Questionnaire survey of users of social networks. The results of the survey on the topic

The work was done by a 4th year full-time student

Kolpashnikova M.A.

The questionnaire consisted of 20 questions. The survey was conducted anonymously.

After the survey, it turned out that 65% of the respondents use the Internet through the phone; 20% use Wi-Fi; 10% have purchased a modem and only 5% have wired internet.

Most often, 70% of respondents use the Internet for communication and 30% for work.

All of the respondents 100% know the concept social networks.

To the question "what is a social network?" (it was necessary to give a written answer) The most specific definition was the following: “A social network is a huge site on which everyone has a page with information about themselves, personal photos, music and videos. You can write messages to each other, follow the news, leave comments and so on.

The majority of 75% have registration in Vkontakte, 7% - Facebook and 10% in Odnoklassniki and 8% of respondents noted several existing social networks.

All 100% of respondents in social networks communicate with other users.

The purpose of communication for the majority was just to have a good time (80%); sharing interesting information with other users (13%); to make acquaintances (7%).

The frequency of visits for all respondents was every day.

The most popular in the survey was such a network as Vkontakte.

The survey involved women, the predominant age ranged from 20 to 39 years.

The marital status of which was 45% - married, 40% - not married; 10% are divorced and 5% are widows.

The education of the respondents is 30% incomplete higher, 50% higher, 20% specialized secondary.

The scope of activity is also diverse for everyone - 18% - training, 32% - temporarily unemployed and 50% work.

The conclusion from the survey can be drawn as follows, that social networks in our time are popular with people of any age, marital status and different fields of activity, are used for different purposes ... both in free time and at work due to the ability to access the Internet from the phone, which dominates the fame along with modems, Wi-Fi and wired internet.


Hello! A student of the Tver State University is conducting a study to identify the opinions of the inhabitants of the city of Rzhev about social networks. This study is anonymous, all data will be presented in a generalized form. Circle the answer you choose. Thank you for your cooperation!

1. What Internet are you using?

a) wired

b) modem

d) go through the phone

d) don't use the internet

2. What exactly do you use the Internet for?

a) for work

b) for study

c) for fun

d) to communicate

e) other (specify) ______________________________________________________________________________

3. Do you use the Internet as a means of communication?


a) positive

b) negative


8. Do you haveaccountsin social networks?


a) to communicate

b) for fun

c) for dating

d) to search for information

e) other (specify) _____________________________________________________________________________

a) communication

b) entertainment

c) information search

d) other (specify) _____________________________________________________________________________

12. Do you communicate with other users on social networks?

13. For what purpose do you usually communicate on the Internet?

a) discussion of topics of interest to me

b) to make friends

c) sharing interesting information with other users

d) just to have a good time

e) other (specify) ____________________________________________________________________________

a) every day

b) several times a week

c) several times a month

d) I don't use the Internet

d) hard to answer

a) Vkontakte

b) classmates

e) My world

g) others (specify) _________________________________________________________________________________

16. What is your gender?

a) female

b) male

17. What is your age?

18. Marital status?

a) married

b) single/unmarried

c) divorced/divorced

d) widower/widow

19. What is your education?

a) incomplete secondary

b) full average

c) secondary special

d) incomplete higher education

e) higher

20. Field of activity?

a) training

b) work

c) temporarily unemployed

- 208.00 Kb

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education

GOU VPO Moscow State Open University

Cheboksary Polytechnic Institute (branch)

Department of Philosophy

Speciality 080507


by discipline: Sociology

on the topic: "Attitude towards social networks"

Date of verification: Completed by: student gr. M-31-07

Faculty of E&P, full-time otd.

Check result: Ivanova I.A.

Training code: 150720

Notes: Checked: art. teacher

Terentyeva G.G.

Cheboksary 2009

INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………. 3

  1. Poll …………………………………………………………………….. 7
  2. Survey results and data analysis …………………….. 9

CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………………. 17

LIST OF USED LITERATURE ………………………. eighteen


Attitude towards social networks is hot topic , since recently social networks have become increasingly popular among Internet users. This is because various social networks have several advantages, compared to the already "obsolete" blogs, chats and forums, which are less popular today:

  1. First, in social networks, we will never feel the presence of a moderator. In some cases, the management of the social network reserves the right to review user photos before approving them. But, statements and any other forms of self-expression of participants in such a service are always uncensored. This is very important for understanding the essence of the social network, as well as the opportunities that it opens up. The Internet, which was originally a zone of informational freedom, is now far less lenient towards disloyal statements. A social network is a kind of island of publicity for users, with all its positive and negative features.
  2. Secondly, in a system like My Circle, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, MySpace, Facebook and similar, people do not just communicate, but, as a rule, are connected by some real contacts (for example, a former classmate, friend friend, etc.), one way or another related to "live", and not just virtual communications.
  3. Thirdly, only a social network allows a person to build his Internet image in its entirety. The user fills out a detailed questionnaire, where he indicates, if desired, interests, contact details, place of study, profession, marital status and much more. It is even possible to place a portfolio with a subsequent job search (as, for example, in "My Circle" on Yandex). Some services allow you to indicate on a virtual map the exact location of the apartment, university, school or favorite vacation spot of the participant. Thus, each user gets at his disposal a convenient platform for placing real information about himself and he himself determines the measure of frankness in relation to those who will view his profile.
  4. Another important feature of a social network is groups and communities. Any of the participants can create a new association with just a few clicks. It can be a club, a meeting place for old friends, a closed small group where only a select few enter, or a huge open community that attracts a lot of curious people every day.
  5. Quite often, a social network user account allows you to place files - music, movies, videos, photos - in the public domain. Thus, participants can exchange interesting cultural objects with each other, as well as their impressions about them.

The purpose of this study is the analysis of the attitude of Internet users to social networks and the degree of their involvement.

Research objectives:

  1. Conduct a survey among active Internet users on knowledge and attitude towards social networks. Build the dynamics of the most popular networks. Find out which social networks are the most recognizable and visited among male and female users of different ages.
  2. Find out what features of social networks are most interesting to users (communication with friends, new acquaintances, etc.).
  3. Investigate the degree of involvement of active Internet users in social networks (how often a person visits a social network and how much time he spends on one visit).
  4. It is also necessary to find out how many users today will be able to refuse to use social networks.
  5. Draw conclusions about the attitude, knowledge, degree of involvement of users in social networks and give some recommendations to the objects of study regarding the use of social networks (say about the dangers that may arise during the use of social networks).

This sociological study is meaningful, informational, measuring(the count of persons who answered in one way or another is carried out).

Research method questionnaire was chosen. In this case, it is one of the most effective research methods, since it allows you to obtain some objective data, including those that are not the main purpose of the study - data on the age and sex structure, occupation. The study is non-continuous (selective), which was conducted using a simple random selection. The pilot survey involved 60 respondents of different age groups: up to 17 years old (schoolchildren), from 17 to 21 years old (students), from 22 years old. Combining the questionnaire survey with the results of the Romir Research Holding survey conducted in 2009 will allow collecting sufficient information to describe the actual attitude of Internet users to social networks.

Object of study – active Internet users of social networks of different age and gender structure. Subject of study are social networks themselves.

The study put forward the following hypothesis: “The most popular social network is Vkontakte (especially among schoolchildren), users consider communication with friends and search for people to be the most interesting functions. It is also assumed that the majority of active Internet users visit their page every day and spend an average of 30 minutes per visit to the social network. The predominant number of users will not be able to refuse to use social networks.”

The main concepts used in the study:

  1. Social network- a site aimed at building communities on the Internet from people with similar interests and / or activities.
  2. Account (Account) - a record containing information that the user reports about himself to some computer system.
  3. Internet user- a person who is part of an Internet community, i.e. a group of people with similar interests who communicate with each other mainly via the Internet (mainly through social networks).
  1. Interview

Rice. 1 Questionnaire used for sociological survey

Attitude towards social networks

Hello, please answer the following questions:

Your age _________

What's your gender ____________

Occupation ___________________________

  1. What social networks do you know?

    d) My Circle ( service) h) other __________________

  1. What social media features are you most interested in?

A) socializing with friends

B) search for people

C) viewing photos and videos of other users

D) new acquaintances

D) posting photos and videos about yourself

E) telling about your life to other users

G) downloading audio and video files

H) other ______________________________ ___

  1. How often do you visit social networks?

A) every day

b) several times a week

B) several times a month

D) several times a year

  1. How much time do you spend on one visit to a social network?

A) less than 10 minutes

B) 10 - 30 minutes

C) 30 minutes - 1 hour

D) 1 - 2 hours

D) more than 2 hours

6. Would you be able to completely stop using social networks today?

A) yes

B) no

Thank you for your participation!

The questionnaire consists of 6 questions related to the topic of the study, and 3 questions that allow obtaining data on the age-sex structure and occupation of the respondents. Closed questions are 4, 5 and 6. They include a list of possible answers and require the choice of one of them. Questions 1, 2 and 3 require the choice of several answers or an indication of your own option.

The first question will allow you to find out which networks are the most recognizable among Internet users. The question involves the choice of several answers and an indication of your own option. This will allow to detect the variety of social networks specified by the user (i.e., what other networks users know, in addition to those listed in the questionnaire). The second question will show which social networks are the most popular and visited. This question will also allow you to find out the networks that are not indicated in the questionnaire, in which the respondents are registered. In the first and second questions, the most recognizable and popular networks identified by the Romir Research Holding were used as answer options: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, My World, My Circle, LiveJournal, MySpace, Facebook. The third question also involves the choice of several answers and an indication of your choice. This question will allow you to find out what social network users are most often doing (what functions they are most interested in), as well as to identify the variety of functions that social networks offer us. The fourth and fifth questions are closed. They will allow you to find out how often users visit social networks and how much time they spend on one visit. The fifth closed question will answer the question about the possibility of opting out of using social networks. This topic is relevant today, since the number of network users is growing every day, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for active Internet users to refuse to use social networks, they become addicted to social networks.

2. Survey results and data analysis

The study involved 60 respondents. Of these, 30 are female and 30 are male. By age categories, the respondents were distributed as follows: 20 people under the age of 17 (schoolchildren), 20 people aged 17 to 21 (students of a higher educational institution) and 20 people over the age of 22 years.

The most famous social network is Vkontakte, this site was indicated by all respondents (100%), Odnoklassniki (98%) was in second place, and the portal project My World was unexpectedly in third place, 80 people know about its existence % of respondents. Moy Krug turned out to be the most little-known project - 32% of respondents are aware of its existence.


The purpose of this study is to analyze the attitude of Internet users to social networks and the degree of their involvement.

Research objectives:
Conduct a survey among active Internet users on knowledge and attitude towards social networks. Build the dynamics of the most popular networks. Find out which social networks are the most recognizable and visited among male and female users of different ages.
Find out what features of social networks are most interesting to users (communication with friends, new acquaintances, etc.).
Investigate the degree of involvement of active Internet users in social networks (how often a person visits a social network and how much time he spends on one visit).
It is also necessary to find out how many users today will be able to refuse to use social networks.
Draw conclusions about the attitude, knowledge, degree of involvement of users in social networks and give some recommendations to the objects of study regarding the use of social networks (say about the dangers that may arise during the use of social networks).

CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………………. 17

LIST OF USED LITERATURE ………………………. eighteen


  • Coursework - Sociological research (Coursework)
  • Alekseeva E.G. Influence through social networks (Document)
  • Sociological study - The attitude of modern youth to the use of alcohol (Coursework)
  • Sociological research - The attitude of students to the formation of a healthy lifestyle (Coursework)
  • Coursework - Pedagogical support for adolescents in social networks (Coursework)
  • Sociological study - The level of youth drug addiction in modern Russia (Coursework)
  • Sociological research - The attitude of students to the formation of their own image (Coursework)
  • Sociological research - Attitude towards marriage in student years (Coursework)
  • Sociological research - The ratio of paid and free medical care (Coursework)
  • Sociological research. The influence of rock music on the emotional state of a person (Coursework)
  • n1.doc

    Federal State Educational Institution
    higher professional education


    Institute of Business Process Management and Economics

    "Social networks"

    Teacher ___________

    Signature, date
    Student ___________

    Signature, date

    Krasnoyarsk 2010


    1. Methodological part

      1. Formulation and justification of the problem

      2. Goals and objectives, object and subject of research

      3. Logical concept analysis

      4. Formulation of hypotheses

    1. Methodical part
    2.1 Definition of the study population

    2.2 Characteristics of information collection methods

    2.3 Logical structure of the collection tool

    2.4 Findings of the study

    In our time of high technology and frantic progress, everything is possible. Sometimes even the most absurd things become reality. But is social media addiction possible?

    Of course, if you look for such examples, you will invariably stumble upon sites such as Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte or even My World on the site and you will be absolutely right, these sites can cause addiction.

    But why? What is so attractive about these seemingly harmless resources, you ask. It's simple, there are a lot of people in our society, they are all very different, there are strong and self-confident people, and there are insecure and weak people due to some circumstances. It is they who are subject to such dependencies.

    Having not found a use for themselves in the real world, they hope to find the same thing on the Internet, in fact they find it, but only in a surrogate form. This is quite enough for a little self-affirmation, a person grabs this resource like a straw and holds on to it to the end. Very often there are cases when dating sites and social networks are the only way for a person with any problems in communication or appearance to get their share of communication. As you know, man is a "social animal" and he will feel uncomfortable not getting it. Social networks are just the place where he can satisfy this hunger. And this applies not only to people who are insecure.


      1. Formulation and justification of the problem
    AT modern world young people began to satisfy their need for communication through the use of social networks. She began to neglect walks on the street, going to public entertainment places and visiting friends, replacing all this with a virtual “life” inside social networks. They started taking pictures not in order to save a pleasant moment in your life, but in order to post these photos on a social network and see a few positive comments under them and get another portion of satisfaction from this. This list can be continued, the problem is obvious and clear. It is impossible to replace “natural” communication with virtual, young people have lost control over their real lives and exaggerated virtual values.
    1.2 Goals and objectives, object and subject of research

    Target research - identifying the total number of people using social networks, the reasons for their registration, the amount of time spent in social networks.

    Tasks research:

    • allocate the total number of users and non-users of social. networks;

    • highlight the most popular social media networks among SibFU students;

    • develop recommendations.
    An object research - 3rd year SibFU students.

    Subject research - addiction and the need to communicate using social networks.

    1.3 Logical analysis of concepts
    Addiction - obsessive need felt by a person and moving him to a certain activity.

    Social network (Internet) - an interactive multi-user website, the content of which is filled by the network participants themselves. The site is an automated social environment that allows you to communicate with a group of users united by a common interest. These include thematic forums, especially industry ones, which have been actively developing in recent years.

    Communication - the process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities, including the exchange of information and the development of a common strategy for interaction, mutual perception and attempts to influence each other.

    social need- needs for social status (according to A. Maslow), belonging to a group, in associating oneself with the team. These are the needs for communication and love, mutual assistance, a sense of belonging, community with other people.

    Internet - the worldwide system of the united computer networks, built on the use of the IP protocol and the routing of data packets. The Internet forms a global information space, serves as the physical basis for the World Wide Web and many other data transmission systems (protocols).

    Image - the image of a person, the idea of ​​him that others develop, reputation.

      1. Formulation of hypotheses

    Most people think they don't keep track of the time they spend on these sites - more than 50%. And based on personal experience, I will assume that most people post a lot of information about themselves and often it is genuine, which cannot please. Most people, I think, will disagree with their addiction and will deny it.

    The topic is very complex and relevant at this stage of the development of information in the modern world, and every student, I think, understands this and agrees that this problem has become global.
    2.1 Definition of the study population

    The surveyed population of this study will be 3rd year students of the SFU Faculty of Management and Business Technologies in the amount of 57 people
    2.2 Characteristics of information collection methods

    In this sociological study, the method of collecting information was used - "questionnaires", namely its subspecies "face-to-face sociological questioning" with a "random-non-repeating" method of sampling from the general population.

    Types of questions used:

    1. by content:

    • questions about the facts of consciousness;

    • questions about the facts of conduct;

    • questions about the facts of the person;

    1. in the form:

    • closed;

    • open.

    1. in the form of presentation:

    • linear:

    1. by function:

    • basic;

    • non-core (questions filters - select the necessary part of the people from the total population).

    2.3 Logical structure of the collection tool

    (appearance of the sociological questionnaire)

    Questionnaire for applicants 2011 Krasnoyarsk


    I am conducting a case study on social media, please answer the questions sincerely, thank you very much in advance.

    1. Do you have internet access?

    c) I have a profile, but I don't go to it;

    (If you chose option “b” in this question, go to question No. 3, if you chose options “a”, “c”, go to question No. 4)

    b) it's just a way to stand out;

    c) there is no desire and time;

    (Go to question #12)

    a) in contact;

    b) My world (;

    c) Odnoklassniki;


    5. What prompted you to register on the social network?

    a) friend (girlfriend);

    b) all my friends are there, the worse I am;

    c) curiosity;

    d) desire to make new friends;

    Other ___________________________________________________

    6. How much time per day do you spend on the social network?

    a) 15 minutes or less

    b) from 15 minutes to an hour;

    c) from one to three;

    d) I do not keep such calculations;

    8. What information about yourself do you post on the social network?

    a) full name, a couple of my photos and the place where I study (work);

    b) I post a lot of photos, all the information about myself (interests, hobbies, favorite films, etc.);

    c) I fill in all the fields that are there, even if sometimes they do not apply to me;

    c) hard to say

    10. Will you be able to delete your profile on a social network for no reason or just erase all the information on it and not go there?

    a) yes, no problem;

    b) no, there is the information and contacts I need;

    c) I'm stupid, I have more than 1000 friends there and a rating of 500!

    a) yes, regardless of prices;

    2) yes, if prices are moderate;

    3) no, I'm not going to spend money on any nonsense;

    12. Do you think social media addiction has really become a global problem?

    c) all this was invented by those who have few friends and comments under the photo;

    13. What methods of dealing with addiction can you offer? _____________________________________________________________________________

    14. Your gender:

    a) female;

    b) male;

    15. Your age: ______

    Thank you for participating!

    2 .4 Study results

    The sociological data obtained during the study were processed manually.

    According to the results of the study (57 people took part in it):

    1. 100% of respondents have Internet access;

    2. 95% (54 people) use social networks, 1 person has a profile that they do not use, 2 more people do not use social networks at all;

    3. As the reason that the respondents do not use social networks, it was indicated: “a social network is bad”, “no desire and time”.

    4. The most popular social networks among survey participants:

    1. 33% registered in a social network on the advice of a friend (girlfriend); 7% signed up because all their friends already had a profile; 29% indicated curiosity as the reason for registration; 7% - desire to make new friends; another 22% percent chose the “other” option and indicated: the convenience of sharing information, the need to keep in touch with those who live far away;

    2. When asked about the time, 56% percent answered that they do not conduct such calculations, 21% spend online from 1 to 3 hours a day, 17.5% from 15 minutes to 1 hour a day, 7% up to 15 minutes a day.

    3. 66% of respondents answered that they post only the necessary information on the social network: full name, a couple of photos and place of work (study), 34% indicated that they post a lot of photos and all information about themselves.

    4. 17.5% of respondents consider themselves addicted to social networks, 59.5% do not consider themselves addicted, another 21% found it difficult to answer;

    5. If the social network becomes paid, only 7% agree to pay at any price level, 46.5% are ready to pay if the prices are moderate, another 46.5% do not agree to pay for the social network.

    6. 73% believe that addiction to social networks has become a global problem, 20% do not consider it a global problem, another 7% believe that this kind of addiction is a fiction.

    7. 64% of respondents are girls, 36% are guys.

    From the data we received in the course of a sociological study, we can conclude that the hypothesis we set was only partially confirmed, the information posted is only the most necessary and far from complete. Although it was assumed before the study began that very few people would admit to their addiction, there were many such people. The most dangerous assumptions are still confirmed: people do not monitor the time they spend on social networks, and if social networks become paid tomorrow, most people will not refuse their services. Most likely, if you increase the number of respondents, then these figures will grow.
    Recommendations when using social networks

    First of all, you need to control your time that you spend on social networks, try to use social networks in a day or two. Post as little of your information as possible: on such sites, real friends know enough about you, and others are not very interested in this information, but a large amount of information about you can lead to big problems in the future. Information about social media members can be found by their employers, parents, children, former or current wives or husbands, debt collectors, criminals, law enforcement, and so on. For example, there is a case when a criminal was looking for outwardly similar women, killed them and sold their apartments. Debt collectors sometimes use social media to find defaulters or get information about their assets. Some employers prohibit the use of social networks - not only to save money, but also to prevent information from leaking. But who can really influence this problem is the parents, they have to monitor their children and control them.

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
    Federal Agency for Education
    GOU VPO Moscow State Open University
    Cheboksary Polytechnic Institute (branch)

    Department of Philosophy
    Speciality 080507


    by discipline: Sociology

    on the topic: "Attitude towards social networks"

    Date of verification: Completed by: student gr. M-31-07
    Faculty of E&P, full-time otd.
    Check result: Ivanova I.A.
    Training code: 150720
    Notes: Checked: art. teacher
    Terentyeva G.G.

    Cheboksary 2009

    Attitude towards social networks is hot topic , since recently social networks have become increasingly popular among Internet users. This is because various social networks have several advantages, compared to the already "obsolete" blogs, chats and forums, which are less popular today:

      First, in social networks, we will never feel the presence of a moderator. In some cases, the management of the social network reserves the right to review user photos before approving them. But, statements and any other forms of self-expression of participants in such a service are always uncensored. This is very important for understanding the essence of the social network, as well as the opportunities that it opens up. The Internet, which was originally a zone of informational freedom, is now far less lenient towards disloyal statements. A social network is a kind of island of publicity for users, with all its positive and negative features.
      Secondly, in a system like My Circle, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, MySpace, Facebook and similar, people do not just communicate, but, as a rule, are connected by some real contacts (for example, a former classmate, friend friend, etc.), one way or another related to "live", and not just virtual communications.
      Thirdly, only a social network allows a person to build his Internet image in its entirety. The user fills out a detailed questionnaire, where he indicates, if desired, interests, contact details, place of study, profession, marital status and much more. It is even possible to place a portfolio with a subsequent job search (as, for example, in "My Circle" on Yandex). Some services allow you to indicate on a virtual map the exact location of the apartment, university, school or favorite vacation spot of the participant. Thus, each user gets at his disposal a convenient platform for posting real information about himself and he himself determines the measure of frankness in relation to those who will view his profile.
      Another important feature of a social network is groups and communities. Any of the participants can create a new association with just a few clicks. It can be a club, a meeting place for old friends, a closed small group where only a select few enter, or a huge open community that attracts a lot of curious people every day.
      Quite often, a social network user account allows you to place files - music, movies, videos, photos - in the public domain. Thus, participants can exchange interesting cultural objects with each other, as well as their impressions about them.
    The purpose of this study is the analysis of the attitude of Internet users to social networks and the degree of their involvement.
    Research objectives:
      Conduct a survey among active Internet users on knowledge and attitude towards social networks. Build the dynamics of the most popular networks. Find out which social networks are the most recognizable and visited among male and female users of different ages.
      Find out what features of social networks are most interesting to users (communication with friends, new acquaintances, etc.).
      Investigate the degree of involvement of active Internet users in social networks (how often a person visits a social network and how much time he spends on one visit).
      It is also necessary to find out how many users today will be able to refuse to use social networks.
      Draw conclusions about the attitude, knowledge, degree of involvement of users in social networks and give some recommendations to the objects of study regarding the use of social networks (say about the dangers that may arise during the use of social networks).
    This sociological study is meaningful, informational, measuring(the count of persons who answered in one way or another is carried out).
    Research method questionnaire was chosen. In this case, it is one of the most effective research methods, since it allows you to obtain some objective data, including those that are not the main purpose of the study - data on the age and sex structure, occupation. The study is non-continuous (selective), which was conducted using a simple random selection. The pilot survey involved 60 respondents of different age groups: up to 17 years old (schoolchildren), from 17 to 21 years old (students), from 22 years old. Combining the questionnaire survey with the results of the Romir Research Holding survey conducted in 2009 will allow collecting sufficient information to describe the actual attitude of Internet users to social networks.
    Object of study – active Internet users of social networks of different age and gender structure. Subject of study are social networks themselves.
    The study put forward the following hypothesis: “The most popular social network is Vkontakte (especially among schoolchildren), users consider communication with friends and search for people to be the most interesting functions. It is also assumed that the majority of active Internet users visit their page every day and spend an average of 30 minutes per visit to the social network. The predominant number of users will not be able to refuse to use social networks.”
    The main concepts used in the study:
      Social network- a site aimed at building communities on the Internet from people with similar interests and / or activities.
      Account(account) - a record containing information that the user reports about himself to some computer system.
      Internet user- a person who is part of an Internet community, i.e. a group of people with similar interests who communicate with each other mainly via the Internet (mainly through social networks).
    Rice. 1 Questionnaire used for sociological survey

    Attitude towards social networks
    Hello, please answer the following questions:

    Your age _________
    What's your gender ____________
    Occupation ___________________________

      What social networks do you know?
      d) My Circle ( service) h) other __________________
      What social media features are you most interested in?
    a) socializing with friends
    b) search for people
    c) viewing photos and videos of other users
    d) new acquaintances
    e) posting photos and videos about yourself
    f) telling about your life to other users
    g) downloading audio and video files
    h) other ______________________________ ___
      How often do you visit social networks?
    a) every day
    b) several times a week
    c) several times a month
    d) several times a year
      How much time do you spend on one visit to a social network?
    a) less than 10 minutes
    b) 10 - 30 minutes
    c) 30 minutes - 1 hour
    d) 1 - 2 hours
    e) more than 2 hours
    6. Would you be able to completely stop using social networks today?
    a) yes
    b) no

    Thank you for your participation!

    The questionnaire consists of 6 questions related to the topic of the study, and 3 questions that allow obtaining data on the age-sex structure and occupation of the respondents. Closed questions are 4, 5 and 6. They include a list of possible answers and require the choice of one of them. Questions 1, 2 and 3 require the choice of several answers or an indication of your own option.
    The first question will allow you to find out which networks are the most recognizable among Internet users. The question involves the choice of several answers and an indication of your own option. This will allow to detect the variety of social networks specified by the user (i.e., what other networks users know, in addition to those listed in the questionnaire). The second question will show which social networks are the most popular and visited. This question will also allow you to find out the networks that are not indicated in the questionnaire, in which the respondents are registered. In the first and second questions, the most recognizable and popular networks identified by the Romir Research Holding were used as answer options: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, My World, My Circle, LiveJournal, MySpace, Facebook. The third question also involves the choice of several answers and an indication of your choice. This question will allow you to find out what social network users are most often doing (what functions they are most interested in), as well as to identify the variety of functions that social networks offer us. The fourth and fifth questions are closed. They will allow you to find out how often users visit social networks and how much time they spend on one visit. The fifth closed question will answer the question about the possibility of opting out of using social networks. This topic is relevant today, since the number of network users is growing every day, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for active Internet users to refuse to use social networks, they become addicted to social networks.
    2. Survey results and data analysis
    The study involved 60 respondents. Of these, 30 are female and 30 are male. By age categories, the respondents were distributed as follows: 20 people under the age of 17 (schoolchildren), 20 people aged 17 to 21 (students of a higher educational institution) and 20 people over the age of 22 years.
    The most famous social network is Vkontakte, this site was indicated by all respondents (100%), Odnoklassniki (98%) was in second place, and the portal project My World was unexpectedly in third place, 80 people know about its existence % of respondents. Moy Krug turned out to be the most little-known project - 32% of respondents are aware of its existence.
    Despite the fact that the majority of active Internet users have accounts in several social networks, the results of the survey allow us to highlight some of the preferences of the participants. The leader in the number of registered participants was the social network Vkontakte - 83% of users are registered on this site. Competing with the Vkontakte network, Moi Mir unexpectedly took second place in terms of the number of registered users - 50%.
    A similar analysis was carried out in September 2009 by the Romir Research Holding. The most famous network in this study was Odnoklassniki (92%). But Vkontakte was only in second place - 88%. In terms of the share of network users Odnoklassniki (67%) and Vkontakte (64%) are located in the same order.

    1. What methods of communication via the Internet do you use most often?

    a) none

    e) MSN Messenger



    h) MyWorld

    j) Your own version of _________

    2. Have you ever met through the Internet

    a) Yes. And more than once!

    b) Yes, it happened once

    c) No, but I would like to

    d) No, I'm not going to!

    Determine the goals that guide students when meeting through social networks

    3. If you get acquainted through the Internet, then for what purposes do you do it?

    a) I don't know. It just comes out...

    b) Nothing to do. Chat to kill time.

    c) For business contacts

    d) Looking for friends, like-minded people

    e) Expanding the social circle that I lack

    f) Looking for sexual partners

    g) Start a virtual romance

    h) For a serious relationship with her (him) in the future

    i) With other intentions

    4. Do you believe that you can fall in love in absentia through the Web?

    b) More likely than not

    c) Rather no than yes

    d) hard to say

    5. What do you value most in your loved one?

    a) Appearance

    b) Mind, education

    c) no bad habits

    d) Responsibility, reliability

    e) tenderness and affection

    g) Strength, "hardness" of character

    h) Care, the ability to create comfort

    i) Loyalty, decency

    j) physical strength

    k) Unity of interests

    m) Money

    m) Other qualities

    o) Difficult to answer

    6. Are you ready for a real meeting with a virtual acquaintance?

    b) Rather no than yes

    d) Rather no than yes

    d) hard to say

    7. If you have ever made a romantic acquaintance through the Net, what did it lead to? (If there were many such acquaintances, then choose the maximum of what you have achieved)

    a) Just exchanged verbal self-portraits

    c) Conducted (conduct) correspondence within the bounds of decency

    d) They even met. But he (she) disappointed me (a)

    e) There was a stormy, but only a virtual romance

    e) came (went). Saw (la). Defeated (la). An unforgettable adventure...

    g) We still meet. I skip the details...

    h) It must be love!

    j) Own version _________________________________________________________________

    8. Do you use virtual services dating?

    a) No, and I'm not going to

    b) No, but I would like to try

    c) Filled out questionnaires there several times

    d) Yes, I often leave information about myself there

    e) I limit myself to viewing the databases of these services

    9. The number of communities (groups) you created:

    a) none

    m) Difficult to answer

    c) From time to time

    a) I will most likely

    b) I probably won't.

    c) Difficult to answer

    d) I will become its participant in any case

    e) No, under no circumstances

    a) Private messaging with friends

    c) Placement of a page with personal information

    d) Search for information on the given parameters

    e) Posting photos and images

    f) File sharing various types, formats

    g) Providing information about yourself to authorized users

    h) Getting Answers to Questions

    i) Commenting on diaries, records, photos of other users

    j) Getting personal information about other users

    k) Creating and maintaining your own communities

    l) Publication of audio or video materials

    n) Difficult to answer

    13. The number of communities (groups) in which you are a member:

    b) I am not a member of any

    d) Difficult to answer

    f) More than 50

    14. Personal data that you have provided in your profile:

    a) First name, last name

    b) Age

    c) Place of study or work

    d) Internet coordinates (website, e-mail, ICQ)

    f) List of friends

    g) Interests

    h) Address of residence

    a) Rather no than yes

    c) More likely than not

    e) Difficult to answer

    a) Odnoklassniki (

    b) My world (

    c) Vkontakte (

    d) My circle (

    e) Rambler Planet (

    f) LovePlanet (

    h) Facebook (

    i) Own option ______________________

    17. Approximately how much time (hours per day) do you spend on social networking sites on weekends (non-working) days?

    c) 0 hours

    e) Difficult to answer

    f) More than 5 hours

    h) 5 hours

    18. Approximately how much time (hours per day) do you spend on social networking sites on work (school) days of the week

    c) 0 hours

    e) Difficult to answer

    f) More than 5 hours

    h) 5 hours

    19. I am an active creator and moderator of online communities (groups)

    c) hard to answer

    20. I strive to earn a reputation, a special status in online communities.

    a) Rather no than yes

    c) More likely than not

    21. Do you know anything about the existence of virtual social networks?

    22. In real life I communicate with people whom I met on a social network

    c) Difficult to answer

    a) Private messages

    b) Search for people by a given profile

    c) Adding new friends

    d) Filling out and editing the page with personal information

    e) Placement of images in a photo album

    f) Adding comments to any posted information

    g) Publication of audio and video materials

    h) Difficult to answer

    i) Creation and moderation of online communities (groups)

    25. Number of people in your friends list:

    a) Less than 10 people

    b) 11-20 people

    c) 21-30 people

    d) 31-40 people

    e) More than 100 people

    f) 41-50 people

    g) Difficult to answer

    h) 61-70 people

    i) 51-60 people

    j) 71-80 people

    k) 81-90 people

    a) A tool for finding old friends and acquaintances

    b) A convenient way to communicate with friends and acquaintances

    c) A way to find out the opinions of various people on any issue

    d) A tool to find people with similar interests

    e) A tool for finding colleagues and business partners

    f) A way to tell the world about yourself

    g) A tool for self-expression

    h) Difficult to answer

    27. What course are you in

    28. Your gender

    a) male

    b) female

    29. Your age

    a) 17-18 years old

    b) 19-20 years old

    c) 21-22 years old

    A computer