Step-by-step training according to the eac program for beginners. Closing an operating shift

Discrepancy identified Money in Cash Certificate MS-42 and X-Report:
Find out the cause
Create lines in the cash journal by amounts by item
Close a shift with an act under the role of the head of the security service using the “Close shift” button
without submitting DS"
If there are discrepancies, the “Submit DS” button is not active


Emergency power outage in the fire alarm system:
Correctly log out of the System and turn off the operators’ computers
Shut down work on the computer of the head of the security service
Turn off all power sources
All reporting can be generated at the beginning of the next trading day. TIP OF THE DAY
To work faster you need to:
Use hotkeys
Use System prompts
Entering an address starts with the index
Use TsHDPA when entering an address
Use Data History


You cannot change places/rearrange equipment yourself
You can provide any services in every operating window
If necessary, you can postpone unfinished incoming reconciliation


Today you learned:
How can the EAC help achieve its goals?
Your role and functions on the project
Basics of launching EAS in OPS
How to start working in the EAC system and open a trading day
Basic functions of receiving, processing and delivering RPO
How to close a trading day
Useful tips when working in the EAC


Complete training course with all materials
posted on Confluence in the EAS OPS Training section

Brief instructions

User for working in the EAS OPS system

Post office level

(release 5.5.3.)

Moscow 2016

General procedures

Launching the System

To start working with the System, you need to click on the shortcut:

When the program starts, the connected postal and cash register equipment is checked. If unconnected equipment or other problems are detected, the System will display diagnostic messages.

After checking the composition of the connected equipment, the System displays the user authorization form.

If the password is entered incorrectly, the System displays a diagnostic message about the incorrectly entered password and prompts you to re-enter it.

In case of problems in the operation of the EAS OPS, the corresponding diagnostic messages are displayed on the screen with information about the problems that have arisen.

Opening operating shift

After authorization (verification) of the user in the System, a check is carried out to ensure that the previous shift is closed. If the previous shift of this employee was closed, the System will display the “Opening a new operating shift” form.

The following buttons are located on this screen form:

- « Open a new shift» - function of opening a new operating shift;

- « » - performing operations not related to the cash register (fiscal registrar);

- « Cancel»

A new operating shift is opened by pressing a button « Open a new shift » . After clicking the “Open a new shift” button, the System will register the operator’s data and print a check on readiness for work on the cash register.

As a result of the successful opening of a new employee’s operating shift, the System will display the main menu containing a set of menu items in accordance with the user’s rights.

If the employee’s previous operating shift was not closed, the diagnostic message “Close the shift and open a new one” will be displayed. Without closing the shift, any transactions are impossible.”

The following buttons are located on the diagnostic message screen:

- « Use existing shift» - log into the System using the employee’s current shift;

- « Perform an operation not related to the cash drawer» - for operations not related to the cash tray;

- « Cancel» - closing the current form and moving to the operator authorization form.

To continue working, press the button « Use existing shift » . After clicking, the system will display the main menu.

If the current date does not match the date of an existing shift, the System will display the diagnostic message “Cannot use an existing shift, close the previous shift and open a new shift.”

Closing an operating shift

To close a shift, in the Main Menu, click the “Other Operations (5)” button, then the “Shift Closing (6)” button, after which the Shift Closing menu will appear on the screen:

- "X - report (1)"- generation and printing of X-report;

- "Close shift (2)"- closing the operating shift;

- "Back (3)"- return to the previous menu;

- "Main Menu (4)"- go to the main menu.

In the Closing Shift menu, click the “Close Shift (2)” button. The system will display the Closing Shift screen form.

The “Shift Closing” screen form consists of the following fields:

- “Closing a shift at the terminal” - the name of the current terminal;

- “FR Balance” - the balance of funds in the memory of the fiscal registrar;

- “Total balance by items” - the total balance in the System and below in the context of “Pension payments”, “Other funds”;

Button "Pass DS"- button for regular transfer of funds to the boss, active in normal mode. In emergency mode it is not active. The process is described below.

Button "Close"- closing the form;

Button " " - exit to the main menu.


If the balance of funds in the fiscal registrar and the System converges, the operator has the “Submit DS” button active. At the same time, receipts are printed for the transfer of funds to the Head of the OPS and an entry is created in the DDS journal about the transfer of funds to the head. If there is a discrepancy in funds between the System and the fiscal registrar, the “Submit DS” button becomes inactive. To close a shift, the Head of the Security Guard Service or his deputy must log in to the terminal.

From the Operator screen form, this form is distinguished by the presence of a button “Close a shift without handing over the DS” - this button becomes active in the window of the Head of the FPS in cases of discrepancies in funds in the System and the fiscal registrar and allows you to close a shift on the Operator window, warning with a message and printing the Discrepancy Report The System informs about the presence of unclosed cash register sessions for the payment of pensions and benefits and proposes to close the shift .


If the balance of funds in the fiscal registrar and the System differs, it is necessary to submit funds through the DDS journal as usual through the DDS journal. The discrepancy amount itself will be cancelled, and the corresponding act for the discrepancy amount will be automatically printed

In addition to performing the shift closing operation as usual, without discrepancies in amounts, the System will perform the following operations:

Formation of a receipt for the delivery of funds to the boss;

Generating and printing a Z-report;

Prohibition on performing operations in the current shift.

In the event of a discrepancy in funds, only the Discrepancy Report is printed. Receipts are printed during the transfer of funds using the standard means of the cash flow journal (CFA).

After closing the shift, the System will display a message and display the operator authorization form.

Sign Out

Exit is made from the main menu of the System. Press the key 8 or press the “Exit (8)” button. A form similar to the System operator authorization form will appear on the screen.

To exit the System, click on the button .

The button is also intended to go to sections not related to the work of the EAS OPS:

System information;

Restarting the computer;

Turning off the computer.

This button is not used when logging into the System.

To confirm exit, the System will require you to enter the User's password. If the password is entered correctly, the System will shut down.

Replenishment of OPS

Replenishment of the OPS - registration in the System of DS received by the OPS from the State Registration Company.

To replenish the security deposit with cash, you must use the collection and replenishment journal of the security deposit, available at the following path:

“Other operations (5)” → “Cash operations (9)” → “Collection and replenishment of capital assets (1)”. The system will display the “Collection and Replenishment Journal” form.

On the “Collection and Replenishment Journal” form, the tabular section displays transactions for the current OPS cash desk: “Acceptance of DS”, “Collection of DS”, which can be selected for the period specified in the date filter fields at the top of the form.

There are buttons on the form:

At the top:

§ "Create"- opening the “Editing collections and replenishment” form to create a new document;

§ "Open"- view detailed information about the selected journal line;

§ "Clear"- clearing the value specified in the “Date” field;

§ "Search"- search by given values in the "Date" field;

In the lower part:

§ "Complete"- closing the form without saving data.


Reinforcement of funds in the OPS can only be done under account head of the security service.

To create a new document, you must click on the “Create” button on the “Collection and replenishment journal” form. On the “Editing collections and replenishment” form that opens, there are two groups of fields:

- “Document data” - active by default;

- “Information about document status” - the fields in this group of fields are filled in automatically, depending on the current status of the document; when creating a new journal line, the default document status is “Value not selected.”

The “Document Data” field group contains the following fields:

- "Document type"– you must select from the list the value “Acceptance of funds in the cash register”;

- "Sender"– the field is not filled in and is inactive for selection (in case of replenishment of DS in the OPS);

- "Recipient"– the field is automatically filled in with the value of an authorized user, in this case with the rights of “Head of Security Service”;

- "Sum"– it is necessary to enter the amount of DS accepted into the OPS according to the article;

- "Suma in cuirsive"– the entered DS amount is displayed in words;

- "Budget Article"– selecting an article from the list. There are two possible values: “Pension payments”, “Other funds”. The item “Pension payments” is used for the payment of pensions and funeral benefits, the item “Other funds” for all other payment transactions.

To specify the document type, you need to set focus in the “Document Type” field, open the list of available documents using the key F4, select the value “Acceptance of funds in the cash register” using the arrow keys ( ,), and press Enter.

If the fields are filled in correctly, the System will display the “Save” button.

On the “Collection and Replenishment Journal” form, the System will display a line with data about the completed operation to replenish the cash register.


If the procedure for receiving funds was carried out correctly, the status of the document will be “posted”. If the document has the “Created” status, you need to re-open it and accept money by clicking on the “Accept” button.

Any created document can be opened for viewing by selecting it with the mouse and clicking on the “Open” button.

If the head of the security organization accepted an amount greater than what was actually received, the head of the security service must fully collect the erroneously accepted amount, write an explanatory note and accept the correct amount.

Reception of RPO

To proceed to the registration of receiving RPO on the main form of the System, press the key on the keyboard 1 or click on the screen button " Post services(1)". The system will open a menu for selecting operations for postal services.

On the form that opens, you need to go to receiving operations by pressing the key on the keyboard 1 , or click on the “Receive (1)” button. The system will display a menu for selecting receiving operations.

To receive RPO, you must press the key on the keyboard 1 , or click on the “Receive RPO (1)” button. The system will display a screen form for registering the RPO.

The “RPO Reception” screen form consists of five tabs, in accordance with the order of data entry:

- “RPO” - enter the RPO parameters, including data about the recipient;

- “Sender” - enter data about the sender;

- “Additional services” - enter data about possible additional services Oh;

- “Sale of stamps” - selection of stamps for sale, when paying for RPO with stamps;

- “Results” - viewing and monitoring the final data.

The registration of the RPO acceptance operation is carried out from the first tab. Fields containing values ​​are filled in gray.

When you select the “Preliminary total” group of fields on the left side of the form, the form will display the charging fields:

- “Total payable”;

- “Pay for weight”;

- “Payment for the Security Guarantee” (if it is present in the RPO),

by which you can monitor the current RPO tariffication. These fields are filled in automatically by the System as you enter data.


RPOs paid with stamps have the value “0” in the “Total payable” field.

At the bottom right of the screen form there are buttons:


On the “Preliminary Total” screen form, the button takes the form “OK” and is used to complete the registration of the RPO and go to the main form and subsequent payment.

- “Back” - return to the previous screen;


This button on the first screen of the “Reception of written correspondence” form is not available.

- “Cancel” - exit the RPO registration screen form without saving the data.

The system does not allow you to move to the next window if the data entered in the current window is incorrect or incomplete. In this case, fields containing errors are displayed in red on the right side of the form. Clicking on a message in the error list places focus on the fields containing those errors.


To enter or change any RPO parameters, you must select its on-screen field to enter.

You can also move from one screen field to another using the key Tab.

You can navigate through the values ​​in the selection windows using the key Tab, using the arrow block keys (ß, á, â, à), or by entering the corresponding digital value from the keyboard ( 1, 2, … ).

Returning to the previous screen field from the current field is done using a keyboard shortcut Tab+Shift.

All fields of screen forms are numbered, quick transition to elements can be done by pressing a button Ctrl and the number indicated next to the field.

To filter the data in the field, click Ctrl+F.

You can clear erroneously entered information by clicking Ctrl+Delete, or again by going to the value selection menu and clicking the “Clear” button at the bottom.

Entering RPO parameters

The first RPO screen displays the main groups of fields postal item. For any sending parameters, the following fields are present on the screen:

- “Class, Weight in grams”;

- “Recipient”;

- “Preliminary result.”

Depending on the class or type, the “Marks” field may appear on the screen:

The first field to select is “Departure Class”. The default departure class is “Domestic”.

Entering weight characteristics

After selecting the weight input screen element, to obtain the weight value from the postal scale, you must press F4 . The system will display the received value from the postal scale in the appropriate field.


Weight is indicated in grams.

If the postal scale is missing or there is a problem with using it, a diagnostic message will be displayed on the screen.

In this case, you must enter the weight manually from the keyboard.

If you do not select a shipment type when entering weight, the System will mark the weight entry field as having an invalid value. The same mark will be given if the entered weight does not correspond to the selected type of shipment.

SHI input

Enter a bar identifier or bar postal identifier in the “SHI” field.

The mail ID can be entered using a scanner or manually using the keyboard. In both cases, the System checks that the identifier is entered correctly and, in case of an error, displays a message about this. Errors may occur if the identifier type does not correspond to the RPO type, or the specified identifier is already contained in the System (i.e., was entered previously).

Entering recipient information

To enter data about the RPO recipient, you need to go to the group of elements for entering data about the recipient.

To enter the recipient’s personal data, place the cursor in the “Recipient” field and click F4 key , or left-click on the “Recipient” field. The system will display the “Recipient Data” form:

Address data type

Entering address data must begin by selecting the address type. The composition of the address data entry fields depends on the selected address type.

By default, the standard address type is defined for data entry.

For any type of address, entering the OPS index is required.

To change the address type, you must select the appropriate field. In the form that opens, you must select the address type. The selected address type will be displayed on the address entry form.


Entering the address must begin with entering the postal code (field “Zode”).

When entering an index, you must use the number keys. The system allows you to enter a maximum of six digits. After entering an index, when moving to the next element of address data, the entered value is checked for compliance with the reference index base. If an incorrect index is entered, the System will mark the entered index as incorrect.

Address data

Enter the following elements addresses is carried out using the central repository of data on postal addresses (CHDPA) or manually.

When using TsHDPA, the System will determine the region, district (if available) and list of settlements corresponding to the entered index. The region and district are displayed on the screen automatically; the locality must be selected from the drop-down list.

To sequentially specify address elements and move between them, you must use the key Tab(or the mouse pointer).

After selecting a locality, you must select or manually enter the intracity territory, street, house number and apartment number.

If there is no connection with TsHDPA, all fields, starting with the region (“Region”), must be filled in manually.

If you select the address type “PO Box”, “Military Unit”, “Field Post”, the address entry form displays a field for entering the corresponding number (“No”). It must be filled in manually. When you enter a zip code, the information in this field is not cleared.

If you select the “Hotel” address type, the field for entering the hotel name “Hotel Name” is displayed on the address entry form.

It must be filled in manually. When you enter a zip code, the information in this field is not cleared.

Entering sender information

Entering data about the sender is similar to entering data about the recipient.

View summary data

After completing all data entry for RPO reception, you must press the button « Further» . This will open the “Totals” tab, which will display the cost of sending the RPO, detailed parameters of the RPO, the list and cost of additional services, and details of the total amount.

To cancel the entered data for receiving RPO, you must press "Cancel". Payment for receiving RPO

To complete, click “OK”, after which the main cash register window will open.


You can add any number of RPOs to your cart; each item will be printed using a separate receipt.

In the main window of the cash register you must select a payment method:


No change;

Payment by bank card

When paying using bank card, you must select the “Map” button. The system will carry out transactions with the card and return to the main window of the cash register, and a receipt will be printed.

You can check the correctness of RPO reception by clicking the “View log (2)” button. The last sale will be on the top line of the journal. In the group of fields on the right there are characteristics of accepted RPOs that are registered in the System.

To receive the next RPO, you should sequentially press the buttons “Postal services (1)” / “Reception (1)” / “Reception of RPO (1)” on the form of the main cash register window

Party reception RPO

Filling out basic fields

This operation is designed to fill in the data of the received list in accordance with the sender's paper batch list.

On the “Party List” form, in the “Basic” field group, you need to fill in the following fields:

- “List type” - the value is selected from the list;

- “Select a counterparty” - the value is selected from the list;

- “Contract number” - is entered automatically, depending on the selected counterparty;

- “List number” - enter the value corresponding to the list number;

- “List date” - by default the System sets the current date, the value can be changed.

To enter a list type, place the cursor in the “List Type” field and click F4. In the form that opens, select the desired list and click Enter.

To select a counterparty, go to the “Select counterparty” field and click the button F4, the system will open a journal containing a list of counterparties to select.

Sender. Client type

In the form that opens, you must specify the client type:

Phys. face;

Legal face.

If the sender is entity, then you must fill out the “Company Name” field or select the name of the organization from the history (the “Select from History” button).

If the sender is an individual, you must fill in the fields “Last name”, “First name”, “Patronymic”.


If the counterparty was previously selected on the “Basic” fields tab, then the sender’s data (client type and name or full name will be filled in automatically).

This operation is intended to enter data on the categories of accepted RPOs in the lists and indicate the amount to be paid for each category.

After filling in all the fields about the Sender, click the button " Further" The system will display the “RPO Categories” tab of the “Party List” form.

On the “RPO Categories” tab of the “Party List” form, you can add several types of RPO categories included in the list by successively pressing the button « Add» or buttons Alt+“+” from the keyboard, and entering the parameters of each RPO group. When the button is pressed « Add» The system will display the “RPO Party List Categories” form with the “Category” tab active.

- “Number of RPOs, selected category”- it is necessary to indicate the number of RPOs;

- “Total for RPO of this category”- it is necessary to indicate the amount paid by the client for sending the RPO of the selected category, and the System will automatically allocate VAT from the entered amount.

On the “RPO Categories” form, on the “Results” tab, click the “ OK", the entered RPOs will be added to the table of the "Party List" form. Added RPOs by category can be adjusted by clicking the " Change Alt Change" and press the button Enter. To delete, click the " Delete» or press on the keyboard Alt+ "-".

After entering all the data into the System, you must click the “ Further" The “RPO List” tab will open.

Filling out the RPO list

This operation is intended to generate a list of shipments according to each entered category.

On the “RPO List” tab of the “Party List” form, you must click the button “ Add» or button Alt+“+” on the keyboard, and the System will display the “RPO” form.

Some of the fields of the “RPO” form are filled with previously entered data. You should enter values ​​in the fields:

- “Weight” - the weight of the RPO is indicated;

- “SHI (SHPI)”;

- “Recipient” - filled in similarly to the sender;

- “Address” - filled in similarly to the sender’s address;

- “Additional services”, “Payment type RPO”.

On the “Forwarding Method” tab, the field is inactive for filling; the default value is “Terrestrial”.

On the “Preliminary Total” tab, the preliminary RPO amount is indicated; the fields are inactive for editing.

If RPO is entered in a quantity different from that specified in the list, the System will display a warning message and block the batch receipt until the errors are eliminated.

The transition between form screens is carried out by pressing the button " Further", the end of the entry is confirmed by pressing the button " OK" on the "Results" tab. Using the described method, all RPOs in the list are added.

Added RPOs can be adjusted by pressing the button " Change» or press the button on the keyboard Alt and using the arrow keys (→,←) select the operation “ Change" and press the button Enter and delete (by clicking the " Delete» or by pressing the button Alt+“-” from the keyboard). Button press " Further"on the "Party List" form of the "RPO List" tab will transfer the System to the form for preview summary data on the RPO party list.

View data

The system displays data from the downloaded file:

- “List code” - unique list number f.103 on the day the list is submitted;

- “Total payable” - amount payable in rubles;

- “Version” - version of the f list file format. 103;

- “Total number of RPOs” - the total number of RPOs in the loaded list of form f.103.

After loading the data, the following buttons become available on the form:

- "Cancel"- exits the form of receiving batch RPOs;

- "Reject List"- in case of errors in the list, you must click to generate a rejection report;

- "Continue"- move to the next “Data” tab (if there are no lines with errors).

Data checking

After downloading the file, the following parameters are monitored:

The permissible declared value of the RPO is checked;

The amount of cash on delivery RPO is checked to ensure that it does not exceed the amount of the declared value;

The correctness of RPO tariffing is checked.

If there are errors, the System on the “Data” tab will indicate the RPO barcodes in which errors and erroneously filled fields were detected.

Data reconciliation

On the “RPO Registration” tab, the lines highlighted yellow, are postal items subject to reconciliation. To perform the reconciliation, it is necessary to read the SHI RPO in the field of the same name and obtain its actual weight using postal scales. The weighing procedure during data reconciliation is selective in nature and is carried out in accordance with the requirements for incoming control sample volumes.

After the reconciliation procedure has been completed, the “Reconciled” checkbox will automatically be selected, the list line with the matching postal identifier will turn red, the postal identifier entry field will be cleared, and the value of the “Balance to check” field will decrease by one.

After indicating the weight of the RPO, if no visible defects are found, you must leave the “Defects and violations” field blank.

The system verified the equality of the declared and actual weight of the postal item and recorded the absence of visible defects and irregularities in its design.

As a result, the line of this RPO in the list is colored green.

If defects or violations are detected in the preparation of the batch list, it is necessary to note the defects and violations identified during reconciliation in the “Defects and violations” field.

Reconciliation of invoices and containers

To reconcile invoices and containers, in the menu for working with outgoing containers and invoices, you must select the “Reconcile invoices for sending (3)” button. The “Select invoices for reconciliation” form will open.

For adding it is necessary to enter the invoice identifier in the “HI invoice” field by pressing the mail scanner key, or manually from the keyboard, press the button “ Add/Remove" If the checks are successfully completed, a line will be added in the tabular part of the form with the ID of the container, the type of container and the invoice code added to the invoice being compared.

If the container ID is not registered in the System or this type of container cannot be added to the set of invoices being compared, the “Invoice ID” field will be reset to zero, the line will not be added and a diagnostic message will be displayed.

After adding all the invoices for reconciliation, you must click the “ Reconciliation».

After clicking on the “Reconciliation” button, the System will display the corresponding screen form.

To perform reconciliation, you need to add the container ID by scanning the ID from the address label of the mail container using a mail scanner, or enter the container ID manually using the keyboard. After scanning, if the container forms specified in the list area are included in the invoices, the System will mark “V” or display a diagnostic message.

After completing the verification, you must press the button “ OK» and the System will display a message indicating the successful completion of the reconciliation.

To transfer data to the OASU RPO, in the “Other operations (5)” menu, you must select the button “Administration (8)” → “Transfer data to the OASU RPO (1)”.

The integration form with OASU RPO will open. To transfer information to OASU RPO, you must click the “Send data to OASU RPO” button. If the submission is successful, the System will mark “V” in the “File sent” column in the log line corresponding to the current date.

Important: Carrying out the operation “Reconciliation” of postal containers is a mandatory functionality that must be carried out in the System to complete the cycle of sending postal containers. After this operation, the file with the RPO for sending to the OASU RPO will be generated correctly.

Acts f.51

Defect data entry

After the procedure for checking containers and RPO for defects and if they are present, on the “Defects” tab you need to click the “Add” button on the form or a keyboard shortcut Ctrl + on keyboard; In the menu that opens for selecting possible container defects, select the required type of defect.

For other defects not listed in the selection menu, you must write a comment in the appropriate field.

After selecting the “Other” defect, you must click on the “ Change", The system displays the Edit Defect Field Value form where you can specify additional defects.


The system records the supplied and actual weight. If during comparison a discrepancy in weight is revealed, it must be registered in the defects with the subsequent formation of a report.

When you press the button Reconciliation", The system will display the "Invoice/container identification" form, into which the SIs are entered, and when the input is confirmed with the " OK", the Capacity Attributes form is displayed.

When checking the container, it is necessary to compare all electronic data with the actual data and weigh the container. When the scales are connected to the System, press the button " Get weight", the weight will be displayed in the "Current weight" field. If the scales are not connected to the System, the weight is entered into the “Current weight” field manually.

If the invoice data is entered manually, then after entering the corresponding SI, the “Container Attributes” form will be displayed with empty fields for entering data on the incoming container.

It is necessary to fill in the fields on this form by selecting values ​​from the appropriate menus according to the data on the physical invoice for the container. Weigh and enter the weight of the invoice in the “Current weight” field: if the scales are connected to the System, then you need to weigh the container and click on the “Get weight” button - the data on the weight of the container will be displayed in the “Current weight” field.

On the “Defects” tab, you need to click the “ Add» on the form or by keyboard shortcut Ctrl + on the keyboard, open the menu for selecting possible defects of the invoice/container and select the required one.


When you select the “Other” defect, the “Defect Values” table is activated and when you click on the “Edit” button, the “Edit defect field value” form will open for entering a comment on the defect.

After entering all defects, the System will display the “Defects” tab with the entered values. Next, go to the “Without postscript” checkbox and check if the invoice is without a postscript. If you need to enter attributes for another container of the same invoice, click the " Save and move on to next", if the invoice no longer contains containers, click " Save and Finish" The screen will display the invoice reconciliation form on the “Composition” tab. In the “Composition” table for the verified container there will be marks about verification and defects, meaning that the container has been verified and there are defects in it. If defects are not entered when checking the container, then there will be no “Defects” mark in the “Composition” table.

To complete the reconciliation, click the " Completion" In the dialog box, select " Yes».

After the reconciliation is completed, the System will display the “Incoming Mail Registration” menu.

Checking for defects

The defect testing procedure is an important component of the process of accepting and processing incoming mail. Checking for defects is divided into checking incoming containers and checking incoming items and containers.

Formation of notice f.30

Formation of notice f.30 occurs on the form “Generation of notices f.30”. The form displays the defects entered earlier during reconciliation. When generating, you can enter comments and data from the compilers of notices.

After entering comments and specifying the compilers, click the " Seal" The printed form of the notice f.30 will open in a separate document, from where it can be printed.

Parcel registration

To process incoming containers containing parcels, the “Registration of incoming mail” menu has functionality that allows you to enter information about the invoice and the parcels assigned to it using a template. To do this, in the “Registration of incoming mail” menu, click on the “Registration of parcels (4)” button. The entire mechanism for entering the attributes of the invoice and parcels, as well as checking for defects and reconciliation, is similar to the mechanisms for reconciling containers and RPO.

Reprinting documents

Printed notices and acts can be reprinted. To do this, in the postal service selection menu, click the “Other (6)” button. The system will display the “Other” menu, in which you must click the “Reprint invoices (2)” or “Reprint acts (3)” button.

In the “Date” field, you can select the invoices required for searching and further printing by selecting dates from the calendar in the range of which the invoices will be searched; to search using a given filter, you must click on the “ button Search" The system will sort only those invoices that meet the search conditions.

Address storage

SHI seal for storage areas

Brief instructions

User for working in the EAS OPS system

Post office level

(release 5.5.3.)

Moscow 2016

General procedures

Launching the System

To start working with the System, you need to click on the shortcut:

When the program starts, the connected postal and cash register equipment is checked. If unconnected equipment or other problems are detected, the System will display diagnostic messages.

After checking the composition of the connected equipment, the System displays the user authorization form.

If the password is entered incorrectly, the System displays a diagnostic message about the incorrectly entered password and prompts you to re-enter it.

In case of problems in the operation of the EAS OPS, the corresponding diagnostic messages are displayed on the screen with information about the problems that have arisen.

Opening of an operating shift

After authorization (verification) of the user in the System, a check is carried out to ensure that the previous shift is closed. If the previous shift of this employee was closed, the System will display the “Opening a new operating shift” form.

The following buttons are located on this screen form:

- « Open a new shift» - function of opening a new operating shift;

- « » - performing operations not related to the cash register (fiscal registrar);

- « Cancel»

A new operating shift is opened by pressing a button « Open a new shift » . After clicking the “Open a new shift” button, the System will register the operator’s data and print a check on readiness for work on the cash register.

As a result of the successful opening of a new employee’s operating shift, the System will display the main menu containing a set of menu items in accordance with the user’s rights.

If the employee’s previous operating shift was not closed, the diagnostic message “Close the shift and open a new one” will be displayed. Without closing the shift, any transactions are impossible.”

The following buttons are located on the diagnostic message screen:

- « Use existing shift» - log into the System using the employee’s current shift;

- « Perform an operation not related to the cash drawer» - for operations not related to the cash tray;

- « Cancel» - closing the current form and moving to the operator authorization form.

To continue working, press the button « Use existing shift » . After clicking, the system will display the main menu.

If the current date does not match the date of an existing shift, the System will display the diagnostic message “Cannot use an existing shift, close the previous shift and open a new shift.”

Closing an operating shift

To close a shift, in the Main Menu, click the “Other Operations (5)” button, then the “Shift Closing (6)” button, after which the Shift Closing menu will appear on the screen:

- "X - report (1)"- generation and printing of X-report;

- "Close shift (2)"- closing the operating shift;

- "Back (3)"- return to the previous menu;

- "Main Menu (4)"- go to the main menu.

In the Closing Shift menu, click the “Close Shift (2)” button. The system will display the Closing Shift screen form.

The “Shift Closing” screen form consists of the following fields:

- “Closing a shift at the terminal” - the name of the current terminal;

- “FR Balance” - the balance of funds in the memory of the fiscal registrar;

- “Total balance by items” - the total balance in the System and below in the context of “Pension payments”, “Other funds”;

Button "Pass DS"- button for regular transfer of funds to the boss, active in normal mode. In emergency mode it is not active. The process is described below.

Button "Close"- closing the form;

Button " " - exit to the main menu.


If the balance of funds in the fiscal registrar and the System converges, the operator has the “Submit DS” button active. At the same time, receipts are printed for the transfer of funds to the Head of the OPS and an entry is created in the DDS journal about the transfer of funds to the head. If there is a discrepancy in funds between the System and the fiscal registrar, the “Submit DS” button becomes inactive. To close a shift, the Head of the Security Guard Service or his deputy must log in to the terminal.

This form differs from the Operator’s screen form by the presence of a button “Close a shift without submitting the DS” - this button becomes active in the window of the Head of the Security Service in cases of discrepancies between funds in the System and the fiscal registrar and allows you to close a shift on the Operator’s window, warning the System with a message and printing a Discrepancy Report informs about the presence of open sessions of the cash desk for the payment of pensions and benefits and offers to close the shift .


If the balance of funds in the fiscal registrar and the System differs, it is necessary to submit funds through the DDS journal as usual through the DDS journal. The discrepancy amount itself will be cancelled, and the corresponding act for the discrepancy amount will be automatically printed

In addition to performing the shift closing operation as usual, without discrepancies in amounts, the System will perform the following operations:

Formation of a receipt for the delivery of funds to the boss;

Generating and printing a Z-report;

Prohibition on performing operations in the current shift.

In the event of a discrepancy in funds, only the Discrepancy Report is printed. Receipts are printed during the transfer of funds using the standard means of the cash flow journal (CFA).

After closing the shift, the System will display a message and display the operator authorization form.

Sign Out

Exit is made from the main menu of the System. Press the key 8 or press the “Exit (8)” button. A form similar to the System operator authorization form will appear on the screen.

To exit the System, click on the button .

The button is also intended to go to sections not related to the work of the EAS OPS:

System information;

Restarting the computer;

Turning off the computer.

This button is not used when logging into the System.

To confirm exit, the System will require you to enter the User's password. If the password is entered correctly, the System will shut down.

By May 2017, Russian Post had connected more than half of its branches throughout the country (over 21 thousand) to the Unified Automated System of Post Offices (EAS OPS). It was developed by Russian Post according to the “single window” principle and replaces more than 15 different software products previously used.

In 2016, Russian Post installed 30 thousand sets of automated workstations (AWS) to replicate the EAS OPS system in 17,200 post offices. This year, the corresponding equipment and software have been installed in almost 4 thousand more post offices.

In particular, in Moscow, 95% of branches have already been transferred to a new system, which can significantly improve the quality of customer service, ensure reliability and information security operations, including protection from potential external interference.

By switching to a new platform where the “single window” principle is applied, Russian Post was able to significantly reduce the number of operator errors, increase process automation and make all types of services available in all post office windows, which allows for faster service to customers. On average, the time to serve one client was reduced by 2-3 times, depending on the type of service.

Installation of a single software opens a new stage of large-scale IT modernization of the postal network, which will cover all 42 thousand branches of the Russian Post, connecting them into a single information system. The new software fundamentally changes the architecture of Russian Post's approach to transferring the entire customer service system to information and digital technologies. Any product, whether it is launched online (through a portal or mobile app) or offline (at the post office), adapts and integrates into universal online service, united by a Unified Automated System.

Russian Post will complete the automation of its branches using four integrators

On January 20, 2017, Russian Post summed up the results of the competition to carry out work on replicating the Unified automated system postal offices (EAS OPS). New system replaces more than 15 different software products previously used by the enterprise.

The creation and piloting of this solution under a contract dated April 2013 was carried out by GMCS. As of December 2015, the system was implemented and tested in 100 Post offices.

In December 2015, another tender was held, which was also won by GMCS. As part of this contract, the system was to be installed in 25 postal departments, 15,000 branches and 274 post offices (in total, 19,500 workplaces).

On January 25, 2017, the postal operator announced that EAS OPS was installed in 17,200 post offices.

A new competition with an initial contract price of 1.15 billion rubles, which ended in January 2017, implied the replication of the system in 25 departments and 24,600 post offices. According to the protocol of the competition commission, one proposal from a collective participant was submitted for the procedure for considering applications. The leader of the consortium was GMCS, the other participants were Lanit, Informzashita and NST.

The application was found to meet the documentation requirements, so the competition commission recommended Russian Post to enter into an agreement. No changes to the initial purchase price were reported.

The EAS OPS system was created on the basis of a platform solution by setting up basic functionality and developing new software modules. EAS OPS is developed in three configurations that differ in their purpose. This is the configuration of the FPS level, the “Central Office” configuration - Post Office, Federal Post Office, and the “Federal Headquarters” configuration - AUP (Enterprise Management Apparatus).

Over the course of 1.5 years, the contract executors will have to organize monitoring of all stages of replication of the EAS OPS, deploy the system in postal offices and departments, and also train users.

Let us also recall that in March 2016, Russian Post introduced automated workstations for post offices. Each set cost the postal operator 44 thousand rubles.

2015: Development and replication of the EAS OPS in 15 thousand branches

In December 2015, the GMCS company won the Russian Post tender and for 1.5 years had to develop and replicate the Unified Automated System of Post Offices (EAS OPS). The cost of the contract was about 890 million rubles.

“The new software product for EAS OPS post offices is designed on the “single window” principle and will combine more than 15 different software products that were previously used by operators in post offices as individual applications", - told TAdviser in Russian Post.

With the help of EAS OPS, employees of an enterprise can register incoming and outgoing mail, arrange the acceptance and payment of money transfers (including Forsazh and Western Union), subscribe to printed publications, pay pensions and benefits, arrange insurance and brokerage services services, bank deposits, loans and microloans, sell lottery, air and railway tickets, arrange telegraph and voice communication services.

Thanks to the synchronization of the EAS OPS with the database of postal items, the operator can quickly monitor the status of the shipment, noted in “Mail”. The system allows for multi-level control of the passage of funds, which guarantees their additional safety for the client.

The system allows the provision of some services to be switched to “formless technology” (filling out information only in electronic form).

In addition, with the help of the EAS, it was planned to solve the problems of creating and maintaining time sheets, recording the output of department personnel, as well as significantly simplify reporting by obtaining unified information in electronic form.

With the help of EAC OPS, they said at the enterprise, it is planned to double the speed of customer service (including by preserving customer history), as well as to make the introduction and distribution of new products and services across the post office network more quickly.

The creation and piloting of the EAS OPS under the contract dated April 2013 was also carried out by the GMCS company (Pochta could not report its amount at the time of publication). As of December 2015, the system was implemented and tested in 100 Post offices.

CREATION and pilot implementation

unified AUTOMATED SYSTEM of post offices based on the MS Dynamics ax for retail platform for the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post"


Postal services subsystem. Reception of RPO

EAS OPS.001.I3.03-2


The document “Training courses as part of the workplace” in terms of describing the work procedures of a post office operator when accepting registered mail (hereinafter referred to as RPO) was developed as part of the work on the creation and pilot implementation of a unified automated system of post offices based on the MS platform Dynamics AX for retail for FSUE Russian Post (hereinafter referred to as EAS OPS).

The purpose of the EAS OPS is to increase the efficiency of service provision by creating a unified solution for automating the activities of post offices.

This document contains a description of the work procedures of a post office operator when receiving registered mail using a unified automated system of post offices and is intended for operator training and for use by post office operators if necessary to receive reference information about EAS OPS.

The basis for the work is the Agreement No. 2013-AHKS-0009 dated April 3, 2013 for the performance of work on the topic: “Creation and pilot implementation of a unified automated system of post offices based on the MS Dynamics AX for retail platform” between the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Post” and GMCS Verex LLC.

1 Introduction... 4

1.1 Scope of application... 4

1.2 Short description possibilities.. 4

1.3 Procedure for checking functionality.. 5

2 Description of operations... 6

2.1 Using the Operation Selection Menu... 6

2.2 Entering RPO parameters... 12

2.2.1 Entering the departure class. 13

2.2.2 Entering weight characteristics.. 14

2.2.4 Entering the declared value of the item. 15

2.2.5 Selecting the departure digit. 16

2.2.6 Entering PSI... 17

2.2.7 Indication of departure marks. 18

2.2.8 Entering data about the recipient. 19

2.2.9 Entering address data. 26

2.2.10 Indicating the method of sending RPO... 31

2.3 Entering data about the sender, cash on delivery recipient... 33

2.3.1 Entering data about the sender. 33

2.3.2 Possibility to specify the recipient of cash on delivery.. 34

2.4 Possibility of entering additional services, notification recipient, payment for shipment.. 35

2.4.1 Entering data on additional services. 35

2.4.2 Indication of the fee for the shipment. 38

2.5 Selecting stamps for RPO payment... 41

2.5.1 Selecting brands.. 43

2.6 Viewing summary data... 45

2.7 Copying RPO data when receiving several RPOs from one sender 49

2.8 Reception of migration notification.. 51

2.8.1 Entering the main parameters of the migration notification. 52

2.8.2 Entering data about the notifier / migrant. 53

2.8.3 Entering data on additional services. 56

2.8.4 Viewing summary data. 56

2.9 Reception of simple items.. 56

2.10 Additional postal services... 59

3 Emergency situations... 62

3.1 Error code – “no paper”. End of tape in fiscal recorder.. 62

3.2 Error code – “1000 and 1002. An error occurred during the operation” at the time of payment... 62

list of symbols and abbreviations... 64


Application area

The document presents a training course for operators of postal offices (OPS) when performing official duties for receiving registered mail items (RPO) using the unified automated system of postal offices (EAS OPS, System).

This document is intended for use in training fire alarm operators and for obtaining reference information when working in the EAS fire alarm system.

Before studying the document, you should familiarize yourself with the document “Creation and pilot implementation of a unified automated system for post offices based on the MS Dynamics AX for Retail platform. Training courses as part of the OPS workplace. General procedures. EAS OPS.001.I3.03-1" (hereinafter referred to as "General Procedures"), which contains brief information about the System, the procedure for preparing the System for operation and a description of the implementation of standard operations common to the entire EAS OPS system.

If you have any questions about using the EAS OPS, please contact the service technical support.

Brief description of features

EAS OPS is intended to automate the operational activities of OPS. IN this document a description of the work procedures for receiving RPO is presented:

Selecting the class, type, category and category of postal item, method of forwarding in accordance with the needs of the sender;

Processing information about declared value and cash on delivery;

Entering data on weight RPO, SHI;

Selection of possible marks for RPO;

Entering data about the sender and recipient;

Entering address data of the recipient and sender;

Selection of additional services for RPO;

Selecting the type of payment RPO (GZPO, franking; advance book; cash payment, non-cash payment);

Tariffing of postal items.

Description of operations


In the document, when describing operator actions, the PC keyboard keys used are written in bold ( Enter), fields and buttons of screen forms are written in quotation marks (“Exit” button).

Entering RPO parameters

The first RPO screen displays the main groups of fields of the mail item. For any sending parameters, the following fields are present on the screen:

- “Class, Country of destination, Weight in grams”;

- “Recipient” (if the item has the “Domestic” class);

- “Preliminary total” (Preliminary amount for the shipment, taking into account the weight, type, category of the shipment, method of shipment).

Depending on the class, type and category of the shipment, the following fields may appear on the screen:

- “Paid with stamps / franking” (RPO with the possibility of payment by GZPO);

- “Method of forwarding.”

Entering departure class

The first field to select is “Departure Class”. The default departure class is “Domestic” (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Form “Reception of RPO”. "RPO" tab. Tab “Departure class”

The value of the field will change only after the contents of the “Destination Country” field have changed, in which you must select the country to which the RPO will be sent (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Fields “Departure class”, “Destination country”

After selecting the departure class, proceed to entering the RPO weight.

Entering weight characteristics

After selecting the weight input screen element (Figure 11), to obtain the weight value from the postal scale, you must press F4. The system will display the received value from the postal scale in the appropriate field.

Figure 11. Selected weight input element


Weight is indicated in grams.

If there is no postal scale or there is a failure when using it, a diagnostic message will be displayed on the screen (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Message about a problem with the scales

In this case, you must enter the weight manually from the keyboard. When entering weight, delete keys are available along with numeric ones Del And Backspace.

If you do not select a shipment type when entering weight, the System will mark the weight entry field as having an invalid value. The same mark will be given if the entered weight does not correspond to the selected type of shipment.

Selection of departure digit

The departure digit is entered if necessary. By default, the value for the "Digit" field is not specified. The departure bit can take one of the following values:

No rank;







The category can be selected if the sender is a legal entity, with the exception of OVPO, the choice of OVPO category is available for senders - individuals. The OVPO category can be selected for “Letter” and “Postcard” items of the “Registered” category. Departure digit selection window (Figure 16):

Figure 16. Send digit selection window

SHI input

The bar identifier or bar postal identifier is entered in the “SHI” field (Figure 17).

Figure 17. “SHI” input field

The mail ID can be entered by pressing the mail scanner key, or manually using the keyboard. In both cases, the System checks that the identifier is entered correctly and, in case of an error, displays a message about this. Errors may occur if the identifier type does not match the RPO type, or the specified identifier is already contained in the System (i.e., was entered previously).

Entering recipient information

To enter data about the recipient of a registered mail item, go to the group of elements for entering data about the recipient (Figure 20).

Figure 20. “RPO Reception” form. "RPO" tab. “Recipient” tab

To enter the recipient’s personal data, you must place the cursor in the “Recipient” field and press the key F4, or left-click on the “Recipient” field. The system will display the form (Figure 21):

Figure 21. Entering the recipient's personal information

To indicate the type of client (individual/legal entity), it is necessary to indicate in the “Client Type” field whether the client is an individual or a legal entity (Figure 22).

Figure 22. Client type selection field

Below is a group of screen elements for entering the recipient’s personal data if the client is an individual (Figure 23):

Figure 23. Entering personal data of the recipient who is an individual

To enter the recipient's address data, you must fill in the following fields:

Last name (A);

Middle name (B),

or use the “Select from history” button.

When specifying the client type “Legal entity”, you must enter the name of the organization, or use the “Select from history” button (Figure 24).


If the RPO has the status “Official” and is sent to the address of another RPO, then the recipient and sender are legal entities.

Figure 24. Entering the address data of the recipient who is a legal entity


For a client with type " Individual» The required fields are last name, first name and patronymic.

For a client with the “Legal Entity” type, the required entry is the organization name field.

When clearing data entry fields, the entered data is deleted without changing the client type value.

If the recipient (sender) was previously entered into the System, it will be displayed in the drop-down list when entered and is available for reselection (Figure 25). In this case, the System will automatically insert his address data into the appropriate fields.

When connected flatbed scanner, you can read information from the client’s passport.

Figure 25. Display of previously entered recipient data

If you click the “Select from history” button on the client data entry form (Figure 23, Figure 24), the System will display a reference form with previously entered customer information (Figure 26).

Figure 26. “Customer Data Selection” form

To search the directory for previously entered data, you must enter the required information (surname mask or full surname) in the empty line above the list (Figure 27).

Figure 27. Line for entering the required information in the directory

When you click the “Select” button in the “Recipient Data” form, the last name, first name, patronymic and contact phone number will be filled in (Figure 28).

Figure 28. “Recipient Data” form

If a client is selected from those previously entered, the address data will be imported into the “Recipient Address Data” form. They can be changed if necessary.

Entering address data

After entering data about the recipient, you must enter his address data, if they were not selected from the history along with the client (Figure 29).

Figure 29: Selected address selection screen element

To enter the client’s address data, you must place the cursor in the “Address” field and press the key F4. The system will display the address entry form (Figure 30).

Figure 30. “Address” form

On the “Address” form there are buttons:

- "OK"- confirmation of data entry;

- "Cancel"- completion of work with the screen form without saving the entered data.

Address type

Entering address data must begin by selecting the address type. The composition of the address data entry fields depends on the selected address type (Figure 31).

By default, the standard address type is defined for data entry.

For any type of address, entering the OPS index is required.

To change the address type, you must select the appropriate field. In the form that opens (Figure 31), you must select the type of address. The selected address type will be displayed on the address entry form.

Figure 31. Selecting address type


Entering the address must begin with entering the postal code (field “Zode”).

When entering an index, you must use the number keys. The system allows you to enter a maximum of six digits. After entering an index, when moving to the next element of address data, the entered value is checked for compliance with the reference index base. If you enter an incorrect index, the System will mark the entered index as incorrect (Figure 32), saving the entered address data will be impossible.

Figure 32. Invalid index value flag

Other address data

The following address elements can be entered manually or using the Central Postal Address Data Store (CPADS):

- “Region” - region;

- “District” - district;

- “City” - populated area;

- “Intra-city territory (district)” - intra-city territory (neighborhood, settlement, etc.);

- “Street” - street;

- “House” - house number;

- “Apartment” - apartment number.

To sequentially specify address elements and move between them, you must use the key Tab(or the mouse pointer).

When using TsHDPA, the System will determine the region, district (if available) and list of settlements corresponding to the entered index. The region and district are displayed on the screen automatically; the locality must be selected from the drop-down list.

You can also use the Search by name us field. point where you need to enter the initial characters of the required locality. If the TsHDPA service unambiguously correlates the entered characters with any locality in the database, the following fields will be automatically filled in: “Index”, “Region”, “District”, “Settlement” (Figure 33).

Figure 33. Selecting a locality

If the System does not clearly identify the desired settlement based on the first characters entered, a choice will be available from the drop-down list (Figure 34).

Figure 34. List of indexes for a populated area

After selecting a locality, you must select or manually enter the intracity territory, street, house number and apartment number.


After selecting a settlement, you need to pay attention to the address element for entering an intracity territory (field “Intracity territory (district)”): if a given settlement has exactly one intracity territory, it is automatically displayed in this field. If necessary, it can be removed.

If there is no connection with TsHDPA, all fields, starting with the region (“Region”), must be filled in manually.

If you select the address type “PO Box”, “Military Unit”, “Field Post”, the address entry form displays a field for entering the corresponding number (“No”) (Figure 35). It must be filled in manually with numerical information. When you enter a zip code, the information in this field is not cleared.

Figure 35. Address data entry form for the “PO Box” address type

If you select the “Hotel” address type, the address entry form displays a field for entering the hotel name “Hotel Name” (Figure 36)

Figure 36. Address entry field form with the “Hotel Name” field

It must be filled in manually. When you enter a zip code, the information in this field is not cleared.

Entering sender information

Entering data about the sender is carried out in the same way as entering data about the recipient, which is described in paragraphs 2.2.9, 2.2.10 (Figure 40).

Figure 40. “RPO Reception” form. Sender Tab

Selecting stamps for RPO payment

After completing work with the “Additional Services” tab, you must click on the “ Further", in case of payment for RPO with stamps, the “Sale of stamps” tab will open. On the form, the System will automatically select the necessary stamps for payment of the current RPO, available in the OPS (Figure 50).

Figure 50. “RPO Reception” form. Tab "Sale of stamps"

If the client came with his own stamps, then it is necessary to enter the amount of his stamps in the “Paid stamps, rubles” field. The system will automatically recalculate the missing amount for payment and reformat the list of stamps (Figure 51).

Figure 51. “RPO Reception” form. “Stamp sales” tab. Filling out the “Paid stamps” field

In the field “Balance due, rub.” The amount in rubles for which stamps must be sold is indicated.

Selection of brands

To change the list of brands there are buttons on the form:

- “Add” – adding brands to the list;

- “Change” – changing the existing list;

- “Delete” – removing brands from the list.

To add a brand, you must click on the button " Add", the "Select brand" form will open (Figure 52).

Figure 52. “Brand selection” form

To select a brand, click on the “Brand” field; a new form will open with a list of brands available in the OPS (Figure 53).

Figure 53. “Stamps” form

The form contains fields for searching brands by name and item code. To search for them, you must enter the required search data and click on the “Search” button. To clear the search filters, click on the “Clear” button. To select a brand from the list, you need to select a line and click on the “OK” button.

The system will open the previous window in which you must indicate the quantity of the selected brand and click on the “OK” button to confirm (Figure 54).

Figure 54. “Brand selection” form

The system will return to the “RPO Reception” form on the “Stamp Sales” tab.

View summary data

After completing the entry of all data on receiving RPO, you must press the button " Further" This will open the “Results” tab, which will display the cost of sending the RPO, detailed parameters of the RPO, the list and cost of additional services, details of the total amount, as well as a premium for inaccessibility, determined according to the directory “Hard to Access OPS” based on the entered address data of the sender and recipient (Figure 55).

Figure 55. “RPO Reception” form. "Results" tab

When registering an international RPO, the “Declared value in SDR” field appears on the “Results” tab, which reflects the amount of declared value in terms of SDR (Figure 56).

Figure 56. “RPO Reception” form. “Results” tab when registering an international RPO

To cancel the entered data for receiving RPO, you must click “Cancel”. To complete, click “OK”, after which the main cash register window will open (Figure 57).

Figure 57. Main window of the cash register

There can be any number of RPOs in the basket; printing will be done for each item using a separate check.

In the main window of the cash register you must select a payment method:


No change;

When you click the “Cash” payment button, the System will display a screen form for cash payment (Figure 58).

Figure 58. Cash payment window view

In the “Enter cash amount” field, you must enter the amount of cash contributed by the client and click the “Apply” button. The system will return to the main window of the cash register, display the change amount on the screen, and the fiscal printer will print a receipt.

If the client deposits an amount into the cash register without change, in the main window of the cash register you must select the “Without change” button. The system will print the receipt on a fiscal printer.

When paying using a bank card, you must select the “Card” button. The system will carry out transactions with the card and return to the main window of the cash register, the fiscal registrar will print a receipt.

You can check the correctness of RPO reception by clicking the “View log (2)” button (Figure 59). The last sale will be on the top line of the journal. In the group of fields on the right there are characteristics of accepted RPOs that are registered in the System.

Figure 59. RPO journal

To receive the next RPO, you should sequentially click the buttons “Postal services (1)” / “Reception (1)” / “Receipt RPO (1)” on the form of the main window of the cash register (Figure 60).

View summary data

You can view the summary data on the “Results” tab (Figure 67); a description of working with the tab is presented in subsection 2.5.

Figure 67. Form “Reception of migration notification”. "Results" tab

After clicking the “Ok” button, the System displays the main window of the cash register with the registered migration notice. All actions for making payment are described in clause 2.5. There can be any number of RPOs in the basket; printing will be done for each item using a separate check.

Acceptance of simple shipments

To register the acceptance of simple shipments in the menu for selecting acceptance operations, you must press the key on the keyboard 5 , or click on the button “Receive simple shipments (5)”. The system will display a screen form for registering the acceptance of simple shipments (Figure 68).

Figure 68. Form "Reception of simple items"

This screen form consists of two tabs, in accordance with the order of data entry:

- “Class” - the default field value is “International”, this field is not editable;

- “Type” - the field contains the values ​​“Small package” and “Bag M”;

- “Weight” - this field indicates the weight of a simple shipment.

- “Forwarding method” - the field contains the values ​​“Air” and “Ground”;

- “Client type” - in this area you must select the client type “Individual” or “Legal entity”;

- “Payment method” - the field contains a list available ways payments (Figure 69);

Figure 69. Values ​​of the "Payment method" field

- “Full cost” - the field is filled in automatically in accordance with the tariffs.

At the bottom of the screen form there are buttons:

- “Cancel” - exit the screen form for processing a migration notification without saving data;

- “Back” - return to the previous tab (inactive on the first tab);

You can view the summary data on the “Results” tab (Figure 70Figure 67); a description of working with the tab is presented in subsection 2.5.

Figure 70. Form "Reception of simple items". "Results" tab

After clicking OK, the System displays the main cash register window. All actions for making payment are described in clause 2.5.

Emergency situations

EAS OPS remains operational in the event of emergency situations. Special actions by the user (operator) are required only when emergency situations occur directly in the fire alarm system. Such emergency situations include failures in the power supply system, failures of server and network equipment OPS and personal computers users, failures software on the OPS server equipment or user computers.

In the event of such emergency situations occurring in the fire alarm system, the user must inform the technical support specialists servicing this fire alarm system and the maintenance personnel of the EAS fire alarm system and subsequently act according to their instructions.

When working in the System, you need to be aware of the following general rules.

Help key F1 and the button on the right top corner screen (if available) are used to obtain reference data on the System.

The button in the upper left corner of the screen (if available) serves to return to the previous form without saving the entered information.

Moving between on-screen elements (input fields, buttons, menu items) is done using the key Tab, except in special cases. The movement goes from left to right and from top to bottom. When changing input elements at the top left, the composition of elements to the right and below may change, while fields located to the right and below may be cleared or marked as fields with incorrect values.

An input element that has an invalid value is marked on the left with an icon.

Moving within input fields, screen lists, menu items, selection groups (individual - legal entity) is done using the arrow keys ( ,,,) and page translation ( PgUp,PgDn).

Moving between on-screen elements is also possible using the arrow keys, but only until they hit the elements listed in the previous paragraph.

In many screen forms, selection of a screen element is available using the mouse.

list of symbols and abbreviations

The following terms and abbreviations are used in this document:

Change registration sheet
Sheet (page) numbers
Change changed replaced new canceled bathrooms Total sheets (pages) in the document. Document no. Incoming number of the accompanying document. and date Subp. date

Training courses as part of the OPS workplace
