How to pay for housing and communal services with and without meters. Formula for calculating water heating in a housing and communal services receipt

Every homeowner must know how to calculate hot water for subsequent payment. The fact is that the provision of this service occurs in quantitative terms, and if the hot water consumption is calculated incorrectly, this can result in a fairly large amount of overpayment or debt.

In addition, if, as a result of such an error, you do not pay for the hot water supplied to you on time, this may lead to its shutdown.

If you do not pay for the hot water supplied to you on time, this may lead to its shutdown

Payment for services for the supply of hot water to the population is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354. According to it, it must include 2 components:

  1. Providing hot water supply directly to residential or non-residential premises.
  2. Providing hot water supply for general house needs or for the needs of a land plot, as well as ancillary buildings located on it.

Typically, centralized hot water supply systems are used in cities to supply such water to apartments, communal apartments and rooms in multi-apartment residential buildings. Tariffs for hot water are set by the Federal Tariff Service, as well as its divisions in the regions, so if you don’t know how to calculate the tariff for hot water, you can go to the website of this body. In addition, your local resource supply organization can provide you with an example of such a calculation.

Tariffs for hot water are set by the Federal Tariff Service

In any case, it is worth knowing that the formula for calculating the cost of hot water includes not only the tariff itself, but also other indicators. For example, if your utility organization has established a two-rate tariff, then you will pay:

  • payment for the consumption of one cubic meter of hot water;
  • payment for the maintenance of the hot water supply system based on one gigocalorie.

With a one-component tariff, only consumed cubic meters are paid, which includes expenses for other needs. In addition, the approved methodology, which answers the question of how to calculate and how much a cube of hot water costs, also takes into account what category of consumers you belong to. It could be industry budgetary institutions or population.

A common house hot water meter is used, which is installed on the basis of a decision of the general meeting of owners of residential premises

If for other categories of consumers all issues regarding utility payments are resolved by special employees on staff legal entity, then the population calculates and pays for hot water consumption independently. At the same time, he is also entrusted with the obligation to pay expenses for general household needs. For this purpose, a common house hot water meter is used, which is installed on the basis of a decision of the general meeting of owners of residential premises.

A separate scheme is used to calculate hot water supply if an individual boiler room is installed in the house. So, in the bills there is no line “hot water supply”, and instead there are 2 positions: water heating and cold water supply for hot water supply. This subtlety will need to be taken into account by all homeowners in such houses.

Payment for hot water for the population

  • according to the counter;
  • according to the general standard.

The first option is the most profitable for the owner of a residential premises, since it allows him to pay only for the volume of hot water that he actually consumed. At the same time, every month he will need to transfer meter readings to the local resource supply company. It is usually called “Vodokanal” or “Teploenergo” and is municipally owned.

Payment for hot water by meter

In the second case, you have to pay based on the general standard established by the Government, taking into account the number of residents registered in a particular living space. Typically, the standard is applied when the apartment does not have a meter installed or it is broken. At the same time, as a measure to encourage the population to install metering devices, the Government has been gradually increasing the standards by 1.6 times by 2017 since 2015.

As for specific figures, for 2016 in Moscow the standard for hot water consumption is 166 liters per day per person. It may be different in other regions. In any case, it will be more profitable to pay using a meter, so it makes sense to install it in the premises as early as possible.

Important! In addition to the standard and meter readings, the cost of hot water is also calculated taking into account the readings of a common house meter.

You can find out how to calculate one for hot water by contacting the company that provides management services for your apartment building. Generally speaking, apartment meter readings are subtracted from the readings of the general building meter, and the resulting balance is divided, based on a special formula, among all residents registered in the house.

Hot water payment receipts

Residents of apartment buildings usually do not directly pay for one. Since this is the responsibility of the local housing department or homeowners association, for them there is a special line in the payment receipt with this indicator, which will need to be paid as part of the general receipt. If the amount in your opinion is too high, this may be the reason for your request to recalculate it. This must be done by the management company within ten days. If this does not happen, you have the right to appeal the company’s actions to the Housing Inspectorate or court.

It is also worth keeping in mind that modern technologies allow you to pay for utilities remotely or on a special schedule. This will be especially convenient if you leave your region of residence for some time or are very busy. To make payments according to the schedule, you will need to write a statement to your local bank branch about this or set it up accordingly Personal Area on your bank's website.

In any case, try to pay the cost of hot water in full and on time

Next, the required payment amounts will be withdrawn from your account at the right time, which will allow you to avoid becoming a debtor on utility bills. In any case, try to pay the cost of hot water in full and on time.

Transmission of meter readings

As you already understood, the easiest way to calculate hot water consumption is to take readings from a meter installed in a residential area. This procedure must be carried out once a month. To do this, you will need to write off the first 5 digits of the readings from the meter.

Calculation of hot water consumption

Based on them, you can independently calculate your hot water consumption. To do this, subtract the new readings from last month’s readings. The difference you receive will be your monthly expense.

If you are wondering how to calculate hot water from a receipt, then you can do this by multiplying the readings obtained using a meter by the tariff in force in your region. This calculation may be useful to you when you have questions about the numbers indicated on the payment receipt. With complaints about this, you often contact the resource supply company, where you are required to recalculate the hot water you consumed.

Unscheduled water meter check

After you take the hot water meter readings, they will need to be transferred to the water supply organization. This can be done in several ways, for example:

  • using the website of such an organization or management company;
  • using special forms;
  • at the office of the organization that supplies you with burning water.

After transmitting the readings from your individual hot water meter, you will only have to wait for a receipt for payment to arrive. If you have figured out how to calculate hot water before this time, you can double-check the amount billed to you to avoid mistakes. At the same time, if several water meters are installed in your apartment, you will have to transmit readings from all of them.

By the way, you will need not only knowledge of how to calculate hot water, but also how to check the accuracy of the meter reading. To do this, record the readings of the three red numbers on its scale, after which approximately 30 liters of water are drained from the tap using a ten-liter bucket. If the meter shows a higher or lower number, this may be a sign that the water meter requires an unscheduled check.

Internet banking for paying for hot water

After an invoice is issued to you based on the testimony you provided, you can pay it in several ways, for example, at Russian Post, through Internet banking, and also using an ATM. If you delay payment for more than 3 months, you may be charged a penalty and your hot water may be turned off. After six months, utility companies will be able to go to court to evict you from the premises you occupy.

Every year the cost of hot and cold water increases. The only one positive thing in this matter is that the legislation of the Russian Federation allows the possibility of increasing tariffs no more than once a year.

So, after all, who determines the amount of payment for consumed water for the population in the Russian Federation? What amounts are used today? Is it worth installing a water meter or not?

Let's consider the questions of interest in more detail.

Principles of formation

Water supply and centralized drainage belong to public services. Based on this, tariffs subject to government regulation.

Service providers that are included in a specially created state Register of Companies are annually required to provide economically justified costs for the next calendar year to the sectoral Departments of the governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The provided calculations are subject to careful verification by authorized specialists, existing discrepancies are entered into the protocol, and then approved by the relevant Order for each company with mandatory consideration of fixed marginal cost increase indices for the period from July 1 of the next calendar year to June 30 of the plan year.

As for drainage services in the form of removal of liquid household waste from housing septic tanks, they relate directly to housing services, and the cost is set by the direct supplier. Moreover, the cost of the service is not regulated by the state.

Rules for calculating the cost of a cubic meter of water

IN cold water tariff resource costs are included for its provision to the direct user, namely:

  • maintenance and repair work (major, planned and other);
  • lost profit;
  • depreciation and profit;
  • Payroll (payroll fund);
  • purchase necessary materials and raw materials for production;
  • tax fees and other obligatory payments;
  • costs associated with the purchase of fuel;
  • other financial costs.

Calculus structure tariff for hot water consumption completely identical.

It is worth noting that in the Russian Federation, on average, 1 cubic meter of cold water costs about 10–30 rubles, hot water – from 60 to 130 rubles.

As a comparison, it can be noted that in Ufa the cost of cold water (per 1 cubic meter) is on average about 13 rubles, hot – 60 rubles, in the capital – 30 rubles for cold water and 135 for hot.

Difference in payment with and without a meter

In other words, for water (also gas and electricity), if there is no meter, you will need to pay 1.5 times more than with a meter.

The principle of calculation itself remained unchanged. However, the multiplying factor was increased from 1.4 to 1.5. Speaking in simple words, the fee for water without a meter will be increased by 7% compared to last year.

For example, if last year you had to pay 6 thousand rubles for electricity, heating and water without a meter, then this year it will be about 6 thousand 420.

If there are meters, it costs about 4 thousand 300 rubles. It is easy to calculate that the benefit for the year will be over 26 thousand rubles.

The Russian government made a decision do not increase tariffs from January 2017. In other words, metered water tariffs will remain at the 2016 level.

At the same time, payment will be increased from July 2017. The size of the increase directly depends on the region of residence.

For example, in the Astrakhan region the cost will increase by approximately 4.4%, in Irkutsk - by 5%, in the capital - by 7%, in St. Petersburg - by 6%.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that installing a meter allows you to significantly save your financial budget.

Current values

Depending on your region of residence, tariff from July 1, 2017 will be (per 1 cubic meter):

  • in St. Petersburg - hot water 100 rubles, cold water - 25 rubles;
  • in Arkhangelsk - hot water 35 rubles + cost for thermal energy (the final tariff has not yet been calculated), cold water - 35 rubles;
  • in Moscow – hot water 108 rubles, cold – 33 rubles;
  • in Belgorod - the tariff for hot water has not yet been approved, for cold water - 25 rubles;
  • in Penza – hot water 24 rubles + for thermal energy, cold water – 24 rubles;
  • in Kazan - cold water - 18 rubles, hot water has not yet been approved.

As you can see, depending on the region of residence, the cost of water supply varies.

The population of those regions that are not listed can find out the tariffs on the official websites of local water utilities or on the portal of the local government.

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The last increase was made in July 2016. Throughout the Russian Federation, the cost of water supply has risen by approximately 4%. Prices increased the most in the capital – by more than 7%.

In the territory of the Russian Federation, the price increased by an indicator that is less than the established inflation (last year it was about 7%).

In turn, in 2015, the price increase was lower than the predicted inflation (for 2015, inflation was over 9%) - tariffs increased by 8.3%.

Today, representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development forecast inflation to rise at 4%. Moreover, according to research, the indicator will gradually decrease in the future.

What is a two-part tariff

Until January 2014, tariffs for hot water supply were calculated based on the cost of 1 cubic meter of water and the amount of thermal energy that must be used in the process of heating water.

According to the adopted Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 2012 No. 1149, amendments were made to the “Pricing Base in the field of companies’ activities utilities”, on the basis of which regulatory authorities can set a two-part tariff for hot water supply. Moreover, it does not matter whether closed or open system provision of water.

When using a closed system, the two-component hot water tariff includes cold water and thermal energy components.

For this reason, since April 2014, the tariff has changed from one-component (1 cubic meter of water is taken into account) to two-component.

With a two-component tariff, the formula The calculation is as follows:

Ultimately, the payment receipt displays all information regarding the service provided in a new format.

In other words, if before this period it was necessary to pay only for hot water, now the receipt shows the price for water and thermal energy.

The volume of thermal energy that needs to be used to heat 1 cubic meter of water is calculated according to a clearly established formula, which is displayed in the Letter of the State Committee.

About increasing the cost of utilities in Sverdlovsk region watch the following video:

Still have questions?

How to pay if no one is registered in the apartment and there are no water meters

People living in communally owned houses have long been accustomed to the fact that payment for the services provided is an obligatory part of their monthly expenses. Tariffs and methods for calculating charges are changing, and since the new year, the approach to charging in apartments where there are no residents and no one is registered has changed.

Let's try to explain how to pay if no one is registered in the apartment and there are no water meters.

What do we pay for

Everything that owners of residential space must pay for is prescribed by law. According to Article 154 of the Housing Code, payment consists of 4 components.

  1. Funds allocated for the maintenance of the house.
  2. Public utilities.
  3. Expenses for major repairs.
  4. Renting an apartment (if rental takes place).

All money that is paid for the maintenance of the house is directed to:

  • necessary services and works related to housing management;
  • repairs of varying complexity of property that is under the general management of residents, and maintenance of the housing stock in proper condition;
  • payment for energy resources, water consumed for the maintenance of the house, as well as wastewater disposal.

Utility bills are charged for consumption:

  • thermal energy for heating or water heating;
  • hot and cold water;
  • electrical energy;
  • natural gas;
  • drainage;
  • for garbage removal;
  • if available - for bottled gas or solid fuel.

Changes in utility bills

Before January 1, 2017, payments for services provided were calculated as follows, as the table clearly demonstrates:

The table shows that if metering devices are installed on all energy resources, then the accrual depends only on their actual readings and does not depend on the number of residents or registered people.

The situation is completely different if there are no energy meters. According to Russian legislation Until December 31 last year, accruals were made according to the norms per registered person. To find out the size of the rent, it was enough to multiply the norm specified in the legislation for each energy carrier by the number of registered ones.

If there were no metering devices and there was no information about the assigned tenants, then no rent was calculated.

January 1, 2017 on the territory Russian Federation An amendment to Government Resolution No. 354 of 05/06/2011 came into force. According to the amendments, in the absence of people registered in a certain living space, the accrual is made for the entire number of apartment owners, if metering devices are not installed in the apartment.

Accrual principles

To understand the principle of charging for services, you should understand the difference between registered and resident. These are not the same persons. The reason for the charges is documentary evidence of citizens registered in a given living space or the presence of an owner. It follows from this that any number of people can live in an apartment, but if there is one owner and there are no energy meters, then the calculation is made according to the norms per person.

The opposite situation is possible. The apartment is owned by several owners, in fact, only one person lives - he is the owner, then he will need to pay for services for himself and the other owners of the apartment.

Resolution No. 354 implies a number of preferential conditions for paying for utility services. This Resolution determines the preferential categories of citizens and the norms of benefits. These standards may be individual for each region or even city. These benefits are used only by the owner if he is included in any preferential category.

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How to avoid surcharges

The surest way to save money on utility bills, under current legislation, is to install meters for all types of utilities. In this case, payment will be charged for the services actually consumed. If there are no residents, no charges will be made.

But if installation of meters is not planned and no one really lives in the apartment, then experts advise paying attention to the following ways to save.

  1. You can save on gas by installing a gas company seal on the inlet valve. To do this, you need to write an application with a request to seal the gas inlet. But it is worth considering that this is only possible if there is no debt for the resource consumed. The filling does not take place the next day after submitting the application. Unsealing also occurs at the request of the apartment owner, but this service is already paid.
  2. Payment for cold and hot water is not charged if the inlet valve on the pipelines is sealed. To invite representatives for sealing, just write an application. In the event of a water supply interruption, no charge will be made for the volume of wastewater.
  3. You can avoid paying for electricity by simply turning it off. This is done, as in previous cases - upon a written application from the owner.

Ways to reduce your payment

It is fashionable to reduce the financial burden on the family budget in the following ways:

  • install meters and pay according to actual consumption;
  • install a heat meter directly in the apartment and regulate the temperature inside the room yourself;
  • installation of an electric energy meter and transmission of zero readings in the event of no consumption;

Legislation allows you to reduce charges if you provide the organization with documents that confirm the absence of the owner of the apartment in the country or city, the fact of his residence in another place, and payment of utilities there. In some cases, the reason for not charging payment is a copy of the sick leave certificate and an extract from the medical record, which indicates hospital treatment.

Over the past few years, residents have observed a constant increase in tariffs for housing and communal services. Using energy-saving technologies, new equipment and household appliances, the previously established energy consumption standards are already too high today. Only the installation of meters will allow you to pay for actually consumed services and significantly save the family budget.

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1 comment

There are no references to articles and names of regulations that would allow the owner to reduce the payment for a second apartment in which no one is registered

Standards for hot and cold water consumption per person without a meter in 2017

Despite clearly existing regulations in all sectors of the economy, such a general indicator as a standard for water consumption per person without a meter has not been developed. This is because throughout the country the population density varies by region. Therefore, each region has its own regulations. They are different in every district and city.

According to the rule, a certain amount of water is supplied to the city. The amount of water consumed by residents of apartments with installed water meters is taken into account. The calculated amount is subtracted from the total volume. The resulting number is divided by the number of people registered in a given living space. They bear the entire load of consumed water. This situation arises due to unauthorized consumption and water leaks. This is not the case in civilized countries; water meters are installed everywhere.

The consumption standard is calculated taking into account the increasing coefficient. The calculation takes into account the equipment of the bathroom and the presence of water heaters. The water consumption ratio of different regions differs due to the difference in water consumption in each region. The climate and the cost of fuel used to heat water are taken into account.

Where does the indicator of water consumption per person come from?

The average statistical norm of water consumption per person has been calculated:

This is the monthly consumption rate.

The daily rate is 200 l - cold water, 100 l - hot water.

For comparison, you can focus on the fact that a regular bathtub holds 250 liters of water. If the average person does not take a bath every day, then the question of installing a meter may arise. Since this will be much more profitable, you will not have to pay for the overall water leakage rates.

Water consumption indicator includes:

  • pipeline leak;
  • city ​​watering of lawns;
  • consumption when extinguishing fires;
  • illegal connections;
  • leak inside the house.

Calculating the cost of water without a meter

You need to pay for water in each region based on the established tariff. The tariff for hot and cold water is multiplied by the number of people registered in a given living space. The resulting amount is the cost of water consumption.

When calculating the overall indicator for the region, the following are taken into account:

  • fuel costs;
  • profit;
  • depreciation deductions;
  • labor costs;
  • raw materials and supplies;
  • tax deductions;
  • rent;
  • maintenance.

Indicators of water consumption and cost for different cities

The price of cold and hot water is calculated according to the same principle.

Indicators of water consumption per 1 person (standard for cities)

If we consider it conditionally, then the availability of water supply points should be taken into account when calculating. This is a complex procedure. In fact, everything is much simpler - the volume consumed by meters is calculated from the total volume of water consumed. The resulting figure is divided among the actual living citizens. This is an indicator of the rate of water consumption per person without a meter for a specific region.

Citizens without meters pay for two-thirds of their total water in this way. And actual consumption is not taken into account here.

Tariffs 2017-2018 for hot and cold water with and without meters

The provision of utility services is regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, in particular Federal law No. 210 dated December 30, 2004 “On the basis for regulating tariffs of public utility organizations.”

Rules for the provision of public services to citizens have been approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307 of May 23, 2006. In 2015-2016, there was some change in the approved tariffs, tariffs for hot and cold water changed, and from January 1, 2017, the size of the increasing coefficient changed.

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Who sets the rates?

Utilities, including water supply, are provided by resource supply organizations on the basis of agreements concluded with consumers.

According to Article 157 Part 2 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, payment for water is calculated according to approved tariffs. Tariffs are set by authorities state power subjects of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies in the manner prescribed by law.

Article 3, clause 3 of Federal Law No. 210 states that the final amount of payment for water supply services is established taking into account the approved tariff and the premium to it for the provision of the service.

That is, the water tariff is set by local governments on the basis of current tariffs and the necessary surcharges in accordance with the maximum indices in force in the given territory.

Thus, the resource supplying organization must calculate the costs associated with water supply. According to this indicator and the approved tariff, government agencies determine final cost for the consumer.

Wherein the organization's ownership of the well does not matter, the supplier organization does not have the right to set a price higher than the maximum permissible value.

How is the fee calculated and what is included in the cost of a cubic meter of water?

By paying for the supply of hot and cold water, the consumer pays not only for the water itself, but also for organizing its submission. So the price of water includes:

  • electricity costs;
  • costs for the purchase of components for water purification and other components that are required for water to comply with SanPiN standards;
  • expenses for laboratory testing of water quality;
  • remuneration of employees of the organization, including contributions to social funds and income tax;
  • rental of necessary property;
  • expenses for maintaining structures and networks, carrying out current and major repairs;

amount of water tax;

  • costs associated with documentation, waste disposal, ecology, etc.

Difference in tariffs with and without a meter

There is no difference in tariffs with and without a meter and there shouldn’t be. A cubic meter of water costs the same in any case, another thing is that payment for water is calculated differently.

So, when using water without a meter, the main indicator is taken “water norm” per person.

This quantity is multiplied by the number of citizens living in the apartment, after which the total amount is calculated according to the current tariff.

But in this case, you will also need to pay for the general house-wide excess water consumption, which is distributed to all owners of individual metering devices in accordance with the volume of water they used.

Since June 2011, the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” has been in force.

Based on this, the presence of an individual water meter in a single apartment is in no way does not eliminate the need to pay for general house overuse of water resources.

But since many multi-apartment residential buildings, if they have communal water meters, have both residential premises equipped with individual metering devices and premises without them, many consumers do not understand how payment for water is calculated taking into account the general overexpenditure of the resource.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307 of May 23, 2006 defines the formula by which payment for the provided resource is calculated when taking into account the readings of a common house water meter.

To calculate payment, the following steps are carried out:

  • the total volume of water consumed is added up, resulting from the readings of individual meters, and the amount of water used by residents of apartments without meters, calculated in accordance with established standards;
  • the volume of water used according to the general meter is divided by the resulting amount;
  • the resulting number is multiplied by the readings of the individual meter of each individual apartment;
  • the resulting amount is multiplied by the tariff established for hot or cold water.

To pay for overruns once a year the management company adjusts payments, that is, the above formula applies. As a result, an additional amount to be paid appears in the receipts of apartment owners with meters.

Overconsumption of water usually occurs due to:

  • excessive waste of water in premises without a meter;
  • water losses due to faulty condition of intra-house networks;
  • uncoordinated connection of individual consumers to intra-house networks, for example, for watering green areas and plantings near the house;
  • failure to include citizens who are not officially registered in the utility billing system, etc.

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Thus, the difference between the readings of the common house meter and the actual water consumption is paid by the owners of individual meters.

In this case, installing water meters may become unprofitable, and therefore a law was passed obliging all consumers to install water meters.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 and amendments dated April 16, 2013 and latest changes from 02/27/2017, all property owners had to install water meters before July 1, 2013.

Also, the Russian Government was developing a project that was supposed to determine social norm for water consumption. If this indicator is exceeded, then payment is made at an increased rate.

Current consumption standards for hot and cold water

Tariffs for hot and cold water for the population are regulated by the state, that is, tariff rates are determined by regional authorities in accordance with the methodology approved by the Federal Tariff Service.

Wherein in different regions these rates can vary significantly, depending on the cost of organizing water supply.

Increase in water tariff in 2017-2018

According to representatives of the Russian government, the current socio-economic situation in the country forces enterprises involved in the supply of cold and hot water to the population to take measures to increase their tariff schedule.

At the same time, it is worth noting that such an increase in the cost of water supply at the level of 4.9, 4.4 and 4.1 percent is noticeably lower than the previously proposed growth rates of 6.2, 6 and 4.7 percent.

According to experts, there is simply no other way out of the current situation other than increasing the cost of tariffs, even though the burden on the country’s population is already quite serious. About 20 percent of our citizens are completely convinced that payments for water supply should not be collected. Of course, everything around us is becoming more expensive, there is an increase in basic energy resources, so an increase in water tariffs is a completely justified and justified measure.

It should also be noted that even such an increase in tariffs will not cover the need to modernize and repair the existing water supply network.

From January 1, 2017, an increasing factor of 1.5 (or 50% of the standard) is applied to utility services for hot water supply, hot water supply and electricity supply.

This norm applies only to those citizens who do not have individual meters in their apartment that record the consumption of electricity, cold and hot water.

The main question that consumers of hot water and cold water services are now asking is: how to avoid increasing payments? It's simple: in the presence of technical feasibility installing individual meters is the responsibility of the consumer of utilities to install them, the same applies to a common house meter. In this case, the payer exempt from the application of a multiplying factor, since the calculation is made not according to the standard, but according to actual meter readings.

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My housing is not privatized. 3 people are registered in the apartment. but I live alone. On June 30, 2014, I submitted an application to our housing and communal services department for the installation of water meters. but they haven’t been installed for me yet. they want. so that I pay for the installation of meters. I would like to know how the increase in water tariffs will affect me. What should I do? like me. after all, the salary the fee does not increase. and prices for everything are gradually increasing! and if possible, write how much my water fee will increase! what troubles should we prepare for?

How to install water meters in a municipal apartment?

Good afternoon Valentin, since the apartment is municipal, the owner is the local government body. In accordance with Federal Law 261-FZ of November 23, 2009, owners of residential buildings and owners of premises in apartment buildings are required to install metering devices at their own expense. Contact your local administration and write a statement demanding that meters be installed in the apartment you occupy.

Hello Larisa. According to Federal Law 261-FZ, the burden of maintaining a residential premises is borne by its owner. Since the apartment is not privatized, you must have a social rental agreement concluded with the local government. Contact them with a request to install water supply meters.

As for water supply tariffs, they are individual for each region of the Russian Federation.

How to return to pay for water according to tariffs if water meters are installed. My daughter installed it on January 18th. I haven’t submitted any information yet, the housing office told me to submit the information by February 17.. Meter tariffs have become many times more expensive. For December I paid mountains. water 129.8 cold. water 18.51. The meters showed different tariffs. Gor. water 152.52. Hol. water 41.23.

It’s not the metered cost that has increased, it’s the tariffs that have changed(((

Hello! I would like to ask how it can be that water tariffs in the city. i.e. higher than in the city itself. I live in the Samara region. I think that our tariffs are too high: hot water 175.23 cold water 63.04 sewerage 55.84 per cubic meter. Please tell me.

Hello Elena, consumption standards and water tariffs are calculated separately in each municipality and approved annually.

The cost of water supply may depend on several factors, the length of the water supply system, the conditions of its maintenance, and the frequent need to purchase filters and other equipment. These costs are included in the tariff.

We have a tariff for cold water with a meter of 300 rubles per cubic meter, without a meter 500 rubles per cubic meter. The administration said everything was legal, they say the population is small and therefore the price is high. Can water cost that much? Where should we go for help? People are forced to save water.

Hello Lyubov, in every region of the Russian Federation there is a Tariff Department. You can write an appeal or complaint there if your application to the resource supplying organization to revise water tariffs is rejected or ignored.

Hello. I would like to ask a question: why did the government introduce a coefficient for increasing water tariffs in the absence of individual water meters? Who does it enrich? The management company does not bear any responsibility for accidental spills. The head of the house refuses to defend the interests of the owners, she only goes to the management company for wages. Our house consists of 160 sq. m., we have not installed meters for more than 35 sq. m. The house is inhabited by northerners. Hence the question: why should bona fide owners pay, in addition to their own services, for services provided to others? The authorities are simply looking for ways to withdraw money in a simpler way, and let the residents fight among themselves. Hence the weakness of the government.

The elders in the house are not paid any salary. If you have an HOA, then this is a completely different matter. At the general meeting, you have the right to set any salary for him.

They calculated it for me like this: meter readings (18m3): per number of people (6 people) = consumption per 1 person (3m3).

Then the calculation of the benefit: 3m3 * 3 (beneficiaries) * 0.5 (50%) = 4.5 m3 (benefits), 18 m3-4.5 m3 = 13.5 m3 (consumption including benefits).

Good afternoon Nina, taking into account the fact that there are three people living in your apartment who enjoy benefits for utility bills, the calculation is correct.

Pay attention to the formula, you pay for 4.5 cubic meters. less than the meter reading - 18 cubic meters, which comes out to 3 cubic meters. for residents without benefits and 1.5 cubic meters. per beneficiary instead of the required 3 cubic meters, that is, minus half, which is a 50% benefit.

What is the norm for cold water consumption per person in Moscow.

Galina, hello. The rate of cold water consumption per person in an apartment in which metering meters are not installed is 6.935 m3 and multiply this figure by all residents registered in this property.

Please help me solve the problem. November 28, 2015 provided information about the installation of water meters to the DEZ. In December, water data was not transmitted, because... the indicators didn’t even reach a cube (we practically don’t live in an apartment). In December we received a payment with crazy data on water. In January, water data was transmitted. We hoped that a recalculation would be made, because... According to the meters, the water is a little more than a cubic meter. The DEZ reported that they will not do a recalculation, since the payment for December takes into account the water consumption for November. I don't agree with this. After all, I transmitted the water data in January 2016. and they were taken into account in January. It turns out to be absurd: since the moment of commissioning, I have spent only 1.5 cubic meters of hot water, and for December I have to pay for 10 cubic meters. hot water (similar to cold water). They refuse to do the recalculation. I ask you to inform me of the regulatory document that states the need for recalculation (as the energy company does when discrepancies are established between the payment data according to the standard and the meter data). Thank you in advance.

Hello Tatyana, you can refer to the terms of the agreement concluded with the water supplier. It must indicate that you pay for the water consumed at the established rate. Charging payment in excess of consumption and refusing to recalculate is a violation of the terms of the contract.

We bought an apartment in a new building, there are water meters in every apartment, we don’t live there, we don’t use hot water (the tap is closed), but the payment comes for 3 cubic meters of common house water, not cold water. How can this be? And the tariff for hot water is 194 rubles per 1 cubic meter. Why is there one tariff in the city, but our company that services our homes has a different tariff?

We have collected your stories and questions about meters and utility bills in one article. Research your situation and take note of everything you learn. There is no theory in this article, but there are links to regulations and real stories from the lives of our readers.

Ekaterina Miroshkina

economist paying the bills

Hot water is not hot enough

Question. What should the hot water temperature be? If it is less than the standard, then where to go and how to recalculate the payment? If they raise the temperature, won't it have a side effect? Will water become more expensive?

Answer. The temperature of hot water at water points must be no lower than 60 °C and no higher than 75 °C. The water supply point is a tap in the kitchen or bathroom.

The rules for the provision of utility services specify permissible deviations in hot water temperature:

  • at night (from 0:00 to 5:00) - maximum by 5 °C;
  • during the day (from 5:00 to 00:00) - by a maximum of 3 °C.

If the water flowing from the tap is colder than required by law, the fee can be recalculated. For every 3 °C deviation, the fee is reduced by 0.1% per hour. If the temperature of hot water is below 40 °C, then the fee for it will be charged as for cold water.

There are also requirements for properties, pressure and uninterrupted supply of hot water. If the supplier violates at least one of the conditions, you can apply for a recalculation and even cancel payment for the entire period when water was supplied not according to standards.

In 2013, the Supreme Court declared the permissible deviations in hot water temperature invalid. At 60 °C, dangerous bacteria die, so the water should not be colder - this is considered to be of poor quality. In such cases, it seems that they should not charge for water at all. But this decision does not affect the recalculation of fees for hot water: it is used in other situations.

A common house meter can record the temperature. There are devices that save temperature data for every hour. They can be used to record violations. If there is no such device, you will have to call experts to measure the temperature and draw up a report.

You must contact the management company or water supplier with the device data or a report of violations. If they don’t count it voluntarily, the court will force it. Expenses for the examination are also reimbursed.

If the temperature is raised to the standard, there can be no talk of any increase in tariffs - this is illegal. If boiling water comes out of the tap, this is a violation and a reason for a recount.

If your house has problems with hot water, install a common house meter that will record the data. Don't forget to trust it and register it with the water utility. Otherwise, the testimony may not be accepted even in court.

Payment for water at two addresses

Situation. I live in one house and am registered in another. There are no water meters in the houses: everyone pays according to the standards. I have to pay for myself twice: where I actually live and use water, and where I am registered with my parents.

Question. How can I refuse payment to one of the addresses?

Answer. The easiest way is counters. But if no one has meters in their homes, it is most likely technically impossible to install them. Then you have the right not to pay where you don’t actually live. But this needs to be proven.

The local water utility will tell you which documents are suitable as evidence in your case. If you can’t reach a peaceful agreement, go to court. They will assess the circumstances and force the water utility to recalculate the fee and not charge it in the future.

Even if there are no official documents that will confirm that you actually live in another place, the child’s medical history from the clinic, water payment receipts at the actual address, and even a statement with the signatures of neighbors will be useful.

Standards are more profitable than meters

Situation. I live in a huge cottage. According to the meter, I paid two thousand rubles for cold water. The meter's verification period had expired, I did nothing, and the water utility began to count according to the standard. It turned out that the standard does not take into account water consumption for watering the lawn, washing the car and facade, filling the pool and fountain. As a result, I pay the standard two hundred rubles a month.

Question. Is it legal to continue this way?

Answer. Sometimes, according to the standard, resources are cheaper. This happens if there are actually more people living in the house than are registered. Or more water is wasted than prescribed in the standards.

In fact, the law has standards for watering the lawn, for the pool, and even for feeding animals. Inspectors from the water utility go to households and record who wastes water beyond domestic needs.

If they come to you with an inspection and see an overspending, they may charge you additional fees for the previous months. But they may not come. You have the right to pay both according to standards and according to meters. The water utility is responsible for billing you, not you.

On the other hand, you must provide truthful information about how you use the water. If the water utility does not know that you have a pool and a lawn, then you need to inform them about this: otherwise they will have a reason to charge you retroactively. And then you will not only not save, but also overpay.

Rules for payment for general house needs

Situation. My mother lives alone in her own three-room apartment. A family of five lives in a one-room apartment nearby. They use the elevator more often, trample more in the corridor, and pay per square meter of one-room apartment.

Question. Why not break down the amounts on the general building meter by the number of residents, and not by the area of ​​the apartments?

Answer. The elevator and corridor are part of the common property, for the maintenance of which all residents of the house pay. According to the law, the share in the common property is proportional to the total area of ​​the apartment.

This may seem unfair in your situation, but it is written into law.

The owner of a three-room apartment with an area of ​​80 m² has a share in the common property that is twice as large as that of neighbors in a one-room apartment with an area of ​​40 m². And the fee for its maintenance is twice as much.

If you have your own story about meters, an interesting way to save money, or a complex question about utilities, send it to [email protected]- we'll figure out.

The provision of utility services is regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, in particular Federal Law No. 210 of December 30, 2004 “On the basis for regulating tariffs of public utility organizations.”

Rules for the provision of public services to citizens have been approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307 of May 23, 2006. In 2017-2018, there was some change in the approved ones; the tariffs for hot and cold water changed. In 2019, tariffs increased in almost all regions of Russia.

Who sets the rates?

And water supply, including, turns out to be resource supply organizations on the basis of agreements concluded with consumers.

According to Article 157 Part 2 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, payment for water is calculated according to approved tariffs. Tariffs are set by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies in the manner prescribed by law.

Article 3, clause 3 of Federal Law No. 210 states that the final amount of payment for water supply services is established taking into account the approved tariff and the premium to it for the provision of the service.

That is, the water tariff is set by local governments on the basis of current tariffs and the necessary surcharges in accordance with the maximum indices in force in the given territory.

Limit indices established by government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation determine the maximum and minimum limits for changing tariffs, taking into account surcharges.

Thus, the resource supplying organization must calculate the costs associated with water supply. According to this indicator and the approved tariff, government agencies determine the final cost for the consumer.

Wherein the organization's ownership of the well does not matter, the supplier organization does not have the right to set a price higher than the maximum permissible value.

How is the fee calculated and what is included in the cost of a cubic meter of water?

By paying for the supply of hot and cold water, the consumer pays not only for the water itself, but also for organizing its submission. So the price of water includes:

All costs are considered strictly in accordance with statutory standards.

Difference in tariffs with and without a meter

There is no difference in tariffs with and without a meter and there shouldn’t be. A cubic meter of water costs the same in any case, another thing is that payment for water is calculated differently.

So, when using water without a meter, the main indicator is taken “water norm” per person.

This quantity is multiplied by the number of citizens living in the apartment, after which the total amount is calculated according to the current tariff.

If there is a water meter, the actual amount of resource consumed is calculated, regardless of the number of registered residents.

But in this case, you will also need to pay, which is distributed to all owners of individual metering devices in accordance with the volume of water they used.

Since June 2011, the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” has been in force.

Based on this, the presence of an individual water meter in a single apartment is in no way does not eliminate the need to pay for general house overuse of water resources.

But since many multi-apartment residential buildings, if available, have both residential premises equipped with individual metering devices and premises without them, many consumers do not understand how payment for water is calculated taking into account the general overexpenditure of the resource.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307 of May 23, 2006 defines the formula by which payment for the provided resource is calculated when taking into account the readings of a common house water meter.

To calculate payment, the following steps are carried out:

To pay for overruns once a year the management company adjusts payments, that is, the above formula applies. As a result, an additional amount to be paid appears in the receipts of apartment owners with meters.

Overconsumption of water usually occurs due to:

  • excessive waste of water in premises without a meter;
  • water losses due to faulty condition of intra-house networks;
  • uncoordinated connection of individual consumers to intra-house networks, for example, for watering green areas and plantings near the house;
  • non-accounting in the payment system for citizens not officially registered, etc.

Thus, the difference between the readings of the common house meter and the actual water consumption is paid by the owners of individual meters.

In this case, installing water meters may become unprofitable, and therefore a law was passed obliging all consumers to install water meters.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354, all property owners had to install water meters before July 1, 2013.

In the absence of a meter, from January 1, 2015, payment for water was calculated by adding 10% to the existing tariff, from July 1, 2015, 20% was added to the tariff, then the amount of the additional payment was increased and adjusted, reaching 50% by January 1, 2019.

Also, the Russian Government was developing a project that was supposed to determine social norm for water consumption. If this indicator is exceeded, then payment is made at an increased rate.

Current consumption standards for hot and cold water

Tariffs for hot and cold water for the population are regulated by the state, that is, determined by regional authorities in accordance with the methodology approved by the Federal Tariff Service.

Wherein in different regions these rates can vary significantly, depending on the cost of organizing water supply.

Water tariff increase in 2019

According to representatives of the Russian government, the current socio-economic situation in the country forces enterprises involved in the supply of cold and hot water to the population to take measures to increase their tariff schedule.

At the same time, it is worth noting that such an increase in the cost of water supply at the level of 4.9, 4.4 and 4.1 percent is noticeably lower than the previously proposed growth rates of 6.2, 6 and 4.7 percent.

According to experts, there is simply no other way out of the current situation other than increasing the cost of tariffs, even though the burden on the country’s population is already quite serious. About 20 percent of our citizens are completely convinced that payments for water supply should not be collected. Of course, everything around us is becoming more expensive, there is an increase in basic energy resources, so an increase in water tariffs is a completely justified and justified measure.

It should also be noted that even such an increase in tariffs will not cover the need to modernize and repair the existing water supply network.

In 2019, an increasing factor of 1.5 (or 50% of the standard) is applied to utility services for hot water supply, hot water supply and electricity supply. For 2019, the figure has not changed.

This norm applies only to those citizens who do not have in their apartment recording the consumption of electricity, cold and hot water.

For consumers who do not have the technical ability to install metering devices, which is confirmed by a special act, nothing changes - they pay for consumption based on basic consumption standards, without increasing factors.

The main question that consumers of hot water and cold water services are now asking is: how to avoid increasing payments? It's simple: If it is technically possible to install individual meters, the consumer of utilities is obliged to install them, the same applies to a common house meter. In this case, the payer exempt from the application of a multiplying factor, since the calculation is made not according to the standard, but according to actual meter readings.

How to get rid of unnecessary payments?

“Water meter maintenance” fees – what are they? Is this legal and is it possible to refuse incomprehensible payments?

In the near future, residents will begin to pay for hot water according to a new principle: separately for the water itself and separately for heating it.
So far, enterprises and organizations are already using the new rules, but for residents the old accounting remains. Due to communal confusion, housing services companies are refusing to pay heat energy companies. Fontanka understood the complexities of the two-part tariff.


Until 2014, the population and businesses paid for hot water as follows. For the calculation it was necessary to know only the consumed number of cubic meters. It was multiplied by the tariff and by the figure artificially derived by officials - 0.06 Gcal. This is exactly the amount of thermal energy, according to their calculations, that is needed to heat one cubic meter of water. As Deputy Chairman of the Tariff Committee Irina Bugoslavskaya told Fontanka, the indicator “0.06 Gcal” was derived based on the following data: the temperature of the hot water provided should be 60 - 75 degrees, the temperature of the cold water used to prepare hot water should be 15 degrees in winter, 5 degrees in summer. According to Bugoslavskaya, committee officials made several thousand measurements, taking information from metering devices - the artificially derived figure was confirmed.

In connection with the use of this payment method, a problem arose with risers and heated towel rails connected to the hot water supply system. They heat the air, that is, they consume Gcal. From October to April this thermal energy is added to heating; in the summer this cannot be done. For a year now, a system has been in place in St. Petersburg according to which payments for heat supply can be charged only during the heating season. As a result, unaccounted heat is generated.


In May 2013, federal officials came up with a way out of the situation of unaccounted for heating with heated towel rails and risers. To achieve this, it was decided to introduce a two-component tariff. Its essence lies in separate payment for cold water and its heating - thermal energy.

There are two types of heating systems. One implies that the hot water pipe comes from the one intended for heating, the other implies that for hot water, water is taken from the cold water supply system and heated.

If hot water is taken from the same pipe as heating, then payment for it will be calculated taking into account the costs associated with chemical treatment, staff salaries, and equipment maintenance. If cold water from the State Unitary Enterprise “Vodokanal of St. Petersburg” is used for heating, then the payment for it is taken according to the tariff - now it is a little more than 20 rubles.

The heating tariff is calculated based on how many resources were spent on the production of thermal energy.

Confused housing residents

From January 1, 2014, a two-component tariff was introduced for consumers who do not belong to the “population” group, that is, for organizations and enterprises. In order for citizens to be able to pay according to the new principle, it is necessary to make changes to regulations. Payment under the new system is prohibited by the rules for the provision of utility services. Since residents are still paying according to the old scheme, housing organizations serving buildings with non-residential premises have received a new headache.

Charging for hot water supply consists of two parts, or components, each of which is highlighted in a separate line on the receipt - DHW and DHW heating. This is due to the fact that in Academichesky houses, water preparation is carried out directly by the management company in individual heating points of each house. In the process of preparing hot water, two types of utility resources are used - cold water and thermal energy.

The first component, the so-called

DHW supply- this is directly the volume of water that passed through the hot water supply meter and was consumed indoors in a month. Or, if the readings were not taken, or the meter turned out to be faulty or its verification period has expired - the volume of water determined by calculation according to the average or standard for the quantity prescribed.. The procedure for calculating the volume of hot water supply is exactly the same as for To calculate the cost of this service, the tariff for cold water is applied, since in this case it is cold water that is purchased from the supplier.

The second component

DHW heating- this is the amount of thermal energy that was expended to heat the volume of cold water provided to the apartment to hot temperature. This amount is determined based on the readings of the common house heat energy meter.

In general, the fee for hot water supply is calculated using the following formula:

P i gv = Vi gv × T hv+ (V v cr × Vi gv/ ∑ Vi gv × T v cr)

Vi Guards- the volume of hot water consumed during the billing period (month) in an apartment or non-residential premises

T xv- tariff for cold water

V v cr- the amount of thermal energy used during the billing period to heat cold water during the independent production of hot water by the management company

∑ Vi gv- the total volume of hot water consumed during the billing period in all rooms of the house

T v cr- tariff for thermal energy

Calculation example:

Let's assume that hot water consumption in an apartment for a month is 7 m3. Hot water consumption throughout the house is 465 m3. The amount of thermal energy spent on heating hot water according to a common house meter is 33.5 Gcal

7 m 3 * 33.3 rub. + (33.5 Gcal * 7 m 3 / 465 m 3 * 1331.1 rub.) = 233.1 + 671.3 = 904.4 rub.

Of which:

233.1 rub. - payment for actual water consumption (DHW line in the receipt)

671.3 - payment for thermal energy spent on heating water to the required temperature (DHW heating line in the receipt)

IN in this example To heat one cube of hot water, 0.072 gigacalories of thermal energy were spent.

IN the value showing how many gigacalories were required to heat 1 cubic meter of water in the calculation period is called DHW heating coefficient

The heating coefficient is not the same from month to month and largely depends on the following parameters:

Cold water supply temperature. At different times of the year, the cold water temperature ranges from +2 to +20 degrees. Accordingly, in order to heat water to the required temperature, different amounts of thermal energy will have to be expended.

The total volume of water consumed per month in all areas of the house. This value is largely influenced by the number of apartments that submitted their testimony in the current month, recalculations, and, in general, the discipline of residents in submitting their testimony.

Thermal energy consumption for hot water circulation. Water circulation in the pipes occurs continuously, including during the hours of minimum water consumption. That is, for example, at night, hot water is practically not used by residents, but thermal energy for heating water is still spent to maintain the required temperature of hot water in heated towel rails and at the entrances to apartments. This figure is especially high in new, sparsely populated buildings and stabilizes as the number of residents increases.

The average values ​​of DHW heating coefficients for each block are given in the section “Tariffs and calculation coefficients”

With the arrival of cold weather, many Russians are concerned about how to pay for utilities. For example, To How to calculate hot water and how often you should pay for these services. To answer all these questions, you first need to clarify whether a water meter is installed in this home. If the meter is installed, then the calculation is made according to a certain scheme.

The first thing you need to do is look at the receipt for housing and communal services that came last month. In this document you should find a column that indicates the amount of water consumed for the last month; we will need figures with indicators at the end of the last reporting period.

The first thing you need to do is look at the receipt for housing and communal services that came last month

After these readings are written out, they should be entered into a new document. In this case, we are talking about a receipt for payment for housing and communal services for the next reporting period. As you can see, the answers to the questions of how to calculate the cost of hot water using a meter and how to determine its consumption are quite simple. It is necessary to take all water meter readings promptly and correctly.

By the way, many management companies themselves enter the above information into the payment document. In this case, you won’t have to look for data in old receipts. You also need to remember that in situations where the water meter has just been installed and these are the first readings, the previous ones will be zeros.

The initial readings of some modern meters may contain some other numbers rather than zeros

I would also like to clarify that the initial readings of some modern meters may contain not zeros, but some other numbers. In this case, in the receipt in the column where you need to indicate the previous readings, you need to leave exactly these numbers.

The process of searching for previous meter readings is very important if you need to understand the question of how to calculate hot water according to the meter. Without this data, it will not be possible to correctly calculate how many cubic meters of water were used in a given reporting period.

So, before you start studying the question of how to calculate the cost of hot water, you should learn how to take water meter readings.

Symbols on the meter

Almost all modern meters have a scale with at least 8 digits. The first 5 of which are black, but the second 3 are red.


It is important to understand that only the first 3 digits, which are black, are displayed on the receipt. Because these are cubic meters data, and it is based on them that the cost of water is calculated. But the data that is colored red is liters. They do not need to be indicated on receipts. Although these data make it possible to estimate how many liters of water a particular family consumes over a certain reporting period. In this way, you can understand whether it is worth saving on this benefit or whether the consumption is within normal limits. And of course, you can determine how much water is spent on bathing procedures, and how much on washing dishes, and so on.

It is important to understand that the receipt displays only the first 3 digits, which are black.

To correctly understand how to calculate the tariff for hot water, you should know on what day of the month the readings of this device are taken. Here, you need to remember that water meter data must be taken at the end of each reporting period, after which it must be transferred to the appropriate authority. This can be done through phone call or via the Internet.

On a note! It should be remembered that the figures are always indicated at the beginning of the reporting period (that is, those that were taken last month) and at the end (these are those that are being taken now).

This regulation is prescribed in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011, number 354.

How to calculate the service correctly?

It is no secret that the legislation of our country is constantly changing, and therefore citizens are beginning to worry about the question of how to calculate hot water or any other utility costs.

If we talk specifically about water, then we should take into account the fact that payment consists of certain components:

  • indicators of a water meter, which is located in the room and controls the flow of cold water;
  • indicators of the meter, which shows the consumption of hot water in a given apartment;
  • indicators of a device that calculates the cold water consumption of all tenants;
  • data from the meter that monitors the consumption of the residents of the house; it is installed in the basement of the house;
  • the share of a specific apartment in the total expense;
  • the share that corresponds to a specific apartment in this building.

The penultimate indicator is the most incomprehensible, although in fact everything is quite accessible. It is taken into account when determining the amount of resource that was spent on everyone. It is also called “general house needs”. This, by the way, also applies to the last indicator; it is calculated when general house needs are calculated.

Calculation of hot water consumption

As for the first two indicators, they are quite understandable. They depend on the residents themselves, because a person can choose for himself whether to save the consumption of a particular resource or not. But in other cases, it all depends on how often wet cleaning is done in the entrance of the house, on the number of riser leaks, and so on.

The worst thing about this calculation system is that almost the entire part of the general household needs is fictitious. After all, in every building there are residents who incorrectly indicate their individual indicators, or, for example, one person is registered in their apartment, but five live. Then the general house needs had to be calculated based on the fact that 3 people live in apartment No. 5, and not 1. In this case, everyone else would have to pay a little less. As you can see, the question of how to calculate hot water still needs careful research.

That is why our officials are still trying to figure out how to calculate the fee for hot water and which mechanism would be the most successful.

Do everyone have the same rates?

To save money, you should always tighten the tap if this moment no need to use water

To do this, just go to the website of the management company or just call them. Also, similar information is contained on the receipt that comes to each resident.

After this data has been found, the cost of the consumed cubic meters of resource should be calculated. Next, calculating the payment for hot water is quite simple; this is done in the same way as in the case of all other resources. You should take the number of cubic meters spent and multiply by the specific tariff.

It should be noted that today there are many ways you can save hot water consumption, thereby reducing your costs for paying for it. To do this, you can use special nozzles on the faucet; they will help you not spray water so much and control the pressure power. You should also open the tap valve not at full strength, so the stream will flow under less pressure, but the water will not fly out in all directions. And of course, you should always turn on the tap if you don’t need to use water at the moment. For example, when a person brushes his teeth or washes his hair (while his head is being soaped or his toothbrush is being lubricated, the water tap can be closed).

All these tips will help reduce the cost of paying for hot or cold water, thereby helping to correctly calculate hot water consumption.

Difference between hot and cold water calculations

Of course, this formula, as well as the one that takes into account hot water consumption, has many flaws. Due to the fact that general house indicators are taken into account, it is difficult to control where the difference went between the individual indicators of all residents and the data that was taken from the water meter installed on the house. Perhaps this is really true, and all this water was used to clean the entrance. But this is hard to believe. Of course, there are residents who deceive the state and give incorrect data, but there are also errors in the operation of the pipeline system itself (the sewer pipes in most houses are old and can leak, so the water goes nowhere).

Hot water invoice

For a long time now, our government has been thinking about how to correctly calculate hot and cold water and how to improve the existing mechanism.

For example, in 2013, our authorities came to the conclusion that it was necessary to establish standard norms for general household needs and take this data into account when calculating the cost of one cubic meter of water. This helped to slightly restrain the zeal of our management companies and help the citizens of the country. You can find out these numbers from the management company. But this only applies to those cases where residents have entered into an agreement with the management company. If we are talking about Vodokanal, then each locality will have its own separate fixed minimum payment. And, for example, an overpayment in a given reporting period may cover expenses in the next one.

As you can see, there is a whole diagram that makes it clear how to calculate hot water heating or how to calculate how much to pay for cold water consumption.

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy for heating 1 sq. meters of total area in 2017:

January-April 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 1197.50 rub/Gcal = 43.8285 rub/sq.m.

May 0.0122 Gcal/sq. m * 1197.50 rub./Gcal = 14.6095 rub./sq.m

October 0.0322 * 1211.33 rubles/Gcal = 39.0048 rubles/sq.m.

November-December 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 1211.33 rub./Gcal = 44.3347 rub./sq.m

Calculation of the cost of service for hot water supply per person in 2017:

January-June 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month *1197.50 rub./Gcal = 253.87 rub./person.

July-December 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month *1211.33 rub./Gcal = 256.80 rub./person.

Calculation of the cost of service for hot water supply using a domestic hot water meter in 2017:

January – June 0.0467 Gcal/cub. m * 1197.50 rub./Gcal = 55.9233 rub./cubic. m.

July-December 0.0467 Gcal/cu.m. m * 1211.33 rub./Gcal = 56.5691 rub./cubic. m


Calculation of the cost of thermal energy for heating 1 sq. meters of total area in 2016:

January-April 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 1170.57 rub/Gcal = 42.8429 rub/sq.m.

May 0.0122 Gcal/sq. m * 1170.57 rub./Gcal = 14.2810 rub./sq.m

October 0.0322 * 1197.50 rubles/Gcal = 38.5595 rubles/sq.m.

November-December 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 1197.50 rub./Gcal = 43.8285 rub./sq.m

Calculation of the cost of hot water supply services per person in 2016:

January-June 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month *1170.57 rub./Gcal = 248.16 rub./person.

July-December 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month *1197.50 rub./Gcal = 253.87 rub./person.

Calculation of the cost of service for hot water supply using a domestic hot water meter in 2016:

January – June 0.0467 Gcal/cub. m * 1170.57 rub./Gcal = 54.6656 rub./cubic. m

July-December 0.0467 Gcal/cu.m. m * 1197.50 rub./Gcal = 55.9233 rub./cubic. m


Calculation of the cost of thermal energy for heating 1 sq. meters of total area in 2015:

Heating consumption standard * Thermal energy tariff = cost of thermal energy for heating 1 sq. m:

January-April 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 990.50 rub./Gcal = 36.2523 rub./sq.m

May 0.0122 Gcal/sq. m * 990.50 rub./Gcal = 12.0841 rub./sq.m

October 0.0322 * 1170.57 rubles/Gcal = 37.6924 rubles/sq.m.

November-December 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 1170.57 rub./Gcal = 42.8429 rub./sq.m

Calculation of the cost of hot water supply services per person in 2015:

DHW consumption standard * Heat energy tariff = cost of DHW service per 1 person

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply service for 1 person with a fully equipped apartment (from 1 to 10 storeys, equipped with a sink, washbasin, bathtub 1500-1700 mm long with shower) in the absence of hot water meters:

January-June 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month *990.50 rub./Gcal = 209.986 rub./person.

July-December 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month *1170.57 rub./Gcal = 248.1608 rub./person.

Calculation of the cost of service for hot water supply using a domestic hot water meter in 2015:

The standard thermal energy consumption for heating is 1 cubic meter. m of water * Tariff for thermal energy = cost of service for heating 1 cubic meter. m

January – June 0.0467 Gcal/cub. m * 990.50 rub./Gcal = 46.2564 rub./cubic. m

July-December 0.0467 Gcal/cu.m. m * 1170.57 rub./Gcal = 54.6656 rub./cubic. m

year 2014

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy for heating 1 sq. meters of total area in 2014:

Heating consumption standard * Thermal energy tariff = cost of thermal energy for heating 1 sq. m:

January-April 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 934.43 rub./Gcal = 34.2001 rub./sq.m

May 0.0122 Gcal/sq. m * 934.43 rub./Gcal = 11.4000 rub./sq.m

October 0.0322 Gcal/sq. m * 990.50 rub./Gcal = 31.8941 rub./sq. m

November – December 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 990.50 rub./Gcal = 36.2523 rub./sq.m

Calculation of the cost of service for hot water supply per 1 person in 2014:

DHW consumption standard * Heat energy tariff = cost of DHW service per 1 person

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply service for 1 person with a fully equipped apartment (from 1 to 10 storeys, equipped with a sink, washbasin, bathtub 1500-1700 mm long with shower) in the absence of hot water meters:

January-June 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month * 934.43 rub./Gcal = 198.0991 rub./person.

July – December 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month * 990.50 rub./Gcal = 209.986 rub./person.

Calculation of the cost of service for hot water supply using a domestic hot water meter in 2014:

The standard thermal energy consumption for heating is 1 cubic meter. m of water * Tariff for thermal energy = cost of service for heating 1 cubic meter. m

January – June 0.0467 Gcal/cub. m * 934.43 rub./Gcal = 43.6378 rub./cubic. m

July – December 0.0467 Gcal/cubic. m * 990.50 rub./Gcal = 46.2564 rub./cubic. m

year 2013

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy for heating 1 sq. meters of total area in 2013:

Heating consumption standard

  • January-April 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 851.03 rub./Gcal = 31.1477 rub./sq.m
  • May 0.0122 Gcal/sq. m *851.03 rub./Gcal =10.3826 rub./sq.m
  • October 0.0322 Gcal/sq. m * 934.43 rub./Gcal = 30.0886 rub./sq. m
  • November – December 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 934.43 rub./Gcal = 34.2001 rub./sq.m

Calculation of the cost of service for hot water supply per 1 person in 2013:

DHW consumption standard

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply service for 1 person with a fully equipped apartment (from 1 to 10 storeys, equipped with a sink, washbasin, bathtub 1500-1700 mm long with shower) in the absence of hot water meters:

  • January-June 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month * 851.03 rub./Gcal = 180.4184 rub./person.
  • July – December 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month * 934.43 rub./Gcal = 198.0991 rub./person.

Calculation of the cost of service for hot water supply using a domestic hot water meter in 2013:

The standard thermal energy consumption for heating is 1 cubic meter. m of water

  • January – June 0.0467 Gcal/cub. m * 851.03 rub./Gcal = 39.7431 rub./cubic. m
  • July – December 0.0467 Gcal/cubic. m * 934.43 rub./Gcal = 43.6378 rub./cubic. m

year 2012

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy for heating 1 sq. meters of total area in 2012:

Heating consumption standard * Thermal energy tariff (supplier MUP "ChKTS" or Mechel-Energo LLC) = The cost of thermal energy for heating 1 sq. m

  • January-April 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 747.48 rub./Gcal = 27.3578 rub./sq. m
  • May 0.0122 Gcal/sq. m * 747.48 rub./Gcal = 9.1193 rub./sq. m
  • October 0.0322 Gcal/sq. m * 851.03 rub./Gcal = 27.4032 rub./sq. m
  • November - December 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 851.03 rub./Gcal = 31.1477 rub./sq. m

Calculation of the cost of hot water supply services per person in 2012:

DHW consumption standard * Heat energy tariff (supplier MUP "ChKTS" or Mechel-Energo LLC) = cost of DHW service per 1 person

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply service for 1 person with a fully equipped apartment (from 1 to 10 storeys, equipped with a sink, washbasin, bathtub 1500-1700 mm long with shower) in the absence of hot water meters:

  • January - June 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month * 747.48 rub./Gcal = 158.47 rub./person.
  • July - August 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month * 792.47 rub./Gcal = 168.00 rub./person.
  • September - December 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month * 851.03 rub./Gcal = 180.42 rub./person.

Calculation of the cost of hot water supply services using a domestic hot water meter in 2012:

The standard thermal energy consumption for heating is 1 cubic meter. m of water * Tariff for thermal energy (supplier MUP "ChKTS" or LLC "Mechel-Energo") = cost of service for heating 1 cubic. m

  • January – June 0.0467 Gcal/cub. m * 747.48 rub./Gcal = 34.9073 rub./cubic. m
  • July – August 0.0467 Gcal/cubic. m * 792.47 rub./Gcal = 37.0083 rub./cubic. m
  • September–December 0.0467 Gcal/cubic. m * 851.03 rub./Gcal = 39.7431 rub./cubic. m
