How to boot Windows from disk. How to set the BIOS to boot from a disk or USB flash drive

In this article, I will talk about how to independently install the Windows 7 operating system from a disk to your computer or laptop.

I offer detailed step by step instructions with a visual demonstration of screenshots of the installation of the operating Windows systems.

If you think that installing an operating system is something complicated and incomprehensible that only a specialist can handle, then I will disappoint you: this is not true. Now you will see for yourself.

Everything you need for Windows installation 7 (or Windows 8) is a computer or laptop, a disk with an operating system (since in this article we will install Windows from a disk), detailed instructions, which I will now give you, and, perhaps, attentiveness! I hope that after installation you will not look like . 🙂

After installation, I recommend installing immediately. You understand - in our time electronic payments this is very relevant. Also now (yet) nowhere without Adobe Flash Player . Like him right install read . You may also be interested in the very not bad. If stored on a computer private information, create a .

Important: Most of all possible problems that occur during the installation of Windows 7 is due to an incorrectly prepared installation disk and (or) the quality of the “OS assembly” written to it. How to burn an operating system image to disk, you can read in the article.

Remember: if this is a disc not out of the box, that is, bought in a store, then you need to use only original images from Microsoft MSDN. It is the original image, which is also available on the Web, as well as various assemblies, that is the key to the successful installation of Windows and its normal functioning.

Do not use assemblies of unknown origin. You put all third-party fixes, fixes, homemade builds at your own peril and risk. The consequences may be irreversible.

Before installing Windows 7:

Remember two main things to do before installing Windows.

First is to decide in advance which section hard drive system will be installed. Typically, in most cases, this is the C:\ drive. Remember (or create) the volume label and size.

Remember, your desktop is located entirely on the C:\ drive, or rather, here: C:\Documents and Settings\ Username \Desktop. Think in advance about the integrity and safety of files that are archived for you, copy them from the desktop, that is, from drive C, to another drive or flash drive.

All programs installed on the C:\ drive will also be removed, but this is not a reason to drag the entire folder with programs to other drives. It is much easier to re-install these programs on a clean system. Don't be lazy, it's not every day you reinstall Windows.

Second the moment is the drivers for your computer or laptop. They need to be taken care of in advance. They are included with most laptops, but if they are not available (or need to be updated), we look for them on the official website of the manufacturer and download them in advance.

Everything you need to know about installing drivers, I recommend reading the article "Installing Drivers or Five Iron Rules", which is located.

If you miss this important point, then after installing Windows, you may be left without the Internet, because it is not a fact that the windows distribution kit will initially contain your drivers. network card.

Installing Windows 7 from disk:

We insert the disk with the Windows operating system into the drive and restart the computer. By the way, if you do not have a drive, then you can install the Windows operating system using the usual.

Let's continue. Our task is to configure the computer to boot from a DVD. This can be done in 2 ways:

  • 1. select a device (DVD) in a special boot menu;
  • 2. change the boot priority in BIOS (from HDD to DVD).

The first method, choosing a device in the boot menu, is easier and more convenient. After installing Windows, there is no need to return the boot from the HDD (hard disk). However, this feature is not available on older computers, in which case you will have to go into the BIOS and change the boot priority.

Start - reboot, wait for the screen to go out and at the first sign of the system waking up (the appearance of the logo), press and hold the Delete key on the keyboard. Why the Delete key? These keys can be F1, F2, F3 + F2, F10, Ctrl + Alt + Esc, Ctrl + Alt + S, Esc.

There is no universal button to enter the boot menu or enter the BIOS, and it all depends on the manufacturer of the computer (motherboard). The surest way is to read the instructions from the computer or from the motherboard. The table below shows an illustrative example of such keys.

The boot menu looks something like this:

Press F10, agree and confirm the exit with saving (Save and Exit) by selecting "Ok".

Phoenix Award

Consider the second version of the interface. To boot from a disc, you need to change the priorities so that the DVD drive is the first device. We find the item “Advanced BIOS Features” and use the arrows to switch to the first device (First Boot Device), change to CDROM.

Press F10 and confirm the exit with saving (Save and Exit).

If you have problems at this stage, I recommend watching this video.

Let's continue. If everything is done correctly, we will see the following window with the inscription: "Press any key to boot from CD or DVD".

Here you need to press any key, for example, the spacebar. This is done only 1 time and only at this stage of the installation. We see the following window with the inscription "Windows is loading files".

Files are being extracted, after which we will see the inscription Starting Windows and the Windows 7 installation window itself. Windows installation has begun !!

Select the desired language and click "Install".

Next, we need to select the edition of Windows 7. Choose the one for which you have a key or which you are going to activate. On laptops, it is usually indicated on a piece of paper with a key located on the bottom of the laptop. Entering the serial number itself will be a little later, it has been moved to the end of the installation.

A few words about the ability to install 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit Windows versions. If you have more than 4 GB of RAM (aka RAM, RAM, Memory), then set it to 64-bit, if not, then 32-bit (x86).

Read and agree to the terms of the license. Next, we need to select the type of installation - select "Full installation".

Now you need to select the partition on which Windows will be installed.

If you have this partition reserved by the system (note that it is still in megabytes (MB), not gigabytes), for example, as in the following screenshot, then select Disk 0 Partition 2.

In order not to be so excruciatingly painful when choosing a partition, before installing Windows, look at how many gigabytes your C drive occupies.

If you have one partition on your hard drive and it is more than 250 GB, then it would be more correct to create two local disk. One section is specifically for Windows (usually about 50-100 GB are allocated), and the other is for storing your personal information (how much will remain, XXX GB).

Note: The partitions you create should be named Disk 0 Partition 1, 2, 3..., not "Unallocated Disk Space". Otherwise sections with such names operating system just won't see it.

If necessary, create a section or sections and click "Apply":

Attention: problems may arise at this stage - when Windows 7 asks for a driver for further installation or when the system does not see your hard drive in order to continue the installation.

Or install (if prepared) hard disk controller drivers. If you already have two or more partitions on your hard drive, then you can skip the above paragraph. So, we have selected the "System" section, and now we need to start formatting.

The installer warns that all our data will be deleted. We need this, because we are interested in clean install Windows. We agree and wait. The whole process usually takes a matter of seconds. After formatting, we see that free space more, just click "Next".

And here is the beginning of the installation, the process is started. You can take a breath.)

We are waiting, sir ... Usually it takes 15-25 minutes. When our system installs, it will prompt you to enter a username and computer name. Enter.

If you wish, you can enter a password and a hint. Windows will then prompt you to enter serial number. Enter (if any). If not, then skip this step and uncheck "Automatically activate when connected to the Internet."

Each user sooner or later faces the need to install an operating system. There is a myth that it is difficult to do it yourself, although in reality it is not. All you need is to have basic PC user skills and follow simple instructions, which will be discussed below.

Before installation

There are a number of things to take care of before starting the installation.

To do this correctly, first of all, pay attention to the following:

  • select the desired version of the operating system;
  • decide on its capacity;
  • prepare HDD to installation;
  • take care of the drivers.

If you are reading this article, there will be no problem choosing the OS version - it will be Windows 7. But what about its bitness? How do you know which one is right for your PC?

You may encounter two kinds of systems:

  • x86 (32bit);
  • x64 (64bit).

What are their differences? 32-bit support up to 4 GB of RAM, and 64 - from 4 GB or more. The performance of a 64-bit system is higher, so if specifications your PC allows this, you should choose it. Determining the amount of computer RAM is very simple - just right-click on the "Computer" icon on the desktop and the necessary technical data will be displayed in the window that appears.

Important! It should be noted that after choosing one or another bit depth, in the future, installed programs should be optimized specifically for it.

Now you need to think about where exactly the new operating system will be installed. Most often, drive C is selected for this. At the same time, you need to remember that all data on the drive (including the desktop!) Will be permanently deleted. All important files must be transferred to another disk or copied to a flash drive.

Another important item is drivers. Most often, they come bundled with equipment on special disks, but if not, download them from the Internet in advance. You can find the necessary drivers on the official websites of manufacturers of video, network cards and other PC components. Why should this be taken care of in advance? Because after installation, without a driver for a network card, it will not be possible to do this.

Video: Installing Windows 7

Disc creation

To start the installation process, you need a disk with Windows 7. If you have it, you can safely proceed to the next step. If it doesn't exist, you'll have to create it first. You will need an image of the operating system, as well as a program for recording. It is best to give preference to "pure" MSDN builds that have not been heavily modified. Recording from an image is no different from working with a regular disc. This can be done, for example, with the UltraISO program.

For this you need:

Installing Windows 7 from a disk via BIOS

Let's move on to the main process. It starts with working with the BIOS - basic system input-output. It is the installation through the BIOS that scares novice users so much, but there is nothing difficult to handle with it. For our task, you need to perform only a few basic manipulations.

BIOS setup

First you need to get into the BIOS:

The process itself

After restarting, the system will launch the inserted disc and the actual installation process will begin:

Note! If you want to install windows 7 from a formatting disk, then take care in advance of the safety of data that may be lost during this procedure.

The installation will begin, usually taking between 15 minutes and half an hour. Upon completion, the system will prompt you to enter a username and password (optional), as well as set a hint phrase to restore them. Next, you will be prompted to enter the serial number, which is usually found in the box with a copy of the OS. If it is missing or the build does it automatically, skip this step.

There are a few more small steps ahead:

  • specify the "recommended" security settings;
  • your time zone;
  • network type.

This completes the installation and the system is almost ready for use, it remains only to configure it.

Video: Installation and setup

System Setup

The first step is to activate the operating system (if this did not happen automatically during the installation process). Do not forget about this, because after 30 days, annoying reminders will begin to appear, announcing the expiration of the registration period.

How to check if Windows is activated:

Drivers and programs

Next major step is installing drivers. Their absence may result in incorrect display of graphics, incorrect operation of the computer and inability to connect to the Internet. How to determine which drivers the system needs?

Often Windows 7 installs a driver for the video adapter so it won't be listed as unrecognized. Despite this, a driver for the video card is still needed, because without it it will not work at full capacity (which can be seen from the not entirely correct display of icons on the desktop). We install it from the manufacturer's disk or downloaded in advance from the official site.

Important! Don't forget to install the driver for network adapter, because without it access to the network will be impossible.

It is worth noting that all such programs are quite effective and able to secure your system. For maximum efficiency, it is worth changing the antivirus used from time to time. After installing it, don't forget to activate and update to get latest versions databases that can protect against newly discovered threats.

Now you can start installing the browser. Its choice also depends entirely on the personal preferences of the user. When the new search engine is installed, the first step is to update Flash Player, because without it it will be impossible to watch videos or listen to music on many resources. You can do it in seconds on the official website.

Using a freshly installed browser, start filling the system with new programs that no system can do without:

  • office applications ( Microsoft Office, OpenOffice);
  • archivers (WinRAR, 7-Zip);
  • programs for listening to music and watching videos;
  • useful utilities (CCleaner);
  • communication applications (Skype, Mumble);
  • other software you need.

Installing any operating system is a matter that requires a thorough and careful approach. Despite this, you should not be afraid of him. Just follow the simple instructions, and very soon your PC will be boasting a new OS.

Need to clean boot Windows but don't know how to start it? Learn more about what a clean boot is and how to perform it in Windows 7, 8.1 and 10.

If you have problems with your computer or software, then looking for a solution on the Internet, you may stumble upon someone's advice in which the author recommends performing a so-called clean boot. Very often, many recommend it on the official gaming forums. If a game or program is slow or unstable, or closes on its own, users are often advised to perform a clean boot. Just what does windows 10 clean boot mean and what is the use of it?

A clean boot is a special method of starting a system in such a way that additional services and third-party programs (non-Microsoft) are not enabled during startup. All in all, it's a clean run of Windows with no extras or extras. third party programs. But it is not safe mode- in this case, the system boots in normal mode, but without third-party applications and services.

At Windows startup in this manner:

  • unnecessary services are not loaded;
  • only Microsoft components are activated;
  • startup programs are ignored.

But what good is it? Very often, problems with performance in games or with the stability of programs arise due to conflicts between software. One small program, for example, that adds new functions to the keyboard or mouse, is able to negatively affect some game, due to which it will begin to close on its own, freeze, or even stop launching altogether. One service added by external software can cause issues that prevent some applications from running.

But don't be sure yet that third-party software is causing problems, including those that overload RAM on a computer, you won’t know exactly where to look for a solution and how to fix the error. A clean boot is able to confirm (or deny) that the source of the problem is third-party software installed on the system.

In general, thanks to loading in this way, we can make sure that problems with the computer, games and applications are caused by other programs installed on the system. If after problems with the computer disappear, it means that some programs that are not the default Windows components, cause conflicts. In this case, you already know where to look for problems and you can start disabling or removing them from your computer one at a time until you find the one that causes errors.

How to run a clean boot system on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10?

Let's go directly to how to perform a clean boot in Windows. Press combination Windows keys+ R to bring up the Run window. Then enter the following command and confirm its launch with Enter:


The system configuration window will be displayed. Go to the "Services" tab. Here is a list of all system services that start with the operating system.

At the bottom, check the "Do not display Microsoft services" box. Due to this, only those that were added by third-party software during installation on the computer will remain in the list.

When only services that are not part of Windows are displayed, click on the Disable All button.

Then go to the "Startup" tab and click on the "Open Task Manager" button.

Here, the list displays all the programs that start with the system. Right-click on each of them and select Disable. For a clean boot, you need to disable them all.

Click the OK button in the Task Manager to confirm the settings. The System Settings window opens. Here also click "Apply" and "OK" to close the window and save the changes. You will be prompted to apply changes on restart - select the option to save changes and restart.

Now the computer, after rebooting, will start in clean boot mode, that is, without third-party components.

How to run a clean boot system in Windows 7?


The System Configuration window will appear. On the General tab, check the Selective startup option. Directly below it, uncheck the "Download Startup Items" checkbox. Thus, at one time, autorun of third-party programs was disabled.

Then open the Services tab. Here, check the box "Do not display Microsoft services", and then click on the "Disable all" button. Thus, you disable those that are not an integral part of Windows and may cause errors.

When you close the settings, a message will appear - confirm saving the changes and restart the computer. The system will reboot in clean boot mode.

If you managed to fix the problem, then there is only one conclusion: some program causes errors. Now you can turn on system services in the msconfig window and programs in startup in turn, and after each inclusion, restart the computer.

When you find incompatible software, the easiest way is to uninstall it or update to the latest version.

The Windows 7 bootloader stops working for many reasons - if boot.ini is damaged or if you try to install XP along with the Seven, after which the latter does not want to boot. This is because XP is doing a rewrite boot record MBR Windows 7. Normal recovery Windows bootloader 7 is carried out by standard means of the system. You can also use another tool, such as Bootice.

The easiest way to restore the bootloader

If pressing F8 does not open additional ways launcher and troubleshooter, you will need to use a disk or flash drive Windows recovery 7. From this drive, you will need to boot your computer into the recovery environment by clicking on the system recovery link at the bottom of the OS installation window.

  1. The computer will automatically try to find a solution to the problem, which will notify you in the window that opens.
  2. If the recovery utility is up to the task, all that remains is to reboot.

If you were unable to restore the bootloader of Windows 7 after XP, use the Startup Repair tool, which, along with others, is part of installation disk or flash drives. Usually these simple ways can handle simple MBR startup problems.

Edit boot.ini

Boot.ini is responsible for starting the system by default. If one of the OSes is installed or removed incorrectly, its non-working record will be stored in the same boot.ini. It is located at the root of the system partition, so to edit it, the computer must be configured to show hidden files.

Sometimes boot.ini can be corrupted by a virus or some program could contribute to it, after which the OS does not start on its own.

The fix is ​​simple - boot from the LiveCD and edit boot.ini with regular notepad. There are only two sections here - boot loader, which controls the boot and operating systems. You should remember the value of several parameters:

  • timeout=10 - time in seconds during which the user can select an OS to run;
  • multi(0) and disk(0) are parameters that must have zero values;
  • rdisk(0) - disk number with the system partition (counted from zero).

In general, boot.ini from one OS should look like the one in the picture.

Using the command line to restore the MBR sector

You can get into command line mode from the same boot disk or flash drive by opening the system restore tool and selecting the very last item "Command line".

  1. Type the Bootrec command and then press Enter, it will appear full list opportunities
  2. Write down the MBR sector, for which there is the Bootrec.exe /FixMbr command;
  3. On the successful completion of the operation after pressing Enter, the computer will notify the user in the next line;
  4. Next, carry out the procedure for writing a new boot sector, for which enter Bootrec.exe /FixBoot;
  5. It remains only to enter Exit and try to restart the computer.
  1. Enter the command line from the installation disk or flash drive;
  2. Enter Bootrec /ScanOs, after which the utility will scan the computer for an operating system;
  3. Write the Bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd command in the next line, the program will prompt you to add all found versions of Windows to the start menu, including XP, etc .;
  4. It remains to agree with this by pressing Y and Enter in sequence, after which, when the system boots, you will have a choice of which OS to boot - XP or the seven.

You can fix the problem with the MBR with one more command. For this in command line you need to type bootsect /NT60 SYS, then Enter. Enter Exit to exit. As a result, the master boot code will be updated and your systems will appear in the list during boot.

In case of serious problems, it may not be possible to restore the MBR using the described methods, so you should try overwriting the files in the boot storage.

BOOTMGR is missing

Such a message on a black screen is usually displayed by the computer when the MBR sector is damaged or deleted. The reason may not be related to the MBR, for example, if the BIOS has lost the Boot tab settings and the system is trying to boot from the wrong disk. But more often it is the bootloader that is to blame, so we will describe how to restore Windows 7 boot.

The Windows 7 drive always has a small 100MB reserved hidden section, for recording boot files OS, including corrupted BOOTMGR. You can just copy BOOTMGR from installation media and write in this section. For this:

  1. Go to the command line from the recovery disk.
  2. Enter the diskpart and list volume commands in sequence, after which a list of your disks and the letters that the system assigned to each of them will appear on the screen. We are interested in a 100 MB reserved partition and an optical drive - drives C and F, respectively, as in the picture.
  3. To exit, type Exit and press Enter.

Type the letter of the installation drive followed by a colon and the command to copy bootmrg to the reserved partition. It will look like this:

  • F: and then Enter;
  • copy bootmgr C:\ and press Enter;
  • Exit, the utility will exit.

If copying to the hidden partition fails, the download store can be completely overwritten. Restoring the Windows 7 bootloader is done with the bcdboot.exe N:\Windows command, where N is the drive letter with the OS. After you are informed that the files were created successfully, you can exit the tool with the Exit command and restart your computer.

  • write the diskpart line on the command line, which calls the utility;
  • to list all available physical disks write list disk;
  • is chosen desired disk sel disk 0 command, where 0 is the number of the only installed HDD;
  • to display all partitions of the hard drive, enter list partition;
  • to select a reserved partition, write the sel part 1 command, where 1 is the partition number;
  • make it active by typing active;
  • Exit the application by writing exit.

In extreme cases, you can completely manually delete and format the system partition by starting from some LiveCD, and then using the bcdboot.exe command to create the sector again.

Using Bootice

If Windows XP was installed after the "Seven", due to the overwritten MBR sector, only XP starts up and you do not have the opportunity to select a system after you turn on the computer. However, both systems are fully operational, and you can return the start menu very easily, for which the Bootice utility is used:

In the new Bootice window on the left you will see the OS boot list, in which you will need to add the missing "Seven" to Windows XP:

  • click "Add";
  • in the list that opens, select the new line Windows entries 7;
  • on the right side in the upper input field, select the hard drive;
  • in the field below, indicate the section with the "Seven";
  • click on save basic settings.

The program will notify you about the successful change of this element in Boot and you can exit Bootice. The next time you turn on your computer, you can already choose which OS to boot from your hard drive - Windows 7 or XP.

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