The laptop slows down and freezes. My laptop started to slow down a lot, what should I do? The main reasons for a slow laptop! Viruses, adware

Why does it slow down and constantly freeze? MSI laptop - a question that sooner or later every owner asks computer equipment. As a rule, over time, any equipment begins to behave this way if you do not monitor it. The operating system begins to work slower, various kinds of freezes and brakes occur. The technicians at our service center will quickly diagnose your device, identify the reasons why your MSI laptop freezes or slows down, and take measures to ensure that this does not happen again.

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Why does my MSI laptop freeze?

  1. If speak about software failures, then it is likely that, over time, garbage has accumulated in your operating system and its registry, and some applications that you may not even know exist on your laptop have begun to consume more memory. Thus, Windows or Linux experience a constant lack of resources. You may also have viruses and malware. In this case, the specialists of our MSI service center will carry out preventive maintenance, clean all debris, remove unnecessary applications and viruses. They will also optimize the system. After which she will take a deep breath, and problems with the brakes on the MSI will no longer bother you.
  2. The second possible option is hardware problems, when due to overheating or mechanical influence from the outside, the internal components laptop. In this case, it is difficult to say exactly where the breakdown lies. This requires disassembly of the equipment and thorough diagnostics with special devices. We would not recommend doing this yourself, because... You may void your factory warranty, or make the problem worse by adding more new ones.

What to do?

You can only fix software types of faults yourself, but it is not a fact that you will find all the problem areas in a huge and complex system. And it’s better not to even try to fix the hardware. Bring your equipment to us service center MSI, our engineers will check the laptop, determine the type of fault and make repairs. And in the end you will receive official guarantee up to 12 months. If you are unable to come to our workshop, then you can call a specialist or courier to your home or office, who will carry out the work on site or take the device to the workshop. After this, you will forever forget what constant slowdowns and freezes are like on an MSI laptop.

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Basic computer information is stored on the hard drive. Everything that makes a laptop useful - the operating system, various programs - is installed on it. However, HDD is often exposed to various kinds of harmful influences that can lead to its breakdown.
Why is the laptop noisy and slow? This question is most likely related to problems with the hard drive.

Your computer or laptop is slowing down! How to speed it up?

There are two types of malfunctions in its operation:

The reason for which is the user's actions;
- the reason for which is a manufacturing defect;

During use, the laptop often falls and liquids get on the keyboard; user carelessness may lead to installation malware.

All this leads to breakdowns, malfunctions of the laptop, and as a result to its serious damage. Appearance extraneous noise, braking is a signal of problems with the hard drive.

In this case, qualified repairs are required, which should be trusted by specialists from a specialized company. With the help of competent laptop diagnostics and installation of a new OS, the computer’s functionality will be restored, and important information saved.

If the failure is related to mechanical impact and led to a violation of the disk structure, its imbalance, then repair is impossible. But this can certainly only be established after full diagnostics carried out in a service center. However, even if the hard drive is seriously damaged, you can save the necessary information.

Often a laptop makes noise and slows down due to dust, in which case professional cleaning of the hard drive and cooling system is necessary.

Full laptop repair and troubleshooting is only available with special equipment. Therefore, it is better not to try to do everything yourself, not to risk something that can still be fixed, but to turn to professionals for help.

The best collateral long work laptop and the prevention of breakdowns will be a careful attitude towards it and caution when installing software.
If the problem is related to a defect committed by the manufacturer, then only the service center can confirm this with documentation.
The possibility of filing legal claims depends on finding out this reason.

Thus, independent attempts to repair a laptop can only lead to more serious damage; Specialized companies operate for these purposes.

To understand why your computer is slowing down and how to fix this problem, you need to check all possible options by elimination - one after another. To make this task easier, below is a list of the main reasons why your computer or laptop slows down and how you can speed it up.

Lack of RAM

The first and most common reason is that you have too little installed random access memory(RAM). The problem here is that programs are constantly updated and every year they “eat” more and more resources.

If previously Windows XP and Opera 12 required 200 MB of RAM, now Windows 10 and Google Chrome The latest version needs about 2 GB of RAM. And this is exactly half (many laptops have 4 GB installed). Add Photoshop, text here Word editor, music player– you will immediately understand why your laptop or computer slows down, freezes and works slowly.

To understand whether the problem is really in the RAM or not, launch the task manager by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Del. Then open the “Performance” tab and see how much RAM is occupied at a time when the PC is very slow.

The screenshot above shows that Windows 7 “eats” 2.2 GB of RAM. But here 8GB is installed, so in this particular case there is no problem.

What to do if the computer is very slow precisely because of the RAM? There are several options here:

Weak processor

Another reason is that the processor is too weak. In fact, this problem closely intersects with the previous one. If you run several programs at the same time, the processor may not be able to cope with such a load.

To check this, launch the task manager and open the “Performance” tab. Here you can see the percentage of processor load.

If it's too high, you have two options. The first is to buy a new processor. And secondly, try to reduce the number of programs running simultaneously to a minimum.

Viruses and malware

If your computer or laptop starts to slow down for no reason, there is a high probability that you have caught a virus. Unfortunately, today it’s easier than ever to catch an infection on the Internet. But finding it and removing it is already a problem.

There are a lot of viruses today. There are miners that load Windows at 100%, as a result of which the PC or laptop is very slow. So much so that it is generally impossible to work with it - the mouse responds to pressing after 30-60 seconds.

To check whether a laptop or computer has really become slow due to viruses, you need to scan it with an antivirus and a malware removal utility.

Computer slows down due to hard drive

If your PC or laptop is slow and stalls, although it was fine before, then the problem may be with the hard drive.

There may be several reasons for this:

Overheating of components

Another popular reason why a computer freezes is overheating of components. This is especially true for laptops. If the laptop starts to slow down after certain time(and it worked fine right away when turned on), then the problem is probably overheating.

This needs to be constantly monitored, because high temperatures affect not only the brakes - sooner or later something can burn out or fail.

Small paging file size

This problem is directly related to the lack of RAM. After all, the swap file is virtual memory, which is activated if the standard one is missing. This problem is especially common among gamers.

Due to the insufficient size of the paging file, the computer begins to lag. And not immediately, but after some time. As a result, even powerful computer Lags CS Go, Warface, Tanks and other not very demanding games.

This, of course, is not the only reason why this problem, but it's still worth a try. Fortunately, fixing this problem is not difficult.

Too many junk files

Another reason why the computer began to slow down lies right on the surface. The problem here is a large amount of “garbage”: temporary files, old registry entries, accumulated cache in the browser, etc.

The fix is ​​very simple:

  • remove programs that you have not used for a long time;
  • tidy up your desktop (remove everything that is not needed);
  • empty the trash (it also takes up space);
  • delete your browser cache.
  • clean the registry and temporary files.

Lots of startup programs

If your computer slows down at startup, then the reason is obvious - you have added too many programs to startup. After all, they all need time to load. It may take 5 minutes for them to turn on. It is because of this that the computer takes a long time to load and slows down.

They can also interfere with you in the future. You will launch a browser or a toy, and all startup programs will remain enabled! Don’t be surprised that in this situation, even on a productive computer, games or programs slow down.

In general, if your laptop is very slow, clean the startup. This will help speed up Windows and eliminate lag.

The computer slows down due to the browser

It often happens that the browser slows down the computer. Yes, he eats a lot. And if only 2 or 4 GB of RAM is installed, this is a problem. Here, even one browser can completely load your PC.

Also, your computer may be malfunctioning due to the fact that you have:

  • installed old version browser;
  • too many tabs open;
  • Video launched in Full HD quality.

There are several ways to fix this problem:

  1. Install latest version browser.
  2. Try to close all unnecessary tabs - this will reduce the load.
  3. Check your browser for viruses and remove them (if any).

Driver problems

First, check whether you have installed the drivers at all. To do this, go to Start - Control Panel - Device Manager and see if there are yellow exclamation marks there. Their presence indicates problems with the drivers and the need to reinstall them.

Too much dust

How long has it been since you cleaned your system unit or laptop from dust? But this can make him warm up. Dust disrupts normal air circulation, and then you wonder why the laptop slows down so much and what to do.

This procedure must be performed at least once a year. And if you don’t know how, contact a service center, this service is not that expensive.

Computer games lag

There can be a lot of reasons for this. After all, in addition to the standard Windows optimization, it is necessary that you have powerful laptop, which would fit the recommended system requirements. But if your Dota 2, Warface or CS Go lags, then this is a problem. It can be fixed by changing the settings in the game, video card settings, etc.

Visual effects

If you have an old laptop or PC, it may slow down due to visual effects or large quantity gadgets. What do you need more: a beautiful desktop or the ability to work normally at a computer? In the latter case, you can install more simple topic, disabling unnecessary effects.

Instead of conclusions

Now you know why your laptop slows down and how to speed it up. These tips are universal and apply to all PCs and laptops running Windows. Therefore, if your computer or laptop is slow and slow, try speeding it up using the methods described above.

The reasons why the laptop began to slow down very much are not as few as it seems. After all, this is electronics, and it depends quite heavily on various external factors that can have a direct impact on the performance of the device.

Why might a laptop work poorly?

  • If the laptop slows down when loading, launching programs, while playing games, and so on, first of all, you need to find the reason for this phenomenon. So, for example, the laptop started to slow down a lot after active work on the network or installing programs from someone else's flash drive? There is a high probability that you have contracted the virus. This often happens if you have outdated antivirus software or none at all. The only thing you need to do in such a situation is to install a protective software, which will become reliable protection and will allow you to get rid of malicious program codes

  • Alternatively, if the laptop slows down during operation, you can blame it all on glitches operating system. For example, if there are problems with Windows 7 or 8, there may be performance delays. This happens for the reason that when working with Windows, for example, 7, any installed program creates entries in the OS registry. They remain there even if you uninstall the program. When the number of such abandoned records exceeds all conceivable limits, the laptop slows down terribly. It is also worth considering that files may remain on the system, taking up extra space on the hard drive. As a result, the performance of the device is significantly reduced.
  • On Windows 7, 8 or other versions, there is also a problem such as incorrect work with registries - they often contain some errors or violations. Such problems occur during the installation or removal of programs. In order for the laptop to stop slowing down, you need to do the following: work with the registries, clean them

  • Another reason why the laptop slows down a lot could be the hard drive being fully loaded. The less free memory- the lower the speed of the device decreases. If you want to check this guess of yours, you need to do the following: in the “Start” menu, open the “My Computer” section, and in it “ Local disk WITH". It is on this that Windows 7, 8 and others are installed.
  • Problems can also begin if the cooling system malfunctions. The laptop slows down when the fans become clogged with various household dirt: dust, pet hair, dander, and so on. If the laptop starts to slow down due to a malfunction in the device’s ventilation system, do not try to solve this problem yourself - it’s better to take the laptop to a technician. You shouldn’t make repairs yourself, as you may arrange the parts incorrectly and the device will stop working completely. A clogged cooling system is always accompanied by such a characteristic symptom as increased noise. So it’s difficult to confuse this reason why the laptop is slowing down with another

  • Problems with your laptop may occur if you enter incorrect power settings for the device. So, for example, the laptop slows down if it fails. By default, the parameters are set in Windows (this is typical for all versions - from early to 7 and 8). They are configured so that when working with the device only on battery, without additional charging, the processor frequency is significantly reduced. Due to this, the operating time of the computer increases. offline mode. To increase the performance of the device you need to do the following: go to the settings and change the parameters to the ones you need

If you want to install a new powerful toy on an old laptop, you can easily get problems with the device’s performance. This is due to the fact that old equipment, even if it has the advanced and popular Windows 7 or 8 OS, will not support a powerful program due to its weakness motherboard or video cards.

Is your laptop unbearably slow and you don't know what to do with it? There is no need to yell, get nervous, throw the mouse or hit the keyboard with your hands. This won't help! I have more effective ways. If your laptop worked quite normally immediately after purchase, but today it started to glitch and slow down, then you will find a solution to your problem in this lesson.

How sometimes the laptop slows down, is very familiar to me. I myself have a laptop that I have to optimize from time to time for normal operation. Let's look at 8 steps that will make our laptops work well.

Laptop overheating

Today, a laptop is the type of equipment that most often heats up well, and if you don’t clean the device from dust for a long time, the laptop simply overheats and starts to slow down. The user begins to notice this in games, and a little later glitches appear at every step ( when watching a video, opening a browser, launching programs, etc.).

First of all, use the program AIDA64 to look at the temperature of the processor and video card. You can download it.

After installing AIDA64, on the left, open the Computer tab and then Sensors. The temperature will open on the right. pay attention to CPU(processor) and GP(video card).

If the temperature is very high, it means that it’s time to disassemble the laptop, clean it of dust and apply new thermal paste. If there is no experience in this topic, then of course I would entrust this work to a specialist.

Viruses in the system

If the speed of the laptop did not deteriorate gradually, but sharply, that is, it worked well yesterday, but today it is terribly slow, then the problem may be due to malware. If you caught it somewhere, then it may be because of it that the laptop may be slowing down.

I advise you to scan your system for malware. Installed antivirus It’s unlikely to work here; it’s better to download the free CureIT utility. It is free, does not require installation and always has the latest databases.

Run the downloaded file and click Full Scan.

At the end of the operation, neutralize the threats found and restart the laptop.

Of course not always laptop slows down due to viruses or overheating, since in order to bring components to overheating, you need to work hard, and malicious software gets into the system mainly from novice users. In your case the reasons " glitches and slowdowns" can be completely different, and let's talk about them further.

Startup programs

How more programs will be running on a laptop, the slower it will run. Sometimes we ourselves don’t pay attention to how many different applications are running. The fact is that some of them are added to startup, that is, they are automatically launched when the laptop is turned on. These include Skype, ICQ, torrents, antiviruses, download managers and the like. Some of these programs are extremely rarely used, so why do they always work? Let's deal with them!

Press the WIN+R key combination on your keyboard and in the launched program Execute enter the msconfig command.

The launch will be carried out System Configurations, where you need to open the tab.

If you have Windows 7, then here you will see a list of all the programs that run with the laptop. And if you have Windows 8 or 10, then to open Startup you will also need to click the link " Open task manager". In this window, sometimes there are several dozen programs that, in addition to slowing down the startup of the system, also slow down the laptop during operation. So it turns out that the laptop is slowing down due to the load on the RAM and processor. Uncheck those programs , which are not needed to work immediately after Windows starts.

Please note that there may be names of programs unknown to you. Do not rush to remove this program from startup. First of all, use a search engine and read the description of this program. Then draw your conclusions!

After removing unnecessary programs from startup, all that remains is to apply the changes and restart the laptop.

Low system disk space

If system disk, on which Windows is installed, is packed to capacity, then this may also be the reason for the unstable operation of the laptop. I recommend freeing up disk space using the following methods:

Littered registry

From all rubbish - important step on the way to stable laptop operation. If you frequently install and uninstall programs, the number of unnecessary entries in the registry grows greatly, and this affects the work. If you don't want to wonder from time to time, why the laptop slows down and what to do, then remember to keep the registry clean.

You can clean the registry by pressing a few buttons in free program CCleaner. Download, install and run.

Open the Registry tab and click Search for Problems.

The found records need to be corrected and the operation repeated a couple of times.

6. Low RAM

Right-click on the Computer section and select Properties.

In the window that opens, find the line Installed memory. It shows the amount of RAM on our computer.

If you have 2 gigabytes or even less, then this may be the reason slow work programs, their sudden closing or even freezing. Ideally, you need to increase the amount of RAM to 4 gigabytes by purchasing one or two memory sticks. Of course, it is not always possible to do this, so at least make sure that y is set in the system ( The paging file is an addition of RAM at the expense of memory hard drive ).

Checking and defragmenting the disk

The next step to saving your laptop is hard check disk for errors and defragmentation. You can read more about this in my other lesson, but here I will just show you how to do it correctly and thereby speed up access to files on your hard drive.

Download Defraggler and install (free and easy).

After launching, we need to right-click on the disk and select Advanced - Finding errors on the disk.

Once the analysis is complete, you can begin defragmentation. Right-click on the disk again and select the next item Defragmentation.

This procedure is not a quick one. It can last a few minutes or several hours.

The laptop is very weak

If your laptop is slow, you can speed it up by following all the steps described above. I want to say right away that this is not the solution to all problems, especially if you have the cheapest and weakest laptop. Don’t run too many programs, make sure your laptop doesn’t overheat, don’t clutter it with junk, and remove viruses at the slightest danger. These will be the basic rules for more or less stable operation of a weak laptop.

Bonus chips!

If nothing helps you and laptop still slows down, then I'm extremely surprised. Usually these 8 methods solve most of the problems and the laptop starts working much better. But in case of emergency, I have additional tips.

Installing an SSD drive

My incredibly slow laptop after installing on it SSD drive And Windows installations 10 to this disk, it began to work much faster.
I already wrote about this in my article: . There I described all the "miracles" of this type drive. Unlike the classic hard drive (HDD), the latest SSD drives much faster, which greatly affects the launch of the system, programs and work in them.

Reinstalling Windows

I understand that it is not always possible to fork out for a new thing. In this case, follow all the above points for optimizing your laptop. Let me remind you, there are eight of them! Well, if nothing helps, then you will have to, in order to “kill” all possible systemic problems at once.

Buying a new laptop

Of course, if you have a laptop purchased a couple of years ago, then it’s too early to look for a replacement.
And if your friend“It’s been 10 years now, I think it’s extremely outdated and all I have to do is either put up with constant slowdowns and glitches, or buy a new modern laptop.

I hope my great article helped you" rock"your laptop. I wish you good luck and see you in new articles and video tutorials.

IMPORTANT! P.S. Well, if your computer is lagging, then I advise you to read the lesson: There I told you a few more tricks on optimization.
