Program for creating an FTP server. Your own provider: setting up FTP and TFTP servers

In this article we will talk about such things:

  1. how to set up an FTP server on a computer that is connected to a router;
  2. how to provide access to it from the World Wide Web.

Configuring the FTP server program

Installing FileZilla Server

Download and install any FTP server you like or are used to. For example, we will download free program Filezilla Server from the official site:

Run the downloaded setup file:

Click I reject:

Click I reject again:

Click Install:

Click I agree:



FileZilla FTP Server Setup

Launch the program interface.

Enter settings: menu Edit -> Settings:

Now you need to configure passive FTP mode.

1) Select a section Passive mode settings;

2) Check the box use custom port range;

3) Set the range of ports convenient for you to use in passive mode;

4) In the field Use the following IP write down your external IP;

5) Press the button OK to save the settings.

Now you need to set up user accounts and specify home directories.

Enter the menu Edit and select Users:

In chapter General click Add:

Enter your username and click OK:

1) Check the box next to Password. This will indicate that this account will require a password.

2) Set a password for this account;

3) Go to section shared folders:

In chapter Shared folders click Add:

and select the folder that will be opened for this user for access via FTP protocol. After selecting a shared folder, click OK:

Set permissions for this user in folder.

In the area of Files You can enable or disable the following file operations:

  • Reading;
  • Record;
  • Removal;
  • Change.

In the area of Folders You can enable or disable the following folder operations:

  • Creation;
  • Removal;
  • List view;
  • View subfolders.

After you set the permissions for this user in the current folder, click OK to save settings:

Computer settings

After configuring the FTP server program itself, you need to allow incoming connections in the firewall.

We go to Control Panel and choose Windows Firewall.

Right click on Rules for incoming connections and choose Create Rule:

Choose an option For the program and press Further:

Set the switch to Program Path and with the button Review specify the path to the file FileZillaServer.exe.
Then, click Further:

Choose an option Allow connection and press Further:

Give an arbitrary name to the rule and click Ready:

Router Configuration: Creating Port Forwarding Rules

Now we need to create port forwarding on the gateway. The gateway can be a router, modem, or other device. Log in to the web interface of the router (read the article about what the web interface is and how to access it:) and open the port forwarding section. Read more about port forwarding in our article: What is port forwarding.

Create two rules.

Rule number 1: forwarding external port 21 to port 21 of the computer where the FTP server program is installed.

Rule #2: Forwarding a port range to the same port range on a computer with installed program FTP server.

Save the setting.

How to remotely connect to an FTP server

To access the FTP server, you can use either an FTP client, or a browser, or even File Explorer. Of course, it is preferable to use an FTP client. We recommend a free program FileZilla client. You can download it on the official website:

In field Host enter either ) or the external IP address of the router. Then, enter the username you created in the FileZilla Server program on the computer, the corresponding password and click the button Quick connection:

If you did not change port number 21 to non-standard in port forwarding in the router settings, then the field Port can be left blank - the program will connect to the 21st port by default.

Therefore, if you regularly have to exchange large quantity data with other users, it is wiser to create your own FTP server, which will organize this process in a much faster, safer and more convenient way. With the help of an FTP server, it will be possible not only to open access to certain folders on your own computer, but also to flexibly manage the amount of traffic, as well as lists of available files and users. At the same time, users for whom the materials are intended will also become much more convenient to receive them, because they will be able to use their usual FTP clients for downloading files, which provide resume and can download in several streams.

Diversity in the FTP server market

There are a lot of applications for creating FTP servers on the market. However, a significant part of these solutions is quite difficult to set up, and it costs a lot, and therefore is more suitable for a professional audience. At the same time, if you wish, you can find affordable or even free (in some cases only for non-commercial use) solutions. Moreover, among them there are those that can be configured by any non-professional. It is these FTP servers that will be discussed in this article.

If we evaluate the solutions we have chosen for review in terms of functionality, then the maximum level of administration is provided in the commercial package Gene6 FTP Server ( standard edition) - tab. 1 which is one of best apps for home office. The Serv-U (Standard edition) and FileZilla Server packages are quite close in functionality to this solution, however, due to the lack of Russian-language localization (and in the case of FileZilla Server, no documentation at all), it is somewhat more difficult to configure them. In any case, all three of these solutions are more suitable for advanced users.

Table 1. Functionality of FTP servers

Gene6 FTP Server Standard

Serv-U Standard ($49.95)

Serv-U Personal (Free)

FileZilla Server (Free)

zFTPServer Suite (Free)

Cerberus FTP Server ($59.99, free for private use)

TYPSoft FTP Server (Free)

Golden FTP Server Pro ($29)

Basic settings

Ability to use one-time passwords

Run as a system service

Possible, but when the corresponding checkbox is enabled

Allowed number of domains

Support for Dynamic DNS function

Support for SSL encryption

FTP Server Activity Monitoring

Data compression

Blocking a transfer between two
FTP servers

Passive FTP (PASV) support

Prohibit creating multiple client connections in a short period of time

Remote administration

Access control

Creating temporary accounts

Support for virtual directories

IP Access Control

Connection limit per IP address

Limiting the number of connections and connection time per user

Blocking access to certain types of files

Bandwidth limitation

Disk space limit for user files

Maximum allowable amount parallel connections

Not limited

Not limited

Not limited

Not limited

Not specified

Ability to limit the number of concurrent connections

Maximum number of accounts

Not limited

Not limited

Not limited

Not limited

Not limited

Not limited

For beginners, it is wiser to turn to simpler tools, among which the zFTPServer Suite should be recognized as the leader in the most successful combination of extreme availability, coupled with a sufficient level of security, low requirements for system resources and wide capabilities. In fairness, it should be noted that among such solutions there is an even simpler FTP server Golden FTP Server Pro, but its capabilities are so limited (and this at a price of $29!) that it is difficult to recommend it to a wide audience. Although it also allows you to easily turn your computer into an FTP server, and even the most inexperienced user will need no more than 5 minutes to master this program, coupled with setting up the server.

Overview of FTP servers

Gene6 FTP Server

Developer: Gene6 SARL

Distribution size: 3.96 MB

Work under control: Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server

Distribution method:

Price: Standard edition - $49.95, Professional edition - $119.95

Gene6 FTP Server is one of the best FTP server with advanced administration and high level security of transmitted data. It is relatively easy to set up, has Russian-language localization and help in Russian, and therefore is very attractive for trained home users. The package is available in two editions: Standard and Professional. The Standard edition is designed for two domains and 25 concurrent connections per domain and is therefore optimal for home users and small organizations. In the professional edition, the number of domains and the number of simultaneous connections is not limited, which allows it to be used in medium and large companies that actively use data exchange via FTP.

Gene6 FTP Server allows you to open access to data for specific users or groups of users through their accounts, manage access rights for files and directories, and restrict access by IP addresses. This can create multiple virtual FTP sites and limit the number of connections (per IP, domain, user) and set account expiration dates. There is also the possibility of more fine tuning access rights for specific users, for which it is easy, for example, to determine the maximum size of files uploaded to the FTP server, to make some files in open folder blocked or, conversely, available, determine speed limits when downloading and uploading files, set FTP server availability time intervals, etc. There is support for ODBC databases, it is possible to compress the transmitted data (MODE Z), and for the exchange important files 128-bit SSL encryption can be used. Detailed activity statistics on the FTP server are kept in real time, recorded in log files and visually displayed in text and graphic form.

Remote administration tools are provided that allow you to add, modify, and delete user accounts, as well as change all available domain settings remotely (as if the administrator were at the computer running the server). It is possible to delegate administration to another administrator by creating a new user account with limited rights administrator. The remote administration connection is encrypted using SSL and runs on its own configurable port.


Developer: Rhino Software Inc.

Distribution size: 2.74 MB

Work under control: Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista

Distribution method: shareware (30 day demo -

Price: Personal is free, Standard is $49.95

Serv-U is a powerful FTP server that provides flexible administration and enhanced security. It is relatively easy to install and configure and has a free version, which allows you to count this decision very attractive to home users. The package is released in five editions, among which a wide range of users may be interested in two: free Personal and paid Standard. The personal edition is designed for one domain, two parallel connections and five user accounts, which, in principle, is enough, for example, to exchange data with friends. In the standard edition, there can also be only one domain, but already 25 parallel connections and up to a hundred accounts are possible.

Serv-U allows you to open access to the FTP server to specific users or groups of users, set write/read/modify permissions for directories and files, and control access by IP addresses. It is possible to work with several users at the same time (the maximum allowable number of which is easy to limit), as well as setting the account expiration date. For each of the connections, it is easy to set the maximum speed for upload/download operations. Support for on-the-fly Zlib compression is provided, providing an increase in data transfer rate. Detailed statistics of activity on the FTP server is kept, recorded in logs and visually displayed in the Activity branch, where you can find out the name under which the user logged in, the IP address of his computer, the folders of interest to him, the operations performed, etc. There is support for 128-bit SSL -encryption to ensure secure connections. As for remote administration tools, they are supported only in the corporate version of the package - Serv-U Corporate (which costs $350 - too high for home users), so we will not consider them.

FileZilla Server 0.9.23

Developer: Tim Kosse

Distribution size: 3.49 MB

Work under control: Windows (all versions)

Distribution method: freeware()

Price: is free

FileZilla Server is an SSL encrypted FTP server with advanced administration. It is relatively easy to install and configure and is also free, and therefore quite attractive for home users. However, the package is in English and has no documentation, which makes it somewhat difficult to master.

FileZilla Server provides the creation of anonymous or password (for individual users or groups) access to data and allows you to manage access rights for files and directories, as well as restrict access by IP addresses. It provides for the introduction of restrictions on access to the FTP server as a whole or for each user individually, as well as limiting the total number of connections and the maximum download speed. Support for data compression (MODE Z) has been implemented, and 128-bit SSL encryption can be used to exchange important files. Detailed activity statistics on the FTP server are kept in real time, which makes it easy to control the connections that have taken place, which will allow you to always be aware of what the users who connected to it were doing on the server. maybe remote administration.

zFTP Server Suite 2.0

Developer: Nicklas Bergfeldt

Distribution size: 3.75 MB

Work under control: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003

Distribution method: freeware (

Price: is free

zFTPServer Suite is a user-friendly and feature-rich FTP server with 256-bit SSL encryption that is easy to set up, fast to use and provides minimum requirements to system resources. In addition, it is free and has Russian-language localization, which allows us to recommend this solution for a home office.

Using zFTPServer Suite, it is easy to organize anonymous or password access for individual users or even groups of users by setting the required restrictions for them to work with information on the FTP server. Parallel connections are supported, the number of which can be limited. It is possible to automatically detect and block multiple attempts to connect in a short period of time, as well as blocking certain accounts when a specified period has come. Provides access control by IP addresses and limiting the number of connections for individual users and IP addresses. Implemented the ability to limit the bandwidth, as well as limit the disk space provided to the user for resuming. Remote administration of the FTP server is possible.

Cerberus FTP Server 2.45

Developer: Cerberus LLC.

Distribution size: 1.6 MB

Work under control: Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP/2003/Vista

Distribution method: shareware (30 day demo -

Price:$59.99, non-commercial - free

Cerberus FTP Server is a compact and lightweight FTP server with SSL/TLS encryption support. It is very easy to set up, provides all the basic functions of an FTP server, and is free to use. personal use, and therefore is good decision for home users.

Using Cerberus FTP Server, it is easy to create an FTP server that is accessible either to all or only to selected network users by setting a list of available folders and files for them and defining access rights, as well as limiting the allowable number of parallel connections and provided for access to FTP -server time limit. It is possible to control access via IP addresses by creating lists of addresses from which access to the server will always be either allowed or denied. There is a function to block multiple client connections in a short period of time in order to protect against annoying clients and DDoS attacks. Statistics of established connections are maintained.

TYPSoft FTP Server 1.10

Developer: TYPSoft

Distribution size: 472 KB

Work under control: Windows (all versions)

Distribution method: freeware (

Price: is free

TYPSoft FTP Server is a simple and convenient FTP server with a minimum of settings, Russian localization and free of charge, and therefore ideal for home users. It allows you to open access to specific folders for all users (anonymous) or only for selected users with a password, as well as restrict access by IP address. It is possible to limit the number of simultaneous connections. It is possible to set restrictions on allowed operations with files and subdirectories: you can only allow downloading files, or you can allow uploading, deleting, renaming, etc. All connections that have taken place are recorded in a log file.

Golden FTP Server 3.02

Developer: KMiNT21 Software

The sizedistribution kit: Golden FTP Server - 895 Kbytes, Golden FTP Server Pro - 954 Kbytes

Work under control: Windows (all versions)

Distribution method: shareware (21 day demo: Golden FTP Server - , Golden FTP Server Pro -

Price: Golden FTP Server Pro - $29, Golden FTP Server - Free

Golden FTP Server is a very simple FTP server with an intuitive, multilingual (including Russian) interface. The package is available in two editions: free Golden FTP Server and paid Golden FTP Server Pro. The free version allows you to create only anonymous connections, and therefore is not promising for the vast majority of users, although it will be interesting as a very simple and convenient tool for teaching schoolchildren the basics of working with FTP. Golden FTP Server Pro can be considered as possible solution for novice users (although its price is clearly too high), who can be attracted by the extreme ease of setup, supplemented by a Russian-language interface. This package allows you to set both anonymous and password access to the FTP server, as well as block access from specific IP addresses.

It supports multiple parallel downloads, and statistics are kept on all connections that have taken place.

FTP (from the English. File Transfer Protocol - file transfer protocol) is a protocol used to transfer files in TCP networks. Today it is mainly used to download information from a client device to hosting servers. Consider FTP windows server 7.

The protocol was created in 1971, long before the emergence of the TCP / IP stack, which was released only in the late 70s.

Initially, in its first edition, the protocol used the same channel for transmitting commands and transmitting data.

But already in 1972, the protocol became very similar to the one we are dealing with today - a separate control channel is created for the exchange between the server and the client, which operates on port 21, data transfer is carried out over the data channel, for which a separate connection is created.

The latest version of the protocol was introduced in 1985.

A significant drawback of FTP are numerous security vulnerabilities, a list of which was compiled and published in 1999: the problem of port capture, username protection, low resistance to brute force, spoof, sniff, and hidden attacks.

Data transfer using FTP is carried out in clear text, without traffic encryption, thus, access to logins, passwords, control commands, etc. can be obtained by third parties who are able to intercept the packet over the network.

This problem is typical for all early versions of protocols (for example, mail SMTP, POP, IMAP) developed before the advent of SSL, TLS encryption mechanisms.

In this article, we will consider creating an FTP server based on Windows 7.

Step 1. Installing the FTP component

1.2. In the search field, enter "Programs and Features", without quotes.

1.3. Select the appropriate menu item.

1.4. In the window that appears, in the left column, go to the menu "Turn Windows features on or off."

1.5. Choose Windows components that should be installed are FTP Server and IIS Management Console.

Step 2. FTP Server Configuration

2.2. In the search field, enter "Administration", without quotes.

2.3. Select the appropriate menu item.

2.4. In the window that appears, go to the "IIS Manager" menu.

2.5 Go to the "sites" tab, right-click and select "Add FTP site".

2.6. We prescribe the name of the FTP server and the path to the folder in which the information will be stored, go to the next setting item - “Next”. The ftpsw7 subdirectory has been created as an example.

2.7. In the IP address selection field, select the desired IP address from the list. If you need to share the folder for all available subnets, select the "All free" item. The standard port (21) is left unchanged.

If you plan to use an FTP server on permanent basis- Check the "Start FTP site automatically" checkbox. Select "No SSL".

2.8. We select basic authentication, the authorization field is left unchanged. This completes the FTP server setup.

After configuration, the newly created FTP server will appear in the "sites" menu.

Step 3: Firewall settings

To open the corresponding ports and enable the FTP server services, you need to configure Windows firewall. For this:

3.2. In the search field, enter "Firewall", without quotes.

3.3. Select the appropriate menu item.

3.4. We go to the "Rules for incoming connections" menu and enable two rules regarding the operation of the FTP server.

3.5. To enable it, you need to right-click on each of the rules and select the “Enable rule” item from the menu.

3.6. After the rule is activated, its color will change to green, and the "Enabled" field will be marked "Yes".

3.7. Let's move on to the rules outgoing connection and, as in previous paragraph, activate the FTP Server (FTP Traffic-Out) rule.

This completes the firewall configuration for the FTP server.

Step 4Creating FTP Users and Assigning Rights

4.2. In the search field, enter "Computer Management", without quotes.

4.3. Select the appropriate menu item.

4.4. Go to the menu located in the left column - " Local Users". Right-click on "Groups", select "Create Group".

4.5. Let's name the group "FTP users", and in the description field we will give its short description, so that after a while you can quickly remember the purpose of this group.

4.6. Let's create users for whom the FTP server will be available. To do this, in the previous menu "Local Users", right-click on the item "Users", select " New user» and fill in the fields as shown in the figure.

4.7. After that, you need to add users to the previously created "FTP users" group.

To do this, right-click on the user account, select the "Properties" item, the "Group Membership" tab, the "Add", "Advanced", "Search" button, select the group, click "OK".

This operation must be done for all users who will have access to the FTP server.

4.8. The next step is to set permissions for the "FTP users" group.

To do this, go to the FTP server directory (p.2.6), right-click on it, "Properties", the "Security" tab, "Add", "Advanced", "Search", select the "FTP users" group, "OK", select " Full access", "OK".

Files) is a standard protocol designed for transferring files over TCP networks (for example, the Internet). FTP is often used to download web pages and other documents from a private development device to open servers hosting.
The protocol is built on a client-server architecture and uses different network connections to transfer commands and data between the client and server. FTP users can authenticate by passing a username and password in clear text, or, if allowed on the server, they can connect anonymously. You can use the SSH protocol for a secure transfer that hides (encrypts) the username and password, and encrypts the content.
The first FTP client applications were interactive tools command line, which implement standard commands and syntax. Graphical user interfaces have since been developed for many used to this day. operating systems. These interfaces range from general web design programs like Microsoft Expression Web to specialized FTP clients like CuteFTP.
FTP is one of the oldest application protocols, dating back to 1971 long before HTTP. It is still widely used today for software distribution and access to remote hosts.
Creating an FTP server on Windows 7 step by step:

Go to Start > Control Panel In View select "Small Icons" Then select "Programs and Features"
Select "Turn Windows features on or off" Select "FTP Extensibility", "FTP Service" and "IIS Management Console"
Click OK and wait for the process to complete Go to Control Panel>Administrative Tools
Select "IIS Manager"
Go to the Sites tab Right-click and select "Add FTP Site" from the drop-down menu Specify the site name and location (by default "C:\inetpub\ftproot")
We press "Next". Specify the FTP launch options ("If you do not need automatic start FTP, uncheck "Start FTP site automatically""). In the "SSL" section, set "No SSL"
Click "Next", then "Finish".
Site created. Next, go to Control Panel> Firewall> Advanced Settings> Rules for incoming connections. Select and activate the items FTP Server Passive (so that you can connect to FTP in passive mode) and the FTP server. Go to the "Rules for outgoing connections" section and activate the item "FTP Server" Next, go to Control Panel> Administrative Tools> Computer Management> Local Users> Groups> (right mouse button)> Create group
Specify the group name "FTP" and click "Create".
Next, go to Users. Right Click>New User Specify the username, password (at least 8 characters). Check the boxes next to "Prohibit changing the password by the user" and "Password expires indefinitely". Click create
Next, select the user, right-click, "Properties", "Group Membership". Click "Add" and select the group "FTP", press "OK".
Click "OK" again. Go to the directory that we specified for the FTP server (see "Specifying the site name and location"). Right mouse button>Properties>Security>Change Next, "Add", specify the name of the group and "OK".
Set the permissions to "Allow All" Go to Control Panel>Administrative Tools>IIS Manager and select our FTP. Go to FTP Authorization Rules. Select "Add Allow Rule" and specify our "FTP" group. Check the boxes next to "Read" and "Write". Click "OK"
If you want to allow access to all users, again "Add allow rule" and select "All anonymous users". Check the box next to "Read"!
Go to "FTP Authentication" Select "Anonymous Access", right-click, "Enable". Now everyone can connect to the FTP server.
Go to "FTP Logging". Set the maximum log size or disable it altogether.

FTP response codes

Below is short description response codes that can be returned by the FTP server. These codes have been standardized by the IETF in RFC 959. As mentioned earlier, the response code is a three-digit number. The first digit is responsible for one of three outcomes: success, failure or an indication of an error, or an incomplete answer.
The code Description
100 The requested action has been initiated, wait for the next response before executing a new command.

zFTP Server Suite 3.3

Developer: Nicklas Bergfeldt
Distribution size: 4.29 MB
Spreading: The shareware zFTPServer Suite is a user-friendly and very feature rich FTP server with 256-bit SSL encryption that is easy to set up, fast to use and has minimal system resource requirements. Using this program, it is not difficult to organize anonymous or password access for individual users or entire groups of users by setting the required restrictions for them to work with information on the FTP server. Parallel connections are supported, the number of which is easy to limit. It is possible to automatically detect and block multiple attempts to connect in a short period of time, as well as blocking certain accounts when a specified period has come. Provides access control by IP addresses and limiting the number of connections for individual users and IP addresses. Implemented the ability to limit the bandwidth, as well as limit the disk space provided to the user for resuming. There is support for passive FTP mode (PASV), which is relevant for setting up a server with a dynamic IP. Remote administration of the FTP server is possible. The program (there is a Russian-language version) is presented in several editions, among which the Free, Personal and Personal Pro editions are of interest to home users. The first one is completely free, the other two can only be used for free for 10 days. The cost of the commercial Personal version is 9.9 euros, the Personal Pro version is 19.9 euros. AT free version 10 parallel connections are allowed, in Personal - 25, and in Personal Pro the number of connections is not limited. zFTPServer Suite includes two modules, one of which works as an FTP server (can be started as a service automatically when Windows startup, if it was specified during installation of the program), and the second one is used as an administrative console for configuring the server.

The server is configured without using a wizard - that is, manually. You should start by creating user accounts, for which you need to use the "Setting" > "Accounts" command and click on the "Add a new user" button. In the case of an anonymous user, you should refuse to enter a login and password, enter anonymous as his name, on the "Home directory" tab, determine the home directory by clicking on the "Add resource" button, and, if necessary, correct access rights. Creating a user with a specific name is done in exactly the same way, except for the need to specify a login and password. When determining the resources available to individual users, it is not necessary to copy all of them to the home directory - you can create a virtual folder structure directly in the administrative console and specify the resources that should be available in these folders.

It is easy for users to set up a system of restrictions (Restrictions tab in the account). For example, limit the lifetime of an account, introduce download/upload limits, ignore the global speed limit (if one has been assigned to the server), etc. For security purposes, it makes sense to allow or prohibit users from logging in from specific IP addresses and, if necessary, allow the use SSL to encrypt transmitted data. It is possible to create user groups, which simplifies the configuration of access rights and restrictions.

At the next stage, they start setting up the FTP server itself (the "Settings" > "Server Settings" command) - this can be done in normal or advanced modes. To enable the latter, you will have to activate the "Settings" > "Show advanced settings" checkbox. All settings are divided into nine groups, the most important of which are the "General", Speed ​​Scheduler and Security groups. In the "General" group are regulated basic settings FTP servers - here you can limit the number of parallel connections, set general upload / download restrictions, specify the address for passive mode and set port ranges, etc.

The Speed ​​Scheduler group provides the ability to adjust download and upload restrictions depending on the day of the week. The Security group allows you to change some security-related settings of the server. In particular, it is easy here to prohibit transfers between two FTP servers, establish protection against DDOS attacks and annoying clients by prohibiting the creation of multiple client connections in a short period of time, and set a ban, or vice versa, to allow connections from specific IP addresses.

During the operation of the FTP server, user activity statistics are kept and displayed in the main window of the administrative console. Information about the names of connected users, their IP addresses, dates and times of connections, and operations performed can be presented here. If desired, part of this data can be discarded through the "View" > "Information" menu.

Cerberus FTP Server 2.49a

Developer: Cerberus LLC.
Distribution size: 3.92 MB
Spreading: The shareware Cerberus FTP Server is a compact and undemanding FTP server with support for SSL/TLS encryption. With the help of this program, it is easy to turn your computer into an FTP server, accessible both to everyone and only to selected users, by setting a list of available folders and files for them and defining access rights. As well as limit the allowable number of parallel connections and the time limit provided for access to the FTP server. It is possible to control access via IP addresses by creating lists of addresses from which access to the server will either always be allowed or denied. There is a function to block multiple client connections in a short period of time in order to protect against annoying clients and DDOS attacks. Statistics of established connections are maintained. Cerberus FTP Server can also be downloaded from personal purposes use for free. In the case of commercial use, the free trial period is limited to 30 days, after which you will need to pay $59.99 for one year of free upgrade or $89.90 - and then you can upgrade the program for free for two years. The program is represented by one module, it is launched from the Start menu (although it can also work as a service, but after appropriate settings) and during operation it is constantly located in the system tray. It is from the system tray that the FTP server is turned on / off.

When you first start it, it will politely ask for what purpose it will be used, and will please you that in the case of personal use, you do not need to pay for the program. After that, the wizard will immediately offer to create an anonymous account and specify a home directory for it - of course, you can refuse to create anonymous access. The program will then automatically calculate your IP address and ask you if you are using SSL/TLS, and finally create the desired account. After that, anonymous users will already be able to get to your server.

If anonymous access is not enough for you - that is, you need to configure personal access - then you will have to use the Configuration command

In addition, via IP Manager (Configuration

In the case of a dynamic IP, you can configure Cerberus FTP Server to use a domain name obtained, for example, from To do this, open Server Manager and on the General tab enable the Detect IPv6 checkbox, and on the Interfaces tab - the Auto Detect checkbox and specify the domain name.

User activity is recorded in logs and reflected in the main program window; if desired, a report in HTM format can be generated on its basis.

Golden FTP Server 4.2

Developer: KMiNT21 Software
Distribution size: Golden FTP Server - 974 kb, Golden FTP Server Pro - 717 kb
Spreading: Golden FTP Server Pro - shareware; Golden FTP Server - Free Golden FTP Server is a very simple FTP server with an intuitive interface. This program allows you to install both anonymous and personal (only in Pro versions) access to the FTP server by specific users, as well as block access from specific IP addresses and prohibit anonymous connections. It supports multiple parallel downloads, and statistics are kept on all connections that have taken place. The FTP server starts automatically when Windows boots. The program (there is a Russian-language version) is presented in two editions: free Golden FTP Server and paid Golden FTP Server Pro. The fundamental difference between them is that the free edition allows you to create only anonymous connections and does not know how to block access from specific IP addresses. Golden FTP Server Pro can be downloaded and used for free for 21 days, after which you will need to pay $29. Setting up an FTP server based on Golden FTP Server is extremely simple. It is enough to install the program, activate the "Open Resources" tab and add for all (user - anonymous) or only specific users a list of resources available to them by clicking on the "Add" button. After that, the specified users will be able to connect to the FTP server and download files from it or upload data in the usual way. According to the connections made by him, statistics are kept, from which at any time you can find a list of active, blocked and recent connections.


We have focused on only a few of the FTP servers on the market - those that, in our opinion, will be of most interest to home users. And they limited themselves to only the very minimum of settings in each - knowing this minimum will be sufficient to organize a convenient data exchange with friends and acquaintances. However, in reality, most of the programs reviewed have much more capabilities in this regard, so those who wish can experiment with the settings to their heart's content. Among the solutions presented in the article, the Gene6 FTP Server has the most functionality (Table 1), the Serv-U and FileZilla Server packages are quite close to it in terms of functionality, however, latest version Serv-U disappointed us a little (this has not been observed before) due to slow work. As for the FileZilla Server utility, here the lack of Russian-language localization can be called as a minus, which can somewhat complicate the server setup. All three of these solutions are more designed for trained users. It is wiser for beginners to turn their attention to simpler tools such as zFTPServer Suite Free, Cerberus FTP Server or Golden FTP Server Pro. Among them, the leader in the most successful combination of extreme availability, coupled with a sufficient level of security, low requirements for system resources and relatively broad capabilities, in our opinion, is the zFTPServer Suite program. But the simplest utility is Golden FTP Server - even the most inexperienced user will need no more than five minutes to set up an FTP server with its help.

Table 1. Functionality of FTP servers

A computer