The sensor does not work on the iPhone: what to do? What to do if the touchscreen does not work on the iPhone What to do if the sensor on the iPhone does not work well.

Despite the convenience, reliability, quality and simplicity of Apple gadgets, they also have their weak points. One of them is the screen (touchscreen).

The essence of the iPhone sensor malfunction

For example, you want to launch the AppStore application - but the iPhone does not respond to pressing and does not launch this application, while other applications start and work normally. Either none of the applications is managed, it can not even be launched. The causes of the incident are different - from software to physical (technical).

Varieties of iPhone screen malfunction:

  • reaction to pressing with a delay ("hanging" of the sensor);
  • the screen does not respond to any pressing;
  • there are “dead” spots and areas of the gadget screen that do not obey any touch and are located in any sequence;
  • sensor responses are spontaneous: with one press, two or more characters entered from the display are displayed iOS keyboards; website pages and e-books, uploaded to the device, spontaneously scroll back and forth; random (random) switching between running applications etc.

It doesn't matter what model, brand of device and even operating system installed on it - everything rests on the technology of manufacturing screens of mobile devices with a capacitive touchscreen. Will it be an iPhone or samsung galaxy S7 on Android based- if the screen itself is to blame, the approach to troubleshooting is the same for all gadgets with a capacitive sensor.

Depending on what the sensor malfunction is, the cause of its malfunction is found.

Technical Causes of an iPhone Sensor Failure

The iPhone screen is a multilayer component that includes:

  • outer glass - protection of the display and touchscreen;
  • touchscreen - a device for entering commands and data;
  • display - graphics output device.

All elements are arranged in layers in this sequence. Under the screen is a thermal film.

Breakage of screen components

Regardless of what is broken - the glass is cracked, the touchscreen or the display itself - this entire unit must be replaced, because it is a non-repairable unit. It is impossible to dismember, separate these components and replace each separately - if one of you found a discarded, broken smartphone and tried to disassemble the screen, you will understand what it is about. In this case, the touchscreen does not work - either its individual elements are damaged, or the composite screen controller does not work, which includes an element of its microassembly or microchip that processes touches on the screen. Separate parts of the screen may react worse to your touches over the years - you have a habit of hitting the keys or the touchscreen hard, change your behavior. In all cases, please contact your nearest service center.

iPhone circuit board failure

Despite the fact that the printed (motherboard) board of the iPhone is protected much more reliably than the sensor, because it is located under it, it is damaged only from the fall of the gadget from the 17th floor, a strong blow to the device, getting it wet in the pool, from hitting it with a car or train etc. In this case, it must be replaced - and this replacement is the most expensive for the iPhone. Some refuse to fix the iPhone and buy themselves an inexpensive Android smartphone or tablet. The main board of the gadget is replaced at the Apple service center.

Breakage, kink, oxidation of screen cable tracks

This happens very rarely, because the insides of the iPhone, including the cable, are fixed rigidly and immobilized. Modern loops are maximally protected from moisture. If the reason for the inoperability of not only the touchscreen, but also the display itself is still a cable, diagnostics in the Apple iStore will reveal this. Often the cause of "dead" zones on the touchscreen is precisely the damage to some tracks of the cable.

Manufacturing defect

Such a malfunction is detected very quickly - in a matter of days. For example, it can be a splitting of the screen - partial or complete peeling of the touchscreen from the display. You have the option to either exchange the device or give it to free service your iPhone under warranty.

Software failures in the iPhone touchscreen

The culprit for fuzzy, unstable work may be the iOS operating system itself and its applications. First, restart your gadget.

If the reaction to pressing "freezes", and commands from the touchscreen are processed unstably, then the causes of the problem are as follows:

  • a large number of concurrent iOS applications;
  • the gadget does not "pull" the latest version iOS systems, which you recently upgraded to, is not enough performance - you need a "rollback" to previous version if it is still signed by the Apple activation server;
  • Crowded with apps and your files internal memory devices;
  • errors and shortcomings of the developers of a particular application (beta version, instability of the application version due to uncovered errors);
  • congestion random access memory iPhone - fast RAM clearing done with successive holds Power buttons and Home for a few seconds.

Let's especially say about the latest versions of iOS. Remember the incident with the old Apple computers Mac? On them, earlier versions of MacOS, up to OS X Yosemite, worked smartly, the MacOS El Capitan version "hangs", but the MacOS Sierra version is hard "stupid" - working on such a PC turned into a living hell. There were freezes when typing on the keyboard, and the mouse pointer on the screen moved in jerks. Therefore, Apple, taking into account its bitter experience, since August 2016 officially stopped supporting the iPhone, up to the 4S model - it will no longer be possible to install the iOS 10.x version. Latest Versions iOS - 9.3.x - is already "hanging" on iPhone 4s, but it's impossible to "roll back" to earlier versions - hackers haven't cracked server signing yet Apple versions firmware to which you want to "roll back". In addition, if it were possible to install iOS 10.2 on the iPhone 4s in “dishonest” ways, it would constantly freeze, the sensor would not obey your fingers, and a deceptive impression would be created that the touchscreen was “killed”.

Other causes of the touchscreen not working on the iPhone and their elimination

Sometimes the sensor "dulls" because of the case, or the bumper - a plastic frame for the iPhone, which prevents the metal frame from quickly overcooling, through which the cold easily gets to the battery. Remove the case or bumper and try again the commands and manipulations on the iPhone sensor that did not work.

Case can cause screen problems

And, finally, a non-trivial way - replacing a faulty touchscreen with a real one. wireless keyboard with touchpad and mouse. This method is good if it's broken iPad screen, in which the display and outer glass survived - and I don’t want to throw out several thousand rubles for replacing a faulty sensor, instead they take a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse, and the iPad becomes a kind of MacBook ultrabook, only with a detachable keyboard and running iOS, not MacOS . But on the iPhone this is a perversion, the screen of the smartphone is very small - you still need to replace the screen or go to a cheap analogue of the iPhone.


How to avoid sensor problems in the future

These tips will help you reduce the risk of sudden sensor failure.

Video: how to replace a faulty screen on iPhone 5x gadgets

Self-diagnosis and delivery of the iPhone for repair

Self-diagnosis of sensor malfunction on any gadgets, including latest models The iPhone is more of a task for the brain. Correctly assessing the malfunctioning condition of the mobile Apple devices, you can significantly speed up the diagnostics in the service center and even try to "cut off" a small amount on its payment, but that's all. Replacement of faulty nodes and blocks, including iPhone screen instruct specialists - Apple technology has proprietary levels of protection against amateur performance and, without knowing them firmly, you will simply lose the device. It is recommended to contact service centers with many years of experience in repairing Apple equipment, for example, iStore SC.

Malfunction assessment in case of problems with the iPhone sensor can even ordinary user. Even directly in the breakdown of the screen itself, there is nothing to worry about. We wish your iPhone to serve you faithfully for 10 years or more!

Apple cares about the quality of the parts from which its devices are assembled. Almost every element is being finalized in a new generation of devices, but no one is immune from marriage or problems during operation. One of the most common problems for iPhone and iPad is sensor failure. The touchscreen may fail completely or partially, not responding to user touches on the entire surface of the screen or only on certain area. If the sensor on the iPhone or iPad does not work, you should not immediately take the devices to service center often the problem can be solved by yourself.

Signs of a Bad Sensor in an iPhone

On the iPhone and iPad, the display module consists of three components: protective glass, display and sensor (touchscreen). Sensor malfunctions are manifested by the following symptoms:

The symptoms described above may be present all the time or appear for a while, after which the iPhone will start working normally again.

enjoy touch device with a faulty touchscreen is not possible, and you must fix the problem as soon as it occurs. At the same time, it is not always caused by incorrect operation of the sensor; in some cases, errors in touch processing occur at the software level.

What to do if the sensor on the iPhone is not working

If the problem with touch handling is caused by software failure, then the user of the device can eliminate it independently, without resorting to the help of specialists. To do this, you need to perform a “hard reset” of the device by simultaneously holding down the “Home” and “Turn off / on the device” buttons. After 15-20 seconds, the smartphone screen will turn off, after which the Apple icon will light up on it - this means that the reboot was successful. After the iPhone boots up, you can test it for the quality of the sensor.

In addition, if the sensor on the iPhone is not working properly, you should make sure that the problem is not related to the case (or bumper) of the device. Often spontaneous clicks on the sensor are associated with an incorrectly pasted film on the screen. In case of errors in the operation of the touchscreen, it is better to remove all protective accessories and see how the sensor responds to touch without them.

iPhone sensor calibration

Apple does not provide a way for users to calibrate the iPhone or iPad sensor. There are no tools in the device settings that would be responsible for calibration, and only service center specialists can perform it, as stated in the official documentation for Apple smartphones and tablets.

At the same time, some touchscreen settings in the iPhone are provided, but they only apply to models older than the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus. It's about adjusting the sensitivity of the 3D Touch function. To adjust the pressing force to perform various activities when using 3D Touch, you need to do the following:

How to replace touchscreen on iPhone

Replacing a sensor on an iPhone or iPad is a complex procedure that requires special skills, tools, and a spare part. In most cases, attempts self replacement the touchscreen in a smartphone leads to damage to other components of the device, the appearance of cracks / scratches on the case and other problems. That's why it's better to trust Repair iPhone certified service centers.

It is important to choose the right service center to replace the touchscreen, for this, after reading the reviews on the Internet. When contacting an unverified service, there is a high risk that a low-quality replacement sensor will be installed in the smartphone, which will quickly fail. Proven services provide a guarantee for the work performed to replace the touchscreen, which can be useful if the sensor starts to malfunction again.

Nowadays, with all models of modern phones, many breakdowns can occur, the cause of which is not only software errors, but also a large number mechanical damage such as, chips, scratches and dents caused by dropping the phone. Even after hitting a hard surface, the iPhone may turn off and no longer turn on or function intermittently. At this moment, its body may burst or crack all over the glass, it is also possible that it stops or.

Of course, in Moscow, the most common type of repair, many people are sent to a service center as a result of the fact that their favorite gadget has suffered a mechanical breakdown or.

The result of a fall or the result of a strong blow tells us that the smartphone will begin to behave unstably, periodically turning off. The touchscreen that is under the glass will stop working, and the display glass may crack. And it can happen in such a way that instead of a clean and smooth screen glass, you get a pattern in the form of small, sharp fragments.

The latter as the most likely option, in case of strong collisions with asphalt or concrete. And in this case, the intervention of a specialist in the repair of mobile equipment is necessary! On the Internet, you can find many instructions for self-repair, provided that you have an idea for repairing at home - for example, replacing back cover or an iPhone display, but unfortunately this can lead to additional damage. Because without the skill and special tools, you greatly limit yourself in actions and spend more time on repairs. And the worst result could be additional fee for another mess.

The masters of our technical center will advise you on many issues in order to bring your beloved iphone back to life, highlight the difference in prices for parts, offer the most suitable repair options, and only after your consent, they will begin their work. At the end of the repair, a 90-day warranty will be issued and a 15% discount coupon will be offered for subsequent repairs.

Owners of such "apple" products as iPhone 4s very often face a sensor breakdown. It is difficult to use a gadget with such a malfunction, therefore it is necessary to fix everything as soon as possible.

Why can the sensor in iPhone 4s break?

There are several reasons for the failure of the touchscreen in iPhone 4s:

  • Damage to the mechanical plan, which occurred due to a fall or impact.
  • Software failure and system board failures.
  • Excessive pressure.
  • Incorrectly selected protective cover.

Therefore, do not let your iPhone 4s fall and scratches appear on its screen. Another precaution here is the use of a special film.

What to do if the sensor on the iPhone 4s fails?

In the event of a sensor failure, there is only one way out - to install a new screen. It is very problematic to fix such a breakdown on your own. This requires special tools. It is also important to correctly disassemble and assemble the gadget. For the iPhone to work correctly, it will be necessary to connect the cables correctly. Not every person can do this. If any cable is installed incorrectly, then more expensive repairs will most likely be required.

Also keep in mind that you cannot disassemble an iPhone that is under warranty. Therefore, there is only one way out - to go to the service center.

Who can help?

It's better to call us. There are many reasons for that. The solution of this problem with us will cost you only from 2000 rubles. We not only carry out all work on a very high level and in the shortest possible time, but we also provide a long-term guarantee for all services provided. And you are not threatened with repeated breakdown after the repair carried out by our masters. After all, each of our specialists knows a lot about iPhone 4s repair.

Call us and solve any problem related to iPhone 4s easily and quickly!
