The application is blocked from accessing Radeon graphics hardware. Application blocked from accessing graphics hardware - how to fix

Solving the problem when in Windows 10 an application is blocked from accessing graphics equipment

What to do if an app is blocked from accessing graphics hardware in windows 10?

This is a notification about the incorrect operation of the computer's graphics subsystem in Windows 10. It appears in the notification center as a text message at startup or after a program associated with graphics output (Photoshop, 3D max, Corel Draw, computer games).

Transition to the center windows notifications 10

Error message

After the notification is displayed, the application hangs or exits.

The reasons

There is no single reason. But most often the notification is caused by a hardware or software malfunction of the graphics subsystem:

  • drivers installed incorrectly;
  • The graphics settings in the application that caused the error conflict with the settings in the device driver management utility.
  • incorrectly configured and installed drivers;
  • drivers are not updated correctly;
  • as a result of overclocking the video card or exceeding the recommended temperature regime;
  • as a result of a lack of power on the video card (s);
  • as a result of outdated components required to run the application.

Ways to fix

  1. Reinstall the driver on the video card (you) after a clean install. Clean install is the setting after complete removal through a special program from the manufacturer, for example, or a third-party utility.

Display Driver Uninstall window

  1. Lower the characteristics (bus frequency, memory frequency) of the video card using special utility(usually comes with a video card). Increase the amount of power supplied to the graphics card.

Changing the characteristics of the video card in the GPU Tweak utility

  1. Check that when working in applications does not exceed the allowable rate. This can be done using any tester, for example, .

If the utility displays a message about the temperature exceeding, clean the cooling system of the video card.

  1. Update the following components operating system:
  • DirectX12;
  • MS C++ Redistributable 2015
  1. Carry out a recovery system settings and system files with recommended settings. To do this, command prompt as an administrator. In the window that opens, type Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth and press Enter. Wait until the end of the operation. Then, on the same command line, type sfc /scannow and press Enter. Wait until the end of the operation.

The problem is highly dependent on the application that is causing it. If this application computer game, then surely on the forum of the store where you purchased it, someone has already encountered this problem and possibly solved it.

Below is a table with games in which the problem occurred and how to solve it.

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Some users of Windows 10 while running a program (usually a game) may experience a crash of this program, and the system message "The application has been blocked from accessing graphics hardware." The cause of this dysfunction may be a number of hardware and software problems, which I will list in this article, as well as tell you what this error is, when it occurs, and how to fix the error "The application was blocked from accessing graphics hardware" on your PC.

Error text "The application has been blocked from accessing graphics hardware" on the PC screen

"Application blocked access to graphics hardware" - the essence and causes of dysfunction

In most cases, given error on Windows 10 and not only occurs during the operation of any modern gaming or test program (for example, 3DMark), which actively uses the processor and video card of the user PC.

The causes of the error "Access to graphics hardware is blocked" can be the following:

How to fix "Application has been blocked from accessing graphics hardware" error

  1. Remove the current video card driver and install the driver selected by the system. Go to "Device Manager" (click on the "Start" button, in the search bar type devmgmt.msc and press enter), find your video card driver there (Display adapters tab), right-click on it, and select "Uninstall". Reboot your computer and then let the system find and install on its own correct driver(enable the "Windows Update" functionality);

  2. Install an older video driver for your graphics card. If the previous method did not help, look for more old driver to your video card on the website of the manufacturer of the video card (or motherboard);
  3. Change your AMD Catalyst settings(if there is one on the PC). Go to AMD Catalyst, select the "Performance" tab, activate the "Enable Graphics OverDrive" option there, and lower the frequency of your video card a little below the normal level (yellow area);

    Enable the "Graphics OverDrive" feature

  4. Check the functionality of your PC's memory sticks. Check them with testing programs of the “Memtest 86” level, or, removing the memory strips one by one, check the stability of the system without the removed strips (this will help identify the problematic memory strip). In some cases, the problem appeared when installing an additional memory bar from a manufacturer other than the base bar. Installing a bar identical to the base one made it possible to get rid of "The application was blocked from accessing graphics hardware" on the user's PC;
  5. Disable overclocking settings. If you have overclocked the system before using special software, then I recommend returning the system settings to default.
  6. Disable "vertical sync" in the settings of the game program;
  7. Lower the frequency GPU and memory by 5%. Download and install the program " MSI Afterburner", And then reduce the specified parameters to the required frequency;
  8. Install the stable version of AMD Catalyst on your PC. If your computer has an AMD graphics card, install the stable version of AMD Catalyst on your PC (according to users, installing AMD Catalyst™ 15.11 Beta Driver for Windows® on your computer helped resolve the graphics hardware access error).

    Use the well-established version of "AMD Catalyst"


An effective solution to the problem “The application was blocked from accessing graphics hardware” is to change the video card driver to a more stable one, as well as to check the performance of the PC memory bars (incorrect operation of one of them often initiated the problem I was considering). If that doesn't help, try the other tips above to fix the graphics hardware access lock issue on your Windows 10.

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"Application blocked from accessing graphics hardware" error may appear in Windows 10, 8 and 7 when starting or running various applications and games that use the graphics card. Modern browsers use the video card to render pages quickly, using hardware acceleration. At the same time, the load on graphics hardware can be no less than when running simple games. Below I will describe possible reasons and how to fix this error. If you are only interested in troubleshooting, you can skip the article directly to this section.

Reasons for the error

Graphics card driver

This is the most common "Application blocked from accessing graphics hardware" error. The current version of your video card driver contains errors, because of them, in some situations, the video card cannot continue to work normally, the application closes or starts to work very slowly. For example, the Nvidia video driver for the GeForce GTX1070 and GTX1080 series graphics cards for a long time contained errors that prevented the browser from working normally Google Chrome, if on open page The site featured a lot of heavy graphics.

Application or game error

If the error appears only when working with a certain application or game, then this application itself may be the culprit. This means that its developers made and did not catch an error when next update and she got released. If this is the case in your case, then there is no way you can fix this error yourself. It is necessary to contact the developers and provide them with the maximum detailed information so they can fix the problem as soon as possible.

What data needs to be transferred to developers:

  • The version and bitness of your operating system;
  • The full name of your video card or a list of graphics hardware if there is more than one video card;
  • Version installed drivers video cards;
  • Version of the game or program;
  • Describe in detail how and when the error occurs;
  • Several screenshots or video showing in detail the moment of the error;

Corruption of Windows system files

operating system files Windows systems may be damaged after installing a pirated version of the game or program, a virus or hardware failure. This reason is eliminated as quickly as possible using the tools built into the operating system.

Troubleshooting "Application blocked from accessing graphics hardware" error

Below I describe the ways to resolve this error, starting with the simple ones. I recommend trying them in order.

Troubleshooting a graphics driver issue

First of all, download the latest driver for your video card from the manufacturer's website and install it over the existing one. Now there are two main manufacturers on the market: Nvidia (website) and AMD (website).

If this method does not help, try first completely uninstalling the existing driver and only then reinstall it. You can uninstall the driver Windows tools or special program. Go to the "Control Panel", find the "Applications and Features" section there and remove all driver components:

If the graphics driver components are not listed, uninstall it through the "Device Manager". Right-click on the "Computer" icon, select "Properties", then "Device Manager" on the left:

Right-click on the adapter name and delete it.

  • Application blocked from accessing graphics hardware - what does that mean?
  • Port 80 is busy with Windows services, Openserver is not working - how to fix it?
  • To quickly and completely remove the video driver, you can use a special free program-Display Driver Uninstaller(download from).

    Download the program, unpack the archive and run it. Most likely at the first start there will be an error and a suggestion to restart the system. Do this and DDU Display Driver Uninstaller) will run normally. The program interface is as simple as possible:

    Click the "Uninstall and Restart" button and install the previously downloaded new driver again immediately after system boot. If this does not help, go to the next step.

    Troubleshooting a program or game

    You need to update the program or game that is causing the error "Application has been blocked from accessing graphics hardware" to the most latest version. This can usually be done on the developer's site or through the built-in update tools. After that, be sure to restart your computer and run the problematic software. If the problem persists, all you have to do is contact the developers and hope that they will quickly fix everything and release an update. Try to describe the problem in the letter as detailed as possible and include all the necessary information in it. I wrote about them at the very beginning of the article.

    Restoring Windows System Files

    Recent versions of the Windows operating system have built-in recovery tools. You can try them one by one using , but start with the simplest.

    Launch a command prompt (Win R, write "cmd" there) and run the command:

    Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

    The procedure may take several minutes, the computer will most likely restart. If this method did not help, try to roll back to a restore point, then "Reset your computer to its original state." If this does not help, then the error is caused by some other reason.

    Additional Information

    In very rare cases, the "Application has been blocked from accessing graphics hardware" error appears due to the fact that more than one monitor is connected to the video card. If you use two or more monitors, try turning them off and working with one for a while.

    Note: monitors must not only be turned off, but physically disconnected by disconnecting the wires from the graphics card connectors.

    If none of the methods helps, then your video card may be damaged. You can try to repair or replace it, but this is beyond the scope of this review.

    If you have any questions or require clarification, please leave a comment. I read everything quickly and will be happy to help.

    A computer