Total commander ftp connection. Connection to FTP server

The simplest connection to an FTP server can be made using the familiar and standard file manager - Total Commander, which is installed on almost every office and home computer. At the same time, we do not consider more complex options with downloading special FTP clients or programs that require a separate step-by-step installation (at least not in this article).

Who and why might need a connection to an FTP server? The question is multifaceted and has a whole host of different answers. Some users connect to file storage on the Internet in this way, others - webmasters - use FTP to upload files for their own sites, install plugins, modules, and in general, all types of work with the file system of a virtual project. But since you're looking this topic— apparently, it was needed for some reason, which means that the site is simply obliged to provide simple and fast step by step solution this task, which is what we will do right now!

Connecting to an FTP server: step-by-step instructions

1. First, we need to make sure that a reliable FTP client is installed on our computer - a licensed Total Commander, through which the connection will be made and the access passwords will be saved.

2. If an unknown Total Commander assembly is already installed, among other things software, we still recommend removing the incomprehensible version (downloaded from the Internet), replacing it with a licensed product that 100% will not steal our FTP passwords!

3. Once we are confident that Total Commander is “clean” and that our passwords will not fall into the hands of unauthorized persons, we proceed to setting up a connection to the FTP server.

Note: since hosting, servers, logins and passwords are different for everyone, the author of the site is simply not able to accurately name your personal data. In this regard, we can only describe the general process of work, and the personal data of users and sites will always be different - your personal.

3.1. We go to the server we are using (usually hosting) and make sure that FTP access is open and allowed:

Access is allowed:

3.2. If you have not yet created an FTP account, then create one. But usually the main user FTP hosting channel is created automatically when you connect the FTP service.

New FTP account:

In any case, to connect to the FTP server you will need:

1. FTP server address - can be found on the server (hosting).
2. Hosting (server) user account - essentially a login to the system.
3. Access password - password for the created FTP account (look at the server).

3.3. Let's start setting up an FTP connection, run:

Total Commander - “Network” - “Connect to FTP server” (combination Ctrl keys+F)

3.4. Click the “Add” button

3.5. Fill in the required fields:

Connection name - Any arbitrary name (does not matter)

Server (Port) - We look at the hosting (in our example “”)

Account - Login on the server (in our example “pod-kopirku”)

Password - Password for the FTP account on the server (********* - hidden with asterisks).

3.6. Upon completion of entering secret data, which will be individual in each case (if anything is unknown, check with server technical support), and click “OK”.

4. If all the data is entered correctly, a new FTP connection will be created, to connect to which you just need to click the “CONNECT” button.

IN active panel Total Commander will launch a server with which you can now perform any permitted operations: upload and delete files, copy and rename directories, make necessary edits, etc.

And finally, a small useful video for all readers of the site to finally consolidate the material presented above!

Hello Dear friends and regular readers of this blog.

Today we will set up FTP through Total Commander.

So let's get started. To set up FTP through Total Commander you need to do the following.

On the toolbar of the Total Commander file manager there is an FTP button that we will need to click when we need to access our website.

Those who like to use keyboard shortcuts can press Ctrl-F. The following dialog box “Connecting to FTP Server” will pop up. Only the sign in the middle, with site addresses, will be empty at first.

But nature (and we agree with her on this) does not tolerate emptiness, so let’s immediately click the “Add” button and create the first line in this list.

You can write anything as the connection name, as long as you remember where you have what, but the rest of the data must be entered absolutely accurately, without the slightest mistake.

It’s even better to copy from the letter received when registering for hosting or, accordingly, from the site page on which you wrote all the necessary letters and numbers.

In the “Server” line the FTP server address is written. Usually it coincides with the address of the site itself (but not always), only FTP is added in front.

"Account" is often the same as account on the site itself, but here, as you can see, it was done differently: the provider issued a certain long series of numbers and letters as a name. Enter your password in the line - guess what? - Right! - A password issued specifically for accessing the FTP site, and not for logging into the control panel or accessing the database.

If you want to immediately get inside the folder with WordPress, in the line “Deleted. directory" enter the folder name and a forward slash (like this: publick_ html/, or this: htdocs/, or otherwise: www/). In principle, this is not necessary - you can enter the folder manually. Just think, an extra double click!..

In the same way, it is not necessary, but it is convenient to enter the address of the folder on your computer - with WordPress and its plugins, with pictures or other materials that you are going to transfer to the site.

Then the corresponding folder will be shown on one panel of the file manager remote computer(site), and on the other - your own. This second address is set in the “Local” line. Catalog".

Sometimes the site turns out to be impossible to work with standard mode- the connection attempt ends with an error message, despite the fact that all names-passwords-appearance-addresses are entered correctly. Then try checking the box “Passive exchange mode”. Often this is exactly what is required.

There are also some more valuable settings at the bottom of the window. Let's say you notice that after a minute or two of downtime, the site turns out to be inaccessible, the FTP server begins to suspect that you have left and, in any case, have not accessed it for too long - maybe you went out for a smoke or are chatting with a friend - and closes the session.

When you try to enter a folder or copy a file, you first wait for God knows what, then a message appears about the connection being lost, then the FTP client will offer to restore the connection and will restore it after a while.

To avoid this, check the box “Send a command to keep the connection active” and click OK.

In the “Command” list there are also several commands that Total Commander can send to the site (if this doesn’t work, try the next one). You can also change the time interval after which this command is sent - set 90 seconds or 60.

When you finally click OK, a new line will appear in the list of connections. To connect to a site, you will need to click on the FTP button (or press Ctrl-F), select the appropriate connection and double-click on it. You can click the connection once and click the Connect button twice.

And the “Change” button will allow you to make corrections to the connection settings FTP Total Commandera. If you entered the wrong address, you made a mistake with the password, or other settings need to be corrected.

In the screenshot below you can see the Total Commander file manager window.

On the right file panel - the site, on the left - home computer. What exactly is shown there and there, the title bar tells us, right above the list of files: on the left it says that we are on the C: drive, in the WordPress\Plugins folder, and on the right - on the site, in the folder www/ You can switch to another drive by selecting its letter in the drop-down list at the top.

To enter a folder, double-click on it; to exit, if you are in the wrong place, double-click on the curved arrow with a colon in the very top line of the file list.

To move from one file panel to another, click once on any file or folder on the left or right. You can also press the Tab key.

So, I need to submit the plugin to the site. On the left I click on the folder the required plugin(it is surrounded by a dotted frame), and then press the “F5 Copy” button.

You can simply press F5, the effect will be the same: the program will ask for confirmation, and if the connection has not been broken during the downtime, it will perform the action we need - forward the folder to the site.

And if you right-click on an unnecessary plugin and press the “F8 Uninstall” button, you can remove the corresponding plugin, even if this cannot be done using WordPress tools.

The third option: the ability to directly edit a text file, correct some configuration or style markup manually.

Click on this file on the site and press “F4 Edit”. The file will be sent to your computer and loaded into Notepad or another text editor. Make the necessary edits, save the file to disk and close Notepad. After this, Total Commander will ask you for permission to forward it to the site and replace it old version new.

And one last thing: the “F7 Directory” key will allow you to create a new folder on the site (or on your computer - depending on which panel the dotted frame is located on). You will need to enter the folder name.

This is where I stop my story about how to set up FTP through Total Commander. I could go on for a long time, but this is not the place for this story... Thank you all! 🙂 And also read the post using WinSCP.

In some cases, it is convenient to use the file transfer protocol - FTP - to download files from or to the server. You can download files through this protocol using a regular browser, but for uploading files to the server it is better configure FTP in file manager .

The abbreviation FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol(File Transfer Protocol). It is designed to transfer files to computer networks. Using this protocol you can connect to FTP server, view the contents of directories (folders) on the server, download files from the server or to the server. To connect to the server, you need to set up an FTP client.

Majority popular file managers have a function like FTP client. Its setup is almost the same in different file managers, so describing the client setup in each manager is a waste of time. We will tell you how to set up FTP in Total Commander.

Total Commander– one of the most popular file managers. This is conditional free program. You can use it for an unlimited time without paying a penny, but each time you start the program, three buttons will be displayed and instructions on which button to press. If you get tired of it, you can buy the program for little money.

So, how to set up an FTP client in Total Commander? To get started, launch the program. It consists of two panels. In one panel we need to open the folder into which we will upload files from the server (or vice versa, from which we are going to upload files to the server). In the second window we must configure FTP, and after connecting to the server we will see there the folders and files located on the server.

We click the mouse in the address bar of the panel in which we are going to configure FTP, and begin the setup. On the menu Net select an item Connect to FTP server(or click on the FTP button on the program panel). A dialog box appears with several buttons on the right. You need to press a button Add. If the window already has configured FTP connections, do not touch them - they do not interfere with us. A window for setting up a new connection appears.

In the window that opens we see several fields. What information do you need to enter in them?

Connection name. Here you need to enter the name of the connection. It can be anything, because it is only necessary so that you yourself can remember by name what kind of connection it is.

Server [:Port]: In this field we enter the address of the server with which we need to connect.

Account. In this field you need to enter the login required to access the server. It is provided by the server administrator. It also happens that access to the server is open to everyone, then you do not need to enter a login.

Password. The password provided by the server administrator along with the login is entered here. If you are not the only one using the computer, it is better to leave this field empty - then the client will ask for a password every time you connect, which means that no one except you will be able to connect to the server.

Remote directory. In this field we enter the address of the directory on the server that we want to go to. This address is relative and reports from the root directory. For example, in the root folder on the server there is a Docs folder, and in it there is a Reports folder, which is where we need to go. In this case, the relative address of the remote directory will look like this: docs/reports. If you leave this field blank, the root directory will be opened when connecting to the server.

The remaining fields/checkboxes are not required to be filled in. After filling out all the fields of the form, click OK. Now the connection we created should appear in the FTP server connection window. Click on it with the left mouse button (the line with the connection should be highlighted in color) and click on the button Connect. If you are not connecting to local server, and with an FTP server on the Internet, do not forget to check whether you are connected to the Internet.

As you can see, setting up FTP in Total Commander is quite simple. There is only one caveat: The setup window may be slightly different in different versions file manager, but the basic fields remain the same.

Every blogger, not to mention a webmaster, simply needs to be able to customize ftp connection and it is also advisable to know how to download, edit and upload files back to the server.

All this can be done through file managers with a built-in ftp client. There are many programs that allow you to work via an FTP connection with the server on which the site is located.

The article will talk about how to set up ftp via Total Commander- very popular on this moment file manager.

One of the first things a blogger faces is confirming the rights to the site in Google accounts and Yandex. The easiest way to upload a rights confirmation file via ftp is through Total Commander (in our case). Or through any other ftp client.

You can still download Total Commander for free on the Internet, most likely on torrent sites.

Editing via Total Commander

There are many settings in Total Commander, but I will only consider the possibility of FTP connection and file editing.

First you need to configure and add an editor to Total Commander, which will open files for viewing and editing.

In addition to Total Commander, you will need an HTML editor.

Download and install an editor on your computer, the simplest and most convenient one is Notepad ++ and remember in which directory it is installed. A lot has been written about it, there is a video on the settings.

So, open Total and assign an editor:

On the screenshot is the Total Commander interface, go to the configuration tab.

Next, we assign an editor for viewing and editing files via ftp via Total Commander:

Do you remember in which directory you have it? exe file HTML editor? It must be specified, thereby assigning it for viewing and editing via Total.

At the top we install a program for viewing files.

Below we install a program for editing files via ftp via Total Commander.

Arrows >> - browse folders and files on your computer to make it easier to find and assign a program, for example Notepad ++, as an editor. I have it installed as editor Sublime Text Editor.

This completes the first stage.

Setting up FTP via Total Commander

So, to connect to the server, you need to know the login and password for your ftp account.

Login and password for ftp account

The login and password for your ftp account can be found in the hosting control panel; ftp keys are usually provided by hosters when registering for hosting, or you can check with the support service.

Open Total Commander and go to the FTP tab and then Connect to FTP service...:

Let's go to the Add tab, where we will directly make an FTP connection.

For ftp connection, specify account information

Connection name - can be any arbitrary name, you can name it as you wish. The names of FTP connections can be seen in the previous screenshot.

Server, Port - indicate the server on which the site is located, it is provided by the hoster during registration, and it is also indicated in the hosting control panel.

You can also simply indicate Domain name site as a server for ftp connection. It will look something like this: ftp://domain_name Instead of http://, simply replace it with ftp://

An account is nothing more than a login from an ftp account.

Password—specify the password for the ftp account.

Well, click the OK button.

View and edit files via FTP via Total Commander

So the final stage remains - viewing and editing server files via an FTP connection.

By the way

In order to upload a file to the server, or vice versa, download a file from the server to your computer via ftp via Total Commander, you just need to drag this file to any desired directory or folder.

This is what the root directory of a WordPress site looks like. For example, we will edit the robots.txt file.

Click on the required file right-click and select in the window that appears the required operation. In this case, I selected the Edit tab

Well, we edit files via FTP via Total Commander

This is what the robots.txt file looks like in mine HTML editor. I make the necessary changes and save the file. That's it, the edited file is automatically downloaded to the server.

Choosing an FTP client is a big decision. After all, if you install a program that is not suitable for this, it can damage the files that you will upload to the server via an FTP connection. That's why many people choose popular programs, which tens of thousands of Russian-speaking users have already trusted. One of these is Total Commander.

However, judging by the discussions on the forums, Total Commander is not as suitable for working with FTP as the well-known FileZilla application. The trouble is that the reason for such negative reviews is the inability to correctly configure an FTP connection through Total Commander. Therefore, this article will discuss setting up this program, and also touch upon the topic of working via SFTP in Total.

How to set up FTP in Total Commander file manager

The developers of the Total program are confident that working through an FTP connection and a file manager are inseparable concepts. This would be completely inconvenient if you could connect to the server, but could not manage the computer's file system. Total Commander copes with such tasks with a bang, so it will definitely complete all the tasks that you assign to it, of course, if you configure the program correctly.

As you know, Total Commander is a very unique program with a unique interface. You will not be able to use in this file manager the combinations that you usually use when working with a computer. Because to enable FTP settings, you need to hold down the key combination Ctrl + F. In normal mode, this key combination would bring up the search bar. Or you can find the FTP icon on the toolbar at the top - it's your choice. The menu that you will open is the section of the program in which FTP is configured, and in which many users get confused, which is why they are unable to work with the server through Total Commander.

If you do not want to change anything in the settings, but only want to quickly connect to the server to transfer data, then you need to create a new connection - to do this, click “New URL”. Next, you enter the server address in the line and click OK - a connection to the host will occur. And if you have an account on the server, then you can log into it without any problems. Please note that if you use FTP constantly and want to transfer data through this protocol, then it is better not to save your host account login information.

The thing is that Total Commander stores this information insecurely in a place that many people know about. And it stores it in the settings file - wcx_ftp.ini, and there is a possibility that data can be extracted from the file, so it is better not to risk it and use an anonymous connection. But this only applies to those who do not have a personal computer, but a shared one, for example, if you work with FTP somewhere in the office. IN otherwise You can safely save passwords on your PC. The fact that Total stores them in file system- this is nothing to worry about, since in extreme cases your computer will be protected from hacking by the Firewall.

It is also recommended to create links to server folders with which you constantly work in the “Frequently Used Directories” menu. If you are familiar with using Total, this will not be difficult to do. However, the best option that Total Commander has for working with FTP is synchronizing data between different directories. You need to open a folder on your computer in one panel, and on the server in the second, and thanks to synchronization you will quickly find data that is missing on the PC or host. Thus, with just a few steps you can instantly upload the necessary files to the server.

Total Commander is also suitable for those who want to use all the capabilities of the server, including editing various files and folders. To do this, you need to change your permissions on the host.

In Total, this is very easy to do - hover the cursor over the file and press Ctrl + Enter, after which it will appear command line. In the terminal, enter chmod command 777 file1.php, only with its own permissions and file name. This method is not always convenient, especially if you plan to edit a large number of files. Then you can copy all the files that you are going to edit and click the “Change Attributes” button, after which the editing menu will appear user rights.

Plugin for secure SFTP connection in Total

If you are afraid to use Total because you think about the possibility of your account being hacked, then work through SFTP. Essentially, it is a combination of an encrypted SSH connection and the FTP data transfer protocol. Using SFTP will protect your data from interception, unlike the unprotected FTP protocol, through which even passwords are transmitted in clear text.

In standard options Total programs Commander does not have SFTP settings, so you will need a third-party plugin for this. There are a lot of sites on the Internet that are ready to provide you with a similar plugin for free, since Total itself is distributed free of charge. To install the plugin, you need to go to the “Configuration” section in Total and find the “Plugins” tab. First you need to unpack the archive that contains the plugin and place it in the directory with Total. Next, define the path to the add-on in the settings and click OK.

After the plugin is installed and you go to the FTP settings menu, you will see a new settings item - SSH, in which you can adjust SFTP. In general, working with SFTP is no different from using FTP. The only difference is the method of transmitting information to the server, that is, the standards by which this protocol operates. As for the user side, SFTP is not much different from FTP. So, to connect, you first need to enter your domain name, user and password. And to activate data encryption via a protocol, in the “Connection type” section, select SSH.

It is not necessary to use SFTP to work with the server - it is your personal decision. But keep in mind that FTP still has some limitations. Because this open protocol, then almost all servers do not allow clients via FTP to access personal files and folders. That is, you will not be able to access the root folder of the site if you use FTP. And SFTP opens these doors for you. In addition, you can safely save the session on your computer, because it will be possible to steal your password and login only if a Trojan penetrates your system. Using SFTP in combination with a normal antivirus and Firewall will prevent this possibility, and your server will be safe. So it’s much wiser to install the plugin right away if you plan to use it for a long time remote server via one computer.
