How to use the hard disk regenerator program. HDD Regenerator: How to use the hard disk recovery software correctly

Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever, including hard drives computers. Over time, they can be subjected to such a negative phenomenon as demagnetization, which contributes to the appearance bad sectors and hence loss of performance. If there are such problems, restore HDD computer in 60% of cases, according to the developers, the HDD Regenerator utility will help. In addition, it is able to create bootable flash drives, and perform some other actions. detailed instructions for working with HDD Regenerator will be provided by us below.

Consider the algorithms for performing the main tasks that can be implemented using HDD Regenerator.

S.M.A.R.T. testing

Before you start restoring a hard drive, you need to make sure that the malfunction lies in it, and not in some other element of the system. For these purposes, it is best to use S.M.A.R.T. technology, which is one of the most reliable self-diagnosis systems. hard drive. The HDD Regenerator utility allows you to use this tool.

Hard drive recovery

Now let's look at the procedure for repairing a damaged computer hard drive.

Create a bootable flash drive

Among other things, the HDD Regenerator application can create bootable flash drive or a disc with which you can, for example, install Windows on your computer.

Create a boot disk

Similarly, it is created boot disk.

As you can see, despite the presence of a number of additional features, the HDD Regenerator program is quite easy to use. Its interface is so intuitive that even the absence of the Russian language is not a big inconvenience.

Hello, today we will talk about how to use the HDD Regenerator program, how it works and what it is all about. So, let's move on to the instructions ...

The software product is intended for testing and repairing hard drives, restoring their work if this is not entirely correct. able to cope even in the most difficult cases. The probability of this is more than fifty percent.

Work of the program with data recovery on the hard drive

Pulses in the form of high and low level signals are generated and methodically sent to the damaged surface of the hard drive section. As a result of these influences, the process of remagnetization of the disk occurs. Such a process assists in the recovery of sectors that go into a non-working state due to incorrect disk magnetization processes.

Correction system errors on the hard drive occurs without affecting user information. As a result, the data on the disk will not be affected in any way and will not be damaged.

Download program HDD Regenerator quite realistic in free version- Spread software product completely free (can be easily found on the official website or on).

Most popular versions:

  • 2011;
  • 2015;
  • 2016 years.

After we have downloaded the software to our computer, we run the file in the archive with the name " Read me". It should be read and accepted as an instruction for use, which describes the process of installing the software. In the same archive you can find patch c serial number(key) and crack (rus).

Instructions for working with the HDD Regenerator program

After the installation process of the program is completed, an icon with the logo will appear on the desktop. HDD Regenerator. Double-clicking on the icon will launch the program.

A window appears on the computer monitor where you will be prompted to scan the hard drive, as well as create a bootable USB flash drive, disk.

Let's move on to the restoration work: you need to click on the image with the button " Regeneration". The button is located on the top tab bar, after that, in the list that has dropped out, click - "Start the process for".

The next window prompts you to select to start restoring it. It can be visualized with quantitative parameters such as capacity and number of clusters.

Button press " Start” (“Start Process”) will bring up a window with Announcement about the use of disk space by software tools already running on electronic device. To continue the restore process, you must close all open software and processes.

When the window shown below appears, click on the " Retry».

This will cause a DOS-specific window to appear on the monitor screen.

  1. Perform hard drive diagnostics and continue recovery work;
  2. Perform diagnostic operations and display data upon completion;
  3. Restore certain sectors of the hard drive;
  4. Output statistics.

After a normal scan, the program will offer to fix the errors found, select "1".

In the next window, specify from which sector you want to start scanning the disk, we recommend starting from "0".

Purpose of the program: testing and repair of hard drives.

Let's see what they offer us.

We start the program, select a disk for work. Double clicking on a disk line launches a console window with the actual program.
A DOS-like window opens, somewhat outdated, but it's probably easier to do program updates this way - you have to rewrite less. Select the type of scan. Confirmation of choice - enter.

  • Quick search (in the description there is no explanation of what this means, perhaps scanning of certain areas of the disk)
  • Full scan with or without recovery
We choose the second item.

Then the following menu is displayed. You need to choose how to scan.
  • Scan and restore.
  • Scan without recovery.
  • Regenerate (do you believe in miracles?) all sectors, even good ones.
Let's choose the first item, we will refrain from regeneration ...

And the last menu.

You need to specify the scan range. You can start from the beginning - from the zero address, you can continue the interrupted session, you can set the range of sectors manually. We will scan the entire disk first - select 1.

The disk surface check begins. From the current data, only the percentage of the elapsed and, approximately, the remaining time. What other options are there? When paused (Esc), an additional menu is displayed.

Let's see what's there.
  • Proceed.
  • Show statistics.
  • Change scan boundaries.
  • Change scan mode.
  • Exit the program.
The most interesting point here is the statistics. But unfortunately, useful information here a little.

It shows the number of sectors checked, sectors with a delay, but there is no breakdown by delay time, how many sectors did not recover, the number of sectors recovered, the number of newly appeared bad sectors. Oddly enough, but all free analogues(Victoria (dos&win), MHDD, HDDScan (win)) display much more current information about the scan, which allows you to more accurately assess the state of the disk and the prospects for its recovery.

What is paid in this utility? This becomes clear when she stumbles upon the first bad. One she processes as a demonstration of the possibilities. And on the second bed it displays such an enticing message.

The disc contains Recoverable Damage and you need to pay for it to fix it. full version programs.

It would be appropriate to compare HDDRegenerator with its competitors, for example with Victoria for windows. An example of how to use it we have a "link". Here we show how it looks and what it can just for comparison.

Getting started with the program.

The disk is selected from the list of devices in the system. The disk passport is displayed in the working window. The regenerator does not issue a passport. With some malfunctions, the disk displays an incorrect passport. The program features are visible in the Test tab.

Here only at first glance it seems that it is difficult. After reading the description of the practical application, everything quickly becomes clear. For example, the notorious regenerator delay sectors here in Victoria are sorted by response time and highlighted in colors for clarity.

As for the restoration of sectors, there is also a complete set of tools.

Remap- analogue of repair in the Regenerator.

Erase- an analogue of regenerate, yes, it is overwriting, no information will remain in the sector.

If Vitoria seems overloaded, then there is also HDDScan, very handy program and an example of its use is "link".

The principle of operation of the regenerator is that it repeatedly overwrites poorly readable sectors until the disk itself replaces them from the reserve zone. It will simply overwrite soft-bads, and for hardware-bads it will launch the remap procedure provided for by the ATA standard, i.e. nothing supernatural is applied. All these procedures are fatal for data contained in slow-reading sectors.

If you apply this program or any other with a similar purpose on a damaged disk with important data, you must remember that all operations to repair the drive are fatal for the information on it, because. write during operation, which is not allowed in DataRecovery procedures.

But all programs, except for hddregenerator "and honestly warn about the danger of data loss. And only the regenerator promises miracles without warning that it actively uses writing to problem sectors and that this can lead to loss of user data.

HDD Regenerator can be used to rid a disk of soft-bad blocks. He will cope with this task. But given that this product is paid, if available free utilities, its use is extremely limited.

Despite the fact that flash memory is rapidly becoming cheaper, and every year more and more affordable and capacious SSDs appear on the market ( solid state drives), it is hard disk drives that are still on most devices. These are the well-known "hard drives" or HDDs, which are famous for their availability and large volumes. Often in SSD computers used only as system disk, in order to speed up the loading and operation of the OS. Well, we still store the main information on the HDD. And sometimes the integrity of these media can be called into question.

The presence of bad sectors and technical damage reduces efficiency work hard disk, up to the complete loss of information on it. When it comes to work, such losses can be extremely painful. So it’s better not to bring it up to this and keep your hard drive in a state of perfect performance. Moreover, today it can be done at the software level.

2 Benefits

On the this moment the utility is supported by all Windows versions, ranging from Xp to 10. File system she doesn't care either. At the same time, you can work both directly from the OS, and from a bootable USB flash drive or CD.

Unlike many other similar programs, HDD Regenerator is very easy to learn as it has an intuitive interface. In this case, the process can be completed halfway and always resumed from anywhere.

3 Minor flaw

The larger the hard drive, the longer the program will run. At in large numbers bad sectors recovery speed will not please you. So in general it is better to just leave the program running and do other things.

4 Main functions of the program

  • Getting the most complete information about the current state of your disk. Temperature, fragmentation and other data are available in real time. At the same time, the program can constantly monitor HDD status and notify the user of minimal changes;
  • The program can scan the hard drive for bad sectors and automatically fix problems.

Important! The program can be launched not only from under operating system, but also from a boot disk or flash drive. This allows not only to use it for different computers, but also to restore heavily damaged hard drives that can no longer ensure the full operation of the computer.

5 Create a bootable USB flash drive / disk

Consider the issue of creating a bootable USB flash drive. At open window programs in the "Recovery" item, select what we will create - a bootable flash drive or CD. After that, the utility will give us a list of all connected drives, among which the one that we plan to make bootable is selected. Next, formatting occurs, destroying all information on the flash drive, after which the program itself is written there.

6 Launching the program from under Windows

The easiest way that does not involve restarting the computer. After opening the program, click on the same item "Recovery", after which a window will appear with a list of all used in the system hard drives. You just have to select the one you need, and then click "Start the process."

Important! If there are working applications on the disk at the time the program is launched, this will be notified. To continue working, all programs and processes from this HDD will need to be closed.

Next, a DOS window appears with white text on a black background. We choose the second option with a full scan and recovery of bad sectors. You can choose without recovery, which will be available in the second window. But it's better to click the first option Scan and repair. Finally, a third window appears, in which you can choose to scan from the very beginning (1), continue if the process was started earlier (2), or select the range of sectors to scan manually (3).

We select the first item and the process starts, after which it remains only to wait for its completion, or to interrupt it by pressing the ESC key. This will bring up a list with possible further actions:

  1. Continue process - the scanning process continues;
  2. Show Statistics - if we want to see statistics;
  3. Change start/end sectors - if we want to select or change the start and end sectors;
  4. Change mode - if we want to change the scanning mode;
  5. Exit program - if we want to close the program.

If you wanted to check the statistics, then in it the red letter "B" will display damaged sectors, and the letter "R" - restored ones.

7 How to start from a bootable USB flash drive

Before using this method, you need to go into the BIOS and set the boot options so that the disk or flash drive is loaded first, before the HDD. These steps are familiar to all those who have previously installed the operating system.

8 Things you need to know about disk surface regeneration

In the first window, under the third number, you will be offered the item Regenerate all sectors in a range (even if not bad). This means that the program, using its remagnetization capabilities, will restore all sectors, including undamaged ones. It is important to note two points here:

  • Before starting the process, you must save all important data, as they will be erased. So if there is at least partial access to the disk, then try to pull everything you need out of it;
  • The process is very long and can take tens of hours. So if the volume of the disk is large, or there is a lot of damage, it is recommended to select other modes of operation.

A hard drive is not an eternal component of a computer system. Unfortunately, sooner or later it fails. The reason for this is demagnetization, as a result of which bad sectors appear. But what to do to extend, or even completely hard drive? According to many experts, this will help one simple program, that's what we're talking about today. To be more precise, the article will tell you how to use HDD Regenerator 1.71, but it’s worth clarifying right away that the guide is suitable for other versions of the application.


Since the developers of the program position it as a tool for recovering bad sectors of a hard disk, it would be wise to start an article on the topic “How to use HDD Regenerator” directly from this function. However, it will not be entirely correct to do this, because there can be many reasons for a drive failure. It is for these purposes that software There is a S.M.A.R.T test function. This is one of the most reliable disk diagnostic systems, so it is recommended to use it before proceeding with the "repair" of the drive.

  1. Run the program.
  2. On the top panel, click on the section called S.M.A.R.T.
  3. Wait for the diagnostics to finish.

As a result of a rather lengthy analysis, the program will show you the status of the hard drive. If there are no problems with it, then you will see the inscription "OK". If it is different, then you can be sure that the problem lies in bad sectors and you need to use the option to restore them.

Disk Recovery

A guide on how to use 2011, we will continue directly with main feature programs - the ability to restore broken hard disk. In fact, this procedure is quite time-consuming, so be patient and don't miss anything.

  1. Launch the application.
  2. On the top panel, click on the Regeneration section, which translates as "Recovery".
  3. In the section menu that appears, select the Start Process under Windows option.
  4. Immediately after that, a window will appear in which a list of hard drives installed in the computer will be displayed. All you need to do at this stage is to select the desired hard drive and click the Start Process button.
  5. A pseudo-graphical interface window will appear. For some users, working in it is not very comfortable, however, following the instructions, you should not have any problems with this.
  6. To start the recovery process, enter the number "2" from the keyboard and press the Enter key.
  7. In the next menu, you must press the key with the number "1", and then Enter. Thus, you will start the process of scanning bad sectors with their subsequent recovery.
  8. Now you need to specify from which sector you want to check. It is best to check the entire disk, respectively, start from zero. To do this, enter the number "1" in the window and press Enter.

As soon as you complete all the above steps, an indicator of the progress of the restoration work will appear on the screen. It is with its help that you can track how many bad sectors were detected and how many of them were recovered. All that remains to be done is to wait for the scan to complete.

Create a bootable flash drive

From the guide on Regenerator, you already know how to recover bad sectors. This is the main function of the program, however, not the last one. With it, you can create a bootable USB flash drive in order to drop some program on it in the future to run it directly from the drive.

  1. Open the program window.
  2. Insert a USB flash drive into a port on your computer.
  3. From the main menu of the application, click on the Bootable button USB Flash.
  4. A new menu will open that will display a list of detected flash drives connected to the computer. Select your flash drive from the list and click OK.
  5. A new window will appear, which will say that as a result of the operation, all data from the drive will be erased. Click OK to start the operation.

It doesn't last very long. Immediately after the end, the program will notify you of this, after which you can copy the program to the USB flash drive to run it from the BIOS.

Create a boot disk

The instruction on how to use HDD Regenerator would not be complete if it did not tell you how to create a boot disk. In general, this operation is not much different from the previous one, but for the sake of completeness, we will describe it in detail:

  1. Run the program.
  2. Insert a CD or DVD into your computer drive.
  3. Click Bootable CD/DVD in the main menu.
  4. In the list of detected optical drives, select the disc you just inserted and click OK.
  5. Wait until the end of the process.

Now you fully know how to use HDD Regenerator. Of course, there are a few more items in the application that have not been discussed, however, they play a mediocre role.


So we figured out how to use the HDD Regenerator program. As you can see, despite the fact that the developers position it as a recovery application hard working disk, it has other equally useful functions. You can easily use it to create a boot disk, USB flash drive or test the drive. In general, the program is very useful and it is recommended to install it on the computer immediately so that at any time there is an opportunity to influence the operation of the computer.
