Nestor personal office. Nestor Chernykh @ugly13n - Personal Blog

The title of historian is great and responsible. We know Herodotus, and Plutarch, and Tacitus, and N.M. Karamzin. But for Russian history there is no higher authority, no higher name than the monk (c. 1056-114) - a monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, father of Russian history.

November 9 Memorial Day of the chronicler Nestor is celebrated. The years of his life fell on the XI century. For him, literally recently, in 988, the waters of the Dnieper received the baptized people of Kiev, witnesses of this miracle were still alive. But civil strife, attacks by external enemies have already overtaken Russia. The descendants of Prince Vladimir could not or did not want to be united, with each decade internecine strife among the princes increased.

Scientist Monk Nestor

Who was the Monk Nestor? Tradition says that, being a seventeen-year-old boy, he came to the monastery to the holy elder Theodosius of the Caves(c. 1008–May 3, 1074), where he accepted monastic dignity. There is no doubt that Nestor came to the monastery already quite literate and even, according to the level of that time, an educated young man. By that time, there were many teachers in Kyiv, from whom Nestor could study.

At that time, according to the Monk Nestor

blacks, like luminaries, shone in Russia. Some were strong mentors, others were firm in vigil or in kneeling prayer; others fasted every other day and two days later, others ate only bread and water; others boiled potion, others - only raw.

Everyone was in love: the younger ones obeyed the elders, not daring to speak before them, and showed humility and obedience; and the elders showed love to the younger ones, instructed and consoled them, like fathers of small children. If any brother fell into any sin, they consoled him and, out of great love, divided the penance into two and three. Such was mutual love, with strict abstinence.

And the days of the monk Nestor were indistinguishable from the days of other Chernorizians. Only his obedience was different: with the blessing of the rector Theodosius of the Caves wrote the history of Russia. In his literary works, the chronicler calls himself " sinful», « cursed», « unworthy servant of God". In these assessments of oneself, humility and God-fearing are manifested: a person who has reached such heights of humility sees the smallest sins in his soul. To imagine the spiritual level of the saints, it is enough to delve into the following saying: The saints mistook for sin the shadow of the thought of sin”, even the slightest thought, and often even mourned their virtues as sins.

The first literary works of Nestor the Chronicler

The first in time was the work of Nestor " The life of the holy princes Boris and Gleb, in holy baptism named Roman and Davyd". It contains high prayerfulness, accuracy of description, moralizing. Nestor speaks of the creation of man, his fall and his rise by the grace of God. In the words of the chronicler one can see a heavy sadness that the Christian faith is slowly spreading in Russia. Nestor writes:

While Christians multiplied everywhere and idol altars were abolished, the Russian country remained in its former idol charm, because it did not hear a word from anyone about our Lord Jesus Christ; no apostles came to us and no one preached the word of God.

The second, and no less interesting and significant work of the chronicler - " Life of St. Theodosius of the Caves". Nestor, as a very young novice, saw Saint Theodosius, then, many years later, he participated in the uncovering of the relics of the monk, and now he compiled his biography. It is written simply and inspirationally.

My goal, - writes Nestor, - so that the future Chernorizians, reading the life of the saint and seeing his valor, glorified God, glorified the saint of God and strengthened for the feat, especially by the fact that such a man and saint of God appeared in the Russian country.

Nestor's Chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years"

The main feat of the life of the Monk Nestor was the compilation by the years 1112-1113 "The Tale of Bygone Years". An unusually wide range of sources, comprehended from a single ecclesiastical point of view, allowed the Monk Nestor to write the history of Russia as constituent part world history, the history of the salvation of the human race. " Tale of Bygone Years”came down to us as part of later codes:

  1. Laurentian Chronicle(1377)
  2. First Novgorod Chronicle(XIV century) and
  3. Ipatiev Chronicle(XV century).

It is assumed that Nestor used the material ancient vault(IX century), Code of Nikon(70s of the XI century) and Initial Code(1093–1095). The text clearly echoes the Byzantine chronicle. George Amartola. The authenticity and completeness of the writings of St. Nestor is such that historians resort to them to this day as the most important and reliable source of information about Ancient Russia.

« Tale of Bygone Years"- the great creation of the father of Russian history.
Not temporary, but temporary years, covering not some small period, but huge years of Russian life, an entire era. It is called in its entirety as follows: “Behold the tales of the time years, where did the Russian land come from, who in Kyiv began first to reign, and from where did the Russian land begin to eat».

History is comprehended by Nestor strictly from the Orthodox point of view. He talks about the saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, shows the great happiness of the Baptism of Russia, the fruits of its enlightenment. Equal-to-the-Apostles Vladimir- the main character of "The Tale of Bygone Years" by Nestor. The chronicler compares it with John the Baptist. The exploits and life of the prince are depicted in detail and with love. The spiritual depth, historical fidelity and patriotism of The Tale of Bygone Years place it among the highest creations of world literature.

Chronicle of Nestor Tale of Bygone Years” cannot be called pure history, church or civil chronicle. It is also the history of the Russian people, the Russian nation, a reflection on the origins of the Russian consciousness, the Russian perception of the world, the fate and attitude of a person of that time. It was not a simple enumeration of bright events or a familiar European biography, but a deep reflection on the place in the world of a new young people - the Russians. Where are we from? What are beautiful? How are we different from other nations?- these are the questions that confronted Nestor.

"The Tale of Bygone Years". Research

The first researcher of The Tale of Bygone Years was a Russian historian and geographer V. N. Tatishchev. The archaeographer managed to find out a lot of interesting things about the chronicle P. M. Stroev. He expressed a new view of The Tale of Bygone Years, as a collection of several earlier chronicles, and began to consider all the chronicles that have come down to us to be such collections.

Famous Russian philologist and historian of the late XIX-XX centuries. A. A. Shakhmatov put forward the version that each of the chronicles is a historical work with its own political position, dictated by the place and time of creation. He connected the history of the chronicle with the history of the whole country. The results of his research are presented in the works " Research on the most ancient Russian chronicle vaults"(1908) and" Tale of Bygone Years"(1916). According to Shakhmatov, Nestor wrote the first edition of The Tale of Bygone Years in the Kiev Caves Monastery in 1110-1112. The second edition was written by abbot Sylvester in the Kiev Vydubitsky Mikhailovsky Monastery in 1116. In 1118, the third edition of The Tale of Bygone Years was compiled on behalf, or even political order, of the Novgorod prince Mstislav I Vladimirovich.

Soviet researcher D. S. Likhachev assumed that in the 30-40s of the XI century, by order Yaroslav the Wise Oral folk historical traditions about the spread of Christianity were recorded. This cycle served as the future basis of the chronicle.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, creating your own chronicler Pimena in the drama Boris Godunov"(1824-1825, published in 1831), based on the character traits of the chronicler Nestor, striving for the truth, even if someone does not like it, not at all" does not decorate the writer».

The Monk Nestor survived the fire and destruction of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra in 1196. His last works are permeated with the thought of the unity of Russia, of uniting it with the Christian faith. The chronicler bequeathed to the Pechersk monks to continue the work of their whole lives. His successors in chronicle writing: Rev. Sylvester, hegumen Vydubitsky Kyiv Monastery; hegumen Moses, who extended the chronicle until 1200; hegumen Lawrence- the author of the famous Laurentian Chronicle of 1377. All of them refer to the Monk Nestor: for them he is the highest teacher - both as a writer and as a prayer book.

As modern scholars have established, the Monk Nestor died at the age of 65. Now the relics of the Monk Nestor are incorruptible in Near caves(Antoniev) Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. At the beginning of the 21st century Society of History Lovers at Kiev University» bound with silver to the shrine of the reverend.

To the attention of all lovers of Russian history

Russian chronicle history is a monumental monument of ancient Russian book art, in terms of the scale and breadth of coverage of historical events, as well as in the form of presentation of the material. unparalleled in the world. The collection contains weather (by years) chronicles, stories, legends, lives of Russian chronicle history for four and a half centuries (XII-XVI centuries).

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Dedicated to punctuation lovers

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