Rgnf rffi grants personal account. RHF www rfh ru grants personal account — Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation

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    The Foundation is a state non-profit organization in the form federal institution, which is under the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation and carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government and the Charter of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation.

    The Fund's activities are based on the principle of self-governance, which consists in the right to independently choose areas of humanitarian research, distribute extrabudgetary funds and approve the distribution of federal budget allocations by areas of the humanities and projects on a competitive basis.

    The Fund carries out the implementation of the tasks facing it in cooperation with the federal executive body responsible for the implementation of a unified state scientific and technical policy, public scientific organizations and associations.

    In its activities, the Foundation adheres to the principle of granting scientists the right to freedom of creativity, choosing directions and methods for conducting humanitarian scientific research.

    The main goal of the Foundation is to support humanitarian scientific research and dissemination of humanitarian scientific knowledge in society.

    Foundation Chairs

    The current composition of the Council of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation:

    • Vorotnikov Yu. L. - Deputy Chairman of the Council, Leading Researcher, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    • Alekseev V. V. - Chief Researcher, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    • Bazarov B. V. - Director, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    • Vasilyev V. I. - CEO State (unitary) enterprise "Academic Scientific Publishing, Production, Printing and Book Distribution Center" Nauka "", President of the Association of Book Publishers of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    • Davydov, Y. S. Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education
    • Derevianko A. P.
    • Dynkin A.A. - Member of the Bureau of the Council, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Global Issues and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director
    • Zhukov V. I - President of the State educational institution higher professional education "Russian State Social University", Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    • Ivanov V. V. - Member of the Bureau of the Council, Deputy Director of the Institute for the Development of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics
    • Ivanchik A.I. - Chief Researcher, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    • Kropachev N.M. - Rector of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saint Petersburg State University", Doctor of Law, Professor
    • Kudelin A. B. - director, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    • Levykin A. K. - member of the bureau of the council, director of the federal public institution culture "State Historical Museum", Candidate of Historical Sciences
    • Mikhailova E. I. - Rector of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "North-Eastern Federal University" M. K. Ammosov ”, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
    • Rogov S. M. - director, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    • Rubtsov V.V. - President of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow City Psychological-Pedagogical University", Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education

    The Russian Humanitarian Foundation was established by the Government Decree Russian Federation September 8, 1994 in order to state support the development of the humanities, the multiplication of accumulated scientific knowledge and their wide dissemination in society, the revival of the traditions of the domestic humanities. The activities of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation are managed by the Council of the Foundation.

    The Russian Humanitarian Foundation is a self-governing state organization, the funds of which are formed at the expense of state appropriations and borrowed funds. The Foundation supports scientific research in all areas of the humanities: philosophy, political science, sociology, science of science, law, economics, history, archeology, ethnology, art history, philology, psychology, pedagogy, complex problems of human study.

    Support for scientific projects is carried out on the basis of a thorough multi-stage independent scientific expertise. Expert system The Russian Humanitarian Foundation consists of six expert councils:

    • philosophy, sociology, political science, law, science of science
    • problems of a comprehensive study of man
    • history, archeology and ethnology
    • economy
    • philology and art history
    • information systems and telecommunications.
    The Russian Humanitarian Foundation annually organizes several types of competitions:

    -research projects;
    The Foundation supports research projects in the humanities and social sciences in areas 01 (history; archeology; ethnography), 02 (economics), 03 (philosophy; sociology; jurisprudence; political science; social history of science and technology; science of science), 04 (philology; art history) , 06 (comprehensive study of man; psychology; pedagogy; social problems of medicine and human ecology).
    - publishing projects;
    The Foundation supports scientific publications presenting the results of research in areas 01, 02, 03, 04, 06.
    -projects for the development of scientific telecommunications and the material and technical base of humanitarian scientific research;
    The Foundation accepts for consideration applications for the development of scientific telecommunications and the material and technical base of scientific research in directions 01, 02, 03, 04, 06.
    -projects for organizing Russian and international scientific events on the territory of the Russian Federation;
    Applications for holding scientific events (conferences, symposiums, meetings, permanent scientific seminars, round tables, etc.) dedicated to topical problems of science in areas 01, 02, 03, 04, 06 are accepted for consideration.
    -projects for the participation of Russian scientists in scientific events abroad;
    Individual applications for the participation of Russian scientists in scientific events abroad in directions 01, 02, 03, 04, 06 are accepted for consideration.
    - projects for the organization of expeditions, field, experimental laboratory research and scientific restoration work;
    The Foundation supports projects for the organization of expeditionary, field, experimental laboratory research and scientific restoration work, including statistical surveys, modeling of socio-economic processes, development of experimental methods, scientific restoration work in areas 01, 02, 03, 04, 06.
    -projects of creation of information systems.
    The Foundation supports projects to create information systems (IS) for conducting humanitarian research in the fields of knowledge 01, 02, 03, 04, 06.

    Since 1998, in order to consolidate the efforts of central and regional bodies to support science, regional competitions have been held.

    The Foundation has a unique database on humanities research in Russia, conducts scientific research, is the founder of the journals "Bulletin of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund" and "Science Studies", regularly publishes the "Catalogue of Books Published with the Support of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund".

    The material was prepared according to the official website

    Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (RGNF)- Russian federal state budgetary institution that financed scientific research in the field of the humanities in 1994-2016.

    RGNF- a self-governing state organization, the funds of which are formed at the expense of state appropriations and borrowed funds. The Foundation supports scientific research in all areas of the humanities: philosophy, political science, sociology, science of science, law, economics, history, archeology, ethnology, art history, philology, psychology, pedagogy, complex problems of human study.

    Information about the Fund

    The Fund was established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 8, 1994 No. 1023 "On the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund". By the Government Decree of February 29, 2016, it was liquidated in the form of joining the RFBR.

    The Foundation is a state non-profit organization in the form of a federal institution under the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation and operates in accordance with the Constitution, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government and the Charter of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation.

    The Fund's activities are based on the principle of self-governance, which consists in the right to independently choose areas of humanitarian research, distribute extrabudgetary funds and approve the distribution of federal budget allocations for areas of the humanities and projects on a competitive basis.

    The Fund carries out the implementation of the tasks facing it in cooperation with the federal executive body responsible for the implementation of a unified state scientific and technical policy, public scientific organizations and associations.

    In its activities, the Foundation adheres to the principle of granting scientists the right to freedom of creativity, the choice of directions and methods for conducting humanitarian research.

    The main goal of the Foundation is to support humanitarian scientific research and dissemination of humanitarian scientific knowledge in society.

    Fund activities

    In 1995-2004, more than 40,000 applications were received for competitions at the Russian Humanitarian Foundation. The Fund supported 14,074 scientific projects in more than 800 organizations in almost all regions of the Russian Federation, including more than 8,000 studies, more than 3,000 scientific publications were published, hundreds of expeditions and scientific conferences(respectively 482 and 965 projects), 395 projects for the creation of information systems were implemented, 1106 projects for the participation of Russian scientists in scientific events abroad, 249 projects for the development of scientific telecommunications and the material base of scientific research were supported; there is a steady increase in the number of incoming applications, the total number of which in recent years exceeds 4,000.

    The Foundation actively promotes the development of science in the regions: it holds regional competitions jointly with the administrations of 52 regions of Russia, carries out free distribution of scientific literature published with the support of the Foundation to the libraries of all subjects of the Russian Federation.

    Since 1998, in order to consolidate the efforts of central and regional bodies to support science, regional competitions have been held. The Foundation carries out international cooperation. The Russian Humanitarian Foundation has a unique database on humanities research in Russia, conducts scientific research, is the founder of the Bulletin "Bulletin of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation" and the journal "Naukovedenie", regularly publishes the "Annotated catalog of scientific literature published with the financial support of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation".

    The publishing program of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation is the largest in Russia in the field of scientific book publishing. Books published with the support of the Fund have national significance: they form new ideas in the field of politics, government controlled, economics, history, social structure of society, serve to preserve and develop the cultural and spiritual heritage of the peoples of Russia, their languages ​​and folk art. Without mastering and processing the scientific content of these publications, it is also impossible to create a new generation of textbooks, which was mentioned in the speeches of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. Almost all the State Prizes of Russia and the Prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of the humanities and social sciences in recent years have been awarded to works carried out with the support of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation. Important for the development of science and education in the regions of Russia carried out by the Foundation free mailing more than 150,000 volumes of scientific literature published with the support of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation in 101 scientific library subjects of the Russian Federation.

    Ten years of work of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation have shown its effectiveness and usefulness in the organization of science. Today, the Russian Humanitarian Foundation has become one of the main sources of funding for humanitarian research in Russia. Competitive and targeted support for the most important and promising works carried out by the Foundation is currently accepted and supported by the scientific community of the country. The activity of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation is a unique example of successful targeted state efforts to preserve the potential of the country's humanities, a real and recognized achievement public policy in the field of science development in Russia.

    Support for scientific projects

    Support for scientific projects is carried out on the basis of a thorough multi-stage independent scientific expertise.

    The expert system of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation consists of six expert councils:

    • philosophy, sociology, political science, law, science of science
    • problems of a comprehensive study of man
    • history, archeology and ethnology
    • economy
    • philology and art history
    • information systems and telecommunications.


    The Russian Humanitarian Foundation annually organizes several types of competitions:

    Research projects;

    The Foundation supports research projects in the humanities and social sciences in areas 01 (history; archeology; ethnography), 02 (economics), 03 (philosophy; sociology; jurisprudence; political science; social history of science and technology; science of science), 04 (philology; art history) , 06 (comprehensive study of man; psychology; pedagogy; social problems of medicine and human ecology).

    Publishing projects;

    The Foundation supports scientific publications presenting the results of research in areas 01, 02, 03, 04, 06.

    Projects for the development of scientific telecommunications and the material and technical base of humanitarian scientific research;

    The Foundation accepts for consideration applications for the development of scientific telecommunications and the material and technical base of scientific research in directions 01, 02, 03, 04, 06.

    Projects for the organization of Russian and international scientific events on the territory of the Russian Federation;

    Applications for holding scientific events (conferences, symposiums, meetings, permanent scientific seminars, round tables, etc.) dedicated to topical problems of science in areas 01, 02, 03, 04, 06 are accepted for consideration.

    Projects for the participation of Russian scientists in scientific events abroad;

    Individual applications for the participation of Russian scientists in scientific events abroad in directions 01, 02, 03, 04, 06 are accepted for consideration.

    Projects for the organization of expeditions, field, experimental laboratory research and scientific restoration work;

    The Foundation supports projects for the organization of expeditionary, field, experimental laboratory research and scientific restoration work, including statistical surveys, modeling of socio-economic processes, development of experimental methods, scientific restoration work in areas 01, 02, 03, 04, 06.

    Projects for the creation of information systems.

    The Foundation supports projects to create information systems (IS) for conducting humanitarian research in the fields of knowledge 01, 02, 03, 04, 06.

    Since 1998, in order to consolidate the efforts of central and regional bodies to support science, regional competitions have been held.

    The Foundation has a unique database on humanities research in Russia, conducts scientific research, is the founder of the journals “Bulletin of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation” and “Science Studies”, regularly publishes the “Catalogue of Books Published with the Support of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation”.

    Information system of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (RHF) — software for remote registration, examination, processing and storage of applications for RFHF competitions, as well as reports and financial documents for projects. The interaction of users in the system is possible thanks to the web interface of the personal account of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation, in which different groups of users are assigned an access level corresponding to the tasks they perform.

    Possibilities of a personal account

    With the help of the information system personal account of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation, the following operations are performed:

    • Registration of applications for participation in the competitions of the Foundation, printing of finished copies.
    • Preparation of reports on projects that were supported by the Foundation, printing of registered reports.
    • Remote examination of applications and reports received by the Fund.
    • Automated collection, ordering and storage on secure servers of applications and reports received by the Fund.
    • Maintenance of financial documents for projects funded by the Russian Humanitarian Foundation.

    The information entered in the electronic fields on the pages of the service is saved automatically if the system does not display an error message. Backup data stored in the system is produced daily.

    Registration and login to your personal account

    To work with the information system, registration is required through the official website of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation. With its help, the user provides information about himself and sets access data:

    • Username (address Email).
    • Surname.
    • Surname.
    • Password to work with the system.
    • Password confirmation.

    If an incorrect data entry format is used, the system will highlight the corresponding fields of the registration form and display prompts. If after the user has applied the "register" button, a message appears on the screen about the successful completion online registration on the site, he can go to the authorization section and log in to the personal account of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation using the data already known to him:

    • Email address as login.
    • The password assigned during registration.

    The email address not only serves as a user ID, but also helps to recover a password that has become inaccessible to the user. The recovery request is performed by the "Remind password" button located in the bottom panel of the authorization form under the "login" button. Forgotten / lost password sent to the post office, after successfully logging into the personal account of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation, it should be changed.

    RGNF is known as Information system Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation. This is a service with a wide range of uses. Relevant for the implementation of various activities, including those related to remote registration, examination, activities for the processing and preservation of competitive applications. In addition, here you can perform actions with reports and financial documents of projects.

    Each user of the system must register in a personal account. Moreover, there are several user groups at once, classified by tasks.

    Registration in the account

    The official site grant.rfh.ru/logon offers to initially register.


    To do this, on the left side of the page, you need to refer to the appropriate section. Next, the user is offered an algorithm of action. The introduction of e-mail is mandatory, in the future it will play the role of a login when the user enters the RFHF account. Next, you need to enter:

    • personal data;
    • password.

    If everything is clear with the first, then the password must be approached responsibly. The RGNF personal account system recommends using both alphabetic and numeric designations. The maximum number of characters is 25. The password will need to be entered twice to avoid typing errors. After that, it remains to click on the "Register" section.

    Features of the entrance to the office

    Entrance to the office

    The system provides for a fairly simple and convenient process of registration and entry into your personal account. To carry out authorization, you will need to find a personal account on the RGNF website, namely: a link to it. To enter the public page, you will need to enter a password and email.

    Entering data for authorization

    By the way, the latter will also be required, if necessary, to recover the password if it is lost. To do this, you will need to use the "Remind password" button, which is located on the login page. After that, a letter with a password is sent to the mail. After entering it, access to the system will be available. Then the access code should be changed to prevent unauthorized access to the personal page.

    In the RGNF office, users are offered a variety of operations.

    Opportunities of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation

    For example, you can register an application as a participant in the Foundation's competition, draw up reports on projects supported by the Foundation. In addition, it is possible to carry out activities for the remote examination of applications, the fund. If the user has any questions, he can contact technical service support.
