Modern children and the computer, influence, causes of gambling. Computer and child's vision

Vera Kondratsova
Consultation for parents “Child and computer. Harm and benefit "

"Child and a computer.

Harm and benefit»

Nowadays computers penetrated so deeply into all areas of our lives that life without this smart machine is hard to imagine. Our children born and raised in the world, where a computer- the same familiar thing as televisions, cars, electric lighting.

Developmental function computer.

Age-appropriate educational games or even just pictures taken from the Internet can expand the horizons of the child and give him the necessary knowledge in a playful way. Use computer for educational purposes, you can already from 1.5 years old, when child shows an active interest not only in the objects around him, but also in the images that he sees in books. By looking at illustrations of animals together, you can attract a computer and the Internet as an additional visual aid. To kid it will be interesting to look at various images and photographs of an elephant or a giraffe, as well as to find out how different cars and trains can be.

Positive influence computer for a child.

Computer games develop in a child:

Reaction speed

Fine motor skills of the hands

Visual perception of objects

memory and attention

Logical thinking

hand-eye coordination

Computer games teach a child:

classify and generalize

Think analytically in a non-standard situation

Achieve your goal

Improve intellectual skills

Playing in computer games , child finds himself in a fairy tale where his own world exists. This world is so real! When the heroes computer games offer the kid to fix the wall of the house (correctly folded the puzzle) or arrange the numbers in order to reach the treasure, children feel their importance. And if at the end of the task he is told "Well done, you did great", this causes child delight!

Beautifully drawn, funny and kind children's computer games carry a lot of interesting, smart, funny and are completely aimed at ensuring that kids develop and improve their knowledge. And convenient and understandable control and voice acting performed by professional actors will make each game a real holiday.

Bad influence computer for a child.

The biggest damage to the computer in the same, which is its dignity - in its endless fascination. Harm computer brings when children do not follow simple rules designed to minimize bad influence computer to your health(do not spoil your eyesight, do not bend your spine, do not fall into psychological dependence on an electronic toy):

Children who are addicted computer, do not notice fatigue and fatigue of the eyes, they can overload them very much. Especially if child playing computer, and not engaged in some kind of training program. Therefore, in order to keep your child good eyesight, always control how much time he spends in front of the screen.

A growing organism needs movement. Feeling worse due to prolonged immobility child, failures occur in the body, this is fraught with the development of hypodynamia.

When child plays a lot of computer games, this is accompanied by emotional stress, which also does not pass without a trace. As a result, after sitting all day before computer, child in the evening he becomes excited and irritated, becomes aggressive and uncontrollable, and sleeps badly at night.

FROM computer kids, as a rule, communicate one on one, which does not contribute to the development of communication skills and playing in a team.

There is a decline in mental faculties. Scientists have found that computer games stimulate only those parts of the brain that are responsible for vision and movement, but do not contribute to the development of other important parts of it. Games stop the development of the frontal lobes of the brain, which are responsible for human behavior, memory training, emotions and learning.

Restrictions on using a computer.

the main task parents- control the time child sitting at the computer.

Average class time limits for children are approx. these are:

At three or four years the child can be at the computer from 15 to 25 minutes;

At five or six years - from 20 to 35 minutes;

At seven or eight years old - from 40 to 60 minutes.

seating child at the computer need so so that the distance between the monitor and the baby's eyes is 40-50 centimeters.

In the evening, you should generally limit work child at the computer, especially you should not be allowed to play dynamic games - emotional stress during them can adversely affect sleep.

Every 20 minutes your child gotta take my eyes off computer and look at an object at least 20 meters away for at least 10 seconds.

The light source should be to the left of the monitor.

Back and legs child must have support.

Computer lessons for preschoolers should not exceed 15 minutes, for younger students 20 minutes.

Make sure your child has the right attitude towards computer. By word and action accustom him that computer - working machine, and use it can only be used for study or work.

Parents also, one should not forget about other rules that preserve health: classes for computer should be alternated with outdoor games or physical exercises, and computer games requiring a quick muscular and visual reaction - with calmer (puzzles and logic games).

If a parents be able to access training child at the computer responsibly, it will become useful and safe for him!

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Humans and computers are increasingly meeting each other as information technology penetrates our everyday life. What is the impact of the computer on children? The introduction of computers and the Internet is of great importance for our lives.

AT modern world computers have become commonplace, almost every child has access to them. Due to widespread use, children are increasingly in contact with computers, using them at home, at school and in many other situations.

Approaches to education have changed in many ways, and computers play a significant role in the development of children. Many people wonder if this is good or bad. As computers begin to play an ever greater role in our children's lives, it's important to ask ourselves what impact they have in the end.

Research shows that computers have a significant impact on several critical areas in children's lives: education, entertainment, early social relationships and health. Computers can be both beneficial and harmful to all these areas of a child's life. Without proper guidance and supervision, prolonged and unsupervised computer use can cause physical, social and psychological harm to children.

However, with proper efforts, parents can control their child's interaction with the computer and minimize its harmful effects. Therefore, it is important for parents, teachers and other adults working with children to know how to properly organize the interaction of children with a computer and the Internet.

Computer games for children have long been accused of causing aggressive behavior. However, it is important to understand that not all computer games produce such an effect, there are many useful and calm computer games.

Parents, before allowing their children to play any computer game, should familiarize themselves with its description or test a little about themselves. Usually, in the description of the game itself, the developers provide its detailed characteristics, including age restrictions.

What computer games can children play?

Many games are quite safe, in which the child travels in some kind of fairy-tale world, gets acquainted with completely harmless characters and performs quite humane and meaningful actions. Unfortunately, according to established practice, children often play games intended for adults, containing elements of violence and cruelty. Many fathers set a bad example for their children by playing such games in front of them on a shared computer.

Particularly harmful are games with elements of cruelty, in which the situation of the real world is recreated in detail. As a result, an illusory perception of the permissiveness of actions in the real world can be formed in the child's psyche.

In addition to the fact that a child may become more aggressive and undisciplined under the influence of such games, he may develop fears and phobias, as the line between an aggressive computer game and the outside world is blurred in his mind.

Organization of control

Of course, it is impossible to control the actions of your child every second, especially when it comes to older children. Often, loss of control occurs when a child plays on their friends' computers or tablets.

Fortunately, the pernicious activities of the so-called "computer clubs" are gradually becoming a thing of the past. for a long time playing in Russia the role of some dens for young gamers. Children who went out for a walk often found themselves in such "institutions" and spent a lot of time in them without the slightest control from their parents. At the same time, with the connivance of the administrations of these "computer clubs", children played adult games that were completely unsuitable for their age, which negatively affected their health and psyche.

In general, psychologists note that computer games for children become more and more aggressive over time. It is not surprising that children prefer those types of games that develop so far not the best social qualities in them. After all, a rare child will choose a game in which he will need to demonstrate the skills of complaisance, patience, diligence, and humility.

Causes of computer gambling?

Many computer games have an intense stimulating effect on the immature psyche of a child, which in some cases can lead to gambling addiction. The child develops a subconscious psychological dependence on such stimulants.

The stronger the stimulant, the stronger will be the psychological dependence on it. How to recognize computer addiction and how to get rid of gambling addiction is an important issue for many parents whose children are addicted to computer games.

Children should limit the amount of time they spend playing computer games, and should not allow this hobby to negatively affect other activities of the child, including school exercises, physical activity, and communication with parents and peers. It is important to be able to develop a sense of self-discipline in the child, to help him in this. In some difficult cases, the help of a child psychologist may be required to overcome computer addiction.

Video on how to distract the child from the computer

Negative impact on children

Main risks

  • excessive use of the computer;
  • inappropriate activity on the computer.

Some types of risk are simply inevitable, especially if the computer has free access to the Internet. Pornographic sites, cyberpedophiles and content harmful to a child - these are the sad realities of the modern Runet. Also, such situations when he spends excess time at the computer to the detriment of other activities (preparation of homework, physical exercises, communication with peers and parents) have a very negative impact on the development of the child.

Computer and health

Intensive use of the computer deprives children of sufficient physical activity, increases the risk of obesity. Children who lead a sedentary lifestyle are more prone to a number of diseases associated with physical inactivity. Children, like adults, develop a set of problems when spending too much time at the computer: carpal tunnel syndrome, spinal problems, and eye strain.

Computer and child's vision

subject of many scientific research, convincingly speaking about the need for a strict limitation of the time spent at the computer - the child's vision. A lot of information materials have been created specifically to explain how to sit at a computer correctly for an adult and a child.

It should also be understood that most computers are designed with adults in mind, not juveniles. Therefore, children are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of computers on the human body.

Social development of the child

An additional problem is the difficulty with social development children with computer abuse. A number of psychologists warn that excessive computer use can lead to deterioration in social and interpersonal skills in children. Much in this matter depends on how exactly children use the computer, for what purposes.

The psychological state of the child

The computer opens the door to the world of the Internet, and in this world, not all types of information are useful for children and adults. The Internet provides many opportunities, but it is also dangerous because of an excess of temptations.

Social networks, group chats, video conferences, instant messengers, online games and other innovations of civilization sometimes have a very strong impact on the fragile psyche of a child. Ultimately, this can cause children to feel depressed and lonely, blurring the line between reality and virtuality in the psyche.

Sad practice shows that some children even become the object of attention of pedophiles operating on the Internet. The Internet is full of pornography, which causes the risk of children getting to such sites in case of uncontrolled access to the Internet from a computer. The psychological harm from such an "experience" is obvious and very serious. Even if parents set a special software to block such sites, tablets, smartphones and similar devices remain with peers.

Positive impact on children


At the moment, a huge number of high-quality and effective computer programs have been developed to help children acquire new knowledge. These can be both educational games and training programs aimed at mastering rather complex information.

They can help improve a child's skills in a number of areas, including vocabulary, math skills, logical thinking, keyboard typing skills, and more. These computer programs greatly facilitate and speed up the process of education.

The ability to search for the necessary information on the Internet is becoming an important part of the educational process for children of older age groups. Our society is becoming more and more computerized, and the need for using the computer as a tool is more than obvious.

The use of computers in the learning process is good because it is easier to make the educational process exciting and interesting for the child, and this affects the performance and effectiveness of classes. In this case, we have a good combination of pleasant and useful.

Of course, this does not mean that such loads can not be limited in time. It should be understood that the time at the computer should be clearly regulated, regardless of the type of activity.

social interaction

Older ages in some cases, the use of social networks improves the skills of communicative interaction with peers. Introverted children can connect more easily on social networks and gradually improve their communication skills with others.

Unfortunately, this medal has a downside. Social networks and group chats can become a platform for conflict.

Psychologists advise not to be hopeful about the benefits of social networks. Virtual communication should never be an alternative or competitor to live communication with peers and parents. It is important to remember that the Internet is a little controlled environment, therefore, the younger the child, the higher the risks associated with his presence in the virtual space.

Useful video for parents from Dr. Komarovsky


Is it worth it to let the child near the computer at all? The reality is that this question has already become rhetorical. Even living in rural areas, people are very dependent on computer and information technology. The computer is becoming an important part of the learning, development and life of the child. To deny it is simply illogical.

However, parents are faced with the task of dosing loads on the body and psyche of the child, as well as protecting him from harmful species. computer impact. For the proper implementation of this process, parents need to have at least a minimum level of computer literacy. After all, it is impossible to control the interaction of a child with a computer if the controller himself does not have minimal computer literacy and cannot analyze the actions of his ward.

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Nowadays, when a computer is in almost every family and in many schools, all parents are very worried about the impact of a computer on a child. Is a computer safe for a growing organism? How long can a child sit at a computer so that it does not affect his health? What causes harm to the computer for children? You will learn about this and much more from female Internet magazine Charla.

In fact computer damage consists in the same thing as dignity - in its boundless fascination. Computer harm for children can only be due to non-compliance simple rules that help keep you healthy. Therefore, when buying a computer for a child, parents should clearly understand: now they will have to monitor how much the child sits at the computer, how much the child plays on the computer. In other words, it is the parents who are responsible for whether the computer will bring benefits to children, or, conversely, harm.

Computer harm for children

People who work in the office and are forced to sit in front of a computer all day long know firsthand how the eyes suffer from this: a burning sensation appears, the eyelids hurt, as if sand had been poured into the eyes. Therefore, it is very important that children do not spend a lot of time at the computer. Since children who are addicted to the computer do not notice the fatigue and fatigue of the eyes, they can overload them very much. Especially if child playing computer, and not engaged in some kind of training program. Computer "toys" can captivate a child so much that he can sit at the computer all day without interruption. Therefore, in order to keep your child's eyesight good, always control how much time he spends in front of the screen.

If a child sits at a computer uncontrollably, then this is fraught with the development of hypodynamia. After all, the human body, and even more so a growing body, needs movement. Due to a long immobile state, the child's well-being worsens, malfunctions occur in the body. When the child plays a lot of computer games, this is accompanied by emotional stress, which also does not pass without a trace. As a result, after sitting in front of the computer all day, the child becomes excited and irritated in the evening, becomes aggressive and uncontrollable, and sleeps poorly at night. And the reason for this is that the parents went on about their child and allowed him to play all day long.

In short, it's all about the sense of proportion. Computer harm for children caused by excessive use of the computer. Therefore, the task of parents is to control the time that the child sits at the computer. So that the computer does not harm the health of preschool children, a child under six years old should not be allowed to spend more than twenty minutes at the computer. Children aged 8-9 years old can play educational games for thirty to forty minutes. And from the age of ten, you can be allowed to sit at the screen for no more than an hour and a half. Of course, parents sometimes want to take a break from a restless child, so they allow him to sit at the computer longer so that he does not interfere with household chores. But it's not the best the best option: try to keep your child busy with something else.

Since when you stay in front of the computer for a long time, huge pressure to your eyesight, it is recommended that you adjust the brightness and contrast of your monitor so that visual fatigue does not occur. On the "desktop" you can install some picture of calm tones, for example, a landscape. It is also desirable to teach the child to do special exercises for the eyes.

The influence of the computer on a child of primary school age

If your child is already eight years old, it is quite possible for him to buy his own computer. With a reasonable attitude towards the computer and your control over how much the child sits at the computer, its influence will be beneficial. So, psychologists note that computers are good helpers for schoolchildren, as they develop certain skills: attention, logic, abstract thinking. Playing educational computer games, the child educates himself, learns to make independent decisions, develops his creative abilities.

If the child sits at the computer for too long

If your child playing computer for hours on end and he cannot be torn away from games, then you are most likely to blame, because you allowed your child to spend as much time in front of the screen as he pleases. Try to somehow switch the attention of the child, divert him to some other activity, sign him up for a sports section, find him a hobby. Talk to your child, explaining to him in a simple and accessible way why it is harmful to sit in front of the computer for a long time. But you don’t need to tell scary stories, force, shout and put pressure on him - he will appreciate your sincerity and honesty much more.

Don't Be Overly Worried About the Negative the influence of the computer on the child, because with a competent and reasonable approach, the benefits of it are much greater. The sooner he gets acquainted with technology, begins to understand it and understand something, the more developed he will be. After all, in our age of technological progress, every person one way or another must come into contact with technology. This smart car will help your child improve their knowledge, they will become interested in the latest technical achievements, and this will undoubtedly be useful to them in the future.

Alisa Terentyeva

Every year the computer occupies more and more of our lives. significant place. With it, we can watch movies, listen to music, communicate with people who live on another continent, print texts, produce complex mathematical calculations and much more. But, most parents are tormented by the question: is it worth allowing a child to use a computer, what can it teach him? Perhaps it will do more harm than good? This is what we are now trying to figure out.

  • At what age should a child open the world of the computer?

    Doctors say that a child, starting from the age of three, can sit at a computer, but not more than half an hour a day. At the age of 6 to 12 years - an hour. And starting from the age of 12, you can be allowed to spend in front of the monitor and two hours a day. But it is worth remembering that the computer gives a load on, so every fifteen minutes it is worth taking a break. Even better, if you teach your child to do special exercises for the eyes: vertical and horizontal movements of the eyeballs or just blink frequently. The time a child spends in front of a computer should be clearly established so that addiction does not arise in the future. Try to explain to your child that spending a lot of time at the computer will adversely affect him. Take care that your eyes do not suffer from the bright colors of the monitor screen.

    "Tinker" with the monitor settings: adjust the contrast and brightness so that they don't hurt your eyes. Put a picture in moderate tones on your desktop. Please note that the table and chair must be appropriate for the height of the child. Make sure that the baby sits evenly, does not slouch, as this, in turn, can lead to the development of scoliosis. To make it more comfortable, you can put a stand under your feet. The monitor should stand straight so that the child does not turn towards it, but looks directly at the center of the monitor, but the gaze fell from top to bottom at an angle of 15-20 degrees. The computer place should be well lit, but at the same time it is necessary to make sure that the light does not directly fall on the monitor. Try to do wet cleaning as often as possible and ventilate the room with the computer.

    What can a computer teach a child?

    At the age of 2 to 6 years, kids are already beginning to master the computer. You can start learning by learning numbers, letters (both Russian and English), as well as various signs. For this you need any text editor. Over time, the child will be able to write whole words, and later even sentences. At the same time, he will see his mistakes and be able to correct them on his own. By controlling the mouse, you can develop the reaction of the baby. As you know, children learn best by playing. Today, the Internet provides a wide selection of games for development for every taste and color. With their help, you can learn the basics of many sciences: geometry, foreign languages, arithmetic or grammar. Nevertheless, there are those that make them aggressive and evil, so such games are categorically contraindicated for a child.

    Using the standard paint editor(or others interesting programs for children), you can learn to draw. After all, drawing with a mouse is much more difficult than with a brush. This, in turn, will develop motor skills of the hands. And drawing itself develops fantasy and imagination. Games where pictures are collected (based on the principle of puzzles), tasks are completed, or where you need to operate not with certain things, but with their silhouettes and copies - develop logical thinking. Video games, where objects need to be folded in a certain way or missing parts are completed, develop imagination. Volumetric perception is developed by tasks where it is required to assemble a certain figure. Programs in which you need to color characters or play with colors help to perceive art. And musical games will help awaken the love of music and learn the notes.

    Children 6-9 years old

    Children from 6 to 9 years old can already be trained to work with information. To begin with, it is better to do it in a playful way. Teach your child to open folders and files on their own. Explain to your child that with the help of a computer you can not only play, but also learn a lot of interesting things. Now there are a huge number of children's sites where a child can play educational games and at the same time learn about the World Wide Web. Gradually learn how to use search engines, because with their help the baby will be able to learn interesting information for himself, as well as develop logical thinking. After all, the "search engine" does not give answers to questions, it finds common words.

    At this age, you should not leave him at the computer himself, as he still does not understand many things and can download information teeming with viruses or with content that is unsafe for him. Yes, and together it will be more interesting for you, and the child, in case of uncertainty, can always ask for advice.

    Children 10-12 years old

    From about 10 to 12 years old, a child can freely “swim” on the World Wide Web. Before he "swims" there, explain to him a few points. First, tell him about viruses, and do not go into details if the child is not very interested. Suffice it to say that this is a file that can spoil all the information contained in the computer, so you need to download archives and programs from trusted sites. Second, explain that it's not just well-wishers who surf the Internet. There are people who deliberately send malicious emails to the mail (called SPAM), while they promise mountains of gold for clicking on links. If suddenly the child receives a letter from a stranger, then it is better to let adults call for help, who, using a specific example, will show what to do in such cases. But if it so happened that while “walking” on the Internet, the wrong button was pressed, and the child got to a malicious site or downloaded an archive that he brought in, in no case should you scold him for this, it’s better to just explain what he did not So next time please be more careful.

    Some children are shy by nature, rarely make contact with others, and find it difficult to find a common language with their peers. Communication on the Internet, using various chat rooms, will allow them to open up. They will be able to find friends of interest on the other side of the world. Communicating with them through various programs, for example, your child will learn more and more, which will definitely be useful to him in later life. But, do not forget about control. If by this age you have taught your child to control his time for the "miracle machine" - this is wonderful. But not all children are able to control themselves. In such a case, you can use special programs, which will remind the child of the time and, if necessary, turn off the computer.

    Children 13-16 years old

    Starting from the age of 13, a child can be allowed to use the Internet himself. He can sit in front of the computer for hours, studying programs that are interesting to him, but this does not matter at all. Most likely, he will want to connect his future with information technology, and then the computer will definitely become his true friend. You don’t need to scold him for this, it’s better to let him know that you respect his choice, but sitting at a computer from morning to night is unhealthy.

    At this age, children are no longer interested in “walking” on the Internet and simple chatting. They are more interested social networks and online games. Good or bad - now we will try to figure it out. So, social media. Some parents believe that they only bring harm. And in a way they are right. The first thing that can happen in a network is bad influence. But you can’t save this child on the street either. On every corner you can meet such a "well-wisher". Only a correct explanation, "what is good and what is bad," can save you from this. The second is a long time spent at the computer. Even adults say that such communication is addictive, and what can we say about children. In this case, it is worth drawing up an agreement that you sit online for an hour, and then you learn lessons or do other things. Of the useful things, it is worth highlighting that the child does not lose touch with his friends, whom he met at a health camp or on vacation. It is worth compiling a child’s daily routine in such a way that virtual life does not crowd out real life.

    Network online games are games in which people from all over the world take part. What can be taught: logical and strategic thinking, the ability to find a common language with people and act in a team, improve knowledge of English language, since gaming slang is directly related to it. How much harm can it do? Yes, as much as you want. The first is addiction, when the child completely forgets about the real world and plunges into the virtual one. The second is aggression, since you need to achieve some success, but your child does not succeed. And then he walks irritable and angry. You can list all the shortcomings for a long time. But, in order to avoid them, you need to remember that everything is good in moderation. And then there will be no problems with games.

    Do not be afraid of the harmful effects of the computer, with the right approach, it will only bring benefits. Moreover, very often - invaluable. The skills of owning a “miracle machine” will definitely come in handy for a child in the future. And in order for the “comp” to become a true friend, parents also need to improve their skill in owning it in order to understand what their children are passionate about and share their successes. Therefore, he will become a true friend or enemy, it depends only on us.

  • A computer