looking for how to become a moderator and becomes one, in the future also receives special rights and privileges. With regard to the former, mention should be made of the right to apply punishments to violators of the order. The list of sanctions and their measure is determined by the instruction with which the person will be acquainted before the start of his work.

As for the privileges, they include, for example, the illuminated letter "M" (in the case of "Avatar"). It would seem that this is a mere trifle, which few people may be interested in, but this is an erroneous opinion. A person likes to be distinguished by such an honorable characteristic as the status of a moderator. In addition, in the future, a completely different treatment from other users is formed towards the moderator - this is a certain degree of respect. Obviously, this, too, cannot but flatter the one who holds this position.

How to become moderators

As already noted, if someone does not know how to become a moderator in "Avatar" or on another resource, then first you need to approach a number of criteria. Speaking specifically about this game, they include the age of 16 years, the presence of gaming experience of at least 3 months, as well as the absence of serious violations of game discipline. In addition, the moderator is allowed to have no more than 3 violation warnings, as well as to have a microphone and a webcam to communicate with the players. Actually, these are all official requirements for those who are looking for how to become a moderator in Avataria.

In the event that someone fits these requirements, he is assigned an interview with a representative of the gaming administration. Based on the result of such communication (and it is conducted, by the way, via Skype), a decision will be made as to whether this or that person can be appointed to the position of moderator or not.

Selection criteria

No one knows for sure what criteria the representatives of the resource set for themselves (as well as how to become a moderator on Avataria). In fact, the administration may not even have a clear list of the characteristics that a person must have in order to become a moderator. It is quite possible that this is responsibility, a serious attitude, good game performance. Perhaps they come from some other features that we cannot know about. If, for example, you passed the criteria, but failed the interview, you should not be upset, because really, maybe the person who tested you simply did not like you. This is actually normal.

It's not worth getting upset. If you were not taken as a moderator on this project, and you would like to try your hand in this capacity, then you can try to get a job somewhere else! Understand that it is beneficial for administrators of Internet resources to have someone keep order on them (and you already know who a moderator is and that these are just his functions). If they do it for free, then the owner will receive a double benefit. Try it, go through interviews, and you will definitely be able to get a job on some project, including, maybe, Avataria! The main thing is that you know how to become a moderator and have the desire to do so. And to agree with the administration - it's not so difficult!
