Creating polls in google docs. How to create a questionnaire on the Google Form service: set up and send

Updated February 12, 2019. Lesson no longer works. With Google now form feedback cannot be created.
Today you will learn how to create, make a survey or questionnaire for your blog using a google form. This form can be embedded in a blogspot blog, wordpress, joomla site, ucoze, google site, etc. Let me remind you that in the last article we looked at how to create a form using .
Pros of google form:

  • ease of creation
  • loading fast,
  • free,
  • reliability.

There is only one minus - a backlink to google.
To create a form in the constructor from google, registration is required. If you are already a user of youtube, google + or, then you have Account in google.
Go to google docs, click on the button Create –> Form

The constructor will open in a new window:

On the top line instead of untitled form you need to enter a title. On the line below (“you can include any text or info that will help people fill this out”) you can give short description forms.
Below you see 2 fields Sample Question 1 and 2 (simple questions). In order to change these fields, click on the field edit sign (pencil icon on the right):

The next icon means the item is duplicated, and the trash can icon means the item is deleted.
Now let's start editing:

Question title - question, help text - auxiliary text, question type - element type from the following options:

Check mark next to the item Make this a required question adds an icon * – required to fill out.
To add an additional element to your profile or survey, click on the button and select the element type.
Button - save changes.
The button will take you to a new window where you can choose a theme.
Button will allow you to track the results of the survey.
Konka More actions –> embed to get the code to embed into the blog. Paste it into a blog post, page, or html/javascript widget (use the latter if space permits).
If you select the Edit confirmation option below, you will be able to edit the message that users will see after sending the message / survey results.

This is the sample form I came up with. You can try it in action.

You can view the results of the survey by opening the saved survey document (go to Google Docs again). You will see in the form of a table. Special tools will allow you to analyze the received data, edit, print, download and much more). These are the results of the questionnaire I got a few hours after the publication of this entry with the questionnaire.

your favorite color What's your gender How old are you?
8/18/2012 16:14:56 red female 27
8/18/2012 16:27:50 white male 21
8/18/2012 16:39:11 black male Z8
8/18/2012 19:12:56 red male years?

I hope you enjoy the new lesson. I look forward to your comments and feedback. Thank you for your attention.

Google Forms- free service to create and publish surveys. To work with it, you only need Gmail. The created questionnaires (forms) are saved on Google Disc and are available online: nothing needs to be downloaded to fill out.

The form is a web page with questions. It can be distributed in several ways:

With Google Forms, you can conduct statistical research, collect feedback, create event registration forms, or host online polls.

Pros of Google Forms

  • Free. You have to pay only for additional chips, which are rarely needed ordinary users. The main functionality is available for free.
  • Clarity. The service is easy to use: it is no more difficult to work with forms than with MS Word or Google Docs.
  • Mobility. To work with forms, you only need the Internet and an email address: they are not tied to a specific device.
  • Automatic processing. Answers are uploaded in a convenient way for you: in a Google Sheet, as charts or as a CSV file.

Interesting, right? Let's figure out how to create polls in Google Forms.

1. Create a form

By clicking on the link you will be taken to the main page of the service, where your profiles are stored. To create a form, select one of ready-made templates or create a new file using the "+" button.

The service offers about 20 templates: from an order form to an invitation to an event.

You will see a page with a questionnaire where you can edit it: create questions, add answer options, change the design, etc.

The document consists of several parts. The main one is the question constructor. Initially, there are only 2 parameters: the title and description of the form.

To create new question, click the “+” icon in the toolbar. There are several ways to style the response area:

  • Text field where the participant manually writes the answer
  • List of answers from which to choose one or more
  • A scale or grid for assessing various parameters, such as the speed of service and the quality of goods

Important questions can be made mandatory: the participant will not be able to complete the survey until they answer them. If there are too many questions, divide them into sections: each next block will become available after the completion of the previous one. You can also dilute the questions with pictures and videos.

After assembling the form, we proceed to the visual design. At the top right, you'll find a palette-shaped icon that opens a menu to change the design. There are 3 options available: header theme, background color and font. Experiment and try different options - good design make the survey more attractive.

Available additional settings: for example, you can create a quiz by pre-setting the correct answers, or make sure that each time the questions are shuffled. You can also print the form, set up scripts and install add-ons. We will not dwell on each parameter - there are too many of them =)

After setting, click on the eye icon in the right upper corner page: a preview window will open. Evaluate how the survey looks for participants, and if necessary, make changes.

If you're satisfied, click the submit button and choose a convenient way to invite participants. Congratulations, the survey is ready!

2. Collect answers

Answers and their number are visible on the document editing page. There are 2 ways to view in this window:

  • Summary in the form of charts and graphs, which takes into account the answers of all participants
  • Individual user responses

You can also create a separate Google Sheet with answers: this method is most relevant when recruiting or collecting feedback.

Next to the create table button, there is a settings menu where you can:

  • enable email notifications for new replies
  • create additional table
  • delete some answers or all at once
  • print answers or download in CSV format

Unfortunately, Google Forms cannot track the source of traffic and understand where the participant came from. The problem is easy to solve: just create a new form for each site.


Creating surveys in Google Forms is easy, and filling them out is even easier. If you want a mobile and easy-to-learn service that can be accessed from any device, Google Forms is the best option!

But wait, surveys can still earn from 2-4 thousand rubles a month! Read on how to do it. Spoiler: very easy.

Write to an expert!

Hr business partner, coach consultant, business coach. IP Syrykh Oksana Mikhailovna

Experience using Google Forms for surveying new employees

Write to an expert!

Google Forms - an online service for creating feedback forms, testing and surveys, can be successfully used in the work of HR departments . I firmly believe that in order for the adaptation period to be effective both for the organization and for employees, it is necessary to use modern tools to make the processes easy, informative and convenient for all participants.

Description of the situation

The Customer's company needed to make changes to the survey of new employees when two structural divisions located in different parts of Moscow were opened. The assessment of the motivation of young specialists, in the process of adaptation in the company, was carried out as follows:

The HR manager printed out a questionnaire template, then invited a new employee who filled out the questionnaire in her presence, then the results of the questionnaire were entered into Excel spreadsheet and processed.The whole process took a large number of time and was inconvenient for all participants.

As a result of the discussion, a decision was made to optimize the process of surveying new employees and transfer it to a remote format.Google Forms became the main tool of work.

How was the process of surveying new employees optimized?

  1. Created a Google account. The account name is formulated as follows - hr.companyname (company name)
  2. Questionnaire developed and configured to interview new employees
  3. Recorded video message HR directors
  4. Chosen design and style registration of the questionnaire
  5. Sending is configured email alerts
  6. Google spreadsheet set up for processing the received data and collecting statistics

The new questionnaire was supposed to be not only informative, as well as attract the attention of new employees and encourage them to answer questions at a set time.

For this, the following Google features Forms:

2. T emoji for decoration. We wanted to make the survey form more attractive and necessarily in a corporate style. To do this, we chose a ready-made style in Google Forms and uploaded our own image. You can do the same: customize corporate colors, as well as place any image and company logo.

3. Rposting a video message to new employees. Google Forms supports the ability to embed videos or images. Such opportunities allow you to “revive” your profile for employees and make it more attractive and interesting. We decided that text message does not cause a positive response from new employees, most often they do not pay attention to the instructions placed at the beginning of the questionnaire. Therefore, we recorded a short video on behalf of the HR Director, posted it on youtube channel and included this video at the beginning of the questionnaire.

4. Setting different types questions. All questions were required by default. There is a handy “mandatory question” function for this. Simply move the slider to the right and this mode will be activated for each item.
Types of questions used in the questionnaire:

  • choice of date for filling out the questionnaire
  • choice from several options
  • choosing one answer from the list presented
  • rating scale from 1 to 10 points
  • text (paragraph) where you can give a detailed answer in free form.

Examples of formatting questions for surveys using Google Forms:

Choice of answer options

Rating scale

Detailed answer in free form

5. Configured to send notifications upon filling out the questionnaire to the employee HR services through the supplement "Email notifications for Forms". This simple feature will save your employees time and will also inform them about the responses of the respondents in time.

5.1. To install the extension, in the upper right corner of the form, click on the three dots. You will see a drop down list. Select "Add-ons". The Install Extensions window will open. Type the phrase in the search barEmail notifications for Formsand install the extension.

- select Create Email Notification
- a window for configuring rules (Configure Form Rule) will open

5.3. After selection Create Email Notification the Configure Form Rule window will open

  • name the rule(Form rule name), for example "Notification of filling out the questionnaire"
  • enter your email address, to which notifications will be sent (Email address to notify). Type the employee's corporate email address or mailbox divisions
  • check the checkbox " notify form submitter" (Notify form submitter?)
  • select from drop down list notifications from the sender's email address (submitter email address)
  • click the continue button

5.4. Design the text of the letter for the employee (Email Template). You can choose the format html design and place your html code in it or select Visual - window text editor similar to MS Word.

Be sure to set up the fields:
Sender "s Full Name and Email Subject. In our project, these fields are called "Questionnaire for a new employee" and "You received a new answer."

In the body of the letter, formulate the text. For example, “Dear colleague! The application form was completed by a new employee. Look at his answers.
Include variables in the body of the email((Response Date)), as well as ((Form Name)), then you will know the date the form was filled and its name.

  • Left-click on the "Settings" gear icon and set the form parameters to "Collect email addresses". Activating it automatically adds the required field " Email address» at the beginning of the form.
  • In settings select "Submit form no more than once"
  • Bookmark "Presentation" . Set "show progress"
  • Give respondents the opportunity to " Modify responses after submitting the form. There are often times when new employees want to make changes to their responses.
  • In the text of confirmation about submitting the form, write a phrase of gratitude.
  • Form actions.Left-click on the icon after the submit button to open the form action menu: you can create a sample form, set up sharing to edit the form.
  • Copying functions are available for all types of questions, it is convenient to use it if you create questions of the same type.
  • Activate "Accept Responses" in the "Responses" tab

As a result, after all the settings, we got a convenient way to survey employees when Google help Forms:

  • a professionally designed questionnaire to assess the motivation of new employees after the first month of work;
  • online testing format, convenient for all company specialists;
  • the ability to analyze the results based on the overall summary of responses, statistics on specific responses and responses of an individual respondent;
  • e-mail notifications informing the HR service about filling out the questionnaire.

Write to an expert!

In the article I will tell you how the Google Form service can help you create a profile from scratch. The new platform has become popular, and not surprisingly, creating surveys and tracking statistics is very easy. Modern firms use this tool, including Avon and numerous dating sites.

Google form: create a questionnaire, step by step instructions

To create a questionnaire on Google forms, you need to go through a few steps, go to the service itself using this link. There are no prices for the service, it is completely free. Press the big blue button.

You need a google account to work.

We choose the standard one, we will work with it. Or click on the big red plus sign in the lower right corner.

Now you need to write a description and title.

  1. Write a title and description.
  2. Add an element, click and look further.

  1. question and description.
  2. Choose the type of response, I chose one from the list. There are many options, if you want to ask, put the text.
  3. I don't know what this checkbox is for.
  4. Enter the answer options, one per line.
  5. We click ready, do not worry, the Google questionnaire form can be corrected at any time.
  6. Mark if the question is required to be answered.
  7. Add next element.

There are two interesting possibilities, 1- change the theme, when you click on the right column, the design options will appear. When you click on 2, a preview will appear in a new tab.

We set up sending for Google questionnaires and create a form on the site

  1. You can copy the link to the questionnaire and send it so that it is not cumbersome, you can click on the “Short url”.
  2. Enter addresses in the field email one per line to which the shipment will be sent.
  3. Message text.
  4. Send by pressing.
  5. The embed button allows you to embed the form on websites, or send it as an HTML email. Click and go to the next screenshot.

  1. We can copy the Google form code itself to create a profile on your site.
  2. Set the width and height.
  3. We click ready, and the code is automatically copied to the clipboard, now you can paste it.

To send out in bulk html code use modern services mailings, just pasting it into a letter will not work, even through mozila thunderbird. I will be sending out a newsletter to the participant's profile for my contest.

Google takes care of the cross-browser compatibility of its applications, making it as simple as possible. To paste the code into an article, you need to go to the “text” tab in the WordPress editor and copy it. After all the manipulations, you will see the result. And you do not need to do these operations to order.

That's all, I showed how Google form helps to create a questionnaire and insert it on your site, or send it by letter. I look forward to your advice in the comments, success.

P.S. In custody detailed video on this topic.

Read more

To create and manage surveys, you need to register with Google.

You can go to create a survey from Google Drive. Main page Google - Applications button in the upper right corner - Drive .

On the Google Drive page, click the button Create - Google Forms .

The page for creating your survey opens.

Specify the name of the survey and give explanations for the respondents

Blocks like "New Form", "Form Description" and similar are edited by clicking the left mouse button in them: click on the title and enter your name. Let's create a survey of students and parents as a learning task.

Specify the title - new the form, which will be displayed as the title on the survey page, and survey description, which will help users navigate the survey - write what the survey is for, how to work with it, or other information for the respondents. Field Form Description can be left blank.

Creating the first question

If the question requires an answer option in which the respondent writes the word himself, select the answer option Other- to the right of the answer option entry form.

An answer will appear.

If any answers are needed delete, then click the cross to the right of the answer option.

If you need to change the order in which answer options are displayed, then “grab” the icon with dots with the mouse and, while holding it, drag it down or up. Release the mouse button at the desired location.

If this question is mandatory for the respondent, check the box. Make this question mandatory.

If the question has been created, click the button Ready. The question will appear as a completed form question, not in edit view.

You can also proceed to create the next question by clicking the button Add element.

How to edit a created question?

After pressing the button Ready the question is already displayed as a ready-made question that you can answer. To return to editing this question, hover your mouse over the question and click the button in the upper right corner Change with a picture of a pencil or simply click in the center of the survey.

Advanced question settings

You can also use advanced question settings by clicking the button Advanced settings. For a single-choice question, there is an option shuffle answers. In other survey types, other advanced settings are available.

Do you shuffle the answers?

As practice shows, the answer that is shown above often becomes the most popular at the time, as if another answer to the same audience is shown in the first place, then another answer becomes popular. Therefore, to get more objective answers, it is better to mix the options. When you open a survey, Google itself will shuffle the answers for each respondent.

What types of questions are there in Google Forms?

  • Text- a small text field one or two words long, but no more than a sentence. The respondent will need to enter text from the keyboard.

  • Text (paragraph)- a block of text longer than one sentence. The respondent will be able to enter a sufficiently long text.
  • One of the list- the respondent selects one option from the presented list of answers or enters enters his answer.
  • A few from the list- the respondent will be able to tick off any number of answers given.

  • Drop-down list- differs from one of the list Since only one answer option is displayed, you need to click on the arrow to see all the answer options and select one of them.
  • Response scale- well suited for the respondent to express the degree of their agreement / disagreement with the question. You can make a scale from 0/1 to 10, and set a textual description of the extreme values.

  • Grid- similar to the scale, but allows you to ask several questions at once on a topic with the same answer scales.

  • the date- a type of survey that allows the respondent to easily enter a date, and you can analyze it later.

  • Time— similar to date: respondent can enter time — exact time or duration.

You can choose any type of question within a single survey.

How do I delete a question or add a new one?

You can add new questions by clicking the button Add element.

You can delete a question by hovering over it with the mouse and selecting the button with the image of the basket on the right - Delete.

The question can also be copied if the new question is similar to one of the previously created ones, to make small changes - click the button Create a copy.

Additional questionnaire settings

Above the block for creating questions, there is a block for editing the form settings.

  • You can enable the option Show survey progress- relevant for long questionnaires, so that the respondents know how many questions they have already answered and how many still have to be answered.
  • Only one response per person- Google can only control this if every respondent has a Google account and is logged into the survey page as a user. If you want to poll students or parents in your class regularly, you can ask them to sign up for Google. In other cases, this is an unnecessary requirement.
  • Shuffle questions.

Under the questions of the questionnaire there are settings for confirming the completion of the survey.

  • The answer is recorded- here you enter the wording that will be shown after completing the survey. For example: "Thank you! Your answers will help us adjust the schedule of clubs” or “Thank you! We have received your answers.
  • Post and create a public link to the survey results- if you check the box, then everyone can not only answer questions, but also view the answers of other people. If your survey contains personal data, then you can not publish the answers. You can later, after independently analyzing all the answers, create an impersonal table or diagrams and publish them on the school website or on a social network.
  • Allow respondents to change answers after submitting- if you check the box, then after answering the questions, the respondents will be able to go back to the survey page and change the entered answers.

How to post a poll?

If you have finished working with the survey, you can publish it by clicking on the button Send at the bottom of the screen.

The publish settings window will appear.

To post a survey on a google page, to get a link to it for further transfer to the respondents, just click in the block Sharing. You can pre-check ShortURL to keep the survey link shorter.

Clicking inside the block Sharing, the link is highlighted automatically, you need to press the combination on the keyboard CTRL+C to copy the link.

How to embed a survey on a website page?

Click the button Embed on the previous window, then specify the width and height of the window (frame) that will be displayed on the page of your site, the average size is approximately 500 * 500 pixels.

Next, copy the HTML code and paste it on your site in HTML code editing mode. For example, in uCoz articles, when editing, click Source, navigate to the bottom of the article, and paste the HTML code). Save the article.

How can I view the survey and its responses?

At the top of the page where the survey was created, there are buttons:

  • open form— to view the page the way respondents see it. You can take the survey yourself to test it.
  • View answers- a table opens in which all answers are automatically entered.
  • Change the topic— redesign of the survey page.

  • Edit questions- to return to editing the questions of the questionnaire.

Where can I find my questions and a table with answers?

All changes you make are saved automatically, you don't need to save anything else. All created surveys and responses are stored in Google Drive.

You can access your drive with home page Google, as we went at the beginning of the article, to create a new form. All previously created forms can be edited at any time.
