Unable to reset router settings. Forgot the password from the router (recovery methods)

A lot of people use professional help when setting up a wireless WiFi networks. As a result, they may not know the parameters for accessing the web client of the router. In addition, some users safely forget the password they set, or lose the file with the recorded character code combination. Finally, the router may simply not respond to human commands as a result of some kind of software failure. In such cases, it is almost impossible to restore the normal operation of the network or change its parameters. To deal with such troubles, you need to know how to reset the router settings.

Usually the Reset button is on the back of the router, but there are exceptions.

Suppose that you accidentally changed the most important network parameters and do not know how exactly to return the router settings to their previous state - instead of selecting desired values certain menu items, it is better to perform a hard reset and start from scratch. You should still have access to the web client - turn it on using the standard address, username and password. You will be interested in the menu of the most important settings of the router - depending on the specific manufacturer, it may be called System Tools, Maintenance, "Parameters", " System settings" etc.

Now you will need to select the item that is responsible for restoring the router settings preset by the manufacturer. In the menu in Russian, there should not be any particular problems with finding the desired line, but in English-language programs it will be called "Restore factory Defaults". After selecting this menu item of the router web client, click on the recovery button and wait for the device to reboot completely. After that, you can start configuring the router using the standard parameters for access - this will be discussed later.

Method two. hardware

If, as a result of a software error or unauthorized access, your access settings to the firmware of the router have gone astray, you will have to perform a full hard reset. On most devices, the button full reset located on the back panel or at the bottom closer to the center. It is always supplied with the Reset signature and is located in a small recess that makes it impossible to accidentally press it. After finding the button, take a paper clip or other long and thin object. They will need to hold down the Reset button until all of the router's control lights go out or blink for a second.

AT budget models manufactured by TP-LINK, the settings are reset by the button that is responsible for the WPS function. It must be held for 10-15 seconds to achieve the desired effect. After the reset is completed, the router will give a signal in the form of frequent flashing of the lamps.

When resetting the settings on the Asus router, you will have to look for a button located near the connector external antenna- it is marked with a pictogram in the form of two arrows pointing to a small circle. After holding it for a short time, the WPS indicator lamp will begin to flash rapidly, which will serve as a signal of a successful reset. On Zyxel manufactured devices, you will need to hold the reset button for 10-15 seconds, which will cause the power indicator lamp to flash. In the absence of a special reset button, one can be performed by holding down the power button. After performing a hardware reboot of the router, you need to restore all the parameters in order to establish a stable connection.

What's next?

When the router reset is completed, you need to set the settings that are defined by your provider. After making sure that the device is connected to power, open the list on the computer wireless connections. Some routers automatically boot up with a working wireless network that doesn't require a password to connect. If your router is not in the connection list, take the wire supplied with it and connect the device to the computer via the RJ-45 connector.

The router must be accessible at a standard address - just enter the combination in the address bar of your browser. Some manufacturers use an alternative connection address - to enter it, you must replace zero with one. The next step is to enter access parameters. Most often, it is enough to enter the word “admin” in the login and password lines, but some devices have other factory settings. You can find the desired combinations of characters in the instructions or on the bottom panel of the device.

Logging into the web client of the router, go to the tab wireless network, to install desired name and a connection password - this will allow you to do without wires in the future. Further settings are purely individual and depend on the provider. Most Russian service providers issue a memo to the client, which indicates optimal settings router - in this case, you will have to act strictly according to the instructions.

Only in some cases you will need to contact technical support provider for the information you need. If you purchased a router with firmware developed by a particular company, it is very likely that after a reboot you will have to call a technical service specialist. If attempts to restore the connection on your own do not work, it is better to use professional help to avoid wasting time and worsening the situation.

If you cannot access the router after a reboot, there is a very high chance that you will have to update the device's firmware. It is better to download installation files from the official website of the manufacturer or from trusted sources so as not to harm the device. Be sure to look out for the following signs of serious trouble:

  • All router lamps light up at the same time and do not go out;
  • All control lamps flash rapidly;
  • Only the power indicator lamp is lit.

It is very likely that the device is simply broken and its restoration will cost more than buying a new one.

Simple task

It is not difficult to cope with resetting the router settings - in most cases, the entire procedure, followed by restoring access, takes no more than two minutes. However, the main problems arise precisely at the stage of connecting to the network. Users have a lot of questions - what type of connection to choose, what addresses to enter, where to get the login and the correct password. Most of the answers to them can be given by the subscriber's memo, which is issued by the provider. But in some cases it is better to contact technical service service provider, so as not to make many mistakes, exacerbating the situation.

Incorrect operation of the router, loss of login or password, inability to enter the admin panel page: the reasons for resetting the parameters may be different. Resetting the router settings is quite easy - there are two ways to do it.

Why might a factory reset be required?

The most common reason for a factory reset is the loss of admin panel login data. In this situation, it is impossible to reconfigure the device settings, spy on the password to connect to the router and fix any problems if they occur. To get into the admin panel without remembering the login data, you need to reset your password and login. Resetting the settings returns these values ​​to the default "admin".

Another reason is the inability to find the admin panel page. In case of system failure standard IP address, assigned by the manufacturer, may change. And also the user can change it independently. You can only return the default login address after resetting it to the preset values.

Useful video on resetting the router to factory settings:

And the last option: buying a new or used device. Before installation latest version firmware and its parameters, it is recommended to reset the settings so that the router works more stably.

Method One: Using the Reset Button

This method of resetting information is the easiest and fastest. It requires only access to the device, as well as a long thin object to press the button: a toothpick, a needle, a match, a pen rod, and so on.

Most often, the "Reset" button is located on the back of the device, next to the reset button and ports. In some cases, it may be located on the bottom of the device, next to the label that contains the login information. It looks like this:

To reset, press the button and hold it for 10-15 seconds. The device must be connected to the network during this step. When the parameters are reset, the router will give a light signal: it can be simultaneous or sequential flashing of the LEDs.

Sometimes the router is not reset to factory settings using this method. Most often, the reason is a hardware defect: it's either a broken button or wires. If there is information for logging into the admin panel, you can reset the settings in the control panel.

Method two: reset via control panel

Reestablish basic settings in the control panel is possible only if you remember his username and password. Since the loss of this information is one of the most common reasons for resetting parameters, this method is rarely used.

The required item is located in the "Factory settings" section. Depending on the router model, it may be called "Device Management", "Administration", "Restore Factory Settings" and so on.

You can find this tab in one of the last menu items of the admin panel. There will be a "Restore" button, clicking on which returns the original settings of the Wi-Fi router. After you select this item, the device will reboot and you will need to log in with the preset data.

As usual, it is impossible to bring down the parameters without confirming the command. You will see a dialog box in which you must confirm your consent to reset information, or require you to enter a password from account administrator. This, like the Reset button recessed into the case, protects against accidental data loss.

What's next?

After resetting the settings, you should make sure that all device settings have returned to their original settings. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the IP address listed on the bottom of the device. Usually these values ​​are or
  2. Enter the default username and password: for most models, these are "admin" values. If they do not fit, you can view the data on the bottom surface of the router.
  3. Configure the router: specify the username, password, connection type. You can find it out from your provider: Rostelecom uses PPPoE, Beeline uses L2TP, and so on.
  4. Save settings and reboot the router: if the information is saved, you can perform finer settings.

Why are the settings on the router getting lost?

Random reset is an annoying problem that forces you to reconfigure the router every time and enter the same data. It manifests itself in two variations: the first option does not allow you to save data in the administration panel, and the second one resets the saved settings after the device is rebooted.

Most often, the occurrence of such problems indicates a hardware failure, which can only be fixed in a service center. In some cases, the cause may be old firmware or system defects.

To fix the situation, you can try the following:

  1. If the data is not saved, try accessing the administration panel from another browser. You can also try another device.
  2. If the settings fail after turning off the router, try restarting it through the administration panel. The desired item can be found in the "System Tools" or another section with the appropriate functionality.
  3. Roll back the settings to the factory settings: with the button or manually.
  4. Install new firmware router. This is done like this: you need to go to the manufacturer's website, find the most new version for your device, download it and then update it through the administration panel.

After completing these steps, you need to reboot wifi router and system, and then check the settings. If the parameters you set are in place, then the cause of the breakdown was a system failure.

Nothing helped? There are two ways out: you can take the router to a service center or purchase a new one.

Additional video on the topic of resetting the network adapter:

Now you know how to reset the settings on your router. This is a simple task, which you can cope with without special knowledge and skills. You just need to click on the button, on the device or in the administration system - and then everything will be done for you.

There are cases when, if the router does not work correctly, it is necessary to change the parameters or configuration in the administrative panel of the device. However, access to it has been lost. For example, you changed the default login information ( factory setting admin/admin) and forgot the new values. Also, on some models, access to the control panel may be blocked after repeated incorrect entry of these data (3-5 times in a row). Although this allows you to protect the admin panel from hacking by password guessing, sometimes such excessive vigilance interferes with the owner of the router himself. Resetting the settings in this case will be the best solution.

An equally common reason for restoring the device's default settings is a change in its owner or a desire to set everything up from scratch. If the previous router configuration does not work on your network or you want to reset the login password, a factory reset is a reasonable solution.

Another case where you need to reset the data to its original values ​​is the inability to find the control panel page. All manufacturers of these devices put in the firmware a universal address for entering the device configuration page. It does not depend on the local IP that is used by the router and is issued using a separate Internet address. For example, the universal address for WiFi routers TP Link: tplinklogin.net. If it also does not work, then connect to the network to find out the IP address of the router software methods you can't, factory reset will help.

Advice! Do not rush to perform a factory reset if any difficulties arise. Often a simple reboot of the device can help. To do this, use the button on the router, or turn it off from the network and turn it on again.

Reset settings with a button

This method is the easiest, because it does not require logging into the control panel. To reset all router settings, connect the device to the network, find the "Reset" button on the back panel and press it. At various models and brands may differ only in the duration of pressing the button and its location. On most devices, it takes more than 10 seconds to hold the button down. When the data reset is completed, the device will signal the simultaneous flashing of the LEDs located on the front panel.

For information! In addition to the light designation, routers can report a successful reset in other ways. For example, turning on in turn from the first LED to the last one.

As for the type of button, it can be external and internal (recessed into the body of the device). The location of the button inside the case is necessary so that data reset is not performed accidentally when connecting cables to the ports. And if the outer button can be pressed with a finger, then to press the inner button you need a thin oblong object. The best choice is a match or a toothpick, but other items are also used: a paper clip, an ampoule from a ballpoint pen, a nail, a needle.

You can make sure that the reset of the router parameters has been successfully completed if you go to its control panel with the standard account information (admin / admin). After that, you can configure the router again. Most models provide a function quick installation, which allows you to set the basic parameters for connecting to the Internet, Wi-Fi networks and access protection in 3-4 steps. More fine-grained configuration is done in the next steps when the connection is already established.

Advice! When configuring the machine, be sure to enable Wi-Fi encryption and enter a new wireless network key. Recommended method: WPA2-PSK, the key must contain letters, numbers and symbols. Such protection will help protect the network from hacking by guessing a password using a dictionary.

On some routers, the reset button is located on the bottom panel. If you cannot find the necessary button on the back of the device, near the ports, it is recommended to turn the router over. In addition to the standard name "Reset", it may be called "Restore Factory Settings" (restore factory settings).

Reset settings in the control panel

Resetting parameters in the admin panel is performed only if you have access to it. For example, to perform a factory reset on a TP-Link router, use the "System Tools -> Factory Settings" menu. After clicking on the "Restore" button and confirming the command, it will be rebooted.

In devices of various models, resetting the settings is performed in almost the same way. And although the specific menu item depends on the version of the device, even if you have non-standard firmware, data reset in most cases is one of the last menu items.

Standard menu items for resetting parameters to factory settings on various brands of routers:

  • TP Link: "System Tools -> Factory Settings -> Restore";
  • ASUS: "Administration -> Manage settings -> Factory settings -> Restore";
  • D-Link: "System -> Restore factory settings";
  • Huawei: "Maintenance -> Device management -> Restore factory settings";
  • Zyxel: "Options -> Restore factory settings";
  • upvel: "Administration -> Parameter management -> Restore factory settings".

The exact path may vary in firmware, but when searching for the required partition, you should be guided by this data. As a rule, resetting the router settings is not performed without confirming the command. Some models even provide for re-entry of the administrator account password. So you won't be able to accidentally delete data.

Tutorial video: Reset router settings using TP Link WR 740 as an example


1. If you reboot the device, the factory settings will be restored on it, while the user settings will be lost. Do not hard reset the device if you have not saved your settings, otherwise you will have to reconfigure the device.

2. For these models, the button WPS/RESET located on the back/front panel. To use the WPS function, hold down the button for less than 5 seconds, then led indicator WPS will flash. To reboot the router, hold down the button for at least 10 seconds.

Exists two ways Restoring factory settings on the router:

Method 1Restoring factory settings by pressing the RESET button

At turned on router, press and hold the button WPS/RESET(more than 10 seconds) until the SYS router LED flashes first slowly and then quickly. After that, release the button and wait until the router is restored to factory settings.

Method 2:Via Router Web Configuration Utility

If you are on the device management page, then you can use the function to restore the default settings. Go to tab "System Tools" (System Tools) -> "Factory Settings" (Factory Defaults), then click the button "Restore" and wait while the router is restored to factory settings.


1. Make sure the router is powered on before the reboot is complete.

2. Default IP address - , The default username and password is admin(in lower case).

3. Make sure your computer's IP address is on the same subnet as the device. This means that your computer's IP address is 192.168.1.X /192.168.0.X (X ranges from 2~253), and the subnet mask is set to


1. If you reboot the device, the factory settings will be restored on it, while the user settings will be lost. Do not hard reset the device if you have not saved your settings, otherwise you will have to reconfigure the device.

2. For these models, the button WPS/RESET located on the back/front panel. To use the WPS function, hold down the button for less than 5 seconds, after which the WPS LED indicator will blink. To reboot the router, hold down the button for at least 10 seconds.

Exists two ways Restoring factory settings on the router:

Method 1Restoring factory settings by pressing the RESET button

At turned on router, press and hold the button WPS/RESET(more than 10 seconds) until the SYS router LED flashes first slowly and then quickly. After that, release the button and wait until the router is restored to factory settings.

Method 2:Via Router Web Configuration Utility

If you are on the device management page, then you can use the function to restore the default settings. Go to tab "System Tools" (System Tools) -> "Factory Settings" (Factory Defaults), then click the button "Restore" and wait while the router is restored to factory settings.


1. Make sure the router is powered on before the reboot is complete.

2. Default IP address - , The default username and password is admin(in lower case).

3. Make sure your computer's IP address is on the same subnet as the device. This means that your computer's IP address is 192.168.1.X /192.168.0.X (X ranges from 2~253), and the subnet mask is set to
