Why does the laptop turn off by itself? Why does my laptop turn off by itself?

Battery malfunction (if the laptop turns off when running on battery power)

If the laptop works fine from the network, does not turn off, does not reboot, but while running on battery power, suddenly turns off, then most likely there are problems with the battery or charge level controller.

You can try to check the contacts on the battery, maybe something got there, but in 99% these are problems with or without the battery service center not enough.

Problems with HDD

If before shutting down you heard strange sounds under the keyboard, squeaks or clicking noises, then most likely your hard drive is slowly dying. This is especially common with old laptops that are more than 5 years old.

Laptop is full of dust

The laptop shutdown may also occur due to your laptop being clogged. The internal temperature rises, which triggers the overheating protection. The laptop needs to be cleaned.

Read how to clean your laptop at home.

What can a sudden shutdown of a laptop cause?

  1. If the laptop turns off due to problems with the processor, this can lead to its failure, the same applies to the video card.
  2. During any emergency shutdown of the laptop, the HDD suffers; systematic shutdown can lead to failure of the HDD and subsequent replacement.
  3. If the laptop is clogged with dust, this leads to an increase in the temperature of the processor, video card and internal temperature of the laptop due to the fact that the cooling system is not working at full capacity. In turn, due to the increase in temperature, any part of the laptop can fail.
  4. Shutting down your laptop suddenly may result in a black screen or blue screen of death.
  5. If your laptop turns off and won’t turn on again, the article “The laptop won’t turn on: causes and solutions” describes in great detail common situations and provides actions that can help you.
If none of the points helped you, describe your problem in detail and we will give you an answer to it as soon as possible.

It happens that the laptop suddenly turns off while working. Why does my laptop turn off and what should I do?

The reasons for a laptop turning off can be hardware or software. It can turn off when running on battery power and when running on electricity.

If the laptop turns off while running on battery power, then most likely the reason is a faulty battery and it should be replaced.

The main reasons for a laptop running on power to turn off on its own include: overheating of the equipment, a crack in the motherboard, oxidation of the connector, and poor-quality soldering of the contacts.

In 90% of cases, the laptop turns off due to overheating. A working laptop highlights a large number of heat, especially during demanding games and watching movies High Quality. As you know, the cooling system is not the strongest point in a laptop, the case of which simply does not have space for powerful fans. Overheating can occur due to malfunctioning ventilation. The laptop overheats if the air vents are clogged with dust or blocked by foreign objects during operation. The vents are usually closed when working on soft surfaces: blanket, pillow, carpet.

It is very easy to determine overheating - the laptop is too hot, the ventilation is noisier than usual, there is constant “slowdown” and “squares” in games, the processor load is approaching 100%. When this mark is reached, the overheating protection system is activated and the laptop turns off. Permanent entails failure of its various parts. Most often, the video chip peels off from the board.

In case of overheating, the cooling system may need to be repaired: removing dust, cleaning the fan and lubricating it. If the fan is faulty, it must be replaced.

Another reason why a laptop turns off is a crack on the motherboard. This is typical for old laptops or in case of active use and careless attitude. Such cracks on the motherboard can occur if the laptop is dropped or knocked. Microcracks may not immediately affect the operation of the equipment, but as a result of inevitable heating and cooling, they will become wider and the laptop will turn off. Solving the problem is quite expensive, which is not always justified.

The laptop turns off due to oxidation of a connector. This defect appears as a result of improper operation of the equipment. For example, using it at unacceptable temperatures or turning on a laptop just brought in from the cold in a warm room. To fix the problem, you need to resolder or replace the connector.

And another one possible reason turning off the laptop - poorly soldered contacts. This defect occurs on cheap models and on laptops that have been in active use for a long time.

The laptop also turns off for software reasons.

This can happen due to antiviruses that consume a lot of resources, especially when scanning files or disks, loading the processor at 100%. The problem is solved by disabling some of the antivirus functions and enabling scanning only upon request.

Next software reason- these are malicious and incorrect programs that lead to a “freeze” that loads the processor at 100%. At the same time, overheating protection is triggered and the laptop turns off. You need to get rid of viruses and remove incorrectly written programs.

The reason the laptop turns off may be an error operating system, incompatible programs, errors in programs.

Spontaneous shutdown of a laptop occurs when the built-in and externally connected equipment malfunctions.

What is needed to turn a pleasant evening of games into an evening of problems? The smallest thing is a sudden shutdown of the laptop at the most important moment of the game. The evening is ruined, and so is the mood. And what about “this bastard”? Nothing, it turned on and works as if nothing had happened... until the next unexpected shutdown.

What is to blame for the laptop turning off by itself? One of the reasons, you most likely know: overheating. But he is not the only source of this...

2 reasons why your mobile computer turns off unexpectedly

With the spontaneous shutdown of a laptop (and a PC, by the way, too), I call it a sharp, sudden cessation of its operation, as if the power cord had been pulled out of the outlet. Unlike, there are only two reasons for this problem:
  • Everyone knows about overheating.
  • Supply voltages exceed permissible limits (both positive and negative).

That is, they are always hardware.

Why are the causes of sudden shutdowns only these 2 factors? It’s simple: this is how the hardware monitoring system (HWM) works, which continuously monitors the state of the laptop and PC equipment.

The monitoring system is a set of various sensors and a controller (usually its functions are performed by a multicontroller - EC, but there may also be separate microcircuits). The latter processes the information received from the sensors and, by adjusting certain parameters, maintains a favorable operating mode for the devices. Excessive temperature rise and excess voltage are two critical situations that require immediate protection of equipment from damage. And such protection is instant shutdown of the device. If the voltages drop below the minimum, the controller considers that the power has disappeared altogether - and does the same.

Hardware monitoring controller

“But what about viruses, crooked drivers, lame Windows,” you ask, “after all, this also sometimes leads to the computer turning off?” You are right, it does, but not quite. More precisely, it causes the operating system to shut down unexpectedly, followed by a power outage. The failure in such a case is limited only to the software environment. It differs from real self-shutdown, which is the subject of today’s article, because it is not instantaneous (after all, shutting down the OS takes time). Sometimes it is also preceded by messages about critical error ().

But still malware and faulty drivers can cause a computer to crash, albeit indirectly - by loading hardware resources with excessive work (for example, by launching a process hidden from the user), they cause overheating.

What causes laptop overheating and how to deal with it


  • 80% of cases of laptop overheating are a consequence of the accumulation of dust inside the case, which covers the device with a heat-insulating layer and clogs the ventilation grilles. Inner space buildings mobile computers very little, and the cooling system (CO) is compact, so a small handful of dust is enough to cause overheating.

  • The second most common reason is the blocking of the ventilation holes when placing the laptop on soft surfaces (sofas, pillows, the user’s stomach 🙂).

  • The third is the one mentioned above – excessive load on hardware resources (mining, avid gamers).
  • The fourth is incorrect installation of the cooling system, for example, after cleaning the “pet” of dust on your own. This includes the wrong choice (too little, too much, unevenly), and the wrong choice of thermal paste (after all, you already know that KPT-8 is not suitable for laptops), and the replacement of thermal pads with paste (why you can’t do this, f1comp), and everything else , which fits this definition.
  • Cooling system malfunctions are less common, but not too common. This is the formation of cracks in the places where the copper heat pipes of the radiator are attached (shown by arrows in the photo below), jamming of the fan, detachment of contacts, etc.

  • Design flaws in the hardware platform or cooling module of some devices. This also happens not in exceptional cases.
  • Overclocking No comments.

How to recognize

To determine that the laptop is too hot, you don’t have to wait until it turns off. This can be recognized by the following symptoms:
  • The case is tactilely hot, the cooler howls at maximum volume, applications hang, slow down and crash with errors (“the driver has stopped responding”), windows are minimized to the taskbar.
  • Monitoring programs like HWiNFO , AIDA64 and analogues, show the high temperature of the components. By the way, signs of overheating appear not only when the temperature of the processor increases, but also of other significant components - the video chip (sometimes the image disappears or artifacts appear on the screen), the chipset (accompanied by system freezes, temporary failure of peripherals), hard drive. The last option is the most unfavorable, as it is dangerous due to disk failure and loss of information.

The screenshot below shows the normal temperatures of laptop devices. By the way, our site has already told you about this.

  • Failure to pass the heat dissipation efficiency test. It is carried out using any program for stress testing computer hardware, for example, the same AIDA64 (system stability test). This test is performed quite quickly and simply: we mark the component under test in the program (in my example it is the CPU) and press the start button. Next, we carefully monitor the position of the temperature curve on the graph. With normal heat removal efficiency, the temperature increase is gentle - the position of the curve is closer to horizontal. If it is insufficient, the graph almost immediately rushes up. We limit the duration of the check to 3-5 minutes.

The normal temperature curve is shown below.

Attention! If temperatures are initially high, do not run the test. Excessive heat may damage the devices.

  • The idea that something is wrong with the cooling is suggested by too little air flow from the ventilation hole in combination with noticeable heating of the case in the area of ​​the keyboard (the radiator is clogged with dust); cold air output when the case is hot (heat dissipation is ineffective); unnatural fan noise - inadequately weak or in the form of jerks (the fan is faulty or incorrectly controlled).


As already mentioned, they don’t like overheating most of all. hard disks, and not so much the overheating itself (after all, they also have a protection system against it), but the sudden shutdown of the computer provoked by it, due to which the suddenly de-energized read/write heads do not have time to park and can fall on the magnetic layer and scratch it.

In addition to disks, large, expensive microcircuits in BGA packages sometimes suffer from the “tropical climate”. Their leads are an array of tiny balls on the bottom surface of the chip, which are used to solder it to the board's pads. These conclusions, unlike others, are the most inflexible, and can be destroyed by constant significant temperature changes.

Video processors (mainly AMD) are especially vulnerable to overheating - they have such balls, only smaller ones, that fasten the crystal to the base of the chip, and destruction most often occurs in this place.

Elimination and prevention

To eliminate overheating, you need to destroy its cause - or correctly install the cooling system, if that is the problem.

For those who like to place their laptop on sofas and cushions, it makes sense to purchase a cooling pad. It will also save avid players from many problems.

Damaged metal parts of the cooling system can only be replaced - they cannot be restored. Problems with fan operation are sometimes resolved. If the fan itself is faulty, all that remains is to replace or repair it (depending on the circumstances).

Overheating caused by an unsuccessful design solution of the laptop can be somewhat reduced by replacing the thermal pads with copper plates of suitable thickness (copper thermal pads). Such a plate is glued to the base of the CO heat sink with hot glue, and a little thermal paste is placed between it and the surface of the chip.

Inconsistency of supply voltages with specified levels

This reason is less common in practice than overheating, and it is possible to determine its culprit at home only in a small part of cases - usually when they are associated with an external power supply or battery.

Outwardly, it manifests itself in the same way - unexpected shutdowns of the laptop at random times, but there are no signs of overheating. Sometimes this condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • The mobile computer does not turn on on the first try, but after several clicks power buttons(this usually happens due to faulty capacitors in the power supply circuits of highly loaded components and BGA defects).
  • After self-shutdown, the machine does not turn on immediately, but only after “resting” for a while.
  • Shutting down always occurs under similar circumstances (switching from built-in video to discrete, graphics transition from 2D to 3D, touching the power plug, etc.).

What to do at home to solve the problem

Unfortunately, monitoring supply voltages using programs does not make much sense. Unlike temperatures, these indicators display only approximate values, and even those with a delay. And the moment of reaching the critical threshold, when an emergency shutdown occurs, the programs do not have time to catch at all.

If you suspect a problem in the device’s power system, you can try to solve the problem in the following ways:

  • Disconnect the battery and leave only the power supply connected. If the problem goes away, the culprit is the battery. Replace it.
  • Leave only the charged battery connected. Is the problem gone? If so, the culprit is the power supply. Replace or repair.
  • (better by hardware, disconnecting the RTC coin-cell battery for 10-15 minutes if it is not soldered).
  • Replace the RTC battery with a new one if its voltage drops below 3 V.
  • Install a known-good stick into your laptop random access memory. If possible, check by replacing other removable parts. Something without which you can start your computer (for example, optical drive), temporarily disable it.

If you fail to find the source of the failure and eliminate it using improvised means, it is better to entrust further research to a specialist. Otherwise, there is a considerable chance of aggravating the problem and incurring serious costs in the future.

This problem is on the top list of laptop problems. As a rule, shutdowns occur some time after switching on or when launching complex applications and games.

The most likely reason why a laptop turns off on its own is that its processor and/or video card are overheating. That is why, when you start it for the first time after a long period of inactivity, it works a little longer than when you turn it on later after shutting it down.

Few people know that any laptop requires timely maintenance, which includes annual disassembly and cleaning of the cooling system and replacement of thermal paste and thermal pads.

This is what a dusty cooling system looks like - most common reason turning off the laptop while working

If you don’t do this, you run the risk of expensive repairs to bridges or the laptop processor, the most common symptoms of which are faults.

Diagnosing and fixing the problem with the laptop turning off spontaneously

The first place to start solving this issue is by measuring the operating temperatures of laptop components such as the processor and video card. How to do this was described in.

If it is not possible to measure temperatures due to the fact that the laptop quickly turns off, plus your laptop is more than 3 years old and you have never cleaned it before, then cleaning the cooling system should be done as quickly as possible.

With 99% probability, after this the shutdown problem will disappear. How to clean a laptop yourself at home is shown in the article.

Removing a laptop battery

If, after measuring the temperature of the processor and video card, they are normal, then you should try removing the battery and working on the laptop from the network. Also, the culprit of the outages may be the power supply, which, if possible, you should try to replace with a known working one.

Temporary replacement of the power supply for testing

In the worst case, the reason for the laptop turning off spontaneously may be motherboard and/or processor. But here it is unlikely that it will be possible to solve the problem at home and it is better to contact a specialized service center.

I think that every laptop user has encountered a situation where the device simply turns off randomly without your desire. Most often, this happens due to sitting down accumulator battery and you didn't put it on charge. By the way, such cases happened to me when I was playing some game and simply did not see the system warnings that the battery was running low.

If the battery charge has nothing to do with turning off your laptop, then this is a very bad sign, and I recommend that you start repairing and restoring it.

So, what to do?

1) Most often, the laptop turns itself off due to overheating (the processor and video card heat up the most).

The fact is that a laptop radiator consists of many plates between which there are very short distance. Air passes through these plates, due to which cooling occurs. When dust settles on the wall of the radiator, air circulation deteriorates, and as a result, the temperature begins to rise. When it reaches a critical value, the BIOS simply turns off the laptop so that nothing gets burned.

Dust on the laptop radiator. It needs to be cleaned.

Signs of overheating:

Immediately after shutting down, the laptop does not turn on (because it has not cooled down and the sensors do not allow it to turn on);

Shutting down often occurs when there is a heavy load on the laptop: during a game, when watching HD video, video encoding, etc. (than more load on the processor - the faster it heats up);

Usually, even to the touch you can feel how hot the device body has become, pay attention to this.

To find out the processor temperature, you can use special utilities(). One of the best is Everest.

CPU temperature in Everest program.

Pay attention to the temperature readings if it exceeds 90 degrees. C. is a bad sign. At this temperature, the laptop may turn off automatically. If the temperature is lower. in the region of 60-70 - most likely this is not the reason for the shutdown.

2) Viruses - can easily cause unstable operation of the computer, including shutdown.

First you need to install a good antivirus program to help you. After installation, update the database and fully scan your computer. Good performance is ensured by a comprehensive scan with two antiviruses: for example Kaspersky and .

By the way, you can try booting the system from Leave CD/DVD () and check the system. If the laptop does not turn off when booting from the rescue disk, it is likely that the problem is in the software...

3) In addition to viruses, programs also include drivers...

There are quite a lot of drivers problems are may also cause the device to shut down.

5) Reinstall Windows.

In some cases, it helps to reinstall Windows (before doing this, I recommend saving the settings of some programs, for example). Especially if the system behaves unstable: errors constantly pop up, program crashes, etc. By the way, some viruses may not be found antivirus programs and the most quick way getting rid of them is a reinstallation.

Good luck with your laptop everyone!
