How to find out what version of Windows is installed on your computer? Osa - description and photos How to find out what type of system is on the computer.

First, let's figure out what exactly we are going to find out. With the version, everything is a no brainer: it is denoted by the number present in the system name (relevant for Windows 10, as well as 8 / 8.1 and 7) or letter designation(XP or, for example, Vista).

This also works for server systems from Microsoft - for example, Windows Server 2012, and, of course, for other "old school" operating systems of the line: Windows 95/98/ME (Millennium) and so on. The version also means the digital code of the installed assembly.

The operating system type, also known as edition, determines the edition of Windows. Yes, yes, these are the same postscripts indicated after the system number: Home (Home), Pro (Professional) and so on. For example, in Windows 7, the Starter edition was a "stripped down" inferior distribution with a lot of restrictions and was intended mainly for home use not the most powerful computers and laptops. While Ultimate (Maximum) endowed the PC with the means increased security and provided more features - for example, the ability to join corporate network or even deploying a server. But we all mostly played solitaire and played Counter-Strike! ..

In a sense, the build number (English build) or, as it was called in Russian-language localization - building the system, determines the numerical identification of the program code used in the current version of the operating system. As a rule, it is not necessary for an ordinary user to know it at all. A "build" may be of interest to some developer who is testing his, say, game on a specific assembly system.

Architecture (bit depth, bit Windows version) is a set of commands for the interaction of the operating system with the central processor of an information device (laptop, tablet or computer, for example).

Operating Microsoft systems support the following processor architectures:

  • ARM-in this moment used in the CPU of mobile devices;
  • x86 (also known as x32) - used in the early processors of the industry giant Intel;
  • x86-64 (another name is AMD64) - developed by AMD, is an extension for x86 and is used in almost all modern processors;
  • IA-64 is a joint development of HP and Intel, which was conceived as a 64-bit analogue of x86 for home computers and laptops, but after the release of x86-64 it did not find application (now it is used mainly in servers).

As mentioned above, most modern CPUs are based on the x86-64 architecture, which allows the user to install both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit versions of the system on the computer. At the same time, the so-called Windows 64 will have an important advantage over Windows 32 - support for a larger amount of operational and physical memory and, as a result, higher performance and the ability to handle large amounts of data. In other words, 16 GB of RAM installed in a computer will be defined as 4 in a 32-bit system, you will receive no more than 3.5 “on hand”. So it goes.

How to find out the version of Windows? See what's written on installation disk your OS.

If this is not possible, read the article further.

Find out the installed version and bit depth of Windows through "Computer Properties"

The easiest way to find out which version of Windows is installed on your computer is to open its properties and look. To do this, open "Explorer", find "This PC" (or "My Computer" if you are using a system earlier than Windows 10), right-click on the icon and select "Properties" at the very bottom of the drop-down list. In the window that appears, you can see the version, release (type) and bit depth of the system.

The method is preferred by most users. The only drawback is that there is no data on the assembly of the system.

How to determine the version and other OS parameters using the winver utility

The winver utility is used to collect and provide the user with information about running system. To initialize, use the command execution window (go to "Start" - "Run" or press the combination of Win and R keys), in which enter the winver command as shown in the figure and click "OK".

The Win key is usually located in the bottom left corner of the keyboard!

The opened interface will contain detailed information about the system. Except for bit depth!

msinfo - all information about the system

Another way is to use the good old msinfo32 utility. In the "Run" window, enter msinfo32 , execute and admire the exhaustive result.

How to determine the version by key

It is very easy to find out the version of Windows by the product activation key using the official Volume Activation Management Tool 2.0 from Microsoft. Simply enter your productkey in the appropriate field and click the "Verify" button.

You can use the same method to find out from which version windows key lying around in your desktop drawer.

But what if the computer won't start?

This method is relevant for operating systems released before XP (including the latest one), and allows you to determine the Windows version from files, or rather, the prodspec.ini file located at C:\Windows\System32 .

The method will help people whose old computer does not boot, but it is necessary to find out which system is installed (for example, to restore the system itself or files). To do this, you need to download some RescueDisk or BootCD, then open the above file and find the line with the text - the data next to it indicates the installed Windows distribution.

other methods

But if suddenly, for some reason, the above methods for determining the version of Windows on a laptop or computer did not suit you ...

Check OS version via Windows CMD

The command line is the best friend of both the amateur newbie and the bearded system administrator. Find out the version of Windows from command line simple: and enter the systeminfo command, which will almost instantly collect and provide you with detailed information about the system.

You can also use the systeminfo command in PowerShell.

Detect Windows Version Using Registry

The Windows registry also contains information about the installed OS. To access it, enter the regedit command in the same "Run". Next, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion and find the information you need.

How to programmatically determine the version of Windows

There are a large number of programs from third-party developers, the functionality of which allows you to determine installed system and collect information about it - for example, AIDA64. However, all such programs only use the built-in features of the OS, which we wrote about above, so the expediency of using them for these purposes remains doubtful.

How to find out the version of Windows recorded on a disk or flash drive

To find out the version of Windows on the installation disc, or bootable flash drive, open the media through "Explorer", find the setup.exe file, right-click on it and select "Properties" in the context menu. In the file properties window that appears, go to the "Details" tab and pay attention to the "Product version" column.

How to find out the version of Windows Phone

Although the mobile version of the operating system from Microsoft has not found as wide application as its desktop counterpart, it still raised a number of questions.

So if you want to find out which version Windows phone installed on your gadget, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Start menu and swipe left to select Apps.
  2. Then "Settings", "About device", "Details".

Here (column "Software") you will see the name of the installed operating system (for example, Windows Phone 8). Additionally, you can find out the build version in the "OS version" column.

The version of Windows CE (which, in fact, is a completely different OS and is used mainly in Chinese navigators) is determined in a similar way.


Thank you for reading our article to the end, thereby getting the most complete understanding of how to find out the version and other parameters of your system. We hope you didn't do it in vain!

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Every computer needs operating system, because without it he is not at all capable of performing any tasks. A common OS that has already been used, and most users are ready to use, is Windows.

However, even such familiar Windows for some PC owners remains not fully explored, because it is fraught with some "secrets". In this regard, it does not bother every PC owner to know how to determine the bit depth of the system.

Such information helps in some cases to solve technical problems. Especially if you plan to perform actions on your own, relying on the tips of technical support.

To find out the bit depth of the operating system, a couple of clicks will be enough

Determining the bit depth of an already installed operating system is not difficult. Each user can follow the indicated steps to find out the bit depth of the system and the processor as well.

Definition in Windows XP

It's almost impossible to find these days computer equipment, which has a 16-bit processor. They were replaced by more successful and faster ones, the bit depth of which is 32 and 64.

Windows XP, which was very popular a few years ago, was almost always accompanied by 32-bit processors. Only after a short period of time, their already 64-bit "colleagues" appeared.

Wanting to be aware of their computer technology, PC owners are actively interested in how to find out the bit depth of the system in Windows XP. It is not difficult to answer such a question.

The PC user must call context menu by right-clicking on the "My Computer" icon. A list of submenus will be displayed there, select "Properties". After you click on this submenu, an information table will open, in which, next to the name of the system, its bit rate will be indicated.

If the user finds one of these inscriptions "x64 release", "x64 edition", then the OS has a 64-bit bit depth. If only the type of operating system is indicated - Windows XP, without any numerical indications, then the system bit depth is 32.

Many experienced users know another option, how to find out the bitness of the system. But, if you use their recommendations, you will have to deal with the command line, which is not always clear to beginners.

Definition in Windows 7 and 8

If Windows 7 and 8 are installed on the computer, you should do almost the same steps as in the above case. The user should right-click on the "Computer" shortcut, go to "Properties" and read the information that opens on the screen.

Among several parameters, the user will be able to detect the line "System Type", it is in it that the bit depth is indicated.

Also, the user can determine the bitness of the system by viewing "System Information". We click on “Start”, a search-oriented line opens, the word “system” should be entered into it, after the search is completed, the “System Information” item will be displayed. It will indicate the bitness of the OS.

By the way, there are several more ways that are simple, but at the same time allow you to understand how to determine the processor bit depth - 32 or 64.

It is enough to go to "My Computer", go to local disk C and look at "Program Files". If there is only one designated folder, then the processor bit rate will be 32. If there are two folders, one of which is “Program Files (x86)”, then the processor bit rate is 64.

From the foregoing, it is easy to understand that there are several ways to easily find out the bitness of the processor, so even a beginner is able to cope with this task, designating the most acceptable option for himself.

Advantages and disadvantages of Windows of different bitness

Bit depth experts consider as a property of the OS, which allows you to simultaneously operate with a certain amount of information. Beginners, having familiarized themselves with this concept, decide that a 32-bit processor is significantly inferior to a 64-bit one. However, not everything is so simple, each OS has a number of its advantages, which keep pace with the disadvantages, so it doesn’t hurt to know which OS to give preference to in each case.

Benefits of 64-bit Windows

A 64-bit processor is able to work twice as fast, respectively, to process twice as much information as a 32-bit one.

Another significant advantage of a 64-bit processor is that it does not have a 4 gigabyte limit on the amount of RAM - a computer with such a processor can have much more memory.

However, such an OS is also endowed with disadvantages. Experts consider it quite "gluttonous" in relation to RAM. The installed memory of 4 GB will not be fully available, since about 1 GB is required to ensure the operation of the OS itself, a small part is required for the video card, so sometimes only about 2 GB is left to ensure the performance of programs, which is instantly accompanied by some problems.

For the correct and fast operation of the processor, experienced users equip computer equipment with additional RAM.

However, along with these advantages, there are also disadvantages of this capacity. In particular, not all programs are adapted for it, so before downloading applications and programs to your computer, you should first find out if they are suitable for installation. It is also quite difficult to find the appropriate drivers, therefore, before switching to a new OS bit depth, it does not hurt to familiarize yourself with the list of available drivers and make sure that there are those without which it is impossible to subsequently ensure the normal operation of the computer.

So, before taking actions aimed at changing the bitness of the operating system, you should weigh all the pros and cons, find out about the presence of the most necessary drivers, without which the performance of the equipment will be reduced to zero. Only after such balanced reflections, the owner of a PC can begin to change the bit depth of the system.

Find out the processor bit depth in the operating room Windows system simple: right click on the icon My computer and select from the context menu Properties. The method works for any version of Windows (XP, 7, 8, 10). The system processor can be 32-bit or 64-bit. It depends on which programs, games and drivers can be installed on a particular computer.

In short, x32 type processors can only run applications designed for the appropriate bit depth. x64 type processors can run applications written for both 32-bit and 64-bit processors. Almost all modern games and applications are designed for 64-bit processors: this is due to the processing speed and the maximum possible RAM that the system can use.

The bit depth check method differs depending on the system version:

View system bitness in Windows

The easiest way to find out the processor bit depth on a computer with Windows installed is to right-click on the icon My computer on desktop and go to Properties. The "System" tab will open (as in the screenshot above), where the processor bit will be indicated.

You can open the same tab through the menu Start -> Control Panel -> Show All Control Panel Items -> System. The processor can be single core (x32) or dual core (x64). The frequently occurring inscription x86 has nothing to do with bitness and refers to the designation of the processor architecture.

Windows XP

Morally and technically obsolete Windows XP is still actively used around the world due to the simplicity and ease of the system. Using a 32-bit (x32 or x86) version of the system limits the maximum possible amount of RAM to 4 gigabytes - this is not enough for new applications. 64-bit architecture speeds up work and allows you to install many times more RAM (up to 32GB).

First way to check:

  1. Open menu Start, press Run.
  2. In the window that opens, enter sysdm.cpl and press OK or Enter.
  3. Open tab General and view system information.
  • If the name of the OS in the section System bit depth is not specified, for example Windows XP Professional Edition, so it's a 32-bit system. The year of issue does not matter.
  • Otherwise, the bit depth will be immediately written in the assembly name. For example, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. The release year of the assembly does not matter.

Second way to check:

  1. Click Start -> Run.
  2. In the window that appears, enter winmsd.exe, press OK or Enter.
  3. In chapter System Summary find item CPU.
  4. If the processor starts with x86, then you have installed the 32-bit version of Windows XP.
  5. If the value is called IA-64 or AMD64, means the processor is 64-bit.

At the moment, 64-bit versions of Windows only work with Itanium and AMD64 processors. 64-bit processors will run programs designed for 32-bit architecture without any problems, but vice versa will not work.

Windows 7 and Vista

In Windows 7 and Vista, as in XP, there are two standard way view the bitness of the system. The first is the "System" window in the Control Panel, the second is the information in the "System Information" window.

View via Control Panel:

  1. Open Start, in the window "Start search" enter System.
  2. In the list that appears Programs choose System.
  3. Find in the window that opens System type. It will say "32-bit operating system" or "64-bit operating system".

View via System Information:

  1. Push button Start, in the "Start search" field, enter System.
  2. In the "Programs" section, go to the section System Information.
  3. If in the section System type indicated x64 based PC, then the system is 64-bit.
  4. If under the heading Element indicated x86 based PC, then the system is 32-bit.

Windows 8 and 10

AT latest versions Windows operating system (8 and 10), the processor bit depth is checked in standard ways: through system information and through the Control Panel. If none of these methods helped, you can always use console commands that are relevant even for .

Method 1:

  1. Push button Search. For touch devices- swipe from the right side of the screen towards the center and press Search.
  2. Enter a query in the search bar system, among the proposed options choose Options.
  3. Click or tap on an element System.
  4. under the heading System it will say whether 32-bit or 64-bit Windows 8/10 is installed on the device.

Method 2:

  1. open Search, in the search bar enter the query system information.
  2. Select element System, then System Information -> System Summary.
  3. The System Type field will indicate: x64 based computer or x86 based computer.

The inscription "x64-based computer" means the installed 64-bit OS. The inscription "x86-based computer" means a 32-bit OS.

Windows Server 2003

Windows Server 2003 also has two standard ways to view the bitness of the system (processor): in the system properties in Control panels and view window System Information.

Method 1:

  1. Click Start -> Run.
  2. Enter in the window sysdm.cpl, press OK or Enter.
  3. In the window that opens, go to the tab General.
  4. If in the section System written Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition, then the OS is 64-bit.
  5. If in the section System written Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition, then the system is 32-bit.

Simply put, x64 bit depth is specified separately. If the system version is specified without bitness, then this is a 32-bit version.

Method 2:

  1. Click Start -> Run.
  2. Enter command winmsd.exe and press OK or Enter.
  3. Select an item in the navigation area System Summary, find item CPU under the heading Element.
  • If the value CPU begin with x86, then the computer is running 32-bit Windows.
  • If the value CPU begin with EM64T or IA-64, means the system is 64-bit.

Also, in any version of Windows, you can open command line(Start -> Run -> cmd.exe), enter the command systeminfo and press Enter. Among other information about the system, there will be a line indicating the bit depth, for example: System type: x64-based PC.

An alternative is to run the DirectX Diagnostic Tool by typing dxdiag. The processor capacity will be indicated in the window System Information, in line Operating system(as indicated in the screenshot).

About bit depth change and compatibility

Changing the bit depth, even if it is technically permissible (the processor must be able to process 64-bit addresses), is possible only when complete reinstallation operating system. All data on the computer may be lost if not saved to external media.

64-bit applications run faster on 64-bit processors, and may not work at all on 32-bit ones. 32 bit apps work slower on 64-bit systems, not faster. This is due to the need to visualize the registry, but the difference is completely invisible to the user.

It should also be understood that the installer (installation files) can be designed for 32-bit systems, while the application itself can be designed for 64-bit systems, and vice versa. Usually, when downloading installation files, it is always possible to select not only the OS version, but also the processor bit depth.

Viewing the bitness of programs

With the operating system, everything is relatively clear: if the 64-bit version of the OS is not installed, then the processor only supports 32-bit systems. But how to find out how a particular application was compiled if the processor bit was not indicated in the name of the installation file?

For this there is special programEXE 64bit Detector. You need to run it in the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) as an administrator. The program weighs almost nothing, free download available on the official website of the developer (

To determine the bit depth in the command line launched as administrator, you need to enter the command Exe64bitDetector.exe -f "File_name_to be checked".

Currently, the most popular operating systems are: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux, Mac OS. Linux Users and Mac OS usually know the name on their computer. But the large army of Windows users is often at a loss as to how to find out the operating system on their computer.

This may be necessary before subscribing to a course or, even more so, buying an information product or installing new program or a game.

Unfortunately, the authors of paid (and free) courses do not always indicate which operating system they use to teach computer literacy and similar things. And if you have Windows computer XP, then a course on Windows 7 or Windows 8 is unlikely to help you. In addition, many programs and games are designed for a specific operating system.

There are at least three ways to find out the computer system:

  1. winwer team,
  2. right-click (right-click) on the "Start" button or on the "Computer" icon,
  3. Microsoft to help us.

The second and third methods provide more complete information about the operating system on the computer, but let's start with the first method.

1. How to find out the operating system of a computer using the Winver command

How to enter winver command? Fast way(we will talk about another method):

1) press two keys at the same time: Windows logo+R,

Rice. 1. Two keys are highlighted in red: the lower one with the Windows logo and the upper one with the letter R

2) the “Run” window will appear, in which, without errors and without quotes, enter the “winver” command:

Rice. 2. The "Run" window in Windows 10 (the window looks the same in Win 7, 8.1, XP), where in the "Open" line enter "winver"

3) then select OK (Fig. 2).

Don't have a Windows logo key on your keyboard? You can do without it, consider it separately for four different versions.

1.1.Windows 10 and the winver team

If the above option in figures 1 and 2 is not suitable, for example, because there is no key with the Windows logo, we will use the search system that is found in all Windows systems.

Rice. 3. Search in Windows 10 command winver

  • 1 in fig. 3 - click the magnifying glass icon, which opens the Search on the computer,
  • 2 - we type in the search bar that appears: winver,
  • 3 in fig. 3 - click on "winver Run command".

As a result, a window will appear with a description of the operating system on your device:

Rice. 4. Winver Command Result: Operating System Information

The information provided in fig. 4 is not enough. To learn more about the 10-ke system, see

1.2. winver for Windows 8 (8.1)

To use this command, you can use the Windows logo button + R, more .

Another option that is without commands is to use Windows search 8 (8.1):

Rice. 5. Search in Windows 8 command winver

  • 1 in fig. 5 - open Search,
  • 2 - enter winver,
  • 3 in fig. 5 - click on winver.exe.

As a result, we get something like this:

Rice. 6. The result of the execution of winver - information about Windows 8

At one time, I updated Win 8 to 8.1 and everything was fine, until one not the most successful day after updating the tablet from 8.1 suddenly stopped working. Samsung was disappointing: only native Win 8, which was originally installed by the manufacturer tablet computer, and no upgrades to 8.1. Therefore, in fig. 6 the inscription is with the 8, and not 8.1.

How to learn more about your 8-ke, read

1.3. Windows 7 and the winver team

1.4. Windows XP and the winver team

If the start button looks like in fig. 9, then you are probably running Windows XP.

Rice. 9. Where is the Run command for Windows XP

  • We click on .
  • In the menu that appears after this, click on the Run command (Fig. 9).

The "Starting the program" window appears (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Entering the Winver command for Windows XP

We enter the winver command, as shown in Fig. 10 and click on the “OK” button.

The About window appears. Windows program» (Fig. 11), where you can find information about the operating system on your computer, including its version:

Rice. 11. The result of executing the Winver command for Windows XP

Also about the Windows XP system can follow.

There is an easier way to learn more about your operating system without entering any commands.

2. How to find out the operating system of your computer using RMB (right mouse button)

Briefly, the essence of this method is that you need to right-click (Right Mouse Button) on the "Computer" or "My Computer" or "Start" icon.

If the RMB method is not suitable, then enter “system” or “computer” without quotes in the Search bar. It remains only to click on the option that will be found as a result of the search. Then a window will open with complete information on the operating system of your computer.

2.1. About Windows 10

To get more information about your operating system (memory, processor, 64 or 32 bit, etc.), you can

  • right-click (right-click) on the "Start" button,
  • or click on the icon with a magnifying glass (next to the Start button) and in the search bar enter “system” without quotes.

Rice. 12. Right click on the Start icon

  • 1 in fig. 12 - click "Start" with the right mouse button,
  • 2 in fig. 12 - in the menu that appears, click the "System" option.

As a result, the window "About the system" will open:

Rice. 13. Windows 10 system information

2.2. About Windows 8

Rice. 14. Search using Search for the Computer application

  • 1 in fig. 14 - click Search,
  • 2 - in the search bar, enter "computer" without quotes,
  • 3 in fig. 14 - click on the "Computer" application,

In the window that appears after this, you need to left-click (or right) the mouse button on the “Properties” option. As a result, the "View basic information about your computer" window will open (Fig. 15):

Rice. 15 (click on the figure to enlarge it). Basic information about the Windows 8 system

2.3. About the system in Windows 7

Rice. 16. RMB (right mouse button) for the Computer option in Windows 7

If the start button looks like in fig. 16 (number 1), then you have Windows 7.

  • 1 in fig. 16 - Click on the Start button.
  • 2 - Then right-click (right-click) on the "Computer" icon.
  • 3 in fig. 16 - A context menu appears, in which we click on the "Properties" link.

The "View basic information about your computer" window will appear (Fig. 17), in which you can find out the operating system installed on your computer, as well as information about the processor, RAM, etc.

Rice. 17. Computer basics for Windows 7

2.4. About the system in Windows XP

If there is a "My Computer" icon, as in fig. 18 means you have Windows XP operating system. We click on this RMB icon (right-click), and in the drop-down menu, click on the link "Properties" (Fig. 18).

Rice. 18. Properties for the My Computer icon in Windows XP

The "System Properties" window appears (Fig. 19):

Six ways to find out the version, build and bitness of Windows that is installed on your PC. This question is often asked by many users on e-mail and in the comments, so today we decided to publish a guide on how to find out information about installed version operating system Windows on any computer.


Recently, it is very often possible to purchase a personal computer or laptop with a pre-installed operating system. Windows. This is convenient, as the system is fully configured and checked for errors. But you can buy a computer without an operating system installed. Then the user has to additionally contact a special service to install the operating system or use the services of his friends and acquaintances. However, most users using the operating system Windows, absolutely do not think about its parameters and characteristics. But when it becomes necessary to install an additional software or applications, then the question arises of the compatibility of such programs and the operating system Windows set by the user. That's when the user has different questions about the characteristics of the operating system installed on his computer or laptop.

In this guide, we tried to answer such questions about the operating system:

  • Which version Windows installed on your computer Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 etc.)?
  • Which version variant Windows installed on your computer (home, professional, etc.)?
  • What type of operating system Windows installed on your computer: 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64)?
  • Which service pack is installed on your system Windows(SP1, SP2, SP3, etc.)?
  • What build version Windows 10 installed on your computer?
  • Which update version Windows 10 installed on your computer (update versions 1511, 1607, 1703, etc.)?

There are many ways to get answers to these operating system questions. Windows installed on your computer. We will show different methods suitable for different operating systems Windows, you can try them all and choose the most suitable for you.

Method 1: Using the command winver

This method is very simple and allows you to quickly find out information about the installed version of the operating system. Windows with a simple command winver. it universal method and it fits any version Windows.

Press together keyboard shortcut Windows+R to open the dialog "Run". In the command line box, type winver and press the button "OK" or key "Enter" on the keyboard to execute the command.

The command will launch a dialog box.

The window displays basic information about the installed operating system. Windows, shows its version, system build number, service pack, and so on. You can also find out what username or organization she is registered under.

Method 2: Using a window "Properties"

In all versions Windows by default, a standard set of applications is included, in which the application must be present "System". It contains a large array of useful and detailed information about the version of the installed operating system. Windows, and it can always be easily viewed.

You can open a window "System" different ways, but we will show only two of them.

Method 1: In the lower left corner of the screen on "Dashboards" press the button "Start" and open the main menu. Lower the slider installed programs and applications down to section "Utilities - Windows" and select section "Control Panel".

In the window "All Control Panel Items" Choose a section "System".

Method 2: Find the icon on the desktop of your computer or laptop. "This computer"(icon "A computer" or "My computer" for earlier versions Windows), right-click on it, and select the section from the pop-up menu. "Properties".

In the window "System" all essential information is displayed. You will be able to see which version Windows (XP, Vista, "7", "8/8.1" or "ten") is installed on your computer, as well as determine the edition of the operating system Windows (Home, «Professional», Home Basic, Home Premium etc.), check if the service pack is installed or not.

In step "System Type" you can determine the bitness of the operating system Windows(32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64)) installed on your computer.

Also in the list of basic computer parameters indicated in the window "System", includes information about the processor, installed memory (RAM), computer name, product ID, and so on. Here you can easily find all the necessary information about your operating system. Windows.

Method 3: Using the app "Options" in Windows 10

If you are using an operating system Windows 10, you can find installed version information Windows, its publication, updating, etc. using the app "Options".

Method 4: Using the app "Registry Editor"

If you are a confident user, then you can use the application "Registry Editor" to find information about the installed version Windows. However, it is important to remember that any actions with the registry must be performed carefully and with extreme caution. Any incorrect registry changes can cause errors or system crashes, resulting in an inability to start individual applications or the crash of the operating system as a whole. Before you start working with the registry, be sure to create it working copy. In the ribbon of the main menu of the window "Registry Editor" click tab "File" and select section "Export". Select a location to store a copy of the registry, name the file, and click "Save" to complete.

To view operating system information Windows do the following:

Method 5: Using a command "systeminfo"

You can also get detailed information about the installed operating system Windows and your settings personal computer using the command - "systeminfo".

Method 6: Using the WMIC command

You can also use the WMIC command ( Windows management Instrumentation Command-line) to get brief information about your system and installed version Windows.

A computer