Courses on creating a landing page. Step-by-step creation of a landing page

You will receive video recordings of classes, and homework is attached to each lesson. You watch the lesson, complete the assignment and unsubscribe to your online trainer, who will give you access to the next lesson after checking the previous one.

Once a week (on Fridays), a meeting with a coach on Skype, where you can get answers to questions about homework.
As the training progresses, you also ask questions to the coordinator. If you don’t understand something, don’t hesitate to “get” the coordinator, he is given to you for your result


Yes, we assign each student a personal coordinator who helps with the training. A coordinator is a person to whom you can ask absolutely all questions about training and receive high-quality feedback.


We would recommend asking the question more correctly. What results can you expect from yourself in the training? It depends only on you. In our experience, on average, guys start earning from 20 to 24 thousand rubles already during the training process or in the first weeks after.
This helps them fully cover the investment in training and begin to increase their income. But there are also those who began to earn much more during the training itself. Everything depends on you.


Undoubtedly. The strength of our proprietary teaching model is its simplicity. According to the experience of our students, even those whose technical level was the weakest managed to cope. We provide step-by-step detailed lessons that will help you do everything simply and quickly. You can view them as many times as needed. According to the principle - look, repeat - get the result. Therefore, everything will work out for you. To successfully complete the training, it is important for you at the very start: to be able to use mail clients, Internet search, knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel).


The average person copes with them in 2-3 hours a day. If you are advanced in terms of the Internet - faster.


We want to bring you results. Perhaps you want this yourself, right? It will be good if in the next 2 months you earn the first 20,000 rubles on the Internet, if you have never earned money before, right? We can only do this when you take action and do your homework. This benefits you, first of all.


The most modest result you can achieve:
1. a complete understanding of the principles of working via the Internet and the ability to provide yourself with money at any time. You will also have a clear plan for your professional growth in the future.
2. You will learn to build a queue of customers and correctly create relationships with them, which will greatly affect your wallet and work time.
3. You will have a ready-made portfolio with good works that you are not ashamed to show to the customer.
4. You will have at least one employer with whom you will continue cooperation after training, and you will also have access to our database of verified employers.
But this is all - just the minimum of what you will do during your training. 75% of our students find two or more employers during their studies, with whom they continue to cooperate on an ongoing basis.


Yes, there is such an option too. To find out about installment plans, we recommend that you sign up for the early list for training (use the form Green colour). Wait for the manager to call, he will select for you an individual installment plan that will be most comfortable for you.

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It is now difficult to imagine a business that does not promote its goods or services via the Internet, as more and more companies and individual entrepreneurs learn about the benefits of selling online. One of the methods of attracting new customers using digital technologies– use of one-page sites specially tailored for this task. Developing a selling landing page is becoming a sought-after job.

Landing (landing or landing page) is a web page created to sell a product or service, and sometimes to collect contact information. A web programmer sees it as a static one-page site with all the necessary elements. The marketer is confident that this is an online resource that converts visitors into buyers. The client believes that they have reached the product or service page from an advertisement they have viewed. To develop a landing page you will need the following skills:

  1. Designer - create a layout of a one-page website.
  2. Layout designer - convert graphic design into code and put it on hosting.
  3. Marketer - study the target audience and build a sales strategy.
  4. Copywriter - write selling text.

Web designer Maxim Soldatkin talks about the features of landing pages:

What does a landing page consist of?

The landing page is visually divided into two parts. The first part is what the visitor sees when opening the site. the main objective- to interest a potential client. It contains:

  1. Logo: a person must know where he is.
  2. Description: a couple of sentences about what the company does.
  3. Contacts: you must immediately indicate how to contact.
  4. A headline that generates the visitor's interest.
  5. Product image or video.
  6. Form and button with a call to action.
  7. Identification: who the product is suitable for.

Landing pages have a clear structure

The main task of the second part of the page is to get a contact or place an order. It consists of blocks for confirming benefits and closing objections.

How to make a landing page on Tilda

The Tilda constructor allows you to create any type of website. A landing page can be developed in half an hour without any design or programming knowledge.

Tilda produces a beautiful and convenient page, but a template is a template. The landing page will be similar to thousands of other sites on the Internet.

Roman Glebov talks in detail about creating a landing page on Tilda:

How to create a landing page on WordPress

WordPress is a website content management system written in PHP. It allows you to design web pages of varying degrees of functional complexity. Benefits of creating a landing page:

  • independent choice of hosting and domain;
  • quick installation;
  • clear control panel;
  • large selection of templates, add-ons and extensions;
  • the ability to make changes to the template.

Thanks to CMS templates you can choose the most suitable page design

The WordPress platform is suitable for creating a static page. But this system also has disadvantages:

  • limited set of basic functions;
  • duplicating pages and images;
  • low quality themes;
  • additions with errors.
  • Creating a landing page on WordPress is quick and easy. A minimum knowledge of the basics of creating a website is required.

    Creating a landing page yourself

    Only a professional can create a high-quality landing page, but if you don’t have the money or want to do it yourself, you can figure it out yourself.

    You need an idea of ​​what should be on the page and knowledge of the target audience. To do this you need:

    1. Conduct preparatory stage: identify the target audience, identify what is important to them and analyze competitors.
    2. Write text for a landing page with a unique selling proposition, product information and benefits.
    3. Create a prototype landing page: what blocks will be located where.
    4. Make a design: think over colors, fonts and images.
    5. The final stage is layout.

    Programmer Stanislav Bykov tells how to make a landing page correctly:

    Independent layout of the landing page is possible only if you know the basics of programming. If they are not there, then there are two ways - try to realize your ideas using a construction set or become a layout designer by taking courses.

    How to choose the best landing page creation course?

    There are many courses on the Internet on how to create a web page. All of them are convenient because you can study without interrupting your main job. Courses can be paid or free. On free training They will introduce you to the concepts and basics of the topic, perhaps show you how to create a landing page, but the information, as a rule, will not be enough for high-quality work and all students will be invited to further training on a paid basis. For money they will teach you how to design, program and maintain a website. When choosing training, you need to focus on the tasks facing you. Main types of courses:

    1. Creation of a selling landing page on a turnkey basis.
    2. Creating a landing page from scratch.
    3. Writing text for landing page.

    How to create a turnkey selling landing page

    A turnkey selling landing page means that the course will teach you how to create a landing page on which you sell a product or service. Received knowledge:

    • design;
    • the basics of writing sales text;
    • layout;
    • building a sales funnel;
    • connecting advertising.

    After completing the course, a person will understand not only how to create a landing page, but also learn how to launch the sales process and track the results.

    The downside to learning is the overwhelming amount of information. This layer of knowledge is needed if a student decides to seriously develop a sales landing page.

    Creating a landing page from scratch

    The developers of courses on creating a landing page from scratch promise to teach you how to work both on the constructor and how to layout pages yourself, that is, to understand the code.

    The training is suitable for those who want to learn how to create a static page. These could be designers, marketers, copywriters who expand the boundaries of their knowledge and skills.

    How to write text for a landing page

    The course may be devoted to training in the preparation of different types of texts in general, including texts for landing pages

    A landing page is a tool designed to get a visitor to take a specific action. A beautiful design or pictures do not always encourage a person to buy or order. Competent text sells better than any banner, but it must be concise.

    Writing selling texts is taught in special courses. The benefits gained during the training are obvious:

    1. Skills in analyzing the target audience: how does the person who came to the landing live, what does he think and dream about?
    2. Knowledge of the working structure of the text: a bright title, a minimum of “water”, a maximum of specifics, clear benefits and a call to action.
    3. The ability to create a competent USP and present the benefits of goods and services in the most attractive light for the buyer.

    The courses have one drawback - after training, a person will become a copywriter, but this specialist does not create websites.

    Is it possible to make money on landing pages?

    After the courses, a certificate or diploma is issued. You can post the document on your page and start making money by creating landing pages for other people or companies.

    The landing page is the most ordered website. Every day hundreds of companies and individual entrepreneurs release new products or create advertising offers. Everyone needs a business card or landing page. How much can you earn on average (all data taken from advertisements on the Internet):

    • creation of a prototype from 1,500 rubles;
    • design from 3,000 rubles;
    • layout from 3,000 rubles on a designer, from 10,000 rubles manually;
    • writing text from 500 rubles;
    • turnkey landing page from 5,000 rubles.

    The above cost is the payment for the work of beginners. A professional charges more for development, sometimes the difference in payment is colossal.

    How to make money on landing page?

    Anyone who knows how to make landing pages can start making money from them. Earning options depend on a person’s skills and preferences:

    1. Office work offline (work in a web studio).
    2. Remote employment (work for a company, but outside the office walls).
    3. Freelancing - independent search for orders.

    The third work option involves an additional division into an individual entrepreneur and a self-employed citizen. An individual entrepreneur can hire employees, but pays more taxes. A self-employed person works alone.

    The search for orders is carried out through special sites for freelancers -,,,, etc. You can search for orders yourself by calling companies that do not yet have a landing page.

    Nikita Zadorozhnyuk shares her experience of generating income from developing landing pages:

    Resume of a landing page creation specialist

    Vacancies for office work or remote employment are sought through special job sites. They look through offers and respond to those that are suitable, or you can create your own ad. In this case, a resume is required - this is a document containing information about education, work experience and other skills. Correct resume structure:

    • experience;
    • education;
    • courses and certificates;
    • knowledge and skills;
    • foreign languages;
    • portfolio.

    The more information in the resume, the higher the likelihood that the candidate will be considered first. For a website creator, one of the main points of a business card is a portfolio.

    Portfolio with landing pages

    A specialist's portfolio is a collection of his works. From the first order you must save detailed information. Examples speak better of professionalism than a diploma. The copywriter collects samples of his selling texts for landing pages.

    This is how you can create a portfolio:

    Specialists who create turnkey landing pages show potential customers the developed pages describing the task at hand and provide links with working landing pages.

    You can make money and make money by developing a landing page that sells, but subject to certain conditions. Do not deceive potential customers, but really know well the nuances of design development, layout and high-quality writing of texts. Constantly improve your skills by taking courses or reading relevant literature. A professional in his field does not lack clients and has a stable income.

    Well: « Training Landing Page". Material from the category " EXCLUSIVE"! The material is excellent! Suitable for anyone who is already involved in design or wants to start doing it. The presentation of the material is very high quality, the author is a professional in his field. Material sent by WebPro with comment: « Friends and comrades, as promised - one more good course by design! The course may be from 2015, but it remains one of the best! If the comments are adequate, I will send more. Description below. Good luck with your studies!)» Material may be removed at the request of the copyright holder! We evaluate

    Course Description:

    • Make to order and receive stable income from anywhere in the world
    • Do it for your projects, without huge expenses for testing business ideas
    • A step-by-step client search system, sales techniques and a ready-made portfolio

    Even if you don't know how draw, compile, layout, sell, look for clients and have no sense of style and taste - we will teach you. The format of ready-made video lessons will allow watch recordings at a convenient time in a convenient place from your computer or laptop. Thanks to the special training structure, you will learn how to layout simple LPs already after 6-7 hours of training.

    2 lessons about business concepts + 2 super bonuses!

    Misha and Lenya will talk about how and to whom to sell your services en masse, how to close 10 clients out of 10, and how to make sure that clients come back to you again and again and recommend you to all their friends and acquaintances!

    4 design lessons

    We learn the rules of composition, color combinations, work in Photoshop like gods (we create icons, unique graphics and learn how to make them sell)

    4 lessons for layout

    We study competent layout, learn to solve inventive problems in the process, create our first, elementary adaptive landing page. You get your own personal framework, a set of widgets and effects with a total cost of 20 k.

    1 lesson of sales and additional materials!

    Upon completion, you will have your own noble, adaptive landing page ready for the chosen project.

    The download link for this material is available only to registered users of the site. Registration on the site is free and will not take much time. If you already have an account, you can log in.

    The material is provided for informational purposes only!

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