How to partition a hard drive using Easeus PM. EaseUS Partition Master: a tool for working with partitions and moving the system to a new disk

The EaseUS Partition Master is required to manage hard drive volumes and partitions, as well as other removable drives data. The utility divides the disk into parts with a certain volume according to the individual needs of the user. Provides the ability to edit divided sections and manage them.

The partition editor includes operations such as deleting and clearing data from the disk, backing up and saving, formatting, changing the weight and volume of each volume without deleting information. The wizard allows you to move divided sections to information-free zones.

EaseUS Partition Master provides for working with disks that have a large capacity for storing information. The program also allows you to view all available information by disk device. It works in online viewing mode, that is, the user can stop working at any time. Views information about the file system installed on the device and its performance.

Can convert volumes from logical to primary and vice versa. Has tools for complete removal all data from logical partitions without their subsequent recovery. It also scans the hard drive for damage and helps fix it. critical errors in disk sectors.

Key features of EaseUS Partition Master

★ Ability to support hard drives up to 4 terabytes;
★ Can both create and completely delete logical disk partitions of any format;
★ Ability to hide divided hard drive partitions;
★ Quickly change the volume of a section while maintaining all the information in it;
★ Opportunity Reserve copy necessary partitions and subsequent transfer without reinstalling the system.
★ Has the function of viewing future changes in the section;
★ View all information on the disk in great detail;
★ High-quality scans of the hard drive and identifies malfunctions, errors and defects necessary for correction;
★ Works with discs of all formats.


✔ Multilingual socket;
✔ Clear and easy-to-use application socket;
✔ Free distribution;
Quick help in reading and correcting faulty media;
✔ Creates images of partitions and data;
✔ Removes debris accumulated in the system;
✔ Letter change of the name of logical drives;
✔ Optimizes disk performance after the defragmentation procedure.


✘ Free version with a limited set of features.


How to use EaseUS Partition Master?

The large toolset of this utility does not affect its convenient and simple use. To start using the wizard's capabilities for partitioning disk space, you need to download EaseUS Partition Master to your computer device.

To change the size of a partition in the left block of the utility, you must click on the “Resize/Move Partition” section after first selecting the disk needed to change. In the pop-up window, manually enter a number in MB that will indicate the size of the partition to be divided. Next, click on the “ok” button, which completes the division.

To optimize the operation of your hard drive, you can use the “Cleanup and Optimization” section, which will help clear disk space of debris and unnecessary files. The left menu of the program contains all the tools for working with the hard drive. By clicking on any of these tools, you can perform actions on the hard drive.

Free EaseUS Partition Master Professional license

For getting free license follow these steps:

As you know, many computers have only one hard drive and for more secure data storage it is better split into sections. Such structuring will help to divide the disk into a partition with system Windows files and to a section containing all other objects. That is, in case of damage boot sector OS and operations related to its recovery, the risk of losing data written on the disk is much less if it has already been partitioned.

You will also need to partition the disk if you want to create an encrypted or password-protected partition or if you plan to install two operating systems on one disk. But despite obvious advantage partitioning the disk into partitions, many users for a long time store all the files on an unpartitioned disk, and when they come to the conclusion that the disk needs to be partitioned, not only is the OS recorded on it, but also a lot of other valuable information is stored, and if it is necessary to perform partitioning, not only special software is needed, but also very reliable.

EASEUS Partition Master

Of the well-proven programs, I would like to recommend EASEUS Partition Master. This application has both commercial and free versions. To perform basic actions related to dividing a disk into partitions or, conversely, connecting partitions, it is quite enough free version. Among the functions that are included only in the commercial program, the most valuable is full copy operating system to another disk. Unfortunately, the program has not been officially translated into Russian, but a group of enthusiasts has created a crack on the Internet, which is strongly recommended to be used, since all operations related to disk partitioning, if performed incorrectly, can lead to the failure of the OS, and therefore, in order to did not happen, all actions must be conscious. The developers also recommend not performing more than 5 actions simultaneously in the program. If you need to perform other operations, restart the PC, and only after making sure the result is positive, continue working. You should also know that you can restrict access to the program by setting a password.

How to use EASEUS Partition Master

After installing EASEUS Partition Master, you will see an interface presented horizontally and vertical menu, a horizontal panel with buttons for performing the most popular actions and a work area that displays the disks and partitions of your PC.

To divide a disk or partition, first find it in the list of the workspace, select it by clicking on it with the mouse, press the “Change/Move” button on the panel and in the window that opens, clicking on the extreme part of the partition or disk indicator with the mouse in the right corner, we begin to move it to the left side of the window, reducing the size of the disk or partition. In a more intense green color The filled part of the section is colored, the empty part is light green. Having reduced the size of the partition, we will see that we have an area on the right, colored white, that is, an unallocated part of the disk, where we will create a new partition. To do this, simply click on “OK” in the window, make sure that a new line “Unoccupied” has appeared in the work area, select it and click the “Create” button on the toolbar. In the window that opens, to confirm the intention to create a new section, click the “OK” button, and if everything is done correctly, it will appear in the work area. Now click the “Apply” button, restart the computer and get a new full-fledged partition.

In addition to creating a partition, the program will help you combine several partitions into one, and also make full copy disk or partition, convert the disk or partition into a logical one, and also, if Windows crashes, restore the partition or disk if a copy of it was previously made. Among the interesting features of the program is the ability to hide a section, that is, move it to an unallocated area. Hidden section will become invisible to other users, but if necessary, you can remove it from the unallocated area at any time. In addition to the above options, it is worth noting the formatting of the partition, as well as the complete destruction of data recorded on the disk or partition.

Today we continue a fairly popular topic about ways division of hard disk into partitions.

If you need to split a disk into two or large quantity sections, then in this article I will tell you how to do this using free program Partition Master Free.

Let's say you only have one or two partitions on your hard drive. You need to split the hard drive and create another additional partition. Essentially, the task is to “pinch off” a certain number of gigabytes from a partition with a larger capacity and convert them into a new partition.

There are several options, including using standard Windows capabilities. The method for partitioning a hard drive using the operating system itself is described. This method does not always work and is not the most optimal solution, so we will consider another option using Partition programs Master Free.

EaseUS Partition Masterconvenient program with a very good interface. Its main advantage is simplicity and free distribution. As for functionality, it is comparable to paid analogues. With its help, you can create, delete and format partitions, changing their size and location without losing data.

Download the program from the official website via the link Select Partition Master Free and click Download.

By the way, if you wish, you can find a localization code for this program on the Internet and thereby acquire a Russian interface.

We install the program carefully. In the first window, we agree to the conditions that we will use the program only for our family.

Since it is free, it will offer the installation of additional software that you are unlikely to need. Why free software manufacturers offer installation additional programs, I told in .

Feel free to remove unnecessary checkboxes from the checkboxes (as shown in the screenshots). If necessary, if you do not want to receive unnecessary letters, please indicate a fictitious mailbox.

The installation process will begin, after which you will be asked to run the program by clicking on the Finish button.

The program has launched, now select “EaseUs Partition Master Free”.

This is the program interface. At the bottom of the window we see the presence of one hard drive in the system, which in my case is 150 GB in size.

There is one partition on the disk (C:\). To make a second section, I select the one from which I want to “pinch off” the place (in my case this is section C) and click on the button Resize/Move.

In a similar way, if necessary, you can create a third or fourth section. When creating partitions, you need to remember that you cannot create more than four primary partitions on a disk with an MBR structure.

A window will appear where we are interested in the parameters Partition Size (size of the compressed partition) and Unallocated Space After (size of the future partition). I draw your attention to the “Optimize for SSD” item. If you have solid state drive(SSD), then be sure to check this box. Since I have a regular hdd, I skip it.

Now grab the slider and move it to the left to indicate the size we want to separate. As shown in the screenshot, I “pinched off” approximately 90 GB. Now the size of Disk C after compression will be 60 GB.

I have a regular hard drive, and I skip the “Optimize for SSD” option again. Click Ok.

A section – Unallocated (unrecognized space) will appear in the main program window. In my case, the partition is 91 GB in size.

Select this section (Unallocated) and press the button Create.

In the window that appears, indicate the volume label, i.e., the name for the future disk (Partition Label field), and set the drive letter (Drive Letter field). If necessary, check the Optimize for SSD checkbox. Leave the remaining settings unchanged and click OK.

Hi all. Good news for supporters of software from EaseUS - their Partition Master disk manager has been updated to version 12.9. The developers have made a number of fixes and improvements, making the program more stable, and also expanded its functionality with support for operations with dynamic disks. Below we will talk about how to use this program. I already wrote earlier, but now I propose to see how its individual functions actually work. But first, let’s talk about the specifics of EaseUS Partition Master.

EaseUS Partition Master disk manager: how to use

So, EaseUS Partition Master is a functional disk space manager for Windows.

This is an alternative to well-known products like Acronis Disk Director or AOMEI Partition Assistant, with a classic organization of software of this type, with a usable interface, with a modern presentation format software product And convenient scheme its distribution: basic functionality is free, advanced functionality is available at an affordable price.

Official page of EaseUS Partition Master:

It is also a trial, which, if purchased license key turns into one of the more functional editions of the program.

EaseUS Partition Master Editions

EaseUS Partition Master has several editions:

Free – basic;

Professional - with additional features;

Server – the same as Professional, but with support Windows Server and RAID 5 recovery function;

Unlimited – the same as Server, but with favorable conditions for purchasing a multi-user license;

Technician - the same as Unlimited, but with technical support and free lifetime updates.

For home use and a small business providing computer help The capabilities of the Free and Professional editions are quite enough.

Features of the EaseUS Partition Master Free edition

The main functionality supported by all editions of the program and supplied in the free Free edition is as follows:

Supports many types of storage devices, in particular, SSD, HDD, RAID, USB drives;

Formation of the structure of partitions on the disk (a full range of operations such as: creation, moving, merging, resizing, deleting, setting letters and labels);

Overwriting data until it is completely impossible to recover it;

Formatting partitions into FAT, NTFS, ReFS, EXT2/3 file systems;

Partition recovery;

Media surface testing;

Disk and partition cloning;

Aligning partitions and simultaneously optimizing them for SSDs during other operations;

Converting disks from primary to dynamic (without the ability to operate on them and convert back to primary);

Operating with partition types on MBR disks – converting primary partitions into logical ones and vice versa, designating primary partitions as active;

View the full contents of sections, including protected technical Windows sections;

Cleaning Windows from temporary and disk-cluttering data;

Analysis of used disk space;

HDD defragmentation;

Ability to configure the program with password access;

Automatic shutdown of the computer upon completion of long-term operations.

Features of the EaseUS Partition Master Professional edition

In addition to the basic functions mentioned above, the Professional edition of the program additionally provides:

Converting disks from dynamic to basic and vice versa;

Operations with dynamic disks - creating partitions, resizing them, moving, formatting, deleting, cloning;

Transferring existing Windows to another disk;

Converting disk partition style from MBR to GPT and vice versa with preservation of partitions and data;

Creating a Live disk for working with computers without Windows (or when it does not start).

Let's look at how individual operations directly occur using EaseUS Partition Master.

How to create partitions on an empty disk

Here, for example, is one of the basic operations for managing disk space - marking a new hard drive. To create partitions, click on the unallocated space (Unallocated) on the tabular or visual map of the disk, and in the operations panel on the left of the program window (“Operations”) select “Create partition”.

Give the partition a name and activate the “Optimize for SSD” checkbox (optimization for SSD, i.e. partition alignment). We set the size of the section by dragging the slider on the visual map (or enter it in the table view below). If desired, we can choose a file system other than NTFS, set a different letter for the partition, or select a different cluster size. Finally, click “Ok”.

Using the same principle, we distribute the disk space further: again click on the unallocated area and create partitions.

When all partitions have been created, click the “Aply” button to apply the planned operations.

How to reduce or increase partition size

How to reorganize disk space? In order, for example, to squeeze a new section between existing sections, you need to reduce one of these existing ones. Preferably the one to the left on the disk map, in which case the extra process of moving data will not be required. Click on the partition to be reduced and select “Resize/Move partition” on the operations panel.

On the visual map, pull the space slider to the left until the required released volume is displayed in the column below “Unallocated Space After:”. Next, check the checkbox for optimizing the partition for SSD. And click “Ok”.

To increase the size of one of the sections at the expense of another, click on this very different section. On the operations panel, click “Resize/Move partition”.

On the visual map, pull the slider to the right until the required released volume is displayed in the column below “Unallocated Space Before:”. Next, we’ll use optimization for SSDs. And click “Ok”.

Returning to the main program window, click on the section that you want to enlarge. Click “Resize/Move partition” again.

And pull the slider on the visual map to the right all the way. We optimize for SSD. Click “Ok”.

Apply the operation using the “Apply” button.

How to convert a hard drive from dynamic to basic

Conversion hard drives from a basic type to a dynamic one, perhaps using Windows itself. But the operating system does not provide for the reverse direction. This functional gap is filled by third-party disk managers, including EaseUS Partition Master. Click on the dynamic disk and select “Convert to basic disk” in the operations panel. And we wait while the program checks the file system.

We apply the operation.

A reboot will be required to apply the operation.

How to convert disks from GPT to MBR and vice versa

A disk partition style converter from MBR to GPT and, conversely, from GPT to MBR is a Must Have functionality of any disk manager. The modern market demands more from this type of software - the ability to convert not only disks with user data, but also those with existing Windows. EaseUS Partition Master can convert disk partition styles without having to reinstall the operating system. In our first case, we have an EFI system with a typical structure - an NTFS “Restore” partition, an EFI partition with FAT32 and a 16 MB MSR partition. To convert HDD from GPT to MBR, in the program window, click on the disk being operated on, and select “Convert to MBR” on the operations panel.

And during the reboot, we enter the BIOS to set the Legacy or compatibility mode. After loading in Legacy mode, we will again briefly find ourselves in the EaseUS Partition Master window. The program will complete its operations and boot from the MBR disk.

Another example: converting a disk from MBR to GPT. We have a test system on an MBR disk with a typical structure - the “System Reserved” and system C partitions. To convert a hard disk from MBR to GPT, in the program window, click on the disk being operated on, and select “Convert to GPT” in the operations panel.

The planned operation shows us the future structure of the disk: between the “System Reserved” and System C partitions, a new 300 MB EFI partition will appear with file system FAT32. Click “Apply”.
