iPhone 6 is slower. What to do if the iPhone starts to work slowly

One of main problem, which annoys all owners of old smartphones and computers, is that the device is running slower and slower. Leaving aside the theory of artificial performance degradation (which is the case with iPhones), there is still a lot possible causes why your old iPhone performs worse than when you bought it. It is these reasons that we will talk about today.

With computers, the story is more or less clear. For example, if your laptop is clogged with dust, it will interfere with proper heat dissipation. Because of this, the device itself heats up and the system slows down the processor to prevent overheating. In addition to such external problems, there can also be software problems - too many applications that start immediately when you turn it on, or programs running in the background, can also lead to poor performance.

But what is the problem with smartphones? It's no secret that thousands of users experience performance degradation over time, but it's often hard to pinpoint the cause. It is worth considering the big difference between iOS and Android. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to why your smartphone is slowing down, we know of at least one reason when it comes to the iPhone 6 and 6s.

If you remember, last year Apple launched special program, during which users of the iPhone 6 and 6s, faced with sudden shutdowns of the smartphone for no reason, could replace the battery for free in Apple service. However, during the investigation it turned out that the problem touched where more devices than originally intended. Then the developers prepared and released update 10.2.1. It solved the shutdown problem for almost 80% of users, but it was not clear how. However, all publications agreed that for this they made changes to the iOS power management system in these models.

In a related discussion on Reddit, several iPhone users 6 and 6s recently shared their impressions of smartphone performance almost a year after the release of the update. As it turned out, the patch that Apple released is designed to dynamically adapt the maximum clock frequency processor, depending on what voltage the battery outputs to this moment. Thus, power surges are eliminated, which caused the device to turn off.

That is why users who are not included in the battery replacement program experience degraded performance. The fact is that the performance of their processors is artificially reduced by the system, since the batteries themselves deteriorate over time. Those who changed the battery, on the contrary, note an improvement in performance.

On the same Reddit, one of the owners of the iPhone 6 Plus wrote:

Wow I just installed GeekBench and tried it on my 6 Plus. According to the website, my phone should dial 1471/2476, but it actually dialed 839/1377… This explains why, like you, I have felt that my smartphone has become noticeably slower lately. Many thanks for the help!

It looks like that was the problem. Apple has been using similar system in MacBook. Now we have pretty solid evidence that the same applies to the iPhone - at least the generations 6 and 6s. Even if you managed to replace the battery, be prepared for things to get worse over time. Of course, if by that time you do not have time to update your device.

Understanding that your iPhone has become slower is quite simple. The animations of flipping desktops slow down, applications and games open for a long time, and in general the smartphone slows down. The reasons for this are also simple.

Why iPhone slows down and how to fix it

1. You just installed a new version of iOS

Do not rush to scold your iPhone for sluggishness immediately after the update. The system needs some time to index all the files, remove the cache, and optimize its work and the work of applications. The smartphone will slow down a little, heat up and discharge faster than usual - this is normal.

Actually, there is nothing to fix here. You just need to wait. It's ideal to update in the evening and leave your iPhone on charge overnight to let iOS do its work.

2. The disk is almost full

Filling the built-in storage to the limit can also be the reason for iPhone slowdown. No matter how productive the smartphone is, the system will inevitably run slower if there are a few free megabytes left on the disk.

Fixing this problem is easy. It is enough to delete something unnecessary or reset photos and videos to a computer or save to the cloud. Beginning with , free place it is convenient to clear directly on your smartphone from the iPhone Storage menu, which is located in the General settings section.

3. You upgraded instead of installing iOS from scratch

Another cause of brakes can be accumulated garbage and bugs from previous versions iOS. This usually happens if you update the device for several years in a row, and not perform clean install.

To prevent this from happening, it's best to alternate an update with a clean install and sometimes flash your iPhone through iTunes without restoring from a backup. herself backup it's best to save it just in case. At least in iCloud.

4. Visual effects are enabled on the old device

Modern iOS has a lot more visual effects and animations than earlier versions. In new devices, they do not affect performance in any way, but in older devices they can cause the same slowdown.

The problem is solved by disabling effects, transparency and animations. To do this, open "Settings" → "General" → "Universal access" and in the "Increase contrast" item, turn on the toggle switches "Reduce transparency" and "Dim colors".

In the same place, in the “Universal Access” menu, you need to find the “Reduce Motion” item and turn on the toggle switch of the same name in it.

5. Content update included

The usability-enhancing Background Content Refresh feature can also cause slowdowns by loading the CPU with tasks even when iPhone screen blocked. Disabling it can improve performance a bit.

To do this, open "Settings" → "General" → "Update content" and turn off the corresponding toggle switch. Everything is simple.

6. You are using the minimum required device for current iOS

Apple supports its devices as long as possible, releasing software updates even for those that are several years old. So that older iPhones do not slow down, developers optimize iOS. But sometimes this is not enough.

Therefore, if your iPhone is the minimum required to update to a new version of iOS, best solution will stay on current. For example, for iOS 11, this device is the iPhone 5s.

7. You just seem

As paradoxical as it may sound, iPhone performance degradation can often be just a psychological effect. Knowing that a new one has come out, more fast iPhone we begin to think that our old and still good smartphone works slower.

This is just self-indulgence.

How to speed up iPhone

To get started, you can use the express way to speed up the iPhone, which does not require any complex manipulations and takes only a few seconds. Lifehacker talked about him in.

If none of the above worked, it makes sense to try resetting your iPhone to factory settings. The easiest way is to proceed in order: first try to reset the network settings, then all the settings, and then completely erase the device.

Before doing this, of course, you need to backup all data in iTunes or via iCloud.

If this does not help, it remains last way described in the third section of this article: net iOS installation through iTunes and iPhone setup as a new device without restoring from a backup.

After months of beta testing, the long-awaited final version of iOS 11.3 has been released, which today not only can, but even iPhone owners 5s and 6 - she works just fine.

Interestingly, the third major update of the operating system this time will not be the last before it next version- iOS 12. We are definitely waiting for iOS 11.4, the beginning of testing of which is just around the corner.

Immediately after the release of the final version of iOS 11.3, we switched to it with the entire editorial staff and together we collected 10 useful tips* to help you use it most effectively.

* Please note that some tips are relevant not only specifically for iOS 11.3, but also for iOS 11 in general.

1. Check your iPhone battery health

How: Settings > Battery > Battery Health (only available on iPhone 6 and later)

At the end of last year, on the net that Apple is slowing down older iPhones whose battery life is nearing its logical conclusion.

At first we took it as a duck, but we checked the indicated data and made sure that Apple smartphones with old batteries are noticeably slower than new ones.

As a result, the manufacturer admitted that he limited the frequency of the processor, so that battered batteries could cope with the load - especially in the cold. To ease the negative users about this, Apple added battery monitoring function in iOS 11.3.

In Settings > Battery > Battery Health, you can check your iPhone's battery for wear and tear, decide if it needs to be replaced, and turn off forced slowdown if iOS doesn't think it's fresh enough.

2. Be sure to try the new Animoji

How: Messages > Animoji

iPhone X owners who have already updated to iOS 11.3 can already try the new Animoji set, which consists of 4 animated firebrands:

  • The Dragon
  • Bear
  • Scull

Their use is no different from those that were available before.

Unfortunately, owners of the iPhone 8 and other smartphones without the True Depth front module never got the opportunity to fully use Animoji - they can only receive them.

3. Reopen Video Clips from Apple Music

How: Music > Browse > Video clips

With iOS 11.3, Apple decided to launch a massive YouTube expansion into music videos and make Apple Music the only the right way viewing them.

The clips were in Apple Music before, but now the company will promote them not just as an addition to music, but also as full-fledged content that deserves close attention.

To do this, Apple has allocated for them separate section, through which you can not only access music videos, but also add entire playlists with clips for every taste to your library.

We hope this will encourage young and talented performers to focus not only on music, but also on video.

4. Get ready for the next wave of AR software

How: App Store> Applications > Applications with AR

iOS 11.3 supports ARKit 1.5 - new version Apple's proprietary augmented reality engine, which is designed to run applications that actively use elements of the surrounding world.

Updated ARKit can use snapping not only to horizontal but also to vertical surfaces. With it, you can place virtual objects both on the floor or table, and on doors or walls.

Moreover, the new engine now recognizes not only regular objects with right angles (square or rectangular), but also objects of absolutely any shape.

All this expands the boundaries of the work of augmented reality, which developers are already starting to use. Given the long period iOS testing 11.3, in the near future we should expect a new boom in AR applications, followed by can and should follow through the appropriate section of the App Store.

5. Read reviews before buying

How: App Store > Any App > Ratings & Reviews > Sorting

Already with the release of iOS 11, it became clear that Apple heard our pleas and took over the App Store. First, the company rethought it appearance and structure, and created a Today section with the most up-to-date recommendations from the moderators.

And with the release of iOS 11.3, the company invites you and me to use a critical approach when downloading programs and games from the app store - actively study user reviews up and down.

Now you have the opportunity to sort reviews by usefulness, time, and also separate positive and negative ones. First in this case help you learn about strengths applications, and the latter are about the weak.

We will definitely use this when writing reviews of programs and games in order to supplement our public opinion about them.

6. Find out the update size for apps

How: App Store > Updates

I'm sure everyone has experienced too long downloading updates for programs or games from the App Store - at this time they can not be used, so you just have to wait, wait and wait again.

For example, recently my colleagues and I wanted to try to kill ourselves in together, but I decided to update it first. More than 900 MB on a weak Internet downloaded for too long - I could not run around with a team of like-minded people.

And all because I had no idea how much the update weighs - there was no information about this in the App Store.

With iOS 11.3 in the app store appears clarification of the application assembly version when downloading an update, as well as its volume. Nice little thing.

7. Move apps around the screen in batches

How: Long press on any app on the home screen > Drag it from its place > Touch the apps you want to move with it in batches

As it turned out, many users do not know that with the release of iOS 11, move app shortcuts on the home screen not one at a time, but in batches- about this recently, and I brazenly steal a fragment of his guide.

  • On the iPhone desktop, touch the icon of any application, wait 1 second.
  • The drag and drop icon mode is enabled. Let go of the finger.
  • Again, touch and do not release the icon that we want to transfer to the finished folder.
  • Slightly move this icon so that it unhooks a little from its place.
  • We still hold the icon, and with the second hand we click on all the applications that we want to see in one folder.

You can move icons in this way not only from one folder to another or to a folder from the desktop, but simply between different places on the home screen.

Note that on iPad, moving shortcuts around the home screen is even easier. Since the tablet version of iOS 11 fully supports Drag-and-drop, you do not need to wait for the drag-and-drop mode to turn on - you can simply drag the icons right away and collect them in packs.

8. Instantly share your Wi-Fi password

How: Bring one iPhone while entering the Wi-Fi password to the second one, on which the network is already in use > Confirm the request on the last one

The release of the final version of iOS 11.3 is the time to get acquainted with another feature that appeared in iOS 11.

When it tries to connect to your Wi-Fi and just stops at your password, just bring your iPhone to his iPhone. A confirmation window will appear, agree to share the password.

This is especially useful if you have a very long passcode or password that you use for more than just wifi protection and you don't want to reveal it to everyone.

9. Set up a new iPhone through the old one

How: Bring one iPhone on iOS 11 during the first turn on to the second > Confirm the transfer request

Another feature that should definitely be known by the release of iOS 11.3 is the most convenient way to switch from an old iPhone to a new one. I myself met her face to face just after the New Year when I was setting up an iPhone 8 Plus for my wife using her iPhone 6.

When you turn on new iPhone on iOS 11, just bring your old one to it Apple smartphone on the current version operating system.

A message will appear asking you to transfer data from one device to another. Agree and follow the instructions on the screen.

The process of switching between iPhone in this way going very fast- most likely, a combo of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth is used as in AirDrop.

It is widely believed that manufacturers mobile devices with the release of new gadgets, they artificially slow down the old ones in order to push users to buy new products. However, experts interviewed by Brian Chen of the NY Times believe that this is a myth. Instead, they offer some tips to help speed up “outdated” devices and explain why over time any gadget begins to “slow down”. Translation of the article leads The Idealist.

This happens every year: Apple releases new iPhones, and then a lot of people whine about their old phones being slower.

Just take a look at the latest data. From September to early November - when Apple released , and then search in Google on keywords iPhone is running slower iPhone slow") jumped by about 50%.

This myth is so widespread that many believe that technology companies deliberately damage smartphones and computers so that people buy new ones every few years. Conspiracy theorists call this planned obsolescence.

It is a myth. While slowdowns are occurring, the cause is far less nefarious: an update software.

"Companies that create Operating Systems, there is no incentive to create planned obsolescence, says Greg Rise, former program manager Microsoft who worked on Windows XP. “It’s all about the software, which has a lot of unintentional bugs of varying degrees.”

Here's what happens: when tech giants like Apple, Microsoft and Google, introduce new hardware, they frequently release updates for their operating systems. For example, a few days before the release iPhone 8 in September Apple released as free update software for iPhone, including four iPhone 5s.

The technical process of migrating from an old operating system to a new one - migrating your files, applications, and settings - is extremely complex. Therefore, when you install a brand new operating system on an older device, there can be issues that slow down the camera and webpage loading.

"It's like replacing plumbing in an old house," says Scott Berkun, author and former manager Microsoft who oversaw the engineers working on operating systems Windows and web browsers.

And since tech companies are inadvertently slowing down your devices, there are means to spice up your three year old. iPhone or a seven year old computer with Windows. Below is a guide to speeding up your problematic gadgets based on advice from IT professionals and operating system experts.

Refresh the system

Tech companies make it easy to migrate to a new operating system: Clicking the Upgrade button migrates all your apps and data. While this approach is convenient, it is not The best way ensure uninterrupted operation.

The best practice is backup all your data and cleaning the entire device before installing a new operating system. This "clean install" works more reliably because it's easier for operating system engineers to test just such a system, Mr. Rise says.

Let's say for example you have iPhone 6 from 100 installed apps, four accounts Email and 2000 photographs. Most likely, the quality assurance engineer tested the installation of a new operating system on a clean iPhone 6, not on iPhone 6 with the same setup as yours.

So, if you want to minimize the chance of something going awry, opt for a clean install instead of the easy upgrade option. For smartphones, I recommend backing up data to a computer. For computers, you can back up your data to an online service or a portable hard drive. After the installation of the operating system is complete, you can safely restore data and applications to your device from a backup.

Clear out the trash

Sometimes a little maintenance is enough to speed up your device. In the long run, the operating system accumulates system files, settings, logs and other data; IT experts call it "junk". It may cause your device to slow down.

There are several applications for computers to clean up your system. Users Mac can download free app Onyx, and users Windows- run the cleaning utility included in the system. For devices iPhone and Android you can open the settings app and select reset settings. (Just make sure you back up important data first).

Be mindful of your storage

Here's what a lot of people don't understand: Simply because your iPhone or phone Samsung has 64 gigabytes of memory, this does not mean that you have to fill all the space. The device tends to run faster if more memory is available.

This is partly because your device needs space to move data around and download software updates. But it also has to do with how storage technology works inside smartphones and modern laptops.

Smartphones and newer laptops rely on flash memory, which stores data in cells on semiconductor chips. When data is stored on a flash drive, it is scattered across the disk. So when you extract data to open an application or document, you are extracting it from several parts of the disk. If a lot of space is taken up, there is too much data and the device may run slowly.

"If you use the whole thing, the system will not work well," says Brian Denslow, Technical Specialist Tech Collective, consulting company for information technology in San Francisco. Mr. Denslow thinks a good rule of thumb is to buy a machine with more storage than you need. For example, instead of iPad for 64 gigabytes, buy the 256 gigabyte model.

I also recommend freeing up more space by uploading some of your photos to the cloud. You can upload all your albums to the service, for example, Google Photos, and periodically delete all images from the device itself. I did this recently on my iPhone 7, which was almost full and seemed to slow down; cleaning photos freed up 50 gigabytes, and iPhone now feels as good as new.

Invest in your infrastructure

Your device may seem slower for reasons unrelated to itself. Mr. Denslow, a technician, said that many applications rely on an Internet connection, so poor WiFi- the router can become a bottleneck.

“To get a boost in speed, invest in modern system WiFi. I recommend products like Google WiFi and Eero, which are so-called mesh network systems that help you easily set up multiple stations WiFi to get a strong signal throughout the house. They're expensive, but upgrading your infrastructure will do more than buying a new phone."

“Instead of spending $1,000 on a phone every year, spend $500 on a network,” Denslow says. "It's not as sexy, but it gives more benefits over a long period of time."

Consider an upgrade

After all, there are many reasons why your device might be slow. Newer operating systems have more powerful features that have been designed to better job on new devices. In addition, developers third party applications usually prioritize creating software for new phones, and sometimes even drop support for older gadgets. If there are important tasks that your older device can't do professionally, consider upgrading.

Mr. Rise, Former Program Manager Microsoft, said that he recently ran into problems after updating his iPhone 6S to iOS 11. Some features, such as the ability to search for the app, no longer worked. Resetting the device fixed the problem, but he noticed that he would most likely buy a new one iPhone to keep up with the latest technology.

“Still, old devices are functionally limited,” he notes.

If you notice that your iPhone has become noticeably slower to think (especially true for smartphones of past generations), then perhaps five simple tips to speed up your iPhone.

Every iOS comes with a number of performance improvements, especially on older devices. And although many note that on iOS 7 the same iPad mini the first generation "runs" faster than the "eight", Apple is not just working on the stability of iOS 8 on the iPhone and iPad of past generations. The path is familiar to everyone: "Settings" - "General" - "Software Update".

Often this way turns out to be one of the most effective a large number of running applications and processes can significantly affect the speed of the device. Hold down the power button and the home button until the Apple logo appears on the screen.

Cache and extra applications

As strange as it may sound, clearing Safari's cache can be very useful. Go to "Settings" - Safari - "Clear history and site data". Also, uninstall unused apps. The solution is obvious, but for some reason many people accumulate hundreds on their iPhone unnecessary programs, and then wonder why the smartphone barely “breathes”.

Disable unused features

There are many features in iOS that, while useful, can be lived without. One of them is background app refresh. Open "Settings" - "General" - "Update content", where we turn off the corresponding toggle switch. By the way, you can save a lot on this. iPhone battery and iPad.

Restore from backup

This is an emergency measure that you can use if you definitely decide to give your iPhone a second wind. Make a backup, erase all data from the device, restore and enjoy a fast smartphone.
