How to assemble a metal detector with your own hands is the easiest. Simple metal detector at home

It's almost like a treasure hunt. Some are stopped by the fact that they live far from mountains or rivers in order to search for nuggets by washing sand. Others do not understand radio components to know how to extract gold from them. And still others prefer to look for precious metal with a metal detector, but do not have the means to buy it. Fortunately, the device is quite simple, and even without being a radio amateur, you can make it yourself.

Operating principle

What is a metal detector? This is a device that, with the help of certain radiations, finds metal located underground, without direct contact with it. The response data that comes in helps identify the find and informs about it with an audible or visual signal.

The principle of operation of the metal detector

The electromagnetic field emitted by the device comes into contact with metals, in this case with gold, which provokes the occurrence of eddy currents on their surface. By measuring the electrical conductivity, metals are identified and this data is transmitted by a signal.

Metal detectors may have various options waveforms, return signal processing techniques, additional functions and much more. Therefore, before you start making a device, you need to decide what exactly you want to get as an output.

The standard frequency for metal detectors is 6-20 kHz, but for gold it should be slightly higher, 14-20 kHz or more. This is because gold often occurs as tiny nuggets, so higher sensitivity is needed. If there is such an opportunity, then it is good to have a device with a multi-frequency adjustable search, then it will be possible to increase the number of objects that it recognizes.

Among all metal detector circuits on the Internet, experts advise choosing devices with balanced induction, which have two coils and a powerful electronic circuit in the head. Of great interest are also circuits that have the principle of operation of a receiver-transmitter operating at high frequencies, about 20 kHz, which makes it possible to distinguish non-ferrous metals from ferrous ones.

Common parameters

Various technical methods can be applied to the construction of a metal detector. Much depends on the conditions in which it will be operated. Therefore, the idea of ​​what requirements the device must meet must be defined as clearly as possible. The following device parameters are distinguished:

  • sensitivity - a characteristic that determines how small objects the detector can detect;
  • selectivity - the ability to identify metals and react to specific ones;
  • resistance to interference - the ability not to respond to extraneous radio signals from radio stations, cars, lightning strikes and others;
  • power consumption - how much the device consumes and how much the built-in battery or batteries last;
  • penetrating power - the depth at which the device can recognize metals;
  • device dimensions;
  • search area size - the area that the device covers without changing its location.

Resolution is the main parameter, in turn, it is also a composite one. There are one or two signals at the output of the device, and there are more properties that determine the object and its location. For example, if you lower the generator frequency, you can achieve an increase in the search area and penetration, but lose in sensitivity, as well as mobility due to an increase in the size of the coil.

Scheme of a simple metal detector

The design feature of the metal detector is that all of the above parameters in combination or individually depend on the frequency of the coil. Thus, this characteristic is decisive in the design of the device. By frequency, metal detectors are divided into the following:

  • ultra-low-frequency: frequency up to several hundred hertz, low mobility, high power consumption, complex in design and signal processing;
  • low-frequency: hundreds, thousands of Hz, low sensitivity, high noise immunity, simple design, permeability depends on power - from 1 to 4 m, mobile;
  • increased frequency: tens of kHz, the design is simple, the permeability is up to 1.5 m, the noise immunity is poor, the discrimination is so-so, the sensitivity is good;
  • high-frequency: radio frequencies, typical "for gold", discrimination is excellent, the permeability is small, up to 80 cm, low consumption, other parameters are poor.

Instrument design

A device that does not require absolutely no knowledge in radio engineering can be assembled with your own hands, having: a calculator, a radio receiver, a box with a plastic or cardboard hinged lid, double-sided tape. The calculator should be as cheap as possible to serve as the basis of radio interference, and the receiver should not have noise immunity.

Do-it-yourself metal detector, instructions:

  • We unfold the box, forming a book out of it.
  • We fix the calculator and the receiver in the box, the last one in the lid.
  • We turn on the receiver and look for a free section at the top of the AM band.
  • We turn on the calculator: the receiver should make a sound, set it to maximum volume.
  • If there is no tone, adjust until it appears.
  • We fold the lid so that the tone disappears. In this position, the magnetic vector of the primary impulses will be perpendicular to the axis of the magnetic antenna rod.
  • We fix the cover.

Thus, it is quite simple to assemble a primitive device, but in order to get more data, you already need to have some knowledge and skills in radio electronics. On the Internet you can find a suitable one from a variety of schemes.

Today, there are many different ideas on the Internet that allow you to make a metal detector with your own hands at home. Some of them require certain skills in working with electrical appliances, soldering and understanding the simplest electrical circuits, and some do not require any knowledge in these areas to create. However, there are many non-working, fake methods circulating the network, captivating with their simplicity and accessibility. It is very easy for an inexperienced person to fall for the bait of deceivers - to spend time and effort on the manufacture of a deliberately non-working device and lose all interest in it. But do not be discouraged, further readers of "" will be provided with an interesting and really working scheme for creating a homemade metal detector!

Idea number 1 - Drives in motion!

Surely you have already seen or heard that the simplest metal detector can be made by yourself using a CD and DVD disc as shown in the photo. The scheme is quite simple and does not require any professional tool or skills.

This instruction is the most popular due to the availability of the necessary components and the simplicity of its assembly, all you need to do is connect a couple of wires and a crown together and the device is ready. At the same time, the characteristics of this device are attributed to quite good ones - it finds a coin at a distance of 25-30 cm, which is quite enough to search for coins and treasures. However, unfortunately, this instruction is fake.

The fact is that the metal detector itself is a rather complex device, its work is based on several physical phenomena at once. Therefore, a calculator and a couple of disks cannot even remotely repeat its principle of operation, so as not to be claimed by the creators of such instructions, who sometimes write that they even find treasures using such homemade products.

It is very easy to understand that you are being deceived even without knowledge of the laws of physics. The wires from the headphones that need to be attached to the disk do not actually come into contact with it in any way, since the copper is under a layer of lacquer insulation, which must be removed by firing and laborious cleaning from carbon deposits, of course, none of the authors of the instructions in their devices does this . Therefore, the headphones are simply not connected to any circuit, and there can be no talk of any work, let alone the search for metals.

A real metal detector works on the basis of an induction balance; its design must include at least one coil of copper wire. When a metal object enters the field of the coil, its characteristics or the received signal, depending on the design, change. These changes are fixed and amplified by the circuit, and also given out in a form understandable to a person, usually by means of sound signals.

Video instructions for assembling a metal detector from discs

Idea number 2 - Metal detector according to the "Pirate" scheme

This is a scheme proven by many home-made people that allows you to achieve good results. It contains two microcircuits, so you will have to make a small printed circuit board or assemble the device on a breadboard. But do not be afraid, anyone can make such an option, making the necessary efforts for this. Provided below electronic circuit device and printed circuit board for it.

The coil is made of enameled copper wire, with a diameter of 0.5 mm. Winding must be done on a frame with a diameter of 200-260 mm, the number of turns is from 21 to 25. For reliability, it is better to install the coil in a protective plastic casing, which can then be attached to a handle made of PVC pipes.

After assembling the metal detector, it must be checked. The order of use is as follows: turn on the device away from metal objects for about 30 seconds so that its operation is more stable, then, turning the variable resistor knob for coarse and fine adjustment, you need to achieve rare clicks. When metal enters the coverage area, you will hear a characteristic sound.

Below is detailed video assembly instructions, which clearly shows all the stages of creating a homemade metal detector.

Deep type metal detectors are able to detect objects in the ground at a great distance. Modern modifications in stores are quite expensive. However, in this case, you can try to make a metal detector with your own hands. For this purpose, it is first of all recommended to familiarize yourself with the design of the standard modification.

Modification scheme

When assembling a metal detector with your own hands (the diagram is shown below), you need to remember that the main elements of the device are a damper on a microcontroller, a capacitor and a handle with a holder. The control unit in the devices consists of a set of resistors. Some modifications are made on drive modulators that operate at a frequency of 35 Hz. Directly racks are made with narrow and wide plate-shaped plates.

Assembly instructions for a simple model

Assembling a metal detector with your own hands is quite simple. First of all, it is recommended to prepare a tube and attach a handle to it. Installation requires high conductivity resistors. The operating frequency of the device depends on many factors. If we consider modifications on diode capacitors, then they have high sensitivity.

The operating frequency of such metal detectors is about 30 Hz. The maximum detection distance of an object is 25 mm. Modifications are capable of working on lithium-type batteries. Microcontrollers for assembly will be required with a polar filter. Many models fold on open type sensors. It is also worth noting that experts do not recommend using high sensitivity filters. They greatly reduce the accuracy of detecting metal objects.

Model series "Pirate"

You can make a Pirate metal detector with your own hands only on the basis of a wired controller. However, first of all, a microprocessor is prepared for assembly. To connect it, you will need Many experts recommend the use of grid capacitors with a capacitance of 5 pF. Their conductivity should be maintained at a level of 45 microns. After you can start soldering the control unit. The stand must be strong and support the weight of the plate. Plates larger than 5.5 cm in diameter are not recommended for 4V models. System indicators are optional. After fixing the block, it remains only to install the batteries.

Using reflex transistors

Making a do-it-yourself metal detector with reflex transistors is quite simple. First of all, experts recommend installing a microcontroller. Capacitors in this case are suitable for a three-channel type, and their conductivity should not exceed 55 microns. At a voltage of 5 V, they have a resistance of approximately 35 ohms. Resistors in modifications are used mainly of the contact type. They have a negative polarity and cope well with electromagnetic vibrations. It is also worth noting that during assembly it is allowed to use the maximum plate width for such a modification is 5.5 cm.

Model with convection transistors: expert reviews

You can assemble a metal detector with your own hands only on the basis of a collector controller. In this case, capacitors are used at 30 microns. If you believe the reviews of experts, then it is better not to use powerful resistors. In this case, the maximum capacitance of the elements should be 40 pF. After installing the controller, it is worth taking up the control unit.

These metal detectors receive good feedback for reliable protection against wave interference. For this purpose, two diode-type filters are used. Modifications with display systems are very rare among homemade modifications. It is also worth noting that power supplies must operate at low voltage. Thus, the battery will last a long time.

Using Chromatic Resistors

With your own hands? A model with chromatic resistors is quite easy to assemble, but it should be borne in mind that capacitors for modifications are only allowed to be used on fuses. Experts also point out the incompatibility of resistors with feed-through filters. Before starting the assembly, it is important to immediately prepare a tube for the model, which will be a handle. Then the block is installed. It is more expedient to select modifications for 4 microns, which operate at a frequency of 50 Hz. They have a small scattering coefficient and high measurement accuracy. It is also worth noting that seekers of this class will be able to successfully work in conditions of high humidity.

Model with a pulsed zener diode: assembly, reviews

Devices with pulsed zener diodes are distinguished by high conductivity. If you believe the reviews of experts, then home-made modifications are able to work with objects different sizes. If we talk about the parameters, then their detection accuracy is approximately 89%. It is worth starting the assembly of the device with a rack blank. Then the handle for the model is mounted.

The next step is to install the control unit. Then the controller is mounted, which works from lithium batteries. After installing the unit, you can start soldering the capacitors. Their negative resistance should not exceed 45 ohms. Expert reviews indicate that modifications of this type can be produced without filters. However, it should be borne in mind that the model will have serious problems with wave interference. This will damage the capacitor. As a result, the battery in models of this type is quickly discharged.

Application of the low frequency transceiver

Low-frequency transceivers in models significantly reduce the accuracy of the devices. However, it is worth noting that modifications of this type are able to successfully work with small objects. At the same time, they have a small self-discharge parameter. In order to assemble the modification with your own hands, it is recommended to use a wired controller. The transmitter is most often used on diodes. Thus, conductivity is provided at around 45 microns with a sensitivity of 3 mV.

Some experts recommend installing mesh filters, which increase the security of models. To raise the conductivity, only transitional type modules are used. The main disadvantage of such devices is the burnout of the controller. With such a breakdown, it is problematic to repair the metal detector with your own hands.

Using a high frequency transceiver

On high-frequency transceivers, you can assemble a simple metal detector with your own hands only on the basis of a transitional controller. Before starting the installation, a rack for the plate is prepared as a standard. The conductivity of the controller is on average 40 microns. Many specialists do not use contact filters when assembling. They have high heat losses and are capable of operating at 50 Hz. It is also worth noting that lithium batteries are used to assemble the metal detector, which recharge the control unit. The sensor itself for modifications is installed through a capacitor, in which the capacitance should not exceed 4 pF.

Longitudinal resonator model

There are often devices with longitudinal resonators on the market. They stand out from their competitors with high accuracy in determining objects, and at the same time they can work in high humidity. In order to independently assemble the model, a stand is prepared, and a plate should be used with a diameter of at least 300 mm.

It is also worth noting that a contact controller and one expander are required to assemble the device. Filters are used only on a mesh lining. Many experts recommend installing diode capacitors that operate at a voltage of 14 V. First of all, they discharge the battery a little. It is also worth noting that they have good conductivity compared to field counterparts.

Using Selective Filters

Making such a deep metal detector with your own hands is not easy. The main problem is that a conventional capacitor cannot be installed in the device. It is also worth noting that the modification plate is selected from 25 cm in size. In some cases, the racks are installed with an expander. Many experts advise starting the assembly with the installation of the control unit. It must operate at a frequency of no more than 50 Hz. In this case, the conductivity depends on the controller that is used in the equipment.

Quite often, it is selected with a lining to increase the security of the modification. However, such models often overheat, and are not able to work with high accuracy. To solve this problem, it is recommended to use conventional adapters that are installed under the capacitor units. A do-it-yourself coil for a metal detector is made from a transceiver unit.

Application of contactors

Contactors are installed in the devices together with control units. Racks for modifications are used in short lengths, and plates are selected at 20 and 30 cm. Some experts say that devices should be assembled on impulse adapters. In this case, capacitors can be used with low capacitance.

It is also worth noting that after installing the control unit, it is worth soldering a filter that can operate at a voltage of 15 V. In this case, the model will maintain a conductivity of 13 microns. Transceivers are most often used on adapters. Before turning on the metal detector, the level of negative resistance is checked on the contactor. The specified parameter averages 45 ohms.

Device search is just huge popularity. Looking for adults and children, and amateurs and professionals. They are looking for treasures, coins, lost things and buried scrap metal. And the main search tool is metal detector.

There is a great variety of different metal detectors for every “taste and color”. But for many people, buying a ready-made branded metal detector is simply financially expensive. And someone wants to assemble a metal detector with their own hands, and someone even builds their own small business on assembling them.

Homemade metal detectors

In this section of our site about homemade metal detectors, will be collected: best metal detector circuits, their descriptions, programs and other data for manufacturing DIY metal detector. There are no metal detector circuits from the USSR and circuits on two transistors here. Since such metal detectors are only suitable for a visual demonstration of the principles of metal detection, they are not at all suitable for real use.

All metal detectors in this section will be quite technologically advanced. They will have good search characteristics. and well-assembled homemade metal detector a little wakes up to be inferior to factory counterparts. Basically, there are different schemes. pulse metal detectors and metal detector circuits with metal discrimination.

But for the manufacture of these metal detectors, you will need not only desire, but also certain skills and abilities. We tried to break down the schemes of the given metal detectors according to the level of complexity.

In addition to the basic data required to assemble a metal detector, there will also be information on the required minimum level of knowledge and equipment for self-manufacturing of a metal detector.

To assemble a metal detector with your own hands, you will definitely need:

This list will provide the necessary tools, materials and equipment for self-assembly of all metal detectors without exception. For many circuits, you will also need various additional equipment and materials, here are just the basic ones for all circuits.

  1. Soldering iron, solder, tin and other soldering accessories.
  2. Screwdrivers, pliers, wire cutters and other tools.
  3. Materials and crafting skills printed circuit board.
  4. Minimum experience and knowledge in electronics and electrical engineering as well.
  5. As well as straight arms - they will be very useful when assembling a metal detector with your own hands.

Here you can find schemes for self-assembly of the following models of metal detectors:

Principle of operation IB
Metal Discrimination there is
Maximum search depth
there is
Operating frequency 4 - 17 kHz
Difficulty level Average

Principle of operation IB
Metal Discrimination there is
Maximum search depth 1-1.5 meters (Depends on coil size)
Programmable microcontrollers there is
Operating frequency 4 - 16 kHz
Difficulty level Average

Principle of operation IB
Metal Discrimination there is
Maximum search depth 1 - 2 meters (Depends on the size of the coil)
Programmable microcontrollers there is
Operating frequency 4.5 - 19.5 kHz
Difficulty level High

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You just won't believe how many treasures lie literally under our feet. It is clear that we do not even suspect the presence of a treasure until it responds with a squeak in a metal detector. Without this tool, archaeologists, prospectors, search engines and builders cannot imagine their work. A professional tool is expensive, so if treasure hunting is a hobby for you, you will certainly think about how to make a metal detector with your own hands. Today, the editors of the site offer to study some life hacks, workflows and proven instructions for making this device. It is not as difficult as it seems, and even if you are a beginner radio amateur, you will cope with the task without much effort.

Treasure hunting is an exciting hobby that requires knowledge not only in the field of history, but also in technology and electronics.

The principle of operation of the device is based on the laws of physics, allowing you to recognize objects at a distance. The action is directed and limited. The more expensive the metal detector, the greater the radius of its work and the sensitivity of the detector. In complex models, there is a metal recognition function. Each type of metal interacts in its own way with the frequency of the search circuit, and the device compares the reaction with the standard and displays information for the operator on the display or beeps.

In another popular design, the device analyzes the phase shift in the transmitting and receiving coils. When there are no metals in the detector area, the coil transmits a signal with a small amplitude. As you approach the search object, the amplitude increases. Thus, you can distinguish between non-ferrous and ferrous metals and detect voids in the ground. The device of the metal detector is shown in the following diagram.

Parameters of metal detectors depending on the purpose and technical device

Metal detectors for amateurs are the simplest devices dynamic type. The search head of the device must constantly move, only in this way the desired signal can appear. If you stop moving, the signal will disappear. Such simple detectors are convenient because they do not require complex settings and allow excluding medium soils. Among the shortcomings, we have to note its weak sensitivity and frequent false alarms in difficult areas.

Middle class devices have better sensitivity. In the factory configuration, such a device comes with several search heads of different sizes. To set up the detector, certain skills are required. Middle class metal detectors are capable of recognizing metals.

Computerized devices are already professional tool with liquid crystal display and pointer indication. In the memory of its processor, programs are loaded that are capable of recognizing and distinguishing a signal, classifying each detected object. Professionals independently program devices under search conditions, excluding unwanted triggers.

Tools for searching for gold work not only on coins and jewelry located in the ground, but also on native metal. It is not suitable for searching for small particles, such as sand. He does not recognize them, especially if the soil has a high mineralization.

Depth detectors are designed to search for objects located at an impressive depth. They can detect metal at a depth of up to 6 meters, while the other models "punch" only up to 3. Such devices recognize voids and other internal soil anomalies. Deep detectors work on two coils, one is parallel to the ground surface, the other is perpendicular.

Stationary detectors are frames installed at especially important protected objects. They calculate any metal objects in the bags and pockets of people passing through the loop.

What types of metal detectors can be made at home with your own hands

Detectors are divided into 5 main types according to the principle of detecting the desired object.

Consider which of the metal detectors are suitable for DIY at home:

Type ofPeculiaritiesIs it suitable for DIY
Reception-transmissionWorks with two induction coils. In the absence of the desired object, the signal does not pass into the receiving coil.Yes
InductionCombines the functions of both coils. The signal is constant, changing when metal is detected.No, as a rule, there are difficulties with isolating the effective signal.
Frequency meter basedThe design of the device includes an LC generator that changes frequency when metal objects are detected. Has low sensitivity.Yes
With Q-meterIt has an LC generator signal analyzer. Doesn't work well at low temperatures.Yes
PulseBased on the transmission of eddy pulsed currents. The signal changes its character depending on the type of metal detected.Yes

And now more about how to make a simple metal detector with your own hands using the Pirate design as an example.

Homemade metal detector "Pirate": a diagram and a detailed description of the assembly

If you are just thinking about how to make a homemade metal detector, do not try to take on complex models. Start with a simple but effective Pirate. The name was invented by the author of a homemade product from a combination of Pi (impulse) and Ra-t (radioscope). The name stuck, and the users liked the simple and understandable assembly scheme so much that the “Pirate” became one of the most popular homemade products in this area. Currently, there are already 4 modifications of the "Pirate" scheme. The metal detector is simply assembled by hand, without the use of any specific tools.

The only drawback of this device is that in a do-it-yourself metal detector there is no scheme for working with metal discrimination. But for a novice treasure hunter, this is not essential.

Parts for assembling a metal detector

To make the device, you will need to purchase:

  • ceramic capacitor - 1 nF;
  • 2 film capacitors - 100 nF;
  • electrolyte capacitors: 10 microfarad (16 V) - 2 pieces, 2200 microfarad (16 V) - 1 piece, 1 microfarad (16 V) - 2 pieces, 220 microfarad (16 V) - 1 piece;
  • resistors - 7 pieces per 1; 1.6; 47; 62; 100; 120; 470 kOhm and 6 pieces for 10, 100, 150, 220, 470, 390 Ohm, 2 pieces for 2 Ohm;
  • variable resistors - 3 pieces for 10 and 100 kOhm, 400 Ohm (1W);
  • transistors - 3 pieces, BC557, IRF740, BC547;
  • 2 diodes 1N148;
  • 2 microcircuits: K157UD2 and NE555.

You will also need a plastic pipe for the rod, batteries or 9V accumulators and a PEV wire with a diameter of 0.8 mm.

Note! Many are interested in how to make a metal detector out of your phone with your own hands. Some developers even offer programs that you can download to your phone and use for this purpose. Serious radio amateurs can only advise you to use some spare parts - for example, a headphone input or a battery, perhaps a circuit board.

Do-it-yourself metal detector schemes

The simplest Pirate scheme looks like this.

The board can be placed in a pocket receiver case or any plastic box that is convenient in size, even simple junction boxes from an electrician's arsenal are suitable.

Important point! To get rid of possible interference when touching the device controls, all cases of variable resistors are connected to the minus of the board.

If you want to take your experiments further, here is a diagram for making a metal detector with a gold reference.

If you correctly assembled the circuit, the device will work properly. Possible problems with microchip.

How to assemble a metal detector circuit board with your own hands

The circuit board layout of the metal detector is quite simple. It can be conditionally divided into several blocks:

  • search coil assembly;
  • transistor audio amplifier;
  • pulse generator;
  • two channel amplifier.

This is how it looks.

The pulse generator is assembled on the NE555 timer. Through the selection of C1 and 2 and R2 and 3, the frequency is adjusted. The pulses obtained as a result of scanning are transmitted to transistor T1, and it transmits a signal to transistor T2. Amplification of the audio frequency occurs on the transistor BC547 to the collector, and headphones are connected.

Note! You can make a metal detector with your own hands without microcircuits. On the web you will find many analog circuits on transistor generators. Such devices will detect metal at a depth of up to 20 centimeters in the ground and up to 30 in loose sand.

How to make a coil for a metal detector with your own hands

The coil is an important part of the device. It can be made from copper wire or twisted pair. Read more in our master class.

Coil of copper wire

IllustrationAction Description
Suitable for coil copper wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm.
For winding, prepare such a board with guides. The distance between the guides should be equal to the diameter of the base on which you will mount the coil.
Wind the wire around the perimeter of the fasteners in 20-30 turns.
Fasten the winding with electrical tape in several places.
Remove the winding from the base and give it a rounded shape.
Choose a base that will hold its shape. It can be a lid from a plastic bucket or a wooden hoop for needlework.
Connect the circuit to the device and test its operation.
The assembled coil of wire may look like this.
To test the operation of the device, pass metal objects over the coil at different heights.

Twisted pair coil

IllustrationAction Description
Roll the wire into two skeins as shown in the photo, leaving two ends about 10 centimeters each.
Strip the winding and free the wires for connection.

Connect the wires as shown in the diagram.
Solder the ends of the wires for better contact.
Test the coil in the same order as the copper wire coil.
Advice! If you want to make a more powerful do-it-yourself coil for a metal detector, give it an elliptical shape.

Detailed instructions for setting up a do-it-yourself Pirate metal detector

For final assembly appliance, you will need a plastic pipe. The assembly scheme is simple. The sensitivity of the detector is adjusted using potentiometers. Achieve the result so that it recognizes a coin from a distance of 30 centimeters. He will “hear” large metal deposits for a meter and a half. "Pirate" does not recognize non-ferrous metals under you or ferrous, so here you just have to dig, and it is possible that you will stumble upon an old trough, and not a coveted treasure. But in this case, you can take it not by quality, but by quantity, because any metal can be handed over to a recycling center.

How the "Pirate" assembly will look like - in the next video. It remains only to note that the kit for the manufacture of this device can be bought on the Internet. By the way, it comes with detailed instructions how to make a metal detector at home from the parts of the kit.

Is it possible to make an underwater metal detector with your own hands

The search for underwater treasures is an exciting experience. The chances of finding something valuable are not so small, especially if you have some kind of clue where to look. The "pirate" we talked about can handle underwater searches. You just need to slightly modify it, making good insulation from moisture and replacing the sound alarm with LED. How it will work in this video.
