How to refill hp refillable cartridges. Instructions for refilling PZK (refillable cartridges)

(PZK) differ from the original ones only in that they are transparent and have a hole for refilling ink with a stopper. PZKs are purchased only once, then you only purchase ink for them.

Different HP printer models have different types ink - water-soluble or pigment. When purchasing, you should consider the type of ink used in your printer, otherwise using the wrong type of ink/poor quality/diluted one risks clogging the print head, which is the most expensive part of your printer. Therefore, when purchasing, you should carefully check a couple of times whether you are purchasing the right type of ink. We recommend using InkTec brand ink (Korea).

Remember that the quality of the document/photo depends not only on the cartridges, but also on technical condition your printer, its printing elements, ink, paper used, operating rules, etc. Therefore, if you correctly fill and install the slam-shut valve, problems and deterioration in print quality should not arise.

SPDs work exclusively as a set. They cannot be used together with original and compatible cartridges. All cartridges that you have used previously (original, compatible) must be removed from the printer.

The cartridge has two holes: filling and air. The air hole must be open when printing to allow ink to enter the print head.

Chips usually need to be rearranged from original cartridges. The chip is attached to the cartridge using double-sided tape, but it happens that the chip is soldered into plastic and cannot be melted without a hair dryer.

To refill you will need ink and regular medical syringes without needles. Remember, one syringe - one color. Do not fill two colors with one syringe. After the first filling, the syringes can be left for future use, after rinsing with water. During refilling, the orange trays must be covered to prevent ink from leaking from the bottom hole.

Draw ink from the bottle into the syringe.

Fill the cartridge through the hole so that the foam inside the cartridge is completely saturated, and the adjacent free container in the seal is filled with ink to the level of the foam, i.e. 3-4 mm of air will remain on top.

After refilling, tightly close the ink hole with a stopper of the appropriate color.

Repeat the refilling procedure for the remaining cartridges, then remove the protective trays and install the seal in the printer.

After installation, the printer will “swear” at the cartridges, because... chips rearranged from the original cartridge transmit information to the “empty cartridge” printer. Press and hold the cancel button for 8-10 seconds, or simply press the OK button, this way you will force the printer to work with the newly refilled cartridge.

Thank you for reading these instructions.

If you have any questions that are not described in this manual, we will be happy to help. You can find our contacts on the store website

Having a printer not only at work, but also at home has long ceased to be a luxury and has become almost a daily necessity. By entrusting their printing to inkjet devices, the user receives high quality and economical operation at a low cost. And when it comes to saving on consumables, PZK come to the rescue. Refilling for HP cartridges will allow you to save money and will be an excellent alternative to expensive original cartridges.

Easy refilling of hp cartridges - step by step instructions

Below you will find instructions with which you can easily cope with refilling your printer. On our website, refilling HP cartridges is also presented in a video. Before refueling, prepare workplace- cover it with paper so as not to stain it with ink. You will need syringes with needles, medical gloves, napkins and paints. There should be one syringe for each color; if there is only one syringe, wash it every time before adding another paint; mixing colors is unacceptable. We correctly remove the cartridges from the printer; to do this, select the “replace cartridge” option so that the carriage with the cartridges comes out. Refilling each HP cartridge should take no more than a few minutes, so that the total time the printer spends without cartridges does not exceed 10 minutes.

So, we take the cartridge with the label facing up and install it on the refill pad - this is an orange plug, which is also necessary when transporting the cartridge. We put on gloves and draw ink into the syringe, remove the rubber stopper from the filling hole, seal the air hole with tape (if this is the first filling, then the air hole is sealed with a label) and pour in the ink. Let the foam inside the container absorb the paint and add more ink if necessary. After this, tightly close the filling hole with a plug and open the air hole. If you do not open the air hole, the printer may not print or may streak. Remove the orange plug above the napkin; a small amount of ink may drip from the cartridge. Make sure that there is no ink dripping and insert the cartridge back into the printer according to the color sticker on the printer until it clicks. In the same way we refill the remaining cartridges no.

HP SPDs presented on our website are already equipped with auto-resetting chips. If you purchased cartridges without chips, then you will need to remove them from the original cartridges and install them on the safety valve. Chips are reset when the cartridge is removed from the printer, which is very convenient and does not require either reset buttons or programmers. Refilling HP deskjet cartridges follows the same instructions.

For filling the PZK(Refillable cartridges) you need the seal itself, ink and a syringe with a needle.

1. Move the carriage to the cartridge replacement position (see the printer user manual), remove all original cartridges.

2. Filling the PZK with ink is done through the filling holes. Remove the rubber stopper from the filling hole (Photos 1 and 2), fill the syringe with ink of the appropriate color and fill it into the cartridge, then close the filling hole with the colored stopper. The air hole must be closed. The slam-shut valves should be filled to 2/3 of their volume. About 18-20 ml can be poured into colored PZKs, and 36-40 ml into black ones. After the cartridge is refilled and the filling hole is closed with a plug, you need to remove the plug from the air hole.

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

3. Insert all refillable cartridges into the printer carriage. The slam-shut valves must be installed as a set; there is no need to install the slam-shut valve and original cartridges in a mix.

4. Clean the print head a few times and you are ready to print.

Monitor the ink levels in cartridges using the standard printer utility. Don't forget to refill them in a timely manner. Do not fill them more than about 2/3 full, otherwise ink may fill the air hole, causing poor printing. If print quality deteriorates, perform a routine print head cleaning. You can read how to do this in the user manual for the printer.

For different models printers may have differences in appearance cartridges, but the refilling and installation technology is identical!

1. Preparing for refueling
To refill you need to prepare syringes with a volume of 10 ml. and napkins (you may need them during the refueling process)
2. Replacing the chip (for PCB models without chips)
If your slam-shut valves are equipped with chips, skip this step.
To work, you will need to swap the chips from original cartridges to refillable ones. Rearrange the chips one by one, ensure that the colors of the cartridge chips match, each chip is responsible for its own cartridge, for its own color. At first carefully remove the chip from the original cartridge; this can be done using a utility knife or a screwdriver with a flat sharp tip. Then install the chip into the slot of the refillable cartridge. To fix the chip, you will need to solder the plastic holders on which the chip is attached; this can be done with the same screwdriver, having previously heated it with a lighter or soldering iron.
3. Fill the syringe with ink
4. Refilling the cartridge
Take a cartridge with a sticker of the corresponding color. Each cartridge has two holes on top: an ink hole and an air hole. Insert the nozzle of the syringe (without a needle) tightly into the filling hole: as shown in the figure.
Smoothly fill the ink to about 90%. If ink suddenly spills out through the air hole, use a syringe to pump the ink back out and blot it with a napkin. After refilling, the syringes can be rinsed with plain water and dried to be used the next time you refill.
After filling with ink, firmly insert the rubber plug (included in the kit) into the filling hole.
5. Installation in the printer
The air hole must remain open during printing. During long periods of inactivity without printing or transporting the printer with cartridges, it is necessary to tightly close the air hole with a plug (i.e., both holes must be closed).

After refilling all the cartridges, carefully remove the orange stands and insert the cartridges one by one into the printer. Do not touch the bottom flap as Ink may bleed.

Actions to take if printing deteriorates.

Do a nozzle test.
If 1-2 nozzles are missing, then do not take any action. Let the system sit for 1-2 hours. Then do the nozzle test again. All nozzles must be restored.
If more nozzles are missing, then run the cleaning using the utility on your computer once. Then let the system sit for 30-40 minutes. In 90% of cases, the nozzles will be restored. If you have not recovered, run the cleaning again, and again wait 30-40 minutes.

Prevents clogging and drying of nozzles.
Keep the mouthguard (head parking space) clean. Wipe it regularly. Ink that leaks while the head is parked can get back inside the cartridge. If this does happen, then when printing you will find a color mismatch; on the nozzle test you will immediately see this (for example, instead of blue there will be raspberry). Pull out the cartridge and carefully use a syringe to pump out some ink through the bottom rubber valve and insert the cartridge back.

Application of ink.

For reliable CISS operation, use only high-quality ink. Don't try to save money on them. This saving can result not only in printing problems, but also in failure of the printer’s print head.

CISS refueling technology.

When the ink level in the containers reaches about 2cm, refilling is necessary. To do this, remove the filters from the air compartment and tightly close the holes with a rubber plug. Open the ink compartment plug, install the funnel, carefully fill in the ink (they should be the same as they were filled in earlier and do not forget to shake them first), do one by one this operation for each color. Remove the ink funnel, close the ink compartment with a plug, and only then open the air compartments and insert air filters. The air compartment must be empty.

In order for the cartridges from the HP 178 DSK set to be detected by the printer, it is necessary to swap the chips from the original cartridges to the DSK cartridges, strictly observing the color of the cartridges.

The chip itself on the original cartridge is an electrical product made in the form of a flat thin platform containing the chip itself, contact pads, a base and a sticky base with which it is attached to the surface of the cartridge:

During the process of reinstalling the chip, it is very important to place it on the spar cartridge in a precisely defined place for this purpose - otherwise the contacts of the chip may not coincide with the contacts in the printed carriage and the cartridge will not be detected. In order to facilitate this procedure, on the DSK cartridge the installation location of the chip is highlighted using a matte coating that stands out on the general plane of the cartridge in the form of a rectangular area, the size of which exactly matches the dimensions of the chip. It is on this that you need to accurately glue the chip, repeating its position on the original cartridge:

To remove the chip from the original cartridge, use a sharp, flat tool, such as a utility knife blade. It is necessary to very carefully place the tip of the blade under the chip and slightly lift it:

Pressing the chip against the blade with your finger, pull it up - the chip should begin to peel off. Do not attach extra effort To avoid chip damage:

As a result, you will have in your hands a chip removed from the cartridge, stuck to the plane of the knife; hold it with your finger so that it does not accidentally fall out and dirt does not get on the adhesive surface, which will cause poor adhesion to the spare motor cartridge:

Place the spar cartridge cartridge in front of you and carefully visually try on the location of the chip, make sure that the area for gluing the chip on the spar surface is dry and clean:

Place the chip over the beginning of the chip placement area and lightly glue the top of the chip:

If necessary, adjust the position of the chip while it is not yet stuck to the entire plane, then gently press it with your finger to the surface of the cartridge, carefully removing the blade:

This is what a correctly mounted chip should look like on a spare valve cartridge:

To refill a cartridge with ink, install it in a plastic container from the spare valve kit to prevent ink from leaking out during refilling:

Close the air hole on the cartridge with a silicone plug:

Fill the syringe with 9 ml of ink and slowly pour it into the empty compartment, pausing to allow the ink to be absorbed into the absorber of the second compartment:

To continue refilling, you must wait until the ink is completely absorbed into the absorber:

You can speed up the absorber impregnation process by tilting the cartridge towards the absorber side so that the ink is absorbed faster:

In this form, after the ink has been absorbed, there should be a cartridge in the absorber, the empty compartment should be practically free of ink, and the absorber should be completely saturated with ink:

After this, exactly 6 ml of ink must be poured into the empty compartment. Do not try to pour more - this can lead to the cartridge overfilling and the ink will not be retained in it and will flow out, which leads to the print head flooding. Typically, the result of a cartridge leak is blots on the paper during printing or streaking, up to a complete absence of prints due to the fact that the plate with the nozzles is covered with a puddle of ink, which prevents the nozzles from spitting out microdrops of ink. The ink should be approximately to this level:

After refilling, lightly squeeze the cartridge from the sides with your fingers so that a little air comes out of it (another reason why you can’t refill the cartridge to capacity) and close the refill hole with the silicone plug included in the kit:

Before installing the cartridge into the printer, be sure to check it for leaks - remove the plastic block and make sure that the cartridge is in working condition: with an open air hole and a closed refill hole, it does not leak:

After this, the cartridge can be inserted into the printer.

Attention!Since the DZK cartridges are equipped with chips from original cartridges, which ALREADY record (as a rule) the ink level value “RUNNING OUT”, the printer may display a message about the need to replace the cartridge. To continue printing, press the "OK" button on the front panel - the printer will continue printing. This operation will have to be done for each message for each cartridge.
