chmod Command - Usage Examples. The chmod Command - Usage Examples What is the Difference Between Chmod Files and Folders

Many novice Linux users often get lost when assigning permissions with the command chmod.

In this advice, accessible and illustrative, I will give chmod command examples . Just use these examples in your work, substituting the necessary files or directories.

chmod command is a handy tool for improving the security of the operating system and allows you to assign access rights to files or directories.

If you are logged into the system using (or have been granted) extended root privileges, you will be able tochange the access rights of any file and directory belonging to any user of the system.

If you are a normal user, you will only be able to assign or change permissions to directories and files that you have created.

Assign access rights on files or directories using the command chmod There are two ways - using symbolic and absolute modes.

Examples of using the chmod command in character mode:

(The initial value of the permissions of the file file is rwxrwxrwx - full access for all)

Revoke permission to execute a file for all users and groups:

$ chmod a-x file (rw-rw-rw-)

Cancel writing to a file by a group and other users:

$ chmod go-w file(rw-r--r--)

File execution permission by owner:

$ chmod u+x file(rwxr--r--)

Giving the group the same access rights as the owner of the file:

$ chmod g=u file(rwxrwxr--)

Cancel reading and writing to a file by group users and other users:

$ chmod go-rw file(rwx--x---)

Examples of using the chmod command in absolute mode:

Permission to read, write, execute the file file by all users and groups (full control):

$ chmod 777 file(rwxrwxrwx)

Setting read and write permissions for owner, group and other users:

$ chmod 666 file(rw-rw-rw-)

Setting full file access for the owner and read-only access for the group and other users:

$ chmod 744 file(rwxr--r--)

Setting full access to the file to the owner of the file and denying access to the group and other users:

$ chmod 700 file(rwx------)

Set read/write permissions for the file owner and read-only permissions for the group and others:

$ chmod 644 file(rw-r--r--)

Set read and write permissions for the owner of a file and its group, and deny access to others:

$ chmod 640 file(rw-r-----)

Setting file access with read permission for all users and groups:

$ chmod 444 file(r--r--r--)

File permissions for read, write, execute by owner and read, execute by group and others:

$ chmod 755 file(rwxr-xr-x)

Allowing read and execute access to the file for the user and others, and denying access for the group:

$ chmod 505 file(r-x---r-x)

If you want to assign permissions to all files in the current directory, simply put an * (asterisk) after the assigned permissions:

$ chmod 755*

As a result of this command, the owner will receive full rights(read, modify, execute) to all files in the current directory, and the group and other users - only read and execute.

If you want your actions to propagate recursively (including all subdirectories), use the -R option:

$ chmod -R 777 *

The result of running the above command will recursively "traverse" all subdirectories of the current directory and assign full access to all users and groups.

This article only covers some examples of using the command chmod. If you want to know more about the team chmod and access rights on Linux, take a look at .

When working with files located on the web server, often there is a need to set or change access rights to folders and files (chmod) view 777. In the family server Unix operating systems, access rights (chmod) of type 777 regulate such actions: reading, writing to a folder or file, and executing a file.

What are "permissions" in the operating system

File or folder permissions are a security feature of any multi-user operating system or software from unauthorized access to important (system) information.

If the operating system is single-user, for example, as a home version (home) of Windows, then there is no point in particularly limiting the user's power over his user and system files and folders. Because, in this case, the same person is both a user and an administrator at the same time.

If the operating system (or program) is multi-user and more than one user can be found in it, then first you need to figure it out and decide which of the users can be allowed access to important system and user files, and who can “let them stand aside”. In order to differentiate the possibilities and degree of access to files and folders for users, within the operating system - there are "access rights".

File and folder permissions are assigned at the system administrator level and determine technical capabilities each user for his operations with files and folders, within the directories controlled by him

At the same time, access rights allow you to partially or completely close the general access to important files and directories, thereby preventing unauthorized intervention in the operation of the system (program, server, website) or changing user data (database, database) on server.

How "permissions" work

By and large, the work of the user in any operating system or program - this is the usual work with files or folders. Initially, when accessing any file or folder, the user is free to do anything with them - execute, delete, change (overwrite) or create a new object. However, the operating system is vigilant - it is always on the alert - every time the user accesses a file or folder, with every action within the operating system, it scrupulously checks whether or not the user is allowed to work with this file or folder. This is what "permissions" are. Thus, the user's capabilities are limited in the actions that he (the user) can do with a file or folder in the computer area under his control.

Permissions in Unix

As already mentioned, access rights to files and folders are available in all operating systems that involve multi-user work. Both in Windows and in Unix, and in any other multi-user operating system, there is a function to configure and set access rights to files and directories (folders, directories) for various categories of users. This article will focus on access rights for server OSes of the Unix family, which are often called .

Permissions (chmod) like 777 for server Unix operating systems regulate the permission or prohibition for the user to perform such actions as: reading, writing to a folder or file, and executing executable files

What is chmod

What is 777

AT server In Unix operating systems, access rights are written as a single line consisting of three digits, where each digit refers to a different type of user group. In turn, all users are divided into groups of three types:

  1. group Owner - "The owner of the folder or file"
  2. group Group - "Group member of the owner of the folder or file"
  3. group World or Public - "All other users"

Thus, three digits in the designation, like 777, are the set access rights for three groups of users of the folder or file at once, where - each of the three digits indicates the access rights for its user group.

Now it remains to figure out who the "Owner" is,
What is "Owner Group Member"
and who are "All other users".

Owner, owner group member, and all other users

Since we are talking about servers, sites and Unix server OSs here, then:

The division of all users into groups in Unix server operating systems is implemented as follows - the Owner and Members of the owner's group connect to the server using a special connection (FTP, SSH) (FTP, SSH protocol), and all other users access the site from a web browser (http -protocol)

It follows that, depending on the file access protocol on the server, the Unix server OS immediately divides users into two parts, either the owner or a member of the owner's group, or all other users. The basis for such a "sorting" (I repeat) is network protocol connections - if the user connected to the server using an FTP account (FTP protocol), then this is either the owner or a member of his group. And if the user accessed the server from a web browser (http protocol), then this is the third group - all other users.

Thus, for the Unix server OS, there is a very clear and easy to understand distinction between the first two and third groups - the owner and a member of his group get to the server using a special connection (FTP, SSH), and all other users - through their web browsers.

But the differences between the first two groups - the owner and a member of his group - are strongly erased and veiled. This is where the jungle of a hosting package and an individual approach for each case already begins.

All files in Unix (Linux) can have two owners: their direct owner-creator (user owner) and his group (group owner). The concept of the owner's group means a certain list of users that was created by the owner himself for sharing a file or folder.

Thus, for a Unix server OS, the owner of a file or folder is directly the server administrator. All the rest, to whom the owner will allow access to files on his server and who will connect to this server via the FTP / SSH protocol, are members of the owner's group.

Disk space rental refers to the space on the server occupied by site files. As a rule, these are inexpensive hosting packages, where their users do not have access to the server's admin panel (not to be confused with the CP - account control panel). Accordingly, site administrators (owners) sitting on such packages, when they connect to the server via the FTP protocol, fall exclusively into the owner's group. Whereas, the owner himself (server administrator) is somewhere out there, “far in the mountains”, in his cozy office technical service hoster.

When renting disk space, the owner of all files on the site is the host itself, while the tenant of disk space is just a member of the owner's group.

For server tenants (real and virtual) - the situation is somewhat different. When renting a server, the renter installs the operating system himself, of course, at the same time - he is the direct owner of the files for this system. But to create a group and add other users to it is already his, the owner's business.
What follows from all of the above?

And the conclusion is this: - Disk space tenants don't have to bother with the first digit like (chmod) 777, because they are not the owners, and will never be the owners of their files. For them, the first digit should always be seven. - Server tenants (real and virtual) don't have to bother with the second digit of the form (chmod) 777. Provided that they have not created and are not going to create any user groups on their server. Here, as such, there is no pronounced and strong distinction. Rather, it will be if you create an owner group and add a list of users to it. But only the server administrator himself can create such a group. When he creates, then he will think what to do with the second digit.

What do the numbers 777 or 456 mean?

Each digit, for each group, represents
arithmetic sum of three digits,
denoting the following rights:

  • 4 = Read (right to read)
  • 2 = Write (right to write)
  • 1 = Execute (permission to execute)

For example:

  • 6=4+2 - Read+Write (right to read + right to write)
  • 5=4+1 - Read+Execute (right to read + right to execute)
  • etc.

All possible 7 addition options for these three digits
on setting access rights to a folder or file for user groups
look like this:

  • 7 = 1+2+4 - Read, Write, Execute (read, write and execute)
  • 6 = 4+2 - Read, Write (read and write)
  • 5 = 4+1 - Read, Execute (read and execute)
  • 4 = 4 - Read (read only)
  • 3 = 1+2 - Write, Execute (record and execute)
  • 2 =2 - Write (write only)
  • 1 =1 - Execute (execution only)

Thus, putting permissions (chmod) like 765,
we will set the following permissions for groups:

  • First digit, group Owner, Owner of the file or folder
    First digit = 7
    This means that the Owner of a folder or file has the right to:
    7=4+2+1 - Read (reading) + Write (writing) + Execute (execution)
  • Second Digit, Group Group, Owner's Group Member
    Second digit = 6
    This means that a member of the owner's group has the right to:
    6=4+2 - Read (read)+Write (write)
  • Third digit, World group, All other users
    Third digit = 6
    This means that all other users have the right to:
    5=4+1 - Read (reading)+Execute (execution)

Now it is clear that by setting access rights with a combination of numbers 777 (three axes), we open full access to the file for absolutely all user groups. A similar result can be obtained by placing the file in the "Public Documents" folder in Windows.

It should be noted that some combinations of numbers can indicate very crazy situations with file access rights. For example, a combination like 477 will allow access to overwrite and execute a file for everyone except its owner (read - administrator). Alas, this does not happen.

Access rights are always set "in descending order" from the "Owner" to the "Member of the owner's group", and further - to the "Everyone else" group. But not vice versa!

How to set access rights like 777 on the server

Now that it has become absolutely clear what these three cherished numbers mean - set permissions (chmod) like 777, will not be difficult. To set permissions (chmod) like 777 for a folder or file that is on the server, you need any file manager, which is able to establish and maintain an FTP connection to the server. It could be Total Commander, Windows Commander, CuteFTP, Filezilla or anything else. Personally, I prefer Filezilla's simple and free FTP file manager, even though I'm a fan of Total Commander.

To set permissions (chmod) like 777, we go to the server via FTP under the rights of the Administrator!, after a pair of login-password of the Administrator!. Further, we find and select the required object (folder or file). After that, right-click the context menu "File - Change Attributes". Next, specify the desired attribute (access rights) and click "OK". To "drive in" the desired combination of numbers, you will need to either put or uncheck the checkboxes (checkmarks) near the necessary items, or enter the required code of the form 777 from the keyboard in the window that opens. All FTP file managers support both methods.

View 777 wreck on Denver

Like all aliens from Space, I regularly communicate with representatives of various extraterrestrial civilizations who start building their sites before they arrive on Earth.

Message for aliens:
No need to try to set permissions (chmod) like 777 when working with a well-known package that only simulates the operation of a web server running a Unix operating system on local computer actually running under the Windows operating system. There is no such button.

Files in Linux have two owners

It is necessary to correctly set the rights to files and folders. You can do this with FileZilla. In general, each server needs its own specific settings, which are best learned from your hosting provider. But usually the rights are set as follows: 444 for files that are in the root directory, 755 for folders in the root directory, 705 for tmp and logs folders, 555 for your template folder, 755 for the image / stories folder, 755 for the folder Cache 777.

The owner of the new file is the user who created the file.

Files in Linux have two owners: a user (user owner) and a group (group owner) which is understood as a certain list of users and moreover, the owner of the file does not have to be a member of the group that owns the file. Each user can be a member of several groups at once, one of which is called primary (primary), and all the rest - additional (supplementary). This gives greater flexibility in organizing access to specific file. Sharing it is very easy to organize some resource, it is enough to create new group and include in it all those who really need it, and if a person, suppose, has moved to another department and there is no longer a need to use this file. And everything is very simple, you just need to turn it off from this group. Well, what to do with the rest, will they really not be able to at least read the contents of the file, or will they have to be included and excluded from the group each time.
But for all the others (other) that do not belong to either the user owner or group owner, the access rights are set separately and, as a rule, the most minimal. Usually the owner of the file is the user who created it. given file. The group owner of a newly created file is set to the primary group of the user who created the file, but in some versions of Unix the group owner is inherited from the group owner of the directory in which the file is created. To change the owner of a file, use the chown command, which takes the name of the new owner and a list of files as parameters: # chown new_owner file1 file2 ... happened best to use the -R flag (chown -R). When using this command (however, like most), you can use regular expressions if there is a need to select files that meet a certain criterion (chown - R lys *.c). To change the owner of a group, use the chgrp command, the syntax for using this command is similar to the previous one: # chgrp sales /home/sales/*. By the way, the chown command allows you to immediately set the owner group, for this you need to put a colon immediately after the owner's name without spaces and other characters and write the name of the required group
# chown - R sergej:gljuk * , this option is also allowed # chown - R:gljuk * (i.e. analogue of the chgrp command).
File ownership determines the operations that a user can perform on a file. The most obvious of these is changing the owner and group for some file. These operations can be performed by the superuser and the owner of the file (in BSD UNIX derivatives, only the superuser). If everything is clear with the first, then, for example, by writing a program and then making it the owner, for example, a superuser, alas, it will not work, and although the option of changing the owner is allowed, I honestly did not find such an application. But the group, if you are the owner of the file, can only be changed to your primary one (by default it has the same name as the name of the corresponding user). All these restrictions were introduced for several reasons so that no one could slip any malicious file and so that if a computer has a disk space limit for a particular user, it would not be possible to simply override the owner by overriding it.
The following basic operations that can be performed on a file are read access (Read), write access (Write) and execute access (eXecute). These operations are set for each of the three user groups separately. Moreover, only the owner user and, of course, the superuser can do this. The chmod command is used to set the appropriate permissions. It is used in two forms: absolute - when old rights are ignored, and new ones are unconditionally established, and relative - when others are added / removed to existing rights. The absolute form involves specifying file permissions by directly specifying it in octal form. In order to get the full code of the required file mode, you just need to add the values ​​of the codes given in the table.

August 12

I was confused about the rights for quite a long time - when I just started working with Linux. Without further explanation, the entry in the form "rwx rwx r—" looks rather unusual and incomprehensible to inexperienced users. In fact, it is enough to have simple comparison tables to easily understand this. System administrator, and any Linux fans should know these values, Be sure!

So, rights in Linux to any file or folder are always assigned for 3 user groups:

1. The user himself.

2. This user's group(the rights will be valid for all users included in this group).

3. All other users.

Rights can be of 3 types:

r- allows content to be viewed w- allows content to be changed x- allows run execution

Below is a table showing the various Chmod combinations for different types objects:

Thus, one type of access can be selected for each user group.

'Rights' 'File' 'Folder'
- Nothing can be done Access to the directory and its subdirectories is denied
r— Can read content You can read the contents of a directory
rw- Can see and edit content You can add, delete, change the catalog file
rwx Read, modify and execute a file You can read, delete, change files, make the directory current, i.e. “enter” this directory.
r-x Can be read or executed You can enter the directory and read its contents, you cannot delete or add files.
-x Run if file is binary The user can execute a binary file that he knows exists, access or read the directory is prohibited

Value table:

You can see that here records using Latin letters and hyphens are used to describe access rights. In Linux, the chmod command is responsible for assigning rights and it operates only with numerical values. Numeric and character values ​​are quite easily and unambiguously mapped as follows:

w (record) is replaced by 2

x (execution) is replaced by 1

0 means to do nothing in alphabetical notation is indicated by a hyphen)

Let's go back to the example entry I gave a little earlier: rwx rwx r-- . If we replace the letters and hyphens in it with numbers, in accordance with the rule just described, and at the same time add the numbers in each triple, we get digital view of this entry: 774 .

Those. it turns out that the sum of these numbers shows chmod in relation to files or a folder. For example:

7 (rwx) = 4 + 2 +1(full rights) 5 (r-x) = 4 + 0 + 1 (read and execute) 6 (rw-) = 4 + 2 + 0 (read and write) 4 (r--)=4 + 0 + 0(only reading)

The table shows the possible combinations of entries in numbers, in relation to user groups:

'Rights' 'Owner' 'Group' 'Rest'
777 read
write down
write down
write down
776 read
write down
write down
write down
775 read
write down
write down
774 read
write down
write down
766 read
write down
write down
write down
655 read
write down
read to execute Readexecute
644 read
write down
read Read

The assignment command itself looks like this:

chmod ‘numerical value of rights’ ‘folder or file to which we assign rights’


chmod 777 full write, read and execute permissions for all user groups for the file match: rwxrwxrwx chmod 644 /home/feanor184/ read and write permissions for the owner of the file located in the root home directory of the user feanor184, for other groups this file will be read-only. match: rw-r-r- chmod -R 777 /scripts full rights to the scripts folder and to all files attached to it, for all user groups. (the -R switch is set to assign rights to attached files)

Today I would like to talk about file and folder permissions (read). This concept came to the world of webmastering from linux (Unix) like systems, on which most hostings work.

And the name Chmod itself is the name of a program in linux that allows you to assign access rights to various objects. And since your site is installed on the server under running linux(Unix) of one or another variation, then work with the objects of your website will be subject to the rules established by the operating linux systems(unix).

In Windows, virtually all files are set to maximum permissions, which, in fact, leads to dominance on our computers, and also, in turn, does not let the owners of antivirus companies die of hunger. In linux (Unix) systems, things are different - everything is more complicated, but at the same time safer. If everything is set up correctly and with skill, then you can significantly increase the security of your website.

Basic concepts of file and folder permissions

If everything is left to chance and does not bother with setting the necessary privileges, then the probability of hacking your resource or infecting it malicious code will be very large. Well, if you carried all your data, but what if not?!

Therefore, it is better to immediately, without delay, configure and change Chmod for all important objects in your engine, based on the principle of minimalism. Those. give objects the minimum rights necessary for the correct operation of the website.

Let's first understand the essence of the issue in order to understand what exactly and how we configure. So let's get started. Access rights are separated in relation to files and directories. They are designated the same, but mean a little different.

In turn, with respect to files it is possible:

  • r - the right to read data.
  • w - to change the content (recording - only changing the content, not deleting).
  • x - to execute the file.

Let's dwell a little more on the possibility of executing the file. The point is that in linux any file can be executed. Whether it is an executable is determined not by its extension (the concept of extension is absent in the file Unix system), and for permissions Chmod. If any file has the “X” execution right, this means that it can be launched for execution.

For directories it is possible:

  1. r - the right to read the directory (you can read the contents of the directory, i.e. get a list of objects in it)
  2. w - to change the contents of the directory (you can create and delete objects in it, and if you have write permission, then you can delete even those files that do not belong to you)
  3. x - to enter a directory (it is always checked first, and even if you have all the necessary privileges on an object that is buried deep in the directory chain, but do not have the “X” attribute to access at least one directory on the path to it file, then you will not get through to it)

In Linux systems, all this is distributed by the main administrator of the computer, access to which he gains by entering a password. And if most of the objects will have read-only rights, then there will be practically nothing for viruses to do on such a computer. they will not be able to record themselves there, nor then be fulfilled. It is this result that we need to achieve by setting the necessary Chmod on the objects of our site.

Privileges for User Groups

The privileges themselves fall into three categories, depending on who is accessing the object:

  • "user" - u (directly the owner of the file)
  • "group" - g (member of the same group as the owner)
  • "world" - o (everyone else)

The server determines which user group you belong to when you connect to the server. When you, for example, connect to a server via FTP protocol, then you log in with your username (and password), and then the server assigns you to the "user" ("u)" group.

Other users who also connect via FTP to the server will be assigned to the “group” (“g”) group, and a visitor who comes to your website using his browser falls into the “world” (“o”) group.

Variations of the three possible values ​​"r", "w" and "x" for the three categories "u", "g" and "o" and define chmod to files. If a category is not specified, it is replaced by a hyphen "-". Privileges are specified sequentially in the given order:

  1. first the rights for the owner - "u"
  2. then for the group - "g"
  3. and at the end - for everyone else - "o"

After the server assigns the visitor to a certain group, it grants him the rights to act on objects, after which the visitor will be able to read, write or execute the file (depending on what his group is allowed to do with this object).

To see the contents of a directory, it must have the read attribute "r" (for the group to which the server assigned the visitor). To create a file or folder in an existing one, it is necessary that this existing directory has an attribute for the “w” entry.

For clarity, let's look at an example where the owner of the file ("user" - "u") has all the rights: to read, write to it and execute, and all other users only have the read privilege. Such a Chmod entry would look like this: "rwx r-- r--".

Let's consider it in detail: "rwx" (this entry sets the rights to the object for the owner - "u"), "r--" (this entry sets the rights to the same object, but if the visitor is assigned by the server to the group - " g"), "r--" (this entry sets the privileges on the object for all other users - "o").

What is the difference between file and folder permissions

It turns out that there are three groups of users and three possible actions with objects. Not confused yet? Let's put all the above on the shelves in the form of tablets. First, let's see how they differ:

As well as a table showing various Chmod combinations for different types of objects:

Nothing can be done

Access to the directory and its subdirectories is denied

Can see and edit content

You can add, delete, change the catalog file

Run if file is binary

The user can execute a binary file that he knows exists, access or read the directory is prohibited

Chmod expressed in numbers (777, 400, 666, 755, 444)

You can see that here the entries using Latin letters and hyphens are used to describe access rights, but you have probably already encountered the fact that Chmod is usually given numerically, for example, the well-known combination: 777, allowing everything and everyone.

Indeed, privileges are also indicated by numbers:

  1. r (read) is replaced by 4
  2. w (record) is replaced by 2
  3. x (execution) is replaced by 1
  4. 0 means - do nothing (what is indicated by a hyphen in the alphabetic notation)

Let's go back to the example entry I gave a little earlier: rwx r-- r-- . If we replace the letters and hyphens in it with numbers, in accordance with the rule just described, and at the same time add the numbers in each triple, we get the digital form of this entry: 744.

Those. it turns out that the sum of these numbers shows Chmod in relation to files or a folder. For example:

  • 7 (rwx) = 4 + 2 +1 (full rights)
  • 5 (r-x)= 4 + 0 + 1 (read and execute)
  • 6 (rw-) = 4 + 2 + 0 (read and write)
  • 4 (r--) =4 + 0 + 0 (read only)
  • etc.

This table lists all possible combinations of privileges, numerically recorded:

And now let's look at various combinations of entries in numbers, in relation to user groups:







You yourself (except when you access the site via FTP) and all other visitors to your resource belong to the “word” group (everyone else), therefore, to work with the website, we first need to look at the last (third) digit this entry.

In order for the script to “run the file” when the user works with the site, it will be enough that the rights are set on it, starting from “4” (r-- - read only) (5,6,7 are also suitable, but it will be redundant in terms of security).

For the directory in which the file of this script is located, you need to set at least "5" (r-x - you can go to the directory and read its contents, you cannot delete or add). 7 is also suitable, but it will also be superfluous in terms of security.

If you need the script to not only read, but also “write” some data (for example, entered by the visitor), then the minimum rights to the “folder” will still be “5”, but for the “file” you will need “6” (read and write).

Most likely, on the server where you copied the contents of your site engine, the following Chmod to objects will be installed:

If you had a resource consisting of only html pages, then it would be possible to leave everything as it is. But modern sites are built on engines, and there may be objects that need to be written to on behalf of visitors from the "world" group - o (everyone else). These can be directories used for caching pages or those in which pictures, etc., will be loaded in the course of working with the site.

It goes without saying that if you access the site via FTP, you can write to these files or directories, but working with the web interface as ordinary user you may have problems. Therefore, the installation of certain rights must be approached selectively:

for all directories in which files should be written, but do not need to be erased regularly

for folders in which files should be written and erased (for example, for the cache)

for simple files read-only (.html, .php, etc.)

for files that may need to be written to (for example, with .dat databases)

How to assign Chmod using PHP

How can all this be put into practice for your site? In principle, everything is simple. To assign access rights, you can:

But if Chmod cannot be changed to any files, then you can try to assign them PHP means. You can use the following code:

You will need to replace file_name_x.php and directory_name_x with the real names of the files and folders you want to change to. Accordingly, 666 will be set for files, and 777 for directories. Put this PHP code into a file using any text notepad (recommended) and give it a .php extension, like prava.php for example.

copy prava.php via FTP to the directory in which it is impossible to assign access rights by regular means. In the address bar of the browser, write the path to prava..php) and press "Start" or enter on the keyboard. That's it, now the privileges will be completely changed by means of PHP.

For Joomla, immediately after installing it, you can set 777 to the following directories:

Administrator/backups/ administrator/cache/ administrator/components/ administrator/modules/ administrator/templates/ cache/ components/ images/ images/banners/ images/stories/ language/ language/en-GB/ language/ru-RU/ media/ modules/ plugins/ plugins/content/ plugins/search/ plugins/system/ templates/

After you install all extensions for Joomla and make the final settings, Chmod to most of the above directories should be in order to increase the security of the site return to 755. You will need to leave 777 for directories with cache, with backup and with pictures.

For engine files located in the root of the site, except for sitemap.xml, it is better to set 444 (read-only for all visitor groups). On setting.php, it is sometimes advised to even set 400.

I can give exactly the same advice about setting access rights to objects in SMF engines and WordPress. It is advisable, if possible, to leave permanent basis for directories 755(except for the cache, pictures, backup directories specified above, and maybe some more, as needed), and for files - 644.

It is better to put 444 on the files in the root of the site.

If, when working with the site, there is a problem with the inability to write the settings to some file or the inability to create some kind of directory, then you can temporarily put high rights on them (777, for example), and then return everything back (out of harm's way). And by no means don't leave(for ease of use of the site) unreasonably high Chmod.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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Good health, dear blog readers! We all would like that each or folder located on the hosting server and belonging to the site would be as protected from unauthorized access as possible.

Such protection is provided due to the fact that 90% of hosters use Unix-like operating systems, in which it is possible to regulate access rights to all files and directories. My hosting provider's server, which hosts several of my projects, is no exception.

By the way, be sure to ask by clicking on the link provided. But let's continue. The rules established in Unix differ from the rules of work familiar to many in the operating room. Windows system, where protection in this aspect is not so strong, which sometimes leads to disastrous consequences in the form of virus infection of the system.

CHMOD for users and permissions to files and folders (directories)

On Unix-driven systems, the situation is different, and there is the possibility of making life very difficult for bad guys who try to take advantage of your hard work over a long period of time. Namely, correctly configure the CHMOD access rights. Our task is to give the minimum possible permissions for accessing files and folders, which, nevertheless, will not violate the correct operation of the site.

Agree, it's a sin not to take the opportunity to seriously strengthen. Of course, in this case, editing some files will take a little longer, but here you have to choose: either optimizing system security, or ... Below I will try to systematize information on CHMOD (access rights), because there are several nuances that need to be know the webmaster. So, let's begin.

Access rights differ for different user groups. When a connection is attempted, the server determines which group a particular user belongs to. All users are divided into three categories:

  1. "user" - file owner
  2. "group" - one of the members of the group to which the owner belongs
  3. "world" - "the rest of the world", that is, all other users

If you connect to the server via and log in with your username and password, you will be identified as “user”(u) if someone else connects via FTP, it will be defined as group(g) if the user is using a browser, then it falls under the category world(o).

Now about CMOD permissions to files and directories. In fact, they are slightly different, although the designations are the same. File permissions:

  • r (read) - permission to read file data
  • w (wright) - the right to change the content (only editing the content can be done - recording, but not deleting)
  • x (eXutive) - the right to execute the file

Access rights to folders (directories):

  • r - the right to read the folder (you can get the contents of the directory, that is, the list of files included in it)
  • w - the right to change the contents (permission to create and delete objects in the directory, if you have the right to write files, then you can delete even those objects that do not belong to you)
  • x - permission to access this or that directory (the peculiarity here is that even if you have all the necessary rights to a file that is located "in the depths" of the directories, but do not have access rights to at least one subdirectory on the path to this object, then won't be able to access it)

A hyphen "-" indicates the absence of any rights. All these rights are prescribed by the administrator, who gets this opportunity by entering a password. If we can set the maximum possible restrictions on the CHMOD access rights to certain resource files, then we can practically eliminate the danger of the implementation of our “dirty deed” by virus programs.

For clarity, consider an example where the owner of the file u has all possible rights: to read, write and execute. Users categorized as g (group) are read-write only, all others (w) are read-only. The CHMOD entry would then look like this: "rwx rw- r- -".

Permissions for files and folders in numerical terms: CHMOD (777, 755, 444)

But more often webmasters in their practice have to assign certain access rights in digital terms:

  • r (read) - 4
  • w (write) - 2
  • x (execution) - 1
  • - (no rights) - 0

Now let's revisit the above example for assigning permissions "rwx rw- r- -". To display the rights of each user, the addition of his rights is used (r read + w write + x execute). Thus, the part of the record for the owner of the file u (user) - "rwx" will turn into 7 (4+2+1). For group member g (group) - "rw-" in 6 (4+2+0) and for other users o (world) - "r- -" in 4 (4+0+0). As a summary, I will present a pivot table with the values ​​​​of CHMOD permissions, expressed both in letters and in numbers:

Now I will present another table that reflects the total CHMOD rights for all user groups in the format of numbers:

These are the main combinations that are most often used in the work of a webmaster. The rest are formed by analogy. If you are a site or blog administrator, but work with a project without connecting via FTP, you also belong to the “Other users” group. In this case, when working with the site in this mode, you need to take into account the last digit in the CHMOD value.

Usually on the server where your files are WordPress Blog, permissions are set to 755 on folders, and 644 on files that are part of them. This is true when the resource is built using HTML files, however, in modern conditions, CMS (content management systems), which include WordPress, are massively used to build a site. And here there may be objects that need to be written to from the “world” user group. There may be folders where content is loaded, including images.

Therefore, the assignment of CHMOD rights to certain files must be differentiated. If you enter the site management via FTP, you can perform any actions, however, in many cases we work with our project through, and in this case, problems may arise if the rights are too high, and vice versa, if the access rights to one or another file (folder) are underestimated, then the security risk increases. Therefore, based on the above, we can determine some recommendations for the practical application of CHMOD for a WordPress blog:

777 - for folders in which files are constantly being written and deleted (for the cache folder)
755 - in relation to folders in which files are constantly written but not deleted
666 - for files in which you need to add an entry from time to time (for example, the .htaccess file)
644 - for read-only files (.php, .html, etc.)

How to Set CHMOD Permissions with FileZilla's FTP Manager

If you need to make any changes while working with the resource, but due to the presence of a ban on editing it is impossible, you need to connect to the hosting server via FTP and change the access rights to 777. However, after making changes to the file, it is recommended to set the previous CHMOD again .

Now more about how to do this operation using. To do this, open the program and connect via FTP to the hosting server. On the left side « Remote server» First, mark the files whose attributes will be edited:

And out context menu, caused by pressing the right mouse button, select "File Permissions". After that, a dialog box will appear. "Change File Attributes":

Here we assign desired values CHMOD for the selected (or selected) files. But this is only if you selected a file or a group of files. In case you want to set or change the CHMOD values ​​for a directory (folder), when you select "Change file attributes", an analog window will appear, slightly different from the one above, namely:

You see, there are additional settings. If you check the box next to the line "Redirect to nested directories", this means that the specified access rights will be applied to directories (folders) or files nested in this directory. If the checkbox below is checked, the group of settings located below will become active and you will also need to choose how you want to apply the settings: to all files and directories, only to nested files, or only to directories.
