How to connect an antenna cable without signal loss. Installation of television antennas

Despite the fact that today the Internet is available in almost every home, in many apartments the TV signal is still supplied via cable. So the question is how to connect antenna cable to the plug, quite up to date. Improper installation will adversely affect the quality of the received signal, even if you use the most modern and expensive material. How to properly connect the antenna cable to the plug? How to choose a product, so as not to regret the purchase later? What will experts advise? This article will help you find answers to these questions.

Product Introduction

The antenna cable is represented by a multilayer wire, which has shielding properties, due to which a stable signal transmission is carried out. Thus, the TV will only show with the antenna connected. Especially for this purpose, it was equipped with a special connector for connection, which is mainly called the antenna jack. In the other part of the connection there is space for a plug. The last home craftsman will have to mount it on a cable that can be connected to an antenna, satellite dish or TV junction box.

What will be needed for work?

Very often, people who are not used to working with their hands do not know how to connect a thin antenna cable to a plug. Judging by the numerous reviews, there is nothing difficult to connect, therefore it is not necessary to resort to the services of specialists. You can deal with this on your own. First of all, you need to get an antenna (coaxial) cable, a knife or a clerical cutter.

About cable design

Before you wonder how to connect the antenna cable to the plug, you should know the structure of the conductive product. The design of the cable is simple. It contains: the central vein, copper wire, thick plastic insulation, aluminum foil (is the second conductive element), outer insulation and braided shield. The task of the latter is to suppress interference, the sources of which can be weather and mechanical influences. On the shelves of specialized stores there is a wide range of products manufactured by domestic and foreign manufacturers. Since the presented products are of very different quality, when choosing, some nuances should be taken into account, which will be discussed later.

What to look for when buying?

Judging by the reviews, the question of how to connect the antenna cable to the plug is not the only one of interest to beginners. What to pay attention to those who decide to purchase an antenna cable? Experts recommend the following to such a consumer:

  • Choose a product in which the outer sheath is marked 75. This indicates that the frequency of waves with a resistance of 75 ohms is in the cable. Under this indicator, all modern TVs and switching equipment. This figure must occur along the entire length of the cable with an interval of 1 m.
  • The value of the outer diameter should not exceed 0.6 cm. If, at this stage, a beginner made a mistake due to inexperience, then you should not be upset, since everything is fixable. If the diameter of the internal thread in the plug turned out to be larger than the diameter of the wire, in order for the crimping to be of high quality, you will have to wind an insulating tape on the cable. How many layers of electrical tape are needed for this, each master decides according to the situation. The main thing is that the cable to the plug should fit as tightly as possible.
  • It is best to purchase a cable with a copper main core and a shield braid. In this case, the buyer may encounter difficulties due to the fact that most manufacturers, in order to save money, equip their cables with steel central conductors or apply copper sputtering on them. For the production of the braid, an alloy of copper is used, and for the shielding, foil is used.

About the plug connector

According to experts, the normal connection of the antenna cable to the plug will be possible if its type F connector. This type accepts analog and digital television signals. Judging by numerous consumer reviews, the F-plug is the best: it reproduces a high-quality TV signal and is easy to install, which is appreciated by many home craftsmen. Since plug diameters can vary different sizes, this should be taken into account. AT otherwise the plug will not match the connector and you will not be able to connect the TV. Judging by the reviews, it is not uncommon for the TV to be mounted close to the wall. In such a situation, an angled F-plug should be used.

Where should you start?

Before connecting the antenna cable to the plug, you need to carry out preparatory work. The connection is carried out in two ways: the shielding braid is wrapped, but you can also do without it. Judging by the numerous reviews, the best and most reliable contact is achieved with a wrapped braid. The cable is cut with a knife or cutter. To do this, one and a half centimeters recede from its end. Next, carefully cut the outer insulating layer in a circle. It is important that the braid and aluminum foil remain intact. The cut insulation is removed. As a result, both the braid and the foil should be open. Then they turn back.

In order to improve the strength of the foil, it is wrapped with polyethylene from the inside. According to experts, during stripping, the foil is often damaged. If the plug is put on a cable with the foil turned away, the contact will be of poor quality. Therefore, some masters bend part of the foil back with a conductive part from above. After that, it is necessary to remove the insulation from the central core. In this case, they also recede from the end of the wire, but by 10 mm. It is important not to damage the cable itself.

How to connect an antenna cable with a plug? Process description

This procedure is started after stripping the wire. First of all, you need to screw the foil onto the first part of the plug. How to connect the antenna cable to the plug correctly? As experts recommend, it is important to ensure that the central core is exactly in the core of the plug. For work, you will need wire cutters, through which then part of the central wire is removed. This must be done in such a way that it protrudes no more than 0.6 cm beyond the union nut. Then they proceed to screwing the second part of the plug to the very stop. After completing these steps, the plug is considered ready for use.

Second way

Some beginners are wondering how to install the plug on the antenna cable without wrapping foil for this? According to experienced craftsmen, it is possible to do this. It is enough just to cut off the top insulating layer and remove the cable sheath. Next, the plug is disassembled. It should be in two halves. The plastic half is first placed on the open section of the cable. The second fork is tightened.

About the angle plug

Judging by the reviews, there are times when there is a need to move the TV with the antenna plug already inserted closer to the wall, which is problematic. A special plug with an angular design will help out in such a situation.

You can buy it at an electrical appliance store. To connect this product, the technology described above is applicable. If the owner of the TV does not want to use a plug connection, then soldering will be the best connection method. However, for a high-quality signal, the area to be soldered should be smaller.

In addition, if you need to quickly connect a TV, this will be problematic. In this regard, the plug-in connection is considered the most convenient.

What mistakes do beginners make?

Not everyone knows that some manufacturers of antenna cables cover the inside of the foil with polyethylene. Cleaning this material is quite difficult, even with a scalpel. If the cable can be stripped, the presence of plastic will become a significant obstacle to good contact with the plug. As a result, the signal will be distorted. This can be prevented by wrapping the unfolded foil back in such a way that it comes out with its conductive side. Often, when crimping, thin braided wires come into contact with the main cable core, as a result of which the quality of the received signal is not at the proper level, and may even be completely lost. Often the antenna cable is laid in one plinth along with the electrical wiring. This, according to experts, is unacceptable, since with such installation, the signal transmission will also be of poor quality.

Today, our televisions are no longer similar to television receivers of the last century, which only knew how to show something, while receiving only analog signal. What about today? It can be said a whole range of possibilities and abilities. Work with analog and digital signal, the ability to play video and audio signals from universal inputs, the ability to play videos from the Internet and even in some cases play games and work with applications from it. In general, it is not for nothing that some of them carry a proud prefix to their name - SMART, which means skillful. But in this article we would like to talk not about the success of bourgeois companies, which we still have to chase and chase, but about the fact that even the most modern TVs, having Wi-fi and Bluetooth in their arsenal, still need wires. And the most necessary cable for them, as many years ago, is a coaxial television cable. It is with the help of this cable that analog and digital signal, that is, a signal with the carrier frequency of the television channels that we watch. And here, the most relevant procedures for connecting a cable to a TV will be cable selection, cutting it, installing plugs and extending the cable. It is about such simple operations that we will talk in our article.

Choosing a TV cable to a TV and marking it

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the quality of the TV cable. It will depend on him how confidently, clearly and without interference and loss the signal is transmitted. If it is an ordinary wire, then after 2-3 meters there will be nothing left of your useful signal, but there will be oh so much interference. All this is due to the peculiarity of the propagation of high-frequency waves, with the help of which the television signal is actually transmitted. A feature of the propagation of such a signal is the manifestation of the skin effect, when the signal propagates along the surface of the conductor. But this topic is voluminous and separate, therefore it deserves a separate article, now it’s not about that.
Well, the second is the correct connection of all plugs, which we have already talked about.
So, back to the first one. What does the "correct" TV cable mean? This is a cable for which the wave impedance at the operating frequency (up to 2.15 GHz) is 75 ohms. Most often, such cables are marked as COAXIL CABLE 75 OHM. So for the TV, cables of the following brands can be used: RG 6U (possible index), SAT 50, SAT 703B and DG 113. The name of the cable brands is given in accordance with the improvement in their performance.
Typically, the cable has a manufacturer's mark, the name of the cable, its resistance, footage and year of manufacture. Now that the cable is selected, let's proceed directly to the process of connecting it to the TV.

How to connect the antenna plug to the cable

Let's say right away that connecting a cable to a plug or a plug to a cable will not be difficult. All this can be done by yourself, without the involvement of a specialist. However, the fact that we decided to analyze this issue and submit it to your judgment is a kind of confirmation of this. Well, let's start in order.
First you need to cut the cable, that is, properly remove the insulating braid.
There are two ways to cut the cable, namely, wrap the shielding braid back or simply cut the insulation. And then you can wind the plug itself. Examples of cutting the braid are shown in the photo below.

No bending of the braid...

Now the same thing, but on a good example and with the bending of the braid.
Cut the braid lengthwise with a sharp knife. Then we cut the braid around the perimeter of the cable. We wrap the braid back so that the next insulating layer opens up to us. Here it must be said that the shielding foil is in some cases covered with polyethylene to give the foil strength. At the same time, it is almost impossible to clean polyethylene from foil. It's also unlikely to burn him. So we bend the foil back, on itself, or cut it off altogether. Leaving only the metal veins of the braid. At the same time, we also clean the central conductor.

Now we wind the plug onto the cable. We bite off the central vein in place. Its protrusion will be 4-5 mm beyond the union nut. Now, with the help of a nut, we wind the plug itself.

It should be noted here that the plugs are different. Whether straight or curved in the shape of the letter G. They are also called F-shaped plugs. At the same time, their functionality remains unchanged, except that each specific plug is used for an individual and easy-to-use variation. If it is more convenient for you to use a particular option, then choose it.

In this case, in terms of performance, you will not lose anything.

Possible plug options for cable and TV connection

Here it must be said that in nature there are a great many variations of plugs.

Including in the USSR there were plugs that needed to be soldered to the cable. And there are craftsmen who are trying to shove, in other words, the cable into the TV socket and without a plug at all. But all this can already be called rudiments, remnants, anachronism. All in all, it's not worth your attention. Moreover, breaking the nest of an expensive TV is easy, but replacing it will be more difficult.
In this connection, there will be recommendations to use only specialized and modern plugs.

How to lengthen a TV cable

If you need to extend the cable, that is, it simply wasn’t long enough to connect to the TV. Here it is necessary to act by analogy with the first option. We clean the two ends of the cable and wind the shank with a union nut. Next, we connect the shanks to each other on the cable using an adapter sleeve.

There are also options when you need to connect multiple TVs. Or you need to connect from the junction box. But here we will not consider this option, since this will already turn out to be a hodgepodge, and not a feature article. This topic is better to highlight in the material of our other article.
Another way to lengthen the cable. It is noteworthy that the connection is carried out using soldering, which essentially has two advantages. First, you do not have to spend money on consumables in the form of plugs. Secondly, the signal with such a connection is practically not lost. You can make a dozen connections without any signal loss. So the cable connection algorithm is as follows.

Which plug is better to choose for installation on a cable and connecting to a TV

Since we decided to give you recommendations on which plug is better, here you need to motivate your decision. And it all starts simple. Since we need to transmit a signal, and it is transmitted through conductors, it is best to use metal plugs, that is, from the first version of the plug installation given by us above. Such a plug is easy to mount, does not require soldering, a complex installation tool. This plug is rigid yet ensures optimum signal transmission. On the face of all the pluses.
In principle, if you come to the store, then this is the option that a competent, qualified seller will offer you, if he does not have an installation, sell you another product.

There can be many reasons for extending the TV cable, for example, moving the TV from one room to another or replacing some part of the wire due to damage.

To fulfill this action you need to understand how to extend the TV cable so that it functions and the image quality is not affected.

Knowing how to extend the cable plays an important role in terms of cost savings, because it is much cheaper than completely replacing it with a longer version.

To extend the antenna cable for the TV with another piece of coaxial wire, you can use several methods:

  • a regular extension cord, which increases the length of the existing wire by 2.5 - 20 meters, but its cost is not low either;
  • use of special F-sockets for connection;
  • extend multiple cables through a splitter;
  • perform soldering to connect the television wire.

In this case, it should be correct, since the device of a television cable in the Russian Federation assumes a proper wave impedance of 75 ohms.

Not the last role is played by the quality of the outer braid, it must have maximum elasticity.
In addition, in order to avoid loss of image quality, it is required to choose products with an internal dense braid, which is guaranteed to conduct a continuous signal.

The braid is made of several materials, on which the price of the cable depends.

The dielectric material that performs the functions of insulation is not significant, it is mainly polyethylene, the composition contains a foil - a screen and the material of the braid itself:

  • with a copper cable - expensive, but of high quality;
  • aluminum - does not represent value in terms of characteristics;
  • stainless steel - the balance of price and quality.

The signal attenuation parameters in length and frequency should be extremely low.

How to lengthen with a twist

This is an unreliable method of lengthening, since during application contact may be lost at the place of twisting due to oxidation, which deprives high-quality signal transmission, and the aesthetic appearance of the cable as a whole is lost.

To make an antenna for digital TV by twisting, you can use two options:

  • twist the central cores together instead of soldering, thereby lengthening;
  • we clean on the outside 45 - 50 mm, and on the inside up to 25 mm and twist the braid in pairs - the central wires and screens, and in the place of twisting we perform insulation.


This way cable connection is optimal, reliable and inexpensive, to apply it follow the following algorithm of actions:

  • with a knife, remove the outer sheath of the television wire to a length of 5 - 6 cm;

Important: in this case, the shielding braid is intact.

  • then the outer material and the screen are turned away;
  • the central core is cut to 20 mm;
  • on the one hand, the outer insulation is cut to a length of 10 mm;
  • the ends are tinned at the central core and it bends at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • the other connection cable is treated similarly.
  • the central cores are soldered by the overlap method, after which the tin drips should be removed with a file or a soldering iron;
  • the place of soldering is turned away with a piece of the remaining insulation on the central core and fixed with electrical tape;
  • the foil is wound in its original place;
  • for reliability, the screens can be processed by soldering;
  • close the junction with a previously bent outer conductor;
  • after which insulation or closure is performed with a previously worn heat shrink tube, which is heated with a hair dryer.

Important: the foil has insulation on the inside, so in the process of using it, the material is externally placed inside out.

Through a splitter

Can be extended with a splitter. This device is necessary to be able to use the antenna for several TVs at once.

The crab is a rectangular box with one IN and several OUT connectors. To connect it, you need F-connectors or TV plugs.
Inside the splitter has a ferrite ring with windings or in budget option resistors, thanks to these components, the signal is evenly distributed between the outputs, so you should not modify the crab.

If there is a need for more than 4 outputs, an active splitter with an amplifier is used.

To use this option for connecting and extending the cable, its rigid fastening is installed from the outside on the plane, that is, it must be tightly fixed in a horizontal / vertical position.
In the case of connection using a splitter, the cable prepared in advance from the antenna is attached to the input, and the segment coming from the TV to the output, while in the future, using this device, you can branch the signal around the room.

How to extend through an adapter

This option is the simplest, it involves the use of either F-adapters.
To use it, it is also important to follow the sequence of actions:

  • remove the outer part of the insulation from the length of the television wire 30 mm;
  • wrap the braid in the opposite direction, but due to the coating of the foil with insulation, bend part of the screen back;
  • so that the central wire does not come into contact with the dielectric, strip it by 10 mm, while it is important not to damage it;
  • then the adapter is screwed through the foil, while the core should protrude by 0.5 mm, the unnecessary residue is cut off;
  • then you need to perform similar steps for the other end, followed by twisting them into the socket.

In order for the cable to serve for a long time, it should not intersect with electrical wiring or charging for the phone, which can create a high-quality signal reception, do not twist or bend it at right angles.

Use only factory-made cable clamps, make sure that there are places for fasteners when using a splitter, and also correctly connect the TV wire to one of the options given, which will ensure its long operation in the future and you will not think how to extend it.


At self-connection plug to an antenna or cable connection, some rules must be observed. This article is about how to properly connect the antenna cable to the plug without errors. F-connector "male"

Connection errors

Perhaps I'll start with the fact that I will give the most common mistakes when connecting a cable. When installing the plug, you must immediately pay attention to this in order to exclude the search for a malfunction in the future.

  1. The inside of the foil does not conduct electricity, this is the base on which aluminum is sprayed. When twisting it over the braid, there will be no contact with the F-connector. Therefore, it is better to remove it or deploy it with the back side.
  2. When wrapping the braid, care should be taken that all the strands of the braid are removed and cannot touch the central strand, as this leads to a short circuit. In this case, if the set-top box does not have protection against short circuits in the cable, this can lead to its failure.
  3. When crimping some types of plugs, this should not be done too hard, as this can also lead to a short circuit between the central core and the screen (braid).

Connecting an antenna to a TV

To properly connect the antenna to the TV, it is better to use special plugs. Currently, the so-called F-connectors (or F-connectors) are widely used. They are installed directly on coaxial cable with a diameter of 6.8 mm with a wave impedance of 75 ohms intended for television equipment.

With this type of connector, additional nozzles can be used: plugs - "father", "mother", angled plugs, cable connectors. The variety of such antenna adapters for the TV is very large. Advantage this compound obvious, it makes it possible to connect the cable without soldering with a single knife in a few minutes anywhere. This ensures the reliability of the connection to mechanical stress.

Rusty cable connection pins

Unfortunately, there are enough counterfeit products on the market and you can buy such copies. This means that the connector got into a humid environment and simply rusted. Most likely, the insides of such a connector are made of iron, and not bronze or brass. In this case, its insufficient level or even its loss will be observed.

Of course, you can connect the antenna to the TV without a plug, just make the RF connector of the TV connector and the cable. The braid is connected to the connector body and the central core must enter the central part. Of course, such a connection is not reliable and it is better to solder it, but there is a chance to spoil the RF contact of the TV.

Connecting the cable to the plug

F - male connector

In order to immediately connect the antenna cable to the plug without alterations, it is enough to observe certain dimensions and sequence of actions, while not being afraid that you may be shocked, since the voltage in the cable is very small. So, in order to properly strip the TV cable, you need:

  • at a distance of 12 - 15 mm, make an incision in the outer shell so as not to damage the braid and, tilting to the sides, break it off and pull it off (you can do this in a way that is convenient for you);
  • wrap the braid;
  • when turning the foil, keep in mind that its inner layer does not conduct current, so turn it again around the axis with the outer layer up or remove it altogether;
  • cut the dielectric of the central core at a distance of 8-10 mm from the end and remove it;
  • screw F - connector on the cable;
  • screw the plug into the connector.

If the central core peeks out more than 4 mm, it can abut inside the connector and prevent the nut from turning all the way, so remove the excess.

With a small cable diameter, you can wind a little electrical tape and wrap the braid on it.

Crimp plug

In this case, the central core is clamped with a screw, and the braid is crimped by the plug body:

  • a protective cover is put on the cable;
  • the outer shell is cleaned by 10 mm;
  • aluminum foil is removed;
  • 3 mm insulation of the central core is removed;
  • the braid is wound onto the remaining dielectric;
  • the central core is inserted into the groove and clamped with a screw;
  • the body of the plug crimps the braid;
  • the protective cover is screwed onto the body.

Connecting the Antenna Power Supply Separator

In this case, when the cable is connected to the power supply, the dimensions change somewhat:

Correctly connect the power supply to the antenna
  • the outer protective sheath is cleaned by 15 mm;
  • the foil is removed;
  • the braid is shifted towards the protective sheath;
  • the dielectric of the central core is removed by 5 mm;
  • loosen the cable fastening screws in the separator;
  • a cable is inserted into the resulting openings and clamped with screws.

Be careful when clamping the braid: firstly, it must touch the tinned area on the board; secondly, make sure that the braid does not touch the central core.

To neatly cut a television cable, you need to cut a few centimeters of the outer sheath. The cut is made along the cable, with a light and smooth pressing of the knife. Such accuracy eliminates the possibility of damage to the shielding braid.

After completing the undercut, you need to bend and cut off the shell (from the very beginning of the undercut).

Next, aluminum foil and copper braid are bent. There are three types of shields used in cables. The first option is a copper braid, the second is aluminum foil, the third is aluminum foil covered with a copper braid (option under consideration).

To ensure higher strength, the inside of the foil is coated with special polyethylene. This fact is not known to everyone. Wherein Cleaning up plastic is a daunting task.. Therefore, when winding the plug onto the foil from the inside, the contact is very poor quality or is completely absent. To avoid this effect, it is necessary to turn part of the foil inside out. This will allow the conductive part to be located on the outside. If the size of the internal thread F of the plug exceeds the diameter of the cable itself, it is necessary to wind the electrical tape around the cable before bending the foil. This will give the TV cable the required diameter. The next steps should be done according to the instructions given. How to properly remove the insulation from the central core is described in detail in the article “Preparing wires for installation”.

The central core must be cut so that a couple of millimeters of the cable still protrudes.

Then the second part of the F-plug is screwed on, after which the latter is completely ready for operation.

Sometimes when installing a plug into a socket, it becomes necessary to bend the TV cable too much, because it makes it difficult to place or hang the TV against the wall. An excellent solution to this problem is the use of an angle-type F-plug.

The main feature of this kind of design lies solely in the form. The installation process for the traditional straight and angled plugs is completely identical.

Connecting a TV cable to an old plastic plug without soldering

The forerunners of today's F-plugs are slightly different solderless devices. They have their own setup.

Before installing such a plug, you will need to unscrew the plastic case. To do this, the cable must be held by the metal part, and the rotation must be done counterclockwise. Then the case is put on the cable, which will allow you not to forget about it.

The next step is to prepare the cable for installation. It consists in making a cut in the outer shell. The size of the cut is about 1 cm. Then the sheath is removed, the shielding braid is cut by about half a centimeter, the same amount must be removed and the insulation of the central core. After performing these steps, the cable can be terminated in the plug.

The main stage is the termination of the television cable. It is very important to exclude the contact of the conductors of the braid with the fasteners of the main core. The petals of the plug around the shielding winding are crimped with pliers. It is important not to overdo it - you should not apply too much force, a slight pressure is enough to ensure good contact.

Tightening the fixing screw. Screwing is carried out to the stop.

The final stage is screwing the plastic part onto the metal plug part, after which the device is ready to be inserted into the TV socket.

Soldering a TV cable to an antenna plug from the times of the USSR

Today, plugs from the times of the USSR have lost their relevance and are practically never found, however, a large number of television receivers are adapted specifically to them. There are situations when soldering the plug is required.

Ludili this kind of plug according to GOST. Requirements this document it is assumed that tinned contacts can be soldered for at least six months, which is quite small. In most cases, after a year and a half, it is very difficult to solder to the conclusions. Attempts end with rolling of the material and blackening of the plug itself. To ensure a good result, it is necessary to properly "sand" the part to be soldered until a brass sheen is formed. This can be done in two stages: the end of the central contact is cleaned with a flat file, and the contact hole itself is processed with the tip of the file (with the maximum possible rotation). At the next stage, the terminals for soldering the cable screen are cleaned, which can be done with sandpaper or the same needle file. Next, the terminals need tin.

Then you need to prepare the ends of the cable. First, the part of the plug made of plastic is put on. After that, you will need to cut and remove the outer shell (2-3 cm). How to do this has already been said. The shielding braid is untwisted, and then divided in two, the conductors are twisted. The insulation is removed from the core, while we must not forget that 2-3 mm should remain.

Threading the cable into the plug should be preceded by shortening its central core by a couple of millimeters, which will facilitate threading the shielding conductors. The petals are slightly bent on the sides, after which the shielding wires are threaded all the way into the holes of the contact petals, the central core is respectively threaded into the central plug contact. At the end, the petals are crimped around the cable.

In places where the petals pass through the holes, the shielding wires develop, and soldering is carried out. The layer of soldered material must be small, otherwise serious problems may arise when inserting the plastic sleeve. In the case when the layer of solder is very large, it can be removed with a needle file or sandpaper. You can not bite off the excess braid.

To take away heavy load on the main core in a situation where the cable is pulled out of the TV not by the plug, but directly by the cable, you need to perform the following action. Before soldering the central core, it is necessary to pull strongly on the cable, while holding the plug by the metal part. Then the core is soldered on the outside, after which it is bitten off. If a "hanging" solder has formed, it must be removed with a knife without fail. If the knife is powerless, a needle file is used.

At the last stage, it is checked how well the fixing element is bent. If enough, then a plastic cartridge is put on the metal part of the antenna plug (until the latch fully snaps into place).

Connecting a TV cable without a plug to a TV

There are quite common cases when you need to quickly connect the antenna cable to a television receiver, but there is no soldering iron or the necessary plug. But, not everyone knows that for a while the cable can be connected even without a plug. First, about 5 centimeters of the outer shell is removed, the braid is turned away and the braid develops. Next, the insulation is removed from the central core, and the latter is wrapped in a loop. The width of the loop must exceed the diameter of the hole that is in the center of the socket.

For the connector shown in the photo, an insulating tube must be put on the central contact. Then the loop is installed in the central contact, the shielding braid is inserted into the connector with the tip of a screwdriver. It is important to avoid touching the braid and the central core. An aluminum braid can be inserted into the connector, while the remaining space can be filled with small copper wires. To fix them in the connector, it is recommended to use pointed matches or just toothpicks. Such a simple method of fastening is distinguished by its high efficiency and durability.

Connecting an antenna cable without a plug to a divider

In this case, the process of preparing the antenna cable is completely identical to the preparation process in the case of using the F-plug. First, the main core is inserted into the F-connector of the crab. Shielding elements are put on the part of the crab connector that protrudes. Fixation is carried out by means of a special clamp or a simple wire. Also, you can use the option of fixing with an insulating tape. This option is less preferred, but its performance has also been proven over the years.

When using clamps equipped with a screw-type crimping device, the connection performance is very high and does not lose to the F-connector.

Which TV plug is better and more reliable

Here we can safely say that the F-plug is the best among the 3 plugs considered above for a coaxial cable. This conclusion can be reached by analyzing the above photos. And for this you do not need to have a lot of experience in this area.

It can be seen here that outdated and "Soviet" plugs suggest a small section of the central core, which is not protected by a braid. This feature does not guarantee the uniformity of the impedance, and this can cause small signal losses.

The F-plug does not have such sections. In addition, the indisputable advantage of this device is the ease of installation. It can be produced without experience, special knowledge and using a small amount of ordinary tools. This process is for everyone.

How to crash into the cable or terrestrial TV signal line at the entrance of the house

Most often, the cable is laid along the roof of the building, then it is completed with a special amplifier in order to increase the signal level, after which it is routed through the entrances. Since there are several packages of TV channels, at the input the cable is specially branched by means of a filter - a crab, equipped with two outputs (an unchanged signal comes out from one, and a high-frequency cut off from the other). This principle makes it possible to prevent subscribers who have not paid for a specific package from viewing certain TV channels. This is evidenced by two identical cables running along the entrance.

In addition, residents can see a special metal box in the entrance. From it to each apartment there are wires. Today, in new multi-apartment buildings, this kind of construction is not used. Wires are located in cabinets located in the walls. This is where the subscriber splitters are located. When you open the cabinet doors, you can observe a similar picture. On the left in the photo is a splitter for residents - owners of an extended TV program package, on the right - for residents - owners of a simple (truncated) package.

According to the requirements, the splitters must be securely fixed and grounded, but television companies often neglect this rule. At the same time, such an attitude, oddly enough, may be more preferable. Since poor-quality grounding often causes interference.

The design of splitters in junction boxes is identical to traditional crabs, which are used when connecting two or three TVs in one apartment, but their principle of operation has a number of features. One F connector is for connecting the cable that comes from the IN trunk (Input). The other OUT carries the signal to the downstream coupler, which is mounted on the bottom floor. Other F connectors TAP (OUTPUT), the number of which varies between 1-5, are needed to connect subscriber cables that go to each apartment.

The basic rule is the absence of unconnected connectors. When disconnecting the subscriber (for example, in the absence of payment for services), it is allowed to use a connector with a load of 75 Ohm as a plug F. If it is necessary to connect a new subscriber, the two-terminal coupler, as in the example under consideration, must be replaced with a three-terminal one.

Therefore, to connect the TV, a piece of cable of the required length is enough, at the ends of which there are F connectors. F connector of the cable is connected to the subscriber splitter, the second - directly to the TV.

Crab and TV signal coupler - differences

The strength of the received signal in the crab is often equally divided among the connected television receivers. The situation with the coupler is a little different. AT this device only a small part of the incoming power (on the order of 6 dB) is diverted. In order to guarantee the required signal level, which is given to the user, the input signal is transmitted using an amplifier. The power of the latter is determined by the number of subscribers. As a result, the splitters used in the entrance are an ordinary crab that has many branches.

Installing a TV Signal Amplifier

If the signal quality is unsatisfactory, it is necessary to use a special amplifier, which is mounted in front of the crab. Its device is similar to an ordinary crab, the difference lies in the presence of special active modules (microcircuit or transistors), which are capable of improving the signal qualitatively. When working with an amplifier for a TV, mains voltage is required. This nuance must be taken into account when determining the installation location of the device. It is recommended to mount the amplifier as close as possible to the source, since this device, in addition to the signal itself, also amplifies third-party noises.

The photo shows the TERRA HA123 amplifier, which is used in home telecommunications networks. It has one output and allows adjustment of the gain in the range of 8 - 28 dB. by the most the best option the location of the amplifier directly in the coupler box is considered.

If the distance between the receiver and the amplifier is small, it is recommended to mount a device with multiple outputs, rather than an amplifier with a crab. For example, the Spanish Televes 5523 coupler amplifier with 5 outputs and a gain of 16 dB can serve 5 television receivers at once, and when installing pass-through TV sockets, there are much more.

For the case when the signal comes from an individual antenna, there are a number of amplifiers used specifically for mounting directly on the antenna. Here they replace the matching loop. Such devices for amplifying the television signal guarantee high quality reception at a distance to the antenna of no more than 100 kilometers. In the photo, this kind of SWA-555 / LUX device can have a different adjustment range of 10 - 15 dB (meter range), 34 - 43 dB (decimeter range). To understand the nuances of connecting the power supply to the cable in order to supply voltage to the amplifier, you can read the article "How to connect an antenna television amplifier to a power supply ».

The gain directly depends on the quality of the original signal and is determined on an individual basis. The voltage for these devices is supplied via a coaxial cable.

Installation of the ferrite ring on the antenna cable to eliminate interference

It is not uncommon for two or more television receivers to interfere on certain channels when connected to cable TV (via a crab). These interferences can be represented by black and white elements, from small dots to large waves. The reason for such phenomena is a high-frequency interference signal from the local oscillator, receivers connected in parallel, etc. Alternatively, neighbor receivers can be the cause of interference. Interference can drastically reduce picture quality. It is recommended to solve this problem by mounting a ferrite ring.

The result of using such a ring is directly proportional to its cross-sectional area. The worn ring forms a choke, and together with the linear capacity creates a U-shaped high-frequency filter. The most effective elimination of interference is guaranteed by the installation of a pair of rings at the ends of the cable.

Ferrite filters can be easily purchased at specialty retail outlets. Here they are offered in two versions: a one-piece construction and a two-halves construction. In the second case, the halves are pressed into a housing equipped with a latch and made of plastic. Unreasonable purchase costs are easy to avoid. Bulbs of cylindrical cables that come from the computer system block to a variety of peripheral equipment, are the most common ferrite filters.

If you look closely, you will definitely find abandoned and forgotten interface cables in every house. To use them, you just need to cut the plastic with a knife, get the ferrite ring. After that, it can be put on the antenna cable. This will completely forget about all sorts of interference.

It is necessary to buy cables, splitters, amplifiers and other accessories described above in special stores. Here, professional consultants will provide the required information and help you choose exactly what you need. However, in order to communicate on an equal footing with specialists, you need at least a little understanding in this area, and you can easily get the necessary knowledge from the above information.
