How to fix KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR blue screen errors (0x0000007A). How to fix KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR blue screen errors (0x0000007A) Checking the hard drive and SATA cables and power connectors

0x0000007A indicates that a requested kernel data page from a page file cannot be loaded into memory.


The four parameters that are listed in the error can have three possible values. If the first argument is 1, 2, or 3 and the third argument is 0, then the arguments have the following definitions:

  1. The type of lock that was stored (1, 2, or 3);
  2. If lock type is 1: current process; If lock type is 2 or 3: 0;
  3. A virtual address that is not paginated into memory.

If the first argument is 3 (and the third argument is nonzero), or 4, the arguments have the following definitions:

  1. Lock type (3 or 4);
  2. Error status (usually I/O status code);
  3. The address of the InPageSupport structure;

In all other cases, the parameters carry the following information:

  1. Address of the system page table (PTE);
  2. Error status (usually I/O status code);
  3. Contents of the system page table (PTE);
  4. The address where the failure occurred.


By the status of the error (parameter 2) you can determine the cause of the BSoD. Common values ​​for this parameter are:

  • 0xC000009A or STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES indicates that the nonpaged pool resources are low.
  • 0xC000009C or STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR indicates bad blocks (sectors) on the hard drive.
  • 0xC000009D or STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED, indicates defective cable connections, and what the controller does not see HDD.
  • 0xC000016A or STATUS_DISK_OPERATION_FAILED, indicates the presence of bad blocks (sectors) on the hard disk.
  • 0xC0000185, or STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR, indicates improper termination or bad cabling on SCSI devices, or that two devices are trying to use the same IRQ.

A blue screen can be caused by bad RAM and viruses.


Solving the problem of a bad disk sector: Restart your computer to auto start Autochk. The program will try to find bad sectors in order not to use them in the future.

If Autochk doesn't scan your hard drive for errors, run a manual check. To do this, run the Chkdsk /f /r command. To start checking the system partition of the disk, you must restart the computer. If the system does not boot due to an error, use the Recovery Console and run the Chkdsk /r command.

Defective Hardware Solution: If parameter 2 is 0xC0000185 and the page file is on a SCSI drive, check the SCSI drive cabling and pins.

Solving a RAM Failure Problem: Perform Hardware Diagnostics random access memory. I recommend using the memtest program.

Make sure all computer components are installed properly. Clean adapter contacts.

Make sure the OS logs into the Event Viewer for additional information for errors that might help identify the failed device.

Disable BIOS memory caching.

Make sure you have the latest Windows Service Pack installed.

If the previous steps did not solve the problem, take motherboard to a repair shop for diagnosis. Cracks, scratches, or defective components on the motherboard can cause this error.

When infected with viruses: Check your computer for viruses using any up-to-date, commercial antivirus that scans the Master boot area hard drive. All Windows file systems can be affected by viruses.

After Windows boot appears after 5-15 minutes blue screen (0x0000007a)

Description: Periodically, before booting up, Windows launched "CHKDSK C:" (in English, he wrote about the need for a check and, without waiting for a reaction after 10 seconds, started it), which mentioned " bad sectors". The check lasted a very long time after which it rebooted and performed "CHKDSK C:" in a new way.

By pressing the "Esc" key, while prompting the execution of "CHKDSK C:", the process was minimized and the normal OS boot continued. After loading Windiws, a message popped up in the notification window about the need to check the disk. And after some thought again gave out a blue screen.

Using simple manipulations, we managed to schedule the "Check disk with automatic correction system errors and Recovery of bad sectors", then the PC was rebooted.

Starting to boot, the situation was no different from the one described above - the proposal to conduct "CHKDSK C:", to which he received a tacit consent. Then, as expected, a check followed, after which another one began (each consisted of 5 stages - 5 long stages). After the PC started to boot without any suggestions (if the work was completed correctly), but the blue screen continues to pop up and no memory dump is created (or I'm not looking for it there). The dumps I found (in [%SystemRoot%\Minidump] and in [%SystemRoot%\MEMORY.DMP]) changed on 01/28/2012, i.e. almost a year ago.

Even with a simple disk check ("CHKDSK C:" without attributes), an error also occurs, but has a different code: 0x0000007F

Here is the screen text at 0x0000007A:

"A problem has been detected and windows has been shun down no prevent damage to your computer.


If this is the first time you"ve seen this stop error screen, restart your computer, if this screen appears again, follow these steps:

Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need.

If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable Bios memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safe Mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced startup options, and then select safe Mode.

technical information:

initializing disk for crasn dump ...

Physical memory dump FAILED with status 0XC000009С.

contact your system admin or technical support group for further assistance."

Screen text at 0x0000007F:

A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer."

if this is the -first time you"ve seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. XT this screen appears again, follow these steps:

Run a system diagnostic utility supplied by your hardware manufacturer. In particular, run a memory check, and check for faulty or mismatched memory. Try changing video adapters.

Disable or remove any newly installed hardware and drivers. Disable or remove any newly installed software. If you need to use safe Mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced startup options, and then select safe Mode.

technical information:

S"font-size:14.44444465637207px;line-height:24.44444465637207px;">collecting data for crash dump ...

Initializing disk for crashdump ...

I would be very grateful if you tell me what can be done with this!



The memory page requested by the kernel could not be read.

The error is caused by a bad block in memory or a disk controller error. See also KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR.


2. error status (usually I/O status code)

3. current process

Windows NT 2000 XP

Solution to STOP 0x00000077 and 0x0000007A messages.

These STOP messages are for situations where Windows NT is unable to load virtual memory information into working memory due to hardware or software problems.

Possible reasons:

Bad block on the hard drive.

Incorrect termination of SCSI hardware.

Poor connection between the hard drive and the controller.

Hard disk controller error.

Flaw free space.

Applies to the following systems:


The Stop 0x7A message indicates that a memory page was not found and cannot be loaded into memory. This may be due to incompatible drives, controllers, firmware (BIOS) or hardware.


1. Lock type value (0x00000001, 0x00000002, 0x00000003, or page table entry (PTE) address).

2. I/O status code

3. If the type of the lock is 0x00000001, this parameter indicates the current process. If the locale type is 0x00000003, this parameter points to a virtual memory address.

4. A virtual memory address that cannot be loaded into memory.

The cause can be identified through the second parameter (I/O status code) using the following information:

0xC000000E or STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE: The hardware could not be determined.

0xC000009A or STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES: Not enough nonpaged resource pool.

0xC000009C or STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR: bad cluster on hard drive.

0xC000009D or STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED: Faulty cable, hang, or the controller could not access the hard drive.

0xC000016A or STATUS_DISK_OPERATION_FAILED: Bad cluster on hard disk.

0xC0000185 or STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR: Incorrect process termination or faulty hardware SCSI cable, or two devices tried to use the same IRQ.

For more information on other possible statuses, see Ntstatus.h Windows file XP Professional Driver Development Kit (DDK).

Use one of the suggested methods to resolve this issue:

Scan your hard drive with an antivirus program.

View the Event Viewer for additional information which hardware caused the error.

This can happen when the requested kernel information page cannot be read from virtual memory, or the master boot record is infected with a virus, or due to incompatible disks, controllers, firmware (BIOS), hardware.

Bad cluster on the hard drive. Error number 0x7A is often caused by a bad cluster in the virtual memory location, or a disk controller error, or in VERY rare cases, when there is not enough free disk space.

If the first and second parameters are zero, then the cause is faulty hardware. If the I/O status is C0000185 and virtual memory on a SCSI hard drive, you should check the working condition of the cables and the completion of the SCS.

I/O status code 0xC000009C or 0xC000016A usually indicates that information cannot be read from the hard drive due to a bad cluster.

If possible, then restart the computer, Autochk will automatically start and try to detect bad clusters. If for some reason Autochk does not scan the drive, start Autochk manually. If the drive is formatted to NTFS, run Chkdsk /f /r on the system partition. You must restart your computer before the scan starts. If you are unable to boot your computer due to this error, use the Console (Command Console) and run Chkdsk /r .

Corrupted memory - random access memory (RAM), Level 2 (L2) SRAM cache, or video adapter RAM - is another possible reason this error.

Check if all adapter cards are well seated in the slots. That contacts do not go anywhere.

Disable caching in BIOS and see if that solves the problem.

If you have recently installed new hardware, turn it off and unplug it.

If this does not solve the problem, then the motherboard is damaged.

Check the website of your hardware supplier for updates. Make sure your drive and its controller are using the same additional settings. If necessary, set a slower baud rate.

You can also install drivers for controllers that are not in the libraries installation disk Windows XP Pro. To do this, at the beginning of the installation, you need to press F6, when during the installation the screen appears:

Press F6 if you need to install a third party SCSI or RAID driver


This error is similar to STOP: 0x00000077

Stop 0x0000007A during installation on an ATA66 computer

During Windows installation 2000 on an IDE or UltraDMA66/ATA66 computer, you get:

STOP 0x0000007A (0xc03f33fc, 0xc000000e, 0xfccffcba, ox0696b860)

KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR ***Address xxxxxxxx has base at xxxxyyyy -

If you have an UlraDMA66/ATA66 (80 wire/40 pin) IDE cable connected to the drive you are installing Windows 2000 on, this can happen because Windows 2000 does not fully support the UltraDMA66 controller.

Use the appropriate method to solve the problem:

1. Use a standard ATA (40 wire/40 pin) IDE cable and check with your motherboard manufacturer. ATA66 Driver Update Boards for Windows 2000.

2. During installation you are asked to press F6, if you need to install a third party SCSI or RAID driver, install the updated windows driver 2000 UltraDMA66.

Note: Some older motherboards do not support UltraDMA66/ATA66. Ask your hard drive manufacturer about setting jumpers or a program you could use to enable ATA33 over ATA66 protocol support on a drive or motherboard that has an onboard UltraDMA66/ATA66 controller that is not supported by Windows 2000.



Fatal error Machine Check Exception.

KeBugCheckEx parameters:

If ONLY MCE functions are available to the processor (for example: Intel Pentium), then the parameters will be:

1 - Low 32 bits of P5_MC_TYPE MSR

3 - High 32 bits of P5_MC_ADDR MSR

4 - Low 32 bits of P5_MC_ADDR MSR

If the processor also has MCA functions (for example: Intel Pentium Pro), then the parameters will be:

1 - Empty number

2 - Address of the MCi_ADDR MSR MCA field where the error occurred

3 - High 32 bits MCi_STATUS MSR where the error happened

4 - Low 32 bits MCi_STATUS MSR where the error happened

STOP: 0x0000009C (0x00000004, 0x00000000, 0xb2000000, 0x00020151)


(the four parameters in brackets can be different)

This happens because your computer's processor detects an error and tells Windows XP about it. To do this, it uses Machine Check Exception (MCE) for Pentium processors or Machine Check Architecture (MCA) for some Pentium Pro processors. The error can be caused by the following:

System bus errors

Parity problems in memory or Error Correction Code (ECC)

Caching issues in the processor or in the hardware

Translation Lookaside Buffers (TLB) problems in the processor

Other CPU issues

Other hardware issues

This behavior is specially planned by M$

An error may occur if:

1. You have overclocked the processor or bus. In this case, set the operating parameters recommended by the manufacturer.

2. Not a stable power supply. Make sure your PSU is working correctly.

3. Overheating. Overheating of any components may cause this error. Make sure all fans are working properly.

4. Damaged memory or memory not suitable for your computer. Make sure the memory is working properly and the model is compatible with your configuration.


This error can also occur if:

1. You have changed the settings in the BIOS that affect the configuration of the system kernel

2. You installed XP from an image of someone else's system

3. Some equipment is not connected correctly

This is due to the fact that the machine check does not match the already installed kernel configuration.

I think the last mistake and its decoding speaks volumes. Try to check everything that has been said.

As you can see, memory is mentioned only in paragraph 4. (I mean the second mistake). Not a word was said about the hards.

With a huge number of various errors, the blue screen of death causes the most concern for users. Many people, completely unreasonably, believe that the OS is completely covered, which means that at least you should look for a disk to reinstall it. However, such a nuisance can mean completely different conflicts, therefore, initially, you should carefully read the information that the blue screen gives out. For example, it could be error 0x0000007a. The next step is to find out the causes of its occurrence.

Why does this error occur

There are several reasons why stop 0x0000007a occurs:

  • The system cannot initialize the hard disk when resuming from sleep mode.
  • Drivers various devices are damaged, have been removed, or are simply outdated.
  • The registry of the installed operating system is damaged.
  • Computer work is interrupted by viruses.
  • There is damage to the hard drive or RAM.
  • Damaged important elements of the system.

How to fix? Use the instructions below.

Trouble fix

If the problem 0x0000007a kernel data inpage error occurs when you try to wake up your PC from hibernation, then you should calmly restart the OS, go to the official Microsoft website and download a special update, the purpose of which is to cure this disease. The update is called KB977178. It should be downloaded to the hard drive and installed, after which, reboot the system.

If 0x0000007a Windows 7 has not disappeared - how to fix it? First of all, check the status of the registry and, if errors occur, fix them. For this purpose, the WinThruster program or any equivalent is perfect. The next step is the search and fight against viruses, which can be performed by any installed and up-to-date antivirus program.

Of course, the usual cluttering of the drive with various temporary files, program remnants, unsuccessful uninstallations, and so on can also lead to such a situation. Therefore, the next step is cleaning: launch the command line and enter the order "cleanmgr".

Did not help? Then we sequentially go to the list of installed equipment and update all the drivers that we can.

A possible cause of the blue screen error 0x0000007a was some changes that the user made recently. We launch the recovery tools and try to roll back the system to its working state.

  1. We check the OS for errors using the "sfc /scannow" command.
  2. Install all available updates.
  3. If the problem persists, we reinstall the operating system.

The last step, in case there is no solution in the cases described, is to check the hard drive and the state of the RAM:

  1. Winchester - "chkdsk / f".
  2. Memory - Run the Mtmtest88 application.

If the last two variants of error 0x0000007a for Windows 7 found some conflicts, then perhaps one more reinstallation will finally save you from the blue screen. However, there is always the possibility that hardware problems are no longer compatible with full functionality, so you will have to allocate some funds to purchase a new hard drive or memory sticks in order to save yourself from this trouble.

Often, Windows 7, 8, and 10 users encounter a blue screen of death that says 0x0000007a KERNEL DATA INPAGE ERROR. It occurs both at system startup and during the operation of some program, game. Therefore, such unstable behavior of the system often alarms the user. However, there is a solution for error 0x0000007a.

How to fix KERNEL DATA INPAGE ERROR with stop code 0x0000007a?

On the official Microsoft forum, users of both Windows 7 and Windows 8 and 10 repeatedly wrote about the blue screen of death. It occurs for several reasons, namely:

  • In case of physical failure of the hard drive or RAM modules;
  • If there are bad sectors on the HDD;
  • If the drivers responsible for the operation of the drive are damaged;
  • With a viral infection of the system.

To fix KERNEL DATA INPAGE ERROR on Windows, you should try the following methods.

Method number 1

First of all, before running a hard drive check, you need to check the SATA cable for serviceability. After all, the wear of the cord, as well as its damage (for example, by cooler blades), can cause a blue screen 0x0000007A. Therefore, you need to take another SATA cable and reconnect the hard drive.

Method number 2

Check file system, if an error 0x0000007a occurs, you can do it using the standard Windows utilities. To run it, you need to do the following:

  • We launch command line with Administrator rights and enter "chkdsk d: / f / r", where D is the letter of the logical drive.
  • The disk check will start. After fixing the file system errors, you need to reboot the system.

This method will help correct minor errors. To fix bad sectors, you will have to resort to programmatically troubleshooting.

Method number 3

Checking the HDD and RAM using programs when a blue screen of death occurs can be done as follows.

  • To find and fix bad sectors, we recommend downloading programs and.

  • You can select to check the RAM modules.

  • Also, if you click "Start" and enter the query "memory" in the search bar, you can run "Diagnostics of RAM problems".

Method number 4

If Windows 7 is installed on your PC and a large disk is installed, then if a blue screen of death occurs with the code 0x0000007A and the message KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR, you should download and install the Windows6.1-KB977178-x64.msu update. It is designed specifically to fix errors 0x0000007A, 0x00000077 and 0x000000F4.

After installation given file you need to reboot the system for the changes to take effect.

Method number 5

Error message 0x0000007A can also appear when broken sector comes across in the area of ​​the paging file. This situation can be corrected as follows:

  • Click "Win + R" and enter "sysdm.cpl".
  • The System Properties window opens. Go to the "Advanced" tab.
  • In the "Performance" tab, click on the "Settings" button.

  • A new window will appear. Go back to the "Advanced" tab. Click on the "Change" button.

  • In the new window, check the box "Automatically manage paging file size for all drives."

After changing the page file size, it is worth rebooting the system.

Method number 6

If you have previously updated operating system or installed additional equipment, it is worth disabling the latter and rolling back the system to an earlier state so that the installed software is removed. After that, you need to reboot the system again.

It is important to note that after testing these methods, if they did not help solve the error, it is worth checking Windows for viruses or running a system restore. It is possible that the system files are damaged by a virus and because of this a BSOD appears.
