Regulations on the development of the curriculum. Approximate work programs for the subjects Phonetic aspect of speech

An approximate work program for the academic subject was created for the line of textbooks in printed and electronic forms “Music” for grades 1-4 by T.V. Chelysheva, V.V. Kuznetsova. The line's textbooks comply with the federal state educational standard for primary general education and are included in the federal list.
This manual will help the teacher to competently draw up a work program, as well as organize educational activities and monitor their results.

In accordance with the approximate curriculum for educational institutions using the educational complex “Perspective Primary School”, the academic subject “Music” is presented in the subject area “Art”, studied from grades 1 to 4 for one hour per week. At the same time, in the 1st grade the course is designed for 33 hours (33 academic weeks), and in each of the subsequent classes - for 34 hours (34 academic weeks).

The academic subject “Music” is in organic connection with the academic subject “Fine Arts”, as well as with academic subjects of other subject areas, such as “Literary Reading”, “The World around us”, “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics”, etc. In the process of implementing the program, the spiritual and moral foundations of the child’s personality are formed, a culture of communication with adults and peers is instilled, oral language skills are developed, knowledge about man as a part of nature, man as the bearer and creator of culture is applied. Music classes complement and enrich the student’s knowledge primary school about the picture of the world, about the history of Russia, about the cultural traditions of the peoples inhabiting it, the student realizes the place of his native land as an integral part of Russia.

Explanatory note
Goals and objectives of the academic subject “Music”
Basic principles and leading implementation methods curriculum in the subject "Music"
Main types of educational activities of students
General characteristics of the subject
Place of the subject in the curriculum
Value guidelines for the content of the academic subject
Personal, meta-subject and subject-specific results of mastering an academic subject
Criteria for assessing the results of mastering an academic subject
Contents of primary general education in the subject “Music”
Thematic planning and main types of educational activities
System of tasks focused on the formation of UUD
Educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process
Material and technical equipment for the program implementation process
Educational and methodological equipment for the implementation of the “Music” program
Musical material for curriculum topics in the subject “Music”.

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Basic general education, secondary (complete) general education) in educational areas, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089;

  • Federal state standard of basic general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897;

  • Sample program for the Russian language;

  • The program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for secondary schools “Russian language. 10-11 grades” by N. G. Goltsova.
  • Home purpose The academic discipline “Russian language” is the development of the child’s personality by including him in various types of activities. From these positions, teaching the Russian language at school is considered not simply as a process of mastering a certain amount of knowledge about the Russian language and a system of corresponding skills, but as a process of speech, speech-thinking, and spiritual development of the student; Therefore, in recent years, the tasks of teaching the Russian language have been determined from the standpoint of the competence approach. At the same time, competence is understood as the sum of knowledge, skills and personal qualities that allow a person to perform various actions, including speech.

    In connection with the goal, the following were set: tasks, ensuring the implementation of a person-oriented approach to learning:

    Mastering knowledge about the Russian language, its structure and functioning in various areas and situations of communication; about the stylistic resources of the Russian language; about the basic norms of the Russian literary language; about Russian speech etiquette; formation of skills to identify, analyze, classify linguistic facts, evaluate them from the point of view of normativity, compliance with the situation and the sphere of communication; skills to work with text, implement information retrieval, extract and transform the necessary information

    Education of citizenship and patriotism, a conscious attitude towards language as a cultural phenomenon, the main means of communication and acquisition of knowledge in various spheres of human activity; nurturing interest and love for the Russian language;

    Improving speech and thinking activity, communication skills and abilities that ensure fluency in the Russian literary language in different areas and situations of its use; enriching the vocabulary and grammatical structure of students’ speech; development of readiness and ability for verbal interaction and mutual understanding, the need for verbal self-improvement;

    The period of study in grades 5-11 covers almost all stages of the formation of a linguistic personality. The goal of education in grades 10-11 is to develop and improve students’ abilities for verbal interaction and social adaptation. At the basic level of training, it is envisaged to deepen and expand knowledge about the language norm and its varieties, norms of speech behavior in various spheres of communication, and improve the ability to model one’s speech behavior in accordance with the conditions and tasks of communication.

    General characteristics of the item

    The Russian language is the most important part of the national culture of the Russian people. As an academic discipline, it is of paramount importance, since it is not only a subject of study, but also the most important means of knowledge of other sciences, a means of intellectual, spiritual, and aesthetic development of students. The meta-subject educational functions of the native language determine the universal, generalizing nature of the impact of the subject “Russian Language” on the formation of the student’s personality in the process of his education at school. The Russian language is the basis for the development of thinking, imagination, intellectual and creative abilities of students; the basis for personal self-realization, development of the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of educational activities. The native language is a means of familiarization with the spiritual wealth of Russian culture and literature, the main channel of socialization of the individual, introducing him to the cultural and historical experience of mankind. Being a form of storage and assimilation of various knowledge, the Russian language is inextricably linked with all school subjects, affecting the quality of their assimilation, and subsequently the quality of mastering professional skills. The ability to communicate, achieve success in the communication process, high social and professional activity are those personality characteristics that largely determine a person’s achievements in almost all areas of life and contribute to his social adaptation to changing conditions modern world. The Russian language is the basis for the formation of ethical standards of child behavior in different life situations, the development of the ability to give a reasoned assessment of actions from the standpoint of moral standards

    In the 11th grade, in the Russian language course, the study of syntax and punctuation occurs in close connection with morphology and spelling. In order to prepare students for the Unified State Exam, a system of practical and test work has been developed, including typical exam tasks in the 11th grade, complex text analysis, work with means of artistic expression, and various types of linguistic analysis. A special place is given to phonetic analysis, showing changes in sound quality in the flow of speech, difficulties of orthoepy, types of morphemic and word-formation analysis.
    Description of the place of the Russian language in the curriculum

    In 11th grade basic level 34 hours are allotted for studying the Russian language, that is, 1 hour per week for 34 school weeks.
    Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the Russian language
    Personal The results of mastering the Russian language program by basic school graduates are:

    1) understanding of the Russian language as one of the main national and cultural values ​​of the Russian people, the determining role of the native language in the development of intellectual, creative abilities and moral qualities of the individual, its importance in the process of obtaining school education;

    2) awareness of the aesthetic value of the Russian language; respect for the native language, pride in it; the need to preserve the purity of the Russian language as a phenomenon of national culture; desire for speech self-improvement;

    3) a sufficient amount of vocabulary and mastered grammatical means for the free expression of thoughts and feelings in the process of verbal communication; the ability to self-assess based on observation of one’s own speech.


    1) mastery of all types of speech activity:

    Adequate understanding of oral and written communication information;

    Proficiency in different types of reading;

    Ability to extract information from various sources, including the media, educational CDs, Internet resources;

    Mastering the techniques of selecting and systematizing material on a specific topic; ability to independently search for information, analyze and select it; the ability to transform, store and transmit information obtained as a result of reading or listening, including with the help technical means and information technologies;

    The ability to determine the goals of upcoming educational activities (individual and collective), the sequence of actions, evaluate the results achieved and adequately formulate them verbally and writing;

    The ability to freely and correctly express one's thoughts orally and in writing;

    Ability to speak in front of an audience of peers with short messages and reports;

    2) application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in Everyday life; the ability to use the native language as a means of acquiring knowledge in other academic subjects, to apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities of analyzing linguistic phenomena at the interdisciplinary level (in foreign language lessons, literature, etc.);

    3) communicatively appropriate interaction with other people in the process of verbal communication, joint performance of any task, participation in disputes, discussions; mastery of national and cultural norms of speech behavior in various situations of formal and informal interpersonal and intercultural communication.

    Subject The results of mastering the Russian (native) language program by basic school graduates are:

    1) an idea of ​​the Russian language as the language of the Russian people, the state language of the Russian Federation, a means of interethnic communication, consolidation and unity of the peoples of Russia; about the connection between the language and culture of the people; the role of the native language in human life and society;

    2) understanding the determining role of language in the development of an individual’s intellectual and creative abilities when receiving education, as well as the role of the Russian language in the process of self-education;

    2) mastery of all types of speech activity:

    listening and reading:

    Adequate understanding of the information of oral and written communication (purpose, topic of the text, basic and additional information);

    Possession of the skills of information processing of the text read (plan, theses); techniques for working with books and periodicals;

    Ability to use dictionaries fluently various types, reference literature, including on electronic media;

    Adequate listening comprehension of texts different styles and genres; mastery of various types of listening (with a full understanding of the audio text, with an understanding of its main content, with selective extraction of information);

    The ability to compare speech utterances in terms of their content, belonging to a certain functional variety of language and the linguistic means used;

    speaking and writing:

    The ability to reproduce in oral and written form a text listened to or read with a given degree of condensation (retelling, plan, theses);

    The ability to freely and correctly express one’s thoughts orally and in writing, to comply with the norms of text construction (logic, consistency, coherence, relevance to the topic, etc.); adequately express your attitude to the facts and phenomena of the surrounding reality, to what you read, heard, saw;

    Ability to produce oral and written texts different types and styles of speech, taking into account the intent and situation of communication; create texts of various genres (story, review, letter, receipt, power of attorney, statement), while making a conscious choice and organization of linguistic means in accordance with the communicative task;

    3) presents the material consistently and correctly from the point of view of the norms of literary language.

    Rating "4" is given if the student gives an answer that satisfies the same requirements as for a “5” grade, but makes 1-2 mistakes, which he himself corrects, and 1-2 shortcomings in the sequence and linguistic design of what is presented.

    Rating "3" is given if the student demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the main provisions of this topic, but:

    1) presents the material incompletely and allows for inaccuracies in the definition of concepts or the formulation of rules;

    2) does not know how to substantiate his judgments deeply and convincingly enough and give his examples;

    3) presents the material inconsistently and makes mistakes in the language of the presentation.

    Rating "2" is given if the student reveals ignorance of most of the relevant section of the material being studied, makes mistakes in the formulation of definitions and rules that distort their meaning, and presents the material in a disorderly and uncertain manner.

    A rating of “2” indicates deficiencies in the student’s preparation that are a serious obstacle to the successful mastery of subsequent material.

    Rating "1" is given if the student exhibits complete ignorance or misunderstanding of the material.

    A grade (“5”, “4”, “3”) can be given not only for a one-time answer (when testing a student’s preparation is allotted certain time), but also over time dispersed, i.e. for the sum of the answers given by the student during the lesson (a lesson score is displayed), provided that during the lesson the student’s answers were not only heard, but his ability to apply knowledge in practice was also tested.

    Development Regulationscurriculum

    Basic documents

    • state educational standard (federal and national-regional components);
    • the basic curriculum of schools in the Russian Federation (distribution of educational content by educational areas, academic disciplines, years and weeks);
    • standard (exemplary) training programs;
    • educational program and curriculum of the educational institution;
    • work program for a particular teacher’s subject.

    Sample programs for the subject

    • reflect the leading ideological ideas of the development of society,
    • determine the main directions for the implementation of the content of education and the requirements for the organization of the educational process, for basic knowledge, skills and abilities, taking into account the specifics of a particular academic subject;
    • calculated for the number of hours allocated to the study of each educational area in the invariant part of the Basic curriculum of the educational institution of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1312 of 03/09/2004;
    • serve as the basis for drawing up work programs for training courses and disciplines.

    An approximate (standard) curriculum is a document that reveals in detail the mandatory (federal) components of educational content and the quality parameters for mastering educational material in a specific subject of the basic curriculum. Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and is advisory in nature

    Sample Program Functions

    Information and methodological function

    (gives an idea of ​​the goals, content, general strategy of teaching, education and development of students using the means of a given academic subject).

    Organizational planning function

    (highlights the stages of training, structuring educational material, determining its quantitative and qualitative characteristics at each stage, including for the content of the intermediate certification of students)

    a document created on the basis of the state educational standard and the Model Program and having the author’s concept for constructing the content of a training course, subject, discipline (module). The author's program is developed by one or a group of authors

    Work program of the subject

    This is a set of educational and methodological documentation that is independently developed by the teacher (teachers) of the educational institution on the basis working curriculum And sample programs training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, original programs With taking into account the goals and objectives of the main educational program at the school level and which reflects ways to implement content of an academic subject in a specific educational institution.

    Difference between sample and working program

    Sample program defines basic knowledge, abilities, skills and reflects the system of leading worldview ideas, general recommendations of a methodological nature.

    Working programm specifies the appropriate educational standard, taking into account the necessary requirements for its construction, and also describes the national-regional level, takes into account the possibilities of methodological, informational, technical support of the educational process, the level of training of students, and reflects the specifics of training in a given educational institution

    The compiler of the working curriculum can independently

    • expand the list of didactic units within the limits regulated by the maximum classroom load of students, and subject to continuity with the mandatory minimums of adjacent levels of education;
    • disclose the content of sections and topics outlined in the state educational standard, based on teaching aids(from the federal list), which he considers appropriate;
    • specify and detail didactic units;
    • establish a sequence for studying educational material;
    • distribute the time allocated for studying the course between sections and topics according to their importance;
    • supplement the list of practical classes;
    • specify the requirements for the knowledge and skills of students;
    • include material of the regional component in the amount of teaching hours allocated for this subject;
    • choose based on the tasks facing the subject, teaching technology and monitoring the preparedness of students in the subject.

    Aspects reflected and taken into account in work program

    • requirements of the federal components of state educational standards;
    • mandatory minimum content of educational programs;
    • the maximum amount of educational material for students;
    • requirements for the level of training of graduates;
    • the volume of teaching hours determined by the curriculum of the educational institution for the implementation of educational subjects, modules, special courses, workshops, research and project activities in each class;
    • cognitive interests of students;
    • goals and objectives of the school’s educational program;
    • selection by the teacher of the necessary set of educational and methodological support.

    Structure of the teacher's educational work program

    • title page;
    • explanatory note;
    • content of the training course program;
    • educational and thematic plan  thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities of students);
    • requirements for the level of training of students (personal, meta-subject (competency) and subject-specific results of mastering a specific academic subject, course);
    • educational and methodological teaching aids (description of material, technical, educational and methodological and information support educational process

    Title page of the program

    • full name of the founder and educational institution in accordance with the charter;
    • where, when and by whom the working curriculum was approved;
    • name of the academic subject (course);
    • indications of whether the work curriculum belongs to the stage or level of general education;
    • implementation period of this program;
    • an indication of the sample program and its authors, on the basis of which this working curriculum was developed;
    • Full name. the teacher who compiled this working curriculum
    • title, author and year of publication of a specific program(approximate, author's) on the basis of which the Work Program was developed;
    • goals and objectives of this program training in the field of formation of a system of knowledge and skills (tasks are formulated in accordance with the standard and taking into account the given educational institution);
    • logical connections this subject with other subjects of the curriculum;
    • rationale for content selection and the general logic of the sequence of its study, the distinctive features of the work program in comparison with the example program (change in the number of hours for studying individual topics, structural rearrangement of the order of study of topics, expansion of the content of educational material, disclosure of connections between basic and additional education, etc.) and justification the feasibility of making these changes;
    • general characteristics of the educational process: forms, methods and means of teaching, technologies

    Contents of the training course topics

    • An abstract description of each section according to the numbering in the curriculum. The presentation of educational material in a given sequence provides for the specification of all didactic content units.
    • Contents of the training topic:
    • main issues being studied,
    • practical and laboratory works, creative
      and practical assignments, excursions and other forms of exercise used in training,
    • requirements for knowledge and skills of students,
    • forms and issues of control,
    • possible types independent work students.
    • Topic title.
    • The required number of hours to study it.

    Educational and thematic plan

    • reflects the sequence of studying sections and topics of the program shows distribution of training hours by sections and topics;
    • determines the conduct tests, tests, practical and other types of work at the expense of the time provided for by the maximum academic load;
    • compiled for the entire period of study (usually for the academic year);
    • formatted as a table

    Requirements for the level of student preparation

    • Description of the goals and learning outcomes expressed in the actions of students (operational) and actually identified using any tool (diagnostic).
    • This list of learning outcomes includes specific subject-specific and general educational skills and methods of activity.
    • The basis for highlighting the requirements for the level of preparation of students is the state educational standard of general education and the curriculum (model or original), on the basis of which the Work Program is developed. Therefore, the requirements for the level of student preparation specified in the Work Program must be no lower than the requirements formulated in the federal component of the state standard of general education and the curriculum adopted as the basis.

    Features of the formulation of requirements for the level of student preparation

    They have to :

    • described through the actions of students;
    • indicate a certain level of achievement;
    • be achievable and measurable;
    • be described in language that students can understand.

    Educational and methodological teaching aids


    • basic and additional educational literature (textbooks, study guides, collections of exercises and tasks, test assignments, tests, practical work and laboratory workshops, reading books);
    • reference books (dictionaries, reference books);
    • visual material (albums, atlases, maps, tables);
    • equipment and devices...

    Three groups:

    • “Literature (basic and additional)”;
    • "Didactic material";
    • "Equipment and devices."

    Literature is formatted in accordance with GOST bibliographic description

    Possible options for using and designing work programs by the teacher

    • Using a sample program, a sample program with modifications;
    • Using an existing author’s program (usually the textbook’s author’s program);
    • Using the author's program with modifications;
    • Teacher's own program.

    Work program approval path

    1. Considered at the methodological association, adopted by the scientific and methodological council. The decision of the ShMO and NMS is documented in a protocol. Preliminary external examination is possible (June)

    2. The school director issues an order on the approval of each educational program. Each program must be marked acceptance of the program (MS), examination results (if any), note from the school director on approval of the program (date and order number). Approval of all programs until August 31.

    3. One copy of the training programs is part of the PLO and are with the administration in accordance with a list of cases. Second copy from the teacher

    • Federal list of extremist materials (as of 12/09/2019) Open
    • Federal Law No. 114 “On Combating Extremist Activities” Open
    • Federal Law of July 5, 2002 No. 112-FZ “On introducing amendments and additions to legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption Federal Law“On countering extremist activities”Open
    • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 23, 1995 No. 310 (as amended on November 3, 2004) “On measures to ensure coordinated actions of authorities state power in the fight against manifestations of fascism and other forms of political extremism in the Russian Federation"

    Interview with M. R. Leontyeva

    A mathematician by training, she worked for more than 20 years in the USSR Ministry of Education, and worked for 10 years as editor-in-chief of Prosveshcheniye.

    The word “program” is heard everywhere now, it is given different definitions... What kind of programs can there even be?

    Program is a capacious, multifaceted Russian word. In the education system, in the Law “On Education,” the word program is also used to characterize various documents. In the education system, there are two programs that determine the levels of education: general education and vocational.

    General education programs include: preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education.

    At the same time, in accordance with the Law, each level has a Basic educational program: primary educational program, basic educational program and secondary (complete) general education program. What is OOP? It is the standard that determines the structure of the main educational program.

    For example, the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education defines the structure of the educational program as follows: an explanatory note, the planned results of students mastering the general education program, a primary education curriculum, a program for the formation of educational programs, programs for individual academic subjects, a program for spiritual and moral development, education of students, a program for creating a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle , correctional work program, system for assessing the achievement of planned results.

    In other words, the main educational program of an educational institution is all areas of the school’s activities.

    We will talk about programs in academic subjects.

    The law provides that educational institution has work programs in academic subjects. In this case it is often used beautiful name- author's program.

    The law does not provide for or have any interpretation of copyrighted programs. The Law has a work program, which means that a teacher in a school must have his own work program. Love? No! With the approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education, the standard strictly defined the structure of programs in academic subjects.

    What is a work program and why is it needed?

    Why is it needed? The teacher has always worked and works according to the program. Previously, programs for academic subjects were approved by the Ministry, but in recent years they have not been approved or reviewed. And teachers today work according to these same proprietary programs, which have different structures and, as a rule, are more like concepts rather than programs.

    The program must contain an explanatory note with the objectives of teaching the subject; general characteristics academic subject; personal, meta-subject and subject results, the achievement of which is ensured by the program, the content of the academic subject, course, as well as thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities and a description of material and technical support.

    In fact, the state has put in order a very important document for education - the curriculum for the academic subject. It is already known that many work programs have appeared on the educational literature market, invented and compiled arbitrarily. However, they are of little use to the teacher. The school has the right to choose its own textbooks. But in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, a work program must be drawn up, it must be included in the main educational program of the school, and the program for the academic subject must have a strictly established structure.

    The difference between author's and work's is already clear. The copyright is not legalized, it is written arbitrarily by the author, and may not be in any way connected with the Standard. The work program has an established structure and is strictly connected with the sections of the Standard, especially with the requirements for the results of mastering OOP.

    Sample programs for academic subjects are prepared by order of the Ministry of Education and are integral part an approximate basic educational program and are published on the Ministry’s website. They can be used as the basis for work programs.

    That is, the school director or teacher cannot add their own sections?

    The program for an academic subject or course must contain certain sections, but this does not mean that you cannot add something of your own. I may have a work program for a subject, in which, along with the rest, I will also include tests or planned results that need to be achieved. It is necessary to show (and the teacher himself knows!) what personal, meta-subject and subject results need to be achieved, what content is included here and what types of educational activities will be used. That is why now the publishing house, to the best of its understanding, is beginning to create work programs to help teachers, the structure of which exactly corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard.

    If he is presenting this program, is external review necessary?

    The law does not provide for this. A teacher should be careful when purchasing a work program prepared by a publisher. He must remember that the order of the minister determines what should be in this work program. And if he bought some kind of work program in which there are only three columns of thematic planning, then this cannot be passed off as a work program. That is, it is necessary to see whether the structure and content of the program corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard or not. And if not, he will have to create his own program and add to it everything that the standard requires. Therefore, the Prosveshcheniye publishing house, with great difficulty, produces work programs that clearly meet the federal standard. It must be said that the authors are resisting, because they are already accustomed to the fact that “in my program I will tell you what a new, interesting course I have, how I acted, how I thought when I created this program...” But this is not for the teacher necessary! In fact, from the explanatory note to thematic planning, this is a state document, and then the features of the course begin, which are revealed in thematic planning.

    If a teacher writes a work program, is it part of the main educational program of the institution, and the institution's program receives the corresponding review, and not a separate work program?

    As a rule, the main educational program of the school is agreed upon with the founder, and subject programs are reviewed by subject methodologists.

    What can be reviewed in a subject syllabus? The structure is determined by the Federal State Educational Standard, personal, meta-subject and subject results - in this program there must be those that the standard dictates. And if the content is reviewed, then this is strange, since the content is a reflection of the fundamental core and in fact should be taken from sample programs in academic subjects. In general, no one can dictate the structure of the course that I have chosen. I must describe this structure in my work program, that is, it is not the program that needs to be reviewed, but the textbook. And it has already been reviewed by the Ministry, because the textbook is selected from the federal list, which is approved by the Ministry. Nobody should review thematic planning at all, because it’s my business how I create it. In general, methods, teaching techniques, distribution of material, speed of study - this is all my methodology, and no one reviews it.

    You should always look at the source. First, teachers must read the Federal State Educational Standard, find out what it contains specifically for the teacher.

    Absolutely right.

    If I, as a teacher, am responsible for the textbook, then the choice can only be from the federal list.

    This is determined by the Law.

    Previously, there were results at the end of classes, but now there are stages of training!

    The standard says that there are planned results in all subjects. In the approximate basic educational program, which will be legalized by the Ministry, there are planned results in all subjects, and the teacher must focus on them.

    Is it right for school management to require reference to programs in printed form?

    None of your business, dear administration! You can only check the program and standard items. And where do I get it - whether I create it myself or buy it - there are no limits.

    Should there be forms of control in the curriculum for the subject?

    The standard does not provide for this. However, the school itself, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, as we have already said, must do school curriculum according to the evaluation system. Methodological associations should discuss what kind of assessment and control system the school should have. Parents and evaluators should be aware that the school has self-assessment, bi-weekly testing, or something else.

    We receive questions from teachers: do programs need to be graded?

    I would reassure people that, unfortunately, they are not alone! Apparently, neither the head teacher nor the director knows that for more than five years the Ministry of Education has not certified programs; the Ministry of Education only examines textbooks. And the Law “On Education” only provides for the examination of textbooks. Therefore, a program with a stamp can only be found up to 1995.
