Windows xp is not installed from a flash drive 0x0000007b. What to do if an error occurs when installing Windows XP

Stop error 0x0000007B or "blue screen" is familiar to many users personal computers. It can occur both during normal computer boot, and when installing the operating system or when it is transferred to another motherboard. To eliminate this problem, it is first necessary to identify the nature of the malfunction and the cause of its occurrence.

When error 0x0000007b occurs, the PC screen looks like this:

Boot sector virus infection

Often, a computer gives an error 0x0000007B due to a defeat various viruses and trojans. In this case, you need to start Windows XP and check the system, as well as all external media for harmful programs using an anti-virus utility. It is recommended to use not one, but several virus-scanning programs. For example, you can check your computer with Kaspersky and the Doctor Web utility. To ensure further safe work on the Internet, you must correctly configure the firewall settings, do not visit sites with bad reputation and restrict downloading of unverified files.

In the event that the anti-virus program was unable to cope with viruses on its own and the system cannot be restored, you will need to complete reinstallation Windows XP. Before that, you need to format HDD and split it into sections.

Problems with disk device drivers

There are several reasons for the stop 0x0000007B error message to appear here:

  1. A disk device driver required by the boot controller is not configured to run or is configured incorrectly.
  2. The device driver is defective.
  3. The necessary data responsible for loading drivers at system startup has been corrupted in the Windows XP registry.

At Windows installation XP, at the bottom of the screen you can see this entry: "Press the F6 key to install a third-party SCSI or RAID driver." After pressing the specified key, follow the instructions that describe in detail how to install the manufacturer's mass storage device driver. Hardware Compatibility List and Controller Driver Information hard drive are located in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

Driver update

Sometimes a simple device driver update can solve the problem. Find the Device Manager tab in the control panel (in the "System" menu item). Select the Driver sub-item and click the Update button.

The system will offer a way to search for a driver, you must select Install from a specified location. From the proposed list, click on the line Standard 2-channel PCI IDE controller.

When the installation is complete, click Finish and restart your computer.

If the miniport driver, which is required for the full operation of the controller, gives an error when trying to boot, then this is a signal that there are problems with the System node from Windows Registry xp. The problem can be solved by restoring backup the registry itself.

Problems in the equipment you are using

The system issues a stop 0x0000007B error as a result of disk conversion failure and resource conflict between SCSI devices and boot controllers with other disk controllers when using a single I/O port.

Ways to solve this problem:

  1. The cause of the error may be the installation of new hardware that causes a conflict with disk controllers. Removing or changing hardware settings will help resolve the issue.
  2. In case of problems, it is recommended to check the SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) chain for errors in termination. It is necessary to remove unused SCSI devices and check the uniqueness of identifiers. Check the disk conversion feature (enable if required) for changes. Perhaps a reconfiguration was made in the parameters of the controllers, which is why the system gives the error stop 0x0000007B.

Other malfunctions

There are other potential causes of blue screen” are problems in the boot sector and damage in file system due to which Windows XP cannot be connected. The solution to this problem is to move the drive to another PC running the same operating system. Next, run the special chkdsk command, and if this method does not suit you, you can proceed to install Windows XP in parallel on the same disk, only in a different folder. The operating system setup program will check the boot volume for problems before copying the files and, if necessary, fix them.

In the event that it was not possible to identify possible cause problems, it is recommended to use general scheme solutions to the blue screen problem:

  • If the system displays a message about the notorious error 0x0000007b when installing windows xp, you should update the BIOS. This is done as follows: by pressing the F2 key (you can also Del) enter the BIOS. Next, find the Sata Mode item (usually located in the Main menu). Here, instead of AHCI Mode, set the value to IDE Mode. Save and restart your computer. You can also install drivers for the hard disk controller obtained from the device manufacturer.
  • If your computer has new driver incompatible with the hardware, it may cause an error. To fix the problem, it is recommended that you select the Last Known Good Configuration offered by the system at boot time.

System Restore as a way to resolve error 0x0000007b

If other methods are ineffective, you can use the system restore procedure to resolve the stop 0x0000007b error. To do this, you need the following auxiliary attributes:

  1. Floppy disk or flash card with archive files.
  2. The ERD Commander utility is a set of useful tools for repairing the system in case of any problems.
  3. A set of files for fixing bad sectors.

First of all, you need to insert a USB flash drive (or floppy disk). And even bigger than that, download data from a CD-drive, written to a disk with ERD Commander.

In the main menu Start -> Administrative Tools, you should run Registry Editor - this is the registry editor.

Here, in the main menu, select File -> Import. For import to system registry need to find special file mergeide.reg (it should be written to a floppy disk in advance). After performing this operation, the Explorer is launched by pressing 2 times on "My Computer". Then it remains just to copy the following files from external media to the C: Windowssystem32Drivers folder: atapi.sys, intelide.sys, pciide.sys, pciidex.sys. The final touch is to restart the PC.

Installing Windows XP on modern hardware is often fraught with some problems. During the installation, various errors and even BSODs (blue screens of death) “sprinkle”. This is due to the incompatibility of the old operating system with the hardware or its features. One of these errors is BSOD 0x0000007b.

A blue screen with this code can be caused by the lack of a built-in SATA controller AHCI driver, which allows you to use various functions for modern drives, including SSDs. If your motherboard uses this mode, then Windows XP will not be able to install. Let's look at two methods for fixing the error and analyze two separate special cases with Intel and AMD chipsets.

Method 1: BIOS setup

Most motherboards have two modes of operation for SATA drives - AHCI and IDE. For a normal installation of Windows XP, you must enable the second mode. This is done in BIOS. Go to settings motherboard can be done by pressing the key several times. DELETE on boot (AMI) or F8(Award). In your case, it may be a different key, you can find out by reading the manual for the motherboard.

The parameter we need is mainly located on the tab with the name Main and called SATA Configuration. Here you need to change the value from "AHCI" on the IDE, press F10 to save the settings and restart the machine.

After these Windows Actions XP will most likely install fine.

Method 2: Adding AHCI Drivers to the Distribution

If the first option did not work or the BIOS settings do not have the ability to switch SATA modes, then you will have to manually integrate the necessary driver into the XP distribution. To do this, we use the nLite program.

  1. We go to the official website of the program and download the installer. We download exactly the one that is highlighted in the screenshot, it is intended for XP distributions.

    If you are going to integrate directly in Windows XP, you must also install Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 from the developer's official website. Pay attention to the bitness of your OS.

  2. Installing the program will not cause difficulties even for a beginner, just follow the prompts of the Wizard.
  3. Next, we need a compatible driver package, for which we need to find out which chipset is installed on our motherboard. This can be done using the AIDA64 program. Here in the section "Motherboard", on the tab "Chipset" the required information is located.

  4. Now let's go to a page that contains packages that are great for integrating with nLite. On this page, we select the manufacturer of our chipset.

    Downloading the package.

  5. The archive that we received when downloading must be unpacked into a separate folder. In this folder, we see another archive, the files from which also need to be extracted.

  6. Next, you need to copy all the files from installation disk or image to another folder (new).

  7. Preparation is completed, run the nLite program, select the language and click "Further".

  8. In the next window, click "Review" and select the folder into which the files were copied from the disk.

  9. The program will check, and we will see data about the operating system, after which we press "Further".

  10. We simply skip the next window.

  11. The next step is to select tasks. We need to integrate drivers and create boot image. Click on the appropriate buttons.

  12. In the driver selection window, click "Add".

  13. Choose an item "Driver Folder".

  14. Select the folder where we unpacked the downloaded archive.

  15. We select the version of the driver of the required bit depth (of the system that we are going to install).

  16. In the driver integration settings window, select all the items (click on the first one, hold down SHIFT and click on the last one). We do this to ensure that correct driver present in the distribution.

  17. In the next window, click "Further".

  18. We start the integration process.

  19. Choose a mode "Create Image", press "Create ISO", select the location where you want to save the created image, give it a name and click "Save".

  20. The image is ready, exit the program.

The resulting file in ISO format must be written to a USB flash drive and you can install Windows XP.

Above, we considered the option with Intel chipset. For AMD, the process has some differences.


We have analyzed two ways to resolve error 0x0000007b when installing Windows XP. The second one may seem complicated, but with the help of these steps you can create your own distributions for installation on different hardware.

Stop 0x0000007b is one of the most common errors that users of all versions of the Windows operating system may encounter.

However, most often, Windows XP users encounter an error called "blue screen of death".

This is due to the fact that Microsoft discontinued support a few years ago. this version OS.

Users are unable to obtain the necessary updates to stabilize the system, and therefore encounter a problem.

In all Windows versions"blue screen" looks different. In the eighth and tenth versions of the OS, solution tips are no longer shown on the screen.

Users only receive information that their OS has encountered an error that it could not solve, so it is forced to close all programs and reboot.

First, let's look at the common and most common causes of the Blue Screen of Death.

Causes of the problem

  1. Device failure bootstrap(when installing the OS);
  2. Disk and hardware incompatibility;
  3. Launching a program that is incompatible in its characteristics with the hardware and / or software part of the computer;
  4. Transferring the operating system to another motherboard;
  5. Often an error occurs during a clean installation of Windows (installation to a blank hard drive);
  6. In some cases, the screen of death may occur after changing the motherboard on a personal computer;
  7. After using programs to work with system disks;
  8. The registry files have been corrupted.

There are many more reasons for the death screen, but they all come down to solving the above problems, so they do not need to be considered.

What to do if the blue screen appears when loading the OS?

What does the appearance of a BSOD mean when loading the OS? First of all, this indicates that the installation is proceeding with errors and the wrong operating mode is set in the BIOS.

The device driver cannot initialize the new OS.


In BIOS, you need to edit the boot parameters.

If you want to install the OS on a drive that is connected directly to the SATA controller, you need to go into the BIOS and set the operating mode as IDE. Native IDE mode is also suitable.

Go into BIOS and switch to the Device Configuration tab. Find the Marvell IDE Controller field and set it to Enabled.

After that, exit the BIOS menu, after saving the changes made.

Now try to install the OS first. If all the steps were performed correctly, everything will be successful during installation, and you will no longer encounter the blue screen problem.

Hard drive recovery

A problem with hard drive today is one of the key causes of the blue screen of death.

To fix the problem with the hard drive, you need to "force" the system to support AHCI mode by adding a set of drivers.

Download and unzip the archive. Its content looks like this:

You will also need an OS image. Download the nLite software and follow the steps below.

  1. Specify the path to the Windows image;
  2. Check the "driver" and "boot image" boxes.

Select the mode to run the drivers in test mode and click OK. The system will automatically reboot and the problem will no longer appear.

If your computer is infected with malware

Often, users encountering a blue screen is not due to hard drive corruption or the installation of a new instance of the operating system.

If the computer does not have antivirus software, the system becomes very susceptible to any attacks from malware which damage system files.

As a result, a BSOD error occurs.

The problem can occur even if the computer has a working antivirus that has installed Latest updates. The software may not be able to handle a certain kind trojan.

To solve the problem, you must first disable automatic reboot after the blue screen appears, because it is most convenient to remove the virus in an already running operating system.

Follow the instructions to disable automatic restart in Windows 7 or XP:

  • Right-click on the label "This PC" ("My Computer");
  • From the pop-up menu, select and click on the properties field. Wait for the advanced options window to open;
  • Go to the advanced settings tab;
  • Find the "boot and recovery" field, in it click on the "Options" key;
  • Uncheck the box automatic reboot computer and press OK to save your changes.

In operating rooms Windows systems 8/10 do the following:

  1. Click on the icon "This PC" in the start menu or on the desktop;
  2. Turn on the control window (or press the key combination Win + Pause);
  3. On the left in the computer properties window, find the field for advanced system settings and select it;
  4. Select the advanced options tab;
  5. Click on the "options" key in the boot and restore field;
  6. Uncheck the box about automatic restart in case of system failure.

Now, after the appearance of the blue tap, the system will not automatically reboot. This way you can see which process is causing the problem (for Windows XP/7/Vista users).

When the blue screen appears, look for the box "This problem seems to be caused by the following file: ...", usually the third line.

The colon will be followed by the name and format of the file that caused the BSOD screen to appear.

Now you need to restart your computer. To do this, press and hold the power button for 5 seconds. Then after another five seconds, press it again.

The OS will restart.

If the cause of the blue screen is viruses, the system will start up to the desktop. After that, you need to scan your computer with antivirus.

The scan will find several files and processes that are a potential threat.

Among the list, find the name of the process that was indicated on the blue screen and delete it.

If the antivirus could not find the required file, use the search in Explorer and manually delete the found process.

Also check the startup menu and running processes in the task manager.

If you find there desired name file, be sure to cancel the process and block it.

After you have terminated the task, disabled the malware in the startup menu, and removed it using an antivirus or explorer, the blue screen will no longer appear.

After deleting the process, be sure to restart the computer.

The appearance of a blue screen after Acronis is a fairly common occurrence.

Acronis is a program for working with system utilities to fix the blue screen problem, the user only needs to roll back the latest program updates or download an older version of it from the manufacturer's website.

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Updated: 2019-11-27 / Viktor Trunov

In the course of their work, many PC users encounter various types of errors in the Windows OS. Some of them make it impossible to work by constantly appearing on the screen when launching various games or applications, while others appear only when loading or installing Windows, preventing the operating system from working in principle.

In this article, we will analyze one of these errors - stop 0x0000007b, which is most often encountered by users.

In newer versions of the operating system, given code replaces the special message "inaccessible boot device", but at its core, all methods for fixing a failure are identical to each other.

Reasons for the appearance

A blue screen with the code 0x0000007b occurs as a result of an unsuccessful attempt by Windows to access the system partition.

In turn, this may indicate the following problems:

  • Incorrectly set HDD operation mode.
  • Incorrect settings
  • Faulty hard drive or file system.
  • Important system files are missing.
  • Incompatible drivers installed.
  • Broken boot sector.
  • The presence of malware and viruses.
  • Game or application crash.

I propose to analyze each item in order in more detail.

Single failure. In most cases, the problem is temporary and is solved by simply restarting the computer.

Rollback to working state. If this does not help, then you should boot using the latest configuration. To do this, while turning on the PC, start pressing the "F8" or "F3" key until a black screen appears with various types of startup.

Using the arrows, select the boot point with the last known good configuration and press "Enter". The method is somewhat similar to system restore. It will roll back to the last working state.

Most likely this will help fix the error 0x0000007b.

Safe mode as a way to diagnose

Using this mode, you can identify the cause of the failure. If you can boot Windows into safe mode, then it will talk about the problem on the side software secondary devices, system errors or viruses.

And how to run it:

For this, it is desirable to have a special boot disk or flash drive with antivirus program. The most popular of them are Dr.Web LiveDisk and Response Disc from Kaspersky.

HDD operation mode

If the stop 0x0000007b error occurs when installing Windows XP or 7, then most likely the problem is in the work hard disk.

How to change it:

If this was the problem, then the blue screen will no longer appear.

Enable AHCI

As I said above, the reason for the appearance of BSOD 0x0000007b at the time of loading Windows 7 may be the enabled AHCI. Undoubtedly, this mode has good advantages and is more suitable for working with an SSD drive.

However, it is not enough just to enable it in the BIOS, you also need to prepare Windows to work with it:

Everything should work now


If before the appearance of BSOD 0x0000007b you connected additional equipment or changed BIOS settings. Then in this case, it is better to reset to default values, after disabling all third-party equipment and devices.

You can reset in the following ways.

First way:

The second method (perform when the computer is turned off):

If there is no jumper, as usual, this happens with cut-down budget motherboards, then it is enough to remove the BIOS power battery for 30 minutes, then install it back.

HDD and file system check

It is possible that the failure occurs due to problems on the side of the hard drive, especially when the BSOD code 0x0000007b appears when Windows boot. This point should be checked separately.

So, what can disrupt the hard drive:

  1. The SATA cable may not be firmly connected to the HDD. Check this moment.
  2. Damage SATA cables. In this case, it must be replaced.
  3. The presence of inaccessible sectors "bad blocks" or other errors. You can check with . If Windows does not boot, then the check should be performed after booting from any LiveCD. Another option is to use the Victoria MS-DOS or .
  4. If (hums, taps, clicks, etc.), then it is obvious that the problem is on the side of faulty internal mechanics. There is nothing to be done here, you need to make a replacement.

We check the file system. If the operating system boots in safe mode, then it is enough to execute the command - chkdsk E: / F / R. Where the letter "E" denotes the partition with the installed OS. If you have it different, then set the corresponding letter.

If stop code 0x0000007b occurs when loading Windows 7 or XP, then our actions will be a little more complicated:

I will show all subsequent actions using the example of Windows 7:

It also doesn't hurt to check important files command - sfc /scannow.

We boot in normal mode and check the result.

Driver incompatibility

It is not uncommon when a blue screen can be caused recently installed drivers, especially for HDD or SSD drivers.

If you really installed or updated any software, then to solve the incompatibility problem, you need to remove it:

Sometimes on the contrary, an update can help.

Be careful when downloading any software, pay special attention to its compatibility with your operating system and hardware.

Boot Sector Recovery

Blue Screen 0x0000007b may appear due to a corrupted "MBR" boot area. Which could well fly off as a result of the actions of malicious programs, a sharp shutdown of the PC, or system errors. In this case, it must be restored.

Instruction for PC OS Windows 7:

After everything is done, you can close the command window and reboot.

Installed games or applications

Also, the stop 0x0000007b error can only be observed when starting a specific application or game. In turn, this can indicate a lot of problems, but most often you can get rid of it by reinstalling the video card driver, reinstalling the game and then launching it with administrator rights, or installing a fresh one. DirectX versions, net framework and Visual libraries C++.

Other reasons

Do not forget about things like the motherboard or RAM. In this case, these are the components that should be checked as a last resort, when nothing else helped to get rid of the blue screen.

For example, there can be absolutely any malfunction on the side of the motherboard, including a damaged SATA connector. At random access memory there may be errors, you can check it through the built-in memory test utility in Windows 10, 8 or.

In more rare cases, the problem is more technical in nature, which can only be solved by an experienced master.

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In a previous article, we talked about the disappearance of a hard drive from Windows Installer but problem solved normal installation drivers. In this article, we will analyze the error 0x0000007B, which tells us that there is a problem with the hard drive.

In general, when you start, there is a process of copying various files, that is, drivers, but not system files, after that, the installer screen usually appears, where we can select the installation section, but it didn’t happen, instead a blue screen (BSOD) appears, the error code of which is just 0x0000007B. Repeated actions will lead to the same result.

From the blue screen instructions, we are offered to physically disconnect, and then connect the disks, run a command to check the disk for errors. The error must be removed; it is done very simply, now I will show you how.

Error 0x0000007B and how to fix it?

To solve the problem, you need to switch from AHCI to IDE mode in the BIOS, of course, the first one improves the performance of the hard drive, but it is poorly compatible with Windows XP, by the way, I wrote about it in.

So, in order to switch to IDE mode, you need to go into the BIOS, unfortunately, I can’t tell you which button to press to get there, each laptop model and motherboard is different. Maybe F10, like mine, F2 or the Del button. Here is an article about where I looked at many options for laptops and motherboards.

As soon as you get into the BIOS, you need to find the parameter SATA mode. The function can be called a little differently on different devices, but usually the phrase has the word "SATA", we focus on it.

Now you need to switch this function to IDE mode, so that the changes are saved, you need to press F10 on the keyboard.

Now you can start installing Windows XP again, this time everything should be successful. On a note, I want to say if you will or later operating system then before installation.

In general, I have already said above why this error appears, because the AHCI mode in Windows XP is not supported due to the fact that it appeared later, but as the experience of many users shows, AHCI drivers can be easily integrated into Windows XP.

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