Shadow fight 2 payment verification problem. Payment did not pass Qiwi verification stage

Regardless of whether you use the Qiwi payment system for the first time, or make financial transfers in it every month, there is always the possibility of encountering a problem in the face of various technical errors. In our article, we will talk about the most common Qiwi errors and tell you about all available methods their decisions.

Technical errors in the Qiwi payment system most often occur during account login. In practice, there are several options for dealing with this situation. To get started, simply check your login details and make sure they are entered correctly. If the attempt to enter was interrupted even after carefully checking the password and login, then in this case you should wait a few hours. There is a high probability of carrying out technical work on the side payment system. However, if even after several hours of waiting, you still cannot log in to the system, then there is a reason to contact the support service to find out the reasons for the error.

Qiwi wallet certificate error

If you see a Qiwi wallet certificate error before your eyes, then you should not be nervous again, as everything can be fixed without contacting the support service. To get started, look at the bottom left corner of your screen where the clock is located. To work in the Qiwi system, the obligatory coincidence of the date inside the computer and inside the system is required. The fact is that the difference in time zones can lead to confusion in automatic reports, and this is just fraught with errors.

If changing the date and time did not help you, try restarting your computer after clearing the browser cache. It is worth noting the possibility of infecting your computer with viruses, so without a special anti-virus software you won't be able to solve the problem.

Error making a payment in the Qiwi system

In some cases, errors may also occur during the payment process. In practice, the text of all such errors is different, but the essence always comes down to one thing - the incorrect operation of the payment system. In this case, the most reasonable solution would be to wait - leave attempts to replenish an account or transfer funds to a relative for a few hours. Believe me, the system staff is aware of all the existing problems, so it would be better to wait a bit and make the transaction again.

Qiwi error codes

List of additional Qiwi error codes and how to fix them:

  • Qiwi error 155 - try again a little later.
  • Qiwi error 200 - please try again later.
  • Qiwi error 400 - please try again later.
  • Qiwi connection error - please try again later.
  • Qiwi undefined error - try again later.
  • Qiwi error incorrect account ID - check the correctness of the entered data.
  • Qiwi authorization error - check the correctness of the entered data.
  • Qiwi gateway error - please try again later.
  • Qiwi unexpected token error - try again later.
  • An error occurred while sending a payment to MTS - try again a little later.
  • Qiwi server error - please try again later.
  • Insufficient funds error - top up your e-wallet balance.


If a Qiwi error occurred during the operation, you should not be nervous and worried - your money will not go anywhere from you. It would be better to just wait and try to repeat the payment a little later. On the servers of large financial companies, engineering works, so that no one is immune from instability in making or receiving payments.

Now is the age digital technologies. It is difficult to meet a person who does not have a bank card. They are different - different payment systems, credit and debit, profitable, chipped and not.
Payment by credit card via the Internet - this service is now offered by almost any online store. You can, for example, buy a train ticket by paying with a bank card, make a purchase on

I have always ordered and paid for tickets with a bank card via the Internet (I only use debit cards, I don't have one). The most interesting thing is that this service sometimes fails - the money hangs on the card, the payment does not go through.
But I had a case where the payment simply did not go through. Robokassa wrote a message - payment cancelled. I didn't know what was the reason. AT personal account I couldn't find the error.
Now I will try to talk about the main reasons why an error occurs when paying with a bank card

The main causes of errors when paying with a bank card

First reason, which is the most common - the lack of the required amount on the card. It is recommended to check your balance - for this you need to call the bank or enter the Internet bank. Sometimes a card has a monthly or daily spending limit. To check this, you need to call the bank.
This reason may not be immediately clear - if you refuse to pay, your balance may not be displayed. The 3D secure authentication error may also be related to the incorrect entry of card details in the previous step. In this case, simply repeat the payment and enter the correct data.

The second reason— on the side of the payment system. For example, the Russian Railways payment terminal does not allow you to pay with MasterCard cards. Only Visa cards can be used.
The specified store may not support this way payment. For example, a robokassa, which is connected to many stores, offers various payment rates.

At first I wanted to pay for webmoney, but I called the store. It turned out that you can not pay for webmoney. They don't have this option enabled. Although the payment method via webmoney is offered on the payment page.

Third reason Your card may have been blocked. Again, you can call the bank and check it out. Blocking can be carried out automatically by the bank in case of suspicious transactions with the client.

Fourth reason— you do not have the 3d Secure option enabled (MasterCard SecureCode in case of MasterCard).
The 3D Secure technology is as follows: when paying, you receive an SMS from the bank, which you must enter in a special window. Only you and the bank know this SMS. Fraud in this case is quite difficult, it will require your phone.
You need this option to pay more than 3 thousand rubles. This is just my case. I bought from an online store gas stove Bosch. When paying for goods in the amount of 22 thousand rubles, I received the following message:

I was confused, didn't know what to do. At first I thought it was a store problem. But first I still called the bank. In my case, it was Promsvyazbank and a profitable card.
Calling Promsvyazbank support, I was offered to first go through the authentication procedure

  1. Say the last 4 digits of the card number
  2. Give the last name, first name, patronymic in full
  3. State the code word.

Further, in order to connect the 3d Secure service, they demanded 2 numbers from the table of one-time keys from me. It seems like the service was connected, but after half an hour the payment failed again. I called the bank - they said wait when it connects - the service does not connect immediately. You need to wait.
I decided to check if the service is connected. I logged into the Internet bank - I saw that there is such a service (in PSB retail, you can see this on the card page by clicking on the card number)

Once again, an attempt to pay - a window popped up for me where I had to enter a confirmation code. After filling in the card details, I received an SMS with a payment code

Then voila - the order is finally paid. I received the following window and the status of the order in the store changed to "Paid"
My order was delivered to the destination, where I will pick it up within a month. The main payment went through.

Most Common Error 11070: 3dsecure Authentication Error - Causes

The most common error that occurs when paying with a card is 11070: 3dsecure authentication error. There are 2 possible causes this error

  1. An invalid one-time code was entered. You received a code, but when entering you made a mistake in the number. Resulted in an error
  2. The one-time code is rotten. The time that you are given to enter a one-time code when paying is no more than 5 minutes. Then you will have to repeat the payment.

Table with payment error codes.

Few people know that when paying with a card, the system usually issues an error code. For example, E00 upon payment. Sometimes by mistake you can understand what the problem is

Error code and description
Code 00 - a successful operation.
Code 01 - refuse, call the bank that issued the card.
Code 02 - refuse, call the bank that issued the card (special conditions).
Code 04 - withdraw the card without giving a reason.
Code 05 - refuse without giving a reason.
Code 17 - refuse, rejected by the card user.
code 19 - technical error on the bank's side
Code 41 - withdraw, lost card.
Code 43 - withdraw, stolen card.
code 50 - ?
Code 51 - refuse, there are not enough funds on the account.
Code 55 - refuse, incorrectly entered PIN code.
Code 57 - refuse, invalid operation type for this card type
(for example, an attempt to pay in a store with a card intended only for cash withdrawal).
Code 61 - refuse, exceeding the maximum transaction amount for this card.
Code 62 - refuse, blocked card.
Code 65 - refuse, exceeding the maximum number of transactions for this card.
Code 75 - refuse, exceeding the maximum number of incorrect PIN codes for this card.
Code 83 - refuse, network error (technical problems).
Code 91 - refuse, it is impossible to send a request (technical problems).
Code 96 - refuse, it is impossible to contact the bank that issued the card.
Code Z3 - online does not work, and offline the terminal rejected the transaction.

What should I do if everything is OK with the card, but the payment does not go through?

The most typical problem when the payment does not go through - a failure in the banking system. There may be interruptions in the work of the bank. This may not necessarily be your bank, but the bank that accepts payment on the client side (who owns the terminal). In this case, you can give 2 tips

  1. Wait and pay later. Failures in work are quickly resolved and in an hour the payment can go through without problems. Usually you can find out about failures by SMS messages or by calling hotline your bank.
  2. Use another card. If you can't pay with one card, try paying with another card. If the payment with another card does not go through, then this is most likely a failure on the side that accepts the payment. Here it remains only to wait.

Firstly- Get yourself a special card. Do not use for payment salary card on which you have all the money. The best is a credit card. It allows in some cases to return part of the purchase amount (CashBack). Usually this is an amount up to 5 percent of the purchase. Be careful, some services charge commissions when paying with kata. And of course, the address of the payment page should always start with https and next to the address there should be a padlock icon (https connection).

Secondly- do not keep a lot of money on the card. The card should have a little more than the amount you need for the purchase. Approximately plus 10% of the total purchase price. The logic is simple - nothing can be withdrawn from the zero card.
When you make a purchase, simply replenish the card in the Internet bank and receive the required amount.

Thirdly- Make card payments in well-known stores. Read reviews about stores on Yandex.Market. If you pay by card, be prepared for the fact that if you cancel an order, it may not be returned to your card immediately.
The last time I made a payment for an order and then returned the order and money, the return to the card went within 7 days. Remember - no one will immediately return the money to you. Be prepared to wait.

After all, when you pay for something, your card details are reported to a special authorization secure channel of the bank, which means that it was there that the failure occurred. Because it was the system that was unable to establish and verify your identity in order to process this payment.

On the website, several users turned to representatives of different banks with a request to explain what error code 11020 means.

What is QIWI wallet verification

At the same time, a one-time payment is limited to 15,000 rubles. In order for the client to be able to replenish the account or perform other operations in the amount of up to 600,000 rubles per month without limiting a single transaction, the wallet user must be identified (verified).

To prevent cases of blocking the wallet by the service, which even leads to the impossibility of replenishing the balance, we should carry out the identification of the account owner.

Solving problems with QIWI verification

First you need to understand what the QIWI verification stage is. This stage is intermediate between your confirmation of payment / binding and the completion of the operation.

If you encounter a problem while linking your card, you most likely entered the wrong value for the amount requested by the system for verification.

Usually this happens when the card is in a currency and the amount is displayed in cents, but you need to enter it in rubles. The bottom line is that the rates of the bank and QIWI are different.

As for the case with the payment, there are two options: either you entered the code that was sent to your phone incorrectly, or there was some minor glitch. It is also possible to receive a similar error when the limit of funds for outgoing / incoming payments is exceeded.

In fact, the solution to this problem will be the same for at least the first two cases - contact the support service through the website or by calling the phone number indicated in the contacts.

In the case of a card, you will at least know the exact rate of the system and be able to enter the values ​​correctly, and in the case of a payment, decide whether the problem is with you personally or in the entire system on this moment.

If we talk about exceeding the limit, then you should always remember that, depending on the status of the user, there are certain amounts that can be received and transferred. Exceeding them, you can not do anything but wait for the next day, and sometimes the end of the month - this is clearly written in the rules for using the service.

However, it is possible to confirm your status and slightly increase the limits.

You can get a normal status with increased values ​​by logging into your account and visiting a special page with an identification form.

The payment did not pass the qiwi verification stage

; in the branch of AO KIWI in Irkutsk (Gagarina Boulevard, 68a); in the branch of JSC KIWI in Krasnodar (street Montazhnikov, 14/1); in the branch of JSC KIWI in Krasnoyarsk (Shakhterov st., 18 A, office 5,6); in the branch of AO KIWI in Nizhny Novgorod (st.

Varvarskaya, d. 27/8, office 23); in the branch of AO KIWI in Novosibirsk (ul.

Chelyuskintsev 44/2, office 213); in the branch of AO KIWI in Perm (st.

Obtaining Full Identification in QIWI: Solving Identity Problems

You can not wait for the CMS, but go to your QIWI account and on the "Confirm Identification" tab, do it in two steps (more on that below). To get a complete identification of QIWI in CONTACT, see the nearest address of the CONTACT point here:, call him to find out if the point is working today (there may not be a connection), take your passport and 250 rubles.

To confirm identification in your QIWI account, go to the "Identification Confirmation" tab (on the left in the menu).

Everything is OK, but you need to pass verification. You must enter the exact amount in rubles.

The stub is clear - a card in bucks, in Kazakhstan I have nowhere to take a ruble card, and I don’t need to take into account the latest exchange rates. So the amount needs to be entered in rubles, but my card displays it in dollars - $ 0.31 - the stump is clear, the official rate and the rate of banking / payment systems are two big differences)) It didn’t work out, now it says “Payment did not pass the verification stage” - and the card cannot be re-registered.

How? $0.31 is blocked from the card - not a word about rubles, and where do they come from in the bank?

As it was two years ago when I was tying, so it is today - nothing changes here in this country. The card is in dollars, the bank is local, unlike Belarus, for example, we do not have a ruble peg.

The dollar was 180-185 a year ago, and today it is 180-185.

Disclaimer. This post is based on a report at SQADays'15. You can also browse through the presentation. Please note that the report was entry level, that is, the post will be of interest mainly to managers and novice testers. And also the fact that the author is not a real welder and in some places makes rather rough roundings.

My name is Alena and I'm a release manager. The department of the i-Free company where I work is mainly engaged in applications for iOS and Android. We also support Tizen, Windows phone, alternative stores, but in this post we will talk about Apple iOS Appstore and Google Play.
In both markets, in addition to paid and free apps, it is possible to make internal payments - in-apps (In-App Purchases).

Why am I talking about in-app testing? Because I can!
As a release manager, I usually participate in projects at the beginning of development and at the end of those iterations that end up in the store. Before the start of the project, I issue the keys and certificates to the developers, and by the end of the work on the version, the developers give me the builds for the release. But between these points there is a moment when you need to start internal payments - in-apps and issue test accounts to testers. And at this stage, sometimes something strange happens when the developers think that everything is fine with them, and the testers think that everything is bad.

General information about testing in-apps

To begin with, let me briefly remind you of how payments are made in mobile applications and what is needed to test them.

So, in one form or another, both markets have:

  • Sandbox for testing payments
  • Test account mechanism to avoid wasting money
  • Test builds and test devices
The standard scheme for buying in-apps in mobile stores:
  1. First, the user clicks on the "buy" button and enters the password. The purchase itself is taking place, the platform mechanisms are working
  2. Purchase information is sent to the application
  3. Purchased in-app consumption (consume)
  4. In-app becomes available for repurchase
Points 3 and 4 are relevant only for reusable purchases - they should be, but this does not always happen. Details will be below.

Specifics of testing Google Play In-App Purchases

How to test and what is needed for this

Let's start with the fact that in the case of Google Play, we are dealing with a semi-sandbox. We will use real accounts that are marked as "test" in the developer account. At the same time, it must be linked to the account. bank card, but in fact there will be no write-offs from it. Well, thanks to the openness of the platform itself, we have full-fledged logs and easy installation builds.
So what is needed:
  • Developer account with test accounts declared in it
  • A test account with a card linked to it and participating in a beta test
  • Application build published in beta test
  • A test device logged into a test account. We download the build from the beta test on it.

What it looks like when everything is fine:

When you click on the in-app, we see a window with the caption "this is a test payment." The purchase takes place almost instantly and is completed successfully, money is not debited from the card.
In the application, we are credited with the required benefits

What can happen when everything is bad?

Error -#1 build version mismatch

Payments can only be tested on a build of the same version as in the admin panel. But since testing was introduced not with the help of draft builds, but through a beta test, this error should be much less common.
What to do:

  • check if the versions on the device and in the admin panel match
  • wait - the newly downloaded version may not be visible to the application for two to four hours.

Mistake #2 - Bad Connection:

If in fact everything is fine with the Internet, it is almost always treated by switching from 3g to wi-fi or from wi-fi to another wi-fi.

Mistake number 3 - buy purchased:

Promised retreat. In many markets there is a distinction between disposable and reusable in-apps. It was also on Google Play, but since February 2013 billing version 3 has been introduced. Since then, in-apps have been “Google-managed” and “developer-managed”, and whether they can be bought multiple times depends on how the developer processes them (consumer or not).

In fact, the user should never see this error. If this happens, or the developer refers to one-time in-apps as reusable, or Google has closed the purchase between Google Checkout and Google Play, you have to wait a couple of hours and / or reboot.

Mistake #4 - [letters and numbers in square brackets]

This is usually a problem for buyers due to incorrectly configured Google Checkout.
What to do:
  • standard rituals: reboot and wait a bit
  • Last resort - clean up Google data Services

Everything seems to be fine, but the in-app has not been credited

Or Google said that the payment was successful, but the application said that it was not.
It is important to understand that in this case the problem is on the application side. That is, if Google replied that the payment was successful, it always unambiguously sends just such a response. But the application must still be able to process it!
  1. What to do? Wait for programmers to fix
  2. This is critical, such in-apps disappear without a trace!
  3. This is most likely a server error related to the signature
You can also remember the words license key. The fact is that a small string of numbers and letters that certifies in-apps, paid applications and the download of additional content is now unique for each application. And if for some reason you make two versions of the application (for the Russian and international markets, or paid and free version, for example), there is a chance that someone somewhere will forget to change this line. Timely spoken words “and we are all right with license key?” can save a few claps with one palm on the forehead.

iOS testing specifics

How to test

But Apple has a full-fledged sandbox waiting for us. But does this mean that it will be easier for us?
So, no real cards and real accounts. At the same time, the test account is tied to the store of a certain country, this is important. There is no need to upload builds to the admin panel yet, so with the exception of issuing test accounts, this part goes without my participation.
But it's not so simple - advanced! Roughly speaking, these are lists that list which developers have the right to build an application with a certain identifier, and on which devices the resulting build can be installed.
Well, two admin panels - Tunes Connect for promotional materials, Member Center for developers.

What you need for testing:

  • "Skeleton" application in iTunes Connect, only after that you can start in-apps
  • Test account of the country where the application is installed
  • Test device entered in Member Center
  • Correctly assembled build, installed on the correct device

What happens when all is well:

When you click on the in-app, a window appears with the signature.

What to do when something is wrong?

First of all - important information about iOS test accounts

This is a completely non-existent account, but the e-mail must be unique among both test and real accounts. He does not need to enter information about credit card, and the date of birth is entered once when creating in the admin panel. If the test account on the device asks you to enter something other than your username and password, you have broken it. At all. We have to make a new one.

Mistake #1 - You need to enter payment information

If you press the “continue” button on such a plate, you will be asked to enter information about the payment instrument. This means that you have linked your test account incorrectly. It can be bound to a device in only one way:
  1. It is necessary to untie all real accounts from the device
  2. Login to the app
  3. Tap on in-app
  4. And enter your username and password
All other methods will not work and will break the account, you will have to make a new one.

Mistake #2 - You can't complete this purchase

It's also an account related issue. What does this mean:
  1. Launched application is not available in the country of the test account
  2. The app and the test account belong to different developer accounts
  3. You are using a real account

Mistake No. 3 - limit on the number of purchases

Very strange error, there is no such restriction. But you can come across a similar one when you test subscriptions hard. I have not personally met, the only advice is to be careful when testing iOS subscriptions :)

Mistake #4 - you're not a test user!

May appear on a jailbroken device or with an extremely poor internet connection. I have not personally met, advice - if possible, do not test on devices with a jailbreak. Unless, of course, this is not part of your target audience.

The report was read on April 18, since then the situation has not changed much, with the exception of the way builds are laid out on Google Play for testing. Previously, it was enough just to start a build as a draft, but now you need to
