What is ICQ, how to install and use it? FAQ - frequently asked questions related to ICQ The program will install icq on your computer.

Installing and configuring the ICQ program is only half the battle. To communicate and get the most out of this process, you need to be able to manage it correctly. In this article, you can learn a few tips for the convenient use of ICQ.

privacy settings

If you are ready to open your arms to the whole world and not worry that any ICQ user can add you as a friend, put a dot in the circle next to All users can add me to their contact lists.

If you are philanthropist, but to a certain extent, and want other users to ask permission before adding you somewhere, put a dot next to Add to my contact lists only with my permission.

What else? Oh yes: you can become visible, or you can become invisible (on the web, of course). If hiding from the public is not in your plans and you want other users to know whether you are online or not, check the box next to Allow others to see my status "Online / Offline" on the Internet.

Now press the Start button. ICQ starts to load. When it is ready to work, you will see the program welcome window, and a green flower will “bloom” on the taskbar - the ICQ logo.


Remember that spam and viruses are often sent through ICQ. Therefore, we recommend that you never open messages from incomprehensible ICQ users, and in no case follow the links indicated in the messages, since this will be 100% either spam or malware. After all, if an infection occurs, it will be very long and difficult to remove viruses. We wish you to receive only desired messages.

How ICQ works

Let's move on to the program window. The program asks you to add the user to the contact list. You are polite, you respond favorably to the request Press the Add button. The following Add Contact window opens.

Before adding a user to the contact list, you need to find him accordingly. This is logical. Is not it? We will not contact the police, we will do it easier: we will enter in the empty fields the information that you have about this person: first name, last name, year of birth, email address, ICQ number. Naturally, the more cells you fill in, the more successful the search will be.

Who seeks will always find. This is true, but partially. After all, you can easily find something completely different, or rather not the one you were looking for. No problem. Have some tea and press the button New search, just don't forget to change your search options.

Suppose you have found someone, and this person made you happy: appeared in your contact list with the mark Contact not from the list. If you want him to make you even happier and show off on your list, right-click on his nickname and from the appeared context menu select the line Add to contact list. An add window will open in front of you. In it, select the group where you want to add a new user. Check the box, and then your interlocutor will be able to make himself happy: add you to his list of contacts. Next - click the Next button. There is a window in front of you again, here you will be asked why you would like to see this person in the list of your users. An interesting question, of course ... You don't have to answer. This is just a formality. Once again Next.

After all these intricacies, instead of the words Contact not from the list, the message Waiting for authorization will appear.

How to "light up" in the network? Everything is simple here. It is necessary to click on the flower on the taskbar with the right mouse button. Then select My online status.

Then think carefully and come to the only right decision: if you want no one to disturb you, but want to be able to send messages, set the status to absent or busy. If you don't mind chatting - online.

Sending messages

Now let's try to send a message. Click on the username you would like to write to. A dialog box will appear. Write a message and click send.

You can find out if the user is online or not by the flower icon. If it is green, then the person is in place, and if it is red, it is absent.

When they answer you, you will see how the tab for this window blinks on the taskbar. Also, if you have speakers connected, the received letter will be accompanied by a peppy musical chord. At first, of course, you will start to shudder. Then you will get used to it and, having heard a chord, stop shuddering. Both you and your cat...

ICQ has a fairly large selection of such sound effects.


Now let's deal with the buttons.

On off. sound- use it if you are tired of the soundtrack, or vice versa, if you want to receive a message to the sounds of fanfare (in some versions, this function is on the panel in the Main or Menu tab).

Insert emoticon ( Emoticons) - using this button you can add emoticons (funny faces) to your messages. Emoticons are a very useful feature. Sometimes, when you have no words to answer a person, and the person is waiting for your answer like manna from heaven, then you can always send him an emoticon. Laughing face - and you don't need to say anything.

Text font- with this button you can change the color of messages and choose different types of fonts. Remember the children's horror story? In one blue-blue room there was a blue-blue uncle, so you can send something very blue to the addressee ... And, if you wish, also purple.

Message background- set the message background color and optionally add a background image.

Do not apply custom color and font settings- what does it mean? For example, your interlocutor wrote in dark letters on dark background and you can’t read anything (why your interlocutor needed it - we won’t figure it out) - in this case, this button will come in handy for you.

Clear message session window- use this button if your message screen is overloaded with information and you want to write on an empty field.

Message history- in this window you can see all correspondence with this user. Sometimes it is very useful to look and find out what you wrote there.

Perhaps we have dealt with all the necessary things for the operation of ICQ. Let's take a break ourselves, there, the cat is already bored, and let the program rest. We leave ICQ.

To permanently close ICQ, select the status Offline/disconnected or the line Close ICQ in the main menu of the program.

Hello, friends. The most intense social period is the holiday New Year. After it, will you go into deep silence for a whole year? What about new acquaintances, friends, relatives - they will cry, they will miss you.

Do not forget about them, communicate on the Internet at least. There are many ways to communicate online. You can use Skype (video calls), simply - high-quality voice communication, and it is possible by correspondence in ICQ.

O the last way communication online today and will tell you in detail. ICQ on computer- what kind of animal is this, how to install ICQ, configure and use it - all the answers are in the article.

Let's skip the history of the emergence of the ICQ messenger, starting from the Stone Age - I'll say it in a nutshell. I saw this flower on the Internet ...

This is the emblem of Asuka. It is used by almost all support services on different sites and services.

The ICQ protocol (I seek you - I'm looking for you) appeared a long time ago and many predicted oblivion, death in the competition with new communication technologies. But he not only survived, but also develops, blooms and smells. Everything is simple - convenient, fast, practical.

Judge for yourself. Skype (and other video calls) - Webcam and microphone required. You need to buy them, connect, configure ..., you need good quality connections, not the most weak computer... but that's not the point. Asking users...

Why don't you use Skype?

Everything is difficult there, and in general ...

Such a vague answer. The real reason for refusing this type of communication (applies to any voice communication) is that there is no time to think before answering, you can “blurt out” something wrong and then bite your elbows ... it distracts you from great things on the Internet ...

Many are just shy. Remember how in the song - "and made up - scary and not made up ...".

With Aska, there are no such problems. You do business, surf the sites and correspond with short phrases with a dozen people - no one forces you to write letters in two sheets. You can also exchange links instantly, a picture or an interesting file - wonderful. Practical.

There are many programs that support the icq communication protocol on the Internet, but one of the first and best was and is ICQ. By registering in it, you will receive a number that can be used in other messengers (as such programs are called). It will be like mobile number phone - permanent, not changing after buying a new phone (reinstalling operating system). My number is 15 years old.

ICQ (ICQ) - installation and configuration

First of all, you need to download ICQ from ICQ official site.

How to install ICQ

Click on the installation shortcut and the first window will appear ...

If suddenly on English language- press the triangle in the first, top line and select your language ...

SPECIAL ATTENTION! Remember talked about all sorts of extra toolbars, panels and forced replacement, "without demand", of the search engine in the default browser? Just such a case. If you select the first option "(Recommended)" - will change Homepage, search by default, the additional panel and Sputnik Mail.ru will be installed.

Put a dot on the second option and remove all checkboxes. Do you think there are only three lines in a tricky, narrow field? Not! This was done on purpose, so that at least something superfluous could be sold. Courageously click on the small triangle on the right and remove ALL checkboxes - from all lines.


We press "Finish".

How to get an ICQ number

We register on the service and get an ICQ number ...

Want to get an icq number without installing the program - registration link.

I could not enter the password for a long time. Until I figured out the error - it must be at least 6 characters, if letters, then only Latin ones, and also, attention - characters or numbers should not be repeated more than 3 times(3777773 will not work).

Wait a minute and receive an email mailbox, which was indicated during registration ...

We click the joyful, green button ...

We get a window in which they are asked to give a login and a PASSWORD from an email box. I liked the signature - "We will not save your password." Funny boys. I just closed the window - whoever needs it, I will give the icq number and add it to the contacts myself, as follows ...

How to set up ICQ (ICQ)

For example, I entered the number icq ...

You can find out your number in the profile (settings - my profile) - remember it, but rather write it down on a piece of paper along with the password and hide it. Now remember them, and in an hour you will be re-registered - I know what I'm saying.

By clicking on the empty field of the avatar - select a picture for the profile ...

If you press the right button.

I will not paint all the settings, I will focus on an important point. You must specify a folder in the item "File transfer", to save received files or pictures. The default is wrong...

Must be...

Now we click on the contact with whom we want to chat and write a couple of words in the lower field ...

Do not worry that there is no one to write to - very soon you will ruthlessly delete unnecessary contacts, believe me. Remember the search box?

Here you can find a huge number of interesting interlocutors. Randomly put search parameters and they will be. To transfer a file, you need to specify the permission in the settings. Now, while chatting, press ...

Specify the location of the file and that's it. The main thing is that the interlocutor also has a tick in the settings. Tell the clumsy where and how to do this, or copy the link to the article and paste it into the ICQ field.

Now you know that ICQ on a computer is easy. to new useful computer programs and .


A simple and intuitive photo editor "Home Photo Studio" will allow users with any level of computer training to create real masterpieces at home in a matter of minutes.

I only review programs! Any claims - to their manufacturers!

1. What is ICQ (ICQ)? ICQ, or more simply ICQ, is one of the means for communicating on the World Wide Web. This communication is carried out with the help of an exchange instant messaging. This communication takes place through special program, which is called icq-client. Given software exists for different devices, so you can find ICQ for a computer, PDA, mobile phone. To use it, you must first install it on the device. 2. What is UIN? UIN, which stands for User Identification Number, in translation it means the individual user number icq. 3. How to get an ICQ number There are several ways to get an icq number. But the easiest and safest way to do this is in three ways.

  • The first is registration directly on the official website icq.com.
  • The second is registration on the rambler.ru server, all users who register on the service are assigned an icq number.
  • The third is registration directly from the client itself (the program for using icq), each client has a form for obtaining a number, all that is needed is the program itself and a valid Internet connection.
4. What devices can I install ICQ on? There are clients for using the icq protocol for different devices. So ICQ can be used on a desktop computer, laptop or netbook, PDA, smartphone and even a mobile phone. 5. Which icq client to choose? There are many clients for instant messaging. Each has its own merits and demerits. First of all, you need to consider for which device you need software (ICQ for a computer or ICQ for a phone). In the first case, the main choice is between versions of the official ICQ client (ICQ 6.5, ICQ 7, ICQ Lite, Yandex ICQ or Rambler ICQ) or alternative clients (QIP 2005, QIP 2010, QIP Infium, Miranda and some others). In case of use on mobile device your attention should be paid to Bayan ICQ and QIP PDA. 6. Which icq client is better? All listed in previous paragraph customers deserve to be used. They are relatively stable and meet the latest safety requirements. Owners of powerful modern computers ICQ client 6.5 and higher is suitable, provided that the user does not hate advertising. For those who have a machine that does not differ in power, it is better to choose QIP 2005, but for those who want to communicate not only via the icq protocol, but also via others, the QIP Infium and QIP 2010 multiprotocol clients are more suitable. But all this is very individual, and before how to make the final choice, it is desirable to personally test at least three different clients. 7. How to log in simultaneously using several ICQ numbers on one computer? The official client does not provide such an opportunity. You can use multiple accounts on the same computer, but only one at a time. But almost all alternative clients (Miranda, Next Gen, QIP 2005, QIP Infium, Pidgin) provide such an opportunity. This is done using multi-account technology. 8. How to get rid of spam? With all the advantages of icq-clients, they all have one significant drawback - unwanted emails and spam. It is almost impossible to completely protect yourself from this phenomenon, except to completely prohibit receiving messages from contacts outside your list. But in this case, it will not be possible to receive a single message from a person who is not in the contact list. Anti-spam systems and anti-spam bots of such clients as QIP Infium, Next Gen, Miranda have proven themselves in the best way. 9. How to use ICQ? Although there are many instant messaging programs, almost all of them have a similar interface and do not have significant differences in use. To start chatting, you need to install the appropriate client, enter your UIN and password into it. Using the search form and adding contacts, you need to find those with whom communication will take place, and then directly exchange messages in the message window. 10. What is primary e-mail? Primary email is Email, with which the icq number is associated. First of all, it is necessary to change the password to a new one in case such a need arises. 11. What is an invisible number? An invisible number is a number that does not have its own primary e-mail. It is impossible to find such a number until any information about its owner is added to the search. 12. How to change primari? It is not possible to change the primary e-mail. 13. How to recognize primari? You can try to find the e-mail in the information about the number, or you can look at the primary in the database. But there is no guarantee that it is him. 14. What is private mode? When installing the program, you are prompted to select the operating mode. In private mode, all correspondence is saved, as well as the password. AT this mode it is possible to enter the program in the status of a guest, then the password and correspondence are not saved, but it is possible to manually save the correspondence. Session activity is unlimited, ends either with a manual exit from the program or with limited access to the Internet. 15. What is public mode? In public mode, the conversation and password are not saved. The session ends after 15 minutes of inactivity. To resume work again, you must re-enter the program. 16. How to change the operating mode? To change the operating mode from private to public, you need to reinstall the program. 17. How can you protect your password from being stolen? The first precaution is to set enough complex password. A password is considered complex if it contains more than eight characters, which include both numbers and letters. The password is case sensitive, so don't forget about it. But in general, you need to take care of the security of your computer, use a reliable antivirus, update it as often as possible and use a firewall (firewall). Under no pretext is it necessary to run the files that come to the primari. 18. How to protect your number from theft? It is necessary to follow all the recommendations written in the previous paragraph, and also try to keep the Primari secret. 19. How to find an interlocutor on icq? Any icq client has a form to search for new contacts. You can search in it by several criteria at once. 20. How much does icq take up on disk? ICQ clients take up little space, mostly from 6 to 16 MB, and are completely undemanding to system resources.

ICQ / ICQ- a program or network client for instant messaging on the Internet. ICQ can rightly be called the progenitor of all modern instant messengers, without which we cannot imagine modern society. Using the unique OSCAR data transfer protocol, ICQ made a splash, people got the opportunity to exchange text messages with clients registered in the system, make new acquaintances, hold conferences, send free SMS and much more.

20 years have passed since Aska's "birthday" (as users affectionately called this service), and it still holds a leading position among dozens of competitors, and guarantees the most stable work, which attracts more and more new users. Throughout all these years, the developers of ICQ Russian version have been improving their product in order to get a progressive messenger in 2020 that can send not only text messages, but also make calls via Internet telephony between all active clients.

If you are interested ICQ in Russian and want to evaluate all the proposals of the developers, you need to perform a simple algorithm of actions. The first is to download and install the program on your computer. The second is to register by creating your own account. To do this, just come up with a nickname, add email box, invent strong password. After that you will receive an individual code that you can exchange with friends and continue to communicate with them in ICQ latest version.

Main features of ICQ for Windows 7, 8, 10:

  • Stable operation of the program;
  • Text messaging and calls;
  • Creation of online conferences;
  • Easy to use and register.

There is also a version ICQ for Android which you can download below. In ICQ for a computer, it is possible to choose the status that suits you. Starting from the standard ones, such as "Online" or "Busy", or come up with your own, unique. But when communicating in ICQ, do not forget that all your correspondence is the property of AOL Inc, which the company can view and dispose of at its discretion. Therefore, you should not scatter valuable information through ICQ. latest version You can download ICQ for free in Russian via a direct link from the official site without registering on our site.

Hi all. ICQ or simply ICQ is a popular communication client used all over the world. This program is being updated and it is already possible to exchange not only text messages, but also photos, videos, music files from a computer. And the ability to play games.

In order to start using icq, you need install ICQ by downloading the installation file from the icq website. Therefore, today I will tell you, how to install ace on computer.

1. Go to the site and click on the big yellow button "Download ICQ", which will show the version and size of the program.

2. After downloading, open the installation file with the .exe extension:

Perhaps this window will not be displayed for you, there will be the following. Installation window:

It is advisable to choose the folder where you will install the programs (for example, in the D drive -> ICQ folder).

First option— all modules of the program are installed. Including the Mail.ru search engine, you will have it installed by default, plus one more toolbar will appear in your browser.

Second option- here you can choose what you want to install. I only indicated "Place ICQ icon on desktop". It’s more convenient for me, like a Yandex search engine, and an extra toolbar will only interfere with me.

3. Click the Install button.

The installation process will start:
