Log in to Twitter from the app. The best apps and services for Twitter

(Twitter) on this moment is one of the most popular in the world. Every day, the number of new participants is measured in tens of thousands. What caused such great popularity? How to use this social platform? What opportunities does it offer? We will talk about all this in this review article.

1. History of Twitter

Twitter was first launched on March 21, 2006. On that day, the first public message, left by founder Jack Dorsey, appeared. It looks like this: "Setting up my twttr" (Eng. "Setting up my twitter"). Initially, the service was planned to be used as a platform for the exchange brief messages between employees of the Odeo company, which specializes in the development software. The message length was to be 140 characters. The website's architecture was designed to instantly publish messages from users who subscribed to the email creator's account. The first public version was presented in June 2006. Two years later, the billionth message was recorded.

Today Twitter is social network, which allows account holders to leave short messages up to 140 characters long on their page (the restriction reappeared in 2012). Those who want to register here see Twitter as not only a social network, but also a great opportunity for advertising.

The popularity of this site is also due to large quantity famous personalities who have official accounts. At one time, the world tested the vogue of registering a Twitter page to learn more about the thoughts of their idols. Everyone has the opportunity to quickly find a famous person by typing his initials or nickname in the search. Subscribe to news allows you to receive the latest information about the posts left on the pages of celebrities.

In addition, Twitter has become one of the most powerful news platforms. Thanks to a simple but at the same time effective hashtag system, everyone has the opportunity to get acquainted with various information that may be of interest.

2. How to register on Twitter

In the "Design" section, you can also customize your own theme. The interface looks like this:

There are no design restrictions as such. However, we recommend that you refrain from posting images that are too explicit or may offend other users.

Now let's look at a small instruction on how to use Twitter, its features and advantages.

4. Twitter Features

4.1. Search for information by hashtags

Hashtags are keywords that are placed directly in the user's post. With it, other users can quickly find interesting information.

To find necessary information, you need to use the search bar located here:

A pound sign (#) is required before entering a keyword. After it is entered keyword search. There should not be a space between the sign and the word. For example, enter the hashtag #downhill . Here's what we got:

4.2. How to retweet

Retweet, in fact, is an alternative to reposting on social networks VKontakte, Facebook, and so on. The essence of this feature is that the user places a post from another user on his feed, showing it to his readers who have subscribed to the account.

The most common way to retweet is to use special key under the post. Let's look at it with a specific example.

We are on the twitter page of downhill rider Aaron Gwin. We liked the post left on the page and we want to retweet it to our page.

Select the "Retweet" icon and click on it.

The following window will appear. Click on the "Retweet" button.

The retweeted post appeared on your page.

4.3. How to add a follower on Twitter

There are two ways to become a follower of a specific user. The first, and perhaps the most common, is to subscribe to a person's account, proposed by common interests. For this purpose, a special column is located on the right side of the site. Clicking on the "Follow" button automatically turns you into a follower (reader) of the selected user.

There is also a second way. We are looking for a person who interests us. After that, go to his personal page. On the right side of the page is the "Read" button. Clicking on it automatically subscribes your account to the selected user.

4.4. View a list of your followers

On the page you can see a list of your followers, i.e. those who have subscribed to you. I wrote a separate article about how you can attract users and become popular on Twitter.

Many people want to be the center of attention. You can do it different ways, but photographs are most often used for this purpose. Beautiful pictures, interesting angles - all this attracts the attention of users. And someone pays attention to the faces, someone - to an unusual setting, someone - to the environment. There are many accents in one shot that will influence different people, attracting them to your page, especially if it is on the social network Twitter.

Opportunities: what does the application offer us?

At first glance, it seems that it differs little from other similar social networks. Here you also need to go through a simple registration, fill in personal data in your profile, make friends by adding relatives, comrades or making new acquaintances. Here you can also post a lot of different photos on your page, adjust the degree of their privacy, thereby opening access to them either only to friends or subscribers, or to anyone who wants to look at them.

Given the fact that this network is widespread, you will not lack friends. This social network has pages of popular actors, singers, politicians, presenters. So if you download Twitter on PC, you will always be up to date with all their news.

Public people post here their correspondence, new selfies, share plans, discuss work. So you have a unique chance to find out about everything before it becomes the general property of television. And who knows, maybe you will even be able to enter into a dialogue with them.

Also in the program are available world news, sports news, science. So add interesting pages and groups to your bookmarks and keep track of all the events that take place in them, discuss what you see, open new headings on your page.

Application advantages

First of all, in order to start a profile, you need only a couple of minutes. Simple windows that require filling will not cause you unnecessary questions. There is also a very convenient placement of tools, due to which you will quickly find what you need.

With the application you can communicate with people from all over the world. If you have Twitter on your computer, then you can chat with friends while viewing the news in parallel. Also, you will not have any problems installing this application.

To successfully download the application, it is enough that you have Windows 7 and higher, a 516 MB video card, a 1.4 MHz processor, 2 GB random access memory and 1 GB free space on the hard drive.

How to install Twitter on a computer or laptop

Due to the expansion of the functionality of the program, it became necessary to download it on a computer. To perform this action, you will need an emulator capable of adapting the PC environment to the requirements of the program.

First of all, you need (you can do this from our website) and install it on your hard drive. Next, you need to start account while providing personal information. All this will allow you to access the app store. There is a search bar there. To quickly find the program, you should enter the name of the application there - "Twitter".

Similar Applications

Let's summarize the above

If you are interested in how to download Twitter to your computer, then there is nothing complicated here. If you need this network in the form of an application, then just open the emulator installed in advance and find it in the application store the right software. Installation will not take much time, but you will get access to the functionality of this utility.

Services and programs for maintaining Twitter accounts are designed specifically for those who do not want to waste a lot of time on their Twitter. And by the way, in this I see one of the main problems, why people do not want to work with Twitter - they think that it will take a lot of time to maintain their account, to promote it, to communicate with other people and so on.

Although, in fact, there have been programs for a long time that can greatly optimize the time you spend on Twitter. In my case, this is 15-20 minutes a day, and I promote and manage several accounts.

I clearly understand that time is money and other businessmen understand this too. That is why, in order to spend the minimum amount of time on promotion in social media, there are special programs and automation services.

In addition, if you want to maintain more than one Twitter account, then you need such services like air, otherwise all working time will be spent only on working with Twitter.

Among such programs and services, there are both paid and free ones. As well as shareware, where basic functions are available for free.

Now let's move on to the services themselves.


Of course, the very first service for Twitter that I want to talk about is Hootsuite. It includes a huge number of various functions.

One of the very handy features for those who frequently Tweet is the ability to schedule a Tweet in certain time. The tweet is planned and will be published. This way you will not spam your followers with a constant stream of Tweets at one time, but spread them out after a certain time. Each Tweet can be accompanied by an image or file, its location and a link.

Moreover, through this scheduler, you can schedule entries not only on Twitter, but also on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and some other services that are not very popular in Runet.

You can add up to 5 accounts for free.

All of these accounts are easy to turn on and off to post or not post Tweets to them. In addition, you can track in real time each account's news feeds, mentions, direct messages, and your sent Tweets.

In addition to these functions, you can build analytics in a convenient form. And when you are seriously engaged in promotion, this is very important.

And besides all of the above - there are still a lot of small useful functions. In general, I highly recommend this service precisely because it has a lot of free features.

Yes, and yet, this service has a Russian interface, so that it will be convenient for those who find English difficult.

2. Bottlenose

The most important advantage of Bottlenose is that it has a very powerful engine that allows you to keep track of interesting news and social trends in real time.

It is very similar in structure and navigation to Hootsuite.

You can choose and customize which feeds will be displayed in each column, in each Twitter account.

If you want to stay up to date with what's happening in your niche or topic, then Bottlenose is the way to go.

3. TweetDeck by Twitter

TweetDeck is very similar to Hootsuite, and comes with a setup version as well as a web version.

Personally, I use the desktop version, that is installed program. Can be installed on both Win and Mac.

You can connect both Twitter accounts and Facebook accounts. I really like the fact that I can link all my Twitter accounts and send a Tweet to all of them with one click. In addition, I can also, with one click, retweet - to all my accounts.

4. Tweepi

Tweepi is very handy online service to manage your Twitter account. With the possibility of various mass actions aimed at making your network of followers, and indeed your account in general, more valuable in terms of connections with other people.

That is, unfollow those who did not follow us. Unfollow bots and other people who haven't been on Twitter for a long time.

Here are some useful features of the service:

  • Flush the unfollowers- unfollow those who did not follow you after you unfollowed. And it can be done with just a few clicks.
  • Reciprocate- it may take you a very long time to find all those who followed you, but you have not yet followed them back. And this feature allows them to be tracked and followed very quickly.
  • Cleanup inactive accounts- a lot of people you follow are no longer active on Twitter, never retweet, in general, there is practically no sense in them. You can use this feature to track these people and then unfollow them.
  • Follow @user's friends- useful for those who want to follow certain friends of a certain Twitter user. It is very convenient when you know for sure that this user has your target audience. And using this function, you can immediately follow everyone, expect them to follow you too.

In addition to these free features, there are many more features that will be available after you pay for the Premium status. But of course, for starters, it’s worth testing the service, and if everything suits you, everything works well, then you can safely buy a paid account and use it to the fullest.

5. Community.it

commun.it is very useful service in order to analyze who you follow on Twitter and find the most influential people, and analyze who you follow and also find the most influential people who follow you.

6. Twidium Inviter

Now let's move on to Russian software. This is one of the programs that I use - Twidium Inviter. I have this program running almost 24 hours a day. Works like clockwork and has many very useful features.

I bought it exactly, because I have been cooperating with the guys for a long time, and they themselves have been working since 2010 and were the first on Russian market who do produce similar software.

With proper setup, it will be your indispensable assistant in the promotion of your Twitter account. And so, what the program can do (I will not copy-paste a sheet of text here, with all the functions of the program, but I will list only the most important):

You need the program if:

  • You have just started your microblogging, you have few followers (followers) and you want to increase their number.
  • You want to make money from your microblog by posting paid tweets, but you don't have enough followers for that.
  • You are engaged in the promotion of other people's accounts for money.
  • Do you want to get traffic from search engines for low frequency requests.

Personally, I use it to constantly search for people by the right filters and then follow them. And then, accordingly, I will unfollow those who did not follow me. All this is done on a full machine, for several Twitter accounts at once. Almost continuously. It takes 10 minutes a day, for that the results are $ 100 every day 🙂 .

PS The program can be used free of charge for 7 days to test all functions.

7. Twidium Accounter

Now let's talk a little about another program from Twidium - Twidium Accounter.

This is also a desktop application, that is, we download and install it on a computer. The main task of this program is to fill your accounts. That is, as you understand, there are two ways to conduct Twitter. First, constantly write there yourself. And the second is to schedule the required number of Tweets once and entrust the work to the program.

In fact, everything can be put on full autopilot. And this is especially true if you do not maintain a personal Twitter, but attract people through Twitter to some kind of affiliate programs, etc. Although, I'm going too far now.

Most importantly, Accounter can completely free your hands from filling Twitter. Of course, some Tweets need to be answered by yourself, but this can be done once a day or a couple of days. It's comfortable.

In addition, what else the program can do:

Twidium Accounter is designed to maintain and fill in automatic mode groups of twitter accounts. The more accounts used in the program, the more noticeable the effect in saving your time.

The working unit in the program is the project. Projects in the program can be of the following types: tweet posting project, replay posting project, retweet posting project, profile change project. Each project is configured separately and performs well-defined actions. Projects can be added to the program unlimited quantity. Each project runs in its own thread independently of the others.

8. ManageTwitter

And in conclusion, I want to tell you about one of my favorite programs. This is manageflitter.com.

The program works very simply - first you need to connect your Twitter account, and after that you get access to the functionality.

I note that this service is constantly growing and developing. Overgrown with new features and it's good. Basic functions are available free of charge, and if you need to work more subtly, on a large scale and competently, you will have to pay a monthly subscription fee.

One of the great features of the program is the massive unfollowing of those who did not follow you, who are not very active, whom the service considered a bot, and other people who do not need to be followed. Therefore, we click and get rid of them.

Remember that Twitter management services save you time

Nowadays, it is very important to have social media accounts if you are a public person or if these are your business accounts. But you need to remember that this is not the only aspect of the business.

That is why time should be used as efficiently as possible, and such services will save you tens of thousands of hours.


Write in the comments what is your favorite service to optimize your work on Twitter? Or if not yet, which one of the following did you like the most, which one is the most needed at the moment?

Twitter is an application created to meet the needs of a large number of people in the rapid exchange of information through interfaces, SMS, tools for users of network members of all ages. A convenient prospect is to download Twitter to your computer, and get the opportunity to publish small capacious notes in the existing “microblogging” format. At the same time, you can use the service completely free of charge. For sending SMS, the tariff is set by the operator in accordance with the user's plan. The application is very convenient for quick and effective contact with family and friends, publishing your own creations.

Application functionality

The ability to download Twitter on a PC and use it as a medium through which personal and public messages are transmitted is in many ways a key factor in the human community. All facts that were not registered in time by representatives of official information services appear on the social network almost instantly, allowing the public to adequately respond to ongoing events and help to cope with a situation in which many services operate exclusively according to the rules, that is, within the maximum time frame, sometimes unacceptable if necessary. taking urgent action. In this, the possibilities of the social network Twitter are of exceptional importance. The functionality of the application is able to quickly cope with the planning of the rescue operation. Americans constantly use the existing social network in everyday exchange information messages about separately occurring events that can be delayed for a long time in time when taking action.

Since 2015, the services of companies have launched the Moments service. With its help, users can track various subjects.

Since 2016, the "Conversational Ads" format has been introduced. Questionnaires are created with his participation. There are two answers to choose from. In the same year, Twitter officially announced two separate options for doing business and its operations. It is now possible to survey interested customers using the Customer Feedback service. At the same time, companies can find out the NPS index and evaluate customer satisfaction (CSAT). At the same time, the most convenient form for brands is the ability to add a link to existing “tweets” using the “Send a private message” button. This innovation allows you to create separate groups for ads that have different targeting criteria and different types in the conditions of the activity of one company, plus tracking the effectiveness of their interaction. According to statistics, the marketing research company Pear Analytics analyzed more than 2,000 tweets in two weeks during the most productive working hours of the day. These studies have shown the following:

  • in terms of general conversations (social care) - up to 41%;
  • conversations that don't carry business information— up to 38%;
  • messages that are repeated - up to 9%;
  • general spam - up to 4%;
  • self-advertising — up to 6%;
  • news reports - up to 4%.

Application pros and cons

  • Simply register and create a user profile.
  • The interface is clear and user-friendly.
  • The program provides communication with friends from different parts of the world.
  • While chatting, you view the latest news of the day.
  • Easy to install application.

As for the cons, many users argue that excessive sociability, which accumulates a large bill for services mobile communications or obligatory answers to useless questions, like "what am I doing now", a somewhat absurd waste information resources. People prefer to exchange only useful information, not wasting time on empty talk.

How to run Twitter on PC

To install Twitter for windows computer 7, it is necessary to install a special program to create an Android environment. BlueStacks support provides game app emulation. On our site you can download it completely free of charge. When the installation of the program is completed, the screen will display two "icons". Click home. In the "Search" line, enter the name of Twitter. When the results are displayed, click desired file and the "Install" command.

Twitter is a popular social network all over the world, with more than 50 million audience, from Twitter and Inc. Offers a convenient service for the exchange of information and communication between users. Here you will find only fresh and interesting news from the world of politics, stars, cinema and other popular spheres of life. It is also a huge platform, which has been chosen by bloggers and streamers from all over the world. You can meet new people, follow the lives of your idols, share tweets (records), watch videos, listen to music and, of course, chat. Also leave your likes on the publications you like, share your opinions and experiences with other participants. Subscribe to various channels or create your own to become a popular internet figure. In addition, Twitter is a good tool for promoting various services and products. The more subscribers you have, the more retweets, and therefore the audience coverage. If you don’t like popularity, but just want to relax, then scroll through the feed. It regularly includes fresh entries from the communities and pages you follow. Stay up to date with various new products and premieres, as well as important news. To all this, the service is absolutely free and you can download Twitter to your computer right now, from our website. Try a new social network with its own interesting features, you have never seen such a collection of funny stories and useful knowledge anywhere else. You can also download other useful applications, and editors. Dozens of tools for creating and processing photos, audio and video are already waiting for you. Pay attention to our extensive catalog of games, hundreds of exciting arcades, shooters, strategies and multiplayer RPGs are already waiting for their heroes. Don't miss out on exciting puzzles, tutorials, and addictive multi-moves with interesting plots and stories.

Twitter is a handy tool with which you will always be up to date with everything new. It will only take you about half an hour a day to get as much information as you will not find in any magazine or newspaper in the entire issue. You can also quickly find the information you need and share it, this is facilitated by the following functions:

In addition to creating and managing content, Twitter on PC offers convenient tools for setting up notifications and tracking user activity. You will always be aware of who shared your posts and where, you will also be able to view and reply to comments, monitor the number of likes and retweets. You can also find out who began to be interested in your page.

Build friendships with new people, communicate in private chats and exchange interesting records or files. Create group conferences where you can also have fun talking and discussing last news. Customize your profile so guests can see who they're dealing with. Add Additional information about yourself, set a photo, you can even change the background of your page.

Twitter is constantly being developed and supported by developers, and there are a number of difficulties associated with this. If you are under the age of 13, you cannot post your own posts, but you can use the chat, retweet and scroll, and follow other users.

Functionality: application features on a PC

Navigating the application is very simple, as well as managing its main functions. This is obvious, because a separate group of specialists was involved in the creation of the interface. Since Twitter is a social network, after the first launch you will have to go through the registration or authorization procedure if you already have an account. After that, you will be thrown into the main menu, everything is very simple here, at the bottom of it there are the main sections: home, search, notifications and messenger. By clicking on the first tab, you will be taken to your page, here you can view or change the basic information and, most importantly, add a new tweet. After that, it is fixed in your feed and will be visible to all users who visit your page. To manage your account, there are four submenus in the section, where you can view tweets and their retweets, download media files and track likes. By the way, you can download not only ready-made video and audio tracks, but also record your own in real time if you have a camera installed, for example, in a laptop or WebCame.

In the search section there is a corresponding line where you can enter the hashtag or the approximate title of the post you want to find. Here you can also search for people, groups and other content available in the service. In addition, the most popular users and publications are displayed in the search. About half an hour will be enough for you to fully understand all sections of the program and its purposes. All icon designations are intuitive, in addition, they are signed.

Any user can install Twitter on a PC, the only thing you need for this is an emulator. Since the service is mobile, it will not be possible to immediately launch it on a computer / laptop, and the platform will act as a virtual Android system.

With this tool, you can manage mobile applications like regular computer ones, using the mouse and keyboard.

Advantages and disadvantages of the application

Chat with users from all over the world without limits, share your stories, photos and videos. Discuss the most sensational topics or, conversely, learn about the news firsthand before anyone else. All this is available and collected in one convenient platform, which is completely free. You can use Twitter on any of your devices thanks to our installer. Run it on a computer / laptop or your smartphone with Android OS. Also sync accounts to have full access to media files no matter where you are sitting.

How to install Twitter on a PC or laptop

The whole installation process, together with the emulator, will take you about 5-10 minutes. Moreover, we have prepared two universal manuals, which describe in detail how the launch is performed mobile applications on computers with operating system Windows.

First, let's launch the emulator, which is located in open access on our website. After downloading, run its installer, which has a built-in installation wizard, it will automatically perform all the necessary processes, you only need to accept the agreement and select a folder for it.

After the installation is complete, log in to the emulator menu and do the following:

  1. Add the name of the project to the search bar in the Installation Center section.
  2. Open the first app from the proposed list.
  3. In the next window, you need to find and click the install button.

  1. Download the archive with the application installer on our website.
  2. Unzip the directory to disk.
  3. Run apk installation files in the My Applications section by clicking the corresponding button on the control panel at the bottom of the window.
  4. In File Explorer, select the unzipped installer from the second step.

System requirements

  • OS – Windows packages, including XP SP3/Vista SP1 and new windows 7/8/8.1/10.
  • Processor - two / four cores with a frequency of 2 GHz, like Core I3 / AMD A10, etc.
  • Video card - integrated/discrete similar to GTX650/750/Vega9/Radeon R9/HD7660.
  • Free disk space - 4GB (specify a partition with this amount when installing the emulator).
  • RAM - 2GB+.
  • Tumblr is a great community for those who want to find people with similar interests, covering a variety of topics, from dogs to space engines. Publish your posts and stories, and share media files with members.
  • Pinterest is a convenient service for those who are always on the lookout for new products. Allows you to view and read interesting news, posts, and save ideas in your own library. Do not lose useful information let it always be at your fingertips.

Video review

Is it worth downloading?

If you like a lot of fresh publications, interesting news and follow the lives of popular people, then you should definitely download Twitter to your computer. Moreover, the application is free and opens up great opportunities for users. You yourself can try to become a popular person with a bunch of fans and subscribers.
