A new wave of Japanese investors is fueling a giant altcoin bubble. In Japan, cryptocurrency received the status of a means of payment American Japanese Bank and Cryptocurrency

The largest Japanese bank is going to curb it by releasing its own digital currency MUFG Coin. This statement came from the president of the financial organization MUFG. Moreover, the head of the bank is confident that the new cryptocurrency will be better than Bitcoin.

New cryptocurrency: issuer

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc., a Tokyo bank, announced its plans a long time ago, back in early 2016. The new virtual coin is based on the blockchain. The conversion is planned to be fixed, with a ratio of 1:1 to the national currency - the yen.

The bank has been operating since April 2, 2001, with its head office in Tokyo. Capitalization as of September 30, 2017: 2.141 billion yen. Mitsubishi UFJ shares are traded on the NYSE under the ticker symbol MTU, director Kiyoshi Sono. Financial group manages subsidiaries, providing services for:

  • consumer and private business;
  • corporate and investment banking;
  • asset management;
  • invests in real estate.

Bank clients will be able to use a proprietary smartphone application to withdraw funds from their accounts. Non-cash money can then be transferred to the new cryptocurrency MUFG Coin.

New Cryptocurrency: Infrastructure

The bank has provided the infrastructure for the ambitious project. By spring 2018, special ATMs will be installed. People will have the opportunity to exchange the new cryptocurrency for the national equivalent.

The project has been in development for a long time, since the fall of 2015. If everything goes according to plan, then soon not only Japan, but the whole world will witness the release of the first new cryptocurrency from a large bank.

Nobuyuki Hirano, manager of a financial institution, spoke at the FinTech Week conference in Japan. He focused the attention of those present on the fact that the adoption of digital money is growing everywhere, and the population is becoming more aware.

  1. There is a real revival associated with the field of cryptocurrency technologies.
  2. Of the coins, Bitcoin is still held in special esteem.

This is not surprising, because it was BTC in Japan that was recognized as a payment unit on a legal basis. Hirano promises that the bank’s new cryptocurrency will eliminate the problem of Bitcoin exchange rate fluctuations, and will also become very useful and convenient.

New cryptocurrency: competition

The head of MUFG Bank expressed hope that the initiative to issue MUFG Coin will be supported by others financial structures. Here you can see that the main partner of the Japanese megabank, Mizuho, ​​may soon become Mitsubishi’s main competitor, since it has its own new cryptocurrency.

  1. This version, similar to MUFG Coin, is pegged to the yen in a 1:1 ratio, called J-Coin.
  2. People use crypto money from Mizuho Bank to pay for group meals using a mobile application.

Both banks expect to complete the full launch of new products before the Tokyo Olympics by 2020.

We must admit that it remains the most technologically advanced society in the world. Perhaps blockchain-based projects will be a way out of the stagnation of recent years for the country.

Cash payments in Japan account for about 70% of all transactions in domestic turnover, with the share of digital transactions reaching 19% of the total volume.

The country's authorities have approved a growth strategy to double the speed of distribution of digital money circulation. This plan was adopted over a 10-year horizon. Meanwhile, MUFG Bank has been issuing branded cryptocurrency to staff since May. This initiative is still an experiment. Commercial release will be announced before the end of this year.

The idea of ​​self-sufficient and completely independent financial platforms is not new. The first was Bitcoin and its blockchain technology, and then followers began to appear. In 2014, the virtual cryptocurrency market was replenished with a new product of Japanese origin – Monacoin.

Basically, all cryptocurrencies in the world are viewed with suspicion because they do not have stable support. That is, in essence, they are a big mess in the real world, and at any moment they can turn into dust. Of course, this will not happen if the popularity of cryptocurrencies grows, because user interest is the main factor that supports most cryptocurrencies on the market. high level, including monacoin.

This cryptocurrency was developed in Japan and over the years of its existence has reached a price level of 6–7 dollars. The rate is not very stable, so it is often used for speculation when traders are trying to make money. Naturally, this contributes to the emergence of basic fluctuations. But, nevertheless, now this coin is one of the main players in the market. Therefore, it won’t hurt to get to know her in more detail.

Monacoin – Japanese cryptocurrency

Japan rightfully occupies one of the leading positions in the world market. She especially advanced in technology, and, of course, judging by rumors, she became the founder of the very first crypto-coin - Bitcoin. Its creator was a person or group of people calling themselves Satoshi Nakamoto. It is not surprising that another currency has appeared - Monacoin, and the mona cryptocurrency has no worse prospects than its older brother. Let's see if these coins can really win the hearts of people. But wait, they already did!

A review of Monacoin shows that it is a truly Japanese coin. Do you know how it is translated from Japanese? This is a “cute cat”, and the official website of the coin states: “MONA is a lovely ASCII Art character in Japan.” So, essentially, it's a cat coin.

Of course, it sounds frivolous, but for Japan this is normal, which does not reduce the significance and coolness of the coin. It became one of the first to be launched after hundreds of thousands of failures of other new products. And this is on the global market, where new crypto coins appear almost every day. They just don't live long. And this coin has existed and been growing in value since 2014.

In addition, there is already a dog coin in the world - Dogecoin, and to expand the zoo, all that was needed was a cat. And the Japanese decided to fix this by creating the Monacoin coin, which immediately became one of the most popular in the world. Apparently, cats are loved not only in Japan, but all over the globe. At some point in 2014 (when it was created), this coin even entered the top 10 world crypto coins, which almost no one had achieved before.

This has become a phenomenon that world-class financiers and economists are still studying, and cannot find the reason why Monacoin is growing. But we know what's going on here. Apparently, the reason is that the Japanese once again boasted by creating something cute. A cat on a coin is so cute. And this despite the fact that specifications cat coins are more than standard;

In general, standard indicators that did not foretell any special attitude. Although experts see the reason in the Japanese national mentality. Companies have appeared in Japan that accept payments in Monacoin. And there are companies that work exclusively with monacoins.

Constant monitoring on television, where they talk about cat coins and what you can buy for them, also did its job. But the main trick to popularize the coin is that you can buy a piece of land with them, and Japanese land is worth as much as gold or even platinum. To afford a plot, you need to be extremely rich, and coins can be earned simply by solving blocks, that is, with the help of high-quality equipment. Ordinary is enough powerful computer, so anyone can mine cryptocurrency right at home.

The first miners got seriously rich by extracting a decent asset from coins and selling them for serious money (regular or by exchanging for another cryptocurrency). The fact is that the price has increased THREE times. This is a colossal indicator for a fledgling currency, and since then it has been included in the top 50 cryptocurrencies in the world, among thousands of coins created before and after it.

Thus, the Japanese created a national symbol for themselves. An excellent move, considering that it is difficult to find a more Japanese coin than the monacoin. In addition, the majority of miners and coin holders live in this country. The Japanese economy is gearing up for Monacoin, creating many exchanges, auctions, firms, etc. that actually work with this cryptocurrency, and not just in words, like ours. And if you believe the forecasts, then Japanese banks will even close loans with cat coins, given their current exchange rate.

In other countries, the demand for the coin is less pronounced, but it also exists. So it won't hurt to stock up on monacoins. They have excellent prospects, especially in 2018, when the Japanese coin began to grow without stopping. There hasn't been a recession for more than a month, so it's an excellent option for storing money. True, you need to think about whether you are ready to take the risk that the coin may lose value. And this could very well happen to her, even if the coins are actively growing now.

History of creation

As already mentioned, Japan is a country that loves everything new. It feels like people there are already living in the future with robots, space technologies that have become commonplace, etc. It is not surprising that they did not ignore the area of ​​​​cryptocurrencies. This is how the truly Japanese cryptocurrency MCO appeared, the symbol of which was the cute cat depicted on the coin itself.

The history of its creation dates back to 2014, because it was in January of this year that the developers announced the launch of a new cryptocurrency - Monacoin. Although some sources indicate that it was created in December 2013. Nevertheless official date The creation of the coin in question is considered to be exactly 2014.

Coins (monaco, coin, etc.) are a cryptocurrency that can be called a clone of Litecoin. The fact is that it was from this cryptocurrency that the SegWit code was copied. And already in March they carried out a soft fork to begin supporting the cryptocurrency.

Very little is known about the coin. This is due to the following circumstances:

In general, the coin remains a dark horse, or rather a cat, which is why it is so interesting to learn more about its history. So let's make do with the information we have.

But on May 24, another statement appeared, adding fuel to the fire, where Kris Marsalek called the future deal “revolutionary.” It said that thanks to the implementation of the idea, the innovative “Cryptocurrency Cashback” program will be used. And when the program is implemented, the user will receive a lot of benefits. In particular, you will be able to replenish, send, exchange and spend your coins at improved exchange rates. And after that, no more statements or comments. But the process has begun, and only time will tell where it will go.

And, of course, those who are interested in how monacoin will not be able to work without knowing the encryption method and algorithm. And in this case it is Script. In principle, this is all that is known so far about the history of the creation of the “cat” cryptocurrency. But, most likely, these coins will still surprise us.

Technical specifications

The technical characteristics of monacoin are not anything special. In principle, the developers did not set out to surprise anyone. On the contrary, we set a course for standard indicators:

  • The most standard Script encryption algorithm, which is the basis of many popular cryptocurrencies, therefore in this case the developers decided not to take risks in coming up with something new, but to use a well-proven option;
  • You can mine cryptocurrency through blocks, that is, again, we have a standard version of the system. On this moment the price of the found block is 25 tokens, although until recently it was 50 units;
  • In order to confirm the operation, or, more precisely, to determine new block, it will take about one and a half to two minutes. So in this vein, the altcoin in question was also not surprising.
  • The total number of coins for mining is about 100 million.

As with all other cryptocurrencies, the coin platform is immaterial. The price of the asset is not tied to any cash, gold funds or other material resources. Information about ongoing transactions can be obtained from open access, although personal data is not used anywhere, thereby protecting user privacy. All in all, a pretty standard set, although Monacoin was launched without a premine.

The Monacoin cryptocurrency was developed using paring technology, which ensures its self-sufficiency and reliability. It allows you to work even without a large number of users. And again, the DGW algorithm contributed to this freedom. As for user convenience, technically this was also taken care of, since the monacoin (mona) cryptocurrency wallet is capable of working on all known operating systems, including on Windows and MAC.

Proof-of-Work (which can be selected) is used to process information, providing more reliable protection against interference. The technical nuances are well thought out, making hacking a system more of a miracle than an everyday occurrence. That is, in technical terms, the mining and storage of the cryptocurrency in question is absolutely safe, which is the main advantage of the Japanese coin. For now the technology is used in Japan, but it has all the conditions to become international. So you can start mining cryptocurrency.

Wallets and exchanges

In order to mine cryptocurrency, withdraw it and carry out various financial transactions, you need to have a wallet that can work with the type of coin in question. It’s not easy to choose, since not all wallets, even multicurrency ones, can boast that they can help you withdraw monacoin.

Wallets perform several vital functions at once:

Thus, when choosing a storage facility for your supply of monacoins, you need to pay attention to whether your newly created wallet meets the mentioned criteria.

The best way to store Monacoin is in monacoin wallet. It can be downloaded from our website, or by following this link: https://monacoin.org/. This is a platform wallet that must be installed on any of the three main operating systems used in the world - Windows, Mac or Linux. A convenient option, tailored specifically for the cryptocurrency in question.

But after you download the wallet, you need to activate it via wallet.dat. In general, the procedure is standard. But it is alarming that there is too little information. Users are unfamiliar with how the monaco wallet works, and there is simply no place to see how problems are solved during financial transactions, because we have few miners who deal with this “cat”.

It has the following advantages:

  • It is highly secure, as it is the only alternative if you want to buy a cryptocurrency such as Monaco;
  • If you install the wallet on one of the specified OS, it will function without problems;
  • Transactions are fast and fees are low. But you can only take advantage of this advantage in Japan, because it is there that many financial transactions can be carried out using this coin;
  • Adequate technical support.

In general, even if there is only one Monaco cryptocurrency wallet, the application is quite good. In addition, the already mentioned Visa card together with Monaco was issued, and now with its help it has become even easier to carry out financial transactions.

The Monappy platform requires special attention because it has a large user community. Inside, the system provides access to the purchase and sale of various goods. If necessary, users can give donations to streamers on Twitch. The only but huge drawback is that this portal only works in Japanese.

To monitor the exchange rate, analyze charts and conduct operations with monacoin, you can use exchanges. But due to the fact that MONA refers to currencies that work only in Japan, and in other countries they remain just a cute coin, it is difficult to find an exchange where you can find out the latest information. However, there are several options:

As you can see, most exchanges operate in the MONA/BTC pair, although there is an exception - Bleutrade, where trading is carried out in the MONA/DOGE pair. True, the trading volume there is minimal and amounts to only 14,143 MONA per day. You can get monacoins through the monacoin faucet.


Each cryptocurrency has its own advantages and disadvantages, but now let’s not talk about the bad, because Monaco is a cryptocurrency that has many advantages. If you highlight the main advantages, you can create the following list:

In general, coins have an extensive list of advantages, thanks to which they began to pay attention not only in Japan, but also in the world.


Despite the extensive list of advantages of the mco cryptocurrency, it also has its disadvantages. It would not be entirely fair to ignore them, thereby misleading potential traders and miners.

But the complexity of the monacoin network means that these shortcomings can be circumvented or never experienced. You just need to carefully study the properties and capabilities of the platform and the features of the coins. Like, for example, the fact that even if you transfer coins to an account that never existed, the transfer will be completed. The system automatically records new address and thus anyone can already make transfers to it.

MCO course

The Japanese took the Dogikon as the basis for their currency, around which there was at one time a stir in the USA and Europe. The peculiarity of the monacoin exchange rate is that it was formed gradually and uncertainly. True, at the initial stage of its existence, in the spring of 2014, this cryptocurrency literally burst into space and entered the top leaders in the market. Just as quickly as she entered, she flew out just as quickly.

The digital “cat” cryptocurrency Monacoin has created the same buzz around itself, but only in Japan, because that is where monacoin exchange occurs most often. Initially, the coin’s performance reached a good result of $4.5 million, then there was a sharp rise, and a week later a decline. There was no such jump again, and traders lost interest in the newly-minted currency.

The reason, apparently, is that most of the cryptocurrency in question was stored in Japan, and none of the Western traders could or wanted to compete with this market. So little by little, monacoin exchangers became the property of only one country, even though the currency consistently occupied 17th place in the general list.

However, the MCO rate can be observed on the online chart below.

The monaco coin calculator can be found at the same addresses. And the Monaco cryptocurrency is only growing in price. Over the past couple of months, its price has increased several times and the direction of decline is still imperceptible.

And for 2017 the rate was as follows:


The prospects for monacoin are very bright. This coin has evolved into a mature token. With its help you can perform many operations:

  • Monacoin can be used to pay in both real and virtual stores;
  • The coin can be easily exchanged for real money;
  • Pay for the work of large organizations;
  • Conduct auctions and receive payment for the lot using this cryptocurrency.

Today Monacoin is trusted ordinary users and large firms. The overall outlook for the monaco cryptocurrency is not bad. In particular, the creators are actively improving the code and there are already good results. Thus, on March 8, 2017, the coin underwent a soft fork, which is required to support the cryptocurrency. And on April 15 we managed to do another one important step- cross the 75% line, which Samson Moe, director of Blockstream, immediately mentioned on his Twitter.

True, there are also concerns regarding the prospects, because the currency is too focused on the Japanese market, which may prevent it from expressing itself on the world stage. But the network is stable and resistant to overloads. Perhaps its exoticism will play a role in popularizing the coin.

NEM (XEM) is a relatively new developed Japanese cryptocurrency that has already managed to attract the attention of many investors. Despite the fact that the names of the developers are hidden, as is the real place of development of this altcoin, Japan is considered its homeland. Mainly because it became the main algorithm of the commercially popular blockchain networks Mijin and Mainet in this country.

Nevertheless, even without an official, it managed to collect capitalization in the amount of $1.9 billion. Despite the fact that the price for one coin is today quoted at 0.19 - 0.22 bucks per piece. Such a low price, given the capital lying in the network and the limited issue, makes investing in NEM very promising.

Most popular currency

Monacoin remains the most popular cryptocurrency in Japan. Monacoin is a progressive decentralized crypt that was born as a fork of Litecoin. Today, Mona is the leader in the Japanese cryptocurrency trading market, second only, of course, to Bitcoin.

Mining of new coins and transactions are carried out collectively by users of the system. Block creation time is approximately 2 minutes. The difficulty is increased at each stage using the DGW algorithm. The platform wallet is available for installation on operating systems Windows systems, Mac, and Linux. Monakion also has an open software necessary to work with it. You can download the wallet on the official website of the coin, which has an English-language interface. The average rate of Monacoin is 2.8 - 3 dollars per coin.

  • Encryption algorithm - Script. Today it is the basis of many popular cryptocurrencies.
  • The cost of the found block is 50 tokens.
  • The transaction confirmation time (definition of a new block) is approximately 2 minutes. It is also an indicator that does not stand out among many similar altcoins.
  • The total number of coins that will be mined is approximately 100 million.

Largest exchange

Both NEM and Monacoin are mentioned for a reason. They are the main, along with BTC, cryptocurrencies traded on the most popular Japanese exchanges. Today, the largest in terms of user coverage, number of transactions and capitalization is Zaif.

Which exchange could become the most popular in Japan? If you think about high technology and so on, then few people in the crypto industry can be surprised by such a situation. Zaif went simpler - he chose the concept of uniting Japan and its trade with the world.

To attract Japanese users, work has been established with the local currency - the yen. Foreigners trade on Zaif because of the stability of this very yen, as well as the prospects of local assets, which were described above.

In general, it is Mona, NEM, Bitcoin and the yen that form all possible pairs on this site. Thanks to such a narrow specification, the platform is able to better control trading. Also, narrow specialization allows you to find traders precisely and not spend much on marketing. It is worth remembering that in Japan the cryptocurrency sphere is legalized, and the exchange has to be within the law. Therefore, trading here is very reliable, there are no problems with depositing and withdrawing money.

At the same time, all users must be verified to withdraw fiat funds. Zaif is a platform working with Russia, if, of course, you are satisfied with a small range of trading pairs, verification and the lack of a Russian-language interface in operation.

Bitcoin Impact

The flagship of the cryptocurrency industry has a special impact on trading within the island nation. Thus, in August 2017, in light of rumors about a possible fork of Bitcoin, the existing group of the largest exchanges operating on BTC announced a temporary freeze of trading on this crypt.

This behavior was caused by a number of concerns about the extreme instability of the exchange rate during the emerging separation. Such situations lead to great difficulties both for exchange platforms and for all its participants among traders. Therefore, precautionary measures were mobilized to the maximum.

It is worth noting that there are associations in the Japanese crypto industry to adjust collaboration. Such groups have a very positive impact on the popularization of the infrastructure of both Bitcoin and numerous altcoins. Perhaps it was thanks to such serious support that Japan was able to be the first in the world to recognize the status of cryptocurrency and carry out a number of legislative changes to legalize cryptocurrency trading.

We have already written about this. Let us note that the operations carried out here became a good message for South Korea, as well as a striking precedent for many subsequent countries.

The Japan Cryptocurrency Business Association (JCBA), formerly known as the Virtual Currency Business Study Group, is a list of the following exchanges and exchange platforms:

  • Bitbank Inc., Bitpoint Japan Co. Ltd., Queen Co. Ltd., Fisco Cryptocurrency Exchange Inc.
  • Coincheck Co. Ltd., Btc Box Co. Ltd., Tech Bureau Co. Ltd. (Zaif Exchange)
  • GMO-Z.com Coin Co. Ltd., Campfire Corporation, Bit Trade Co. Ltd.
  • Bitcrements Bitcoin Exchange, Tokyo Bitcoin Co. Ltd., Minnano Bitcoin

Market Features

Legal status, licensed exchanges and more stable exchange rates in relation to the national currency make Japanese platforms very attractive for third-party, foreign traders.

Of course, starting from trading with the yen, a separate strategy is required, which often may not be applicable in the field of working with other crypts, say, Ethereum, or the American dollar.

Another common problem for traders who decide to try themselves on the platforms of the Land of the Rising Sun is the graphical display of quotes, or rather Japanese candlesticks, with the help of which a graphical display of the value of certain currencies is formed on the chart. In order to level out this inconvenience and turn it into your own advantage, we recommend that you study strategies for working with candles. Also check out our previous article on candles and the features of working with them.

To summarize, it remains only to recall that the East is a delicate matter. Considering the love of local traders for their own currencies, as well as government regulation Ethereum and Bitcoin, you'll have to think a little harder than usual to get into the spirit of Asian trading. But if this doesn’t bother you and you want to try your trading skills on a real platform, then Japanese exchanges are what you need.

It has become known that Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) is planning to launch a new cryptocurrency, which will be called MUFG Coin. The corresponding application has already been submitted by a Japanese financial group to the Financial Services Agency. At the same time, MUFG representatives have recently repeatedly stated that the new coin will be much better than Bitcoin. So, what is MUFG Coin cryptocurrency?

MUFG Coin and MUFG Trust

So, MUFG Coin is a new Japanese cryptocurrency, which is planned to be launched this year. In particular, a cryptocurrency exchange will be created, backed by the national currency – the yen, as well as a service of separate Bitcoin accounts for users of other platforms.

It should be noted that the new digital coin will be pegged to the Japanese yen in a one-to-one ratio, while changes in the rate after its launch are allowed. According to experts, this will help level out sharp jumps in the value of the new cryptocurrency, and will also make it more attractive to users in the process of making transactions.

The service mentioned above will be intended for MUFG Trust traders and will provide the opportunity to conduct trading without transferring their finances under exchange control. Thus, protecting user coins from potential hacking or unexpected bankruptcy of trading platforms. Including through of this service Potentially dangerous activities on the cryptocurrency owner’s account will be monitored and flagged.

Initially, MUFG Trust, which is scheduled to launch in April 2018, will be available only for BTC. This date is due to the likely date for the Financial Services Agency to recognize Bitcoin as an asset that can be transferred under the management of trusts. A fee will be charged for using the server.

Reason for creating MUFG Coin

Experts note that the main reasons for the Bank of Tokyo - Mitsubishi UFJ creating its own cryptocurrency are the following. Firstly, there is the prospect of significant cost savings using the coin. Secondly, the ability to change the way financial transactions are managed. Blockchain technology is expected to make the transaction process smoother and the banking system more profitable.

By creating MUFG Coin, the Japanese financial group makes a significant contribution to the development and study of cryptocurrencies and the decentralized network.

Bitcoin's Huge Prospect modern world raises many questions. Why? Users see numerous advertisements every day, as well as stories of successful traders who either once invested in cryptocurrency and have already received a huge fee; or they continue to trade cryptographic currency and earn decent fees on the course, which have long gone beyond the limits of their salary at their main job.

Money familiar to people is issued central banks states in which they live, but... Their course directly depends on the decision of the government, on the economic situation, on international trade. In turn, digital coins are an innovative tool for ensuring all mutual settlements. And it is very important that such a currency largely has a future due to its absolute inaccessibility.

And today, many users who are going to get involved in the process of making money on cryptocurrency are going to pay attention to Japanese cryptocurrency exchanges. Why Japan?

On April 1, 2017, the Japanese government officially recognized the bill that any type of cryptocurrency (not just bitcoins) receives the status of " means of payment» on the territory of the state.

Such recognition virtual currency, naturally, raised many questions. Why? Digital coins are not regulated by any rules, and their rate can rise sharply or “collapse.” That is why, at the time of receiving official status, the “Council on Auditing Standards” personally took charge of the coins. His task: to prepare a specific project on the rules for the circulation of cryptocurrency within the state. The development of the document should take about six months (it doesn’t exist yet).

Why did Japan recognize cryptocurrency?
The government began to realize that many Japanese cryptocurrency exchanges were gaining momentum. And considering that in 2015 alone, the turnover of cryptocurrencies in the country amounted to 185 billion yen (1.67 billion US dollars), the prospects for this financial instrument are simply enormous.

It is expected that by 2020 the cryptocurrency turnover in Japan will be about 1 trillion yen.

Today, those cryptocurrency exchanges that are located in Japan have significantly increased their turnover. Based on what? The government took one simple step: officially recognized digital coins. And here it should be taken into account that on September 27, the Chinese government banned cryptocurrency as a means of payment. There is only one result: the ICO ban in China actually moved all financial projects (startups) to Japan. The largest trading platform bitcoins in Japan - Coincheck, daily receives hundreds of applications from Chinese companies that worked on the basis of cryptocurrency (accepted it as payment).

The Japanese financial regulator immediately issues licenses to 11 national cryptocurrency exchanges, which can also accept applications from Chinese representatives.

The current Japanese cryptocurrency exchanges have received great prospects, as they were able to increase their turnover due to bans from China and Korea. These sites have great potential.

And now about the largest cryptocurrency exchange in Japan - Coincheck. The project first started working in 2014. The central office is located in Tokyo (the capital). The main task of the exchange: storing bitcoins + the ability to trade (buy/sell) within the state and abroad.

The number of clients of the Coincheck cryptocurrency exchange is growing daily (especially due to recent events in China and Korea). Administrators do not have time to accept applications and add new projects. Coincheck's monthly turnover is over $33 million!

Today, the Coincheck exchange offers several “products”:

  1. Exchanger of cryptocurrency for fiat money;
  2. Online wallet to ensure maximum security for storing funds;
  3. API for sellers and developers who can independently develop new projects related to cryptocurrency in the future (an important function).

The exchange has long supported numerous individuals and organizations who are willing to handle large volumes of funds and make acquisitions from 1 million to 10 million Japanese yen.

If you have a desire to invest in bitcoins, you should do it right now. You should definitely pay attention to the Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Coincheck. This site is the largest in the country. Under no circumstances should you refuse to work with her.

For those interested in cryptocurrency in more detail, here are other Japanese cryptocurrency exchanges:

  • Bitbank Inc.
  • Bitpoint Japan Co. Ltd.
  • Queen Co. Ltd.
  • Fisco Cryptocurrency Exchange Inc.
  • Btc Box Co. Ltd.
  • Tech Bureau Co. Ltd. (Zaif Exchange)
  • GMO-Z.com Coin Co. Ltd.
  • Campfire Corporation
  • Bit Trade Co. Ltd.
  • Bitcrement Bitcoin Exchange
  • Tokyo Bitcoin Co. Ltd.
  • Minnano Bitcoin

Choose, register and earn while cryptocurrency and bitcoins in particular are in a huge financial trend!
