"If you want to be Russian - pay": Interview with Yegor Prosvirnin. "If you want to be Russian - pay": Interview with Yegor Prosvirnin Social policy satellite and pogrom

not losing popularity social networks opened up a wide scope for the intellectual activity of citizens who are fond of politics. Amateur Internet media appeared, operating only on VKontakte, without independent sites, which does not prevent such media from being quite popular.

One notable resource of this kind is the so-called “ Sputnik and mayhem". It was founded by Yegor Prosvirnin (in LJ - nomina_obscura ). Yegor's self-conceit and show-off are colossal: "I form the consciousness of people. And their consciousness forms their actions. And their actions form the surrounding reality. The real result is that the first Russian people appeared in the world. With Russian consciousness, Russian worldview".

The name immediately seems strange. What "satellite"? Yegorka has nothing to do with the aerospace industry. What "pogrom"? Egor Prosvirnin is a typical Internet resident, overweight, fan computer games(I used to write for the gaming magazine “Igromania”), he can go to the pogrom only with a mouse in his hands in some Warhammer.

In general, the “first Russian man” Egorka Prosvirnin began cheerfully - during the winter speeches of the opposition, he defended angry national democratic tendencies, furiously denounced the Putin regime, and energetically criticized the leaders of the White Ribbons for draining popular protest. But now the elections are over, and Yegorka rushed from politics to history - he began to write a lot about Tsarist Russia and bark at the Soviet past. "Sputnik and Pogrom" (let's call it more precisely - "Laughter and Shame") settled down in the ranks of the whistleblowers of the syphilitic Ulyanov-Blank and the bloody Georgian Dzhugashvili.

However, the topics for the articles quickly ended, so now it is necessary to keep the attention of readers with historical fantasies (“The bigger the lie, the more willingly they believe in it”), therefore, the more Prosvirnin rots the communist past, the more he moves away from common sense. And here he chatted.

At the end of last week, the Prosecutor General's Office demanded, along with publics in support of ISIS (banned in Russia) and Jabhat al-Nusra, the nationalist online magazine Sputnik and Pogrom, which grew out of personal blog journalist Yegor Prosvirnin to an independent resource with paid subscription and almost a million monthly audience.

The editors of The Village do not share the views of the hero of the interview and his publication (and do not really believe in his words about a racial political war in the United States and a secret external management money of Mark Zuckerberg), but considers state censorship of Internet media fundamentally unacceptable. We spoke with Prosvirnin about the audience of Sputnik and Pogrom, problems with the Prosecutor General's Office, and the future of elitist nationalism.

About blocking and readers from the presidential administration

- Why is Sputnik and Pogrom closed just now? The site has existed for five years, and people in certain offices simply could not help but follow it all this time.

Election campaign. Not only Sputnik and Pogrom, but 10 more sites are also there. See: 09:35 - news from all news agencies that blocked Sputnik and Pogrom, 09:45, the next news - Navalny's Moscow headquarters was blocked. To say that this is some kind of coincidence... Judging by the processes that have been taking place over the past few days, a cleansing of everything has begun. Not only S&P, but everything that is revealingly disloyal.

- It just always seemed that S&P has not been closed until now solely for reasons of control and monitoring.

As Vinokurova said (Ekaterina Vinokurova, journalist. - Ed.) on the fourth anniversary of Sputnik, half of the AP is reading Sputnik and Pogrom. The last time V.V. Putin was elected in 2012, Sputnik simply did not exist then, and blocking tools began to be developed only in 2013. Then Donbass began, there is Prokopenko's leaked correspondence (Timur Prokopenko, Deputy Head of the Internal Policy Department of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. - Ed.) and there is a mention of "SiP", like "Let's bang these Natsiks already? “No, let them live for now.” In fact, it deeply offended me - with such disdain, such a nit that did nothing in life. That's the feeling.

- At the same time, according to the recently published book by Charles Clover, employees of law enforcement agencies, for example, treat nationalism with a certain reverence, finding in it a continuation of their role in the Soviet empire.

They have such a hybrid ideology, monster. They have reached the global conspiracy theory. In addition to Clover, one must also read an excellent book about the new nobility, where there is a phrase either by Patrushev (Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. - Ed.), or Bortnikova (Alexander Bortnikov, director of the FSB. - Ed.) that "in the 1990s, Russia was hanging by a thread, it was caught by the saving hook of knights of honor, agents, officers of the FSB." There are some words about patriotism, but quite conditionally understood. “We are good because we are. - And why? - But because we saved Russia. - How did you save it? - Well, something like this, a hook.

- In any case, there has always been a suspicion that they consider the nationalists as allies, albeit not completely controlled.

They do not need some kind of loyalists, patriots, they need everything to be controlled. Mass patriotic moods cannot be turned off by the whistle, and one of the foundations of their ideology is that everything should be structured, nothing should be on its own. It is known what happened with the "Russian Image", which ended up turning to murders. In this, Nikita Ivanov, who is still working in the AP, was directly lit up with a great concert of the Kolovrat group not far from Bolotnaya. It became an inoculation - once they tried to be friends with the nationalists, so the nationalists began to kill not even the enemies of the fatherland, but simply anti-fascists. Since then, that's all. As Vladimir Vladimirovich said in 2013, “we will register all parties, except for nationalist ones.” Moreover, they were very frightened by the reaction to the “Russian spring”.

- They don't need some kind of loyalists, patriots, they need everything to be controlled. You can’t turn off mass patriotic moods at the whistle, and one of the foundations of their ideology is that everything must be structured

- Do large donations happen often?

No. One person, with whom I once went to Kyiv, pays Raskolnikov (Rodion Raskolnikov, head of the S&P news service. - Ed.) constant salary as an editor. This is not such a large amount that a person could demand something from us, but on the other hand, he is glad that some kind of news comes out, and he sponsored it. There is an acquaintance with Sinyushin (Konstantin Sinyushin, venture investor. - Ed.), founder of United Venture. I met with him several times, he provided some specific assistance, despite the fact that I did not ask him for money, but asked us to hire several specialists. In general, unlike others, I never ask for money, but I say: we need a developer, hire him and pay him a salary, or a designer. So that people can see where the people's money goes. With Nasobin (Oleg Nasobin, entrepreneur, founder of Green Mama. - Ed.) He also talked there for some time, he also wrote us one text, however, then he turned out to be slightly trans-Ukrainian. We are with him and Spout (Anton Nosik, journalist, blogger. - Ed.) once we got very funny drunk on Armenian moonshine after his lecture, Nosik then brought me home, Marina (Marina Urusova, fiancee of Yegor Prosvirnin. - Ed.) met and then joked: “Take him back to the synagogue.”

- What does the paid audience of Sputnik generally peck at - hot news or long reads that you have always zealously defended?

I don't know what she's into, I'm making a site for myself. There is such a journalistic phenomenon - the creation of spherical horses in a vacuum. When something is completely uninteresting to you, but you say: “Yes, somewhere there is some reader who is interested in this.” For this reason, for example, in the midst of some socio-political texts, in places even quite good ones, some crazy reviews appeared on the current Lenta. popular instagrams stars. Obviously, some marketer settled down and said: “Listen, Instagram is fashionable and popular, let's write about Instagram.” The fact that the news of Donbass doesn’t fit at all with the review of Kim Kardashian’s ass is unimportant, there are analytics!

People begin to make a product not for themselves, but for some other people, mostly assholes. I am making a product for myself. I look at analytics, but I never focus on it. Galkovsky (Dmitry Galkovsky - writer, online publicist. - Ed.) taught me that nationalism is when a group of intellectuals gather and begin to impose their vision of the world on everyone else, and not when they run on all fours and ask: “What do you want?” Those who ask, “What do you want?” do not found nations, they clean toilets in these nations.

I grew up on the completely elitist Game.EXE magazine, which was very fond of the expression "rebellious Orthodox mob", which the then editor-in-chief wrote about Sorokin's books down the toilet. The magazine was formally about games, but in fact it was about culture, about politics and was distinguished by its great contempt for mass tastes, which is why it became legendary. You can pull people up to your level, or you can lower yourself to theirs. People do not know who Sorokin is, we will explain to them, and we will not make a number based on sociology. How many gamers want to read about Sorokin? Not at all. But they will read. First our texts, and then Sorokin himself. If the audience does not read enough big text, which I consider good, I will go public and write: “Yes, you are fucking! What are you-Putinists? Russians?

- But the expressive columns on the site probably read more than long reads about the history of the Civil War.

No matter, no one will pay money for an expressive column. My task is to catch up with traffic so that people get interested and start buying a subscription. This is generally a huge plus of the subscription model - the numbers of those who read the text warm the heart, but are not the main ones. The main thing is that in the comments to these texts people write “Thank you, I went to renew my subscription” or even “Well, I don’t like Sputnik at all, but for the sake of Norin’s texts, I still pay for the subscription.” At this moment, you understand that attendance is not in the first place, your income does not depend on it in any way. If you open a paywall, attendance will, of course, grow, someone will even pay out of the kindness of their hearts, but it will be 10 times less than what we currently earn.

- Who is the average reader of Sputnik and Pogrom?

The average reader is me. The rest can read what they like or live in shit, it's their choice. When a text is sent to me, can I imagine how the average reader will react to it? No. Do I have an image of the audience in my head? No. We go from whether a person can write or not. I am ready to endure some kind of deprivation, searches, prison in order to have a magazine in Russia where one could read about the "rebellious Orthodox mob." And I don't want to read a magazine about "indignant believers."

- It's just that it has always been quite comical from the outside - you go to some huge neutral historical text, and the third comment to it is no, no, and yes, “Let's beat the Jews” comes out.

I have never seen the comment “Let's beat the Jews” on our website.

I'm exaggerating, but you know what I mean.

I must say that comments under premium texts are different from texts in mass access - they are generally two different universes. We have not yet launched a system of paid access to comments, but we want to. Because it's understandable that you come in and want to make jokes about Jews in the comments - well, at least pay five dollars a month for it. At the same time, 99% of those who are inadequate will be eliminated at this stage. What some locals write there in free articles - what they just don’t write there. If you want to be Russian - pay, but if there is no money - live Soviet. By the way, I have a dozen subscriptions to a variety of publications - it's easy for me to pay money for large texts on Foreign Affairs, The New York Times, Foreign Policy.

- To put it simply, from the very beginning you tried to marry the concept from the 18th century with gay marriages and sex robots, and, in my opinion, this has always caused and continues to cause frustration in part of your own audience.

Well, what else to expect from the rebellious Orthodox mob?

- But this is a stable and considerable part of Sputnik's audience. What do you think about it?

With self-satisfaction. People don't like our positions, but we are so good that they have to read us anyway. We are a magazine for the elite. For those who will rule. When I said that in the future they would distribute apartments on subscriptions and checks for Sputnik and Pogrom, I was not joking. Moreover, the apartments will be service apartments - for future ministers, deputy ministers, governors. If we want to create a mass project, it will be called completely different - "Stalin and Spirituality" or "Putin, Patriarch and Stalin." Thrash, balalaika, all bullshit.

But what is the point of creating a mass project in a world where mass politics does not exist? The opinion of the working people is important when you are fighting for the votes of the working people, the voices of the working people are important when, firstly, you can collect them, and secondly, when how many ballots the working people put in the ballot box, so many later they pulled out of this ballot box. Because if you put in 100 and pulled out 200, then the votes of the workers are not so important. And if, as in Chechnya, they pulled out 99%, then this is already such a cosmos ... In the situation of Chechnya, it makes no sense to make a magazine for the working people, it makes sense to make a magazine for Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov. We've slightly simplified along the way, removed the word "intellectual" from "intellectual Russian nationalism", but now we need to return it, apparently.

- I remember photos of the Sputnik screenshot from the Stanford classrooms - how much of the audience is conditional Russians at Stanford?

This is our audience. Our second country in terms of the number of premium subscriptions after Russia is the USA. When there was a devastating story in Vesti, a reader wrote to us in 15 minutes that "it will be released about you now, here is a summary." The problem is, the readers all piss. In this sense, in non-public conversations, I compare Russian nationalism with homosexuality, when everyone is afraid to leave the closet, to make a coming out. After this blocking, it will be even more difficult to convince them of this. It causes some rage in me - everyone reads, everyone understands. But at night under the covers and not telling anyone about it. In the West, they are more willing to admit it, because what will happen to you. And here, only when he left for Cyprus, you can afford to pay Raskolnikov's salary.

- Okay, what is your second option with the future of the site?

The second option is full openness. Make an appointment with Prosecutor General Chaika, he has reception hours there. Take a voice recorder with you, come and say: “I’m the editor-in-chief, the voice recorder is on, why did you block me, you nit?” Go out on such trash and frenzy quite openly, start recording all these YouTube podcasts. And in general, it is necessary to engage in political propaganda and agitation in game chats, in the same Heroes of the Storm. I recently read that at the opening of some headquarters, Navalny was shown DotA. I realized that if Navalny only saw Dota in 2017, which no one plays anymore, because everyone plays League of Legends and Heroes of the Storm, then he will never become president.

I am ready to endure some hardships, searches, prison in order to have a magazine in Russia, where one could read about the "rebellious Orthodox mob." And I don’t want to read a magazine about “outraged believers”

About the impossibility of alt-right in Russia, Navalny and Voloshin

- The success of Trump and alt-right in the US is directly associated with imageboard regulars.

Unfortunately, we have quite Soviet imageboards. Since Dvach is known to be registered in the register of Roskomnadzor's information distributors, this means that it officially provides the RKN with information about its users. Anonymous imageboards are officially registered with our Soviet KGB. Such a slightly twisted reality.

- And why did their audience of imageboards rush to the right so easily and en masse?

They were just pushed out of the mainstream media, shaking hands and all that. Questions about what is happening in the United States began to grow among citizens, and there was no opportunity to legitimately ask these questions, well, so that The New York Times would have, for example, a column about the problems of Mexican immigration. If people really care about something, but they cannot ask questions, then sooner or later water always finds some way out. That place was 4chan. There you can say whatever you want, and not be afraid for your reputation. It's actually a very logical thing structurally, if we look at the systemic design of American public opinion, we see this systemic flaw.

Has the left-liberal discourse tightened the screws too much?

It's not even left-liberal, it's mainstream discourse. Closed the possibility of something to express. Therefore, on the one hand, it acquired such a slightly ironic and silly style, on the other hand, it was completely anonymous. Therefore, when a certain candidate appeared who became the champion of the point of consolidation, naturally, they all rushed to support him, this is logical.

- In Russia, it means that it will not be possible to repeat it?

In Russia, everything is very interesting, because we do not have public opinion as such, there is no stable reality. In the USA, everything became possible because everything is very stable there, there is an established political system. The system is recognized by all its participants, no one says: well, you know, we don't have free elections.

There are Nazi parties there that constantly lose, get some completely ridiculous percentages or even fractions of a percentage. Therefore, a person looks - there are questions, but in the best case, you can go to some Nazi party and get one-tenth of a percent, put an end to your career in more or less decent places, and that's it. So the movement starts.

And we have a state of permanent chaos, when today we have respected Ukrainian partners, tomorrow we have a fascist junta, and the day after tomorrow we are partners again. This is the legacy of the phenomenon of Soviet tricksterism. The USSR was a totally ideological state, where the position of the layman was not assumed, it was assumed that all citizens of the USSR were burning with the dream of world justice, and so on. But it is really impossible for everyone to be constantly involved in the political struggle - at best, 10% of the population is interested in politics. The rest are interested in philistine life, and this is normal. This was not supposed to happen there, and since people were constantly forced to imitate a stormy interest in political life, a unique Soviet culture of doublethink arose, which has no analogues anywhere. People constantly made some speeches, operated with some terms, and they themselves thought about something completely different. This culture of total hypocrisy migrated to the Russian Federation. When Mizulina's son works for some gay company in Belgium (Actually, Nikolai Mizulin works for the Belgian branch of the international law firm Mayer Brown. - Ed.), and she herself opposes gays and everything else. When you say one thing, you do something completely different, and, most importantly, it does not cause any dissonance in anyone.

If an American does this, he will feel somewhat dishonest, other Americans will look askance at him. Therefore, now those people who support Navalny, in this sense, are already from a slightly American generation. Like me, who played video games as children, watched American movies, they were saturated with the bad idea that what you say should be done. This purely Western spiritless idea that your words should match your deeds. Therefore, they have such a request for honesty.

If you oppose world homosexuality, then you don't suck peeps in the evenings in gay clubs, and if you suck peeps in the evenings in gay clubs, then you don't perform. Therefore, such a demand for Navalny begins - he is now the only one who openly publicly declares all this. He has no ideology, he has a simple idea: what you say, do it.

- By the way, Navalny is often accused of crypto-nationalism.

Well, what a crypto-nationalist he is, he's just stupid. He has one answer for 90% of questions - “do not lie and do not steal.” We wanted to do an American-style interview with Navalny: “Mr. Navalny, what are your thoughts on constitutional reform?” Because, according to the current Constitution, the president is de facto the fourth branch of power; in order to become a dictator, he does not even need to violate anything. “Mr. Navalny, can you promise that when you become president, you will take over and carry out the reform, creating a really functioning system of checks and balances? How do you see the economic development of Russia?” The answer "do not lie or steal" is very good, but it does not answer in any way what to do with the structural imbalance in the economy Russian Federation. What to do with the regional imbalance? What to do with your beloved Chechnya and Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov? Because your concept that the same Soviet people live in Chechnya and they are oppressed by Ramzan Kadyrov is perfectly refuted by the story of gays who were killed by their own relatives. Lots of questions like that. He refused to do interviews with us: “Here, you know, he has already given so many interviews.” The problem is that in Navalny's entourage there is only Volkov, and all the rest are some kind of enthusiastic children.

- Name at least one Russian politician from the 90s who you generally like.

Well, Voloshin is reading us. There was a funny incident at a meeting of readers of "Elephant", which had just become a Republic, he admitted that "Elephant" does not read, and he even has a subscription to us. And all the hosts of the evening stand with red faces. Then he approached him, offered to hold a meeting with readers, well, there was whiskey, cigars, he said: “Well, yes,” he gave me a business card. True, then they did not gather, because I am a very worthless organizer.

Of course, he cannot be called a Russian nationalist, but it was clear that there was some kind of national feeling, understanding. Koch read us for some time, but I cannot say that I sympathize with him. In fact, people from the 90s - their period of political formation fell on some kind of freedom, there was sincerity, although monstrous in places. They are, of course, closer than the emasculated Navalny, which shows that he has gestures from the methods of sales, and they forgot to put a book on the basics of liberal political philosophy. Therefore, he mastered the basics of sales, and the Kirby vacuum cleaner, which must be traded, was not given to him. That is why Voloshin is such a frank monster who built totalitarianism, he, of course, is much prettier than this plastic carpet.

If you oppose world homosexuality, then you don't suck peeps in the evenings in gay clubs, and if you suck peeps in the evenings in gay clubs, then you don’t perform. Therefore, such a demand for Navalny begins - he is now the only one who openly publicly declares all this

About Moscow, Khrushchev and renovation

- I must ask you a very important question: can a Russian person live in Khrushchev?

Well, I myself have a Khrushchev, I must say that it is not so scary in it. There, if you make repairs, it is quite possible to live. What is the main thing in Khrushchev? Not that there is a low ceiling, but that there is greenery around, under the windows children run, laugh. Compare with new microdistricts, when you come to some Biryulyovo and see huge concrete blocks, and bare ground between them, some kind of scenery for a dystopia. You go out into this absolutely inhuman space, there are concrete mountains around, an evil wind blows, such complete loneliness, although it seems that you are in the middle of a large microdistrict, and you think: “No, nothing can be done, Putin will rule forever.” Seriously, this is a system of suppression of the will, the introduction of the population into depression and so on. We must be glad that they have not yet switched to cannibalism, because any normal person, having lived for a month in a typical microdistrict, would definitely switch.

In the Russian National State, we will demolish all this Luzhkov’s architecture and everything that is being built, all these new microdistricts, and we will judge those who built it under the article “Crimes against human rights and the foundations of humanity.” Seriously, in fact, when East and West Germany united, the first thing they did was to resettle people from Khrushchev and Brezhnevka (Old panel houses from the GDR era in Germany are still being reconstructed. - Approx. ed.), stating literally that this housing demeans human dignity. For West Germany, the program for the restoration of East Germany after the Soviet regime cost some crazy money, but they have it like a tax on the unity of the country, there are still subsidies to the east. Therefore, naturally, in the Russian National State we will demolish all this Luzhkovism. And where will we get the money from? Mr. Usmanov will share!

- Do you believe in renewal?

I laughed very hard from this booklet, where they tell how everything will be fine in Sobyaning-grad, where there is this bathroom and a mixer is shown, and it is installed open way. Because when you see these white plastic tubes - not normal metal pipes, as in old houses, but theirs ... Why didn’t anyone who filmed it have a question: why are there metal, iron blotches, and under them white plastic pipes? Is there some kind of contradiction here?

About Zuckerberg's money, Lisa Peskova and the race war

- Why does the average urban bourgeois need Sputnik and Pogrom?

Yes, there is no need, live without nationalism. You probably want to decide your own fate. A nation is first and foremost a subjectivity.

- Why is it needed in a world where you can just make money?

Because at any moment this money can be taken away from you, a Mercedes with Ahmed will pass by, run over you, and you won’t be able to say anything. This is even better, and, as you know, at the Korston Hotel, where the Kadyrovites like to take all sorts of Russian businessmen, among other things like calling prostitutes, there is a completely unique service of calling a notary to the room, when the business owner suddenly decided something in the middle of the night on reshape someone. The classic urban European bourgeois has always been in the workshop, which stood up for him in case of emergency, and in our country even progressive journalists, when they began to be collectively dismissed in 2014, were not aware of labor contracts, their labor rights.

If a socio-political journalist allows himself to be fired without paying three monthly salaries, then he is not a socio-political journalist, but a clown. Because there is a hierarchy of interests and rights - personal interests, corporate interests, national interests.

If you do not have a nation, as in America, then you do not have primary and secondary social ties, you cannot organize yourself and defend your rights. If you are the only one who is all smart, then (and not only with the Kadyrovites, but also with the state), you can always be bent, and in response you will only sign. Even with this renovation, sorry. Twenty thousand people from a metropolis of 15 million.

Okay, but let's imagine such an average Moscow precariat - an art director, a coder, anyone. So he can, just a little, with some certain level of professional skills, move to another country to live and work, and it’s easier and closer for him to speak English with some colleague from Bogota or Paris than with a compatriot or even a relative from the provinces. Why does he need Donbass, some abstract “Russian people” with whom he will feel awkward at the same table?

Well, this person wants to move to San Francisco, and why? Because there is a nation.

- What does the nation have to do with it, just a normal level of protection of private property.

There is protection of property not because the state is so good, but because there is that same structured national society. This is also why they have such prosperity and everything else. It is very ridiculous to ask “why?” and then say that a person from a society without a nation can move to a society with a nation.

If you move to live in the USA, you agree to live by someone else's rules, which were invented long before you in foreign institutions, to obey them. And if you stay in Russia, you are a nationalist, you hope that sooner or later you will be able to build a society according to the rules that you like. The fact that we have nothing is both a minus and an advantage, because we can build what we want.

Nevertheless, the global neoliberal present has a very distinct tendency to divide all societies into global winner classes again, people who can find themselves everywhere in the developed world, and loser classes. Why should any nation be the first, when they can all settle remarkably compactly in homogeneous habitats and live normally there?

Well, firstly, because the class of winners is an attempt to create a new historical community - the Soviet, that is, the neo-American people. All this was invented by Comrade Khrushchev, an illiterate Ukrainian collective farmer. Now we have finally come to this...

- But the USSR was an artificial modernist formation, but here everything happens organically.

It's just that in America there is, let's say, a white nationality and there is a non-white nationality. There is no politics of liberals and republicans, but there is white politics and non-white politics. It's actually a racial feud, only they haven't realized it yet. They didn't realize that the basket of deplorables that needed to be evicted were not black deplorables, not Mexicans, they were white. It was yours, it became ours. The same thing happened in the Soviet Union when the Reds won. Then they came to the idea of ​​spreading rot on all whites. If you populate the whole country with hardworking Asians, then they will not sit and listen to some crazy ideas, they will begin to form their own hermetic community, which, in fact, they always did, because they have a very strong cult of the extended family. That is, people, having become accustomed, will grow something of their own, as the Italians who moved there raised the mafia. The American state then fought with it for 70 years and defeated it with great difficulty.

If you are the only one who is all smart, then you can always be bent, and in response you will only subscribe. Even with this renovation, sorry. Twenty thousand people from a metropolis of 15 million

- But now it is not refugees from the continent who are moving to the United States, but just the beneficiaries of the global economic system, people who can receive N times more money there and maintain a certain level of quality of life. The same Russians, by the way.

And Russians are not beneficiaries, Russians are losers, they have no state. This is called the trophy population - the same beneficiaries were after the Second World War, when there was an operation to transport German scientists to the United States. They lost World War II, we lost World War III. The good old practice of stealing the best part of the conquered population. These are very interesting theories that do not take into account that there was still human history before. Now, how many such beneficiaries have fled from Iraq.

- Not true, they are not beneficiaries, they are refugees.

And who is the beneficiary?

- For example, an Indian who leaves the country with a lot of unresolved social and economic problems somewhere in Palo Alto, straight from premodern to the future.

What and who did they win?

- They win everything in terms of personal biography.

They are not beneficiaries. Your country is ruined, your culture has failed, your economy is worthless, your army is ridiculous. As a normal citizen of this country, you collect your belongings and move to a foreign land.

- But do not work as a taxi driver.

But in a foreign culture, learn, lose your old self, your old self, your personality and destroy it so that you have a bigger home. In the old days, such people were called nonentities.

- The point is that capitalism will digest the nation and will not choke in the end.

No, once again: if your homeland was destroyed, and you move, this does not mean that the concept of the nation has lost, it means that one nation has lost to another nation. It was the concept of the nation that brought her victory. And you, growing up in a multinational state, are forced to move to a state with a stronger nation. Your nation turned out to be weaker, and there are two choices: either submit and go to the Janissaries, or arrange a riot.

- But at the same time, representatives of different nations gather in a state convenient for them, join and change the economy there, which, in turn, plows up the social landscape, and representatives of the so-called titular nation vote for Trump - this is the vote of the losers.

Absolutely. It's one nation, the white American nation, loses to the colored one. Well, not completely lost yet. Then they will come to the conclusion that even with the choice of Trump, they will not achieve anything and they must use their competitive advantages. The competitive advantage of Alabama rednecks is that they can shoot.

- And what do you think the colossal paramilitarized US police car is needed for?

The police just consists of rednecks from Alabama, hence the cries about Black Lives Matter. It's that whites kill blacks, whites dressed in police uniforms and use their advantages - here you are black, handsome, you can read rap, and we will shoot you. And dead niggas don't rap!

- Well, well, here, for example, in France, almost half of the police force are descendants of Maghrebian immigrants.

Well, this is actually very good, because in France they were broken off, assimilated. And the president is photographed there against the background of de Gaulle opened.

“I mean, why don’t the American police protect the legal rights of those who own a house in Palo Alto in this imaginary battle with the rednecks?

Because the owner of a house in Palo Alto does not own America, landowners own America. Because it is impossible to take only land and take it somewhere. Everywhere the main elite is always the landowners. In England they are, in France they are, in the States they are, in fact, in almost all independent countries. There is not in Russia.

In fact, all these Palo Altos ... That's when Gates says that he has some billions there, but he donates all of them for the benefit of mankind. This means that he did not have any billions. That is, they were somewhere, but they were not his. This is the first sign that you are not the elite. Because if you have 70 billion dollars, you can completely change everything around. Moreover, they are ideological, all these technologists. And if you give 70 billion dollars on receipt, then this is not your money. And where then this money will go is a big question. And the same thing when they say: you know, Clinton is corrupt there, these bribes are not bribes, this is a tribute. But people from the real elite, to whom the Zuckerbergs-***rbergs came, brought in 100, 200 thousand dollars.

- In general, this is still a little trifle, a fee.

And depending on how much Zuckerberg gave there. Did Zuckerberg also give something to the children of Africa? A state is something that you can control.

Why do you think he doesn't have it?

If I put a wad of money and say that this is your fortune, but you do not have the right to spend it, and I will spend it, then this is not your fortune, this is my fortune, and you are its nominal owner.

- So you think that he is not doing charity work of his own free will?

I believe this is a fact. Well, let me now rewrite my apartment for you, and I will dispose of it. But walking around and telling that you are the owner.

- And who forces him to rewrite?

Well, people come and explain some things.

- Seriously? Who are these people?

Well, first of all, there is a great tool of repression - the Internal Revenue Service.

- From which, in a wonderful way, Google and Facebook are taking everyone somewhere to Luxembourg.

Well, what do you think, the IRS does not see this, does not know where Luxembourg is?

So, what can she do about it?

To start with taxes. And then take and adopt new legislation, according to which the company is obliged to pay 50 billion to the budget or close in the United States, there will be a complete defeat, expulsion, and so on. No one will beep, everything is legitimate. This is how civilized people decide.

And all these technologists - they are nobody, and there is no way to call them. So always look at the landowners and not at these people who talk about having 50 billion. The fact that you created a high-tech company - well, well done, here they are left 100 million so that they don’t beg through the gates, after all, people there have concepts, not Yukos and Khodorkovsky, some kind of civilization. It is called legal culture. So "Sputnik and Pogrom" is not easy, but the order of the Prosecutor General's Office. No progress: in the 90s they would have broken their legs and tortured with a soldering iron, in 2012 they would have closed the 282nd with some kind of examination, over which everyone would have laughed.

The same Donald Trump - his great-grandfather arrived back in the 19th century, that is, a man with understanding. Even Obama has some rather interesting genealogy, but Obama was appointed to work as a vice chairman, he worked. It is worth staying in Russia, because theoretically you can become the founding fathers. Now they are trying to become, but they are not succeeding, because there is no understanding that aristocracy is, first of all, the preservation of a human face in conditions of absolute comfort. They don't have an understanding that their children should be ******* [beaten] with sticks and give them the same school that they themselves went through in the 90s.

Therefore, there is Lisa Peskova, who, with such a dad, writes all this on Instagram. The children of Prosecutor Chaika, who look like such sacrificial lambs. Raising a child is about whipping, spanking and harsh discipline, not endless counting and rolling around Courchevel. Well, they rolled, but they don’t know what to do next. And then people like you and me come - angry and hungry people who, in general, did not feel piety for dads, but at the thought that all this should go to outright degenerates ... Lisa Peskova should not live in Paris . More precisely, maybe, but somewhere on the street, I don't mind.

When the Czechs raised the Prague Uprising in May 1945, they thought that the Germans would surrender - May 1945, why fight. The Wehrmacht really did not want to die in the last big battle of the Second World War (Berlin fell, Hitler is dead, it's all over), but SS Gruppenführer Pückler gave orders to Kampfgruppen subordinate to him from the soldiers of the SS Wallenstein division and the most elite regiment "Der Fuhrer" of the most elite SS Panzer Division "Das Reich" to destroy Prague, as they destroyed Warsaw (German aviation received the same order from the Ruzinsky airfield, where, among other things, the latest Me 262 jets were based). The Black Guard of the NSDAP understood that, unlike the Wehrmacht, in the best (at best!) Case, the gallows awaited them and wanted to show off in the end (so that you understand the level of madness: Gruppenführer Pückler continued to fight in earnest until May 12, stating that unconditional surrender was not to him decree, after which he shot himself).

The Czechs, crazy from such a turn of events (on the one hand, "Tigers", jet "Messerschmitts", selected Nazi fanatics who have nothing to lose, on the other hand, a hodgepodge of policemen and firefighters with one revolver for three, "the situation has developed, let's face it , awkward") began to send out calls for help in all the major languages ​​of the world. Contacts of Czech rebels with American officers are clearly recorded. The Third Mechanized Army of General Patton was 70 kilometers from Prague - it's two, well, three hours away. The third mechanized army of General Patton did not come to the aid of the dying Prague - and another most beautiful Slavic capital would repeat the fate of Warsaw, crushed by a German boot, but ... but, fortunately, the Russians were nearby.




Rushed into the last major bayonet attack on the "SS Black Guard". And the Black Guard, unable to withstand the pressure and fury of Russian bastards, ran, deciding that even for Nazi fanatics, the fury of Russian bastards is too much.

Punish the Czechs - yes. To wheeze with a belly ripped open by a Russian bayonet on the banks of the Vltava - no.

Darth Maul, as you know, embodies anger and indignation - Russian anger and indignation at the fact that the memory of the Russian saviors of Prague is betrayed, cursed and forgotten. This is a shot from the second part of our epic about how the Russians saved Prague - and if you open the czar.chat website right now and subscribe, you will be in the credits of this video.

And if you don’t open it and don’t design it, then we will still shoot and release this series, even if we have to shoot it in our living room, collecting costumes from shit and sticks.

For there must be at least one group of unkind Russians in the whole wide world who have not forgotten, not forgiven and not become silent.


On July 6, 2017, the authorities of the self-proclaimed Russian Federation blocked our website throughout the Russian Federation.

The site was blocked at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office due to "the presence of materials of a nationalist nature" without any claims to specific texts. Please note that there was no trial, examination or anything else - according to the law on pre-trial blocking, any site can be blocked just like that, and only then the site editors must go to court and prove something to the self-proclaimed authorities. And while the court and the case, the site will still be in the block.

In this regard, we suggest that you use standard means blocking bypass. By setting one of these tools you will get access not only to Sputnik and Pogrom, but to all sites blocked by the authorities of the self-proclaimed Russian Federation. Below are instructions for desktop computers, smartphones and tablets.

FOR REFERENCE: From a technical point of view, any of the tools below will allow you to open the sputnikipogrom.com website through a VPN - a "virtual private network located outside the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation.

Your computer connects to the VPN and sends requests through it.

Russian providers only see that you have connected to some server in the USA or, for example, the Netherlands, and no one knows which sites you are viewing through this server (the owners of a foreign server may know about this - but since they are located in the USA or In the Netherlands, where S&P is not blocked and never will be blocked, they, unlike dear Russians, are not at all embarrassed by your desire to read Sputnik and Pogrom).

1. Opera browser

This browser has VPN settings pre-installed. Activating the connection is very simple.

. Download Opera browser from opera.com. Run the file and allow the installation.

. After installation: if you are using Windows - in the left upper corner click on the red O icon, select "Settings". If you are using a Mac, select Opera - Preferences from the top menu.

. Go to the "Security" tab. Check the box next to "Enable VPN".

. AT Chrome browser a friGate badge will appear in the upper right corner of the page, informing you that the site is now available without blocking.

. In Firefox: if the site is still unavailable, click on the friGate icon in the browser bar, select "Site not from the list" - "Add to the list".

. Everything!

3. Tor Browser

In addition to access to the "Sputnik" and all blocked sites, this browser gives you access to the same legendary "dark web", where all the fun happens.

We advise you to use Tor only if the options above do not suit you for some reason (Tor is easy to use and looks like Firefox browser, but is much slower than other lock bypass tools).

. Make sure your connection is secure can be clicked on the bulb icon in front of the address bar.

For smartphones and tablets: Opera Free VPN app

For iOS and Android devices, there is absolutely free app Opera Free VPN.

This application is installed on your smartphone or tablet and runs in the background. You can continue to use your favorite browsers - the sites will be accessed through one of the servers of the Canadian company SurfEasy, Inc. ( subsidiary Norwegian Opera Software - neither Canadians nor Norwegians have a decree from the Russian authorities).

For installation:

. AppStore (iOS) or Play market(Android) search for Opera Free VPN.

. Install the app and give it all the requested permissions to install the "VPN profile".

. Launch the application and make sure VPN is enabled. Open sputnikipogrom.com in your favorite browser. Everything!

. You can change the region by clicking on the lightning icon ⚡️

Paid VPNs: for any device

besides demon paid services there are also paid ones that provide much faster speeds - when you turn on a paid VPN, you will lose no more than 10% of your usual Internet speed.

Actually, our entire editorial staff has not been on the Internet without a paid VPN for many years.

Of the paid services that we use ourselves, we recommend PrivateInternetAccess (PIA) - for only $ 3 a month you get excellent speed and spit on all blocking-prohibitions with laughter.

Paid VPN works through a small program that is installed on your computer - or through an application on your smartphone or tablet (one paid account allows you to put PIA on 5 different devices).

When using a paid VPN, your Internet traffic will pass through a foreign server. Neither Russian providers nor PrivateInternetAccess itself will know which sites you visit (PIA does not keep logs of visits).

All installation instructions are on the PrivateInternetAccess website.

If something is not clear to you, write to them in support or to us at [email protected]. We will tell you what and how to install specifically on your system.

If you have any questions, please write an email to [email protected]— our experts will be happy to help you set up blocking bypass tools and answer all your questions.

And, of course, you can give a subscription to "Sputnik and Pogrom" to your friend, colleague or family member by issuing a gift

I would like to run my tongue along his back, from the base of his neck to his anus, leaving a broken slippery path. Lick from top to bottom, lick all the sweetish youthful sweat from my tender bastard. He has thin, delicate wrists with matte white skin, and he exposes them like a woman when he smokes his cheap cigarettes. He is poor, he is embarrassed by this and he constantly laughs, sprinkling his speech with an inept mother. I look at his yellow teeth, bared in a smile, and smile back. God, what beautiful, thin lips you have. Not red, not vulgar scarlet, but faded, soft, soft pink. You don’t want to dig into them with a desperate passionate howl, but you want to sit and watch how they move, how you pronounce the words. Read them on your lips. You say something indecent, something about sex, your mouth fills with saliva, and you hastily lick it off with a red tongue. You are a virgin. I feel with all my pores how you tremble from internal tension, how you are trying your best to seem at ease, experienced, depraved, experienced such a guy who has taken dozens of members of unknown men into his anus, but you look too often and too immodestly at my bitch tits so that I believe that you do not care at all about what is happening now and that this has happened to you hundreds of times. I feel a block of hardened chocolate of tension in you, I carefully touch your fingers with my hardened, rough, sweaty stumps and you wince, and I order another mojito, and I rise from the table with the grace of a sweaty elephant entwined with bundles of pale yellow fat and I whisper in the ear of the red-haired, wrinkled bartender “Add more vodka!”, and he grins with the vulgar grin and you, nervously twitching, drink vodka in a mojito glass, and your members relax, and your chocolate begins to melt and pour from your ears, from your nose , and little stinky chocolate streams run from your eyes instead of tears, you relaxed my sweet sweet boy, I brazenly grab your knee and crush it, as if I were choosing a donut in a candy store and I already see how I sprinkle your pale hairy legs, like croissants, on sugar sugar powder of methamphetamine mixed with Diphenhydramine and I’m taking you brutalized, hardened with an erection gaining strength to an abandoned warehouse nestled in the outskirts of the city and tying you to an old I put medical tourniquets on the armored bed and put it with a screw and cut it, I cut it, I cut it with a carpenter's knife, your fucking back into belts, and you laugh and drip saliva on the dusty floor, hysterically shaking your red head. Oh, oh, my tender bastard es_read!
