Missing windows 10 update service. How to disable and restore Windows 10 automatic update

Windows 10 differs from previous Microsoft operating systems in many ways, including the location system files, as well as the availability and access to special features and functionality of the OS. The Update Center has also undergone certain changes, which will be discussed below. However, setting up the Windows 10 system update itself has not become more difficult, but on the contrary, it has become easier and more convenient.

Update Center in Windows 10- a program with which the operating system is updated to more recent versions of it, and also downloads updates for related programs. Without it, the operating system on your computer will quickly lose its relevance and will not have many additional features that appear over time.


Previously, this program could be accessed through the Control Panel, but now no user can find it there. Now the Update Center can be opened through the menu " Start". In it you need to go to the section " Options”, from there to the section “ Update & Security". In this submenu you can easily find this program and update your system with it.

How to check for updates

To make sure that your system has updates, you need to click the button Check for updates, which will show all the updates found and offer to install them. Besides, in basic settings not many properties can be adjusted. You can configure a wider range of parameters by clicking on the item " Extra options". Windows 10 does not support this method in every build. It is available in Pro, Education and Enterprise editions.

How to set up Update Center

Automatic update process operating system configurable and can be disabled in several ways. The methods below allow you to quickly do this without having to install additional utilities.

Using the built-in "Services" program

Using the Registry Editor

  1. Open the registry editor using the key combination Win + R.
  2. Type the command regedit
  3. There, move to the folder " Auto update"located along the path" Hkey_Local_Machine» → « Software» → « Microsoft» → « Windows» → « CurrentVersion» → « windows update».
  4. In the menu that appears, double-click on the item " AUOption". After that, set it to 1. This means that the Update Center will stop checking for new versions of programs for Windows. If you want to enable updates again, then just change the value to 0.

It is possible that there will be no such parameter, then you need to write it yourself. Simply right-click on a section of the field and choose to create a separate DWORD value. Name it the same as given here.

In the Advanced options menu

Go to the Update Center menu in the guide above. Select " Extra options" and go to the window " Reboot notification". There select " Postpone updates».

It is worth saying that with this method of disabling updates will still be installed.

Turn on automatic update you can from here.

Possible problems

Sometimes it can happen that a previously working update center stops functioning for unknown reasons. Below are the most common problems with this program and solutions if suddenly the update service does not work.

Troubleshooting with Troubleshooting Manager in Windows 10

In modern operating rooms Windows systems there is a built-in way to deal with crashes and malfunctions in applications. It can also be used to deal with problems with a non-working Update Center.

  1. Go to menu " Start».
  2. In the search box type " Troubleshooting».
  3. Double click on the icon that appears. A window will open with a menu system and safety". There, at the very bottom, click on the item " Troubleshooting».
  4. In the menu that appears, click " Additionally', check the box ' Accept corrections automatically” and confirm the launch as administrator.
  5. Then click Next and wait. After some time, the repair process will be completed and " Update centre» will resume operation.

"Service Registration is Missing or Corrupt" error

This problem occurs if a proxy server is registered on your computer without permission to update. There are two ways out of this situation: do not use a proxy for updates, or set permission in the system itself.

Restarting Update in Windows 10

In the operation of this program, sometimes there are situations when the error is not corrected by the Troubleshooting Center, as well as in other ways.

Thus, the most effective method to solve the problem is to reset the Update Center system and restore it to default.

To do this, you need to do the following:

Upon completion of this procedure, the Update Center will be reinstalled along with all related services. Thus, the system will stop crashing and start updating.

In general, this is all that can be said about the Update Center in Windows 10. Its operation, of course, is somewhat different from what it was before, however, it still performs the same functions as before the new OS from Microsoft. Moreover, in the tenth Windows versions it is in a different location, which changes the order of steps for configuring and debugging it.

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In this material I step by step with pictures I'll tell you about how to disable update in windows 10. This problem did not exist in previous versions of the operating system from Microsoft, as there were slightly different settings for the update system. Among other things, they provided complete shutdown of updates OS. The current version of Windows at the level of settings for the average user is completely deprived of such an opportunity. Moreover, only owners of a rarer version of Windows 10 - Professional can postpone at least some updates (by the way, security updates cannot be disabled there in the usual way). The owners of the home (Home) "dozens" can not at all postpone any update of their operating system.

In general, personally, I am not among those eternally dissatisfied people who endlessly grumble about the capabilities of their Windows and curse Microsoft for what the world is worth. I will express a seditious thought for many: actually I even understand why the developers of the “dozens” removed the ability to disable updates. Primarily, it has to do with security the users themselves. Any specialist in the field information security will confirm to you that it is outdated, not constantly updated software- the most common cause of computer infections. Moreover, even if you have three cool antivirus programs, but do not update your operating system and programs, then the chances of earning trouble will be higher than that of an updated system with one, not even the most the best antivirus. In general, summing up this paragraph, I summarize my idea briefly: in my opinion, don't disable Windows 10 update just for the sake of it. This "tens" feature is a guarantee that your operating system will remain as invulnerable to cybercriminals as possible. In addition, along with updates, the system improves, new interesting features appear.

When Should You Disable Windows 10 Updates?

As I said, I personally think that disabling Windows 10 Update makes sense. only in really important cases. For example, this can be done if for some time you need to guarantee uninterrupted operation of the computer by 1000%. Let's say you're busy at work, and you need to do a lot of things on your Windows 10 in a short time. Of course, in such a situation, the very assumption of a possible prolonged reboot due to the installation of updates will make you nervous. Here, for reliability, you can disable this option for a day or two and not worry about a possible forced downtime of the machine.

How to turn off Windows 10 Update

Now let's move on to step by step instructions with pictures dedicated to the how to turn off windows 10 update completely. This can be done only through making changes to the operation of system services. it requires special care and concentration, because if you turn off something wrong, then the entire operating system may start to work incorrectly.

So for the time being stop updating windows 10, we perform only 6 very simple steps. Step by step we need to do the following:

  1. Right click on the menu Start».
  2. Select in the opened list of elements 8 the item " Computer management».

  1. In the left menu, open the "Services and Applications" item and select " Services».

  1. A list of all Windows 10 services will appear on the right. You need to scroll to the very end and find the penultimate (maybe another in order) item " Windows 10 Update". Double click on it with the mouse.

  1. A new "Properties: Windows 10 Update (Local Computer)" window opens.
  2. In this new window, we need the item " Launch type". By default, I have the value "Manual" (this is on Windows 10 Pro, and on the standard Home it can be "Automatic"). Change this setting to " Disabled» and press « OK».

That's all. Windows 10 Update completely turned off. After that, you can check how it works when trying to find updates. Open the Update Center (All settings - Update and security) and click "Check for updates".

Personally, finally, after all the above steps, just in case, I rebooted the computer and after that I again made sure that Windows 10 Update was turned off. Everything worked. I will add that in the disabled state, the “dozens” updates will now remain until they are manually turned back on. Don't forget to do it! You can restore the Update Center using the same instructions. The only item that will be different is the “Startup type”: to enable Windows 10 updates in it, instead of “Disabled”, you must return the “Manual” parameter and do not forget to click the “ OK».

By default, system updates are located, downloaded and installed in automatic mode, the computer only informs the user that the update process has been completed. Reboot to complete the installation is also performed automatically. But these and other parameters can be changed without resorting to third-party programs.

About the update center

Update Center - the place where all the settings and functions related to updating the system are located. In Windows 10, the number of settings that could be changed without third-party applications and editing the registry, compared to previous versions operating system has been greatly reduced. For example, you cannot completely prohibit downloading and installing updates using the standard method.

Also, the settings for the Windows 10 Home edition are cut down: some features available in the professional and higher versions are missing. You can find the update center only in the system settings, it was removed from the "Control Panel":

Search for available updates

There are several ways to check for updates: through the execution of commands, third party applications from Microsoft and the update center.

Via Windows Update

The standard and easiest way is with the help of the update center: just click the "Check for updates" button. If updates are found, you will receive a notification containing the name and a unique update code that starts with KB. When you confirm that you want to install the updates found, they will begin downloading, and then installation, followed by a computer restart.

Click on the "Check for Updates" button

The only thing that is required of you is to provide the computer with a stable Internet connection and power supply. A broken process can cause a variety of errors, which will lead to a breakdown of the operating system.

Through third party programs

If updating through the update center is not possible for some reason, use the Windows 10 Updates program by downloading it for free from the official Microsoft website. Regardless of which update method you use, information stored on your hard drive and third-party applications will not be affected.

Downloading Windows program 10 Updates from the official Microsoft website

Possible settings for home edition

Settings for Windows Home edition are very limited. The only thing that can be changed is the time when the computer will automatically restart. A reboot is only necessary if there are downloaded but not installed updates. You can do it right away or choose one of two options:

Once you have decided on the reboot period, you can check the update settings.

This completes the steps available in the home version of the operating system. All other settings can be made using third party programs, command line, registry editing or other system settings. But to perform deeper settings is strictly recommended only for those who understand this, in otherwise change system settings may lead to errors.

Video: Setting Up Updates in Windows 10

Possible settings for other editions

All Windows Home features described above are available in Professional and higher editions. But besides them, there are other settings that help you configure the conditions for receiving updates in more detail.

  1. Go to the "Advanced options" of the update center.
    Click the "More options" button
  2. AT advanced settings you can choose one of two options: automatic, that is, when updates are received and installed without your knowledge, or manual, when everything happens automatically and without your permission, but you can determine the time to restart the computer, which is necessary to complete the installation updates.
    Choose automatic updates or a mode with notifications
  3. The Defer Updates feature allows you not to install some updates until 8 months after they are released. Security updates and important according to Microsoft version will be set even if this feature is enabled, and all others will wait for the feature to expire or be deactivated. Postponing updates is worth it only if your computer contains very important data or something depends heavily on its stable operation. If you do not install the updates right away, then other users will have time to try it out for themselves and find all the shortcomings that Microsoft will fix with the next update or by replacing the existing one.
    Activate the "Delay updates" function so as not to install updates immediately after they are downloaded
  4. In the "How and when to receive updates" section, you can allow or block the receipt of updates from other computers. This feature reduces the load on Microsoft servers due to the fact that users who have already received updates on their computer begin to distribute them to other users. If this feature is enabled, then you also become a member of the program, that is, you distribute and receive updates.
    Specify where to get updates from
  5. In the "Change activity period" section, you can set the time frame during which you usually use the device, it should be no more than 12 hours. During this time, the computer will not automatically restart to install updates.

If you encounter errors while downloading or installing updates, resetting Windows 10 Update most often helps. In this article, we will describe standard methods How to reset the Update Center and solve problems with updates.

There are several well-known methods to reset Windows 10 Update:

  • Using the troubleshooter
  • Deleting the SoftwareDistribution folder
  • Script execution

Let's analyze these methods in order.

Helps in 2 cases out of 10 and may indicate errors in the component store and the AC itself, without any. Not the best solution to the problem, but sometimes it helps. Rarely, but it helps. Given Microsoft's statement that all troubleshooters (namely, as these troubleshooters are called) are improved and "learn from mistakes", this was not noticed during the entire use of the system.

If you need to run the Windows Update troubleshooter, go to Control Panel - Troubleshooting - All Categories and run the desired tool as Administrator.

Deleting a folderSoftware Distribution

Solves 5 out of 10 update issues. SoftwareDistibution - a folder where downloaded updates, the Update Center cache and its logs are stored. Deleting this folder solves installation errors, but not downloading updates.

The folder is located along the path C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution

Before you can remove it, you must stop the Windows Update service or run the following command in command line on behalf of the Administrator:

Net stop wuauserver

Script execution

Universal update troubleshooter for both Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 and 7. Solves 8 out of 10 problems related to the update center. There are 2 options for using the script:

  1. Download script from Microsoft forum

Go to Microsoft's Technet download page or download the archive from the direct link. Unzip the archive and run the ResetWUEng script as Administrator.

The first page warns about the possible consequences (the script can not only reset the central heating), to agree, press the key « Y". There will be 17 actions to choose from, but we need only one, under the number 2. Press 2 and the Enter key. The running processes will be displayed on the screen and upon completion, a window will appear with 17 options. Select 17 to reboot and press Enter.

Note: Some antiviruses may "swear" at given script, but opening it with Notepad, you can make sure that there is nothing suspicious in its contents.

  1. Creating a script yourself

Making a script to reset Windows Update is quite simple, we first need to open Notepad (notepad.exe) and copy there given text:

@echo off::Reset Update Center::Website:: Checking and Stopping the windows update services set b=0:bits set /a b=%b%+1 if %b% equ 3 (goto end1) net stop bits echo Checking the bits service status. sc query bits | findstr /I /C:"STOPPED" if not %errorlevel%==0 (goto bits) goto loop2:end1 cls echo. echo Cannot reset Windows Update since "Background Intelligent Transfer Service" (bits) service failed to stop. echo. pause goto Start:loop2 set w=0:wuauserv set /a w=%w%+1 if %w% equ 3 (goto end2) net stop wuauserv echo Checking the wuauserv service status. sc query wuauserv | findstr /I /C:"STOPPED" if not %errorlevel%==0 (goto wuauserv) goto loop3:end2 cls echo. echo Cannot reset Windows Update since "Windows Update" (wuauserv) service failed to stop. echo. pause goto Start:loop3 set app=0:appidsvc set /a app=%app%+1 if %app% equ 3 (goto end3) net stop appidsvc echo Checking the appidsvc service status. sc query appidsvc | findstr /I /C:"STOPPED" if not %errorlevel%==0 (goto appidsvc) goto loop4:end3 cls echo. echo Cannot reset Windows Update since "Application Identity" (appidsvc) service failed to stop. echo. pause goto Start:loop4 set c=0:cryptsvc set /a c=%c%+1 if %c% equ 3 (goto end4) net stop cryptsvc echo Checking the cryptsvc service status. sc query cryptsvc | findstr /I /C:"STOPPED" if not %errorlevel%==0 (goto cryptsvc) goto Reset:end4 cls echo. echo Cannot reset Windows Update since "Cryptographic Services" (cryptsvc) service failed to stop. echo. pause goto Start:Reset Ipconfig /flushdns del /s /q /f "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\qmgr*.dat" del /s /q /f "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Network\ Downloader\qmgr*.dat" del /s /q /f "%SYSTEMROOT%\Logs\WindowsUpdate\*" if exist "%SYSTEMROOT%\winsxs\pending.xml.bak" del /s /q /f "%SYSTEMROOT %\winsxs\pending.xml.bak" if exist "%SYSTEMROOT%\winsxs\pending.xml" (takeown /f "%SYSTEMROOT%\winsxs\pending.xml" attrib -r -s -h /s /d " %SYSTEMROOT%\winsxs\pending.xml" ren "%SYSTEMROOT%\winsxs\pending.xml" pending.xml.bak) if exist "%SYSTEMROOT%\SoftwareDistribution.bak" rmdir /s /q "%SYSTEMROOT%\SoftwareDistribution .bak" if exist "%SYSTEMROOT%\SoftwareDistribution" (attrib -r -s -h /s /d "%SYSTEMROOT%\SoftwareDistribution" ren "%SYSTEMROOT%\SoftwareDistribution" SoftwareDistribution.bak) if exist "%SYSTEMROOT%\ system32\Catroot2.bak" rmdir /s /q "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\Catroot2.bak" if exist "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\Catroot2" (attrib -r -s -h /s /d "%SYSTEMROOT%\ sy stem32\Catroot2" ren "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\Catroot2" Catroot2.bak) :: Reset Windows Update policies reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" /f reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\WindowsUpdate" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\WindowsUpdate" /f gpupdate /force: : Reset the BITS service and the Windows Update service to the default security descriptor sc.exe sdset bits D:(A;;CCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRRC;;;SY)(A;;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;BA)(A;;CCLCSWLOCRRC;;; AU)(A;;CCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRRC;;;PU) sc.exe sdset wuauserv D:(A;;CCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRRC;;;SY)(A;;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;BA)(A;;CCLCSWLOCRRC;;;AU)( A;;CCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRRC;;;PU) :: Reregister the BITS files and the Windows Update files cd /d %windir%\system32 regsvr32.exe /s atl.dll regsvr32.exe /s urlmon.dll regsvr32.exe /s mshtml .dll regsvr32.exe /s shdocvw.dll regsvr32.exe /s browseui.dll regsvr32.exe /s jscript.dll regsvr32.exe /s vbscript.dll regsvr32.exe /s scrrun.dll regsvr32.exe /s msxml.dll regsvr32.exe /s msxml3.dll regsvr32.exe /s msxml6. dll regsvr32.exe /s actxprxy.dll regsvr32.exe /s softpub.dll regsvr32.exe /s wintrust.dll regsvr32.exe /s dssenh.dll regsvr32.exe /s rsaenh.dll regsvr32.exe /s gpkcsp.dll regsvr32 .exe /s sccbase.dll regsvr32.exe /s slbcsp.dll regsvr32.exe /s cryptdlg.dll regsvr32.exe /s oleaut32.dll regsvr32.exe /s ole32.dll regsvr32.exe /s shell32.dll regsvr32.exe /s initpki.dll regsvr32.exe /s wuapi.dll regsvr32.exe /s wuaueng.dll regsvr32.exe /s wuaueng1.dll regsvr32.exe /s wucltui.dll regsvr32.exe /s wups.dll regsvr32.exe /s wups2.dll regsvr32.exe /s wuweb.dll regsvr32.exe /s qmgr.dll regsvr32.exe /s qmgrprxy.dll regsvr32.exe /s wucltux.dll regsvr32.exe /s muweb.dll regsvr32.exe /s wuwebv. dll regsvr32.exe /s wudriver.dll netsh winsock reset netsh winsock reset proxy:: Set the startup type as automatic sc config wuauserv start= auto sc config bits start= auto sc config DcomLaunch start= auto:Start net start bits net start wuauserv net start appidsvc net start cryptsvc

Then, save given file. Specify when saving File Type: All Files, and in the title indicate "name" . bat(for example, wu.bat) so that this file is executable and the script can be played.

After saving, open the file as Administrator and wait for the procedure to finish, then restart your computer.

We hope that this instruction was helpful and helped you resolve the Windows Update issue.

"Update Center" in Windows is the main tool that ensures the security of the operating system. In fact, this is the link between the user and Microsoft. It is very important to always keep the OS up to date, otherwise there is a possibility of losing personal data and damaging computer files.

How to open Windows 10 Update

Like most Control Panel applets, Update Center (AC) has been moved to the Windows Settings system. The CO is located in the "Update and Security" column.

"Update Center" can be found in the "Update and Security" applet in the "Settings" of Windows

There are several ways to open Settings:

  • on the keyboard, press the key combination Win + I;
  • open the "Start" menu and click the corresponding gear icon; Through the "Start" menu, you can open the "Settings" of the system by clicking the icon in the form of a gear
  • in the lower right corner, click on the "Notification Center" icon and select "All settings" in the interface that opens; Through the "Notification Center" open the "Settings" of the system
  • in the "This PC" window, click the "Computer" tab and click "Open Settings";
    Through the "Computer" tab, open the "Settings" of the system
  • use search.

How to Restore Classic Update in Windows 10

Gradually, Windows is moving away from classic windows and changing its applet interfaces to modern and stylish ones. The CO is also no exception. After next update the classic version is gone, only the settings in the "Parameters" environment remain.

However, it is still possible to restore the old “window” view by only slightly adjusting the registry entries:

Video: how to return the classic view of the "Update Center" in Windows 10

Possible problems and solutions

Like any windows service, Update Center is prone to some issues and errors. They can arise both due to the human factor (changing some settings, disabling services to save random access memory), as well as program reasons(damage to system files by viruses, hardware problems). Consider the problems that can be eliminated by software.

Solving problems with Troubleshooting in Windows 10

You need to start correcting errors with the CO from the Troubleshooting service. It is a simple system tool for solving small bugs.

  1. Press the key combination Win + R, in the "Run" field, enter control and run the command with the "OK" button.
    We launch the "Control Panel" through the executing program
  2. Click on "System and Security".
    Go to the column "System and Security"
  3. Click on the link "Remove typical problems computer."
    In the "Security and Service Center" column, go to "Fix common computer problems"
  4. In the "System and Security" column, click on "Troubleshoot with Windows Update".
    In the "System and Security" column, click "Troubleshoot with Windows Update"
  5. The Troubleshooting Wizard window opens. We press "Next". All further work the program will do itself, just wait for the report. If the service finds problems, it will try to fix them.
    The Troubleshooting Wizard will provide a report when the work is completed.

An error of type Service Registration is Missing or Corrupt means a malfunction in one of the services that are responsible for updating the system. There are several ways to fix the problem, depending on what kind of problem caused the crash code.

Service Registration is Missing or Corrupt error occurs when trying to update the operating system

The first step is to check your computer for viruses. We use at least two programs from different developers for this. This will increase the chance of detection. malicious code and correct the situation.

If viruses are found, you will have to restore system files. To do this, you need to use the "Command line" terminal:

When I encountered this error, it was caused by a disabled or conditionally disabled Windows Update service. Very often, the cause of the shutdown was programs that promised to make the computer more productive, or personal inattention when deactivating really unnecessary services.

Video: How to Check the Integrity of System Files in Windows 10

Restarting the computer with Update Center in Windows 10

Installing updates can be a whole problem for a certain cluster of users working with a computer until late at night. A sudden reboot can result in the loss of important user data.

To solve this problem, you need to change the CH settings:

Not all versions of the operating system "forcibly" restart the computer in order to install updates. Using Windows 10 LTSB for three years now, I have never encountered a similar problem, although I consistently load all OS upgrades. There were no problems on Win10 Pro either, the system asked to restart the computer, but never did it itself. Therefore, my personal advice is: just install updates as they are downloaded. After spending 10–15 minutes on this, you won’t lose much time, but the computer will always be up to date and protected from external threats.

Problem with cache and old updates

The so-called problem with the update cache often accompanies problems on the hard drive or occurs if the connection is broken when downloading updates, which violates the integrity of the structure of the downloaded files. The solution is simple: you need to delete the damaged files and repeat the download of updates from scratch:

Video: How to clear the update cache in Windows 10

How to set up the "Update Center"

Compared to previous Windows versions, especially with the "seven", the user of the "tens" has very limited scope for setting up the central heating. For example, you cannot opt ​​out of Windows updates (in fact, you can, but for the safety of your computer, you should not do this).

As personal experience shows, the "Update Center" settings that are installed Windows developers default are the best ones to use. Of course, there are some nuances, for example, forced restart of the computer at a certain point in time. But they can also be customized. I do not recommend turning off or changing something drastic in the settings of the central heating. This service protects against viruses, monitors the relevance software products and computer drivers.

How to turn off automatic updates in Windows 10

It is impossible to turn off the Windows 10 update using the usual methods. It is not recommended to turn off the CH, as this can lead to system failures. But in cases where, for example, Internet traffic is limited, refusing to update can be fully justified.

To disable the ability of the operating system to receive updates, you must disable the AC service itself:

Video: How to disable updates in Windows 10

Other settings

Central heating settings are kept to a minimum by the developers. The user can only "Change the period of activity" in the setting of the same name, as well as configure which updates he will receive along with the main ones.

The user can change the activity period and select the Microsoft products that will be updated

Changing the activity period will result in notifications when Windows schedules a system restart.

Change the time of the activity period and click the "Save" button

By clicking "Advanced options", we will get to the interface "How to install updates".

By checking the box "When updating the system ...", we will start the check. The AC will search for and install upgrades not only for the system, but for all Microsoft products. This may include:

  • Microsoft Office;
  • skype;
  • DirectX etc.

The item "Use my data" does not affect the installation of updates in any way and, as the preview from the developers assures, it simply speeds up the process of logging into the system after the update.

Working with Windows Update is very easy. Using the instructions above, you can solve almost all problems and keep your OS up to date and safe.
