Extern. Message in Kontur.Extern: Failed to load content

When you try to view a document, the message "Failed to load content/Failed to decrypt content/Failed to decrypt documents/Failed to decrypt files" appears.

When viewing a document, an error occurs, the details of which include the following message:

“It was not possible to decrypt the documents. There is no certificate on the computer that encrypts these documents. If you have one of these certificates, install it according to the instructions: “How to install a certificate.”

"The content could not be loaded. It was not possible to decrypt the documents." Please check the availability of the certificate and private key, necessary for data decryption. Error while decrypting data.

The error will indicate the certificate with which the document was encrypted.

IN Pension Fund reporting: “Install the certificate on your computer, or insert a USB drive with the required certificate, or contact technical support.”

These errors occur when the certificate to which the document being opened is encrypted is not installed at the workplace. Documents that come from regulatory authorities and contain the results of checking reports (for example, receipts from the Federal Tax Service or protocols from the Pension Fund of Russia) are encrypted using the certificate with which the report was sent.

Thus, to resolve the issue it is necessary:

  • Connect the key media containing the required certificate to your computer and try to view the document again. The certificate must first be installed via CryptoPro CSP (see)
  • Install the certificate in the registry (see).

When there are many certificates, it is more convenient to install them using the diagnostic service. If you are using a browser Internet Explorer You must click the Install certificates button. If you are using a different browser, then click the Download this program button, find it in the list of downloads and run it, then click Install certificates.

If the proposed solution does not help resolve the problem, you must contact technical support at [email protected] the following information:

  • Screenshot of the error;
  • The exact date and time of sending the report, as well as the TIN and KPP of the sending organization.

Important: if you are unable to find the required certificate, to obtain the documents you can contact the relevant regulatory authority with a request to upload them to a medium in person or generate and send a letter with document flow to the Kontur.Extern system.

Also note that you can store documents in decrypted form on your computer using the Kontur.Archive program. Certificates will only be required at the time of saving documents to the Archive, and after that you can view documents without a certificate and even without the Internet.
Main advantages of the program:

  • stores not only original documents, but also printed forms;
  • convenient search for documents;
  • After installing and configuring the Archive, no additional actions are required in order for documents to be saved in the Archive - the service does everything automatically.

This error window started appearing in Continent AP... to be honest, I didn’t immediately understand what the problem was. And he even advised me to install the latest version of the continent, but... let’s figure out what the problem really was.

Key signing error 0x0000065B

1. First of all, we check the license term of your Crypto PRO - this is in the Control Panel - double-click on the CryptoPRO CSP icon and on the "General" tab - in the "Expiration" line - most likely you will read "Expired")))

2. I’ll tell you how to get around this error - when there is no license, and you don’t have time to write a letter to the treasury to get it (payments need to be sent now), there is a way - change the date on your computer back, just remember the last time you entered the Continent AP is successful, and change it to the same date. The method works (with date substitution), but then don’t forget - you still need to get a license key, because the lack of a crypto pro license will lead to a lot of other errors in different programs, where an electronic digital signature is issued.

If the ban is successfully lifted, the following message will appear:

Click the button OK to complete the utility.

  • Login certificates are not displayed.

    Answer: Install and run Taxnet Agent. If nothing has changed after launch, the proxy server may be blocking the program. Go to the proxy server settings and in the “Do not use proxy for addresses” section, specify cryptoagent.ru.

  • How to change the login and password for logging into the Declaration.Online system

    Answer: To change your login and password, go to Personal Area.

    Open "My profile"

    To edit data, click Change personal details.

    Replace the address Email and password.

  • Is it possible to create and edit reports in the Declaration.Online system?

    Answer: The Declaration.Online system allows downloading and sending only prepared reports.

  • The user has functionality restrictions: sending reports is impossible.

    Answer: The email has been blocked for non-payment. Pay the bill.

  • Where can I download documents to pay for the tariff plan?

    Answer: Go to Personal Area

    IN Personal account go to section My organizations.

    Select an organization, click Connect another tariff plan.

    Next, select a tariff and download an invoice for payment.

  • Sent reports are not displayed in your account.

    Answer: Check the condition of the filter. If it's on, turn it off.

  • The report is not sent, there are no suitable certificates.

    Answer: It is possible that you logged in using your username and password. Insert the key media, install the certificate and log in "By Certificate".

  • Error when sending report "Crypto library error 101704: Error loading data for signature encoding 1627: Function execution error."

    Answer: The license for CryptoPro has expired or has not been entered serial number. To resolve the error, follow the instructions

  • Error when sending a report to the tax office: “The report file name does not match the format”:

    Answer: The exchange file name should look like:

    • R_T_A_K_O_ GGGGMMDD_N, where:
    • R_T is a prefix indicating that the exchange file information belongs to a certain type (R) and type (T). The type and type of information is represented by a combination of symbols (Latin letters and numbers). The type of information determines whether the exchange file belongs to a general group of files (for example, “NO” - taxpayer reporting). Information type - a unique identifier that determines whether the exchange file belongs to the transmitted reporting (for example, "PRIB" - tax return for corporate income tax).
    • A_K - identifier of the information recipient, where: A - identifier of the recipient to whom the exchange file is sent, K - identifier of the final recipient for whom the information from this file exchange.
    • The transfer of the file from the sender to the final recipient (K) can be carried out in several stages through other (intermediate) tax authorities. Such tax authorities (transferring at intermediate stages) are designated by the identifier A. In the case of a file transfer from the sender to the final recipient without intermediate stages (i.e., in the absence of tax authorities carrying out the transfer at intermediate stages), the values ​​of the identifiers A and K are the same. For files submitted by taxpayers to the NO, the final recipient identifier in the file name K must match the value of the “Tax Authority Code” (CodeNo) attribute in the submitted exchange file.
    • O - identifier of the information sender, has the form:
    • - for organizations, the identifier of the sender of information is presented in the form of a nineteen-digit code (TIN and KPP legal entity);
    • - for individuals - twelve-digit code (TIN individual having a TIN. If there is no TIN - a sequence of twelve zeros);
    • - for tax authorities - a four-digit code (tax authority code according to SONO).
    • GGGG - year of formation transferred file, MM - month, DD - day;
    • N - unique identification number of the file. (Length - from 1 to 36 characters. The file identification number must ensure the uniqueness of the file.)
    • The file name extension is xml. The file name extension can be specified in either lowercase or uppercase letters.
    • Example:


  • When sending a report to the Pension Fund, the error “The direction to the government agency specified as the recipient has not been opened” appears.

    Answer: Check the registration number and Pension Fund code in the title of the report. The Pension Fund code contains the first 6 digits of the registration number. If this information is correct, the direction to Pension Fund. Contact technical support or customer service for more information.

  • Error when sending a report to the Pension Fund: The name of the added file does not comply with the rules for preparing formalized documents

    Answer: The name of the report file in the Pension Fund of Russia should look like:

    - [registration number] - the number under which the policyholder is registered as a payer of insurance premiums, indicating the region and district codes according to the classification adopted by the Pension Fund of Russia;

    - [PFR TO code] - code of the territorial body of the PFR receiving the information contained in the file (indicated according to the classifier of territorial bodies of the PFR);

    - [date of file creation] - date in YYYYMMDD format;

    Globally unique identifier that ensures uniqueness electronic document. The GUID value must be identical to the GUID value of the document contained in the file. Implementation of the standard specification

  • How to upload a report for submission to credit organizations

    Answer: open the report on the right top corner click on the ellipsis sign-> Receive an extract at the place of request.

    The archive will be downloaded, which must be provided at the place of request.

  • How to submit a VAT return with information from the purchase ledger and sales ledger.

    Answer: To send a VAT return along with attached files in the form of a purchase/sales book and other files, you must:

  • CryptoARM Trusted TLS Trusted Java

    • 1. Error “Invalid algorithm specified (0x80090008)”

      In most cases, the error “Invalid algorithm specified (0x80090008)” can be resolved by reinstalling the signing certificate. You can reinstall the certificate in the CryptoARM program

      This can also be done through CryptoPro CSP. To do this, open the CryptoPro CSP program and go to the “Service” tab. Then click on the “View certificates in the container...” and “Browse” buttons. Select the desired container and click the “Ok” button, and then “Install”.

    • 2. Error building the certification path

      The message “Certificate status: invalid, error building certification path” indicates that you need to install the root certificate of the certification authority at your workplace so that the chain of trust can be built and verified by the program.

      The CA root certificate can usually be downloaded from the certification authority website. It can also be downloaded from the link provided in the certificate. To do this you need:

      1. Select the certificate and double click to open it
      2. Click on the “View” button
      3. Select the “Composition” tab
      4. Select “Access information about certification authorities”
      5. Copy the link to download the root certificate
      6. Follow the link to download the root certificate of the certification authority
      7. Install the certificate into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store

      Video instructions for solving the error with building a certificate chain:

    • 3. Warning “The signing certificate is not fully trusted”

      If a warning appears when creating an electronic signature or after checking a signed document "The signing certificate is not fully trusted" and the certificate status is displayed with a yellow question mark, then you need to check the certificate against the list of revocation certificates, and to do this, follow these steps:

      1. From the top menu, select Settings, then Manage Settings and Proxy Settings. From the drop-down list, select the option “Use system settings proxy". Click Apply.
      2. Next, in the “Manage Settings” tab “General”, uncheck the option “Disable checking personal certificates using revocation lists”.
      3. Launch “Internet Explorer”, open the “Tools” menu -> “Internet Options” (“Internet Options”) -> “Connections” tab -> “Network Settings” button. Make sure that the "Network Settings" checkboxes " Automatic detection parameters" and "Use script automatic settings"were reset.
      4. Select the “Personal certificate storage” branch in the “CryptoARM” program window. Then select the desired certificate on the right and right-click to bring up the context menu. In the menu that appears, select “Check status” “By CRL received from the CA”.
      5. If the certificate status changes to a green checkmark, repeat your initial action, sign again or check the signature.
    • 4. Unable to install license key: data saving error

      Run the program in administrator mode. To do this, right-click on the “CryptoARM” icon and select the “Run as administrator” command in the context menu that opens. Re-enter the license key in the “Help” - “Install license” menu.

    • 5. A hash algorithm has been specified that is incompatible with this signature file

      An error occurs when adding a signature when the hash algorithm of the signer's certificate differs from the hash algorithm of the first signer's certificate

      Correction: update the program to version or higher.

    • 6. There is no personal certificate for decryption

      First of all, check whether you have a license for CryptoArm. Help\about the program - if the license has expired, decryption will not be possible. Next, you can check whether the file is encrypted to the address of your certificate - in the error window, click the details \ message manager button - the serial numbers of the recipients' certificates will be indicated there. You need to look for your number among them. You can see the number in the certificate like this: open the certificate with a 2nd click in your personal storage - the required number will be written in the serial number field.

      Also check whether the certificate is used for decryption: profiles \ manage profiles \ open profile with a 2nd click checkbox \ general \ in the certificate owner field, check which certificate is registered. Select if necessary.

    • 7. Error setting property in certificate context 0x80092004

      Error 0x80092004 indicates that the certificate was installed without binding to the private key. Try reinstalling the certificate via CryptoPro CSP.

      To do this, open the CryptoPro CSP program and go to the “Service” tab. Then click on the “View certificates in the container...” and “Browse” buttons. Select the desired container and click the “Ok” button, and then “Install”.

    • 8. Installation of “CryptoARM” completes with an error

      In most cases, uninstalling and reinstalling it helps resolve the error:

      1. Uninstall the CryptoARM program through the Control Panel;
      2. Check if the Digt folder is still in the Program Files directory (additionally check the Program Files directory (x86) if you are using 64 bit system Windows);
      3. If you installed CryptoARM version 5, then you need to additionally check whether the folders containing CifrovieTehnologii.TrustedTLS in the name were deleted from the WinSxS folder.
      4. Download the distribution again from the Download Center.
      5. Install “CryptoARM” according to the steps of the Installation Wizard.
    • 9. Installation of “CryptoARM”: error “Policy 2.0.CryptoPro.PKI.Cades.publicKeyToken”

      If CryptoARM is not installed in a standard way, install CryptoARM not from the distribution itself, but from the msi package, just download the current assembly from the site: http://www..exe and disable the antivirus during installation.

      In order to install CryptoARM from an msi package, you will need to extract the installation package from the distribution. To do this, create a text file (for example in Notepad) and save the following line into it:

      trusteddesktop.exe /x package

      Where trusteddesktop.exe is the name of the distribution file, and package is the name of the folder in which the installation files will be saved. If the folder does not exist, it will be created automatically.

      In the package folder, after unpacking there will be two more folders TDStandard and TDPlus. First install CryptoArm Standard. To do this, go to the TDStandard folder and run msi file setup-win32 (for 32-bit Windows versions) or setup-x64 (for 64-bit Windows). To find out the system capacity (Start -> Control Panel -> System).

      After installing CryptoArm Standard, you can install CryptoArm Plus. To do this, go to the TDPlus folder and run the msi file setup-win32 (for 32-bit version of Windows) or setup-x64 (for 64-bit version of Windows).

    • 10. Cannot install “CryptoARM”: “Windows Installer” error

      Uninstall the program via Start/Control Panel. Then, download the utility to remove the program from the link: https://yadi.sk/d/YOmuVagg3Yhs8b

      After you run the cryptoarm.remover utility, restart your computer and start installing the CryptoARM program without additional TSP and OCSP modules (so that they appear with red crosses in the installation window) - you must select not when installing CryptoARM quick installation but customizable.

    • 11. Cannot install “CryptoARM”: error 2739

      For 64-bit Windows, go to the Start menu and run the commands:

      C:\windows\SysWOW64\regsvr32 c:\windows\SysWOW64\vbscript.dll c:\windows\SysWOW64\regsvr32 c:\windows\SysWOW64\jscript.dll

      For 32-bit Windows, go to the Start menu and run the commands:

      C:\windows\System32\regsvr32.exe c:\windows\System32\vbscript.dll c:\windows\System32\regsvr32.exe c:\windows\System32\jscript.dll

      You must have administrator rights to run commands.

    • 12. There is no CryptoARM in the context menu

      You need to register the ShellExtention library. To do this, create a text file with bat extension and save the following command into it:

      c:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32.exe"C:\Program Files\Digt\Trusted\Desktop\ShellExtention.dll"

      Complete this batch file on behalf of the administrator. In this case, the library must register.

      Also check if you have UAC turned off. If it is disabled, components may not register correctly. Try enabling UAC and re-registering the library. A guide to enabling and disabling UAC from the Microsoft website:


    • 13. Error “Signature is not valid” on the websites our.dom.rf and rosreestr.ru

      When creating a signature, make sure that the DER encoding type is selected and the “Save signature in” option is selected. separate file" Those. you need to create a separate signature, place the source file and the signature file (about 2Kb) on the portal.

    • 14. Cannot sign file: function execution error 0x0000065b

      Most likely the license key is missing or has expired for the CryptoARM or CryptoPro CSP program. License keys must be installed in both programs, they must be active.

      You can check the availability and status of the license for “CryptoARM” in the top menu of the program in the “Help” - “About the program” section. In CryptoPro CSP, this information is available on the “General” tab.

    • 15. When installing a certificate, the error “Error when installing the certificate followed by full name\name” appears.

      Turn off Qualified Signature Mode in Settings: Settings / Manage Settings / Modes. After this, the certificate will appear in the “personal storage” folder.

      TSL update error CryptoArm downloads the current TSL list from the website of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications: http://minsvyaz.ru/ru/activity/govservices/2/ or State Services: http://e-trust.gosuslugi.ru/CA. If the program fails to update the list, you can download it manually from one of these sites and install it in the desired folder.

      Downloaded XML document installed in the folder: C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\CryptoARM\tsl.

    • 16. 0x0000064a – occurs when there is no license for the TSP module

      Please check whether the licenses are installed in the CryptoPro CSP and CryptoARM programs, and whether the license for the CryptoPro TSP module is installed.

      You can view information about the license for the CryptoPro TSP module through the start menu / all programs / CryptoPro / CryptoPro PKI -> license management.

    • 17. Error 0x00000057 indicates that most likely the installed certificate does not have a binding to the private key.

      Try reinstalling your certificate via CryptoPro CSP / Service tab / view certificates in the container. Also check whether licenses are installed in the CryptoARM and CryptoPro CSP programs. Reinstall the certificate via branch electronic keys in CryptoArm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSPnE-AAtzo&list=PLwuRkxLKiWTZZ-u_3A17lsdRTGIznd6r1&index=7 You can also reinstall it as follows: save the certificate (the “export” button (do not export the private key) for example, in der -format) to a file and delete from your personal storage; Then, using the “import” button, install it again in the “personal storage” folder.

    • 18. The certificate and private key for decryption cannot be found. In this regard, the use of this certificate is impossible.

      Most likely, you do not have a certificate bound to the key container; the presence of a binding can be checked as follows - by viewing the certificate from your personal certificate storage, for example, using CryptoARM: main window of CryptoARM (Expert view) ->

      Certificates -> Personal certificate store -> Select a certificate -> Properties -> View button. If the binding exists, then on the “General” tab, the last line (after the certificate’s validity period) will be “There is a private key corresponding to this certificate.” (“You have a private key that corresponds to this certificate.”).

      For certificates with a key pair on CryptoPro CSP, set the binding
      can be done as follows:

      1. Save the certificate (for example, in der format) to a file and delete it from
      personal storage;
      2. Open the CryptoPro CSP Panel: Start -> Settings -> Control Panel
      -> CryptoPro CSP -> “Service” tab;
      3. Click on the “View certificates in container” button, then
      “Browse”, select the container and click “OK”, the field with
      container name;
      4. Click “Next”, if necessary, enter the password (PIN code),
      The form “Certificates in the secret key container” will open;
      5. Click on the “Properties” button, a standard viewing form will open
      6. If necessary, compare this certificate with the certificate
      saved in the first step, if they are different, go back to step 3 and
      select another container;
      7. Click on the “Install certificate” button, then “Next”, select
      "Automatically select a store based on certificate type", again
      “Next” and “Done”.

    • 19. Error 0x80091008 when decrypting a message

      Occurs mainly when a license is not installed in CryptoARM or CryptoPro CSP. In CryptoArm, you can check the availability of a license through the menu item help / about the program. In CryptoPro, on the “general” tab.

      If licenses are installed, try reinstalling CryptoPro CSP.

    • 20. How to sign reports for the State Defense Committee (Ministry of Defense)

      Launch the Signature Wizard. If you did not launch it through the context menu, then on the second page you need to select the file to sign.

      On the "Output Format" page, select the Base64 option (selected by default) and in the field on the right, replace the sig extension with sign. On the same page, check the "Disable service headers" checkbox.

      On the next page "Signature Options" uncheck "Place name source file in the Resource ID field." On the same page, check the "Save signature in a separate file" checkbox.

      On this page, you do not need to uncheck the "Include signature creation time" checkbox. When Ccptest runs, the time is added to the signature.

      On the "Select a signing certificate" page, select the required certificate.

      Upon completion of the wizard, you need to manually remove the xml extension from the file name. CryptoARM always adds the original extension to the name, and since according to the requirements it should not be there, you will have to rename the file manually.

    • 21. How to sign a file for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Central Bank of the Russian Federation)?

    • 22. How to sign a file for Roskomnadzor?

    • 23. Error - The selected certificate cannot be used

      For correct signing and decryption in CryptoARM, a personal certificate must be bound to a key container (key pair).
      Its presence can be checked by viewing the certificate from the personal certificate store, for example, using CryptoARM: Context menu tray agent -> Certificate stores -> Personal certificate store -> Select a certificate -> View.
      If the binding exists, then on the “General” tab the last line (after the certificate’s validity period) will be the inscription “There is a private key corresponding to this certificate.” (“You have a private key that corresponds to this certificate.”).

      For certificates with a key pair on CryptoPro CSP, you can set the binding as follows:
      1. save the certificate (for example, in der format) to a file and delete it from your personal storage;
      2. open the CryptoPro CSP Panel: Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> CryptoPro CSP -> Service Tab;
      3. click the “View certificates in the container” button, then “Browse”, select the container and click “OK”, the field with the name of the container should be filled in;
      4. click “Next”, if necessary, enter a password (PIN code), the “Certificates in a secret key container” form will open;
      5. Click the “Properties” button, a standard form for viewing the certificate will open;
      6. if necessary, compare this certificate with the certificate saved in the first step; if they differ, return to step 3 and select another container;
      7. Click the “Install certificate” button, then “Next”, select “Automatically select a store based on the certificate type”, “Next” again and “Finish”.
