Find out by the owner's phone number. How to find a last name by phone number? Find out how you can find the owner just by phone number! Search in the database of phone numbers

Obsessive calls from unknown callers often begin to annoy and interfere with normal life. Many try to find out about a person by contacting contact shops with their telecom operator. But attempts fail, because employees do not have the right to disclose such information. The article will look at how to break through a phone number and find out its owner, who is annoying with calls.

Internet search

Many people resort to the need to publish their announcements on electronic boards. It can be a text about the sale of a car, apartment, cottage, equipment, furniture, personal belongings. When submitting an ad, they fill in information about themselves: first name, last name, city of residence, phone number, sometimes date of birth.

Those who sell real estate prescribe personal addresses. Search services index the provided information. As a result, they can be used.

If you need to find out information about the owner by numbers mobile phone, type it into the search bar in any system.

Checking office number with Google

If you can’t find it on Google, you can try searching through Yandex and other systems.

Search for the owner in the database with numbers

How to find out the owner of any phone number using the Internet? Is it realistic to do it? On the World Wide Web, there are a significant number of services that provide online access to databases to landlines and cell phones.

But they have a number of disadvantages:

  • difficult navigation - difficult to work normally;
  • lack of complete information, you will need to pay for it;
  • such systems lose their relevance and popularity.

List of free bases

There are services with "difficult" sites, where it is difficult to navigate and search for information. A person, entering such a page, wants to close it faster.

Attention! Some sites offer to pay money in exchange for the information provided. Services are paid as follows: SMS is sent to short number. But it is often associated with fraud.

The databases may not be updated at the time of the request, and the information will be incorrect.

How to enter the number in the database?

In most services, it is proposed to enter a phone number in any form. The system will automatically detect it. You can enter with separators in the form (+7***) or (8***).

There are services that you need to install on your computer to use, they cannot be used via the Internet. But they can hardly help, very much outdated programs, not updated.

Other search options

Is it possible to determine the owner of the phone using city reference organizations? No, employees do not provide such information. You can call the service, dictate the name and address, then the specialist will indicate the phone number. That is, only reverse search is possible.

You can also refer a statement to the police about the commission of telephone hooliganism. Employees will quickly find the caller, who may subsequently be punished.

Chance to identify a person by number cell phone increases at times when the short number bothers. They are often privately registered and are intended to send messages and offers about various types of mobile services. Therefore, information about the owner can be easily found on the Internet.

When messages are sent to the phone from a short number, and at the same time the balance gradually decreases, the person becomes a victim of cunning scammers. Most likely, the data about the owner of the number is presented in the networks or on the page of the mobile operator.

Look at the first digit of the phone. It is possible to find out the region of the caller. The operator's website has a list of areas. Perhaps you received a call from some village where distant relatives or forgotten friends live.

If the numbers belong to the same region, you can ask in the communication salon. Idle curiosity is unlikely to be satisfied, but when a person is threatened, you can find out for free by the phone number of its owner.

If suddenly the situation is very serious, then you need to contact the police authorities. Compile an application for an offense and indicate the number from which the calls were received. The staff will help you find the caller.

Try calling this number from another SIM card or home phone. You can call yourself an employee of a cellular company and ask a person something. That way you can get the last name.

A great option to check a person is to dial him through Skype. So you can talk to the owner and even record the conversation if necessary.

There is a little-known way to break through the caller's number. It is legal, fast and as reliable as possible. You will need to enter a specialized request, which should be formatted as follows:

(phone | fax | call | "t" | "f" | "tel";) & ("983-41-91" | "983-4191" | "9834191" | "983-4-191" | "98341 -91" | "98-34-191" | "9-8-3-4-1-9-1" | "9-834-191").

Graphically, the input is shown in the figure.

Specialized number entry to find the owner

It can be seen that the search began to produce specific information. This method consists in the fact that all spellings of the phone were entered into the line.

The second secret - to identify the annoying person, you can download special applications"2GIS Dialer" and "Phone" from Google Inc. Programs are installed on smartphones.

A program that can find the owner of the phone

Both services use their own database of clients of firms and businessmen. Therefore, the identity of the owner of the office phone can be easily established.

When you want to know the owner's name in as much detail as possible, this method may come in handy. If the phone book is in the phone and even on purpose installed program did not help, you can try to look for a person through Viber.

Identification via viber

You will need to copy the number, in Viber click on “add a subscriber”, transfer the numbers to the line. Ready. The system will not find it in contacts, but will offer to add it to the list. Now we have to agree. A number with a photo and data will pop up from the message.

The program is not the only one of its kind. You can find out the identity of a person through Facebook. It uses phone number identification. To do this, in the upper right corner, you need to click "forgot your account?" and dial the combination. Everything is shown in the pictures.

How to find the owner of the phone through facebook

And then you can see what kind of person it is.

You can also transfer money through Sberbank but to the caller's number. If the subscriber has a card, then the name, patronymic and the first letter of the user's surname will be written in the field.

All the information is easy to find out, you just need to be patient and read the article.

We will share with you a secret and a way to determine the owner by phone number. There are times when it is necessary to resort to a search, identify or find out the location of one or another owner of the phone. There are different situations, one of which is with the help of a number. When we know only the numbers, but urgently need to find out in whose name the subscriber number is registered. It is important here not to rush and do everything consistently. How to find the owner by his mobile phone number. You should start with the simplest - a call to the number of interest. This can be done more than once, in case the phone is turned off. If luck is with you, then you will be answered. Check with the interlocutor whether he is the owner given number. If negative, try to find out who it is and how you can contact them. There is another option to achieve the goal, but it is illegal and you should think it over well before using it. This method of finding the owner is to search for the number in the infobase mobile operator, which owns the searched number. So ? We look further.

How to determine the owner of a mobile number

When using this opportunity, remember that you are going against the criminal article Russian Federation and you can be held liable. And so a simple and proven way to determine the owner by mobile phone number, for this you need. You can find a disk with such data on the market, usually people who sell radio electronics have them. Using the database is as easy as shelling pears, enter the phone number in the search engine, and it will show you the subscriber's data. It will not be bad to pay attention to the fact that the database is not outdated and contains fresh data. This will help in obtaining reliable information. Since the number can be blocked and re-assigned to another subscriber. So get updated version. There is another category of people who have information that interests you, these are managers at payment points.

Are you fed up with calls from certain numbers? Do you want to know whose number is on the inbox list? Do you want to calculate the owner of the number from the database? Annoying calls really get on your nerves and deprive a person of peace. And the desire to find out who is calling and interfering with life is growing day by day. How to break through the phone number and find out the owner? It is quite problematic to do this, but we will try to help you.

On the Internet, you can find many sellers of databases of numbers of mobile operators and users of fixed telephony. But can they be trusted? Bases do occur, but they are most often outdated, and people change numbers quite often. In addition, the Web is full of scammers who can “sell” some kind of uselessness instead of a database. Therefore, this tool is dangerous to use.

A universal database, according to which anyone could enter a mobile phone number, does not exist in nature. And if it is, then mere mortals will not be able to access it. How to get the most reliable information? If you get bored phone calls, write a statement to the police - they will help to calculate the telephone bully and even try to punish him.

Breaking a person through the Internet

There are no other legal ways to get maximum information about the caller. But we can try to search for a person on the Internet. People often leave their personal data on various Internet sites. For example, when selling a car through message boards, we provide the following data:

  • Phone number;
  • Given name;
  • City name.

Search for a person by phone number

This is already quite a decent set of data, which can be used to find many people. If you get bored with calls or you just want to punch a person by phone number, try entering the caller's number into one of the search engines - Yandex or Google. There is a fairly high probability that the indicated number has already been lit up somewhere, after which you can get information about a person (or company).

Anyone can break through the mobile phone number via the Internet - just enter in search engine number request. And in the results of the issuance, we will see many interesting sites where various numbers are stored and systematized. Such bases are formed by the users themselves, and they contain information about the people who called. Thanks to this, you can quickly find necessary information.

  • Bank employees;
  • collectors;
  • spammers;
  • Call centers;
  • Selling companies.

If the same number makes mass calls, then this will lead to the appearance of information about this number on similar sites.

Also on the Internet, you can get a city phone number or a cell phone number for the region - some people need such information as well. All federal codes refer to certain regions and cities. Therefore, anyone can find out which region certain numbers belong to - the network is full of resources that allow you to find out the binding of numbers to cities and regions.

The telephone numbers of enterprises are broken through in a similar way - by entering the number of the caller into the search engine, we can instantly find out which company it belongs to. This is most conveniently implemented in the Yandex search engine - there is a large database of added enterprises, which ensures instant receipt of the necessary information.

Alternative ways

You can break through the phone with the help of friends in communication salons. Employees have access to the subscriber base, they can search for the necessary information there. Before that, you need to determine the operator - this can be done on the official Beeline website by indicating the number in the form. If there are no acquaintances, go to extreme measures and try to get a job with the right operator - this is difficult, but possible.

Call Protection

Now you know how you can punch a person by phone number. But how to protect yourself from unwanted calls?

To do this, there are black and white lists, which include unnecessary or, conversely, desired numbers. The black list will block calls from unwanted numbers, and the white list will block any other calls except calls from trusted numbers. This functionality can be provided by the mobile operator or implemented on the subscriber's side using third party programs and basic functionality of mobile phones.

For Android smartphones, we can offer several interesting applications:

"Don't pick up the phone"

A popular application with a regularly updated database and continuous monitoring of incoming calls. Automatically blocks calls from negatively rated numbers, has an SMS blocking function.

"Yandex" with automatic caller ID

A powerful application that analyzes calls from a database of 5 million organizations and user reviews. Identifies callers at the time of the call.

"Security Master"

Multifunctional application with antivirus, memory cleaner, smartphone accelerator and call filtering function with an updated online database.

Try them one by one and find the one that suits you best. As for the classic black and white lists, they are available in 99.9% of all smartphones.

Many are faced with a situation where there is a need for personal purposes or work to find a person, knowing only his mobile number. It happens that the contact was recorded in a hurry and not signed with a name, someone unknown called and you did not have time to answer, or strangers pester you with calls and SMS. This is not an easy task, but there are several effective ways to identify the owner by phone number, which are worth checking out.

Ways to find out the owner by phone number

There are different methods to identify a person by the numbers of a landline (city) or mobile phone. Common ways:

  • Call back an unknown caller. Maybe they called on business and you didn't answer.
  • Contact law enforcement. If hooligans, scammers pester you, you receive threatening calls, you should immediately write a statement to law enforcement agencies. If available, provide recordings of the threatening conversation or incoming SMS. Employees of this structure will give you information about the calling subscriber and initiate a criminal case against him.
  • Punch on the site of the mobile operator.
  • With the help of Android apps. There is special programs for smartphones that have their own database. On admission incoming call they define information about the caller.
  • Appeal to the point of replenishment of the mobile account.
  • Check by region. Each mobile company enters its own digital codes, by which it is easy to determine the region where the SIM card was purchased. Information is provided on the official websites of mobile operators or other third-party online resources.
  • Determine the owner by cell phone number using mobile banking. Many banking structures have a service for replenishing a mobile account by bank card. For example, if you send a request to the Sberbank number (900) to transfer money, you will receive in response the verification data of the owner of the bank account to which the number you are interested in is linked. There is no need to transfer funds.
  • Make a call to an unknown subscriber from another mobile or landline phone, introduce yourself as a volunteer or, for example, a sociologist and elicit the necessary information.
  • Find out the last name by mobile phone number by calling the dispatcher at the telephone exchange. This method can work if you are threatened or a dangerous situation arises.
  • Try to find a person through social networks or instant messengers.
  • Find out with internet search engines. If the desired subscriber has ever submitted ads (for sale, purchase), wrote messages indicating his mobile contacts, then the search engine will definitely find the necessary information.
  • To find out a stranger, you can use telephone directories. On the Internet, there are many online directories or telephone databases available for free download.
  • Ask friends, family and friends.
  • Reach out to friends who work in the field cellular services, for advice.
  • Contact the office of the mobile operator.

How to punch a person by phone number via the Internet

Many people are active Internet users. They communicate on forums, in social networks, study, earn money (for example, by posting ads for sale), relax and thus leave a lot of data about themselves:

  • mobile phone;
  • E-mail address;
  • information about friends and relatives;
  • skype, viber;
  • region, city of residence;
  • first name and even last name;
  • residence coordinates.

search sites

You can search for the information you need using search engine databases. The most popular search engines in Russia are:

  • Yandex;
  • Google;
  • Mail ru;
  • Rambler;
  • Satellite.

Search services, at the request of the user, collect information from all sites and issue an answer. To identify the caller of a stranger, you need:

  • enter the numbers in the search form, trying all the spelling alternatives (solid, in brackets, with a dot, with spaces, with hyphens);
  • click on the "Find" button;
  • carefully analyze the information in the search results.

If the search engine did not find any data for the query, it is recommended to use another service. For example, Google gives more results than Rambler or Yandex. Sometimes the opposite happens, so you should use as many search engines as possible. If no information was found during such monitoring, this means that the unknown subscriber either does not use the Internet, or tries not to leave traces on the World Wide Web.

Search in the database of phone numbers

You can use the databases of numbers that you need to download or use online. On the Internet, this service is provided by many services, but there are some disadvantages:

  • Difficult or confusing navigation of online services. Some sites have such an incomprehensible structure that it is very difficult to figure out how to use them correctly.
  • Paid information. Most sites ask for money to download a database or find out online the owner of a phone number. If you are offered to pay for a base or information, you should remember that the seller may be a scammer. Do not agree to calls to send SMS to a short number from your mobile to receive an access code to the database.
  • Outdated or outdated databases. The longer the database has a statute of limitations, the less real subscribers and reliable data about it will be registered in it.
  • Malicious software instead of base phones. There are also cases when a person hopes to download free base, but receives a viral software application.

How to determine to whom a mobile phone number is registered using special software

There are many mobile applications that help identify the owner by phone number. Most of them are completely free and can be easily downloaded to your smartphone. Such applications do automatic search the information you need while entering numbers into the dialer or identifying the caller. The most popular are:

  • Telephone;
  • 2GIS Dialer;
  • Truecaller;
  • Contacts +.

2GIS Dialer

Diler ("dialer") from 2GIS is an excellent program for the Android OS that fills its database with data from a 2GIS map. The main features of the application are:

  • Determination of incoming calls based on 2GIS.
  • Speed ​​dialing. The software understands transliteration, can find the words both "Masha" and "Masha".
  • Selection of likely contacts for speed dialing based on the analysis of outgoing calls, calendar events.
  • Search for phones of organizations, enterprises, companies.

The application is very popular among users. The positive qualities of 2GIS Dialer are as follows:

  • software is free;
  • does not drain the phone battery;
  • there is an internal large and up-to-date database of subscribers;
  • the presence of "cloud" anti-spam;
  • fast program.

The app is under constant development. Every day the 2GIS Dialer database is updated, new contacts are added, but for residents of small cities, towns, villages, this software may not be suitable due to lack of data. The program is designed to identify phone numbers organizations, finding an ordinary person using 2GIS Dialer will not work.

Phone from Google Inc.

Google is the owner operating system Android is trying to create useful and modern software for users of its OS. A few years ago, Google posted its branded dialer "Phone" in the app store. This application has many necessary, interesting features:

  • making calls;
  • blocking unwanted contacts;
  • built-in autodetector (data is taken from Google+);
  • search for places, organizations nearby;
  • spam protection;
  • intelligent search for contacts in the address book using T9, typing on the keyboard with Cyrillic support;
  • the possibility of video calls;
  • location display in case of emergency.

The Google Phone application has a large database of numbers from different organizations, firms, institutions that are used to identify incoming calls. Download the application to your mobile and use it for free. Among the disadvantages of the software are the following:

  • to use the program, you must have your Google account;
  • not suitable for every smartphone;
  • using this application your personal data is recorded in the Google database.

Search for the number owner via messenger or social networks

You can break through the phone number and find out the owner using popular social networks and instant messengers. It should be borne in mind that a person may not be a member of social networks and cannot be found. To determine the owner by phone number using, you need to follow these steps in sequence:

  • Come out with your account in VK.
  • On the registration or authorization page, select the "Forgot your password?" field.
  • The page for resuming access to your account will appear, in a special cell, enter the operator code, the required numbers. Click the "Next" field.
  • If the person who called you has a page in VK, then the stranger's avatar will appear.
  • Further on the photo, you can easily find the required user.

The search for users on Facebook is carried out in the same way. It is much more difficult to determine the owner by mobile phone number through the website. All that can be found out is part of the user profile nickname under which he is registered on The sequence of actions is similar step by step instructions for VK. On Instagram, it will not be possible to identify a person by phone.

To determine who is the owner of a cell phone number, you can use social networking applications for Android OS. Each application has a function to import friends from phone book. It remains only to save the stranger's number to your phone book, click the "Import friends from contacts" icon. AT mobile application Facebook, in addition to importing contacts from the phone book, you can also search for users by phone number. To do this, you need to go into the program, click on the "find friends" icon, select "search" and enter the necessary numbers in a special line.

Using instant messengers (Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype), you can also try to find out the owner by mobile phone number. Messengers are special applications designed for free messaging and making calls. To do this, you need to go to the messenger, add the contact of the user you are looking for in a special form. If a person uses a messenger, information about him (name, surname, photo) will be displayed in the contact list.

Find out the subscriber through the mobile operator

Not all people leave their contacts on the Internet, especially attackers who buy separate SIM cards to carry out their illegal acts will not “shine” personal data. If you could not find an unknown caller on the Internet or through special programs, you can try contacting your mobile operator. This option is considered ineffective, since, according to legislative norms, the mobile operator does not have the right to disclose the personal data of its subscribers, but it's worth a try.

There are two main ways to try to find out who called:

  • On the website of the mobile operator, breaking through the contacts in the subscriber base. The success of this method is low due to a number of problems:
    1. incomplete volume of databases;
    2. database updates are very rare;
    3. relevant and up-to-date information is not publicly available, it mobile operator hides.
  • Appeal directly to the office of the mobile operator. The chances of getting what you want in this case are extremely small. All consultants are responsible for the information they provide. Try to put pressure on pity or try to get what you want with cunning. In extreme cases, specialists will at least help you blacklist the scammer's contact. And if the subscriber is engaged in illegal actions, you can demand that his number be blocked.


So, today we will talk with you about how to find the owner's name by phone number. In fact, there are quite a few interesting and simple approaches that can help you. True, not all methods will work 100%. Some of them may crash. After all, they need a manifestation of imagination and sociability. Thus, let's try to find the owner's phone number using different methods.


The first scenario is the one when you just need to show imagination. If you want to know who owns a particular number, then just try to find out from the caller himself. Right during a phone call.

Quite often, friends, relatives and acquaintances like to joke like that - they call from a new mobile phone. During the dialogue, try to find out who you are dealing with. It is the conversation, as a rule, that helps to cope with the task over time. True, not everything is always so simple. In most cases, finding the owner's phone number is much more difficult. And here a simple dialogue does not get off. You have to look for many workarounds, as well as use a variety of secrets that will help to cope with the question. What should be done? Now we will try to understand this. How to find the owner's name by phone number? Let's think further.

search engine

There is another rather interesting and simple approach. It can be used by any average computer user. Of course, you will need to have an internet connection for it. If you are thinking about how to find a person’s last name by phone number, you can try using an Internet search engine.

This option does not give you any guarantee of success. Probably, in most cases, we can say that the dialogue during the call will give great chances to resolve the issue. True, there are exceptions. Just go to any search engine (which you prefer), and then type the required number into the search bar. Start searching.

After you receive the results, review them carefully. Very often, the owner's surname by phone number is determined due to various social networks. There you can see not only this data, but some more. So to speak, redundant. That's all the problems are solved. Only the situation is not always so good and just develops. Often, the name of the owner by phone number, as well as his other data, is quite difficult to determine using a search engine. For this reason, users are looking for other options. What exactly? Now we will get to know them.

To the operator

Quite common, but not always the right move, is a visit to telephone operator. And both to yours and to the one whose number you are interested in. After all, it is here that you can determine the owner by phone number. Though not always.

If you contact your operator, then tell him that you need to obtain information about the caller. Come up with a reason (or tell it like it is) that would convince the employee to provide you with such data. In principle, when a SIM card is issued to you, there should not be any particular problems.

In the case when you decide to get information about the number that called you through the salon of the operator of your interlocutor, everything will be several times more difficult. After all, such confidential information do not provide "right and left". You'll have to try hard to convince employees to give you information about the caller. To be honest, this move usually ends in failure. And then you have to think about how to find the last name by phone number. It's good that there are still a lot of possible alternatives.


If the owner of the cell phone number has disappeared, and now you just need to find it, then you can always contact the police. There, as a rule, a statement is made about the disappearance of a person, after which you have full right give the owner's phone number. Ask at the same time and tell you the initials of the one who got lost. Introduce yourself, for example, as a distant relative who has forgotten the name of a person. Or a good friend. Childhood, for example. Then you can still provide all the necessary information.

Unfortunately, this option doesn't work very well. After all, the police now trust few people. Why would close friends or relatives be looking for the owner of a phone number without knowing his initials? In principle, if you are simply "gotten" by calls from an unfamiliar number, you can report this to law enforcement agencies. Maybe then you will also be given information about the caller. But don't get your hopes up for this method. After all, quite often it is necessary to look for other alternatives for solving the problem posed. And in modern world it's pretty easy and simple to do.

Buying a base

For example, each person can purchase a special telephone base of subscribers. Such services are provided by radio communication markets. Here you, albeit for a large fee, but you can get what you need. After that, you don’t have to think for a long time how to find a last name by phone number.

All that remains for you after purchasing the subscriber base is to search for the necessary number with your own hands, and then look at all the data that relates to it. Sometimes here you can find not only the name / surname, but also the address and email. Of course, the integrity of the picture depends on what specific base you bought.

It should be noted right away that this method not entirely fair and legal. Thus, it is best to avoid it. Yes, they will not "cover" you, but then your conscience can torment you. If this does not scare you, and spending is not a hindrance, you can try this method. However, there are other approaches as well. Simpler, "cheaper" and more convenient.


For example, you can turn to the World Wide Web again for help. Only now we will work not in search engines, but with a variety of hosting services that offer us to quickly and accurately find the subscriber's data by phone number. As a rule, these services are paid. The price is not particularly high (about 50 rubles), but nevertheless, sometimes even it can repel.

There are also free hosting offering similar services. True, such places are best avoided. About the risks of use this method we'll talk a little later. In the meantime, let's try to find the owner's phone number using specialized sites.

Visit home page hosting and select the required function there. Next, you will have to dial the subscriber's number in the appropriate field, and then enter a special security code. It will be sent to you on your cell phone. Then wait for a while - and after a short pause, all the necessary data appears on the screen. A great move, though not the safest.

With checks

Well, here's another little trick that will help answer the question of how to find the owner's name by phone number. To do this, you will have to use the mobile payment terminal. Top up the subscriber's number for a small amount, and then contact the salon cellular communication in order to clarify to which name you have contributed funds.

For credibility, you can come up with some kind of story, because of which you will now find out who exactly the funds were transferred to. If it works, then you will get all the data you need. AT otherwise we can leave our today's task and not suffer over the solution of the problem.


To be honest, if you decide to identify the owner by phone number, you will have to immediately warn that this undertaking is unsafe. The first thing to be wary of is deception. In the course of using the Internet and sites, you can simply become a victim. You will be charged for a service that is not provided. Well, if the amount was small.

In addition, many users note that after trying to find out the owner by mobile number, various viruses appeared on their phones themselves. Just they are the second threat that can only lie in wait for you. If you are not afraid, then choose the approach that suits you best and get down to business.
