Why won't my computer start after a reboot? What to do if the computer restarts when turned on? Enabling Fast Startup

When using a PC, troubles often occur. But one of the most annoying problems is that the computer restarts when turned on.

What is causing the problem?

It is not always possible to immediately determine why the device reboots when turned on. Everything happens like this: operating system boots normally, programs open normally, everything works. And then, click - and the PC starts to reboot. It is possible that when you turn it on, at the stage when the operating system logo appears, the computer restarts again and so on endlessly.
Consider the main reasons why the PC restarts when turned on.

Hardware conflict

Failures in hardware functionality most often entail a regular restart of the computer when it is turned on in cases where new hardware has recently been installed.
The fact is that north bridge cannot ensure full interaction of hardware elements with damaged or inappropriate requirements motherboard hardware when you turn on the computer, it reboots.
A serious conflict arises at the hardware level, the operating system reacts to this immediately and the PC spontaneously reboots, trying to solve the error by itself. in a simple way.


The power supply is often at the root of the problem, causing the computer to constantly restart when turned on. The PSU fails due to several specific faults:

  • Capacitor failure. Contacts are broken or they simply dry out, especially in budget components Low quality assemblies.
  • There may be a malfunction of the cooling system or its serious clogging with dust and microparticles of various debris.
  • Violation of the contacts of the power supply and the motherboard. Again, if the system printed circuit board is not different high quality. Or the power supply is not meeting the system's power requirements.

Contact violation

Often, when you turn on the computer, the operating system restarts endlessly due to a violation of the contacts of some equipment. Power outages, voltage fluctuations, and cyclic connection and disconnection of equipment are not correctly perceived by the OS. She instantly responds to failure. It is possible that the power button has shorted out.


This, as statistics show, is a key factor in this kind of failure. Faults can be divided into the following types:

  • Exhaustion of the resource of the cooling system fans or their factory defects.
  • Banal clogging of the cooling system, if the components have not been subjected to general cleaning for a long time.
  • The device may be in a warm place - this is not the best option, because there are no conditions for full ventilation. This occurs when the computer is in direct sunlight, near a heat source, or in an isolated area.
  • The thermal paste has dried up. This is a substance of a viscous consistency, which is applied between the heatsink and the processor to improve heat transfer properties, fast and high-quality cooling of the central microprocessor.

Malicious software

There is a possibility that the system will be affected by malware that disrupts the functionality of component parts or causes crashes in the operating system.

Ways to fix spontaneous computer restarts


You need to update the installed this moment anti-virus program and perform a full scan of all logical drives.
In the case when it doesn’t even reach the desktop, you need to enter through safe mode. To get there in Windows 10, follow these steps:

In Windows 7, the F8 button works to boot into safe mode, which must be pressed immediately when you turn on the PC.

Bios problems

If power surges or malware has damaged basic system I/O - BIOS needs to be replaced. In cases where there is no physical damage, it can be flashed on the programmer at the service center.

Power Supply

You need to take a flashlight and look through the protective grille for the level of clogging and whether the cooling fan is rotating.

You can also watch the capacitors - if they are swollen, then it's time for the power supply to landfill. Relevant for desktop PCs. In a laptop, you need to try connecting another charger.
An audible warning will help to identify power failures, which is displayed when turned on and signals a failure:

  • A cyclic signal with alternately interlaced single alerts of low and high pitch is evidence of problems with the central microprocessor.
  • Cyclic long sounds are incorrect RAM functionality.
  • Short repetitive beeps are a PSU problem.
    Note that after the power-on signal and the appearance of the operating system logo, the computer spontaneously restarts.


To eliminate the elevated temperature conditions of the functionality of component parts, due to which the computer constantly restarts when turned on, you must immediately clean the cooling system from clogging. To do this, dismantle the cover, take a brush and clean everything as thoroughly as possible. If possible, you need to get an antistatic vacuum cleaner and vacuum it. It is better not to use an ordinary household vacuum cleaner as it can damage the microcircuits.
If the fans rotate safely, and the desktop computer or laptop constantly reboots when turned on, you need to change the thermal paste. It is placed on the radiator grill and processor. It needs to be applied in a very thin layer.

Hardware conflict

If the wrong drivers are installed, you need to install the original correct ones, downloaded from the official site or downloaded from the disk that came with the kit. Can be used Driver program booster.

It automatically checks all drivers, looks for outdated ones and updates.

If new equipment was installed, after which the computer systematically reboots when turned on, you need to pull it out and try to start the system without it.

In this tutorial, we will try to solve the problem with the constant restart of Windows. This can happen for various reasons, but I hope I can remember the most likely scenarios.

In the recovery tools window that was launched in the previous method, launch a command prompt. You can also (if you didn't use the first method) run the safe windows mode 7 with command line support - in this case, no disk is needed.

Note: Please note that in the following steps, the letter of the system drive partition on your computer may not be C:, in this case, use the assigned one.

AT command line type C: and press Enter (or another drive letter with a colon - the drive letter is displayed when choosing an OS for recovery, if you use a disk or USB flash drive with the OS distribution. When using safe mode, if I'm not mistaken, the system drive will be under the letter C: ).

Enter the commands in order, confirming their execution where required:

CD \windows\system32\config MD backup copy *.* backup CD RegBack copy *.* ..

Note the two dots in the last command - they are required. Just in case, about what these commands do: first we go to the system32\config folder, then we create a backup folder, into which we copy all the files from config - save backup. After that, go to the RegBack folder, in which the previous version is saved Windows Registry 7 and copy the files from there instead of those that are currently used by the system.

Windows 7 reboots endlessly after installing updates

Another option, which is also quite common - after the update, Windows reboots, installs X updates from N again, reboots again, and so on ad infinitum. In this case, try the following steps:

  1. Go to command prompt in system restore with bootable media or start safe mode with command line support (in previous paragraphs described how to do it).
  2. Type C: and press Enter (if you are in recovery mode, the drive letter may be different if you safe mode with command line support - so be it C).
  3. Enter cd c:\windows\winsxs and press Enter.
  4. Enter del pending.xml and confirm the deletion of the file.

This will clear the list of updates waiting to be installed and Windows 7 should start normally after a reboot.

I hope this article will be useful to those who are faced with the described problem.

What should I do if the monitor does not turn on when I restart my computer?

    If the monitor does not turn on and you do not have the education of a computer engineer, then you should not look for information on the Internet, but take the equipment to specialists. It is better to pay money and be sure that your PC will work.

    Look for the source of the problem. It can be in the video card, and in the cable, and in the monitor. First of all, I would pay attention to the cable and try to connect the monitor to the system unit through a different interface. It is possible that the cable used supports edge resolution, and after a reboot it no longer provides the required bandwidth.

    If possible, test the monitor on another computer, or another monitor on yours. There can be a lot of reasons, more are needed detailed information. Is the monitor itself turned on? Does the power indicator light on it and is there any image when the computer is turned off (any splash logo of the manufacturer). Check the Cable for connecting the monitor to the computer (maybe the contact is just lost). If the system boots, there is a sound (melody) for entering the system, but there is no image, then there may be a problem in the video driver. There is a characteristic sound when you turn it on (beep), the problem is in the video card itself. As I said, you need more information on your problem, after I can describe in more detail the solution to this problem.

    Need play with monitor power saving mode. The problem is that when it reboots, it enters Energy Safe Mode, but for some reason it does not come out of it. If all else fails, just turn off the power saving mode - the monitor will always be on when the power button is pressed.

    if everything that is already described in the answers did not help, we will consider more unlikely reasons, provided that you did not touch anything, but simply rebooted (all sorts of contacts and the interface cord were not bent, the computer was not kicked - in general, they did not physically touch anything)

    I admit that on the motherboard, in addition to an external video card, there is also a built-in - integrated. Then it was she who could connect primary - this happens, the BIOS of the motherboard may have flown off - not everyone supports auto-switching between vidyuhi. Try switching your monitor to integrated.

    Maybe you didn’t overclock the CPU correctly - then pulling out the battery mat when the computer is turned off will help. fees for a couple of minutes.

    Try just sun, PC and monitor, disconnect from the power outlet for 10 minutes and then turn it on.

    Try pressing restart on the PC when you turn it on - after the zoom (peak) and so on several times.

    Monitors sometimes fail capacitors on the power supply - repair within 800 -1t.r.

    Check power supply.

    After I changed the fan on the power supply, the monitor stopped working. In general, it turned out that it was necessary to touch the contacts in the power supply and it worked. The contact went away. The master did everything for me both times.

    First, try turning off the power saving mode to understand if this is the reason. And what is very important, try to pull out all the monitor wires from the unit, and then turn it on again, it happens that a terminal comes off somewhere and appears in this way.

    Be sure to check the monitor on another computer, it could simply burn out, this happens. Disconnect everything from the network and then turn it on again. Try to roll back the computer through system restore.

    Also, the network button on the monitor may be accidentally disabled. Be sure to check the video card cable. As an option, the video card burned out, it should be checked.

The problem when a Windows computer does not restart or turn off after clicking on the appropriate button in the Start menu is familiar to many since XP. Windows 7 users also encounter this problem and resort to extreme measures: to restart the computer, use the "Reset" button located on the front of the case or remove the battery and turn off the laptop's power. What is strange is that on the Internet there is not a single article whose author would have bothered to collect the most effective methods for solving the problem expressed by users in numerous forums. Therefore, today we will fix the situation.

The reasons

A computer running Windows XP or 7 may fail to complete the shutdown task assigned to it for several reasons:

  • malware infection software, which blocks the invocation or execution of the completion command Windows work xp.
  • Registry settings have been edited by third-party software.
  • In XP (noted only in it), the computer never reboots using software methods while a cable is connected to one of its USB sockets to control the operation of the Aira Soho PBX.
  • Blocking command execution by some service or application.

We are looking for solutions

Of these factors that prevent the computer from shutting down or restarting, the first is the most common. The latter does not give rest only to a few users, most of whom cannot find a solution to the problem for many months.

Computer infection

If the system files of the "seven" or Windows XP are likely to be infected with a virus, you must perform the classic procedures to identify, eliminate viruses and prevent their appearance. We will not dwell on the specifics, we will only give a brief algorithm of the actions taken.

  • We update the antivirus signature databases and its kernel manually if a security program is installed on the computer, or we install a reliable antivirus.

You can also use the portable version antivirus program, such as domestic developments Dr.Web CureIT or Virus Removal Tool from Kaspersky Lab and update them.

  • We scan the computer or at least its system disk, bootloader and RAM for the presence of viruses. If suspicious objects are detected, we additionally check them for virustotal, and we immediately eliminate malicious objects.

Be sure to install a firewall if it is not built into the security program you are using.

Registry Configuration

  • To change the value of keys that have been modified by a tweaker or a malicious utility, run the built-in (regedit) or third-party registry editor (for example, this is the Registry Workshop application).
  • We go to the address indicated in the "Address" line.
  • Find the "CleanShutdown" key and change its value to 1.
  • Reboot the computer using the "Reset" button.
  • If, after loading XP, the PC does not restart using the "Restart" button after turning it on, go ahead.

Driver for PBX

The culprit for the fact that Windows does not restart is the driver for the mini-PBX (no problems with software for other devices were noticed). Naturally, you cannot refuse to control the mini-PBX due to a problem or permanently disconnect the USB cable. Therefore, it is recommended to stop the driver before shutting down or restarting the PC. This is done through the Services snap-in.

  • We write "services" in the search and launch the corresponding application.
  • We find the driver responsible for managing the PBX and stop it through the context menu.

After restarting Windows XP or 7 using "Reset", the computer should also restart using the button in the "Start".

To automate the process, you can create a text file with the “bat” extension and enter a couple of commands into it, the first of which will terminate the driver, and the second will instantly restart the computer.

It will look like this:

net stop Aria soho driver

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One of the most unpleasant and, I must say, completely non-standard is the situation when, for no reason, a black screen appears during an update or after an update of Windows 10. The reasons for this phenomenon are not clear to many. And users in a panic begin to bite their elbows in search of a solution. But do not despair. Even if you are experiencing a black screen after updating Windows 10, there is a solution. By the way, it is also suitable for those who updated the installed eighth version to the "tens". Let's make a reservation right away: it is not so simple, so please be patient.

Why is there a black screen after updating Windows 10?

In general, this situation is rather non-standard, since there are completely different cases. For example, a black screen (with or without a cursor) may occur when upgrading from Windows 7, 8, or a subsequent upgrade from 8.1 to version 10. It can also be observed in already running Windows 10 during or after its own updates.

Let's look at a few reasons that may affect this. As a rule, there are several of them:

  • mismatch of previously installed video card drivers;
  • crashes in the Explorer service;
  • enabled fast start ;
  • re-licensing.

In addition, it is worth noting separately two more varieties. Firstly, after upgrading to Windows 10, the black screen disappears after a while, and the system returns to normal. Secondly, the black screen "hangs" all the time, but the controls (at least the keyboard) work. In principle, the solutions for almost all situations are, in general, the same. But we will consider them based on the root causes (we are not talking about mechanical malfunctions of computer systems now).

Restoring the system in the standard way

So, after upgrading to Windows 10 - black screen and no reaction to booting the newly installed system. What to do? Naturally, the most can be restoring the system to the original "OS" if you have an installation disk or a bootable flash drive.

All this is simple when a disk or flash drive is available. And if they don't, what then? Don't give up. There is a way out: after upgrading to Windows 10, you can remove the black screen with built-in tools, and at the same time return to the old system. This is all the more good because the G8 is not destroyed when upgrading to the tenth version, but is, so to speak, in a deactivated state.

What will need to be done? First of all, we call the "Task Manager" with the standard three-finger combination Ctrl + Alt + Del, and then in it we create a new cmd task (command line launch) with launch as administrator. In the window that appears, write the line shutdown / r / o / f / t 00, followed by a reboot.

Now in the action selection window we use diagnostics, after which we select system recovery in the additional parameters. At the end of the process, the computer will restart again, and then an old working system will appear in front of you.

Windows 10: How to fix "black screen" during update?

The situation described above is not the only one of its kind. In this case, the decision concerned exactly when a black screen appears after upgrading to Windows 10. But what do you want to do if it occurs precisely during the update process? The reason for this, apparently, is outdated graphics accelerator drivers.

If you see a black screen when installing Windows 10, in principle, you can do the simplest way, although it may seem barbaric to many. We produce forced shutdown and restarting the terminal or laptop. When restarted, the system will check the hard disk for errors (maybe even in and load the desktop.

To prevent this situation in the future, we update the video card drivers. You can do this from the "Device Manager", but if you have some utility at hand like Driver Booster, even better, because the driver will be downloaded from the manufacturer's official website (and not only for the graphics chip, but also for all other devices that need in driver update) and then automatically integrated into the system. After that, you can try to install Windows 10 again.

Entering Safe Mode

All this concerned the fact that it was after upgrading to Windows 10 that the black screen was the result of system failures or conflicts with drivers. But what if the installation of the "dozens" seems to have been successful? And suddenly the cursor appears before the user's eyes, but the system does not want to start, although the initial boot process clearly indicated that the system is trying to work?

It's not all that simple. If there is an installation disk, there will be no problems. We execute the sequence as shown below (transitions from the diagnostics menu):

Otherwise, secure login mode is required. But with him there are problems. The fact is that the standard pressing of the F8 key when starting Windows in the tenth version does not work (why it had to be removed is still not clear). Nevertheless, not on all devices, but sometimes pressing F8 times like that 10-20 times while holding down the Shift key works.

In the next window, click on the continuation line and, finally, in the boot options window, press the F4 key (safe mode). This is followed by a reboot, the system boots already in safe mode.

How to restore the system in safe mode

In principle, if the “ten” was installed, you can easily return to the old system, however, with one caveat: if the user has not deleted the files of the previous “OS”. Otherwise, nothing will work.

You can do this in the security and recovery section, where there is a special link to return to the previous system. Only and everything. The process will end automatically, followed by a restart with the previously installed "seven" or "eight".

If you need to restore the “ten” itself after its own update, you need to type the sfc /scannnow command on the command line (even at the boot stage) and press the enter key (the process of scanning and restoring system files is activated). The process can be quite lengthy, so you have to be patient. You can reboot the system and check its performance using the shutdown -t 0 -r -f command.

But when entering safe mode, you can simply activate the recovery process and select checkpoint prior to such a situation.

Installing drivers and uninstalling updates

Another step that can be taken by booting into safe mode refers to How to do this, which was described above, so there is no point in dwelling on this in detail.

As for the update packages that could cause such a failure, you should go to the update center and look at the latest installed packages. Latest updates should be uninstalled, then set manual search updates, and those that caused a critical failure, exclude from the list. In principle, the automatic update can be disabled altogether. Windows doesn't recommend doing this, but there's nothing wrong with that. Updates mostly concern the security system, office applications, and only occasionally - drivers. But if the user has the same Driver Booster package, the drivers will be updated through it. In addition, the program itself will issue a notification about the need for an update (free version). so generally update all drivers in the background. The user will know about it only from the message about successful installation.

Starting the Explorer service manually

Let's consider one more unpleasant situation, when instead of the expected start of the system, we have a black screen and a cursor after loading Windows (in some cases, the cursor may be absent). The reason is a failure in the Explorer service, which was unable to load the Desktop. It will have to be started manually.

We go to the "Task Manager", as described above, after which we find the explorer.exe service in the process tree and terminate the process forcibly. Next, in the file menu, create a new task and enter explorer.exe in the launch line. If nothing happened, you can try to find the file yourself by clicking the browse button. As a rule, the file you are looking for lies in the root Windows directories on the system drive. This may partially solve the problem. As a last resort, we use the same safe mode and scan the system with recovery, as described above.

Enabling Fast Startup

Safe mode is also good because it allows you to change some key parameters that affect the performance of the system. Here we are talking about the so-called mode quick start.

It is turned on from the power section in the standard "Control Panel", where the action of the buttons is first selected, and then the inaccessible parameters. We put a "bird" in front of the quick launch line, save the changes and reboot the system.

Getting rid of Windows Activation Technologies

Finally, one of the reasons may be reactivation. If a copy, there should be no problems, but sometimes the activation file just causes trouble after upgrading to Windows 10. In this case, the black screen may “hang” all the time.

We use safe mode, in the properties of folders we specify the display of hidden elements, after which we find the folder of the same name. As a rule, for 64-bit systems it is located directly in the directory with the system (C:\Windows), but for systems with 32-bit architecture it can be located in the System32 section, where you need to go first to the Tasks folder, then to Microsoft, and finally - Windows. Delete the folder with all its contents and reboot.


So we looked at the main causes of failures after upgrading to Windows 10. A black screen is, of course, an unpleasant thing, but, as we see, it is possible to deal with this type of failure, even if they occur in an already running system. Naturally, some of the above methods will be somewhat difficult for many users to understand or apply in practice, however, if you show a little patience, the problem can be fixed on your own, and not run to some service center, and even pay money for it, albeit small, but still it is material costs.

You have become the owner of the Windows 10 operating system. You have successfully installed it on a laptop or desktop computer, and at the next reboot you see a monitor with a black background and a mouse pointer, do not rush to reinstall the system.
There are three common reasons why this happens.

Black screen occurs:

  • After rebooting the system;
  • When using the built-in video card;
  • At work.

Black screen in Windows 10

If a black screen occurs after a reboot, one way to resolve the situation is to completely reboot the system and disable Windows 10 fast startup. There are two methods to do this "without a screen".

Solution 1

If a black screen appears with a pointer, press the "BackSpace" button five times, above the "Enter" button - "left arrow". This action will change the system lock screen and erase possibly typed password characters.

By default in Windows 10, the keyboard layout language is Russian, if necessary, switch it (Wіn + space) and enter the password. Give your computer time to boot up the system.

Reboot your computer with the next step. Press the "Win + R" button, wait a few seconds and execute the "shutdown / r" command. Then press "Enter" again. Wait for the system to reboot. This method often helps to see the system screen again.

Solution 2

After the black screen appears, when restarting, press 3-4 spaces, press the Tab button five times and Enter once. This manipulation will help you select the icon to turn off the computer on the lock screen. Press the Up Arrow button and press Enter again. The system will reboot.

If there are no results in both ways, you need to try a forced reboot. This method is dangerous with possible data loss. To perform a forced, incorrect shutdown, press the power button on the system unit and hold it for 5-7 seconds. The computer will shut down. Try restarting the system.

The image that appears on the monitor indicates that the video card drivers are malfunctioning, which require a reboot. Failures in the operation of video drivers occur as a result of the “quick start” of Windows 10. It is installed in this OS by default, it must be disabled to ensure normal operation of the system.

Go to the "Control Panel", in the power section select "What the power buttons do", click "Change settings that are currently unavailable".

Having scrolled down the window, uncheck the “Enable fast startup”, fix the improvements with the “Save changes” button

We work on a computer with Windows 10, the black screen will not bother us in the future.

Using Integrated Video

If your computer has two video outputs (video card and integrated video card), try changing the output from one to the other. At the same time, while changing the video output, do not forget to turn off the computer. After that, the image on the monitor can be restored.

Once the monitor has resumed, you can do the following:

  • Rollback of video drivers of the video card to the old version;
  • Reinstall a new one, or roll back the entire OS using the desired restore point.

Uninstalling and reinstalling video card drivers

If the solutions above failed to restore the monitor image, then let's move on to reinstalling and removing the video card driver. In Windows 10, you can perform these steps in "safe mode" or in "low screen resolution mode." Using these menus when there is no image is not easy, but there are two methods for different situations.

Method One

The system booted - a black screen and a mouse pointer on it. Press the "BackSpace" button 3-4 times, then the "Tab" button 5 times, the "Enter" button - once, the "Up Arrow" button - once, hold down the "Shift" button and press the "Enter" button. If everything is done correctly, then in a minute the diagnostic menu, rollback and system recovery will be loaded. You won't see it on a black background either.

We perform the following actions “in the dark”. Press the "Down Arrow" button - three times, "Enter", the "Down Arrow" button - twice, "Enter", "Left Arrow" - twice. Then:

  1. If your computer is with BIOS and MVR, then press the "Down Arrow" button - once and the "Enter" button;
  2. If your computer is with UEFI, then press the "Down Arrow" button - twice and the "Enter" button;
  3. If you don’t know what your PC is equipped with, then press the “Down Arrow” button - once, when you get into the UEFI (BIOS) settings, apply the two-click option.
  4. Press the "Enter" button.
After restarting the computer, Windows 10 will offer special boot options

Functional buttons "F3" or "F5" launch the desired system boot parameters. After booting with the selected options, you can restore the system or remove the current video card drivers. We restart the computer in normal mode, we see the image on the monitor. Reinstall the video card drivers.

Method two

  1. Again, black screen and mouse pointer.
  2. We go into the system under our password (described at the beginning of the article).
  3. Press the "Wіn + X" button - once, press the "Up Arrow" - eight times, "Enter".
  4. Run com line with administrative rights.
  5. We select the EN keyboard layout and carefully write: bcdedit / set (default) safeboot network. Press "Enter". We write shutdown / r "Enter".
  6. After a sound notification or after half a minute, press the "Enter" button once.
  7. The system will reboot and boot into safe mode. Again, perform a system restore or remove the video card drivers. To ensure that Windows 10 is in normal mode on subsequent bootups, use a com line with administrative rights, run: bcdedit (default) /deletevalue safeboot/.

If you have installation flash drives or DVDs, use them to resume normal operation of the OS, using restore points or system reset.


Now you know how to fix the black screen problem in Windows 10.

Windows 10 pleases its users with an innovative approach. Especially bursting with happiness are people who see a strange black screen after installing a new operating system. And the reason why a black screen appears at boot is simple: Windows 10 conflicts with video card drivers. A black screen can occur not only at startup, but also after the computer returns from sleep. Also, a black screen may appear when using two monitors. In general, there are a lot of reasons, but there are also a lot of ways to get out of this unpleasant situation.


The first method to solve this annoying problem is a simple reboot. At the same time, you need to cancel the Windows 10 fast startup. But how to do this if there is only a black screen? You must press the Back Space button to delete all characters, if any. Next, you need to change the keyboard layout, enter the password and press the Enter button. Then we wait until Windows 10 boots up.

Next, you need to proceed with a direct reboot of Windows 10. Click successively on the Windows + R keyboard, wait about 15 seconds, enter shutdown / r and press the Enter button. Then you will have to wait a bit and click Enter again. What have we done? We entered the code to restart the computer through a special Run window in Windows 10.

Is not the only way restart your computer if you get a black screen on boot. Again, press Back Space several times, then press Tab five times. Such actions will lead us to the shutdown button. Press Enter, then up arrow and Enter again. Next, Windows 10 should reboot. In the most extreme case, if these two methods did not help, you can simply hold the power button for a long time on system unit.

If the image appeared after the reboot, then the whole thing is a driver failure during a quick start.

Now it needs to be disabled:

  • Right-click on the Start button, select Control Panel, go to Power Options.
  • Select What the power buttons do.
  • Click Change settings….
  • Scroll down and uncheck Turn off fast startup.


There is a possibility that the black screen appears from the video card. If there is a monitor output in, then you can connect the display there, roll back the video card drivers when loading, and return everything to its place. It should be remembered that Windows 10 is a very new operating system, which is still full of hardware incompatibilities. After installing it, some programs and computer components may not work.

Changing drivers

If after all these methods the black screen crashes again, then you can try to remove the video card drivers. To do this, again click on Back Space several times, five times on the Tab and Enter buttons. Then press the up arrow while holding Shift, and again Enter. Further, in blind mode, a recovery window will appear, but no one will see it. Then everything must continue to be done by touch:

  • Click the down arrow three times and press Enter.
  • Double-click on the down arrow, press Enter.
  • Double click on the left arrow.
  • If the computer is with BIOS and MBR, then you need to press the down arrow once and Enter.
  • If the computer is only with UEFI, then you need to double-click on the down arrow and hold down Enter.
  • If you are not sure whether the BIOS or UEFI is on the machine, then you need to press the down arrow once.
  • The last step is to click Enter again.

And this is what it looks like with the monitor turned on:

After all this dancing with tambourines, you will need to run the low resolution mode and the safe mode. When booting, you should try to restore the system or remove the video card drivers. Next, you should reboot and install the drivers again.

  • If this interesting blind method did not help, then you can try another wonderful method with eyes closed. For this:
  • We enter with a password in Windows 10.
  • To do this, press Back Space several times, change the keyboard layout, enter the password and click Enter.
  • Then press Windows + X alternately.
  • Press 8 times on the up arrow, click on Enter.
  • With these manipulations, we open the command line.

Intuitively, you should understand which layout is currently on the keyboard. Then you need to enter the code: bcdedit / set (default) safeboot network and press the Enter key. Next, you need to enter another code: shutdown / r, click on the Enter key and after a special sound from the computer or after 15 seconds, press Enter again. After all this magic, Windows 10 should start in safe mode. In this mode, you can remove the video card drivers, install new ones, restore normal settings boot using the same code on the command line: bcdedit (default) /deletevalue safeboot.

If there is no desire to deal with all this horror, and the mood to use Windows 10 has not yet disappeared, then you can try a banal system restore from a boot disk or USB.

A computer