Usb pinout by wire colors. Micro-USB pinout and connector pinout color scheme


In every computer and other similar devices, the most popular is the USB connector. With the help of a USB wire, it became possible to connect more than 100 units of series-connected devices. These buses allow you to connect and disconnect any devices, even while the personal computer is running. Almost all devices can be charged through this connector, so there is no need to use additional power supplies. The color-coded USB pinout helps you pinpoint which type of device a particular bus belongs to.

USB device and purpose

The first ports of this type appeared in the nineties of the last century. After a while, these connectors were updated to the USB 2.0 model. The speed of their work has increased by more than 40 times. At present, computers have new interface USB 3.0 with 10 times the speed of the previous version.

There are other types of connectors of this type, known as micro and mini USB, used in modern phones, smartphones, and tablets. Each bus has its own or pinout. It may be required if you need to make an adapter from one type of connector to another with your own hands. Knowing all the subtleties of the location of the wires, you can even make Charger for mobile phone. However, be aware that the device may be damaged if connected incorrectly.

The USB 2.0 connector is made in the form of a flat connector with four pins. Depending on the purpose, it is labeled as AF (BF) and AM (BM), which corresponds to the everyday name "mother" and "dad". Mini and micro devices have the same markings. They differ from ordinary tires in five contacts. USB device The 3.0 looks like the 2.0, except for the internal design, which already has nine pins.

Pinout of USB 2.0 and 3.0 connectors

The wiring in the USB 2.0 model is arranged in the following order:

  1. Red conductor to which the supply voltage is supplied direct current with a value of +5V.
  2. A white conductor used to transmit information data. It is indicated by the marking "D-".
  3. The conductor is painted green color. It also conveys information. It is marked as "D+".
  4. Black conductor. Zero is applied to it, supplying its voltage. It is called the common wire and is indicated by its own label in the form of an inverted T.

The layout of the wires in the 3.0 model is completely different. The first four contact wires are fully compatible with the USB 2.0 connector.

The main difference between USB 3.0 is the following wires:

  • Conductor number 5 is blue. It transmits information with a negative value.
  • Conductor No. 6 yellow color, as well as the previous contact is intended to transmit information that has a positive value.
  • Conductor No. 7 is used as an additional ground.
  • Conductor No. 8 is purple and Conductor No. 9 is orange. They perform the function of receiving data, respectively, with a negative and positive value.

Pinout of micro- and mini-USB connectors

Micro USB connectors are most commonly used in tablets and smartphones. From standard tires pinout micro usb differ significantly smaller sizes and the presence of five contacts. They are labeled as micro-AF (BF) and micro-AM (BM), which corresponds to "mother" and "dad".

Micro-USB desoldering is done in the following order:

  • Contact #1 is red. Voltage is applied through it.
  • Contacts No. 2 and 3 in white and green are used for transmission.
  • Pin No. 4, purple, has special functions in certain tire models.
  • Contact No. 5 black is the neutral wire.

The pinout of the mini USB connector by color is performed in the same way as in micro-USB connectors.

The correct pinout of the plug and socket of the Micro-USB connector for connecting power and charging a mobile phone or tablet.

Pinout diagram

Pin assignment of the micro-USB connector - socket and plug

The USB (Universal Serial Bus) connector is a universal serial bus, the most common wired connection method. external devices to the computer. This connector allows you to organize data exchange between a computer and a video camera, card reader, MP3 player, external hard drive, smartphone.

Charging the battery via Micro-USB

In addition, a 5 volt supply voltage is supplied through it to charge the battery of wearable gadgets. Since almost all modern lithium batteries have an operating voltage of 3.7 V, then the 5 V going through the Micro-USB are suitable for replenishing energy perfectly. True, not directly to the battery, but through the charger converter.

I am glad that the pinout of the connector is the same for all smartphone manufacturers - Samsung, LG, Huaway and others. Thus, a 220 V charger adapter from one phone is most often suitable for charging another without changing the pinout.

  • The main advantage of the Micro-USB connector over other types is the ability to connect Plug & Play devices without having to restart the computer or manual installation drivers. Devices can be connected while the computer is running and disconnected without having to press any buttons.

The difference between Micro-USB A and B

Please note: The micro connector contains 5 pins. In connectors of type "B" the fourth contact is not used. In connectors of type "A" the fourth contact is closed with GND (minus). And for GND - the fifth contact.

It has been developed since 1994, while the development team consisted of engineers from leading companies in the field of IT technologies - Microsoft, Apple, Intel and others. In the process of conducting research, one task was pursued - to find universal port, which could be used for most devices.

Thus, users were provided with a USB connector, which was almost immediately supported by various developers and began to be actively used in the most different devices starting from personal computers and ending with mobile gadgets. However, it so happened that cables with such connectors could not be used everywhere, and they themselves were different, and therefore some need to desolder the mini-USB connector in order to make the appropriate adapter.

At the same time, few people know how this procedure should be carried out correctly.

Concepts you need to know

Unsoldering a USB connector begins by learning the basic concepts:

  • VCC - positive potential contact For modern USB cables, the indicator of this contact is +5 Volts, while it is worth noting that in radio electrical circuits such an abbreviation fully corresponds to the supply voltage of PNP, as well as NPN transistors.
  • GND - contact of the negative potential of the power supply. In modern equipment, including also various models motherboards, this device connected to the housing in order to provide effective protection against static electricity or any external sources of electromagnetic interference.
  • D- - information contact having zero potential, relative to which information is broadcast.
  • D+ - information contact having a logical unit. This pin is used to relay information from the host to the device or vice versa. On physical level this process is the transmission of rectangular pulses with a positive charge, while the pulses have different amplitudes and duty cycles.
  • Male - the plug of this connector, which is often called "dad" among modern users who unsolder the USB connector for a mouse and other devices.
  • Female - the socket into which the plug is inserted. Called "mom" by users.
  • RX - information reception.
  • TX - information transfer.


OTG is a way to connect two peripheral devices via a USB cable without the need for a computer. Also, such a pinout of a micro-USB connector is often called USB-host in professional circles. In other words, a flash drive or some kind of hard drive can thus be directly connected to the tablet or mobile phone just like a full-fledged personal computer.

In addition, mice or keyboards can be connected to gadgets if they support the ability to use them. Often, cameras and other gadgets are connected to printers in this way.

What are its limitations?

The limitations that such a pinout of the micro USB connector has are as follows:

For example, if we are talking about connecting a USB flash drive to the phone, then in this case the USB_AF-USB_AM_micro adapter is most often used. In this case, a flash drive is inserted into the socket, while the plug is connected to the mobile phone.

Cable Feature

The main feature that distinguishes the soldering of the USB connector in the OTG format is that in the plug, pin 4 must be closed with pin 5 without fail. In a standard data cable, to this contact nothing is soldered at all, but this plug is called USB-BM micro. It is for this reason that you need to get to the fourth pin, and then use a jumper to connect it to the GND wire. After this procedure, the plug will be renamed to USB-AM micro. It is the presence of a jumper between these contacts in the plug that allows the device to determine that some peripheral device is going to be connected to it. In the event that the device does not see this jumper, it will act as a passive device, and any flash drives connected to it will simply be completely ignored.

How are devices defined?

Many people believe that when connecting in OTG mode, both devices automatically determine which of them will be the host and which will be the slave. In reality, in this case, only the user determines who exactly in this case will be the master, since into which device the plug equipped with a jumper between 4 and 5 contacts will be plugged, one of them will be the host.

How to make it?

Through the translucent insulation, you can see several multi-colored wires. You will need to melt the insulation near the black wire, then solder one end of the jumper to the GND pin. On the opposite side, you can see a white wire, as well as an unused contact. In this case, we need to melt the insulation near the unused contact, and then solder the second end of the jumper to it.

It is worth noting that the wiring diagram for the micro USB connector is much simpler.

The twisted plug, which you equipped with a jumper, will need to be insulated, for which a specialized heat shrink tube is used. After that, you will just need to take the "mother" from the extension cord and solder it to our plug color by color. If the cables are shielded, then you will also need to connect the shields, among other things.

Can it be charged?

If peripherals are connected to the device via OTG, then in this case it will have to power it, which can significantly reduce the overall duration of the device from the battery built into it. In this regard, many are wondering whether it is possible to recharge such a device through an external source. It is possible, but this requires support for a special mode in the device, as well as a separate wiring for the USB connector for charging.

In fact, the charging mode is most often provided by modern gadget developers, but not everyone allows such a procedure. At the same time, it should be noted that in order to switch to such a charging mode, a separate USB connector wiring diagram must be used, in which the contacts are closed through a separate resistor.

The USB connector is a Universal Serial Bus. Today, this connector in various form factors is present on almost any electronic gadget or device. However, due to long-term operation, a negative situation may arise - the connector either breaks off or is soldered off (taking into account the presence of high temperatures).

For more information on how to replace the connector, see the article below. It should be remembered that all the above methodology, if used by you, is only at your own peril and risk! As a rule, when a non-professional tries to fix complex electronics on his own, everything ends extremely badly.

Many professionals in the event of the above situation are advised to purchase a new connector. For the price, it's worth every penny. Sold in any computer shop.

In order not to confuse the connector with anything, it is better to go shopping with the old connector (which fell off). Buy exactly the same. The following is a set of tools that you will definitely need to perform a connector replacement:

  • flux for soldering;
  • soldering iron with a thin tip;
  • rosin;
  • solder.

The standard UBS connector has several pins. It is extremely important that these pins fall into the vias that are designed specifically for them. But before placing the connector on the board, it is recommended to strip the contacts.

This is done using an ordinary rubber eraser, which is used to remove a simple pencil from paper. This will eliminate the possibility of poor contact after soldering.

It should be noted right away that it is recommended to solder the leads in such a way that excess solder does not stick out. After all, it conducts electricity, which means it can short to ground if the board is incorrectly installed in a laptop (or any other device).

In order for a non-professional to solder correctly, it is recommended to use flux or rosin. This will keep the solder from sticking to the tip of the soldering iron.

As a result, soldering will be accurate and durable.

It is extremely important not to overheat the board itself during soldering. After all, it has paths. If overheated, they can rise, which will disrupt the entire operation of the device.

The video will show you how to replace USB connector on laptop:

The USB (Universal Serial Bus) interface has been in active use for 2 decades, and during that time several standards have been created. This first happened in 1997, when a corresponding connector appeared on motherboards. Today we will talk about USB standards and pinouts, but first you need to note the benefits tires.

One of the main ones is Plug & Play support. Now after connecting the device, you no longer need to manually install required drivers and reboot your personal computer.

The bus not only allows you to transfer information, but also provides power to the connected device. As a result Have an opportunity create mobile networks and sound cards, as well as other types of controllers.

USB versions

Currently created 3 standards this interface. The main differences between them are not in the pinout of the USB connector, but in the speed of information exchange. At the same time, compatibility of new versions with previous ones is ensured, which greatly facilitates the life of users.

Type 1.1

This standard is able to provide transmission speed information up to 12 Mb/s. At the time of its creation, this was a good indicator, but there was still a faster interface - IEEE 1394 or FireWire (up to 400 Mb / s), developed by Apple. However, USB 1.1 has become quite widespread and has been used for several years.

Key features of this specification include:

  • Ability to connect more than 100 devices, including hubs.
  • The maximum cord length is 3 m.
  • The bus voltage is 5V and the load current is 0.5A.

Type 2.0

With the advent of complex devices such as digital cameras, there was a need for a faster interface. The result was a version of USB 2.0, which provided information transfer rates up to 480 Mb / s. Availability hardware compatibility with the 1.1 standard allows the use of older devices, but the bus throughput in such a situation is drastically reduced.

It should be taken into account the fact that the actual throughput of USB 2.0 differed significantly from that indicated in the specification. This is due to the implementation of the protocol, which allows delays in the transmission of data packets. In recent years, a lot of devices have appeared, for the normal operation of which a large amount of energy was required. throughput tire.

Type 3.0

This new standard, the mass distribution of which began in 2010. It allows you to transfer information at speeds up to 5 Gb / s. Although the pinout of the USB 3.0 connector has some differences from the 2nd version, they are fully compatible. To distinguish between the connectors of these standards, the USB 3.0 sockets and plugs are marked in blue.

There are also certain inconsistencies in the connectors. The rated current has been increased to 0.9 A. As a result, the number of peripheral devices has increased, which no longer require a separate power supply. They have their own classification and USB connectors:

  • Type A is designed to be connected to a socket installed on motherboard computer or hub.
  • Type B is used in peripherals(printers).

Connectors of the second type are quite large and cannot be installed on portable gadgets. To remedy the situation, micro- and mini USB standards were created.

Pinout of USB 2.0 connectors (types A and B)

Since the connectors of the first versions of the universal serial bus do not differ physically, it is enough to know the pinout of the latest standard. The first contact is powered by 5 V, and the 2nd and 3rd wires are used to transmit the signal. Pinout USB cable colors look like this:

  • 1 - red.
  • 2 - white.
  • 3 - green.
  • 4 - black.

USB 3.0 connector pinout

IN latest version standard, 9 contacts are used instead of 4. The color scheme of the wiring is shown in the figure and looks like this:

  • The assignment of pins 1 to 4 is similar to the previous version.
  • Wires 5-6 and 8-9 are used respectively for transmitting/receiving data via the Super Speed ​​protocol.
  • 7 - mass of signal wires.

Connectors type B version 3.0 are not compatible with previous standards.

The mini-USB pinout is similar to micro, but in the third version of the interface only the latter type connector is used. Micro-USB 2.0 has 5 pins, however, only 4 are used. In the latest version, the number of wires is doubled. Pins 1-5 perform the same functions as in the connectors of the previous standard, and the rest are designed to solve the following tasks:

  • 6-7 and 9-10, respectively, for transmitting/receiving data using a high-speed protocol.
  • 8 - earth of information wires.

Micro USB socket for charging

Although all mobile gadgets are charged via USB, there is no single standard, and each manufacturer has developed its own scheme. You can use any power adapter to recharge the battery. For example, in the iPhone, for this it is necessary to connect pins 2, 3 with 4 through a resistor with a nominal resistance of 50 kOhm, and with 5 - 75 kOhm. At the main competitor samsung galaxy the pinout of the micro-USB charging connector is simpler. You will need to put a jumper between pins 2 and 3, and connect 4 to 5 with a 200 kΩ resistor.
