Why is my voice heard on the phone. Five signs that your cell phone is being tapped

Help Desk Officer 28/10/2017 09:51

Modern smartphones are multifunctional devices, they can be used as a webcam, game console, multimedia player, and even Personal Computer. However, the main purpose of any mobile phone is to provide high-quality voice communications in a cellular network. Therefore, the owner is extremely unpleasant when his device does not allow you to comfortably make calls.

Judging by the forums, one of the most common problems is the echo in the phone when talking. Its essence lies in the fact that you or your interlocutor begin to hear your own voice, which comes with some delay. As a result, such a cacophony is created that it is simply impossible to talk.

Consider the reasons why this problem occurs, and provide tips on how to fix them.

Why is there an echo when talking

First of all, it should be understood that echo is an integral companion of any conversations at a distance, since the transmission of analog or digital signal takes a certain time, and the sound has the property of reflecting and returning back. And the more distant the interlocutors are from each other, the more clearly this phenomenon will manifest itself.

Before the advent of cellular communication, echo was also constantly present in conversations on a regular home phone. However, the delays in signal transmission over the wires are so meager (on the order of a few milliseconds) that the speaker's voice practically merges with his own voice, which returned back, so there was no discomfort.

Everything changed with the advent of cellular communication, and especially modern good smartphones with Internet telephony. Now, due to the many stages of signal processing and conversion, delays in its transmission have become very noticeable. Most often this manifests itself if you call from a mobile phone to a landline. When changing from a local line, which is usually two-wire, to a four-wire trunk, the signal part is reflected.

To combat echo in mobile phones, operators install special echo-compensating devices on their terminals, the principle of which is based on the subtraction of the direct signal and the reflected one. However, such systems do not always work perfectly, require adaptation to each specific session and fine tuning. And sometimes they do not cope at all if the echo occurs due to a malfunction of the telephone set.

What to do?

So, you found an echo during a conversation, let's list the possible reasons for its occurrence.

What to do if you hear an echo in the phone during a conversation? And in general, why is this phenomenon observed? These questions are being raised more and more frequently. In fact, telephone echo can be due to various reasons. Sometimes it turns out to resolve the situation without any problems, in some cases it is not possible to do this. In general, if the subscriber has the described problem, he will have to go through several scenarios, the diagnosis of which is very difficult without outside help. So what to do if you hear an echo during a conversation? Why is this happening? How dangerous is the phenomenon?

The first step is to understand how realistic it is to solve the problem. Perhaps there is no way to eliminate the echo in the receiver that interferes with the conversation?

As practice shows, echo during a telephone conversation is a phenomenon that usually needs to be corrected. And without radical action. Accordingly, do not be afraid if this problem occurs. But what causes the echo in the tube? And what to do in this or that case?

The most obvious option is a manufacturing defect. Relevant for new phones. It is likely that the device was initially defective. As a result, an echo is heard during a conversation.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the problem begins to bother the buyer immediately after the first call. That is, from the very beginning. You can act in several ways:

  1. Send your phone in for repair. If the reason is not at all in marriage, but in some kind of breakdown, then it will definitely be eliminated. And it will be possible to pick up an already working device.
  2. Exchange the gadget in the store and write a complaint about the purchase of a defective product. Relevant if the echo is detected immediately after purchase. Usually sellers quickly exchange defective phones for serviceable ones.

However, marriage is only one of the reasons. It has already been said that it is detected immediately after the start of using the phone. What are the most common situations in real life?

Why is there an echo in the phone during a conversation? Sometimes subscribers complain about this situation. Moreover, regardless of the services of which operator they use. Why is the interlocutor or yourself heard repeatedly?

It is likely that the volume of sounds is to blame. Or, as people say, phone settings. The other party's speaker or microphone is too loud. Because of this, the indicated problem occurs.

Why is there an echo when talking on the phone? If the device has been used for a long time, it is possible that a bug is installed on the mobile phone. It helps someone to listen in on phone conversations. This is where the echo comes from.

Fortunately, such a situation is a huge rarity. If there is a suspicion of eavesdropping telephone conversations, you can take the mobile phone to service center, report and suspicions and wait for the end of the diagnosis and repair. This technique is the fastest, most logical and simplest solution. After all, it is very difficult to get rid of the bug on your own.

factory feature

If an echo occurs while talking on the phone, you should not be scared. And immediately think that a low-quality product was bought, too. The thing is that each mobile phone has its own "stuffing". That is, all phones are arranged differently. The cause of the problem may be precisely the factory feature.

That is, initially the phone was assembled in such a way that when working with mobile network echo will be heard. Actual mainly for older models of gadgets. The solution is only 2 options:

  1. Deal with the echo. You have to listen carefully to the words. But sooner or later it will get boring.
  2. Immediately buy new phone. It is advisable to continue to make a test call before making a purchase.

There are no other solutions for this situation. How to remove echo in the phone when talking? It all depends on the cause of the problem. What other methods of struggle should be paid attention to? For example, if all the previously listed layouts do not explain the resulting echo?

In such a situation, only the service center will help. Or buying a new phone. But we are not talking about the features of the device of the mobile phone. An echo in the phone during a conversation may occur if it is a speaker breakdown.

A fairly common problem faced by subscribers who do not monitor their mobile phones. If the phone has been dropped or dropped into water, it is likely that an echo problem will occur.

By the way, if you leave this phenomenon without attention, in the end the speaker will refuse to work in principle. That is why after some negative impact on the phone and the appearance specified problem you need to contact the service center. There the speaker will either be repaired or replaced. Luckily, you don't need to buy a new phone in most cases. But expect that the repaired speaker will last a long time, too, should not be.

Housing tightness

An echo in the phone during a conversation can occur when the tightness of the gadget case is violated. The situation does not occur too often, but it is very problematic to deal with it.

If the subscriber is thinking about how to get rid of the emerging echo, you can offer him the following steps:

  1. Take the phone to a service center. They can spend there complete diagnostics and fix the problem. Although few people are engaged in correcting the tightness of the case.
  2. Change body. This method does not always work. The body panels need to be replaced with more dense ones. You can buy these components in any store, depending on the model of the gadget.
  3. Change phone. The most logical, though not the most pleasant solution. It is almost impossible to fix problems with the tightness of the device. That is why you often have to buy new mobile phones.

To combat echo that occurs when calling to a regular landline phone there are special echo suppressors. These devices identify human speech coming from one end of the connection and suppress all signals coming in the other direction.

As you can see, the problem is not solved without costs in all cases, but nevertheless it is solved. By the way, an echo can occur, due to the fault of listening devices, here it is necessary to read less books about spies.

Many users are faced with a problem when an Android phone or tablet starts acting up. It seems that nothing happened that could cause a malfunction, but it does not work as it should.

For example, the device has problems with the fact that during a conversation (call) any distortion or defects in the transmission / reproduction of sound appear. The reason for this may be:

The first group of reasons Since the speaker and microphone of your unit are in the same housing, acoustic echo may occur under certain conditions. The sound from the speaker can get into the microphone for two reasons: the first is the lack of “tightness” of the connection between the speaker and the hole for it in the case, due to which the sound from this speaker propagates through the case and enters the speaker. Such a phenomenon can be caused either by the mechanical looseness of the case during operation, or by its design; The second possible reason is the cover. After some time has passed since the start of operation, cases tend to “break in” somewhat, due to which a certain amount of free space is formed between the case and the phone body, which helps to shield sound from the speaker to the microphone.

In the second group of reasons, the following can be distinguished: the first is the transceiver of the base stations of your operator, near which you are located, the second is the provider of the wired telephone communication, whose subscriber you are talking to. This happens due to the reflection of part of the signal during the transition from the local line to the main line.

How to determine the cause of the echo effect in your mobile phone.

To effectively solve a problem, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of its occurrence. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to be done with 100% accuracy, but the probability is still high.

So, if the echo is a constant phenomenon, or vice versa, it is impossible to trace any regularity in its appearance, then the reason is most likely your device. To finally verify this, try reducing the speaker volume. In cases where after that the echo disappears, the cause of its occurrence was in the phone. Also try removing the cover. The echo has disappeared - the case is the reason.

If the echo occurs in any specific places, or when calling to some, or arose for a certain period of time, then your terminal should not be blamed. There is one of the second group of reasons. The BS is to blame if an echo occurs in some place, and not to blame if you are communicating with a landline phone when an echo appears. When you have an echo, try another operator's SIM card in the same place. The echo is gone - the cause of the OSS, no - no.

How to deal with it.

If the matter is in your device, the outputs are as follows: reduce the volume of the speaker, if the reason is in the case, if this does not help, there is only one way out - replacing the phone. The reason is in the cover - the solution to such a problem, as you might guess, is the refusal to use the cover, or, if this option is not acceptable, replacing it with a new, denser one.
If the operator is to blame for your unbearable torment, then you need to call the subscriber service and tell the place where you constantly feel shortcomings in the quality of communication. Your application will be accepted, but when the cause will be eliminated (and whether it will be eliminated) is unknown. There is only one way for an ordinary user to influence an operator - to call and call. Or, if everything is really bad, you can change the operator, after making sure that you will not have such problems with the new one.
To combat the echo that occurs when calling a regular landline phone, there are special echo suppressors. These devices identify human speech coming from one end of the connection and suppress all signals coming in the other direction.
As you can see, the problem is not solved without costs in all cases, but nevertheless it is solved. By the way, an echo can occur, due to the fault of listening devices, here it is necessary to read less books about spies.

The so-called "echo" that your interlocutor hears during a conversation is caused by:

a) "Tip" of the signal, it's all to blame - poor soldering of the microphone, its cable and contacts, sometimes - over a sensitive microphone. Or the speaker's rubber gasket has come loose. As a result, the sound of the speaker enters the phone and enters the noise canceling microphone instead of only passing through the speaker hole on the front of the handset. All of the above are factory defects.
b) Noise reduction (the fact is that starting from the official firmware 2.3.4, the noise reduction function is active by default, but there is no adjustment item)

Ways out of the situation:

a) MARRIAGE. Check soldering, cable and contacts. In case the rubber gasket is to blame. That is a very simple way out. The photo shows two components that affect each other: "A" - noise reduction microphone. Make sure the elastic that covers it sits properly in place. "B" - the speaker, holding on to its seat:

Move the speaker up and down a little until you can lift it up. Clean the speaker housing and its seat from all contaminants, as they prevent the speaker from sitting normally in the socket. Put the speaker back and press it firmly so that it sits well in the socket. The rubber seal surrounding the speaker needs to be firmly seated in the seat to isolate the phone's innards from sound. Now we need a piece of paper 0.5mm thick and 5x12mm in size. It must be placed on top of the speaker. A business card is very well suited for this purpose, because their thickness is what you need. The paper should cover the area indicated by the red rectangle "C":

Reassemble the phone by replacing the back cover and tightening all the screws. Now the piece of paper additionally presses the speaker onto the seat, preventing it from creating an echo in the phone.

Articles and publications

Unfortunately, mobile technology has come so far that wiretapping a mobile phone has become not too difficult. It can be carried out by everyone who is not too lazy and who, of course, has an interest in this. But there are several ways that prevent the invasion of the owner's privacy. In this article, we will define the main points that will allow you to determine whether the phone is being tapped or not.

1. Battery temperature.
Touch your phone when not in use. If the battery is warm or hot, then it is still being used. Do not forget the factor that heat is generated due to excessive operation. The battery will only be hot if the mobile phone has been used for some time.

2. Too fast phone discharge.
If you notice that you are charging your phone much more often than usual, this is a reason to be concerned. In this case, there is a high probability that someone else used it. In the case of wiretapping the phone, its battery runs down much faster. Such a phone records all conversations in the room, even if at first glance it is idle.
But if the phone is more than a year old, the battery capacity will no longer be the same due to the intensity of use. In this case, the article "How to extend the working time of a mobile phone" is for you.

3. Delay during shutdown.
If you turn off your mobile and see a delay, a backlight that does not go out for a certain time, or the phone simply refuses to turn off, all these signs indicate a possible listening.

4. Incomprehensible activity.
During the operation of the phone, the backlight suddenly lights up for no reason, various applications are loaded, spontaneous turning on or off occurs - this is a high probability of using the phone without your knowledge. Perhaps someone is manipulating the phone remotely. But such a failure can also occur due to network interference.

5. Constant background noise.
Usually the phone that is being tapped interferes with the conversation. If you hear an unusual noise from your mobile when you are not using it, this is a signal that you are being watched.

6. Frequent interference.
If your phone is placed near a TV or other electrical appliances, it may interfere with them through the presence of foreign objects in its case. In some cases, this is normal, but if you use a phone. If not, then you are "under the hood".

7. Learn to be a disinformer!
If you are sure that you are the owner of the tapped phone, try to give out invented information in order to bring the spy to "clean water". Share the secret of your fear with someone close to you. Transmit false information using the phone, if it becomes known to outsiders, you must have been tapped.

8. Ask for help.
If you believe that the phone is being tapped, seek help from specialists. The police are a great option, they have the necessary equipment with which you can check the mobile for wiretapping.

Don't be alarmed if most of these items apply to your phone! After all, the chances of getting hooked on an ordinary person are very small. Phone-related problems can be caused by poor communication, firmware, or a worn out battery. But if you want to be completely safe, lock your mobile with a password and never let go of it.

Anyone can become a victim of wiretapping. An intruder could be a curious neighbor or business partner. Location, SMS messages, conversations, all this can be recognized by an outsider. Personal data such as your bank account details, passwords from Email and accounts social networks may be obtained by a third party.

The first step towards protection is understanding by what means it can be implemented mobile phone eavesdropping. The development of modern technologies has made it possible to combine most electronic devices in a smartphone, on the one hand, this makes life easier for us, and on the other hand, it simplifies the possibility of wiretapping and theft of personal data. Nowadays, it is easier to spy on people using a , which can be installed on a smartphone, than with the help of special wiretapping tools, so that a person will not even suspect that he is being followed.

How to know if your cell phone is being tapped?

Before spending money on checking your phone with a specialist, you can do it yourself. There are a few simple tests you can run to identify listening software.

Unusual sounds during a call

Have you noticed that there are clicking sounds, distant voices, coming during a telephone conversation? This should not be, since modern digital networks do not interfere with conversation. If you hear them, then there is a chance that your phone is tapped.

Fast battery drain

Often, the installed listener software works stealthily, but it still uses your battery power. To determine the battery discharge rate, you can use mobile phone the same model: put your battery into another mobile, if your phone uses more power, then the probability of wiretapping is high.

Your phone is active when not in use

Phone beeps alerts, screen lights up, reboots when in standby mode? All of these could be signs that someone has remote access, and you cellular telephone bugged.

Turning off the cell phone takes a long time

A smartphone is very similar to a computer; when turned off, all running programs are closed. If you don't have any apps running and it takes a long time to shut down, then there's a chance that some software is installed and running hidden. It is possible that the programs for wiretapping are installed.

Interference on third-party electrical appliances

A sign of a bugged cell phone may be the appearance of interference when it approaches home appliances. A listening mobile phone may cause audio or visual distortion in speakers and monitors.

Most of us have heard strange sounds coming from the speakers if there is a mobile phone next to them. But just because you're hearing strange sounds doesn't mean your cell phone is being tapped. This also happens under normal conditions when the phone receives incoming call, sends, receives messages, then the sound is natural, but if sounds appear after the connection, then this is a signal for additional checks.

Sometimes, you can understand whether your phone is being monitored by analyzing a specific life situation and determining who can listen to you

As for the latter, the wiretap program method possible only in a very rare case... But what about the others?

If you are a minor, then your parents have the right to track who you communicate with, talk to and all other activities that you carry out. Even if you go to court, it will be on the side of the parents, so if you don’t want problems, then don’t do what you are forbidden to do. This will help avoid family conflicts.

Employers have certain rights that allow them to control their subordinates from their equipment and corporate phones, but at the same time they are required to notify about it. You must sign certain agreements. If your superiors are listening to you illegally, then you are entitled to monetary compensation, as well as prosecution for invasion of privacy.

A large number of people, having broken off relationships, are trying by any means obtain incriminating information about your partner. Whether it's a divorce or division of a business, every, even the most insignificant information can turn things in one direction or another. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that it is these people who most often resort to illegal methods of wiretapping. If you are in this situation, then you should beware.

Of course, you only need to install licensed software, but sometimes you have to resort to unverified applications. In this case, you must be especially careful. Often along with necessary program a malicious application is also installed, which may be listening. When installing new apps, most of us don't read the terms of service included by the publisher. We independently approve parameters that are undesirable for ourselves, which allow us to collect, store and use the information received. Do not install applications on your smartphone without reviewing the terms of service.

On the Internet, there are many programs that can work secretly on your cell phone and save or send records of telephone conversations to a specific address, text messages sms, subscriber location coordinates, as well as pictures from the built-in front camera your device.

There are programs that work on the principle of a spy bug: you call a mobile phone and secretly from its owner hear everything that happens next to it. This is applicable for a variety of, as a rule, selfish purposes, such as eavesdropping on business negotiations or important meetings.

The main danger of such wiretapping are smartphones and communicators based on operating systems Windows Mobile and Symbian. Also data spyware already exists for the iPhone, however, they can only be installed on a jailbroken smartphone from Apple, and, of course, you will not find these applications in official store App Store.

Understand that such a “bug” crept into your phone common man very difficult. However, there are a number of certain signs that can tell you about the fact of listening.

  1. Fast battery drain. If a accumulator battery your phone began to discharge suspiciously quickly and at the same time the level of signal reception remained at the same level, and the device was recently used in normal mode, it is quite possible that some hidden process was activated in it unknown application. Of course, all batteries wear out over time and begin to “keep a charge” less, so this fact should be taken seriously only if your device begins to discharge suspiciously sharply.
  2. Strong battery heating. If the battery of your mobile phone has become too hot - hence, it is quickly discharged. Such a wave effect is normal during a conversation, especially in UMTS or IMT-2000 (Skylink) networks, but if your phone lay peacefully for several hours in complete rest, and not on the windowsill under the direct rays of the summer sun, but still, at the same time, remains quite warm, it is quite possible, as in point 1, that some hidden process is working inside it.
  3. Delay when turning off the device. Pay attention to the time of turning off your mobile phone. If it does not happen immediately and with an unnaturally long delay, is accompanied by flashing of the backlight of the display and keys, or it is not possible to turn off the phone in a natural way, then something is wrong with the phone. Of course, perhaps this is just a technical malfunction, but other options are possible.
  4. Unnatural phone behavior in general. If your mobile phone by itself began to turn on the backlight of the screen, periodically reboot, turn off, automatically install and run some applications, then this may be either incorrect operation of its software (firmware), a virus picked up somewhere, or, again, some a hidden process responsible for listening to your line.
  5. Interference and noise during conversation. These interferences and background noise There are two types: audible during a conversation and those that occur in the immediate vicinity of a cell phone near the audio speakers. We are interested in the first option. Interference in a conversation is quite natural in case of a strong distance from you base station, phone operation at a frequency of 900 MHz, connection with old analog PBXs or subscriber's stay in roaming. However, in some cases, there are still quite suspicious noises, clicks, hisses or echoes during a conversation with someone. Therefore, if this noise has been haunting you for more than a day, you are confident in your phone and your connection has not worsened, it is worth considering who your conversation might be interested in. Also abnormal may be a periodic "gurgling" sound coming from your phone at a time when no one is talking on it. It could very well be a spy app that connects to another phone in order to send it the ambient sounds in your room.

We hope you will bypass this kind of trouble and your personal affairs will remain solely under your control.

A fairly common situation is when, during a conversation on a mobile phone, one of the interlocutors does not hear the other, which makes both parties nervous, especially if important information needs to be communicated.

When faced with a similar problem, many people write off their gadget and think about buying a new one, but this is a mistaken action. Basically, when the interlocutor is not heard on the phone, it is not difficult to fix the breakdown, it all depends on the source of the malfunction. About what methods to use and will be discussed in this article.

For self diagnosis, take the test. The virtual assistant will determine the malfunction and tell you what to do.

Did you cover the proximity sensor with your finger?

Correctly! Not true!

In modern smartphones, especially in the entry-level price category, the proximity sensor may sometimes not work or fail, causing a lot of inconvenience.

We continue the diagnostics >>

Turned up the volume?

Correctly! Not true!

If turning up the volume does not solve the problem, click the "Continue Diagnostics" button.

We continue the diagnostics >>

When they call you back, do you hear the interlocutor better?

Correctly! Not true!

If it does not help, we continue the diagnosis.

We continue the diagnostics >>

Did you clean the speaker with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol?

Correctly! Not true!

If it does not help, click the "Continue Diagnostics" button.

We continue the diagnostics >>

The network may be overloaded, please wait 15 to 30 minutes.

Correctly! Not true!

If it does not help, click the "Continue Diagnostics" button.

We continue the diagnostics >>

Has the phone been dropped or repaired?

Correctly! Not true!

When dropped or repaired, the board responsible for playing sounds may be damaged.
If it did not fall, click the "Continue Diagnostics" button.

We continue the diagnostics >>

Can't hear the interlocutor

It's time for repairs, it's clearly not in the software part, you can't fix it with your own hands.

Start again!

What to try first

Cover the proximity sensor with your finger

When you use a touch-sensitive mobile phone and do not hear the interlocutor, the problem may be inadvertently turning off the microphone with your ear. In modern smartphones, especially in the entry-level price category, the proximity sensor may sometimes not work or fail, causing a lot of inconvenience.

Try to just put your hand on the proximity sensor during a conversation (close the front camera unit entirely) and tap on the microphone icon.

Turn up the volume

The easiest method is to try to increase the sound level using the hardware keys located on the gadget's body. Only then move on to other options.

Network overloaded

Often this happens due to network outages, for example, due to bad weather conditions or other radio interference. Call tech. support of your operator to ask why such a bad cellular in your location. If the consultant says this problem does not come from them, then try to remove the SIM card, and then insert it into place and repeat the call.

Ask to call back

In the case when you still can’t hear the subscriber, there is another way to restore the sound - it is necessary that your interlocutor calls himself, and you pick up the phone. This can work if the reason lies not in mechanical, but in software damage.

Sometimes, you can simply not see and turn off the microphone when making a call. This is especially true for modern Android and iOS devices. We turn the microphone back on and in 90% of cases this will fix the situation. If this does not help, then you need to reboot the device and make a second call.

Clean your speaker

Last resort, but sometimes it works. Take a cotton swab dipped in alcohol and gently wipe the smartphone's speaker. Thus, the accumulated dust and dirt will fall out of the sound slots.

technical issues

All of the above tips do not always help, since the reason for the lack of volume may be mechanical in nature. We list the damage in which the microphone stops working:

  • Inside the speaker is a magnetic coil, the turns of which are connected to the contacts on the board. One of these turns may break, resulting in failure of the part.
  • There are phone models where the speaker is connected to the board via a cable. Such a wire can simply break or come off the connector.
  • It is possible to overwrite the track on the microcircuit, which is responsible for supplying power to the microphone and speaker.
  • To convert and transmit sounds, a special microcircuit is provided in the design of the device; it can also burn out or be mechanically damaged after a strong blow.
  • The volume button is also not eternal and often breaks when the sound is turned off.

It is realistic to carry out independent repairs of such elements, but only if you have the appropriate knowledge. In other situations, it is better to take mobile phones to a service center to restore the microphone's performance.

Factory reset

If you did the manipulations that were noted earlier, but you still can’t hear the interlocutor on the phone, you can return the cellular to the factory settings, since the software can sometimes fail. This procedure is performed using the "Settings" menu in the "Backup and Reset" tab. Depending on the modification and brand of the telephone, this item may be called differently. After going to the "Backup and reset" item, click "Reset settings to factory settings".

We would like to warn you, if your smartphone contains any significant information, photographs, audio recordings or video material, first transfer everything you need to external drive. Thus, after resetting the settings, you can easily return all content to the device and continue to use it.

The bad news is that if this does not help, then android firmware device, which is described below.

Important! Do not forget your accounts (Google, Viber, Skype, mail, etc.), they will also be deleted after the reset, so remember and write down all logins and passwords from them in advance.

Serious reasons

An even more radical method of restoring the audibility of the speakers is flashing the gadget, because problems can begin due to a software failure of the OS. To perform such an operation, there are many sites where you yourself find instructions and the necessary utilities for your smartphone model.

True, it is important to understand the intricacies of computer intricacies at least at an average level. AT otherwise this malfunction can be eliminated by almost any cellular repair service specialist. Bring the gadget and say: “During a conversation, I can hear perfectly, but I can’t.” Then the master will know where to start diagnosing.


First of all, you need to correctly and as accurately as possible determine the cause of the malfunction, using all the methods from this article. Since in most cases you can return the phone to full performance without much effort. If the device is under warranty, then do not bother, but immediately take it to a service center.

