Ready drawing house layout download for compass. Architectural design in compass

If you have recently purchased a printer, but have already realized that you are not interested in printing other people's models, then this series of articles is for you. In my articles I will try to teach you how to create your own models.

KOMPAS-3D Home is a 3D modeling system that is accessible even to a child and has the full capabilities of professional packages.

KOMPAS-3D Home was developed by the Russian company ASCON on the basis of the professional KOMPAS-3D system, which has been on the market for over 26 years.

The system is completely Russian-language, including all manuals and references, which will certainly simplify your further study.

To get acquainted, you can download a free 60-day version of KOMPAS-3D Home, you can do this on the website

By filling out a simple form, we get to email link to archive. Downloading the archive don't forget to unpack it and install the program. I hope this process will not be difficult for you.

On first launch, the Application View window appears - just click OK. You don't need to set up yet.

After starting the program, we see the start page:

Let's create a detail - for this, just click the corresponding icon on the start page.

A sketch is the basis of any model.

The basis of any operation is a sketch. Sketches are placed on planes or model faces.

To create a sketch, press the Sketch button on the Current State panel and select the desired plane.

After that, you switch to sketch mode - the image is unfolded onto the screen plane. A thumbnail mode icon appears in the right corner.

Let's create a rectangle. To do this, select the Rectangle command in the Geometry panel.

You can either click in two arbitrary places on the screen, or enter values ​​from the keyboard. Enter a height value of 50 mm - press Enter, then enter a width value of 50 mm - press Enter. Click anywhere to place the resulting square.

You can now exit sketch mode.

To do this, either click again on the thumbnail button in the Current Status panel, or on the thumbnail mode icon in the right upper corner working field of the model.

Extrusion operation

Now we have a sketch and we can perform the operation. Run the Extrude command on the Edit Part panel.

You can either drag the hotspots in the model window or enter 50mm from the keyboard - press Enter to enter the value. Click the Create Object button or Ctrl+Enter from the keyboard to create the operation.

You have a cube or a box, depending on your actions.

1. Contour construction

On the compact panel, open the section Geometry . Click on the corner of the button Auxiliary lines, from the opened menu of auxiliary lines, select horizontal line . With its help, we draw auxiliary lines for the ground level, basement, levels of window openings, cornice, etc. (projection connection lines) for window openings, building corners, roof elements.

In chapter Geometry in a team Line segment choose line style Axial, coordination axis AT, in a team Auxiliary lines choose an option Parallel line. AT Status bar in field Distance indicating the required values, we build vertical coordination axes B and BUT.

Commands Circle section Geometry we finish on the section of the circle for the axes. On the compact panel, select a section Notation and in the list of commands that opens, select Entering text. We carry out the designations of the axes. Font size 5mm. We press the button Create object. We carry out the inscription: "Section 1-1" above the image of the section. Font size 7mm(choose in Status bar) - .

2. Building walls

The next stage of work is the application of external and internal walls and partitions that fall into the cutting plane onto the section of the building. We activate the following libraries in sequence: Architecture and constructionBuilding Design Library - Wall.

AT Status bar select the required wall thickness ( 588mm). In our case, the outer walls are bound 100mm. For brand drawings architectural solution(AP), we show the walls of the building without shading (select the mode Without hatching and filling).

With the cursor, we indicate the point of the beginning of the wall on the section (the cursor becomes a pencil) and move it up. The bearing wall of the corridor has a thickness 400 mm the coordination axis runs in the middle of the wall. The second wall 160mm in accordance with the task, we fix its position using the command Auxiliary lines(option Parallel line ).

In chapter Geometry in a team Line segment choose line style thickened, draw the ground level, then change the line style to Main and draw contour lines for building elements in accordance with the task.

On panel View button Refresh Image allows you to eliminate image defects.

3. Application of window and door openings

In library Building Design Library, choose a section Catalog - Doors and windows. Choose Window. Activate by double clicking. In the section, we see one window and a door, we take their marking according to the plan, and the dimensions from the specifications of window and door openings. The window in the corridor on the second floor is marked OK1(see diagram of the plan of the 2nd floor). The window has a width 1512mm and height 1512mm. Opening the field Properties and specify: length1512mm; width1512mm. The door we see is the entrance, its marking D1, it is double-sided, dimensions: width - 1212mm, height - 2112mm.

In the catalog of doors, select the appropriate type of doorway and its parameters. Specify in Status bar in the relevant sections - Width and Height.

Window openings with quarters, sashes with double glazing, marked with indices OK1 and OK2; their dimensions are given in the specification.

With the command Line segment section Geometry, we carry out constructions in accordance with the task: window openings in load-bearing walls; doorways in load-bearing and non-bearing walls; we complete the elements of the roof; foundation, etc.

4. Drawing elevation marks and cut dimensions

On the toolbar, activate . We activate the following libraries in sequence: Architecture and constructionLibrary of SPDS - designations - Automatic array of level marks. Activate by double clicking.

On the section, we indicate the zero mark with the cursor (the level of the finished floor of the first floor), and then, without leaving the command, we sequentially indicate the necessary height marks (see the task). On the press the button Create object. A phantom of elevation marks will appear on the screen, which we place in a convenient place in the image.

In library Architecture and constructionLibrary of SPDS - symbols - Automatic dimensional chain the system builds a closed dimensional chain. To do this, it is enough to point the cursor to the beginning and end of a vertical wall with window openings.

5. Drawing a cutting plane line for a cut

Activate the team cutting line / Sections In chapter Notation .

We build a section line 1-1 , for which we indicate the starting point of the section line on the plan of the 1st floor, then an auxiliary point on the section line, then the phantom of the section designation that appears is fixed in the desired direction.

6. Filling in the title block

Double click to activate the title block. We fill in according to the task. Required for Special control panels press the button Create object .

Construction site manager, compass setting, MinD technology - building a 3d model of a house from AC and AP brand drawings.

Creating a drawing of a house

Let's start building a house. We build the axes of the house, plan the strip foundation (ground floor), select building materials (concrete), edit the walls, set the thickness and height of the walls, create a door and a porch. We connect the manager of construction objects. We create the 1st floor, set the height, select the type of floor, select the M100 brick material.

We continue to create drawings of the house

We edit walls, use bindings, insert doors and windows, change the properties of doors and windows, the button for building a 3d model.

Let's walk through the house

Building a section of a 3d model, artisan rendering library, house visualization, house walk (good command to present your project). You can create a house that you yourself are going to build and take a virtual walk with your family to think through everything to the smallest detail.

MinD (Model in drawing) technology. ASCON company offers us to start designing a building in a familiar 2d environment. You make drawings, if necessary, using ready-made libraries of elements, which already simplifies the process of designing a house. At any time, you can automatic mode create specifications for the elements of your project. When preparing drawings, you automatically start building a 3d model of the house! From the 3d model you can build sectional drawings. Everything is interconnected, simple, ingenious, and as a result, you receive documentation in accordance with all GOSTs and standards of the Russian Federation.

Today Compass 3D is one of the most popular programs designed to create 2D drawings and 3D models. Most engineers use it to develop plans for buildings and entire construction sites. It is also widely used for engineering calculations and other similar purposes. In most cases, the first 3D modeling program that a programmer, engineer or builder learns is Compass 3D. And all because it is very convenient to use it.

Using Compass 3D starts with installation. It does not take much time and is quite standard. One of the main tasks of the Compass 3D program is the most common drawing in 2D format - before all this was done on Whatman, but now there is Compass 3D for this. If you want to learn how to draw in Compass 3D, read this manual. It also describes the process of installing the program.

Well, today we will look at creating drawings in Compass 3D.

In addition to full-fledged drawings, in Compass 3D you can create separate fragments of parts also in 2D format. The fragment differs from the drawing in that it does not contain a template for Whatman paper and in general it is not intended for any engineering tasks. This, one might say, is a training ground or a training ground so that the user can try to draw something in Compass 3D. Although the fragment can then be transferred to the drawing and used in solving engineering problems.

To create a fragment, when starting the program, you must click on the "Create new document” and in the menu that appears, select the item called “Fragment”. After that, click the "OK" button in the same window.

To create fragments, as well as for drawings, there is a special toolbar. It is always located on the left. It has the following sections:

  1. Geometry. Responsible for all geometric objects that will later be used when creating a fragment. These are all kinds of lines, roundness, broken lines, and so on.
  2. Dimensions. Designed to measure parts or the entire fragment.
  3. Notation. Designed to be inserted into a fragment of text, tables, bases or other construction symbols. At the bottom of this item is an item called "Building designations". This item is designed to work with nodes. With it, you can insert more specific designations, such as the designation of the node, its number, brand, and other features.
  4. Editing. This item allows you to move some part of the fragment, rotate it, make it larger or smaller, and so on.
  5. Parametrization. Using this item, you can align all points along the specified line, make some segments parallel, set the tangency of two curves, fix the point, and so on.
  6. Measurement (2D). Here you can measure the distance between two points, between curves, nodes and other fragment elements, as well as find out the coordinates of a point.
  7. Selection. This item allows you to select some part of the fragment or all of it.
  8. Specification. This item is intended for those who are professionally engaged in engineering. It is intended for establishing links with other documents, adding a specification object, and other similar tasks.
  9. Reports. The user can see all the properties of a fragment or some part of it in reports. It can be length, coordinates and more.
  10. Insert and macro elements. Here you can insert other fragments, create a local fragment and work with macro elements.

To find out how each of these elements works, you just need to use it. There is absolutely nothing complicated in this, and if you studied geometry at school, you can figure it out with Compass 3D.

Now let's try to create some fragment. To do this, use the "Geometry" item on the toolbar. By clicking on this item, a panel with elements of the "Geometry" item will appear at the bottom of the toolbar. Let's choose there, for example, an ordinary line (segment). To draw it, you need to put a starting point and an ending point. A segment will be drawn from the first to the second.

As you can see, when drawing a line, a new panel appears below with the parameters of this very line. There you can manually specify the length, style and coordinates of the points of the line. After the line is fixed, you can draw, for example, a circle tangent to this line. To do this, select the item "Circle tangent to curve 1". To do this, you should hold down the left mouse button on the “Circle” item and select the item we need from the drop-down menu.

After that, the cursor will change to a square, which you need to specify a straight line, tangent to which the circle will be drawn. After clicking on it, the user will see two circles on both sides of the straight line. By clicking on one of them, he will fix it.

In the same way, you can apply other objects from the "Geometry" item of the Compass 3D toolbar. Now we will use the "Dimensions" item to measure the diameter of the circle. Although this information can be found out if you just click on it (all information about it will appear below). To do this, select the "Dimensions" item and select "Linear dimension". After that, you need to specify two points, the distance between which will be measured.

Now let's insert text into our fragment. To do this, select the Symbols item on the toolbar and select Text Input. After that, you need to specify with the mouse cursor where the text will begin by clicking on right place left mouse button. After that, it remains just to enter the desired text.

As you can see, when you enter text, its properties are also displayed at the bottom, such as size, line style, font, and more. After the fragment is created, it needs to be saved. To do this, just click the save button on the top panel of the program.

Tip: When creating a slice or drawing, turn on all snaps immediately. This is convenient, because otherwise the mouse cursor will not be attached to any object and the user simply will not be able to make a fragment with straight, correct lines. This is done on the top panel by pressing the "Bindings" button.

Creating details

To create a detail, when opening the program and clicking on the "Create a new document" button, select the "Detail" item.

There, the toolbar items are somewhat different from what they have when creating a fragment or drawing. Here we can see the following:

  1. Editing a part. This section presents all the most basic elements needed to create a part, such as a blank part, extrusion, cut, fillet, hole, taper, and more.
  2. Spatial curves. With this section, you can draw a line, circle, or curve in the same way as it was done in the fragment.
  3. Surfaces. Here you can specify the surface of extrusion, rotation, pointing to an existing surface or creating it from a set of points, make a patch and other similar operations.
  4. Arrays. The user gets the opportunity to specify an array of points along a curve, a straight line, arbitrarily or in another way. This array can then be used to specify surfaces in previous paragraph menus or create reports on them.
  5. Auxiliary geometry. You can draw an axis through two boundaries, create an offset plane relative to an existing one, create local system coordinates or create a zone in which certain actions will be performed.
  6. Measurements and diagnostics. With this item, you can measure the distance, angle, rib length, area, mass-centering and other characteristics.
  7. Filters. The user can filter bodies, circles, planes or other elements by certain parameters.
  8. Specification. The same as in the fragment with some features intended for 3D models.
  9. Reports. Also familiar to us point.
  10. Design elements. This is practically the same “Dimensions” item that we met when creating the fragment. Using this item, you can find out the distance, angular, radial, diametrical and other types of dimensions.
  11. Sheet body elements. The main element here is to create a sheet body by moving the sketch in a direction perpendicular to its plane. There are also such elements as the shell, fold, fold according to the sketch, undercut, hole and much more.

The most important thing to understand when creating a part is that here we are working in three-dimensional space in three planes. To do this, you need to think spatially and immediately visualize in your mind what the future part will look like. By the way, almost the same toolbar is used when creating an assembly. The assembly consists of several parts. For example, if in a detail we can create several houses, then in an assembly we can draw a whole street with houses created earlier. But first, it is better to learn how to make individual details.

Let's try to make some simple detail. To do this, you first need to select a plane in which we will draw the starting object, from which we will then start. Click on the desired plane and in the small window that will appear after that in the form of a hint, click on the "Sketch" item.

After that, we will see a 2D image of the selected plane, and on the left there will be familiar toolbar items, such as "Geometry", "Dimensions" and so on. Let's draw a rectangle. To do this, select the "Geometry" item and click on the "Rectangle". After that, you need to specify two points at which it will be located - the upper right and lower left.

Now on the top panel you need to click on "Sketch" to exit this mode. By clicking on the mouse wheel, you can rotate our planes and see that now there is a rectangle on one of the planes. The same can be done by clicking "Rotate" on the top toolbar.

To make a three-dimensional figure out of this rectangle, you need to use the extrusion operation from the "Edit Detail" item on the toolbar. Click on the created rectangle and select this operation. If you do not see this item, hold down the left mouse button where shown in the figure below and select from the drop-down menu desired operation. After this operation is selected, its parameters will appear below. The main ones there are the direction (forward, backward, two directions) and type (distance, to the top, to the surface, through everything, to the nearest surface). After selecting all the parameters, you need to click the "Create object" button on the left side of the same panel.

Now the first three-dimensional figure is available to us. In relation to it, for example, you can make a rounding in such a way that all its corners are round. To do this, in the "Editing part" item, select "Rounding". After that, you just need to click on those faces that will become round, and in the bottom panel (parameters) select the radius, and click the "Create object" button again.

Next, you can use the "Extrude Cut" operation from the same "Geometry" item to make a hole in our part. After selecting this item, click on the surface that will be extruded, select all the parameters of this operation below and click the "Create object" button.

Now you can try to put a pillar on top of the resulting figure. To do this, open its upper plane as a sketch, and draw a circle in the center.

Let's return to the three-dimensional plane by clicking on the "Sketch" button, click on the created circle and select the "Extrusion Operation" operation in the "Geometry" item of the control panel. Specify the distance and other parameters at the bottom of the screen, click the "Create object" button.

After all this, we got something like this figure.

Important: If the toolbars in your version are not located as shown in the screenshots above, you need to display these panels on the screen yourself. To do this, on the top panel, select the "View" tab, then "Toolbars" and check the boxes next to the panels we need.
