Solar panels for heating and electrification of the house. The advantages of solar-powered residential buildings What kind of solar battery is needed for a house

As an additional and alternative source of energy, solar panels are quite actively used not only in industrial, but also in domestic conditions. But before installing such a source of electricity for themselves, it is important for the buyer to find out how to choose solar panels that are optimal in terms of characteristics and power for the home, because the price of ready-made kits varies in a fairly large range. Let's try to figure out how solar panels are selected for the home, the cost of the kit, and what is included in it.

The use of solar panels in the conditions of the middle lane - it is also possible to use free energy here Source

Where are solar panels most commonly used?

The scope of solar panels is huge. Already now they are successfully used for power supply of private and multi-apartment buildings, farms, including for lighting and heating greenhouses, buildings, lighting the adjacent territory, powering appliances.

Most often, autonomous power supply is thought about in the following cases:

  • If the area is not electrified, solar panels for a private home will cost much less than using oil-fired generators.
  • In rural areas, electricity is often cut off, and people are literally left without electricity. By turning on the autonomous power supply, you can live in the usual comfort for a long time, especially since a battery is always included with solar panels.
  • In apartment buildings, solar modules are also used as a backup, and there are projects that involve the use of solar energy for hot water.

Service life of solar panels

As a rule, in documents for equipment, the shelf life is indicated from 20 to 25 or even 30 years. However, many devices continue to function even after the period specified by the manufacturers. For example, the world's first solar battery has been operating for over 60 years, and over the years the production technology has been significantly improved.

The prototype of the solar battery was developed at the end of the 19th century. Source

Obviously, only one drawback can be singled out - with constant operation, the power of the equipment decreases, however, these figures are insignificant: in 10 years, no more than 10%.

  • Prevent physical damage such as falling trees, wind blows, and scratching of sensors. The efficiency of the device depends on the latter.
  • Regular maintenance: maintenance and cleaning.
  • If necessary, install wind barriers.

Solar panels for a private house (ready-made kits) include the following components in the system: batteries and power electronics. The service life of the first devices is from 2 to 15 years, the second - from 5 to 20 years, depending on the characteristics, intensity of operation and careful maintenance.

General characteristics and availability of purchase

The equipment does not harm the environment and provides stable power without power surges. And, most importantly, it supplies free energy: for which utility bills do not come.

Appearance solar panels have changed little after their invention, which cannot be said about the internal “stuffing” Source

The solar module converts light into electrical energy, generating D.C.. The area of ​​panels can reach several meters. When it is necessary to increase the power of the system, increase the number of modules. Their effectiveness depends on the intensity of sunlight and the angle of incidence of the rays: on location, season, climatic conditions and time of day. To correctly take into account all these nuances, installation should be carried out by professionals.

Types of modules:

  • Monocrystalline. Consist of silicone cells that convert solar energy. Differ in the compact sizes. In terms of performance, this is the most efficient (up to 22% efficiency) solar battery for the home. A set (its price is one of the most expensive) will cost from 100 thousand rubles.
  • Polycrystalline. They use polycrystalline silicon. They are not as efficient (up to 18% efficiency) as monocrystalline solar cells. But their cost is much lower, so they are available to the general population.
  • Amorphous. They have thin-film silicon-based solar cells. They are inferior to mono and polycrystals in terms of energy generation, but they are also cheaper. Their advantage is the ability to function in diffuse and even low light.

Polycrystalline solar panel Source

The system also includes the following components:

  • An inverter that converts direct current to alternating current.
  • Accumulator battery. It not only accumulates energy, but also levels out voltage drops when the light level changes.
  • Controller for battery charging voltage, charging mode, temperature and other parameters.

In stores, you can purchase both individual components and entire systems. In this case, the power of the devices is determined based on specific needs.

Functioning, types of converters and their comparative energy efficiency

Converters or inverters are the key components of solar panels. They transform the direct current generated by the module into an alternating voltage of 220 V, which is necessary for the operation of electrical appliances. Inverters have power from 250 to 8000 watts. When buying, it is recommended to take into account the highest load on the network and correlate voltage and power. The following parameters are considered optimal: 12 volts and 600 watts, 24 volts at 600-1500 watts, 48 ​​volts if the power is more than 1500 watts.

inverter, on circuit diagram work of solar panels Source

Varieties of converters

  • Autonomous. Before choosing an inverter, it is necessary to determine which devices will be powered by it, and calculate their total maximum power per unit time. It is recommended to take the inverter power a little more. Some household electrical appliances, when turned on, create a sharp increase in voltage, due to which the device may fail.
  • Synchronous. They accumulate energy, and transfer the excess to the electrical network. In the event of a lack of electricity generated by the system, the converter will “borrow” it from the general network. The use of a synchronous type model will avoid power outages.
  • Multifunctional devices combine the advantages of the first and second types.

Video description

The video shows how to choose an inverter for a private house:

Converters also affect the total cost of solar panels for a private house. Depending on the shape of the voltage signal at the output, there are several types of their types, which differ in application and cost:

  • with sinusoidal signal. Create a current High Quality which affects their value. Large household appliances work from them: refrigerators, boilers, air conditioners.
  • Rectangular. Lighting devices are connected to these inexpensive inverters. Most home appliances are not compatible with them.
  • Pseudo-sinusoidal. Their advantage is the ability to connect almost all home appliances. But the signal quality is reduced compared to the first type, so they are cheaper.

The finned shape of the inverter is needed for the most efficient cooling Source

The cost of the kit and the main technical characteristics, payback period

Prices for ready-made kits mainly range from 30,000 to 2,000,000 rubles. They depend on the devices that make them up (on the type of batteries, the number of devices, the manufacturer and characteristics). Can be found budget options costing from 10,500 rubles. The economy set includes a panel, a charge controller, a connector.

Standard kits include:

  • energy module;
  • charge controller;
  • battery;
  • inverter;
  • shelving *;
  • cable *;
  • terminals*.

* Provided in the extended configuration.

Standard Equipment Source

Specifications are indicated in the instructions for use:

  • Power and dimensions of panels. The more power you need, the more profitable it is to buy larger batteries.
  • System energy efficiency.
  • The temperature coefficient shows how much temperature affects power, voltage and current.

According to experts, one solar system designed for 4 people pays off in 4 years. In addition, the cost over the past 2 decades has fallen dramatically.

The principle of operation of a solar power plant at home

A solar power plant is a system consisting of panels, an inverter, a battery and a controller. The solar panel transforms radiant energy into electricity (as mentioned above). Direct current enters the controller, which distributes the current to consumers (for example, a computer or lighting). The inverter converts direct current into alternating current and powers most electrical household appliances. The battery stores energy that can be used at night.

Video description

The video shows an example of calculations showing how many panels are needed to provide an autonomous power supply:

How solar energy is used to generate heat

Solar systems are used for water heating and home heating. They can provide heat (at the request of the owner) even when the heating season is over, and provide the house with hot water for free. The simplest device is metal panels that are installed on the roof of the house. They accumulate energy and warm water, which circulates through pipes hidden under them. The functioning of all solar systems is based on this principle, despite the fact that they may be structurally different from each other.

Solar collectors consist of:

  • storage tank;
  • pumping station;
  • controller
  • pipelines;
  • fittings.

According to the type of construction, flat and vacuum collectors are distinguished. In the former, the bottom is covered with heat-insulating material, and the liquid circulates through glass pipes. Vacuum collectors are highly efficient because heat losses are kept to a minimum. This type of collector provides not only solar heating of a private house - it is convenient to use it for hot water systems and heating pools.

The principle of operation of the solar collector Source

Popular manufacturers of solar panels

The most common in Russia is the products of Chinese manufacturers, due to their relative cheapness compared to products manufactured in other countries. For example, solar panels from China are almost half the price of German ones.

Most often, products of Yingli Green Energy and Suntech Power Co. are found on the shelves. HiminSolar panels (China) are also popular. Their solar panels produce electricity even in rainy weather.

The production of solar batteries has also been established by a domestic manufacturer. The following companies do this:

  • Hevel LLC in Novocheboksarsk;
  • "Telecom-STV" in Zelenograd;
  • Sun Shines (Autonomous Lighting Systems LLC) in Moscow;
  • JSC "Ryazan Plant of Metal-ceramic Devices";
  • CJSC "Termotron-zavod" and others.

You can always find a suitable option for the price. For example, in Moscow for solar panels for a home, the cost will vary from 21,000 to 2,000,000 rubles. The cost depends on the configuration and power of the devices.

Solar panels not always flat - there are a number of models that focus light at one point Source

Battery Installation Steps

  1. To install the panels, the most illuminated place is chosen - most often these are the roofs and walls of buildings. In order for the device to function as efficiently as possible, the panels are mounted at a certain angle to the horizon. The level of darkness of the territory is also taken into account: surrounding objects that can create a shadow (buildings, trees, etc.)
  2. Panels are installed using special fastening systems.
  3. Then the modules are connected to the battery, controller and inverter, and the whole system is adjusted.
For efficient equipment operation and long service life necessary condition is a properly executed installation, which can only be done by experienced professionals.

Despite the complexity of connecting and calibrating, the work period is short - with the appropriate tools, competent installers will spend about half a day on everything about everything.

For the installation of the system, a personal project is always developed, which takes into account all the features of the situation: how solar panels will be installed on the roof of the house, price and terms. Depending on the type and scope of work, all projects are calculated individually. The client accepts the work and receives a guarantee for it.

Installation of solar panels must be carried out by professionals and in compliance with safety measures Source

As a result - the prospects for the development of solar technologies

If on Earth the most efficient operation of solar panels is hindered by air, which in a certain way scatters the radiation of the Sun, then in space there is no such problem. Scientists are developing projects for giant orbiting satellites with solar panels that will operate 24 hours a day. From them, the energy will be transmitted to ground receiving devices. But this is a matter of the future, and for existing batteries, efforts are aimed at improving energy efficiency and reducing the size of devices.

It is hardly possible to imagine comfortable living conditions modern man without heating and air conditioning systems, household appliances (refrigerator, kettle, microwave), TV and computer powered by electric energy.

In a private house, in addition to the listed devices, a person needs a pump for water supply, a septic tank, a burglar alarm, a heating boiler security system, and much more. Electrical energy has become an integral part of our life and its significance can be understood only in its absence.

Unfortunately, in our country there are many houses and entire villages that are not connected to electrical networks. Moreover, these settlements are geographically located not in the taiga or in the tundra, but in the center of the country, in the Moscow region. However, there are many houses without electricity in other parts of the country.

To ensure a minimum level of comfort, you have to generate electricity yourself, using generators, solar panels or wind turbines for this purpose.

In the Moscow region, wind turbines are not efficient - the average annual wind speed is low here, which makes their installation useless. Preference has to be given to solar panels and traditional liquid fuel generators.

The choice of solar panels

Modern solar panels are effective at any time of the year. A prerequisite for their work is the presence of a clear cloudless sky and direct sunlight on the surface. In cloudy weather, the generation of electrical energy also does not stop, but the performance of solar panels drops sharply.

In order for the received electrical energy to be used by the consumer, it is necessary to purchase batteries and an inverter along with solar panels. Such a kit can be safely called a solar power plant. With it, you can not only receive electricity, but also accumulate it and use it as needed. The equipment is selected depending on the needs of the consumer and on what kind of electrical appliances will continue to work due to the received electrical energy.

It should be noted that at present the cost of a unit of energy generated using solar panels is not cheap, on average 25 rubles per 1 kW, which is about five times more expensive than electricity in centralized electric networks.

Therefore, to talk about installing solar panels in order to save Money to pay for energy resources currently does not make sense. However, in the future, with a decrease in the cost of equipment, obtaining electricity using the sun will certainly cost much less. But for now, this is a matter for the future.

How to choose equipment?

The selection of equipment for installing solar panels in a private house begins with determining the list of electrical appliances, the use of which is planned in the future. This list is then carefully analyzed to find an alternative to each electrical appliance. For example, an electric kettle can be replaced by heating water on a gas burner running on liquefied fuel, water for household needs and a shower can be heated using solar collectors, and it will not be possible to do without lighting, a burglar alarm and a volatile automatic control system for the operation of a gas boiler.

Leaving only the necessary minimum in the list, the need for electrical energy is calculated and then solar panels of the appropriate power are selected.

How much does a solar panel kit cost for a home

  • Solar panels

The main element of a solar power plant is a solar module or solar panel. Panels are:

  • based on monocrystalline silicon cells
  • based on polycrystalline silicon cells

The cost of solar panels depends on their size and specifications and is in the range from 1500 to 16000 rubles. So, for example, a 1650 x 991 x 40 mm panel costs more 16 thousand rubles, and with its help you can get 200-260 watts of electricity. To create comfortable conditions in the country, 4 such panels are enough; for a house with permanent residence, they will need twice as many.

The service life of solar panels, according to manufacturers, is at least 25 years.

  • inverter

The second integral element of a solar power plant is an inverter. The cost of 2-2.5 kW inverters is in the range from 17 to 25 thousand rubles.

Batteries can be called the "bottleneck" of a solar power plant. Manufacturers claim a battery life of 10 years, while specifying the number of full discharge cycles, after which the battery becomes unusable much faster.

In fact, in a country house, the battery will have to be changed after 3-4 years of operation. The cost of a battery for a solar power plant is in the range from 12 to 27 thousand rubles. For a comfortable stay, one battery is not enough. As a rule, batteries are installed 2 or even 3.

As a result, a solar power plant for a summer residence costs an average of 100 thousand rubles, not counting the cost of installing equipment. With its help, you can get 1 kW of energy per hour and use it at your discretion. This is enough to operate the refrigerator, TV, lighting with energy saving lamps and ensure the uninterrupted operation of the heating boiler.

After 3-4 years of operation, the batteries will have to be replaced. This period can be shorter or longer, it all depends on the full discharge cycles of the batteries.

What is more profitable - a generator or solar panels

The cost of a solar power plant exceeds the cost of a liquid-fuel generator of equal power. But to obtain electrical energy using solar panels, no additional costs other than the cost of purchasing equipment are needed.

For the operation of the generator, fuel is needed, the cost of which cannot be called low. With an approximate calculation, the cost of one W of electricity generated by the sun is 1.8 times lower than the cost of a unit of electricity generated by burning liquid fuel.

When and where should batteries be used?

Installation of solar panels is necessary where there is no possibility of connection to electric networks. When choosing between a generator and a solar power plant, preference should be given to the latter.

Installing a solar power plant will not solve all power supply issues. So, for example, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to afford to heat a house with the help of the received electricity, but it is available to everyone to ensure the uninterrupted operation of a LPG gas boiler.

Today, the installation of solar panels in a private house is not a way to save or conserve energy resources, but an opportunity to live comfortably in the absence of a centralized supply of electricity.

Modern technologies allow each of us to keep up with the times with fairly firm steps. One of the most significant achievements of the scientific world can be considered the extraction of energy from certain natural phenomena. For more than a decade, it has been receiving energy from such elements as water and wind. Now the direction of obtaining energy from solar heat is actively developing. It is inexhaustible, so it should be used for the benefit of mankind. Solar panels for home heating are becoming more and more popular every year among owners of suburban and private housing construction.

Device Features

Light-powered devices have been around for a long time. Back in the nineties of the last century, batteries for calculators, watches and other small devices that worked thanks to the energy received from sunlight became available to people. Western scientists began to use these resources much earlier than domestic researchers. Our specialists also have some experience, so now there is a need to seriously improve certain achievements and results.

The structure of the solar battery

Using sunlight to organize a heating system for a home can be considered a pretty good idea. Such a heating system has become actively used as an alternative source of heat, especially in countries where two-thirds of the days in a month are sunny. Using a standard heating system is an expensive pleasure, not only in terms of its organization, but also in terms of utility rates. Solar panels for home heating are ways to help get rid of dependence on utilities. And that's exactly what a lot of people want.


A solar panel for home heating has several rather significant advantages:

Your home will be provided with the necessary heat throughout the year. The temperature can be adjusted as you wish.

You will gain independence from housing and communal services. Your heating bills will no longer scare you with terrible amounts.

Solar energy can also be used to meet other household needs.

For heating the house is characterized by a long service life. The device rarely breaks down, so you do not need to worry about such nuances as replacing or repairing some components.

If you are interested in a solar battery for home heating, then you should be aware of the important nuances that you need to pay attention to before making the final choice. This system is not suitable for everyone. Geography of residence is one of the factors affecting the effectiveness of the system. If the area where you live is characterized by the fact that the sun does not shine too often, then such solutions will not be so effective. Another disadvantage is that solar panels for home heating are quite expensive. But here it is important to remember that such a decision will pay for itself very quickly.

What size batteries should be

To supply the house with the required amount of heat, 15-20 square meters of battery area are required. About 120 watts of heat is obtained from one square meter. It takes about 20 sunny days to get about 1 kW of heat per month. The solar panel for heating the house should be installed on the south side of the roof, since the maximum amount of heat is distributed to it. For maximum efficiency of such heating, it is required to maintain a roof slope of approximately 45 degrees. Tall trees should not grow near the house, other objects that can form a shadow should not be placed. The house must have a truss system that is strong and reliable enough to support the weight of this entire structure. Solar panels for heating a house in winter, reviews of which say that they are characterized by their large weight, must be installed so that they do not provoke destructive processes and do not harm the building. This is especially true in winter, since snow accumulates on the roof at this time, which complements the already considerable weight of the batteries.

Despite the fact that it costs a lot to heat a house, the popularity of this product is growing every day. It can also be used where the climate can hardly be called hot. If you are interested in solar panels for home heating, reviews about them indicate the possibility of using them as an additional source of heat. These systems are most effective during the summer months, when sunlight can be seen almost every day. But it is important to understand that the house needs heating most often in winter.

Types and configurations of solar panels

All solar panels can conditionally be divided into two types: small and large photovoltaic systems. The first category includes battery panels that operate on a voltage of 12-24 V. These systems are able to provide electrical energy to a working TV in combination with several heating devices. The use of large systems is intended not only to provide the home with electrical energy, but also to organize a heating system. However, with their help it is impossible to provide large houses with several floors.

The configuration of the devices also differs. The basic set includes the following list of components:

Vacuum solar collector;

A controller that monitors the operation of the system at the most efficient level;

A pump that supplies the coolant from the collector to the tank of the heating system;

Capacity for the volume of which is 500-1000 liters;

Heat pump or electric heater.

Solar panels for home heating: reviews

In Ukraine and Russia, as well as in other countries, you can use a similar innovative solution. Now you can see a lot of feedback that such a system is very effective, a small house can be completely transferred to such an alternative source, as well as others. With sufficient power of the equipment, it is possible to provide not only heating, but this is also a rather significant point, allowing additional savings to be achieved. You can additionally equip a system of underfloor heating.

Which system to choose

Before choosing and installing a heating system, you need to make sure that it is powerful enough to meet your needs. Heating a private house with solar panels should be organized taking into account such indicators as the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling, the number of residents, as well as the required energy resource. If there are three people in a family, then approximately 200-500 kW of energy is required monthly. If necessary, organizing hot water supply of energy will require even more. The combined heating system is recognized as the most efficient. With its help, residents of the house can insure themselves in case of emergency or force majeure situations.

System selection and installation

The first thing that is required when choosing a particular system is to carefully study its capabilities. It is imperative to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling, as well as the amount of heat that is required to heat it. The installation location is another significant point. Reviews speak in favor of the fact that it would be best to take the help of qualified specialists in this field. This is due to the fact that even with a slight miscalculation, you can greatly reduce the effectiveness of the finished solution during operation. If the solar panel for home heating is installed correctly, it will last at least 25 years. Only 3 years are needed for its full payback. Many do not consider this period too long, judging by the same user reviews. This allows you to become completely independent of utilities, and this is very important.


The solar panel for heating the house should be installed so that the solar illumination in this place is maximum. If the selected building is not suitable for the installation of such a system, then you can use the neighboring building. The drive can be placed in the basement. there are also systems where several drives are used. In this case, their sizes will be a little more modest. Those who decide for themselves to choose the heating of a private house with solar panels can safely say that their decision was correct. Solar energy is heat, while it is absolutely free. To do this, you only need to invest a certain amount in equipment and installation of the system, and then it will not only fully pay for itself, but also eliminate the need to pay money to utilities.

Alternative energy sources are actively capturing the consumer market. About ten years ago, most people did not imagine the possibility of acquiring such engineering developments as a wind farm or a solar power plant. Now it becomes possible. Solar panels for the home: kit cost, installation and maintenance costs - today's cost-effective solution.

General characteristics and the ability to buy solar panels for a private house

When it comes to solar panels technical terms, you need to understand that we are talking about photovoltaic power supply systems (PPS). The main purpose of such devices is to convert the energy of sunlight into electrical energy based on the physical law of the photoelectric effect. For about two hundred years, the process of improving solar installations for generating electricity has been going on. At present, engineering thought has achieved significant results in the development of photovoltaic equipment, especially in terms of useful action– from 1 to 46% (share of converted solar energy).

Convert sunlight energy into electrical energy

Modern market solar systems power supply can be considered sufficiently formed, as it allows you to make a choice of goods from a considerable number of offers, from a very large market segment. To answer the most frequently asked question, how much do solar panels cost for a private house, you need to understand the technological and design features FSE. The structuring of the equipment offered by the market assumes three main categories of solar systems, based on their functional, design and technical features.

The first category of FSE includes autonomous systems that are not connected to the main power supply network. Such systems operate in their own network loop to directly power the connected equipment. The maximum efficiency of work is achieved by the presence of a storage device (batteries) in the set, which allows using the accumulated electricity in the event of a fall in the intensity of sunlight (i.e. reduced generated power) and in the event of moments when the consumed power exceeds the generated one.

The second category includes open FSE. In their configuration, these systems do not have batteries and are connected to the main power supply network through a special inverter. If the power consumed does not exceed the value generated, the main network is disabled. Otherwise, the FSS is turned off and consumption is made from the main network. Such systems are very reliable, cheaper, but if there is no power supply from the main network, then the solar station does not work.

The third category is represented by combined FSE. They are a combined format of the first and second categories. This allows you to have an additional quality in its functionality - excess generated or accumulated electricity can be transferred to the main network and have commercial value.

Useful advice! For an uninterrupted power supply in cases of simultaneous shutdown of the general network and the impact of negative weather conditions, it is necessary to have a backup power supply. A small (2-5 kW) electric generator running on gasoline or diesel fuel can be used as such a source.

The price of solar panels for the home: the cost of the kit

It is necessary to solve the issues of saving energy costs through the installation of solar power plants in the conditions of full information about the prices for the entire set and the upcoming costs of their installation and operation. FAQ, how much does a solar battery for a home cost, does not have a clear answer, since so many factors affect pricing.

The established price of the main element of the PSE (solar battery) is, on average, at a minimum (but also at a minimum in quality) of the order of 50-60 rubles. for the generated 1W of power. Consequently, the price of solar panels for a private house with a capacity of 100 and 200 W will be in the amount of 6000 and 12000 rubles. respectively.

The composition of the station set depends on its category and power. It may include a charge controller, a battery station, an inverter and connecting equipment. When choosing, for example, a set of the first category and a rated power of about 2 kW (2000 W), the price of a set of solar panels for a house will be from 120 thousand rubles. and higher.

And it is necessary to compare all the capital expended with the economic effect obtained from the difference in the cost of 1 kW / h of the centralized network and the cost created by the FSS.

The most "fresh" statistics of the solar battery market shows that the ratio of prices per unit of electricity is 8.8 times. This means that the electricity generated by the solar station is 8.8 times cheaper than the electricity provided through the common grid, taken in equal terms.

An important criterion for choosing in the direction of using the FSE is also the factor of the ability to ensure the uninterrupted operation of automation in heating, security monitoring and fire warning systems. The list includes computer home network and groups of electronic control and measuring sensors.

Application and price of solar panels for home

A large selection of solar panels provides an opportunity to use them in a variety of qualities and applications, since if you want to buy solar panels for your home, the price today already allows you to do this for the general population. Knowing their main characteristics, such as the output voltage standard (12, 24V and higher), as well as the parameters of the generated rated power, you can use them locally without purchasing the entire set. On the market, the average cost of solar panels for a private house ranges from 60 rubles. for the generated 1 kW of electrical power.

If you want to use a light bulb in a dark room with a voltage of 12V and a power of 25 W, then it is enough to buy and connect directly to it a solar battery of similar parameters and this will cost no more than 2000 rubles. and you won’t have to spend electricity on a 60-75 W light bulb in some closet. You can connect a small well pump for daytime watering of any landscape area with a power of 200 W and a power supply of 24V. At a cost of 11,000-12,000 rubles. it is possible to have an independent irrigation system during the entire spring-summer period and for more than 10 years.

The necessary set of solar panels for giving

If we consider the question of the feasibility of using solar systems for suburban area, one should take into account the factors of stability in the supply of electricity to the village, the level of its insolation (the time spent in direct sunlight), the required power of electrification and the risk factor of theft in the empty season from the owners. The best option- this is a stationary installation of the FSE of the first category.

Given the low power consumption of the dacha, it is possible to organize a 100% replacement of centralized power supply with an autonomous and cheap one. In another case, when the stationary installation of a solar station is not justified by some criteria, a quick assembly moving kit can be used.

Note! Experts in the field of the use of FSE have calculated and found that solar panels are strategically and economically feasible for use in the summer in private homes and country houses area from 50 to 300 m², designed for a family of up to four people.

Using solar energy to generate heat

Along with the use of solar energy for the production electric current there are no less common devices for converting the energy of sunlight into thermal energy. Such installations are called solar collectors and serve as heating elements for heating systems and hot water production. Regardless of the installed boilers in heating systems and hot water circuits, their combination with highly efficient solar collectors can save up to 36% of heating and hot water costs.

In its design, a solar collector from the category of a popular product is a rectangular panel with dimensions of approximately 1x2 m and with a thickness of up to 100 mm. The main difference between the collectors of these standard sizes is the thermal power flow, i.e. the amount of heat that can be transferred to any heat transfer fluid through the contact surface. In another way, this parameter is called the heat loss coefficient and which has the dimension of W / m² × ° K, i.e. heat transferred across the area to raise the temperature of the receiving fluid. Modern designs of solar collectors have indicators (one panel) in terms of thermal power from 1.2 to 5 W/m²×°K.

Prices of solar collectors for home heating

The main element of the system (heating station) is the solar collector panel. Depending on the required power, it can be purchased on the market at a price of 18-20 thousand rubles. per 1 m² of usable area and an average heat loss coefficient of 2.5-2.7 W/m²×°K.

For example, a panel of European quality with dimensions of 1.9x1.8 m (area 3.5 m²) and with a coefficient of 2.7 will cost about 70 thousand rubles.

Taking into account competition, a Chinese-made analogue can be cheaper by 30-55%, and a domestic prototype by 10-25%.

If we talk about the required set, which includes: a tank, a battery, a pump and automation, then the average market price of such a station will be 160-170 thousand rubles. A set of domestic production with similar parameters will cost 100-120 thousand rubles.

Installation on the roof of the house

Useful advice! Sharing solar collectors with solar batteries, with the right choice of parameters, can reduce the cost of thermal energy for hot water production by up to 61%.

Manufacturers overview. Solar panels for the home: the cost of a kit and one panel

Solar technologies as alternative energy sources have confidently taken the leading positions in the market. A large number of manufacturers are actively competing, offering more and more innovations. The leading place in the sales volumes of the TOP-15 countries of solar power plants and their components is occupied by China, with more than 50%.

The most popular brands are Exmork, RENE SOLA, LDK, Helios House, Suntech, JA Solar, etc.

European manufacturers with a market volume of about 25% are represented by such companies as the German AXITEC GmbH, Solarworld and Viessmann Group and the Norwegian Renewable Energy Corporation, etc.

Japan, Korea and Taiwan (15%) are represented by Kyocera, Sharp, Sanyo, Hanwha Solar One and Motech.

Domestic products are represented by such companies as Hevel Solar and TCM. The American manufacturer is First Solar.

Buying solar panels for your home can be relatively inexpensive. If we take a 200 W solar panel as a consumer sample, then the price range will be within:

Producing country Solar panel price 200 W, rub. The price of a set of solar station 2 kW, rub.
China 8000-16000 120000-160000
Europe 15000-17000 190000-250000
Asia 10000-15000 140000-190000
Russia 12000-20000 104000-240000
USA 27000 380000

To see the difference in pricing policy, which mainly depends on the power rating, let's take for example a solar power plant for a 5 kW home, the price of which in Chinese version will be:

  • about 300 thousand rubles. (solar battery);
  • about 420 thousand rubles. (whole set).

Quality of sales and prospects for the development of solar technologies

The modern market and its sales technologies do not leave the buyer with an unambiguous assessment. Especially high-tech equipment and devices. This also applies to the market for the sale of solar power supply systems. Since the production technologies themselves are very energy-intensive, if you want to purchase solar panels or buy a solar power plant for your home, the price in both cases will call for a detailed analysis not only on technical and technological features but also for economic reasons.

Science gave us a time when the technology of using solar energy became publicly available. Any owner has the opportunity to get solar panels for the house. Summer residents are not far behind in this matter. They often find themselves far from centralized sources of sustainable electricity supply.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the information representing the device, the principles of operation and calculation of the working units of the solar system. Acquaintance with the information we have proposed will bring closer the reality of providing your site with natural electricity.

For visual perception of the provided data are attached detailed diagrams, illustrations, photo and video instructions.

The device and principle of operation of the solar battery

Once upon a time, inquisitive minds discovered for us natural substances that produce under the influence of particles of light from the sun, photons,. The process was called the photoelectric effect. Scientists have learned to control the microphysical phenomenon.

Based on semiconductor materials, they created compact electronic devices- photocells.

Manufacturers have mastered the technology of combining miniature converters into efficient solar panels. The efficiency of panel solar modules made of silicon widely produced by the industry is 18-22%.

It is clearly seen from the description of the scheme: all the components of the power plant are equally important - the coordinated operation of the system depends on their competent selection

A solar battery is assembled from the modules. It is the final point of the photon journey from the Sun to the Earth. From here, these components of light radiation continue their way already inside electrical circuit like DC particles.

They are distributed among the batteries, or are transformed into 220-volt alternating electric current charges that feed all kinds of home technical devices.

A solar battery is a complex of series-connected semiconductor devices - photocells that convert solar energy into electrical energy.

You will find more details about the specifics of the device and the principle of operation of the solar battery in another of our sites.

Types of solar modules-panels

Solar panels-modules are assembled from solar cells, otherwise - photovoltaic converters. FEP of two types have found mass application.

They differ in the varieties of silicon semiconductor used for their manufacture, these are:

  • Polycrystalline. These are solar cells made from silicon melt by long-term cooling. A simple production method makes the price affordable, but the performance of the polycrystalline version does not exceed 12%.
  • Monocrystalline. These are elements obtained as a result of cutting artificially grown silicon crystal into thin plates. The most productive and expensive option. The average efficiency is around 17%, you can find single-crystal photovoltaic cells with higher performance.

Polycrystalline solar cells of a flat square shape with a non-uniform surface. Single-crystal varieties appear as thin, uniform surface structure squares with cut corners (pseudo-squares).

This is how solar cells look like - photoelectric converters: the characteristics of the solar module do not depend on the type of elements used - this only affects the size and price

Panels of the first design, with the same power, are larger in size than the second ones due to lower efficiency (18% versus 22%). But percent, on average, are ten cheaper and are in preferential demand.

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Scheme of solar power supply

When you look at the mysterious-sounding names of the nodes that make up the solar power system, the thought comes to the super-technical complexity of the device.

At the micro level of the life of a photon, this is so. And visually the general scheme of the electrical circuit and the principle of its operation look very simple. There are only four steps from the luminary of heaven to the “bulb of Ilyich”.

Solar modules are the first component of a power plant. These are thin rectangular panels assembled from a certain number of standard photocell plates. Manufacturers make photopanels different in electrical power and voltage, a multiple of 12 volts.

Image Gallery

Arrangement of a battery power unit

When choosing batteries, you need to be guided by the postulates:

  1. NOT suitable for this purpose car batteries. Batteries of solar power plants are marked with the inscription "SOLAR".
  2. Batteries should be purchased only identical in all respects, preferably from the same factory batch.
  3. The room where the battery pack is located should be warm. Optimum temperature when batteries deliver full power = 25⁰C. When it drops to -5⁰C, the battery capacity decreases by 50%.

If we take an exponential battery with a voltage of 12 volts with a capacity of 100 amperes / hour for calculation, it is easy to calculate that it can provide consumers with energy with a total power of 1200 watts for an hour. But this is at full discharge, which is highly undesirable.

It is NOT recommended to reduce the battery charge below 70% for long battery life. Limit figure = 50%. Taking the number 60% as the "golden mean", we put the energy reserve of 720 W / h for every 100 Ah of the capacitive component of the battery (1200 W / h x 60%) as the basis for subsequent calculations.

It is possible that buying one battery with a capacity of 200 Ah will cost less than buying two of 100, and the number of battery contact connections will decrease.

Initially, batteries must be installed 100% charged from a stationary current source. Batteries must fully cover the loads of the dark time of the day. If you are unlucky with the weather, maintain the necessary system parameters during the day.

It is important to consider that an oversupply of batteries will lead to their constant undercharging. This will significantly reduce the service life. The most rational solution seems to be the completion of the unit with batteries with an energy reserve sufficient to cover one daily energy consumption.

To find out the required total battery capacity, we divide the total daily energy consumption of 12000 W / h by 720 W / h and multiply by 100 Ah:

12,000 / 720 * 100 = 2500 A*h ≈ 1600 A*h

In total, for our example, 16 batteries with a capacity of 100 or 8 of 200 Ah, connected in series-parallel, are required.
