When you call, conditional call forwarding is displayed. How to turn off redirects

Faced for the first time with a message about redirecting a call to another number, not everyone knows what this service is and why it is needed. Simply put, this is an opportunity to always be in touch, regardless of the circumstances and the state of the phone. There are many reasons why this option would be useful, so let's look at the main questions that subscribers have.

This option does not depend on the phone, but on the carrier you use. If the subscriber call is forwarded, then the corresponding service is activated. If you wish, you can disable it, read the article on how to do this.

How it works

The essence of this function is to check the possibility of answering to phone call. If this does not happen, then the call is redirected from one number to another or an SMS message is sent. The subscriber may not be aware of the very existence of this option on his device, but nevertheless receive calls without delay. There are four types of forwarding.

Practical application of the service

How can call forwarding be useful? All the advantage of this function will be appreciated by the owners of several mobile phones. Calls from a work number can always be answered by forwarding them, and losing a SIM card will no longer be a problem. Battery dead?

Now this will not cause an important conversation to fail. Activating this service is a guarantee that you will always be in touch. is also available for call forwarding and can be used as a backup.

In what other cases should it be used?

  • Number change
  • Working with client bases
  • Using the office network

Services for entrepreneurship

Separately, it is worth highlighting the use of this service by firms and corporations, which greatly simplify the work with clients by organizing negotiations correctly. Usually there is one or two numbers to which most calls are made, how are they redistributed in this case? This stream will be redirected to the free lines specified in the settings, thereby reducing the response time without losing a single important subscriber.

Each operator is interested in improving this service, developing new solutions. It is especially worth paying attention to businessmen and entrepreneurs. Communication is the most important component of business development.

Important! Be vigilant, cases of mobile fraud using redirects are not uncommon. Using a forwarded call, criminals make calls on behalf of banks, shops and other organizations. By extorting passwords and codes, attackers gain access to savings. There is also a large distribution of spam SMS with a request to transfer money. Be wary of unknown numbers and do not share your information with anyone.

What does conditional call forwarding mean?

Having understood what this service is in a general sense, it should be clarified what its conditionality is. main feature that you can set the date and time of call forwarding yourself. This is very convenient for responsible organization of calls, managing an entire network of contacts and managing time.

For example, all calls received on a weekend can be redirected to an answering machine, which is a profitable solution for any company. AT certain time you can assign call forwarding from one subscriber, while others will not load the line.

SMS settings

Forwarding messages from one number to another is also available to subscribers when this service is activated. If it becomes necessary to receive SMS on only one phone, operators have provided such a function inside conditional forwarding. Next is how to connect it.

Benefits of Conditional Call Forwarding

  • Fine tuning user
  • Ability to select a specific scenario for incoming calls
  • Own conditions for using this service
  • Time saving

How to connect?

You can use this service by contacting your operator, or through USSD command:

If conditional call forwarding is already enabled, you can ask your operator how to disable this option or use the codes:

In contact with

Business people must constantly be in touch with their partners and colleagues, but there are often situations when a person is not in the office, busy or already communicating with other people. At the same time, everyone is well aware that the caller does not care at all, for what reason, instead of showing readiness for dialogue, he heard only short beeps and could not make contact, therefore, in order not to encounter similar situations and not push partners away from himself, many conditional call forwarding is used. Not everyone knows what it is and how it works, although the service has existed for a long time and is quite widespread.

When might it be needed?

Before you figure out what call forwarding is in your phone, it’s worth analyzing a few situations in which this service may really be needed modern people. Time is the most valuable resource today, so business people try to take care not only of their time in general, but also of the minutes they spend on useless calls from your business partners. Clients and partners almost always appreciate the attention and care for their interests. Time wasting issues can be avoided if conditional call forwarding is enabled. What it is, your subscriber may not even know, but the effect of this service will be more than noticeable for him.

The battery is dead, there is no way to receive a call, negotiations are underway on a parallel line, they started new number- these and many other reasons can lead to the fact that the call forwarding service is activated.

What it is?

Now let's look at what "call forwarded" means. When this service is enabled, when a person tries to call your number, an automatic check is made to see if you can receive the call, and if you do not have such an opportunity, then in this case it will be redirected to some other number specified by you. Often, operators (or with the help of special equipment) provide for the possibility of entering a whole list of numbers, and if it is impossible to answer, redirection is made to any of them.

Thus, the subscriber may not even know what call forwarding means and that you have it enabled in principle, but at the same time he will instantly receive an answer without any expectations.

For network security specialists and others interested in the topic, there is no need to introduce reaver - a utility for selecting a WPS PIN code.

However, very often, even if there is a good signal level and the WPS function is enabled on the router, hacking does not go or goes very slowly.

Recently, I ran into this problem again and decided to spend a little time on solving it.

Problem: after verifying another PIN, reaver sends a WPS Nack and the access point sends a "deauthentication packet". Subsequent authentication and association take a significant amount of time, and after the Nth attempt, the point refuses to work with us at all:
12:57:04 Sending Authentication Request (Open System)
12:57:04 Authentication successful
12:57:04 Sending Association Request
12:57:04 Denied (code 12), wrong ESSID or WPA ?



Need to download:
2. Software Environment Programmer's Manual (useful later. Also contains instructions for installing the stack on Linux and Solaris)
3. MAP Test Utility User Guide (these are descriptions of test utilities that will generate traffic. At least section 5 Running the MTU and MTR application is of interest)

When installing DSI, there is no need to mark drivers (SS7HD, SPCI, etc) - we will work only with Sigtran, which does not require special hardware.
After installation, there will be 2 important folders in the C:\DSI\UPD\RUN folder - MTU (generates MAP protocol messages) and MTR (responds to messages).
MAP is the Mobile Application Part, a protocol that is responsible for many things in the GSM network, incl. - subscriber registration and SMS transmission. These test applications generate several kinds of messages, but the most notable is MAP-FORWARD-SHORT-MESSAGE. in plain language- SMS transmission.
This completes the installation phase.

Part 2. Description of the SS7 stack

The stack works like this:
1. First, a modular system is used. SS7 is a set of protocols. So, each of them is implemented in this stack by a separate module (read the application).
Let me explain with an example. If SS7 over TDM is used (via E1 streams), then the signal board handles MTP1 (physics) and MTP2 (link layer). The server starts mtp3.exe (MTP3 module - partially network layer OSI model), and then, depending on the purpose of the system:

sccp.exe+tcap.exe+map/inap.exe (for MAP/INAP traffic).

It is possible not to use modules upper levels, and instead write your own application to handle them. Many software vendors for mobile operators do just that.
2. Each module has an identifier (module_id) that is used to route messages within the stack. These are numbers from 0 to 254, usually written in hexadecimal format.
Some modules have reserved numbers. You can read about it in the Software Environment Manual. The document is difficult to understand, because it is written more for developers and contains a lot of programming specifics.
3. The stack is launched by the gctload utility. She reads the main configuration file system.txt, creates message queues for all modules in memory, launches all these modules (registered in system.txt) and something else (I, unfortunately, do not know all the details).
The system.txt file contains all the modules that are initialized at startup, all applications (the path to the application, launch options).
4. Licensing. Most interesting moment :)
Since the stack is modular, licenses go to each module. Plus, if a signal card is used, then it has a place to install a special license button for the MTP2 protocol (looks like a battery for motherboard, but thicker). The new signal cards already use a software license.
The nicest thing about licensing from Dialogic is the ability to use trial mode. To use it, you need to specify the key when starting the module (m3ua.exe, m2pa.exe, sccp.exe) -t.
A couple of years ago, trial mode allowed to work for 8 hours (which somehow had to be used even in a production system). It's only 1 hour now. Modules honestly admit this at startup and after one hour they simply stop processing traffic. The stack must be restarted to continue working.

Part 3. Launching the SS7 stack.

1. If you are using Virtual Box, then in the settings you need to select Bridged network (Network bridge) and most likely configure the IP addresses manually. It also worked for me through the "Virtual Host Adapter". I'm not sure if these are the only options, but through NAT, which is used by default, Sigtran will most likely not work. Another very important point - you need to turn off the fucking Windows defender. For half an hour I could not understand why the packets only go in one direction :)

2. Before starting, you need to write the correct system.txt. Fortunately, Dialogic helped here and in the C:\DSI\UPD\RUN\MTU\M3UA_CONFIG\ folder there is already a ready-made example for the "sender" of messages (SMSC emulation).

Similarly, in the C:\DSI\UPD\RUN\MTR\M3UA_CONFIG\ folder there is an example for a "recipient" of messages.

One problem is the Linux example, so we move system.txt to our "root" (C:\DSI\) and fix the paths in all FORK_PROCESS ( system call The OS is responsible for creating a process with a new process id). Additionally, I had to remove the "Read Only" attribute from the file. I ended up with something like this (I quote only the end of the file):


FORK_PROCESS s7_mgt -d

FORK_PROCESS s7_log -fss7.log -tt

* SCTP and SCTPD for non-native SCTP


FORK_PROCESS sctpd.exe

* SCTPn for native SCTP

*FORK_PROCESS ../../../../sctpn





An important note for those installing the stack on Linux/Solaris. Since these are normal network operating systems (unlike Windows), they already have SCTP support at the kernel level.

3. Check that the configuration is correct.

To do this, you can try to run the stack. For the first time, it is better to do this through the console (Start-Run-cmd). Then go to the c:\DSI folder, and run gctload.exe in it

In my case, Windows swore at the missing library, so I called in the console

Got the current value of the search paths, and then

PATH=copy current paths;C:\DSI\LIB32 (or LIB64 if you have a 64-bit OS)

4. gctload will give some messages on startup:

(3588)gctload: Verification started.

(3588)gctload: Verification complete.

(3588)gctload: Initialization complete.

S7_log: mod ID=0xef, options=0xaf0d, max_param_len=320

S7_log: Writing log file ss7.log --- this is a log file. Various useful messages will be written there. It's hard to read them, though.

Failed to open s7_mgt configuration file: config.txt --- we haven't written config.txt yet, so we don't pay attention

Cannot open configuration file config.txt

SS7 TCAP started in trial mode.

--- and here is the license for 1 hour

SS7 MAP started in trial mode.

This binary will terminate after 1 hour.

SS7 SCCP started in trial mode.

This binary will terminate after 1 hour.

SS7 M3UA started in trial mode.

This binary will terminate after 1 hour.

5. Important information.
You can also stop gctload with Ctrl-C. But I highly recommend not doing this. Previously, even in all the documentation, this was not recommended. For a correct stop, you need to do in another console: gctload.exe -x
Otherwise, there is a chance that the stack will leave its service message queues in memory and the next time it will simply not start or will not work correctly. It may have been fixed a long time ago, but it's better not to risk it.

6. System.txt specifies the launch of s7_mgt. These are applications for configuring SS7 stack options. By default, it uses the config.txt file, an example of which is in C:\DSI\UPD\RUN\MTU\M3UA_CONFIG\

This file needs a more detailed fix.

* Local IP Address Configuration

CNSYS:IPADDR=; - address of the interface that will be used to send/receive messages.

Before specifying the address, make sure that both OSes are on the same network. It is best to first check with ping that the systems "see" each other, and then set up the stack. AND DON'T FORGET TO DISABLE WINDOWS DEFENDER.

* SCTP Association configuration to Remote IPSP

SNSLI:SNLINK=1,IPADDR= ,SNTYPE=M3UA, SNEND=C; - here the address of the second OS is indicated. I hope it is clear that on the second computer the addresses are reversed?

SNEND determines who will be the server (SNEND=S) and who will be the client (SNEND=C). Therefore, on one machine we put C, on the other S.
You can also specify ports (HPORT and PPORT) in this command, but 2905 is used by default.

* Remote Application Server Configuration

SNRAI:RAS=1,DPC=2; - Specify the Destination Point Code of the remote system. This is MTP3 layer addressing (the M3UA we are configuring is an implementation of MTP3 over SCTP).

* Add Remote AS to Association

SNALI:SNAL=1,RAS=1,SNLINK=1; - this point should be read in the documentation. But it looks like binding a remote Application Server to a specific association (an association is analogous to a signaling link in MTP2).

SCCP_CONFIG 1 0x8 0x0102 0x01

Here we indicate the local Point Code (one system will be with 1, the second with 2), SSF (a pointer to the protocol, which is after MTP3. In this case, it will be SCCP (0x08).

Options (0x0102) are described in the documentation and their calculation is not a trivial task. Convert the number to binary form the right bits(make them equal to 1), then convert everything to hexadecimal.

We do not touch the rest of the parameters. We save the config.txt file.

7. Now we try to start the stack in turn on both systems.
If everything was correct, then in the console we get something like this:

S7_MGT Boot complete -- is an important line. Says the stack has started

S7L:00:08:48.131 I0000 M3UA Association Status: id=0 UP

S7L:00:08:48.131 I0000 M3UA Indication: ASP UP, Association=0

S7L:00:08:48.131 I0000 M3UA Notify: AS Inactive, Association=0 ASP=0

S7L:00:08:48.131 I0000 M3UA Indication: ASP ACTIVE, Association=0 AS=0

S7L:00:08:48.131 I0000 M3UA Indication: AS ACTIVE, AS=0

S7L:00:08:48.131 I0000 M3UA Notify: AS Active, Association=0 ASP=0 -- - Association available

After the stack is launched, you can try to send SMS.

MTR.exe must already be running on the recipient side (the application is registered in system.txt for MTR).

MTU must be started manually in the console.
A launch example is written if the parameters are entered incorrectly (or without parameters at all).

Although the parameters specified in this case are incorrect. Alternatively, you can try this:
mtu -d0 -p2 -a43020008 -g43010008 -i222331234567890 -s"Test message"

If you have any questions - ask in the comments. I'll try to answer.


Thanks to everyone who responded to my request and answered the questionnaire
If you do not remember very well about numbering plans in GSM networks, then you can read my old article. The reader's question related specifically to the procedure for registering a subscriber of one of the American networks in the European one. The "European" registration procedure includes the conversion of the subscriber's IMSI (E.212) into a hybrid number plan - E.214, which is easily routed by prefix (similar to E.164) in the networks of transit operators. The conversion is carried out on VLR (or MSC?) and consists in replacing MCC with CC and MNC with NDC.

Everything is fine as long as we are in Europe, where operators are allocated separate (not geographical) phone codes. In North America, the situation is more confusing - initially, each operator had a mass of geographical codes (area codes), which they use to number subscribers from different regions. If I'm not mistaken, now operators additionally use non-geographic codes. In any case, a simple conversion of MNC to area code cannot be done - there are too many codes. Instead, the American operator "asks" to translate MNC into one of its own codes.

If it weren't for the differences in ANSI/ITU SS7 protocols, it would be enough to send an E.214 message to the network and wait for a response. But in this case, it is necessary to convert between formats using some intermediate node. There are many such nodes, but each specific operator works only with certain nodes. For example, one of the largest US operators AT&T uses the services of 2 nodes - Syniverse and TELEGLOBE (now Tata Communications). In the European part of the SS7 network, these nodes are connected to many large carrier and transit networks, such as France Telecom, Deutsche Telecom, Belgacom, British Telecom, etc. In the American part of the network, they are connected directly to GSM operators.

Therefore, the whole procedure for registering an American subscriber in a European network looks like this:

  1. The subscriber's IMSI is broadcast to MGT using advance information from the US operator;
  2. a message in E.214 (ITU) format with CountryCode=1 is routed to the ITU/ANSI conversion point;

Do you want to see the customer's number on your mobile after the call is forwarded? Why this is not possible, read in a long and boring, but detailed article on how call forwarding and number spoofing works with links to laws. We answer the questions: what is it about, how does it work, why is it outgoing, how much does it cost, why do we not make a substitution and how to get around it.

What is call forwarding

Call forwarding is a translation incoming call when they didn't pick up the phone. There are conditional and unconditional forwarding: in the first case - transfer under several conditions, in the second - transfer of absolutely all incoming calls. Conditions such - on employment, on unavailability, at non-response, at input additional (for automatic telephone exchange).

If the call forwarding occurs inside the PBX - there is no billing, but when the call goes to an external number - landline or mobile - the call forwarding is paid. And what is important: even if you forward from the PBX to another number connected to the PBX, then the call forwarding is paid - the call leaves us and goes through the operator. In most cases, each forwarding minute is worth the same as an outgoing minute. Sometimes there are separate prices for forwarding, the price from the package does not apply, and so on. Check with the operator.

Why do you need an outgoing connection

Redirection is, even if it is not present. A common situation: “I will receive calls to my mobile, why do I need outgoing and forwarding?”. This is an erroneous opinion: if a call goes through a PBX to a mobile phone, then call forwarding works, the call is paid, and the number must have outgoing lines. Forwarding to mobile or landline is two calls: incoming and outgoing. Therefore, it is important that you have at least two lines and that outgoing communication works.

The PBX has a feature: you can select the number through which the call will be forwarded. By default, call forwarding is treated as a normal outgoing call and outgoing rules work. However, this way you will not know which of the numbers the client called. To avoid this, for each of the numbers you can set whether to use the rules or this number for call forwarding.

However, in any of the options, your phone will display your external number, not the client. Looking ahead - this is not a fix, but there are workarounds.

Number spoofing and legislation

Call forwarding number identification is the main problem faced by our users. They want to see the customer's number so they can call back if needed. But Russian legislation gets in the way of business.


To understand, let's find out how telecom operators work. Their activities are licensed, and in order to become an operator, you need to obtain a license. The license has requirements, for example, it is necessary to hand over the communication center at Roskomnadzor. The difficulties are small - even a business center can become an operator, it is not necessarily a large company like. Operators do not exist in isolation, they interact with each other through interconnection agreements (interconnect).

Thousands of operators are subject to one law "On Communications". It fully regulates activities in the field of communications, and licenses will be taken away for its non-fulfilment (Article 37). Without licenses, other operators will not work with you - this is prohibited, otherwise they will also be taken away from them. And without others, you can not - how to call other people's numbers? For an operator, revocation of a license is the death of a business,.

The law (Article 41, paragraph 3) refers to the need to certify accounting software and equipment:

The list of communication facilities subject to mandatory certification, approved by the Government Russian Federation, includes:

... as well as means of communication with measuring functions, taking into account the volume of communication services provided by telecom operators in public communication networks ...

We are talking about billing and it needs to be certified, this is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation of April 8, 2008 N 38 "On approval of the Rules for the use of equipment for time-based recording of the duration of the connection." In the fifth appendix about number substitution (AON):

1. APUS with the function of protection against the substitution of information ANI provides:

  1. reception of information transmitted by ANI equipment;
  2. comparison of the information received with the information that should be in the case of receiving undistorted GA information (hereinafter referred to as the reference information);
  3. release of connection in case of difference of the received information from the reference information.

2. APUS generates and stores for at least 6 months a data array with a list of phone numbers for which attempts to spoof ANI information have been registered (hereinafter referred to as the spoofed number array).
3. APUS provides the ability to view the array of number substitutions during the entire period of its storage.
4. The APUS provides the ability to transfer to external automated systems calculations of the array of substitution of numbers without suspending the functioning of the APUS.

Tracking, dropping, recording and storing calls with substitution is the responsibility of the operator. In fact, number substitution is not prohibited, but the operator is obliged to respond. Violation threatens to revoke the license.

Conclusion for the lazy: you can substitute, but it's pointless - the substitution is stopped. For individuals and ordinary companies punishments are not yet provided.

The reasons

There are two areas that are interested in limiting number spoofing. These are the operators themselves and the special services.

Large operators comply with the law and are forced to conclude international agreements on traffic exchange. They send international calls through official channels and pay for every minute within these contracts. Therefore, when a call comes from abroad, they are interested in the calls going through the same channels and already paying them. But the call can be sent via the Internet, do not use their channel and do not pay them. Operators are losing money on this.

It is even easier with the special services - they need to know who called whom and what time. Therefore, when the number is substituted, some of the information is lost and it becomes more difficult to find terrorists / criminals.


What is not forbidden is allowed, so in some cases there may be a substitution. We are talking about the permanent substitution of the number that you own. For example, you have a city number to which you receive incoming calls. And you want the same number to be determined when calling via SIP telephony. If you can verify ownership of the number, some carriers will allow you to substitute it. But incoming from clients will still not be detected.

This is the initiative of the operator and it remains at his discretion. Unfortunately, we do not suggest such operators.


From time to time, the idea slips among colleagues that the substitution will be allowed. We have the opposite opinion - the situation will only get worse. For the second year, the media have been writing about a direct ban on substitution of numbers for calls from abroad. The interests are the same: money and security, more about the initiative in the RBC material.


Theory and practice are often at odds. But we do not have an answer to what happens with the substitution in practice.

Everything above applies to telecom, we work in IT. Therefore, we encounter the law less often, but we don’t do a substitution - the operators do not let us through. We don't know how often substitutions are punished. And we certainly do not want to find out for ourselves, so we comply with the law.

How is it solved

If the mobile manager cannot show the client number, you can look for alternatives. We do not have a ready-made solution, but integrators offer several options at once.


There is indeed a problem with the identification of the number and we are solving it. We recently mastered the WebSocket API in onlinePBX and the number of options has increased.

  1. Callback for the manager: the script by the manager's number will automatically connect to the last client. And since the call goes through the PBX, the conversation will be recorded and will go to the desired CRM card.
  2. Send during or after a call SMS to the number of the manager who answered. In SMS, the name of the client from the CRM and the number.
  3. Instead of or together with SMS, send the same information to email manager.
  4. As a last resort, transfer managers to FMC.

These are the main options, but we do not dwell on them and try to find a suitable solution for each customer.

Konstantin Kuznetsov

Get results

Customers use only amoCRM, so we solve the issue quite simply. We put mobile app amoCRM to the manager's phone and for all calls we create tasks, deals, contacts. After the call, the manager finds the right client through the application and calls back.


Head of CRM at

Faced with the identification of the number on the mobile? Decided? - Share your story in the comments.

Telephony for business with integration into any CRM

Conditional call forwarding, what is it? This question often arises among subscribers who first encountered the redirection of an outgoing call to another number. In this article you will find detailed description given mobile service. Find out in which cases the option can be useful, and how it can be activated / deactivated.

What is call forwarding?

What does "Call Forwarding" mean? This service allows you to always stay in touch by redirecting outgoing calls. The service is fully automated and the cellular provider is fully responsible for its operation.

Any subscriber who has two or more SIM cards can use the service. In addition, SIM cards may belong to different telesystems, or even to other subscribers (in the case of corporate tariffs).

There are two types of service: unconditional and conditional forwarding. In the first case, all calls without exception will be redirected to another number.

In the case of conditional forwarding, the subscriber will be able to independently set the parameters according to which calls will be redirected. According to the rules of the service, the option can be used in such cases:

  1. The user is unavailable and out of network coverage.
  2. The subscriber communicates on the first line, and cannot receive a call.
  3. The subscriber does not pick up the phone for a certain time (the time interval after which the caller will be redirected can be set independently).

Now let's see in what cases given function may become useful.

Note! The unconditional type of service, in most cases, will be useful in the state of international roaming, or when blocking the main number.

Enabling conditional call forwarding may be necessary in the following cases:

Low battery

Even the most responsible subscriber may find himself in a situation where a call from an important person should come in, and the phone's charging is at zero. Enabling the function will make it possible to receive a call on another cellular device. Moreover, it can be either a second mobile phone or a friend’s phone or a work device.

Line 1 busy

When the subscriber is already talking on the first line, the calling party will be redirected to a free number. This feature will be quite convenient in a workflow environment. For example, if the manager is having an important conversation, the person calling him will be redirected to the phone of a trusted employee through whom he can resolve his issue.

Today, mobile coverage is available even in the most remote corners of Russia. However, even now, white spots can be found on the map of Russian television systems. Places with insufficient coverage can be called remote regions of the country, some northern directions of the Russian Federation.

However, it is not necessary to go to the edge of geography in order to be out of coverage. Communication may be interrupted in the subway, during air flights or in underground passages. In such cases, also the calling party will be redirected to another available telephone line.

No answer

If it is not possible to answer incoming call, after a specified period of time (by the standards of many telesystems, after 30 seconds), the calling party is redirected to a free telephone line.

Phone number replacement

When changing a SIM card, phone number, or when switching to another mobile operator, with the call forwarding option, you do not have to worry that any call will be lost. In this case, absolutely all incoming calls will be redirected to the new subscriber number.

Unconditional forwarding for any Russian telesystem (Beeline, MTS, Megafon, Velcom, Yota) can be activated by sending the USSD code * * 21 * phone number # . Immediately after connecting this service, absolutely all calls will be forwarded to the specified number.

Activation is free. There is no subscription option. The cost of one minute of conversation will be calculated in accordance with the terms and conditions applicable to a particular number.

The combination for connecting conditional forwarding on the phone, each telesystem has its own. You can find the service activation code on the website of your provider, in Personal account telesystems, through a call to hotline, or at the nearest office of your mobile operator.

You can remove unconditional forwarding by sending a system request # # 002 # . Immediately after dialing the number and sending the code, the option on the phone will be deactivated. The USSD number valid on all Russian television systems.

You can find ways to turn off conditional forwarding for various telesystems on the website, in your personal account, at the office of the telesystem or by calling technical support, one or another provider.

A computer