Scientific Conference. There are conferences ... What are the conference names

From year to year it becomes more and more. In every country, city, scientific center or ordinary office, this information is multiplied hundreds of times every second. This process has been going on for centuries, and now it is only gaining momentum. Thus, people have the opportunity to accumulate experience. But what if some ideas come to the mind of several people, only at different times? And they will work on them, not knowing that the problem has already been studied. To avoid this, you need a constant exchange of information between people of the same line of business. For such purposes, the first conferences were held.

The concept of "conference" and its origin

A conference is a gathering of people who may be representatives of groups, organizations or states. They can be simply and gather in order to discuss issues of interest to them.

Since ancient times, people have resorted to this method of communication, and this is evidenced by the records that have come down to us from Ancient Greece. As you know, it was this country that became the ancestor of many modern sciences. The surviving documents tell us that the first conference, which was documented, was held as early as 416 BC. e. The famous Athenian tragedian Agathon arranged a feast for his friends. And what is a feast without philosophical sayings? Therefore, each of those present expressed his opinion in the form of a monologue, talking about Eros - ancient Greek

Ordinary citizens in those distant years did not have time to think about something lofty and philosophize. Therefore, the ancient conference is a meeting, rather, of the city's nobility, who were philosophers and scientists.

In Russia, until the beginning of the 20th century, namely until 1917, the conference was defined as a council of professors in military academies.

Conference Goals

Each conference has its own purpose, depending on whether such a topic will be considered and what exactly the organizers are trying to convey by holding it. But still there are common features that are inherent in each of the conferences held.

Conference goals:

  1. Study and discussion of innovative methods for solving the problem, the results of their practical implementation.
  2. Mutual exchange of accumulated information and ideas, search for still unsolved problems and their joint solution through the cooperation of various organizations represented at the conference.
  3. Reports of conference participants to demonstrate their successes and achievements (presentations, master classes, workshops).
  4. Acquaintance of representatives of organizations and establishing a connection between them for a clearer research result.

Conference types

The conference is a need modern world, without which it is simply impossible to do. They allow you to consider issues of interest to those present from different angles, which allows you to comprehend different ways to solve the same problem.

There are several types of conferences, and they depend on the chosen criterion.

Types of conferences (by direction) - a business conference, as well as a scientific and practical conference.

For the territory covered:




National with the participation of representatives of other countries;


The conference topics are divided into:

Thematic (narrowly focused);


Conference forms

In addition to types, there are also forms that are inherent in conferences:

1) A face-to-face conference is the direct participation of all comers and the arrival at the venue of the event.

2) Correspondence - the participants themselves do not come to it, but send applications and articles by mail to the organizing committee.

3) An Internet conference is held on a specific site in the form of a forum, that is, a discussion of a pressing problem.

Features of scientific conferences

Scientific conferences are among the most common. Their goal is to gather in one place people who are engaged in research and discuss their achievements. The theme, time and place of the event are usually announced in advance. This notice may be in the form of either or in the form of a poster.

Researchers who are going to present their work must provide the organizers with abstracts of their reports in advance. A fee may also be charged from all conference participants.

This type of conferences also includes scientific and practical ones. Such events are distinguished by the fact that within their framework, researchers do not just discuss theoretical problems and possible ways their decisions, but represent the results of their practical activities, their own developments.

A scientific conference is an intermediate link between a congress and a seminar, combining some features of both.

Thus, conferences are held to exchange information between people and establish connections between them. Scientific conferences, as one type, help researchers tell each other about their progress in their work.

A scientific conference is a gathering of beginners and experienced scientists who gather to present their new work and important discoveries in science. The topic is specific, and not every student will be interested, however, for the purpose of self-education, it should also be carefully studied.

What is a scientific conference?

In terms of terms, Scientific Conference is one of the most common forms of organization scientific activity, where researchers demonstrate, explain and announce their new work for the purpose of further discussion.

To put it simply, a scientific conference is something between a congress and a seminar. Such events are held in universities, often becoming an important part of the master's or graduate student's curriculum.

For those who want to connect their future life and career with science, this is a unique opportunity not only to make themselves known, but also to acquire profitable acquaintances, surprise everyone with their analytical mindset and desire for science. In general, one successful and promising discovery - and you are in the center of everyone's attention!

You can also distinguish yourself by participating in discussions, since all achievements, reports and discoveries at a scientific conference are massively discussed, questioned and defended by the speaker. However, in order for everything to go flawlessly, it is important to know how to prepare for a scientific conference so that after your presentation you don’t end up “in a puddle”.

What kind of reports are we talking about?

Among the declared works in the scientific conference are the works of teachers, which they prepared for more than one day; discoveries of graduate students, presented not only in visual, but also in written form; as well as pre-prepared topics for discussion.

It is important to understand that it will be very difficult for an unprepared person to navigate in terms and definitions, which means that a scientific conversation will very soon come to naught.

To prevent this from happening, and to keep the topic of conversation going on in a friendly and lively atmosphere, it is necessary to prepare in advance and carefully read the announced topics of the reports.

This will allow you to feel your own competence in the issue under discussion, and in general it will be pleasant and useful to spend your free time.

By the way, graduate students are required to attend such events without fail, since their dissertation will also be subjected to public discussion and loud debate.

Organizational events and structure of the scientific conference

If we talk in more detail about a scientific conference, then this is a pre-planned and organized highest level cultural event. To avoid any incidents, it is important to know that this event takes place in stages.

First, each participant wishing to attend a scientific conference must pre-register. Moreover, upon registration, he will be provided with a program of the event with the number of the order of his speech - for order, so to speak.

Secondly, any conference begins from the speech of its organizers, patrons and sponsors. In general, at this stage, it remains only to get bored a little and clap your eyes, making a traditional interested and enthusiastic look.

Thirdly, all invitees are "sorted" by tables. These are the so-called "sections", where like-minded people and allies of interest gather. As a rule, one or two people make a presentation, and all the others first delve into, and then take a direct part in the discussion.

Fourth, after verbal debate and scientific barbs buffet opens, where you can not only take a breath, but also change your mood, make new acquaintances and establish yourself as a pleasant and well-read interlocutor.

Fifthly, non-resident participants of the conference are offered a cultural program of an overview nature, but at will.
And the last step is publication of a collection of scientific papers, however, sometimes this publication can be handed out at the time of registration of delegates.

In general, nothing superfluous, the main thing is that everything is restrained, official and, of course, extremely scientific. A simple layman at such a cultural event will simply not be interested, and he looks like a white crow.

Therefore, even for entertainment, in order not to get into an uncomfortable situation, it is recommended to be at least superficially aware of what is happening in order to be able to insert your “five cents” in a timely manner.

Types of scientific conferences

As mentioned above, a scientific conference is a thematic event, which, in addition, has its own clear classification.

Scientific and practical conference;

Scientific and theoretical conference;

Scientific and technical conference.

In the first case, the speakers not only read out their work, but also substantiate it with calculations, theorems, axioms, numerous formulas, tables, graphs and drawings.

In the second case, there is a flow of theory, which sometimes causes boredom and despondency, since not everyone is able to perceive new information by ear, especially of a scientific nature.

Well, the scientific and technical conference will delight you with new discoveries, unique achievements and the most unexpected innovations that you can not only see, but also personally feel.

Ideally, professors and graduate students should take part in all conferences, demonstrating their comprehensive knowledge, but you can also choose your “horse” and prove yourself from the best side in at least one direction.

Student and scientific conference

To date, many students have already finally made sure that their future careers will unambiguously be connected with science.

As a rule, they start breaking ground in graduate school already in the third year, making it clear to teachers that they are interested in a particular subject.

In senior years, they openly declare their desire to become a graduate student, and on the recommendation of the teacher, they begin to actively attend scientific conferences, and later take direct part in them.

Other students who already do not like to go to classes, let alone future scientific activities, should understand that such an event is voluntary, and no one has the right to drag you there by force.

And, nevertheless, many teachers go to the trick and remove students from the pairs to organize extras at their scientific conference.

Of course, this act is motivated more nobly, for example, as follows: “A student must constantly expand his horizons, so attending a scientific conference will be very useful for his promising future. Well, or something like that.

Advice to the student: you should not take such a forced invitation with hostility, all the more indignant about this in the dean's office.

A student is a bonded bird, and what you can’t do, if only the teacher at the next session does not go on principle.
It is better to accept and attend this cultural event, especially since here you can really get a lot of useful information for yourself (if, of course, you delve into the speech of the speaker).

If you also see yourself as a speaker in the future, then it is best not to miss scientific conferences ever.

This is a unique opportunity not only to analyze someone else's work and correct mistakes, but also to learn the correct manner of communicating with scientists, the correct presentation of your report and inner peace.

The main question arises, how can a student prepare for a scientific conference? Here the main thing is not to fuss, but to follow a clearly described plan.

How to thoroughly prepare for a scientific conference?

The library and the Internet will help you more than ever. The fact is that a finished report is one thing, but its correct presentation and presentation is quite another. The speaker should, as much as possible in plain language explain the method of his research, so that a person who is completely unfamiliar with science understands at least ten percent what is at stake.

There should be no problems with the design of your work: if you studied at the university, then you are well acquainted with all state standards, requirements and rules. Difficulties will begin at the end of his speech, when the turn of the discussion comes.

Do not think that everyone will be wildly delighted with your work, like you yourself, because most of those present are unequivocally critical and skeptical, which means - additional questions and big doubts certainly can not be avoided.

The task of the speaker is to adequately defend his work, while leaving the most positive impression on all those present and the absence of any questions on the topic of what he heard.

This is not easy to do, because far from stupid people gather at a scientific conference, who are used to operating with proven facts, axioms and inviolable laws.

That is why on the eve of this important event, it is required to stock up on reference literature in large quantities, while studying the opinion on the subject of work of various authors.

Additionally, it does not hurt to “flip through” the pages of the World Wide Web and find out all the new items and latest discoveries on the topic, and, of course, download those publications that were not in the library.

The training must be thorough, and then the victory will allow you to rise to a completely new level of knowledge and partly consider yourself a full-fledged researcher. And such a bonus is expensive, because a bright future in science can be considered secured.

Conclusion: You still don't know what a scientific conference is? Has a scientific conference already taken place in your life and more than one? Then you are definitely here, because the real opinion of a researcher is very valuable and important for us!

Now you know about how to prepare for a scientific conference.

Concept and types of conferences. Conferences are one of those events without which it is difficult to imagine civilized business and science.

The conference is a presentation of speakers on a specific topic. The purpose of the conference is to discuss and solve various problems. In practice, the conference is a meeting or meeting of the production group and can be organized geographically both in one and in different places (distributed conference). There is also a popular format of audio or video conferencing that takes place at a distance and can sometimes save a lot of money on organizing an event.

Usually the conference is "tied" to a specific topic. A scientific conference, as a rule, is devoted to a scientific topic, its participants are representatives of science and students.

The main objectives of the business conference are to strengthen business ties, make business acquaintances and present new business solutions. Press conferences are aimed at representatives of the press and various communication channels and are dedicated to a specific topic. At press conferences, journalists have the opportunity to ask questions to the guests of the conference.

There are also other types of conferences. Business conferences are one of the types of conferences that discuss: problems affecting representatives of certain industries and areas; features of the current legislation and proposals for its improvement; state policy in relation to certain industries; work practice the best companies industries, etc. Unlike seminars and trainings, business conferences consider not only well-known, proven results, but also new business proposals and ideas. the process of holding business conferences consists of many little things, none of which should be missed.

Organization and holding of conferences, technical and organizational support for seminars and conferences of varying degrees of complexity: booking a conference hall for the event and hotel rooms for visiting delegates, designing rooms for the event, according to the corporate identity of the organizing company catering technical support for the conference development and implementation in the life of the concept of the event preparation and printing of press kits photographing and filming entertainment program Press conferences are a very effective method of conveying information to the press and other media. Press conferences as a method of communicating with the media (if used wisely) produce very positive results.

Meeting of journalists with representatives public institutions, socio-political organizations, commercial structures are traditionally called press conferences.

This term is also used in cases where the journalistic corps represents television and radio. Thus, the main purpose of press conferences is the targeted dissemination of information (news, documentation, photographs) among media editors. Therefore, in order to convene a press conference, an occasion is needed, an important topic on which journalists may have questions.

In no case should you call a press conference just to distribute some document or information, this can be perfectly done through a press release. This kind of communication speeds up the flow of information to the editorial office, is distinguished by the credibility of news sources, the reliability of information. An important advantage of press conferences is that it is always possible to check and refine versions, obtain additional package news, in addition to those provided (press releases, photographs, texts of speeches and speeches). Well, the invitation of recognized authorities in their field, who are personally interested in communicating the most complete information, gives additional opportunity to comment on the information provided.

The preparation of the press conference provides for the coordination of a number of organizational, technical and creative issues. First of all, it is necessary to determine the day and exact time holding a meeting with journalists, taking into account the existing schedule for the publication of most newspapers.

Invitations to a press conference are sent out by the editorial secretary, as a rule, a week in advance. Most often, invitations are sent by fax. If you need to urgently notify the press about the press conference, you can call the editors of the news departments personally. But sometimes they turn to news agencies with a request to announce the time and place of the press conference in materials that are sent to newspapers via teletype channels.

If the invitation includes a request to immediately confirm participation, then the organizers will know in advance how many journalists will be present in the hall, how many people will prepare a buffet or cocktail (experts note that most often only one third of invited journalists come to a press conference). By the way, if a buffet or a cocktail is planned, it is customary to mention this in the invitation. The invitation should also clearly state the topic and, if possible, the names of the keynote speakers.

It is also desirable to provide some details that might convince the editor of the appropriateness of coverage of the event, but do not give too many details, as this may not be necessary to attend the press conference. If the press conference is of general interest, it is necessary to choose a day and time that would suit all press organs. Morning papers do not like to publish material that was published the evening before or reported on evening radio and television programs. Usually press conferences are scheduled for 11.00 - 11.30 or 14.30 - 16.00. If it's a technical topic, it might be better to hold a press conference in the morning to give the dailies time to prepare a detailed report.

It is also important to choose the right day. In some cases, there is no choice because the application must be made on a certain date. Where there is a choice, care must be taken to ensure that there is no overlap and that the press conference does not coincide with some other important event that could divert the attention of journalists and obscure the press coverage of the press conference.

Friday is always a bad day for organizing this kind of meeting. Each press conference has its own plan, its own structure, including the sequence of a series of events. The press conference script contains a list of all the events of the future meeting, indicating the performers and the time (up to minutes) allotted for each of the parts of a single event: opening, presentation of the hosts (organizers) of the press conference; introductory speech of the presenter; speeches ( information messages); Questions and answers; closing; informal part, including viewing slides, videos, etc. The total duration of the press conference should not exceed 30-50 minutes.

It is also important for preparatory stage press conferences to check the readiness of all units, for this it is necessary to conduct a rehearsal of all participants.

The rehearsal is of particular importance if the participants of the press conference are newcomers who meet journalists for the first time. However, even for experienced press conference aces, a rehearsal is necessary if a television broadcast is scheduled. During the rehearsal, the readiness of the means of communication is checked, the lighting mode of the site, the interior (with the presidium table), filming angles, microphones in the hall, etc. are selected.

It is also very important to rehearse questions and answers, which can be done with the help of extras. Speeches at the press conference are prepared in advance. They may simply be read out, memorized, or recited in an impromptu manner. The nature of these speeches, their structure depend on the objectives of the press conference. Socio-political issues require a detailed statement with the justification of the position, the communication of new information, details and details. Organizers of press conferences prepare an information package of documents (press kit) in advance, selecting them into folders.

The package of documents includes press releases, thematic reviews of the press on the topic of press conferences, reference materials, official documents related to the topic of the meeting, expert comments. The texts of speeches (pre-printed) are placed on a special table, or on an information stand. They are also included in the information package of documents. For a press kit, a branded folder is most often used.

A package of documents (press kit) is given to journalists in the press conference hall, and is also sent to the editorial offices of accredited journalists who were unable to attend a meeting with the organizers of the press conference. 2 Organization and holding of conferences 2.1

End of work -

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Possibilities of the conference as a communication channel

The main purpose of conferences is the targeted distribution of information (news, documentation, photographs) among public groups. information space becomes increasingly crowded when companies are forced to contend with..

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Scientific conferences: types, forms and rules of participation

What is a "conference"

Conference - (conferentia - from lat. confero
- collect in one place)
assembly, meeting of representatives of any organizations, groups, states, as well as
individuals, scientists for discussion
certain issues

Features of the scientific conference

Scientific conference
conference) - a form of organization of scientific
activities in which scientists
gather to discuss issues
dedicated to a specific
According to its status, the conference occupies
intermediate position between
seminar and congress

Conference types

Scientific and theoretical conference
Scientific and practical conference
Scientific and technical conference
By composition of participants
For mature scientists
According to the form of participation
Correspondence (including electronic)

Conference types

By level:
International conferences
All-Russian conferences (including
including with international participation)
Interregional conferences
Regional conferences(regional,
interuniversity, intrauniversity)
By frequency:

Conference organization stages

Conference idea
Development of an action plan
Determining the composition of the conference participants
Choice of venue, time
Preparing and decorating the premises
Organization of meeting and leisure of participants
Final stage

Structure of the conference (full-time form of participation)

Registration of participants with the distribution of the program
conferences (indicating the order of presentations)
Opening and plenary session with a speech
conference organizers
Work in sections or round tables with
listening to reports and subsequent
Coffee break in the middle of the conference or
banquet at the end
Cultural programs (excursions) for non-residents
Publication of a collection of scientific papers. Often
the collection is issued to the participants of the conference at

Rules for participation in the conference

It is necessary to issue a publication in accordance with
with the requirements of this conference.
Submit your post on time. If a
need to send a money order.
Participation in the conference can be full-time
(presence and/or presentation)
and correspondence (only publication of abstracts in
conference proceedings)

10 reasons to make a presentation at the conference

Your work is being tested.
Formation of the ability to clearly and clearly express thoughts orally,
present information consistently.
Each presentation allows you to identify gaps in your knowledge. big
the number of questions always indicates the relevance of the chosen topic.
Participation in the conference will reveal shortcomings and, accordingly, will allow them to be eliminated.
If your report arouses interest among the audience, you will be remembered and will not be denied in the future
help if you need it.
Opportunity to make many contacts. Dating at conferences
involve work for the future, mutual assistance in research
Exchange with new familiar information messages about conferences and
collections of papers, where you can submit articles for publication.
At international conferences there is an opportunity to establish contact with
representatives of other countries, and therefore regularly publish their articles in
foreign publications.
Opportunity to find an investor for further research, permanent
place of work, a potential buyer of your development, etc.
If you took part in the conference, then your contacts will be saved in the database, and in
next time the editorial board will send an informational message by e-mail in person
to you.

10. Catalogs of scientific conferences - open catalog of scientific
conferences, exhibitions and seminars - catalog of scientific
conferences - scientific publications - a list of some
conferences on the website
_start_page?lang_id_prm=2 - systematized
catalog of scientific conferences, both in Russia and abroad
abroad list of Internet resources containing information about
Russian and foreign conferences, websites of scientific
libraries - Internet portal of intellectual
youth, tab "Events"

11. Thank you for your attention!

Science and Innovation Department of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University,
Mira Ave., 90, room. 3-11, tel. 227-59-71, e-mail:
  • 2. Organization and holding of conferences
    • 2.1 Organization of the conference
    • 2.2 Holding a conference
  • 3. International conferences
    • 3.1 History of international conferences
    • 3.2 Preparation, organization and holding of international meetings and conferences
    • 3.3 Rules of procedure and modus operandi
  • Conclusion
  • Every year, hundreds of thousands of business events of various formats are held in the world: visits, congresses, conferences, symposiums, seminars, business meetings, etc. The organization of conferences, congresses and other events of the international and regional level is an independent direction in the field of business services.
  • One of most effective ways transmission of information to the public, press, television, radio is the organization and holding of conferences.
  • The main purpose of the conferences is the targeted dissemination of information (news, documentation, photographs) among public groups, media editors. Therefore, in order to convene a conference, you need a reason, an important topic on which participants and journalists may have questions. This kind of communication accelerates the flow of information, is distinguished by the credibility of sources of information and news, and the reliability of information. An important advantage of conferences is that it is always possible to check and clarify versions, to receive an additional package of information and news, in addition to those provided (press releases, photographs, texts of speeches and speeches). In addition, the invitation of recognized authorities in their field, who are personally interested in communicating the most complete information, provides an additional opportunity to comment on the information offered.
  • Now, when the information space is becoming more and more saturated, when companies are forced to deal with the financial crisis, it becomes very important to study the possibilities of such a communication channel as a conference.
  • The purpose of the work is to explore the process of organizing a conference.
  • To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:
  • In the course of the study, the works of both domestic authors and foreign specialists were studied. I would like to note the work of M.V. Gundarin "Theory and practice of public relations: the basics of media relations", which summarizes the theoretical and practical material on the rules for preparing and holding press conferences, although much of the theoretical material is taken from the works of Varakuta S.A., Egorov Yu.N. "Public Relations", Kondratieva E.V., Abramova R.N. "Public relations".
  • Based on the foregoing, the following structure of the work seems logical: introduction, main part, conclusion and bibliography.
  • 1. general characteristics conferences1.1 Concept and types of conferences Conferences are one of those events without which it is difficult to imagine civilized business and science. The conference is a presentation of speakers on a specific topic. The purpose of the conference is to discuss and solve various problems. In practice, the conference is a meeting or meeting of the production group and can be organized geographically both in one and in different places (distributed conference). There is also a popular format of audio or video conferences held at a distance and sometimes allowing significant savings in organizing an event. Usually a conference is “tied” to a specific topic. A scientific conference, as a rule, is devoted to a scientific topic, its participants are representatives of science and students. The main objectives of a business conference are to strengthen business ties, make business acquaintances and present new business solutions. Press conferences are aimed at representatives of the press and various communication channels and are dedicated to a specific topic. At press conferences, journalists have the opportunity to ask questions to the guests of the conference. There are also other types of conferences. Business conferences- this is one of the types of conferences that discuss: problems affecting representatives of certain industries and areas; features of the current legislation and proposals for its improvement; government policy in relation to certain industries; work practices of the best companies in the industry, etc. difference from seminars and trainings, business conferences consider not only well-known, proven results, but also new business proposals, ideas. The process of holding business conferences consists of many little things, none of which should be missed. Organization and holding of conferences, technical and organizational support of seminars and conferences of varying complexity: booking a conference hall for the event and hotel rooms for visiting delegates, designing the premises for the event, according to the corporate identity of the organizing company, catering, technical support for the conference, development and implementation of the concept of the event forging and printing of press kitsphotography and filmingentertainment program Press conferences are a very effective method of conveying information to the press and other media. Press conferences as a method of communication with the media (if used wisely) give very positive results. The meeting of journalists with representatives of government agencies, socio-political organizations, commercial structures is traditionally called press conferences. This term is also used in cases where the journalistic corps represents television and radio. Thus, the main purpose of press conferences is the targeted dissemination of information (news, documentation, photographs) among media editors. Therefore, in order to convene a press conference, an occasion is needed, an important topic on which journalists may have questions. In no case should you call a press conference just to distribute some document or information, this can be perfectly done through a press release. This kind of communication speeds up the flow of information to the editorial office, is distinguished by the credibility of news sources, the reliability of information. An important advantage of press conferences is that it is always possible to check and clarify versions, receive an additional news package, in addition to those provided (press releases, photographs, texts of speeches and speeches). Well, the invitation of recognized authorities in their field, who are personally interested in communicating the most complete information, provides an additional opportunity to comment on the information offered. Preparing a press conference involves agreeing on a number of organizational, technical and creative issues. First of all, it is necessary to determine the day and exact time of the meetings with journalists, taking into account the existing schedule of publication of most newspapers. Invitations to a press conference are sent out by the editorial secretary, as a rule, a week in advance. Most often, invitations are sent by fax. If you need to urgently notify the press about the press conference, you can call the editors of the news departments personally. But sometimes they turn to news agencies with a request to announce the time and place of the press conference in the materials that are sent to newspapers via teletype channels. If the invitation includes a request to immediately confirm participation, the organizers will know in advance how many journalists will be present in the hall, for how many people to prepare a buffet or a cocktail (experts note that most often only one third of invited journalists come to a press conference). By the way, if a buffet or a cocktail is planned, it is customary to mention this in the invitation. The invitation should also clearly indicate the topic and, if possible, the names of the main speakers. It is also desirable to provide some details that might convince the editor of the appropriateness of covering the event, but one should not give too many details, as this may not be necessary to attend the press conference. If the press conference is of general interest, it is necessary to choose a day and time that would suit all the press. Morning papers do not like to publish material that was published the evening before or reported on evening radio and television programs. Usually press conferences are scheduled for 11.00 - 11.30 or 14.30 - 16.00. If it's a technical topic, it might be better to hold a press conference in the morning to give the dailies time to prepare a full report. It's also important to choose the right day. In some cases, there is no choice because the application must be made on a certain date. Where there is a choice, care must be taken to ensure that there is no overlap and that the press conference does not coincide with some other important event that could divert the attention of journalists and obscure the press coverage of the press conference. Friday is always a bad day for organizing this kind of meetings. Each press conference has its own plan, its own structure, including a sequence of events. The press conference script contains a list of all the events of the future meeting, indicating the performers and the time (up to minutes) allotted for each of the parts of a single event: opening, presentation of the hosts (organizers) of the press conference; introductory speech of the presenter; speeches (informational messages); Questions and answers; closing; informal part, including viewing slides, videos, etc. The total duration of the press conference should not exceed 30-50 minutes. It is also important to check the readiness of all departments at the preparatory stage of the press conference, for this it is necessary to conduct a rehearsal of all participants. The rehearsal is of particular importance if the participants of the press conference are newcomers who meet journalists for the first time. At the same time, even for experienced aces of press conferences, a rehearsal is necessary if a television broadcast is planned. During the rehearsal, the readiness of the means of communication is checked, the lighting mode of the site, the interior (with the presidium table), filming angles, microphones in the hall, etc. are selected. It is also very important to rehearse questions and answers, which can be done with the help of extras. Press conference speeches are prepared in advance. They may simply be read out, memorized, or recited in an impromptu manner. The nature of these speeches, their structure depend on the objectives of the press conference. Socio-political issues require a detailed statement with justification of the position, communication of new information, details and details. The organizers of press conferences prepare an information package of documents (press kit) in advance, selecting them in folders. The package of documents includes press releases, thematic reviews of the press on the topic of press conferences, reference materials, official documents related to the topic of the meeting, expert comments. The texts of speeches (pre-printed) are placed on a special table, or on an information stand. They are also included in the information package of documents. For a press kit, a branded folder is most often used. A package of documents (press kit) is given to journalists in the press conference hall, and is also sent to the editorial offices of accredited journalists who were unable to attend a meeting with the organizers of the press conference. 2 Organization and holding of conferences2.1 Organization of the conference The conference, like any business event, is hard work, both for the participants themselves and for the organizers. Participants of a conference, congress or seminar within a limited time should discuss the issues facing them and, if necessary, make a constructive, balanced decision. Therefore, the task of the secretary in organizing events is to maximize the satisfaction of the tasks set by the Client. This is a rather complicated process that will require a large number time and effort: - to choose a conference room; - to create a comfortable atmosphere that meets the format and goals of a business event; - to think over and take into account many organizational issues. The secretary can offer various options for holding an event according to the budget and expectations; coffee breaks and menus for banquets, will offer a varied cultural program for the participants of the event, and, at your request, will be able to coordinate the event as a whole so as not to miss a single detail! The implementation of the conference begins after receiving a corresponding request from the Customer. The main requirements for the content of the request are an indication of the dates of the beginning and end of the conference and the number of participants, as well as a list of services. Based on this information, a preliminary cost estimate for the conference is compiled and a budget is determined if it has not been set in advance. But, as a rule, the Customer plans the budget at the stage of making a decision on the organization of the conference. Therefore, in general, the cost estimate is compiled based on the budget. First of all, it is necessary to choose a conference venue that will provide comfortable accommodation for participants, based on the required plan for arranging tables and chairs (seating plan). The venue of the conference must also be appropriate and have the ability to connect and operate the equipment and technical equipment necessary for organizing the conference. After that, the selection of specific equipment is carried out, based on its functional requirements, taking into account the requirements of quality and budget. Also, based on the budget, a menu of coffee breaks, lunches and all other services necessary for organizing and holding a conference is selected. In order to guarantee the provision of conference participants with hotel rooms, advance booking is carried out. The selection of accommodation facilities for foreign or non-resident conference participants is carried out on the basis of the budget, if the payment for accommodation is made directly by the Customer. In the event that conference participants pay for their own accommodation, the selection of accommodation facilities is carried out on the basis of their preliminary requirements, as a rule, on an alternative basis. Conference participants are provided with several hotels from 3 to 5 stars near the conference venue. The customer is obliged to inform the conference participants about what services he has outsourced to the company and how communication with the company is carried out. This happens through mailings and posting relevant information on the conference organizer's website with an interactive link to the company's website. If it is necessary to provide visa support to foreign conference participants, the necessary information is collected from the conference participants, and the relevant documents are sent to foreign institutions of the Russian Federation. transport for meeting and seeing off conference participants at airports, their transportation from the hotel to the conference venue (if the event takes place not in the hotel where the participants are accommodated) is carried out either on the basis of the budget, or, if it is not provided for, on the terms of payment for services directly by the conference participants . Any type of passenger transport is provided (executive, business, economy class), as well as minibuses and buses. Organization of excursions, cultural programs, post-congress tours for conference participants and guests is carried out in the same way, either on the basis of the Customer’s budget or is offered as options directly to conference participants. At the same time, payment is collected from the conference participants and the entire range of tourist and excursion services is provided. All the provisions listed above are reflected in the contract for organizing and holding the conference. This agreement is the main document on the basis of which the Customer and conference participants receive all the services necessary for the conference. 2.2 Holding a conference Preparations for the conference (i.e., work on organizing the conference) can continue until its opening. This is due to the fact that in the process of preparation, minor changes to individual elements of the program and additional adjustments are always possible to improve the quality of service for participants. The invitation to the conference should be sent to the invitees at least 2 weeks before it starts, and you should be asked to respond to the invitation , since it is necessary to know how many participants will arrive. The invitation must indicate the meeting place, part of the building or building, floor, room, as well as the name of the transport by which it will be possible to get to the appointed place. Care must be taken that during the meetings the following was provided: 1) a room for meetings for the entire time they were held; 2) to ensure the passage of those invited through the watch or the checkpoint without delay. To do this, it is necessary to make a list of invitees in advance and give it to the checkpoint; 3) company cars or taxis for picking up participants from hotels or from the station; 4) service in the meeting room. The conference begins with the arrival of the first conference participant at the airport and ends with the departure of the last participant . During the entire period of the conference, constant monitoring of the quality of the provision of services is carried out in accordance with the contract. If necessary, the host party can arrange the presence of its employees at the airport (airports), hotels, receptions and during the implementation of the cultural program, as well as other events and facilities, if it is necessary from the point of view of quality assurance. Employees of the host country can register conference participants, collect payment additional services(transport, air tickets, excursion programs, etc.), assist in issuing keys at the hotel, check and test electronic equipment, check the timely provision of coffee breaks, lunches and restaurant services, coordinate the delivery of vehicles at airports, hotels and other facilities, to control the provision of cultural and excursion programs, to provide assistance and other services to the participants of the conference, if it is necessary in terms of ensuring the quality of the provision of services. 3. International conferences3.1 History of international conferences The history of international conferences goes back into the distant past. Initially, until the second half of the 19th century, congresses and conferences were distinguished among international conferences. Congresses were usually called such international conferences in which the heads of state and government participated and which pursued the conclusion of peace treaties: such, for example, were the Vienna Congress of 1815, the Aachen Congress of 1818, the Paris Congress of 1856. At the same time, since the end of the last century and especially since the beginning of the 20th century, the term “congress” has completely fallen out of use, and the names “international conference” and “international meeting” are increasingly being introduced into the practice of interstate meetings: the Versailles Conference of 1919, the Conference of the Three Great Powers during the Second World War, the Paris Peace Conference, the Geneva Conference of the Heads of Government of the Four Powers in 1955, the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe in 1972-1975, etc. The term "congress" is most often used in relation to international conferences and meetings or public organizations, or specialists and scientists - the Congress of Peace Forces, the World Congress of Trade Unions, the International Congress of Surgeons, etc. In the practice of international conferences of socialist states, as a rule, the name "conference" was adopted. Such are the conferences of party leaders and heads of governments of member states of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance; meetings of the Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty Organization; meetings of representatives of the communist and workers' parties of the socialist countries. The convening of conferences has firmly entered the practice of the international communist movement. Suffice it to recall the Conferences of the Communist and Workers' Parties in 1960 and 1969, the meetings of the Communist and Workers' Parties of Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and others. International conferences, of course, are convened not only at the highest level - the heads of state and government. International conferences are most widely used at various levels. Among modern international conferences, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between two main types: international conferences, which are a session body of international organizations, and international conferences that have independent significance and are convened on a given specific issue or issues .. At the same time in the practice of a number of international specialized organizations, the creation of which dates back to the beginning of the 20th or even to the end of the last century, the name “conference” has been preserved as a session representative body of these international organizations. According to the subject content of the work and the goals of convening, international conferences and meetings can be divided into political international conferences and international conferences on special issues. Depending on the subject content of the work of international conferences, states also determine the type of representation at them. Over the past period, international meetings and conferences have become especially frequent. This is largely due to the desire of peoples and peace-loving states to ease tensions in international relations. especially importance attached to meetings at the highest state and party levels, that is, meetings of heads of government and states, leaders of parties, or, as they have come to be called, summit meetings. The combination in one person of the party and state leadership of the country is becoming a common practice of negotiations and meetings at the highest level. It is precisely such meetings that can lead to a serious turn in international relations, because the heads of governments and states, top party leaders have the necessary authority and authority to make decisions of major international importance. Of course, the success of such meetings depends primarily on the mutual desire of the meeting participants to resolve controversial issues and preparatory work for them. Each international meeting or conference is an important stage in the development of international relations and the development of relations between individual countries. Such a meeting is prepared in advance, because not getting any result from the meeting or ending the meeting in complete failure only because of its unpreparedness is by no means evidence of the art of diplomacy. renunciation of the policy of "cold war" and confrontation and the transition to a policy of easing international tension and negotiations that would lead to a turning point in relations between states in the interests of lasting peace and international cooperation. Meetings and talks at the highest level, which became a new and effective means of socialist diplomacy, played a crucial role in achieving this turning point. 3.2 Preparation, organization and holding of international meetings and conferences When preparing any international meeting, one must take into account what results can be achieved as a result of such a meeting. The initiative to convene or propose to convene international conferences and meetings belongs to individual states, groups of states and international bodies that have the authority to do so. In each individual state, the right to propose to convene an international The conference or meeting is owned by the bodies of foreign relations - the head of state, the head of government, the minister of foreign affairs or diplomatic workers specially authorized to initiate the convening by their government. A group of states collectively usually takes the initiative in the form of a proposal contained in a communiqué of a meeting of representatives of these states. For example, the proposal to convene a world trade conference was supported by the member states of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance in the communiqué of the Conference of Leaders of Communist and Workers' Parties and Heads of Government of the CMEA member countries, held in Moscow on July 26-28, 1963. The proposal to convene a meeting of representatives of all European countries on security and cooperation in Europe in a specific form was formulated in March 1969 at the Meeting of the PAC of the Warsaw Pact countries and published in a communiqué about this meeting, and then sent to the governments of all European countries, the USA and Canada. The initiative to convene international conferences can be manifested by sessional bodies of international organizations The Charter of the United Nations gives the authority to convene international conferences to the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship Council. Of course, the UN Security Council can also take such an initiative. The initiative to convene international conferences of a special, sectoral nature belongs to specialized UN agencies, for example, the Universal Postal Union, the International Telecommunication Union, etc. When convening sessional bodies of international organizations, the question of the circle of participants and forms of participation in principle does not occur. Participants and the form of participation in the sessions of these bodies are determined by the circle of participants of the organization itself and its charter or agreement that established this organization , its bodies, the circle of their participants and the procedure for the work of these bodies, the question of the circle of participants in a conference or meeting that has an independent character is completely different. When convening such conferences, the question of the circle of participants is not resolved by any document, and it remains to be resolved. This is one of the most pressing issues, and the conference itself cannot take place unless it is resolved. Who can be a participant and what is the circle of participants? In principle, only sovereign states can participate in international conferences. Based on the principle of the sovereign equality of states, the right of the interested power cannot be violated either by the initiator of convening a conference when determining the circle of participants, or by all other participants in the conference when discussing and resolving issues affecting the interests of a third or third powers. The Munich conspiracy of governments was a gross violation of the rules on participants in international conferences England and France with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Even Czechoslovakia was not invited to this conference of four, although it was precisely the fate of Czechoslovakia itself that was at stake. The USSR was also not invited to the conference, although the USSR and Czechoslovakia were bound by an agreement on mutual assistance. There are many other cases of flagrant violations by the imperialist powers of international legal norms concerning the circle of participants in conferences to be convened. One more point is important in determining the circle of participants in a conference. In the practice of bourgeois states, there is also an opposite trend to the narrowing of the circle of participants just considered - an unreasonable expansion of the circle of participants by attracting to the participation of states whose governments are to some extent dependent on the big imperialist powers. By such an unreasonable expansion of the circle of participants in the conference, the imperialist powers seek to secure a mechanical majority in the discussion of issues and the adoption of decisions and to create an atmosphere of isolation for states that take different positions on a given issue or issue. For example, there are serious disputes over the circle of participants in the Paris Peace Conference of 1946, when the United States and Britain tried to limitlessly expand the composition of its participants in order to get as many supporters of their line as possible in formulating the terms of peace treaties after the Second World War. Thus, the convening of an international conferences and meetings is possible only if the question of the circle of participants is agreed. The next question about participation in the conference is the issue of representation at the conference from states and the form of participation in the conference. The right to participate in international conferences is exercised by states through their representative bodies or special representatives, who are delegated powers on behalf of and on behalf of the constitutional central bodies of external relations. The constitutional bodies of external relations - the head of state, the head of government, the minister of foreign affairs - do not have special powers to represent the state at the conference, since the representation of the state by these bodies of external relations is determined by the very constitution of this state. Only those states that send their representatives; the absence of a representative is considered as a refusal to participate in the conference. So, in 1907, only 44 states were participants in the second Hague Conference, although 47 states were invited. Modern practice of international conferences knows three forms of participation: 1) authorized delegations with a decisive vote; 2) observers and informants with the right of only an advisory vote and 3) representatives from international organizations who are not considered as observers and informers, although they basically have the same rights as observers and do not have the right to a decisive vote. From the sovereignty of those participating in the conference States follows the international legal status of their representatives, enjoying the so-called diplomatic immunity. At the same time, the scope of diplomatic immunity is not the same for representatives of states at conferences of various levels and purposes, and corresponds mainly to the official level of representatives of states participating in the conference. Diplomatic immunity is enjoyed in full, as a rule, only by representatives of diplomatic conferences that are political in form and content. Diplomatic immunity extends to representatives of the central constitutional bodies of foreign relations of states. For delegations of conferences of a specialized nature convened by specialized international organizations, for example, conferences of the International Metric Union, diplomatic immunity is not fully recognized, although such representatives enjoy the inviolability of their person and papers, the right to a diplomatic passport. 3.3 Rules of procedure and modus operandi Usually, at the very first meeting of a conference or meeting, a chairman is determined or the principle of chairmanship is established, a vice-chairman (by no means always), a secretary and other main bodies of the conference, if the participants have not agreed on all this in advance. The regulations of some conferences provide for the surrender of delegations of their credentials and their verification before the opening day. To check the credentials, a mandate committee or a commission for the verification of credentials is usually elected. An editorial committee is elected to prepare and approve texts, working and official documents. Depending on the need, other bodies of the conference or meeting are formed - committees and commissions. Plenary sessions of conferences and meetings are usually held publicly, unless otherwise decided by the conference itself. At the beginning of the conference, if no preliminary decisions are made, the official and working languages ​​of the conference and its documents are determined. Moreover, each delegate, regardless of whether the language of his country is recognized as official or working, as a rule, speaks in his native language. But all documents and proceedings of the conference are published only in the languages ​​adopted by the conference. Under the conditions of the "cold war" policy pursued by the imperialist powers, it was sometimes impossible to organize a common secretariat, and at a number of meetings each delegation had its own secretariat, and already in the process of the meeting, work coordinated. Only meetings or conferences held on behalf of the UN have a common secretariat, which is provided by the staff of the UN Secretariat. The main thing to ensure is the translation of speeches and documents. Usually the host country takes care of all the technical side of the matter and establishes the procedure for recording, transcribing and reproducing documents, which is agreed with representatives of the secretariats of delegations. Appropriate heads of delegations and advisers are appointed when leaving for the conference. A delegation may consist of several delegates, but the number of delegates does not matter from the point of view of the balance of power. Voting is carried out only by delegations with a decisive vote. Each delegation, regardless of the number of its members, has only one vote, since it represents only one State and since it is the States that participate in the conferences. Decisions adopted by a majority of votes, as a rule, do not bind the minority who disagrees with them, but are binding on the states that voted for these decisions. By agreement between the conference participants, another procedure can also be adopted. In recent years, due to the change in the balance of forces in the international arena, the principle of resolving all issues by agreement, and not by voting, is increasingly used in the practice of international meetings and even the work of permanent bodies. This practice has become common in the work of, for example, the Disarmament Commission, the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and a number of other international bodies. It is framed by the relevant rules of procedure or decisions taken by these bodies. This practice testifies to the impossibility in the current international situation of resolving important issues by imposing someone else's will on any state. This is also reflected in the increased role and influence of states, which cannot be imposed on any decisions unacceptable to them. At the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, which worked during 1972-1975 in Helsinki and Geneva, the rule of consensus was established from the very beginning. Upon arrival at the meeting, delegations usually agree in advance on the procedure for opening the meeting and on the first organizational steps of the meeting. In addition to convening plenary meetings, committees or commissions are created in which draft work is carried out. After the general debate or in the course of the general debate, the working commissions agree on certain projects, prepare certain decisions. It often happens that at plenary meetings it is not possible to reach unanimity even on simple issues due to the contradictory positions of various delegations. Then, in order to reach an agreement, the delegations enter into informal diplomatic negotiations. This is done both in commissions, committees, and at various breakfasts, receptions, etc. Such semi-official negotiations provide an opportunity to find ways for a compromise solution, since in official speeches at an international conference it is risky to make a compromise proposal without first finding out the possible reaction of your partner to this proposal. At the Geneva meeting in 1954, when the issue of ending the war in Vietnam was discussed, it was through informal negotiations that an agreed decision was reached. The Prime Minister of England, Eden, and the Prime Minister of France, Mendès-France, agreed to a compromise agreement because the situation was hopeless for their countries. France demanded an immediate end to the protracted difficult war, England also saw the futility of the Vietnam War and sought a peaceful settlement of the situation in Southeast Asia, fearing for stability in England's colonial possessions in the area. On the basis of an informal compromise agreement, a solution was found that was acceptable to the USSR, the PRC, England and France, which, however, was opposed by the United States. The United States, and, above all, Dulles personally with his notorious “position of strength” policy, suffered a serious defeat. Informal negotiations with the US delegation, as well as with the delegations of England and France, were conducted by the Soviet delegation at meetings of the Subcommittee of the UN Disarmament Commission in 1957. In the 18-State Committee on Disarmament, the practice of informal negotiations and prior agreement on issues between the two co-chairs has become common. In the process of such negotiations, the positions of the parties are gradually revealed and mutual concessions are outlined. At the same time, major issues are being discussed at official meetings. Both bilateral and multilateral negotiations require diplomatic flexibility in the search for acceptable solutions that would correspond to the main vital interests of the parties and at the same time could allow certain formulations in which, for various reasons, each party is interested. Achieving such acceptable solutions in the course of negotiations requires patience and the skillful use of various diplomatic techniques on the part of each leader of such negotiations, which often continue outside meetings, even during certain protocol events. possible concessions on each side, the participants in the talks are so painstakingly looking for mutually acceptable formulations. Soviet diplomacy attaches great importance to publicity at conferences. As a rule, the Soviet representatives were in favor of extensive coverage of the progress of the conferences in the press. Therefore, great importance is attached to the work of representatives of the press. Representatives of the press department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs take part in major meetings and organize press conferences. Often, after each meeting, delegations hold press conferences that cover the course of the conference and provide answers to the most pressing questions. Interviews are also given to selected prominent correspondents and other measures are taken to make the positions of delegations known to the public. All this plays an important role in winning over public opinion, which has a certain impact on the course and outcome of international conferences. During the long work of the 18-State Disarmament Committee in Geneva in 1962-1964, as well as in subsequent years, the Soviet delegation regularly held press conferences, at which representatives of the delegation informed about the position of the USSR on the most important issues of disarmament, thereby helping the public to understand the maneuvers opponents of disarmament and by mobilizing public opinion in support of the cause of disarmament. Usually, before leaving for the conference, the delegation receives directives from its government on the issues that are being discussed. Such directives are necessary for the success of the conference. It is necessary to foresee the main possible moves of the enemy, so that the delegation has the opportunity to maneuver during the conference. These directives are worked out long in advance and prepared thoroughly with the participation of all competent people. But no directives can cover the entire range of emerging issues. Therefore, during the conference, the delegation, based on an exchange of views, taking into account different opinions, develops its own tactical steps and either directly implements them if they correspond to the general line of directives, or, if it is necessary to change this line, coordinates such changes with the center and receive appropriate instructions. Conclusion So, in conclusion, we will draw the following conclusions. The conference is one of the key events in the information exchange system. The conference is a presentation of speakers on a specific topic. There are various types of conferences, among them - scientific, business (or business conferences), press conferences, international. The purpose of the conference is to discuss and solve various problems. It assumes the credibility of the news source, obtaining first-hand information, the ability to check information and clarify versions using questions. Moreover, this is an event that requires serious preparation and professional efforts to carry it out. Therefore, when deciding to hold a conference, it is necessary to consider the possibility of replacing it with another event (presentation, press lunch, etc.). The purpose of the conference is open public communication with experts in this field. At the same time, it should be effective - mutually beneficial for all parties. The conference should have a developed scenario. It (ideally) should invite only specialists who are dedicated to the problem under consideration, and it is necessary to work hard on the formation of a circle. Much depends on the "first person" who acts as a speaker. If it is not able to conduct a public discussion, it is better to refuse the conference for a while. During the days of the conference, support staff play an important role, whose task is to meet and accommodate conference participants in the hall, with their names entered on the registration list in advance, as well as checking equipment amplify audio and video presentations. Bibliography

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